St Johns Park Public School Newsletter St Johns Park News Term 1, Week5 Monday, 24th February, 2014. From The Principal’s Desk Dear Parents, The school crossing on Sandringham Street remains a concern. Parents are encouraged to cross with their children at the supervised crossing. This should ensure the safety of the children. Some drivers continue to double park to allow their child/children to get in their car. This is a traffic offence with a heavy fine. The safety of students is a paramount concern. Students who are not collected by parents by 3.25pm are moved to the front veranda where they are under supervision. When they are not collected by 3.40pm a call is made to a parent. Should parents be unable to collect their child/ children at 3.10pm please call the school on 9610 1311. Sun Safe School WANTED Child Protection Bully Busters All responsible and respectful A submission to become a Sun Safe School has been accepted. It is wonderful to now see so many students wearing a wide brimmed hat. This provides the best protection from the sun. Stage Three students are invited to submit their nomination forms by Friday 28th February, 2014. School Classes School classes are very settled. It is wonderful to see the Kindergarten girls and boys so happy at school and being involved in lessons that they enjoy. Students in all classes are working well in school routine. Thank you to parents for ensuring that their child/children do homework. This has a long term benefit to a child as they become well‐organised for future learning. Swimming Carnival Twenty‐nine students competed in the Swimming Carnival on Tuesday, 18th February, 2014 with Harrington St and Fairfield West Public Schools. The students were accompanied to the carnival by three teachers. Contact Details Nineteen students will attend the Zone Carnival on Tuesday, 4th March, 2014. They St Johns Park Public School will be accompanied by staff members. Sandringham St, Photographs In Schools St Johns Park Parents are not permitted to take photographs in schools of any child other than NSW 2176 their own. There must be no other child visible in the photograph. Phone: 9610 1311 & 9610 3488 T.H. McBride Fax: 9823 7829 stjohnspk‐[email protected] CANTEEN NEWS ‐ Tuesday Lunch Special www.stjohnspk‐ Please order sushi on Mondays. This is to ensure enough sushi is prepared for student’s lunches the following day. Please ensure you write Tuesday Lunch Special on the bag. Sushi costs $2.80 per roll. SJPPS Newsletter Find our school website using your smartphone or tablet. Term 1, Week 5 Page 1 School Song PSSA St Johns Park School was founded in 1891, We celebrate its history, Together we are one. ROUND TWO (28.2.14) Chorus Always our best, Always our best. Their past and our future, Always our best. Cricket, Newcombe ball and Oz‐Tag St Johns Park PS vs. Cabramatta West PS Softball St Johns Park PS vs. Fairfield Heights PS T‐Ball St Johns Park PS has a bye With all the children of its past We share the special joy, Of pride and dedication Of every girl and boy. Chorus Today the children of our school Have come from many lands. With pride we serve our school and flag Together, hand in hand. GO SJPPS! Results from Round One to be published next week. Chorus x2 Parent Helpers Meeting Der‐Huy Chinese School We have had a pleasing response from parents 德慧中⽂學校 generously offering to give up their time to help in Give your children a head start in life the school. Seventeen parents met in the library last week to listen to the Code of Conduct presented by Australia is a multicultural country. Having a second Mr McBride. language like Mandarin will be an advantage for your children especially in social aspects. On Wednesday, 26th February, at 2:10pm Mrs Ennis Benefits in studying with Der‐Huy: Teachers who teach both the Traditional & Simplified characters Emphasis not only on language skill training but also in cultural and ethical principles Location and time St. Johns Park Public School(Sat 9:30am ‐ 12:30pm) will be running a parent training session, in the library, to provide parents with some introductory skill for helping students with classroom reading. Hopefully this will help parents to feel more confident when working with groups of students at school. Y. Ennis Phone: 0405 318 300 (Teacher Librarian) and (Parents as Learners Co‐Ordinator) Email: [email protected] Website: SJPPS Newsletter Term 1, Week 5 Page 2 Translations Crossing On Sandringham Street Canteen News 家长及学童在Sandringham Street过马路的情况仍然 逢星期二本校小卖部有寿司供应,但必须于星期一预 令人关注。家长请带领孩子使用指定范围及设施过马 订,并在纸袋上注明TuesdayLunchSpecial,售价为 路,以保安全。有少部分家长在并排停车的情况下, 每卷两元八角。 让学童上车,此属违法,有被罚款之虞 。 三点二十 Information Update 五分後仍未被接走的学童,会被安排在校务处外等 家长请确保学校存有以下三项正确的个人资料: 候,由当值老师照顾。三点四十分後,将电联家长。 —联络电话 家长如因事稍为延误,未能准时接走子女,请电 —住址 96101311 。 —紧急联络电话 Sun Safe School Parent Helpers Meeting 本校已成功被接受为注重“安全防晒”学校之一。为 今年志愿在校内协助的家长反应热烈,上星期共有十 数颇多的学童戴上阔边帽子,令人欣慰。 七位家长出席聆听校长Mr McBride Photographs In Schools 家长在校园内拍照,对象必须是自己的孩子,请勿将 讲解工作期间的行为守则。二月二十六日星期三下午 两点十分, Mrs Ennis 将于图书馆举办家长训练班, 其他孩子摄入镜头里。 提供一些协助儿童阅读的基本技巧。 Pick up times Canteen News – Tuesday Lunch Special Xin nhắc nhở lại cho quý vị chú ý về việc giữ gìn an toàn Để đủ Sushi – thức ăn Nhật, cho ngày Thứ Ba, quý vị có giao thông và tai nạn cho khách bộ hành trên đường thể đặt mua vào Thứ Hai hàng tuần với giá $2.80 mỗi Sandringham Street trong giờ tan học nhé. cuốn. Xin nhớ viết hàng chữ Tiếng Anh “Tuesday Nếu quý vị không đón kịp các cháu sau 3.25 chiều, các Lunch Special” trên bao giấy nhé. cháu phải chờ trước cứa văn phòng để có cô hay thầy Up to date? giáo trông coi. Nếu trể hơn sau 3.40 chiều, nhà trường Vui lòng thông báo ngay nếu có thay đổi các chi tiết cá phải gọi điện thoại cho gia đình. Nếu không kịp đón nhân cho các cháu nhé. đúng giờ phải báo gấp với văn phòng qua số 9610 1311. Số điện thọai Sun Safe School Địa chỉ Thật hân hoan khi thấy tất cả các học sinh đội nón mũ Số điện thoại để gọi khi khẩn cấp đến trường. Vì vậy trường chúng ta được công nhận là Parent Helpers Meeting một ngôi trường có sự bảo vệ da và chống nắng cao Thứ Tư, ngày 26/02/2014; lúc 2:10 chiều; tại thư viện sẽ cho học sinh. có khoá hướng dẫn các phụ huynh tình nguyện trợ Photographs In Schools giúp các nhóm đọc sách của trường. Cô Y.Ennis sẽ Tất cả các phụ huynh không nên chụp hình các cáu trình bày các phương pháp giúp các cháu tập đọc để khác trong bức ảnh của con mình. quý vị tự tin hơn khi vào lớp giúp đỡ việc này. Xin cảm ơn 17 phụ huynh đã theo dự buối tìm hiểu luật lệ khi SJPPS Newsletter tham gia vào công việc của trường với thầy Hiệu Trưởng. Term 1, Week 5 Page 3 Important Dates Week Five Week Seven Week Eight Friday, 28th February, 2014 Tuesday, 11th March, 2014 All Week ‐ Class Poetry Competitions PSSA ‐ Summer Round 2 Tuesday, 18th March, 2014 Adult English Classes 9.30am (Conference Van) 9.10 ‐ 11.10am Thursday, 13th March, 2014 Wednesday, 19th March, 2014 Week Six Friday, 14th March, 2014 Friday, 21st March, 2014 Tuesday, 4th March, 2014 P&C Meeting Regional Swimming Carnival Selective High School Placement Test Walk‐a‐thon PSSA ‐ Summer Round 4 Adult English Classes Adult English Classes Special Religious Education begins 9.10 ‐ 11.10am Horsley Zone Swimming Carnival 9.10 ‐ 11.10am (Prairiewood Leisure Centre) Friday, 7th March, 2014 PSSA ‐ Summer Round 3 Adult English Classes 9.10 ‐ 11.10am Poetry Competition Class Competitions Weeks Eight & Nine Grade Competitions Weeks Ten & Eleven MORE INFORMATION TO COME es e mbli e On Asse Stag d e an e On g pm a t S 2.10 Early sday e u y T o Ever e Tw 1 0p m Stag ks 2. e e en W ay Ev ree ursd h T e Th 10pm Stag ks 2. e e W Odd sday r u h T School Biz News What is Kik and why is it popular? Kik is a free texting app popular with younger teens who generally have a limited texting plan or use an iPod Touch. Find out more about Kik messenger:‐az/‐/technology_glossary/7w0F/5353/Kik+messenger Find out why experts say it's the No.1 social media problem involving kids:‐life/digital‐life‐ news/experts‐warn‐of‐apps‐hidden‐dangers‐20131130‐2yif3.html#ixzz2mYlkXFyd Helping with homework How much should you help your child with homework? When your child makes a mistake, should you fix it? Teachers talk about how parents can help kids take responsibility for their homework and avoid Thursday night meltdowns. Find out more:‐and‐study/homework‐tips/helping‐your‐ primary‐school‐child‐with‐homework Back to school Homework, hot weather and class sizes – here are some answers to frequently asked questions about going to a NSW public school. Find out more:‐and‐study/planning‐for‐the‐future/back‐to ‐school‐2014 The benefit of team sports If you want your child to grow up to be a confident and well‐adjusted adult, then team sports may well be the answer. Find out more:‐of‐team‐sports Teen or tween moods As a parent you may feel distressed by disrespectful or rude behaviour in your teenager. Although the phase will pass eventually, there are some strategies that can help you manage this kind of behaviour in the meantime. Dealing with disrespectful or rude behaviour: For other helpful articles visit our school website SJPPS Newsletter Term 1, Week 5 Page 4
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