Abteilung Schwimmen Announcement SPEEDO - JUNIOR MEETING 4. International Youth Trophy Eichstaett of the ageclasses 2000 – 2006 1. Comp. Part: Saturday 25/10/2014 Warm up: 09:00 a.m. Beginning: 10:00 a.m. COMP 01 100m COMP 02 100m ind. Medley ind. Medley female male COMP 03 50m COMP 04 50m Backstroke Backstroke female male COMP 05 50m COMP 06 50m Breaststroke Breaststroke female male (from ac. 2005) (from ac. 2005) 60 min Break 2. Comp. Part: Saturday 25/10/2014 COMP 07 50m COMP 08 50m Butterfly Butterfly female male (from ac. 2005) (from ac. 2005) COMP 09 50m COMP 10 50m Freestyle Freestyle female male COMP 11 200m COMP 12 200m ind. Medley final ind. Medley final female male (Point 7.) (Point 7.) COMP 13 6 x 50m Freestyle relay mixed (Point 6.) electronic timekeeping!! Organisation: PSV Eichstätt; swimming branch www.schwimmen.psv-eichstaett.de / 4. Eichstätter Nachwuchsschwimmen 1. General: The meet will be staged in accordance with the rules of the German Swimming Federation (DSV) as well as the Anti-Doping-Rules. Authorized for participating are teams belonging to the FINA through membership in their own federation have the right to compete. You also have to confirm the sport health for all announced swimmers according to FINA and the swimming association of the organisator. Please notice the regulation of the DSV according to the Youth Reglementation! There will be one start reglementation! 2. Competitionpool: Indoorpool of the Bereitschaftspolizei, Pirkheimer Str. 3, 85072 Eichstätt / Bavaria (GER) 5 lanes, each 2,50 m wide á 25m; seperated with dividing lines „Competitor Standart Race“ ; Depth 1,40 – 3,90 m ; Temperature of the water 26°. Electronic Timekeeping 3. Registration fee: 4 € per entry ; Relay start 4 € per team; The registration fee could be paid by money transfere to: PSV Eichstätt, Code: "Nachwuchs 2014" Accountnumber: 5652 Banking Code: 72151340 Sparkasse Eichstätt IBAN: DE77721513400000005652 BIC: BYLADEM1EIS as well as by cheque or in cash just before the competition. 4. Registration: Registration is accepted electronically or manually (by list) according to the standard of the German Swimming Federation (DSV-Standard) or with LENEX. Registration adress: [email protected] Polizei - Sportverein Eichstätt, Thomas Neumüller, Pirkheimer Straße 3, 85072 Eichstätt (GER), Tel. 0049170/5288100 Fax: 00498421/8350; Registration is possible until thursday, 16/10/2014 The startlist will be published before the competition. Furthermore will the startlist be published during the week before the competition on www.schwimmen.psv-eichstaett.de. Paper result sheets will not be distributed in paper form but will be distributed via internet (PDF) or electronically via email! 5. Rating: In the women’s and men’s age groups 2000 to 2006 in each ageclass. Only the ageclasses 2000- 2006 are allowed to participate in the competition, ageclasses from 2007 and younger and ageclasses from 1999 and older are not allowed to start! COMP 1,2,7,8 are only be able to be swum from ageclass 2005 - 2000; 6. COMP 13 6x50 Freestyle relay will be rated in the open class. At least 3 girls have to swim in each team! 7. Ind. Medley Final: The 5 fastest participants (f / m) in addition of the 50 m tracks are qualified for the 200 m Finalrace (COMP 11 / 12; open class; from ageclass 2004!!); Therefore all four 50m races must be swum, to be authorized for participating in the Finals. For this cup the time of all swum 50m race will be summarized and lead to the total time. 1 - 3 place of each ageclass 1 - 6 place of each ageclass Youth Cup of Eichstätt 1 - 3 place of the 6 x 50 freestyle relay Medals Diploms Prices Non-cash prize of SPEEDO For a new Meetingrecord 1 - 5 place of the 200 m Ind. Medley Finalrace 8. Additional: The meet is approved by the German swimming federation, Bavaria (BSV). The organizer is not responsible for any losses or damages!! There will be a sale of sportarticles by Sport Neumueller and a drinking and food sale! 9. Accommodations: Landgasthof Pröll, Landershofen (www.landgasthof-proell.de); Tel.: 00498421/98830 Haus Elisabeth, Eichstätt (www.privatpension-haus-elisabeth.de); Tel.: 00498421/4705 Hotel garni Fuchs, Eichstätt (www.hotel-fuchs.de); Tel.: 00498421/6789 Gasthof Ratskeller, Eichstätt (www.ratskeller-eichstaett.de); Tel.: 00498421/901258 Polizei Sportverein Eichstätt is wishing each club and participant a good trip and good luck!! Sincerely Jörg Neumüller - Leader swimming branch PSV Eichstätt Further Informations: www.schwimmen.psv-eichstaett.de / SPEEDO - JUNIOR MEETING
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