MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING STRATA PLAN LMS-3170 SOLO DUO TREO HELD On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 at 2228 Marstrand Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. 7:00 PRESENT Howard Olsen James Butterfield Lorna Thom Perveen Engineer President Treasurer Secretary REGRETS Eric Alexander Kerr Michael Rampf V. Pres GUESTS Jason Dunn Jesus De Mesa RDH Engineering RDH Engineering STRATA MANAGER Bunny Porteous, FirstService Residential BC Ltd. p.m. in Club Solo, The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. GUEST BUSINESS Jason Dunn and Jesus De Mesa from RDH Engineering attended the council meeting to review the draft depreciation report (30-year long-range funding scenario) for Solo, Duo and Treo. The report considers the common property and limited common property components (the assets that the strata corporation is responsible to maintain, repair and replace). The report is intended to help the owners, strata council, and management team to make informed decisions about the allocation of resources to the common property assets (such as roof, balconies, boilers, landscaping etc.). The report includes a physical inventory of the common property assets, estimated costs for capital expenditures over a 30-year horizon and funding scenarios. Following discussion, the council thanked Jason and Jesus for attending the meeting and they departed at 7:40 p.m. The council will be reviewing the report and once it is finalized, a copy will be available for all residents on the strata corporation’s website. A discussion will be held at the Annual General Meeting on March 26th regarding the depreciation report if RDH has finalized the report in time. Otherwise an info meeting will be held for the owners with RDH Engineering to provide a brief overview of the report. MINUTES APPROVAL It was moved, seconded and carried to adopt the minutes of the November 20, 2013 council meeting, as circulated. Page 1 of 4 LMS-3170/CM-M-2014-01-22.docx FINANCIAL REPORT 1. Monthly Statements: Following discussion, it was moved, seconded and carried to approve the November and December 2013 financial statements, as presented. Any owner wishing a copy of the strata corporation's financial statements should contact FirstService Residential during regular business hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. 2. Account Balances: The current balances for the 11th month ending December 31, 2013 in the appropriate funds are as follows: Total Cash Balance CRF Balance $741,690.10 (including CRF Balance) $277,663.01 (Contingency Reserve Fund) 3. Arrears: The strata manager advised council that an owner with a lien filed on their account has yet to submit payment. The account has been sent to legal counsel for collection. 4. Draft Audit: Reid Hurst Nagy will proceed with the January 31st fiscal year-end audit. The cost is $3,950 plus GST. A copy of the draft audit will be attached to the AGM notice. 5. AGM: Date: The Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 26, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in Club Solo. Budget: The strata manager distributed an updated draft budget for council's review. Following discussion, the council finalized the draft budget to be presented to the owners at the AGM. Agenda: The following ¾ vote resolutions will be presented to the owners for their consideration: (a) (b) (c) Deck Membrane Replacements – Solo and Duo East and North Side Deck Solo Entrance Ramp Owners and Tenants Personal Home Insurance BUSINESS ARISING 1. RDH Engineering/Draft Depreciation Report: Please see Guest Business. 2. Deck Membranes: Owners were advised at the 2012 AGM that the failed deck membranes around the perimeter of Solo, Duo and Treo are scheduled to be replaced in a four-year phased program. A ¾ vote resolution will be presented to the owners at the AGM to proceed with the replacement of the membranes on Solo Building north and east elevation decks, Club Solo deck, and Duo Building north, west (small decks) and east elevation decks with an estimated expenditure of $103,000. $55,000 will be funded from the balance in the Deck Membrane Fund, and an additional $48,000 to be raised as a special levy, proportionate to the unit entitlement of the owners’ respective strata lots. The following deck membranes are scheduled to be replaced in the spring/summer of 2014. Page 2 of 4 Solo East: Units 110 and 111 Solo Northeast: Unit 112 Solo North: Units 103, 105, and 107, Club Solo exterior deck Duo East: Units 109 and 108 Duo North: Units 101, 102, 109, 110 and 111 Duo West (small decks): Units 102 and 103 LMS-3170/CM-M-2014-01-22.docx 3. Landscaping: (a) Landscaping Contract: The council approved Trees Plus renewal of the landscaping maintenance contract from February 1, 2014 to November 30, 2014 at a cost of $10,800 annually. (b) Landscaping Improvements: An estimated budget was received from Trees Plus in the amount of $1,500 to replace the plants, trees in the planter outside Solo Units 102 and 101, which were removed to replace the failed membrane. 4. Solo Parkade Entrance Repair: A ¾ vote resolution will be presented to the owners at the AGM to replace the pavers on the Solo parkade ramp with a finished concrete surface with a maximum expenditure not to exceed $10,000 against the Contingency Reserve Fund. 5. Fire Inspection: Vancouver Fire and Security is on site (January 20th to January 28th) to complete the mandatory annual fire inspection in all common areas and in-suites. All units must be available for the technicians to test the fire safety equipment. Owners’ units not accessed will be charged for the cost of the second visit. Failure to have the testing done could hold an owner liable in case a fire started in their suite and the device failed. 6. Duo Elevator Inspection: KJA Elevator Consultants were contracted to complete a review of the Duo elevator following the numerous elevator failures. A report was received with outstanding maintenance concerns. Otis Elevators to complete the outstanding maintenance concerns within 30 days, or the strata corporation will proceed with terminating the contractor. 7. Club Solo: Council approved the replacement of the carpet in Club Solo with a maximum expenditure of $600. CORRESPONDENCE Owners are invited to write council via the management company regarding any strata matters. There was no correspondence. NEW BUSINESS 1. Parkade Gates: Due to the ongoing costly parkade gate repairs, the contract with Nikls Property Services has been terminated. Door Master Systems has been approved to complete quarter-annual maintenance at an annual cost of $2,775. A quote was received in the amount of $1,942 to replace the operator on the inner Solo gate. 2. Disclosure: Council member Michael Rampf provided a copy of the disclosure statement required by the Real Estate Services Act. Michael is a licensed agent with RE/MAX Realty Westside, providing strata management services. 3. Water Pressure Concerns: Two owners in the Solo Building contacted FirstService Residential regarding the water pressure in their units. A notice will be posted to inquire if other residents are experiencing water pressure concerns. 4. Front Door Security Breaches: Residents are reminded that if you are moving in or out, having carpet cleaning completed or transporting furniture into the building, the front door must be kept closed, or you must have someone stay at the door to prevent unwanted persons from accessing the building. Page 3 of 4 LMS-3170/CM-M-2014-01-22.docx There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. The next meeting will be the Annual General Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 26, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. Bunny Porteous FirstService Residential BC Ltd. 1281 West Georgia Street, Suite 400 Vancouver, B.C. V6E 3J7 Telephone: 604.684.6291 (24 Hour Emergency Services) Toll free: 1.877.684.6291 Fax: 604.684.1539 BP/cr Is Your Address Changing? NAME(S) Strata Plan Unit # CHANGE TO: NEW ADDRESS: NEW CITY/PROVINCE: NEW POSTAL CODE TELEPHONE #: Page 4 of 4 HOME: WORK: CELL: LMS-3170/CM-M-2014-01-22.docx
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