During the Close – Up phase it becomes clear that it is necessary to increase the energy content. Not only surrounding calving, but also in the weeks thereafter, dry matter intake (DMI) remains structurally higher (Figure 2). Figure 2 shows that starting one week before calving the dry matter intake (DMI) decreases. Due to the higher energy needs and the lower dry matter intake of the cows surrounding calving, it is necessary to increase the energy concentration of the ration (ration concentration). Increasing the energy concentration requires feed with sugars and starch, to stimulate the Dry matter intake kg. per cow/day production of propionic acid. Dry matter intake 25,0 not notoptimum optimum optimumTopstart PrelactoDry DryPeriod Period Plan optimum Plan dagen 20,0 15,0 -30 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 n-opt 12 11,8 11,6 11,3 6 11,3 15 18 20 21,8 optimaal 12 11,8 11,6 11,3 8,5 14,5 18 20 21,5 22 20 25 10,0 5,0 -30 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 Days before or after calving 50% Improved dry matter intake using Prelacto Dry Period Plan (in%) 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% -30 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Days before or after calving Figure 2. Dry matter intake surrounding calving and during the start of the lactation. Products Prelacto Dry Period Plan Bestermine Vital Bestermine Lacto HP Dry cows are the start of a new lactation period. The vita- High levels of milk production require top performance of min and mineral supply deserves a lot of attention Bestermine cows. To achieve top performances an optimal diet compo- Vital consists of vitamins and minerals in the required ration sition is necessary. The vitamins and Minerals in Bestermine to give dry cows an optimal start of the lactation. Dosage: 100 Lacto HP stimulate the energy metabolism and prevent fat- grams/cow/day. tening of the liver. This improves cow fertility. Dosage: 100 Prelacto Dr y Period Plan Vacas lecheras con una vida más larga • Easy and healthy start of lactation • Longer lifespan and a lower replacement percentage grams/cow/day. Bestermine EB mix Prevention of regular milk disease is possible with the use of a special Bestermine. On farms where milk disease is a repeated problem the Bestermine EB – mixture is needed to reduce problems. The goal is to stimulate the calcium mobility. Important is to use Bestermine EB Mixture in the last 2 weeks of dry period. Dosage: 200 grams/cow/day. • Improved resistance and fertility Results of Prelacto Dry Period Plan • Optimum colostrum quality • Birth of healthy, properly developed calves • Higher profit • Fit cows that function in top condition Good management is worth it! Koudijs Feed B.V. Rubensstraat 175 P.O. Box 396 6710 BJ Ede-Wageningen The Netherlands Tel. +31 318 675 420 Fax +31 318 675 429 [email protected] www.koudijsfeed.com Chamber of Commerce 16060651 04/2011 Worldwide for better results MODATIO COM N AC Prelacto Dry PerioD Plan Far-Off: first 4-6 weeks of dry period Health, accommodation, nutrition, dry period manage- Close-Up: last 2-3 weeks of dry period ment and climate are factors for success throughout Early-Fresh: first 2-3 weeks of lactation the four phases (figure 1). MADRY NA last weeks of lactation HEALTH a fit cows in top condition during the new lactation. Drying-Off: C L IM AT E most critical period surrounding calving and ensures OD RI ENT PE EM G The Prelacto Dry Period Plan is the answer to the top start of lactation: TION TRI NU Four phases towards problem-free calving and a Figure 1. Factors for a successful start to lactation from dry cow condition. D rying-Off pha se F a r- O ff p h a s e C los e - U p pha s e Ea r ly - Fr e s h pha s e tHe DryinG-oFF PHase tHe Far-oFF PHase tHe close-uP PHase tHe early-FresH PHase (LAST WEEKS OF LACTATION) (FIRST 4-6 WEEKS DRY PERIOD) (LAST 2-3 WEEKS OF DRY PERIOD) (THE FIRST 2-3 WEEKS OF LACTATION) During the dry period it is very important to create a good During the Far-Off phase of the dry period it is important to The Close-Up phase is aimed at preventing calving problems The aim of this phase is to create a uncomplicated start of fundament for the next lactation. The phase's objective is to rest the udder tissue to give it an opportunity to recover before after the birth of a healthy calf and achieving a good start to this lactation. The dry matter intake which has been kept ele- achieve the right physical condition for the cow. It is necessary the next lactation. Good dry period management is required lactation.The labour efficiency at farmers can be increased vated during the dry period will have to be increased even to control the ration towards the cow's condition during the in order to achieve this. Use the right drying off products and the most by properly arranging the ration during this period. further during this phase. By using an excellent ration with well second half of the lactation.A Body Condition Score (BCS) providegoodhygienewherethecowslie.Sufficientdrymatter A reduction in the Kation and Anion balance prevents milk fe- balanced complete feed, good milk production with a good of 3.5 is the most ideal for drying off. Preventively trimming intake (DMI) from forage is also of essential importance during ver. Concentration of the ration will avoid a negative energy fat-protein ration can be expected. hooves is desirable during this period. this phase. balance (NEB) and prevent lingering milk fever. Important aspects: Important aspects: Important aspects: Important aspects: •Conditionscore3.5 •Dryperiodmanagement •Physicalactivity:grouppens(straw)withadequatespace •Optimumbalancedration •Hoofcorrection •Physicalactivityandhygiene •LowerKAB-/-200meqperkgdm •Lactationstartfeeds •Decreaseration •Drymatterintake11-12kg/cow/day •Preventionofnegativeenergybalance •Increasefeedregime •Ration: •Balancedprovisionofminerals •Freshdrinkingwater •Stimulateliverfunctionandfertility •Rationrequirements(perkgdm) •Sufficient,tastyforage •Rationrequirementsperkgdm: -ControlrationindividuallypercowdependingonBCS - Ration calculation Feedexpert® •Rationrequirements(perkgdm): - VEM 700-800 •Rationrequirements(perkgdm) - VEM 950-1000 - CP 120-150 gram - Concentration ration VEM 900 - CP 150-170 gram - VEM 900 -Starchandsugars100-120 - CP140-160 gram -Starchandsugarsatleast250g - CP 160-170 gram - Bypass starch max. 25 g -Starchandsugars100-200g - Bypass starch 40-60 gram - KAB = X - Bypass starch 25-40 g - KAB = X – 200 meq Worldwide for better results
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