College of Public Health University of South Florida Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Syllabus Course Name:Biostatistics in Society (Note: This syllabus may be changed or amended due to unforeseen circumstances) Prefix & Number:PHC 4069 Sections:310 ref#Enter Semester: Spring 2015 Course Description: This course exposes students to the role of biostatistics in advancing healthcare and improving health through landmark studies and cases in a wide range of fields, including clinical trials, epidemiology, environmental studies, and healthcare evaluation Credit hours: 3 Pre-Requisites: None Co-Requisites: Working knowledge of computer and computer software such as Microsoft Excel Location: Online Instructor Information: Instructor Yangxin Huang, Ph.D. Office Location: Room 2129, College of Public Health Office Hours: Mondays 1:30 – 3:00 pm or by appointment Phone: (813) 974-8209 Email: [email protected] Email contact preferred Questions replied within 48 hours from Sunday to Thursday, within 72 hours on Friday or Saturday, except at times when we are away from the office. NOTE: E-mails regarding help sessions, course contents, online „real-time‟ group help sessions, assignments and syllabus quiz should directly be sent to the Graduate Teaching Assistants: Hanze Zhang ([email protected]) Ying Ma ([email protected]) TBD E-mails regarding technical issues about Canvas and Blackboard Collaborator should be forwarded to Instructional/Multimedia Developer Dr. Jung Lim ([email protected]) E-mails regarding course administration, course contents, exams and Virtual office issues should be sent to Instructor Dr. Yangxin Huang ([email protected]). Syllabus (Updated Aug. 2013) Page1 College of Public Health University of South Florida Assessment Strategies: Teaching Assistant Information: TA 1 Hanze Zhang, PhD student Office Location: CPH RM 2115 TA 2 TBA Office Location: CPH RM 2124 1. Virtual office Hours: Thursday 2-3pm and by appointment 2. Blackboard Collaborator Help Sessions: Wednesdays 7:00-8:00 pm Email: [email protected] 1. Virtual office Hours: Wed 9-10 am and by appointment 2. Blackboard Collaborator Help Sessions: Wednesdays 7:00-8:00 pm Email: Email contact preferred Questions replied within 48 hours on weekdays (Mon-Thurs) and 72 hours on weekends (Fri-Sun) TA 3 Ying Ma, MPH student Email contact preferred Questions replied within 48 hours on weekdays (Mon-Thurs) and 72 hours on weekends (Fri-Sun) Office Location: CPH RM 2150G 1. Virtual office Hours: Tue. 2-3 pm and by appointment 2. Assignments Help Required Materials: Recommended Materials: Email: [email protected] Email contact preferred Questions replied within 48 hours on weekdays (Mon-Thurs) and 72 hours on weekends (Fri-Sun) Text: David C. LeBlanc (2013). Statistics: Concepts and Applications for Science, DLK Publishing.(Available from HSC Bookstore) ISBN: 978-0-9885144-1-6 HSC Bookstore Additional materials will be distributed in class Learning Objectives: Course objectives: 1. To gain exposure to the role of biostatistics in society and to be able to recognize specific applications of biostatistics in our daily life; 2. To understand the fundamental principles of data/evidence gathering, and scientific reasoning; 3. To be able to organize data and conduct simple data analyses using computer software; 4. To be able to interpret data analysis results, including reading those published in health literature. Course Format: Online. Syllabus (Updated Aug. 2013) Page2 College of Public Health University of South Florida Students‟ performance will be evaluated on the basis of 1. Ten (10) homework assignments, each contributes 10 points to the total score. There is no time limit for the assignments. However they must be completed by the due date. Once submitted assignment answers cannot be changed. 2. Four exams: The best 3 grades will each contribute 100 points to the final grade. 3. The syllabus quiz will contribute 25 points. Note: If a student misses one of the first three exams, he/she must take the final exam. It is critical for students to understand the material to do well overall. The assignments and exams are all in multiple choice format. Some questions will require calculations by hand or use of MS Excel. Biostatistics may appear new and highly technical. Get help early on in the course if you are having trouble. Our experience is that it will be too late to ask for help only after you have not done well in the first half of the course. The instructor and TA are here to guide you and clarify issues, but will not give out answers. Homework assignments and exams must be the independent work of each student. Plagiarism is not allowed and will be investigated. NOTE: This syllabus is subject to change. Syllabus (Updated Aug. 2013) Page3 College of Public Health University of South Florida This course supports the following Bachelor of Science competencies. Learning Objectives Competency Supports competencies 1a,b,c 1. Identify and articulate the core functions of public health. Assessment Strategies All strategies 1 a. Explain the basic principles of epidemiology. b. Assess social and behavioral interventions to improve health of populations. c. Identify the impact of the environment and communicable diseases on health. Meets competency 2a,b: 2. Exhibit critical thinking and analytical abilities, including the capacities to engage in inductive and deductive thinking and quantitative reason, and to construct sound arguments. 2,3 a. Identify topics pertaining to public health research. b. Generate research questions, analyze and present data, and interpret and discuss findings. Supports competency 3a: 3 Communicate using effective oral skills. a. Demonstrate an ability to contribute effectively to group discussions and presentations Supports competency 4a, 4b, and 4c 4. Develop effective written presentations. 4 4 a. Demonstrate the use of information literacy skills such as locating and evaluating pertinent public health information. b. Demonstrate the ability to use library resources and scientific databases. c. Exhibit proper referencing secondary materials in APA format. Syllabus (Updated Aug. 2013) Page4 College of Public Health University of South Florida Grading Scale and Criteria: Grading Scale Assignments 100 points Exams 300 points Syllabus quiz 25 points Total Points Possible - 425 points Points 382-425 340-381 297-339 255-296 ≤ 254 Percentage 90-100% 80-<90% 70-<80% 60-<70% < 60% Grade A B C D F Grading Criteria On-line Exams: All examinations are to be solely the work of the student. No assistance is allowed. Use of any assistance on completing the examinations is considered disruption of the academic process and violation of the policy regarding academic integrity and will be treated accordingly. Assistance includes but is not limited to notes, books, computer resources and persons. Examination Procedures: All exams are “closed book.” No exam “retakes” will be given. The four exams are designed for this course. Each of the first three exams will focus on the material given in the modules in the preceding segment of the course – see Course Calendar. However, the concepts learned to date in the course will be needed to successfully take all exams. There will be final (the 4th) exam covering the entire course. For four exams, the best 3 grades will each contribute 100 points to the final grade. However, you could skip the final exam 4 if you were happy with your first three grades after exam 3. Each of four exams will be available for students to work on anytime between 9:00 am and 11:00 pm (Eastern Time) on the TWO days indicated in the Course Calendar below. All students will receive different exam questions selected from pools of questions with the same difficulty level. Exams will generally consist of 25 multiple-choice questions. Students will have two and a half hours from the time of access to complete the exam. As soon as you begin (open the exam) the Canvas website will begin timing you. Note that exams are designed to allow students to go back to previous answers for review/correction in Canvas. You are required to complete the exam and close it within two and a half hours from the time it is opened. Please watch the time carefully. In particular, please note that in Canvas, students will not be allowed to go over the upper bound time limit (11:00 pm EST) of the exam. Otherwise, students will be kicked out of the exam. For example, if a student enters the Canvas website to start exam at 10.00pm, he/she will only have one hour Syllabus (Updated Aug. 2013) Page5 College of Public Health University of South Florida to work on the exam. In other words, students must submit the exam before 11.00pm which is ending-time designed by this course. So students have to start their exam before 8:30pm or earlier. Grading Policies: Late submission of assignments and exams will not be accepted by the online system. Missing an assignment or exam will result in a score of 0 for that assignment or exam. Permission for extension of assignment deadline or make-up exam may be requested at least 48 hours IN ADVANCE of the deadline with reasons that can be justified. Acceptable reasons include sickness with doctor‟s proof or a family emergency such as death. Such requests should be sent directly to the instructor with confirmation of receipt. Decision on the request will be made within 48 hours upon receipt. Any request made after the deadline will be denied. Make-up exams are only given due to extreme circumstances or emergencies. Students are required to provide appropriate documentation at least 48 hours in advance before the designed exam days, which will be determined acceptable by the instructor, BEFORE being allowed to take any make-up exam. Attendance: COURSE POLICIES Not applicable See Institutional Policies section for Emergency Preparedness for Academic Continuity. Permission to Use Lectures: All materials are exclusively for class use. Any unauthorized use of materials including the lecture notes and recordings is prohibited. Redistribution of the materials is prohibited. Instructor Expectations: This course is not an “easy” course. Substantial effort will be required in order to do well. - Students should read the text book and any additional materials, listen to the recorded lectures, and complete all assignments on time. - MS Excel will be used during the course. Students that do not have basic knowledge of Excel are encouraged to watch the online tutorials the first week of class. - It is strongly encouraged that students work out the assignment questions each week and understand the course concepts. - The instructor and TAs will not hand out answers. They are here to guide you through the course. - Grading is not done using a curve. Failure to meet class requirement does not automatically warrant an incomplete grade. See COPH policy: NA Students are expected to complete the assignments on time each week. Incomplete Policy: Field Trip Policy: Class Participation: Syllabus (Updated Aug. 2013) Page6 College of Public Health University of South Florida Course Calendar Module 0 : Introduction to the role of biostatistics in real life [Posted 01/6/2014] Mandatory Syllabus Quiz Due 1/8/2014, 11:59 PM Module 1: What are data and where do they come from? [Posted 01/06/2014] Definition of variables Population and sample Study designs Module 1 Assignment: Due 01/23/2014, 11:59 PM Reading: LeBlanc Chapter 1 Module 2: How to display data in tables and graphs [Posted 01/06/2014] Frequency tables Histograms and bar charts Scatter plots, boxplots, stem-leaf plots Module 2 Assignment: Due 01/30/2014, 11:59 PM Reading: LeBlanc Chapter 2 Module 3: How to summarize data [Posted 01/06/2014] Measures of central tendency Measures of variability Module 3 Assignment: Due 02/06/2014, 11:59 PM Reading: LeBlanc Chapter 2 Exam 1: 02/12--13/2014(TWO days): 2.5 hours during 9:00 AM – 11:00 PM [Covers Modules 1-3] Module 4: Probability and applications: How to deal with randomness[Posted 02/14/2014] Probability Rules of probability Conditional probability Module 4 Assignment: Due 02/20/2014, 11:59 PM Reading: LeBlanc Chapter 3 Module 5: Random variables and probability distributions[Posted 02/14/2014] Definition of random variables Discrete Binomial random variables Binomial probability distribution Continuous random variable and normal distribution Syllabus (Updated Aug. 2013) Page7 College of Public Health University of South Florida Probability distributions in graphics Module 5 Assignment: Due 02/27/2014, 11:59 PM Reading: LeBlanc Chapters 4 & 5 Module 6: Sampling distributions for sample statistics[Posted 02/14/2014] Sampling distributions of sample proportion and mean Normal approximation Central limit theory Module 6 Assignment: Due 03/06/2014, 11:59 PM Reading: LeBlanc Chapter 6 Exam 2: 03/19--20/2014 (TWO days): 2.5 hours during 9:00 AM – 11:00 PM [Covers Modules 4 – 6] Module7: Hypothesis testing and Confidence Intervals[Posted 03/21/2014] Definition of hypothesis testing Procedures of hypothesis testing Calculation of confidence intervals Module 7 Assignment: Due 03/27/2014, 11:59 PM Reading: LeBlanc Chapter 7 Module 8: Testing Hypothesis for Proportions [Posted 03/21/2014] One-sample test for proportion Two-sample test for proportions Chi-square tests Module 8 Assignment: Due 04/03/2014, 11:59 PM Reading: LeBlanc Chapter 8 Module 9: Testing Hypothesis for Means [Posted 03/21/2014] One-sample test for mean Two-sample test for means Module 9Assignment : Due 04/10/2014, 11:59 PM Reading: LeBlanc Chapter 9 Exam 3: 04/16--17/2014 (TWO days): 2.5 hours during 9:00 AM – 11:00 PM [Covers Modules 7 – 9] Module 10: Correlation and Linear Regression [Posted 04/18/2014] Module 10 Assignment: Due 04/24/2014, 11:59 PM Reading: LeBlanc Chapter 13 Syllabus (Updated Aug. 2013) Page8 College of Public Health University of South Florida Review: What Have We Learned? A Summary [Posted 04/26/2014] No assignment due. Final Exam: 04/30—05/01/2014 (TWO days): 2.5 Hours between 9:00 AM – 11:00 PM [Covers Modules 1-10] INSTITUTIONAL POLICIES & STUDENT RESOURCES Go to: Institutional Policies information & Student Resources or Syllabus (Updated Aug. 2013) Page9
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