Installation Instructions List of Contents Membrane installation General information and basic rules for installation and storage 2 Overview: TECTOFIN roofing membranes and system components 4 Waterproofing work, weather conditions 7 Wind uplift protection 8 TECTOFIN RV - Bonded installation 10 Seam overlapping 12 Seam joining techniques 13 Seam welding 14 Application tip: Seam control, seam sealing 16 Resistance to horizontal forces 17 Solutions for structural details Basic information on parapets and eaves 18 Composite sheet butts, installation 21 TECTOFIN prefabricated corners 23 Sealing around pipes 24 Wall connections 26 Intermediate fastening 28 Parapet design options 29 Eaves 30 Installation of new skylights 31 Skylight with connected membrane 32 Graphic presentation of building materials inside the cover. I Graphic presentation of building materials TECTOFIN R TECTOFIN RV GV TECTOFIN RA duo TECTOFIN welding seam TECTOFIN composite steel sheet VBB Protective layer, protective fleece HBT vapour barrier membrane made of polyethylene Bituminous membrane Thermal insulation material Concrete Concrete/Brickwork (general) Wood Trapezoidal sheet metal Steel/Steel sheet/Aluminium Adhesive (general) Fastening element (general) Membrane fastening with plate fasteners and screws II General information Technology hotline: 0 60 53/ 70 81 41 On the one hand, these Installation Instructions reflect the state of the art as exemplarily documented in "Regeln für Dächer mit Abdichtungen" (Rules for Roofs with Waterproofing) and in DIN 18 531. On the other hand, they are based on our today's R & D knowledge as well as findings gained from practical tests and application on site. The basis of these installation instructions are the TECTOFIN Installation Guidelines. The Installation Instructions below explain the application and use of our products in words and pictures. However, without basic knowledge of the application of plastic waterproofing membranes and hands-on experience with our products, no technically flawless results can be expected. Local conditions or material combinations other than those described in these Installation Instructions may influence the functionality of our products. We therefore expect the user to carry out sufficient tests to ensure the product is suitable. Applications other than those described in these Installation Instructions, which are undertaken due to different local conditions or material combinations, require our prior written consent. Otherwise we will not accept any liability for the suitability of our membranes with respect to the applications claimed by us. These Installation Instructions supersede all previous issues. Date of issue: February 2008. In the case of first installations without previous experience, it is necessary to take part in a training course. Storage on site Pallet weight up to 1200 kg depending on the membrane type. Therefore store only single rolls temporarily on the roof. Check the load-bearing capacity of the ceiling. Be careful with trapezoidal sheet metal and wooden constructions. There is danger of collapse! III Basic rules for installation 1. It is necessary to observe the "Regeln für Dächer mit Abdichtungen" (Rules for Roofs with Waterproofing) – including the latest version of the "Flachdachrichtlinien" (Flat Roof Guidelines) – issued by the Central Association of the German Roofing Trade as well as the latest versions of all DIN standards applicable for the execution of the entire roofing work. 2. Preliminary work carried out by other trades must be suitable for the subsequently installed roof construction. If this is not the case, objections must be raised in writing. 3. Concerning the wind uplift protection of the entire roof structure, detailed information must be available on site prior to the start of work. 4. Fastening elements must have been approved by the national building authorities. It may be necessary to conduct pullout tests. 5. The planned realization of the roof build-up as well as solutions for structural details must be available on site in writing and, if necessary, as a set of drawings. 6. These Installation Instructions cannot take all structural problems or special solutions into account. Therefore, they do not release the product users from their obligation to think and act on their own. 7. The relevant regulations for occupational health, safety and accident prevention must be observed. If necessary, request Safety Data Sheets for the materials used on site. Protect the rolls against moisture. Place the rolls in a higher position, e.g. on wooden boards. Cover the rolls in rainy weather. Moist membranes may cause welding problems. 3 TECTOFIN Roofing Membranes TECTOFIN System Components TECTOFIN R composite sheet plates / rolls TECTOFIN RV white, grey Thickness mm Width mm Length m Roll m 2.2 2.2 2.5 2.5 1,100 1,620 1,100 1,620 20 20 15 15 22.00 32.40 16.50 24.30 2 Design Plates white / grey Composite sheet roll grey Width 1.0 m 1.0 m VBB Length 2.0 m 30 m 0.8 mm TECTOFIN R 0.6 mm galvanized sheet steel HBT vapour barrier membranes Product name TECTOFIN GV grey Thickness mm Width mm Length m Roll m2 1.5 1.5 1,100 1,620 15 15 16.50 24.30 TECTOFIN R white, grey Thickness mm Width mm Length m Roll m2 1.5 1.5 1,100 150 20 20 22.00 3.00 TECTOFIN RA duo white + grey side Thickness mm Width mm Length m Roll m2 1.5 1,100 20 22.00 Two layers (white + grey) with central reinforcement TECTOFIN RV 2R connection membrane white, grey Thickness mm Width mm Length m Roll m2 2.5 1,140 15 17.10 4 Nonwoven backing Vapour barrier SK duo self-adhesive; also suitable for emergency waterproofing; substrates: concrete, precast concrete members, trapezoidal metal sheets HBT vapour barrier made of LDPE sheeting Terostat 81 for seam bonding of the LDPE sheeting Roll m2 1.5 1000 20 20 1.5 1000 20 20 0.25 4000 25 100 1.5 15 40 – HBT protection layers Product name One layer without insert, without nonwoven backing Welding edge TEROTEC vapour barrier SK self-adhesive; substrates: concrete, precast concrete members, trapezoidal metal sheets Thickness Width Length mm mm m Thickness Width Length mm mm m Roll m2 TEROTEC underlay membrane, substrates: wooden materials, timber formwork, self-adhesive strips for butt welds 1.8 1.8 1000 165 20 20 20 3.3 HBT PES protective fleece, 300 g/m2 B2 HBT PES protective fleece, 1000 g/m2 B2 HBT PE protective foam membrane B2 HBT rough-cast glass fleece HBT wind sealing tape 2.0 4.0 3.0 – – 2300 2300 1500 2000 – 50 30 125 100 5 115 69 187.5 200 – HBT protective membrane Product name HBT protective membrane made of PVC-P with fleece backing Thickness Width Length mm mm m 2.0 2050 20 Roll m2 41 with fleece Welding edge 5 TECTOFIN System Components System components Inner corners 25 pcs/carton Outer corners 25 pcs/carton Lightning protection tubes, white or grey 5 pcs/carton Inner Ø 22 mm, outer Ø 25 mm, tube length 25 mm TECTOFIN liquid, white or grey Can 0.85 kg HBT solvent welding agent (consumption 40 g/m²) Canister 1 l, 5 l, 30 l HBT cleaning agent Canister 5 l Adhesives Terokal 3958 Can 5.4 kg / Bucket 9.5 kg Waterproofing work, weather conditions Technical Rules for Roofs with Waterproofing, Flat Roof Guidelines: Information on execution and planning In the case of weather conditions that may have detrimental effects on the result to be produced, roof waterproofing must only be executed if adverse effects can be prevented by taking appropriate measures. These must be planned while paying special attention to the conditions prevailing at the time of execution. The following applies to TECTOFIN roofing and waterproofing membranes: 1. Only dry or dried seams can be properly welded. Below 8 °C air temperature and/or above 80 % air humidity, TECTOFIN roofing and waterproofing membranes should preferably be applied by hot-air welding. When using the solvent welding method under these ambient conditions, the seam area must be uniformly preheated. It is recommended to use a sand-filled PE sack instead of a pressure roller. Canisters with solvent welding agents must be stored in a warm and dry place. 2. The substrates to be covered must be free of water, snow or ice. 3. The bonding substrates for adhesives must be absolutely dry. 4. When working at temperatures below 5 °C, additional measures are required for installing the membranes. These include among others: 4.1. Store the membranes at room temperature. 4.2. Immediately install the preheated membranes. 6 7 Wind uplift protection Wind uplift protection 1. Bonded installation All layers of the roof structure must be securely installed. Up to a building height of 20 m and with workmanlike bonding of the TECTOFIN RV membranes, it is not necessary to provide special proof of the protection against wind uplift. However, with buildings above 20 m height, in exposed locations, with sloping roofs of more than 10° as well as for buildings in wind zone IV, an individual calculation in compliance with DIN 1055, part 4, is always necessary. This applies if one or several of the above-mentioned conditions are fulfilled. TECTOFIN RV bonded with Terokal 3958 2. Loose installation under ballast In principle, the required ballasts can be calculated individually as proof of their compliance with DIN 1055, part 4. In the case of buildings up to 30 m height, the ballasts specified in Supplement 1 of the new Flat Roof Guidelines (issued in September 2005) can be used without need for special proof. However, with buildings above 30 m height, in exposed locations, with sloping roofs of more than 10° as well as for buildings in wind zone IV, an individual calculation in compliance with DIN 1055, part 4, is always necessary. This applies if one or several of the abovementioned conditions are fulfilled. TECTOFIN RV / GV loose installation under ballast 3. Loose installation, mechanically fixed TECTOFIN RV and TECTOFIN GV are fixed in the seam area with screws and plate fasteners. TECTOFIN RV / GV mechanically fastened Only use fastening elements that have been tested and approved for this application. It may be necessary to use additional fasteners in corner and edge areas. 8 9 TECTOFIN RV – Bonded installation TECTOFIN RV – Bonded installation Substrates that are suitable for bonding include: TECTOFIN RV roofing and waterproofing membranes are fixed with Terokal 3958 contact adhesive over their full surface area or stripwise. ■ Insulation sheeting and rigid polystyrene foam boards, laminated with a bitumen membrane, min. V13 according to DIN 52 143 ■ Mineral fibre insulation boards, laminated as described above or with a bitumen-coated surface ■ Rigid polyurethane foam boards, laminated with GRP or aluminium ■ Foam glass with a bitumen roofing membrane bonded over its full surface as described above ■ Bitumen roofing membranes with a granulated slate surface or sand-surfaced ■ Concrete, rubbed down (Terokal 3958) ■ Chipboards and building veneer boards (joint strips required) ■ Timber formwork, covered at least with a bitumen roofing membrane acc. to DIN 52 130, 52 131, 52 132 or 52 133, secret-nailed (in compliance with the Flat Roof Guidelines) ■ Bitumen roofing membranes, aged and weathered All layers of the roof structure must be securely installed. In the case of existing layers, their secure positioning needs to be checked and, if necessary, they must be additionally secured with mechanical fasteners. Buildings above 20 m height or in exposed locations require individual proof of their wind uplift protection. In the case of bonded installation, linear fastening is always necessary in roof valleys (with grooves and drains), before all rising components (such as parapets, walls, penetrations, steps etc.) and along the roof edges. Substrates Application amounts in g/m² with one-sided bonding Building height Indoors Inner edge area Outer edge area Corner area Up to 8 m 200 250 300 350 Above 20 m On request These values only apply to closed buildings in a non-exposed (sheltered) location acc. to DIN 1055, part 4. In the case of contact adhesion (application of the adhesive on both sides), for example when fixing the membranes on rising building components, the adhesive amount must be increased to approx. 400 g/m². On very uneven or absorbent substrates even higher amounts of adhesive are required. Adhesive pooling on laminated polystyrene boards may destroy the insulation material. Please follow the instructions in the Technical Data Sheet of Terokal 3958. In the case of strip-bonding with Terokal 3958, apply adhesive strands (at least 8 strands of 35 g each per meter) and roll the membrane strips into the adhesive after a short drying time (do the finger test). Afterwards, press the strands down, e.g. with a broom. Make sure that no adhesive gets into the seam area. Substrate Surface condition Terokal 3958 Bitumen membranes talcumed yes Bitumen membranes with fine sand finish yes Bitumen membranes with stone chippings or coarse sand finish yes Bitumen membranes with a cold self-adhesive surface no Old bitumen weathered, cracked and/or dirty yes These values only apply to closed buildings in a non-exposed (sheltered) location acc. to DIN 1055, part 4. no For buildings above 12 m height located in wind zone IV, it is necessary to take special measures in the corner area. Plastic membranes 10 Terokal 3958 Application amounts in g/m² for strip-bonding Building height Indoors Inner edge area Outer edge area Corner area Up to 8 m approx. 280 approx. 320 approx. 350 approx. 400 Strands/m 8 9 10 12 Above 20 m On request 11 Seam overlapping Seam joining techniques Hot-air welding 1. Longitudinal seam, general Fleece-free welding seam RV + GV Hot-air welding is used for smaller areas, e.g. inner and outer corners, T-butts or pipe collars. Also the seams of adjacent membrane strips can be welded with hot air, either using a hand-held or an automatic welding device. 5 cm 2. Longitudinal seam, mechanical fastening min. 10 cm RV + GV 4 cm Width of 2 cm plate fastener Cold resp. solvent welding The solvent welding agent is applied between the overlapping membranes. Any excess material is then squeezed out with a pressure roller. Size of overlaps: see page 12. 3. Transverse seam/butt min. 15 cm R min. 4 cm RV + GV min. 4 cm The correct welding technique (hot-air or solvent) is always depicted by these symbols. 12 13 Seam welding Seam welding T-butts A T-butt joint is always produced when 3 membrane strips encounter: 2. Preheat the top side of the membrane until the surface "shines". ! Solvent-welded seams must have evaporated before the T-butt is hot-welded ! Time: approx. 3 to 4 hrs depending on air temperature. ! T-butt welding only with hot air ! 3. Blow hot air into the open T-butt. Immediately roll over vigorously with the silicone roller. 1. Plasticize the membrane seam and chamfer it using a hotair welder. Alternatively, use a chamfer plane. 14 15 Application tip: Seam control, seam sealing Resistance to horizontal forces When solvent-welding membrane seams, it is also possible to use a sand-filled PE sack instead of the pressure roller. Recommendable at low temperatures. Places where horizontal forces may occur: Parapet Wal Skylights Ventilators Steps Gutters Grooves Valleys Protective measures Product Required Always up to 12 m building height, connection must be windtight Measure Alternative: Always above 12 m building height All welding seams must be checked. Defects (welding flaws) must be re-welded with hot air. Composite sheet metal profiles Individual fasteners with plate and screw Also refer to the current version of the Flat Roof Guidelines. 16 17 Detail: Basic information on parapets and eaves Detail: Basic information on parapets Observe the recognized technical rules. The parapet crown can be produced in different ways. Always measure the connection height from the upper edge of the last layer upward. Design options: Intermediate fastening (see page 28) TECTOFIN VBB Execution of the edge: like wall connection (see pages 26 -27) Aluminium wall coping verge profile Aluminium clamping bar Connection heights > cm Roof edges Walls Roof slope < 5º Roof slope > 5º Roof slope > 5º Roof slope > 5º Skylights – Pipes – Chimneys – Doors – Doors with drainage gutter 10 5 15 10 15 15 15 15 5 Barrier-free passages are special constructions. Roof edge terminal profile Minimum coverage width a and distance b* Building height a < 8m > 15 cm < 20 m > 18 cm > 20 m > 10 cm b > 2 cm > 3 cm > 4 cm Recommended values for additional batten bars, pcs/m VBB Verge/Parapet a Additional wind protection batten *with copper at least 4 cm a cm up to 8 m up to 20 m 0 8 0 1 VBB Eaves Additional wind protection batten a Corner area 11 13 15 17 0 1 2 2 2 D D D 19 3 0 8 0 1 11 0 2 Edge 13 1 2 area 15 17 19 1 1 2 3 3 D = continuous flashing, corner and edge areas in accordance with Flat Roof Guidelines, Supplement I. 쏡 Wind uplift protection begins at the roof edge ! Make sure to produce windtight parapet "crowns". a b When using aluminium copings/ clamping bars, make sure to seal the fasteners against water. Sealing 18 19 Detail: Basic information on parapets Detail: Composite sheet butts Recommendation: Parapet widths are increasing due to the growing thickness of insulation materials. 1. Install the composite sheet profiles with a joint spacing of 5 mm. 5 mm joint 2. Cover the butt area with a 25 mm wide crepe strip. Use waterproof-bonded plywood boards instead of wooden planks. 25 mm crepe tape Fastening of battens (Flat Roof Guidelines) Fastening method Building height above ground level Wood on Fastening element up to8 m above 8m above 20 m up to 20 m up to 40 m Fastener spacing Spacing in m Concrete >B25 galvanized screws Ø 7 mm with dowel Aerated concrete galvanized screws Ø 7 mm with special dowel Sect. sheeting galvanized self-tapping screws Ø 4,2 mm Solid wood galvanized wood screws Ø 6 mm 1.00 0.90 0.50 0.80 Spacing in m Spacing in m 0.66 0.50 0.33 0.50 0.50 0.33 0.25 0.33 3. Weld the butt area over with an approx. 10 cm wide strip of TECTOFIN R approx. 10 cm R -Cutting (valid for wood and wooden materials) 20 4. Now weld the membrane coming from the roof area over the butt area. 5. Finally, weld the T-butts. 21 Detail: Composite sheet butts, installation ➀ 5 mm joint ➁ 25 mm crepe tape Detail: TECTOFIN prefabricated corners Use the TECTOFIN prefabricated corner elements for right-angled inner and outer corners. TECTOFIN inner corner, pre-welded TECTOFIN outer corner, pre-welded Outer corner, turned upside down ➂ Tectofin R, at least 10 cm wide Installation, fastener spacing (tried and tested in practice) Substructure Object to be fastened: Wooden plank (d>3 cm, b>8 cm) Reinforced concrete Lightweight concrete Wooden beams/ Planking/ Chipboards Trapezoidal sheet metal TECTOFIN composite sheet steel angle, horizontal leg min. 40 mm Expansion rivet 4.8/26 mm spacing 15 cm Dowel 10 mm with screw Ø 8 mm spacing 30 cm or type “Spike“ by the company SFS, spacing 30 cm Nail anchor Ø 8 mm spacing 30 cm Type “Spike“, company SFS, spacing 20 cm Nail anchor Ø 8 mm spacing 12 cm Woodscrew Ø 8 mm spacing 30 cm Wooddcrew 4.5/30 mm spacing 15 cm Self-drilling screw Ø 4.5 mm spacing 20 cm Steel blind rivet Ø 5 mm spacing 12 cm Make sure to use fasteners that are suitable for the substrate and have been approved by the building control authorities. 22 TECTOFIN inner corner Inner corner, turned upside down TECTOFIN outer corner 23 Detail: Sealing around pipes Detail: Sealing around pipes Pipes where no weld-connection can be made: 1 Wrap the TECTOFIN R sleeve tightly around the pipe and bond it to the metal by spot application of hot air. Hot-weld the seam. Push the sleeve firmly down so that it widens horizontally by approx. 2 cm. 2 Produce a flange out of TECTOFIN R with a round opening approx. 2/3 of the pipe diameter. Heat from both sides until top and bottom side have a greasy shine. 4 Allow enough time for the flange to cool down, then solventweld the flange and TECTOFIN R sleeve. For this purpose, open the collar (e.g. with a screwdriver) so that the solvent welding agent can run behind. 5 After the solvent welding agent has evaporated (approx. 3 to 4 hrs), weld over the T-butt in the sleeve/flange area. 6 3 Push the flange over the pipe, thus producing a 2 cm high collar. Weld the flange onto the roof surface membrane. 24 This shows the finished pipe sealed with a sleeve and heatshaped flange. Protect the upper edge against water seeping behind, e.g. by a stainless steel hose clamp that is additionally sealed. 25 Detail: Wall connections Detail: Wall connections TECTOFIN wall connection with VBB 1. min. 4 cm Install the TECTOFIN RV + GV surface membranes so that they run by 5 to 8 cm up the vertical plane, then mount the VBB wall connection profile. VBB wall connection without insulation Install the surface membrane so that it runs by 5 to 8 cm up the vertical plane. Then mount the VBB edge flashing. 1. TECTOFIN wall connection with VBB 2. 1. Cut the TECTOFIN R or RA duo strips to size. Fully weld them on top of the VBB profile and the surface membrane. TECTOFIN wall conPlace the membrane nection with membranes so that it touches the structural component. Then install the connection membranes RV + GV so that they run by approx. 8 cm 8 cm into the horizontal plane. Then mount the edge fastener. VBB wall connection without insulation VBB wall connection with insulation Horizontal 1. TECTOFIN wall connection with membranes 2. 26 Cut the TECTOFIN R or RA duo strips to size. Fully weld them on top of the connection area. Install TECTOFIN RV / GV or RA duo connection strips so that they run into the horizontal plane. Weld them into place. 2. VBB leg = insulation material thickness Install the surface membrane so that it runs by 5 to 8 cm up the vertical plane. Then mount the VBB edge flashing. Horizontal leg = insulation material thickness. VBB wall connection with insulation 2. Install TECTOFIN RV / GV or RA duo connection strips so that they run into the horizontal plane. Weld them into place. 27 Detail: Intermediate fastening Detail: Parapet design options Depending on the connection height, it is necessary to install intermediate fasteners: verge flashing on parapet crown VBB h Wall or parapet Mount the VBB verge flashing. Weld the TECTOFIN RA duo connection membrane onto the horizontal leg of the flashing. In the case of TECTOFIN RV / GV / RV 2R, use the welding edge. Otherwise proceed as when installing the verge flashing on the roof edge. Intermediate fasteners Installation h Up to 50 cm Up to 100 cm Loose not required Bonded* not required 1/2 height of the not required VBB profile VBB Above 100 cm VBB profile required/max spacing VBB profile every 50 cm VBB profile every 100 cm verge profile on the roof edge, surface membrane TECTOFIN RV / GV , cutting of TECTOFIN R / RA duo Run the roof surface membrane until the outer edge of the roof. Mount the VBB verge flashing. Weld a cut-to-size piece of TECTOFIN R / RA duo on top so that it connects with the flashing and the roof membrane. *Terokal 914 for type RA duo, Terokal 3958 for type RV VBB profile (alternative: clamping bar) Clamping bar or VBB profile TECTOFIN RV / GV and RA duo without insulation TECTOFIN R / RA duo cutting Clamping bar or VBB profile Wall coping TECTOFIN RV 2R / RA duo TECTOFIN RV / GV and RA duo with insulation Variant Install the VBB angle and the membrane as for the wall coping. When using RV / GV TECTOFIN R / RA duo cutting 2-piece aluminium profile TECTOFIN RV / GV and RA duo 28 Mount the VBB edge flashing (angle). Weld the membrane onto the horizontal leg of the angle. Use the welding edge of TECTOFIN RV / GV (without welding edge), mount the VBB angle on top of the membrane. Clamp the TECTOFIN R / RA duo cutting into the construction and weld it on at the bottom. 29 Detail: Eaves Detail: Installation of new skylights TECTOFIN RV / GV / RV 2R VBB eaves flashing Directly weld TECTOFIN RV / GV / RV 2R on top using the welding edge. If new skylights are installed, it is recommended to use curbs with flanges onto which the membranes TECTOFIN R / RA duo can be directly welded. Otherwise, the curb must be sealed and clad all round with TECTOFIN RA duo or VBB profiles. TECTOFIN R -/ RA duo cutting Run TECTOFIN RV / GV right up to the opening. Composite sheet metal butt: see pages 21 + 22. R / RA duo cutting VBB eaves flashing Weld the TECTOFIN R / RA duo cutting onto the RV / GV membrane and onto the VBB eaves flashing. TECTOFIN R -/ RA duo cutting Mechanical fastening Run TECTOFIN RV / GV right up to the opening. Composite sheet metal butt: see pages 21 + 22. ! Wind uplift protection begins at the roof edge ! ➁ ➀ ➁ Install the gutter bracket. Seal the eaves flashings. Detail: Skylight with composite sheet profiles If there is no possibility for direct welding, the curbs are clad all round with VBB profiles. ➀ TECTOFIN R -/ RA duo cutting VBB profile Run TECTOFIN RV / GV right up to the opening. 30 31 Detail: Skylight with connected membrane In the case of completely clad curbs, it is always necessary to install mechanical fasteners in the roof valley. Execution: see pages 26-27. RA duo VBB cutting profile TECTOFIN RV / GV Detail: Gully system with loose/fixed flange connection Loose flange Screw TECTOFIN R Fixed flange Installation of the loose flange Install at least one additional layer of TECTOFIN R . Depending on the system, it might be necessary to install a second layer on top. 32 Roofing with Intelligence WOL0213_0908_HM_1 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Bautechnik Deutschland Am Rosengarten 5 D-63607 Wächtersbach-Neudorf Phone +49 (0) 60 53/ 708 -0 Fax +49 (0) 60 53/ 708 -130
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