Cape Henry Shores Civic Association Digital Newsletter • Fall Edition 2014 The agenda for the next week’s meeting: Previous Meetings Minutes Treasurers Report Social Activities (Block Party/Neighborhood Garage Sale/Christmas Party CHS Rules, Regulations Status Kendall Road Petition Status Neighborhood Watch Update New CHS Directory Please Attend! CHS Civic Association Meeting Wednesday • September 10th • 7:30 PM Lynnhaven Colony Congregational Church Community Center 2212 West Great Neck Road ¬ VE! I T C re A low: a s l Link to fo k Clic Stay informed about our neighborhood and local area: Send your email address to Chris Wood: [email protected] to recieve Neighborhood Watch messages directly to your inbox. Subscribe to The Shore Drive Advocate. Visit to sign up. Visit our Cape Henry Shores website: Follow our facebook page: NEW! CHS on NextDoor: MICROSOFT OFFICE TRAINING Word, Power Point, Excel and/or Access Will come to your home or you can come to mine. Small group training (4 or less) available at my home. Pricing varies yet you will get CHS friends discount! Contact me with questions: Bonnie Volker [email protected] Page 1 Cape Henry Shores Newsletter • Fall Edition 2014 CHSCA Social News from Sandy Tucker Summer Block Party Review We were fortunate to have a gorgeous day for our Block Party, August 10, 2014. We had about 150 people attending. We are very grateful to Susie Asercion and Mark and Nancy Cunningham for the use of their beautiful yards. Thank you Mark for being our Grill Master again and thanks to all who helped out with the grilling. Besides $252.00 to our [MRRIV[ILEHQER]E[IWSQIKMJXGIVXM½cates from local merchants. I would like to thank all of you who collected donations from our merchants and all of you who donated your personal gifts. Additional sponsors included Jerry & Mary Rusz, and Marty & JoAnn Waits. Special thanks to Brooke Cunningham and Dylan Evans for planning and leading the kids games! Thank you so much to my helpers: Addie Roark, Kevin Tucker, Nathan and Sara Evans, Mary Connell, Bonnie Volker, Marty & Jo Ann Waits, Joe Avallone, Tom Magary, Mike Pope, Jack Lapke, Dick Robbins and many others who helped greet, set-up, break down and just help us pull together a perfect party. The great news of the evening was the introduction of our new Social Director, Sarah Cochran-Evans, who will be taking over next year!! Awesome music was enjoyed thanks to Bob Linsly from Cape Henry Shores and Liz Needham from CHSCA! Thanks to our sponsors: Bagel Baker, Bay Local Eatery, Beach Bay Haircuts - Barbara Kovacs, %RQQLH9RONHU&HUWL¼HG0LFURVRIW7UDLQHU &LQG\+DUULVRQ&KDQFH7R'HVLJQ &LWUXV%UHDNIDVW/XQFK 'RFNVLGH5HVWDXUDQW0DULQD 'U\HU9HQW:L]DUG (DVWHUQ0DULQH&RQVWUXFWLRQ&XUWLV(GLWK(VWHV Froggie’s Cantina by the Bay, *XDGDODMDUD0H[LFDQ5HVWDXUDQW +LOOWRS)DPLO\<0&$ +RW7XQD%DU*ULOO /\QQ+XPH5HDOWRU5H0D[3OD]D$]WHFD Sarah Evans, Shear Bliss, 7DVWH8QOLPLWHG7LP&RFKUDQ+25HDOWRU 7LQL³V)UR]HQ<RJXUW%DU7UDGHZLQGV5HVWDXUDQW 7URSLFDO6PRRWKLH 8QFOH5LFK³V&DIH 9$%HDFK5HVRUW&RQIHUHQFH&HQWHU 9LFNHUV9LFNHUV$QWLTXHV(VWDWH6DOHV :DYHRI/LIH&KLURSUDWLF COMING UP... Community Garage Sale Saturday, Sept. 27, 8:00 am - 2:00 pm Rain Date: Sunday, Sept. 28, 8:00 am - 2:00 pm Many of you responded with interest in holding a neighborhood yard/garage sale. This is the date chosen by the most families. I have a small sign that I can put up somewhere in the neighborhood. I would like a larger sign for the front of the neighborhood. Realtors often have signs on which we could attach a poster. Please email: 7ERH]%UYE$LSXQEMPGSQXSGSR½VQXLEX]SYEVIWXMPP interested if this date works for you. We will place balloons in your mailbox the day before. Also let me know if you have a sign and if you are willing to help make signs. I apologize to anyone that was interested and can‘t make this date. We will advertise in The Virginian Pilot and with our neighborhood watch news (any other suggestions?). If you have only a few items but would like to join in with another neighbor, let me know. Page 2 Cape Henry Shores Newsletter • Fall Edition 2014 Lynn Hume “Selling Homes by the Seashore since 1984” Making a move? Call Lynn today! (757) 621-4370 CHS Youth Services Directory Babysitting: Beth Anne Jones ......................496-0189 Cam Katz ...................................496-2273 Caroline Needham ..................754-4245 Courtney Roark .......................580-2950 Katie Needham.........................754-4245 Lily Roark ...................................228-3572 Lizzy Rehak ................................969-9888 Lawn cutting & related: Cam Katz ...................................496-2273 Layne Rehak ..............................969-9888 Max Brighton-Smith .................818-3143 [email protected] Pet Sitting: Cayla Katz ..................................496-2273 Lily Roark ...................................228-3572 Thanks for our Block Party coozies, Lynn! 3656 SHORE DR VA BEACH, VA 23455 (757) 216-3300 Page 3 Cape Henry Shores Newsletter • Fall Edition 2014 From the CHSCA Treasurer, Richard Robbins: “Can’t believe that I have been at this for almost 10 years. I’m ready to turn over the checkbook to someone else. Please call me at 481-2675 if you are interested. Not too time consuming except around dues col- lection time. Speaking of which...there are still about 35 households who have not submitted their dues payment this year. Please do so as soon as you can. Thank you, Dick Robbins.” #! ! %*5%#1HƂEGTU Joe Avallone, President 496-3188 Dick Robbins, Treasurer 481-2675 Rochelle Good, Secretary 496-3150 Committee Chairs Entry Maintenance & Garden Club Jerry & Judy Bland 496-4148 " " " " Neighborhood Watch Chris Wood, 675-0779 Social Arrangements Sandy Tucker, 481-3192 Addie Roark 228-3572 Waterways Wally Dennison, 496-5851 Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Dave Williams, 481-1668 [email protected] Newsletter Addie Roark, 228-3572 [email protected] Page 4 Cape Henry Shores Newsletter • Fall Edition 2014 2800 Shore Drive | Virginia Beach, VA 23451 &ŽƌZĞƐĞƌǀĂƟŽŶƐĂůůϳϱϳͲϰϴϭͲϵϬϬϬ 'ŝŌĞƌƟĮĐĂƚĞƐǀĂŝůĂďůĞ ƚdƌŽƉŝĐĂů^ŵŽŽƚŚŝĞĂĨĠ͕ǁĞďĞůŝĞǀĞ ƚŚĞƌĞ͛ƐŶŽďĞƩĞƌǁĂLJƚŽ ŵĂŬĞĂŐƌĞĂƚŵĞĂůƚŚĂŶǁŝƚŚĨƌĞƐŚ͕ ŶĂƚƵƌĂů͕ƋƵĂůŝƚLJŝŶŐƌĞĚŝĞŶƚƐ͘ Ϯϴϲϱ>LJŶŶŚĂǀĞŶƌŝǀĞ^ƵŝƚĞηͲϭ Virginia Beach, VA 23451 ;ϳϱϳͿϵϲϱͲϲϵϲϱ Are you thinking of downsizing soon? Have you considered an estate sale/downsizing sale? We manage estate/downsizing sales for clients offering professional and friendly service from start to finish. Whether a client is downsizing from a large home to a smaller residence or a family member is charged with settling an estate, the process often times can be emotional and stressful. We strive to make this process as easy and simple for you as possible. Why consider us? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Our team is made up of hardworking, honest and trustworthy people. We have years of experience in the antiques and collectibles market. We have a network of experts and reference tools that can assist us in valuation if needed. We understand pricing in today’s market and strive to price fairly both for our clients and customers. Our goal is to sell as much for you as possible while emptying your home. We have an extensive mailing list and loyal customer following. We have the supplies, tools and signage to make your sale look neat and professional. We are licensed and insured. Please call us for a free in-home consultation. (757) 615-8756 or (757) 615-8759 Or visit us on the web: Page 5 Cape Henry Shores Newsletter • Fall Edition 2014 ,ĞůƉŝŶŐƚƌĂŶƐĨŽƌŵ sŝƌŐŝŶŝĂĞĂĐŚ ŝŶƚŽĂĐŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJŽĨ ,ĞĂůƚŚ͕sŝƚĂůŝƚLJ͕ΘWĂƐƐŝŽŶ͊ ,VHHD JUHDWZRUOGRI KHDOWKLIZHDOO EHJLQRXUOLIH IXOO\FRQQHFWHG WRRXU ERG\ 'U&DUO\6ZLIW 4640 Shore Drive, Suite 106 Virginia Beach, VA 23455 (757) 656-‐9283 Hot Tuna Bar and Grill 2817 Shore Dr Ste 107 Virginia Beach, VA 23451 (757) 481-2888 Award winning calamari, hand muddled mojitos or organic margaritas begin your journey as you travel your way through local & regional seafood, VA Hereford steaks, Gulf shrimp and locally grown produce. Finish your journey with homemade desserts created by the restaurant owner’s own mother. Come see why Southern Living Magazine says Hot Tuna is “Must See!” while in Virginia Beach. We look forward to seeing you soon at Hot Tuna, Virginia Beach. ϮϮϲϱtĞƐƚ'ƌĞĂƚEĞĐŬZŽĂĚ Virginia Beach, VA 23451 ϳϱϳͲϮϮϳͲϯϯϯϯ ϳĂLJƐͬtĞĞŬϳĂŵͲϯƉŵ;'ƌŝůůĐůŽƐĞƐĂƚϮ͗ϰϱͿ HILLTOP FAMILY YMCA Hilltop East Shopping Center 1536 Laskin Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23451 PHONE (757) 422-3805 Hours: Mon - Thu Fri Sat Sun 5:00 AM - 10:00 PM 5:00 AM - 9:00 PM 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Page 6 Cape Henry Shores Newsletter • Fall Edition 2014 CHSCA Christmas Party Anne & Tom Mooney have graciously offered their restaurant for us to hold our Christmas Party again this year. LET’S DO LUNCH Murphy’s Irish Pub 2CEKƂE#XG8KTIKPKC$GCEJ8# 5WPFC[&GEGODGT 6 PM - until (Happy Hour Drink Prices!) Free Buffet and 1 free drink ticket (One free drink for CHSCA residents. You are welcome to bring guests. They can enjoy the buffet and purchase drinks at happy hour prices.) THE NEW TASTE AT BAYVILLE FARMS t 464.1566 (SREXMSRWXSFIRI½X8S]WJSV8SXW If you would like to participate, bring a new unwrapped children’s gift. Please RSVP on or before Mon, Dec 1st, 2014 via email: [email protected] CHS Block Captains Block Captain/Telephone Assigned Lots Marty Schuman/481-7919 46-52, 93-99, 161, 162 Chuck Needham/754-4245 1-3, 44, 45 Joe Avallone/496-3188 35-43, 171-174 Terry Horan/481-3358 4-9, 27-34 Jerry Anderson/481-1870 10-26 Caroline Robinson/496-6955 59-70 Denise Stephens/481-7664 53-58, 71-75 Cathy Combs/481-0324 100-102, 153-160 Garry Ashton/496-8843 103-110, 176-181 Mike Plemmons/496-1668 182-187, 144-152 Dave Williams/481-1668 111-119, 135-143 Kevin Leprocina/496-5074 120-134 Curtis Estes/481-5871 76-92 Page 7 Cape Henry Shores Newsletter • Fall Edition 2014 2NGCUGTGXKGYHQTCRRTQXCNCVVJGPGZVOGGVKPI5GRVVJ2/ Cape Henry Shores Restrictions, Reservations and Easements Applicable by the City of Virginia Beach The above property will be sold and conveyed expressly subject to the following RESERVATIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS, which shall be applicable to all sites shown on the plat entitled Cape Henry Shores,Virginia Beach, Virginia as duly dedicated, platted and recorded in Princess Anne Court House, aforesaid records, to the following reservations and restrictions, which shall be deemed to be covenants running with the land. 1. No lot or building thereon shall be used for any commercial or manufacturing purposes, and no pier, boathouse, basin or slip shall be permitted for any other purpose than use by privately owned pleasure boats. No structures shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any residential building plot to exceed two and one-half stories in height (39 feet). No noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried on any lot nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become any annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. 2. No fence or similar enclosure may be built on any lot except a rear yard fence, and shall not be constructed in any of the canals, lagoons or waterways which might interfere with the free use of said canals, lagoons, and waterways. Said fence shall not extend beyond the front line of the dwelling erected on said lot, and such rear yard fence shall be of wood,composite, or metal construction of at least 50% open design. This restriction shall not be construed to preclude the growth of an ornamental hedge fence, which shall be kept neatly trimmed around the front yard of any of said lots. Any fence built on any of the above-described lots shall be maintained in a proper manner so as not to detract from the value or desirability of surrounding property. In regard to corner lots, side fences may not extend closer to a public street than the building set back line required by the City of Virginia Beach,Virginia. 3. All lots and yards in the above described subdivision shall be maintained in a neat and attractive manner so as not to detract from the appearance of the above described development 4. No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn, boathouse or other outbuilding erected or placed on said property or any part thereof shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or permanently, nor shall any residence of a temporary character be permitted. Section 16-41.2 of Virginia Beach code states, “Recreational equipment will not be temporarily stored in the front of any of our properties. This includes jet skis, boats, or other similar equipment.” 5. Professional signs will be permitted within Cape Henry Shores providing they do not exceed two square feet in size. 6. No animals, livestock or poultry of any kinds shall be raised, bred or kept on any lot, except that dogs, cats or other household pets may be kept, provided they are not bred or maintained for commercial purposes. Pet owners are responsible for policing up after their pets. 7. No lot shall be used or maintained as a dumping ground for rubbish. Trash, garbage, or other waste shall not be kept except in sanitary containers. All incinerators or other equipment for the storage or disposal of such material shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. Trash or garbage receptacles shall not be visible from the front of the house. 8. No building shall be erected, placed or allowed on any lot until the construction plans, types of materials to be YWIHWTIGM½GEXMSRWERHETPEXWLS[MRKXLIPSGEXMSRSJXLIWXVYGXYVILEZIFIIRVIZMI[IHERHETTVSZIHF]XLI City of Virginia Beach. (continued on next page) Page 8 Cape Henry Shores Newsletter • Fall Edition 2014 (continued from page 8) 9. No lot as shown on said plat shall be re-subdivided without the prior consent of the City of Virginia Beach, nor shall more than one house, exclusive of outbuildings, be erected or placed on one building site. This shall not prohibit the use of a lot and a part of a lot as one building site. 2SVIWMHIRGIWLEPPFIIVIGXIH[MXLPIWWXLERWUYEVIJIIXSJ¾SSVWTEGIMRXLIGEWISJESRIWXSV]FYMPHing or less than 1800 square feet in the case of a split level or one and one-half story building, or less than 1600 square feet in the case of a two story building, all exclusive of garages, the porches, breezeways without the permission of the City of Virginia Beach. 11. No structure, pier, dock, fence, walkway or jetty shall be constructed in any of the canals or waterways shown SRXLIWEMHTPEXMRWYGLQERRIVEWXSMRXIVJIVI[MXLXLIJVIIYWISJWEMHGEREPWERH[EXIV[E]WF][EXIVXVEJ½G 8LIHIGMWMSRVIKEVHMRK±JVIIYWI²WLEPPFIHI½RIHF]XLI'MX]SJ:MVKMRME&IEGL 12. Upon purchase of any lot, should it be a inside or waterfront lot, the purchaser will at the time of signing of the contract and thereafter, become responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of said lot, and at no time, ½PPMRXLI[EXIVJVSRXPSXWEWXSLMRHIVXLIJVIIEGGIWWSJXLI[EXIV[E]WXSIMXLIVWMHI%HITXLSJQMRYWWM\ feet at center of lagoons per USCG. Datum feet of the waterfront lots is to be maintained by each individual owner. 13. All waterfront owners are legal owners of one half the width of the canal bordering their property. All waterfront owners that moor boats or yachts on their property are responsible for keeping them in operable, well maintained condition. All waterfront owners that moor boats or yachts on their property will be responsible for keeping their appearance in a condition that does not degrade the property. All yachts and boats moored in the canals shall not exceed the length necessary for it to be safely navigated in the canals, and it shall be able to turn around in the canals so it can safely enter and leave the canals without creating a hazard for any of the other structures, yachts or boats that exist in the canals. 14. No trucks, taxi cabs or house trailers shall be stored or parked on any of the said lots, nor shall any trucks or house trailers be parked on any of the streets in said subdivision by the owners, lessees or other occupants of said lots. 15. No drying of wet clothes or airing of any garment or bedding shall be permitted to be done outside the house located on any lot in the subdivision except within the rear yard area and except on Monday through Saturday between the hours 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. 16. No change in grade of any lot shall be made that would adversely affect the natural drainage. 17. No occupant shall permit, operate, or cause any source of sound to create a sound level that can be heard in another person’s residence during the hours of 10 PM to 7 AM (Sect 23-69A,Virginia Beach Code of Ordinances.). 18. Any violation of the above covenants shall be deemed to be a continuing one until remedied and shall in no way affect any of the other covenants above set forth which shall remain in full force and effect. 19. The City of Virginia Beach has the right to amend, modify or vacate any restriction herein contained within these rules and regulations. Page 9 Cape Henry Shores Newsletter • Fall Edition 2014 Letter from neighbor Lori Cooper: Friends and Neighbors, ,KRSHWKLVPHVVDJH¿QGV\RXDOOLQJRRGKHDOWKDQGKDS- piness. It has been a wonderful summer here at the beach, and we’re all lucky to call this place our home. One of the coolest things about living here for me, is the close proximity to Seashore State Park. Being a runner, it’s truly amazing to have this right in our neighborhood. I see many of you out walking, riding, and running from time to time, and its truly wonderful to share this awe- some place. 2916 Shore Dr. Virginia Beach, VA 23451 (757) 481-2918 Lately, I’ve been spending a bit more time running, in preparation for the New York City Marathon, on Novem- ber 2, as part of Team LIvestrong. This will be 6th mara- thon, and the 5 previous ones have all been focused on a VSHFL¿FWLPHJRDO7KLVWLPHKRZHYHUZLOOEHDELWGLI- ferent. As part of Team Livestrong, I am raising money to donate to the Livestrong Foundation, with my goal being $3800, due before October 1st. “Why Team Livestrong?”, you may ask. Well, I ask you, what would you do if you were told you had cancer. Some of you may have even heard those words. I can only imagine the fear and anger that may follow that fateful statement. Well, Livstrong’s main purpose of existence, is to make sure you don’t have to face that battle alone. There are plenty of organizations that focus on cancer research and the search for a cure, but few if any focus on the victims of this disease and their loved ones. Livestrong focuses on the journey, start WR¿QLVKDQGPDNHVVXUHWKDW1221(KDVWRIDFHFDQFHU alone. %HORZ\RXZLOO¿QGOLQNV2QHLVIRU\RXWRREWDLQ more info on Livestrong, and its mission. The other is the link to my fundraising page. I would like to ask you for your support as I prepare for this adventure, whether that is a donation, or simply a quick “Good Job Lori” as you see me run by. Thank you, Lori Cooper To learn more about Livestrong- To help me reach my goal- =6481500&pg=personal&fr_id=1782 Page 10 Cape Henry Shores Newsletter • Fall Edition 2014 !*0(($.,.%+/)#-,+0*))+ $.,.%+-(#(+*+ !)-(,$.,.%**.#,).. " " LXXT½VWXPERHMRKEYXSGEVIGSQ Page 11 Cape Henry Shores Newsletter • Fall Edition 2014
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