120th Regatta June 21, 2014 Lake Shore Sail Club InterClub Team Race In Celebration of Detroit Boat Club’s 175th Anniversary FLAG OFFICERS Commodore Vice Commodore Rear Commodore Karen Fink Jim Rodgers David Aller Tim McGuire Greg Doyle Don King REGATTA COMMITTEE Janet Bauer Jim Rodgers Richard Morris HONORARY JUDGES A = 42 24.786 82 50.663 B = 42 25.643 82 49.319 C = 42 26.795 82 47.502 Start/Finish Mark = X = 42 25.041 82 52.138 Y = 42 26.013 82 51.449 Z = 42 27.337 82 50.489 42 22.885 82 53.644 Com. Tom Grabowski AYC Com. Dick Green CSYC Com. Jeffrey Kitson DRYA Com. Frederick Carr DYC Com. Randy Reister FYC Com. Daniel Smale GPC Com. Ted Williford GPSC Com. James Martin GPSC Com. Brian Isaac NSSC Com. Matt Warner PYC Com. Doris Hellenbart SPSC Com. David Wright SYC Com. Dale Brennan WSSC Com. Tim Prophit BYC Com. Karyn MacDonald DSC Com. Tim Metcalf DYA Com. Gerald Polk EBC Com. Richard Savage GIYC Com. Charles Allen Jr. GLYC Com. Harold Weaver GSCD Com. Richard Cherry NCYC Com. Scott Jones PHYC Com. Gary Posluszny SCYC Com. Pamela Rupinski SS Com. Thomas Kaintz TYC Com. Rick Zangari WYC RACE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Mr. Chuck Reader BYC Mr. Fred Baer BYC Ms. Cay Bernock LSSC Com. Karen Fink DBC Mr. George Heitmanis DYC/BYC Com. Frank Kunick CSYC/LSSC Mrs. Ann Lawson LSSC/GPSC Com. Alan Minsterman DYC Com. Mike McGuire LSSC/GLYC Com. Richard Peters LSSC/CSYC Mr. Jack Van Ryn DYC Com. Norm Samra GPSC Com. Mickey Bennett GLYC Ms. Linda Evo LSSC Mrs. Sylvia Graham BYC Com. Terry Henry WYC Ms. Lisa Lybrook Mr. William McIntyre DYC Mrs. Linda Minsterman DYC Mrs. Barbara Samra GPSC Com. Edwin C. Theisen DYC SAILING INSTRUCTIONS - The 2014 DRYA Sailing Instructions for the "A" and "C" Courses are hereby adopted, except sailing instructions 8, 9, 13, 14, 16, A1-A7, and C1-C6 are modified by the following. STARTING SEQUENCE - Races will be started using RRS 26 and the class flags designated in 2014 DRYA Sailing Instruction s. The Warning Signal for the first class will be made at 11:00 a.m. MIDDLE COURSE 1. 2. 3. Jib & Main Race BREAK Express 27 SHORT COURSE 4. 5. Flying Scot Crescent MIDDLE COURSE 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Cal 25 PHRF 4 C & C 35 A Sail PHRF 3 PHRF 2 LONG COURSE 12. Beneteau 36.7 13. PHRF 1 14. J 120 STARTING AREA LOCATION - The starting area will be approximately 300 yards southeast of the Grosse Pointe Club Marina. The approximate location is latitude N42° 22.885, longitude W82° 53.644. STARTING AND FINISHING LINES - The starting and finishing line shall be between a staff displaying an orange flag on the starting line boat and the water’s edge of an orange inflatable pyramid buoy. ONE RACE - There will be one race. ALL COURSES: Marks shall be rounded to Port, if the Race Committee displays a Red Flag at the Start. Marks shall be rounded to Starboard if the Race Committee displays a Green Flag at the Start. RADIO MONITORING – Boats are requested to monitor VHF channel 72 from 1000 hours until after finishing. SHORT COURSE – Starts 4 – 5 shall sail the Short Course. The Short Course shall be: RED FLAG: GREEN FLAG: Start, A, X, Finish - Marks to Port Start, X, A, Finish - Marks to Starboard MIDDLE COURSE - Starts 1 – 3 and 6 - 11 shall sail the Middle Course. The Middle Course shall be: RED FLAG: GREEN FLAG: Start, B, Y, Finish - Marks to Port Start, Y, B, Finish - Marks to Starboard LONG COURSE - Starts 12 – 14 shall sail the Long Course. The Long Course shall be: RED FLAG: GREEN FLAG: Start, C, Z, Finish - Marks to Port Start, Z, C, Finish - Marks to Starboard RANGE & BEARING . Start to A: 2.9 nm; 56º m A to X: 1.1 nm; 290º m X to Finish: 2.4 nm; 214º m Start to X: 2.4 nm; 34º m X to A: 1.1 nm; 110º m A to Finish: 2.9 nm; 236º m Start to B: 4.2 nm; 56º m B to Y: 1.6 nm; 290º m Y to Finish: 3.5 nm; 214º m Start to Y: 3.5 nm; 34º m Y to B: 1.6 nm; 110º m B to Finish: 4.2 nm; 236º m Start to C: 6.0 nm; 56º m Start to Z: 5.0 nm; 34º m C to Z: 2.3 nm; 290º m Z to C: 2.3 nm; 110º m Z to Finish: 5.0 nm; 214º m C to Finish: 6.0 nm; 236º m CHANGES OF COURSE AFTER THE START “J” If Code Flag or a cylindrical shape with Blue-White-Blue horizontal bands is displayed from a Race Committee boat periodically making repetitive sound signals near the first mark of the course, then “Round the nearby mark on the required side and proceed to the finish line.” “S” If Code Flag “S” or a cylindrical shape with a white background and a blue square is displayed from a Race Committee Boat at a rounding mark, then “Finish between the rounding mark and the Committee Boat.” MARKS - All marks shall be orange inflated pyramids, located at the positions shown on the course chart. Marks will not bear the letters used on the course chart. AGREEMENT TO ASSUME RISK - In consideration of being permitted to enter this regatta and being fully knowledgeable of the risks of sailing as a competitive sport, all contestants, crew members and guest aboard voluntarily assume all risks associated with participating in this regatta. It shall be the sole and inescapable responsibility of the skipper and crew of each yacht to decide whether to start or continue the race. The skipper is further advised to learn the lake level to assure sufficient depth along the anticipated course (USCG - Belle Isle 313 331-3110). The skipper must assure that all equipment is properly maintained and stowed and that the crew knows where it is kept and how it is used. PROTESTS - A protesting boat shall submit a protest in the manner describe in 2014 DRYA Sailing Instructions no later than 1700 hours on the day of the Regatta, or within 2 hours after the protesting boat finishes, whichever is later. Protest hearings will be held at Bayview Yacht Club, 100 Clairpointe, Detroit, MI beginning at 1900 hours on Monday, June 23, 2014. RADIO MONITORING - All boats are requested to monitor VHF 72 from one hour before the warning for the first start until after finishing. AWARDS - Awards, for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places will be presented as soon as available after 5:00 p.m. on the evening of the regatta at the Edison Boat Club. AFTER THE REGATTA Skippers and crew of competing yachts, their family, and their guests are invited to attend the DBC Regatta Party at EDISON BOAT CLUB, 100 Lycaste, Detroit, Michigan: Free Beer (until it’s gone). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . after the finish Cocktails. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cash Bar D.J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Picnic Dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. LAKE SHORE SAIL CLUB TEAM RACE Results of the DBC/LSSC Regatta will be score twice: Once under the standard DRYA Scoring System for the DBC Regatta results, and again under the Lake Shore Team Race scoring system for the LSSC Team Race. A boat sailing in the DBC Regatta will automatically be scored for both events. PATROL BOATS JIB & MAIN RACE - The Jib & Main Race is open to any keelboat from a DRYA club. Boats racing in this class must have a PHRF rating issued by DRYA and be on the DRYA Valid List or have a Complimentary Provisional Rating (CPR), which can be obtained at no charge. A CPR Application and instructions can be found on the Handicapping tab of the Racing section on www.drya.org. The CPR application must be submitted to DRYA by Wednesday, June 18, 2014. Boats racing in this class must fly a club burgee on the backstay approximately 6 feet above the deck. “Blue Dolphin” “Grand Adventure” "Jolly Rodgers" “Dragon Lady” “Jolly Cork“ "Two Dog Night" Notice of Race June 21st, 2014 Two Great Races in One The 2014 Lake Shore Sail Club Inter-Club Team Championship Race will be sailed in conjunction with the Detroit Boat Club's 120th Regatta on June 21st, 2014. The DBC Sailing Instructions will apply in their entirety. All boats participating in the DBC Regatta will also be participating in and scored in the LSSC Team Race. BOAT'S SCORE: Each boat's corrected time will be divided by the course length. The resulting "corrected time per mile" will be used to determine the boat's overall position among all boats racing (see scoring example). If a boat is not a member of a DRYA club (Provisional Member) that boat's score will not be counted. All other scores will remain unchanged; i.e. boat's with a worse finishing place will not be moved up. CLUB'S SCORE: The score of the boats racing from each club will be totaled. That total will be divided by the total number of boats racing from the club. The resulting "club score" will be used to determine the club's overall position among all clubs participating. A club must have a minimum of four (4) boats participating to be scored. If fewer than four boats race, the club will receive a DNC (# participating + 1) to bring the club's boat total to four ( see scoring example). MULTIPLE CLUB MEMBERSHIP: If a boat is registered with the DRYA as a member of more than one club, the club listed first will be used when determining that boat's club score (see scoring example). If a change of club is desired, it must be registered with either the DRYA (586.778.1000), the LSSC Race Chairman, VCom Greg Doyle (313.881.4255 or 810.499.1332), or the DRYA Chief Scorer, Com Mike McGuire (586.939.3939 or 586.565.1411), before 12:00 noon, Friday June 20th. Lake Shore Sail Club Team Championship Awards will be presented at the DBC Regatta Party at the Edison Boat Club the evening of the regatta. 05-26-14 1 of 2 Scoring Example Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Club G J O Q A V F L T U B K C N P Y E X Z I M R S W H D BYC BYC BYC BYC BYC/CSYC BYC/GPSC CSYC CSYC CSYC CSYC CSYC/BYC CSYC/LSSC DBC DBC DBC DBC DYC DYC DYC LSSC LSSC LSSC LSSC LSSC LSSC/GLYC Provisional Distance 9.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 9.3 9.3 6.4 9.3 13.3 13.3 9.3 13.3 13.3 9.3 6.4 6.4 13.3 13.3 6.4 9.3 6.4 13.3 13.3 6.4 Corrected Time Corrected Time/Mile Place OA BYC 2:00:04 2:38:12 2:34:11 2:46:00 2:36:46 2:38:23 1:56:02 1:47:14 1:16:10 1:47:12 2:45:15 2:28:15 1:55:11 2:48:12 2:56:45 1:49:12 1:14:01 1:17:57 2:33:19 2:37:18 1:12:19 2:23:10 1:25:25 2:38:37 2:34:45 1:13:56 0:12:54.6 0:11:53.7 0:11:35.6 0:12:28.9 0:11:47.2 0:11:54.5 0:12:28.6 0:11:31.8 0:11:54.1 0:11:31.6 0:12:25.5 0:11:08.8 0:12:23.1 0:12:38.8 0:13:17.4 0:11:44.5 0:11:33.9 0:12:10.8 0:11:31.7 0:11:49.6 0:11:18.0 0:15:23.7 0:13:20.8 0:11:55.6 0:11:38.1 0:11:33.1 23 13 8 21 11 15 20 5 14 3 19 1 18 22 24 10 7 17 4 12 2 26 25 16 9 6 23 13 8 21 11 15 # of boats racing each club # of boats added to meet required 4 minimum DNC = # racing +1 Total Points for Club Club Score Club Ranking 05-26-14 2 of 2 CSYC DBC DYC LSSC 20 5 14 3 19 1 18 22 24 10 7 17 4 12 2 26 25 16 9 4 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 3 1 27 5 0 0 91 22.75 5 62 15.50 1 74 18.50 4 55 18.33 3 90 18.00 2
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