- .-.,_,-~--":'·--.-·· .-_. --........,....·----;- ---;.-:---·--~----- . -----_..,. ... ~·-·--- ~,~I DIVISION OF '" '!~F£NTRAL. SERVICES J.fF-318 Bern Distribution of true reading only by special arrangement, T) 1 a . .... ·1~L;::~~ / & ~:/·( Dated J:ay 11, 1945 Rec'd 11:03 a.n. Secretary of State Uashington ~CONTROL GOPl 2701, Maj 11, 9 a,m. '/...· \I / - J'TRE _FROM !.fCCLELLAND- _ •. · Depa;tmerit 1 s 1623. - - ------- ----;; - --~- .. -...;:. ___ -. .______._ ------.-- · HRB•s 513; April 28. With reference to message transi:-1ittei:L--in Board.ls 513 fro:J Vaadhahatzala to sternbuch, \ ) I . lattJ_it~inineutatEil; •. : .r :.,.'f'- requested my assj stance obt;ain l)Crmission for delegation l. of five persons from his local organization to visit freed car.1ps in Germany. I conscientiously did not feel able-comply with his request since it seemed inadvisable to ask our military authorities to grant to .a smnll pri..------ vate comml ttee in S>titzdrlahd i'icrmiss:ion Eo visit c~mp.s a'c a time •.WhElIL:SIJ..AEF~ha:(b stil'i ·not settied. the question· I _o'f! whether ICRC was to be permitted cDntinue its relief 1 ' I work for surviving inmates 'of concel'itration ca.mps tn. German~.· Delegation .proo,osed by. Sternb.uch was,-further co1:iposec1 of five persons having no particular tecl'!nical COI:lpetence in matters_ of- emergency;- mea_ical _or :nutrition.'.. ; . al relief to concentration camps survivors, i ·- _ ·DECLASSIFIED \ S.tate I Ti -~ :ne.~t...· .,Letter,. 1,-11-12.. ··.·. · . -.. · .· Da~iSEP _1 ~)/'-f :,, ._· f P. - 1 1~1.,: ··.·~ By R. :!I.Parks 1.· ... -2- //:f,701, May 11, 9 a.m., :from.Bern I informed Sternbuch that I was attempting secure I I , a list of Jewish.iaµi'vfvors in such camps and information as to their welfare and needs which would be made available to his own organization, as well as to many other relief agencies in Switzerland which were anxiously awaiting such news_. -{;. HARRIBO!'T - ---- -----~--·- --·-- --~ --~-----·-· urn .. :·. .:'jf: .··· --;~~-------- .Iii.:_. ~/ 15EP"ARTMENT , OF (/ ST~T~1. , ). \ I . DIVISION OF CENTRAL SERVICE;S· TELEGRAPH ·SECTION . st.ockholm DSH-77 This tE lEgro.m must bE pnrnphrt:'.sEd bEfor( bEing cor.nnunicntEd to nnyonE othEr then n GovErnmEnt J,crncy. (~EB'fl'l:J'.~Y:l'EB) SEcrEtn~y ~) INCOfyJIING TELEGR~M DntEd May 3, 1945 REc'd 11:59 p.m. '; I of stotE Wr.shin(;ton ,_/. 1667, Mn·Y. ~' ~-8 :~--m-.-·-·- ----~=---~~- -~---~----· f< _:____ :~-~- RE port bE low rECE~ VE d J.pril 30 from l1m.CJ?OSS )'.'EprE - ... . srn-btivE; WpislE; who visitEd Mnlmo in. ordEr to inv1::sticntE condition of 7 ,ooo rEfugEEs, mnjority of whom arE wor;1En from Rf'.vEnsbruch ConcEntrntion Co.mp.with smnll numbEr of mEn from lifEuEngommEn nnd· othEr c·oncEntrntion cnmps rElEl:'.SEcl. l:'.nC1 EVl:'.CUC\tEd to SWECtEn vin DEnmc.rk throuc;h · intErvEntion of Count BErnnci.ottE, hEr.d o~- SwEdish 1 s ;i~.121,_April 17, 2 p_.m.). REd Cross EXPEditioI1{;4Egat.i_op -. - • - : -. -· ·- - - - - - ---- - ":_?.,_-__ ,; __ -~ v~ErE f'.t1bukn6E -s to REfuGEEs trr.nsport[c1 from· cnmp11 ~#~--. by t~ucks; busEs. nnd Ccfp-t·n:nc:t;En ·ttncl. with hE lp of Dlinish RE d cr·oss. placEcl on fErriEs .• .BrEf'.kclown of totnl ·7,000.rEf,~GEEs', mi cddi'tionnl i5,0.00.. of·.·which nrE ExpEctEd CEpEhdEnt on SwEdish-HEd Cross nbility to continuE trc.nsportc.tion, is ns follows: 2,000 SwEdish GEr1;rr.ns or GErmnn SwEC:Es; l,OOP·PolEs 1 nEn o.nc: wor.iEn; 800 FrEnch woIIIEn; 20 British; 29 Dutch M~ -2'- #16f7, ---------3, 8 p,m., from 'women; 59 Belgians; ---~--=~-==~---l. Etookholm~ 7~women. cl.oiming American lj!' cit.1zenel1_~P:. . remainder Danish and Norwegian men_ an~ women. r Following are claimants to .American citizenship: Mrs. Sumner w. tr~ _ Jackson, last addr·ess ll Avenue Foch, Paris (16), wife of Dr. Sumner W. Jackson who was head of Il American Hospital, Paris. Mrs. Max M. Dixon, last address, 1 Rue de General, Largeau, Paris, sister of Frank- M. Dixon, former Governor- ..., - ..•, -·~:: _- . Mre•('Gabriel Powell Tritz, last addresses;. 22 Rue. Riff11ult, Par,tiers, Fri>nce and 33 Rue 1.1:11dam, Paris I;:: . ·. . - ... ·. ~:- - --- j_- _{6).· MisE Elsie RpguEyn (aged 22) lpst lived in Rome but cannot· remember street address; hAs two brothers in ~- ¥rs. Oliver who was in hospiti>l and could not be interviewed for further information. Mrs. Anna Bolyos, lest address 108 Kiralyi, Budapest. Mfss BertheM1Jdale.ine·.Du Mont~"'Tp.s't:-tiddress Be:rlin_,i where sh_e. had 11 ve'd -for s ev.e·ral year.s •. 0 _ ··- -- ••~ -•- -~,---o- l t.- American Army. · -·-·- --- . ,--- - Foregoin1< women. extremely nervous .11nd underweight but respondin? to care RDd· tr.el:'ltment. c Mrs. _Oliver and Mrs_... --- -----t-r ll .. -_-_ r- t. %: g_- ' Q Jackson pre hospitalized for exhaustion and draining ears t .- .J~ ~: and ulcer8ted sores reerectively. considering hardships endured. Morale of women good Temporary clothing issued by Swedes to replace the:ir filthy ra?S which 'were burned _an<;t.-~_?eir owners , iziv.en necess Rry beths end d~s infected. ·None of ref111;rnes l)ossess_ed identity cards or' n,i~pets for ei:>teol.is):ling:. _-:,.,,_ t ttt- - .l j . ,,, -- d ', 43- #16€7, May 3, 8 p.m:, from Stockholm for establishing citizenship claims. Appropriate action this purp0s e undertaken by American -Consul, Malmo. Citizenshio of 4 women appears doubtful. Necessary informptinn to contact relatives, friends ·through Amcross .QhRnnels Pnd to secure funds obtf!ined. Sm.all articles of comfort such ·as cigrrett-es, toilet rrticles, candy .find . y - -. ---- . - cakes ,_as well, ps. fifty. Swedish c~~YJn~-~~~-~ a\stri~~~~~_.:.__ 'women immedi11t~ly with pdditio-npl 11rti~les 't~ be shipped from Etockholm to SUf'flement bpsic requirements. of clothing' and food d0npted by Swedes, Gteff of Aliens C:ommission o.f Swedish Governmen·t ]:n· charge of r~fugees is bein!2' 11ssiited by hundreds of v0lunteers from VF1rious org1mizPtions in city of Malmo •. J\ll echools' Pre closed Pnd P.re ·being turned ~nto temporP.ry I' hos ·itelE in order to.supnlement overcrowded hospitals. - ·Refugees ~i ~~h three ,ine~ls dai}y:c''.with special diets - i li .ft· "f1· provi(led_;{.9J:'. sJck)ba undern6urlshed~ · V0lunt~er8 ac.t as r orderlieB to pid nurses Pnd. doctors and extra s_upplies E>re being sent ff.om Pll ov·er Sweden. - ?wedes are klndly- and sy!IlPPthetic F1nd .hf>Ve done -Mplmo ie serving BB job qr. organ,~ze.tion. .e:xc~llent qupr3ntine pnd receiving center. When pp.tientE Pre stron;z- enoui;"h they will be moved to other c',qmps. ~ Concern in;;: All.EJdged 11ttacks <P._ J2y Alliect ai.r.craft,_ reports ... - -.....-, -- -_-_Ji_ .- .-- 1 ,H·r 1' ~TF'=-""-- .\ f:' " · -4- #1667, Mpy 3, 8 p.m., from Stockholm reports hRve been contrpdictory pnd no military personnel or refu~ees witnessin~ LegRtion 1s such hRVe Prrived,· (Reference 1559, April 26, 6 p.m.) Fellowing facts Pre corroborflted by many persons • .One. German vehicles trRnsporting troops and supplies hPve been using- both the-Red Cross and the _D11nish. "'I ~· flE>i"'.-"for.-pro_tectior:i. -~-:->rw9.-:-~b,,;ni.sh ·patriots hr.ve.· pd~i~-~d-All~~~ . ... persons. -Of· - -l:_.• ,r this ff1ct. Three. Swedish D11nish Rsd Cross vehicles ere now using the· "flp~ Four. olus the Red Cross. It ie expected th1Jt the !:· l}er~pns will -11lso use the Swedish flPg. Five. '' l . r· I --L r Germi'n militRry cprE, when pir att3ck seems imminent, often interminfle with Red Cross convoys to seek In o~tc;i:;e 'th.re~ ~uch veRlcles:\iere singled. prot.ection: !!'' __ ... . out pncJ. deEtro~El2'.l:lY. rhfr'~- sl';.Q6tin;i' .AlHe<L pilots without dama~e to Red Cross vehicles. Fix. The Ptti>cks_ -between &cher.in c:nct 'o/ismar now en·•epr to hPve tPken plpce Pt _nif)1t. Thus the plRnes .c_ould hRve been unsure of their targ-ets 1md the persons under attack cjuld not have _identified the pipnes~ The fore;rn inf ppppren tly provides considerable jus tific_sti,q_n for· Alli~d pilot:S to suspect thes_e Mnvoys ,of being- !. I' r · .. -) ----·------- -·-------------------- ' -5- •#1667, May 3, 8 p .m., 'from E tockh.olm i being actuFtlly Germans in m:asquerade. Ewedish Army Cflptein attached to· expedition is return1 ing to Fedborg and has promised to obt_ai_n evidence f"rom competent military-observers and ~repere report to be fil~d with Swedish Legetion 1 Copenhagen fromJthence ~o be c tockholm. forwarded to the Amer icen Min-1-s_t er, .. ,. . ¥ - - " ,:Following det8U_s·.9on'cerning life -lilt ·Ravens_bruck--c_on- - --o---. , . ·firm~~-b~ reP.o:r~s or . ___ ~edc8n',13~it-ish F2~hch ~~-d-=Pbi~h ~ ]· refugeee, Roll. WPS c11lled et three o 1 clock every morning· and·_~,~ the women were compelled to st11nd for two hours in Pll weather. underwepr. Clothing cons ieted 0f only thin .dress without Breakfast consisted of coffee; lunch and -~-.. . ----~ __ _ ------ ------- .dinner were s0up. - f One kilo of breed· wes Pllotted fo·r- · ej ght persons p_er day. d_~_i·:-1n_-1 _•:, .~_-:·- ,r -~_-_-:_---_-.s~,:-_._-_d,·_-_'8i-"'Yw_~ive·h~~r:~ _dg c1:l;gging' ditches;dur'~t'lon cohs1sted:·-e1t9er,ior __ Coffs:(i_;tfo't ion.. wori:r. or 1 -_._i_l__ __: __--•:._- •- 1?_._ _n __ _ .,. _..,_ ':'.___ bu. __ . ""'- - ·- --· ·•·.•o-:- -- _o-- • --- - •- __ •. _ -·- • _- - .- - _ ---~-- O mi'kinc condensers in E ieinens fpctory. _ Medic el oilre .. rU,dimehta'ry, p,racpc__ally no i]ledicip·es 8VEii12ble. No sani~Eiry meps.l1ree were tpll;_en •. · At certain periods to relieve overcrowded hospit;l, p~tlents Brbitr8rily selected were teken out to be shdt, gassed ~r crempted. were. [ l'. t ... --- ..... . i-•• : ' •l •' -6- #166?,. Mpy 3, 8 p,m., from Etockholm suspension of bread retions, stendinf on Germ/in-village street corners to be jeered at by civilien~, sh1winfZE, beAtintzS 1md solitary crinfinement. to re~Ufees, According only persons in best physicPl condition rPle.qsed from R1wensbruck. . to heed Doct~.s stpte average patient . . -~ ccmi_Uf: t()~ them 0~s lit h~lf"·_q,e)'.' n·oril)Pl_ W_~ight;,.- .. ~~f.~erltlJ.~. ; : -:irvm~~ -,r-em-iiTn-in:g ~er~rt irt 1;Jor<Se -c0ria.1 t'InnthPri ·e.v"Et'C'u~es ,.;:: ·-:-..~-·-. be1ng forwarded by pouch. InternAtinnal Red Cross ships MAGDALENA and LILLIE MATHIEE-EEN left Luebeck ADril 30 with 1,000 more I'-efU[lees who will be unloffded ·Pt Mplmo. JOHNSON . ... . l - J t -· . DI.VISION OF ~~ENTRAL s'ERVIGJ;? TELEGRAPH SECTION /Slf~~E -:\~. ~, INCOMING TELEGRAM DEeA~TMENT d StcrEtary of StetE 0 ·-·;,/·-· · ,-W0shington. ;}_ ---~---;:-----~- ··~ ._,. __ .·-· i ; - ~,-· , .. -~~----. _-:---·-:- - -·· ~ . :-. .. ~~~--...-~---- -----~--~-:. FOR 0. 1.l. c1'YER LEgahon' Fropos• --_., .•. ,_,,..,_, OF ':.'R:? FRO~.; KATZKI ANL· NCCLELLi;~J.; s 2290, April 19. ;_ tions rnl'\<"-E b:v BEchEr rtl11tivE to -su.rri::na.Er of runA.ir .1ing tinlibEr11tEc' concrntr11tion c11.mps intact tr,,rough KPsztr .Er \\Tith whom 811.ly 1411.yEr, HtrbErt 11.ncl_r--con:fE:rrEcf----..-r~-- at • li::nfl'th will .-E:sults. not, WE RrE afraid, yiElCI _Any TactiCal '.\TE hPVL.sorni:: cloubt HS to thE ri;lia'aility anc1 ·_-··_·-- . ·,"' -: - .: -,..,,._ - :- - - --; - . ·'!''.·-·" : siJ".CEri ty of thE o:ropos11ls find fls_.to-BEchEr 1 s .Hbility ;- -_ t0 cafry-':t'ht1n out;: __ :t..Aily chan:;sirtg · 'Ifllit1'\ry' situ.at foil has_.-rEnC1 E_rEd SUCCESSful rEs~1J.E RCtion-of _this naturE con,ductEd bv "BEchE1'':no.st unlikd:i< ".vt''arE 1 howevE:r:'' att.Empting to n11intriin contFtct \·'i tti EE:chEr:•.in .hoPE bf possitlE futurE RSSiStPnCE to Nazi 11 rE<"ui t 11 <"Et~inEES tRkEn into • - K"!sztnEr visitE0 ThErEsiEnstRdt -- 0Mm I-cRC oE1-E'g£itEs, on Ap_ril 16 l.ounRn0>Fui0 Li::.J:l~~r,- w~-~.Etb:trE oh. April 7; - From thtsE two in<lE:ornC!fnt sou.rciis wi=: hlvE: c l"'.-'i' • j!-· i: .... I . cmrn.ECTED PAGE TWO ::'.., ;JF-301 This tclccrnm must be pn1°nphrnscd before being C01$ll\nicn ted to nnyone other tlmn n Government Ac;cnc;y.. ('ffiil8!'RI8WE'B) -2- #2·:.,71, ,'.i.;w:l,l '27, 5 p.r1., froo Bern received followinc-informatl_on concorninc this ghetto: . . . -~ As. o·f oid..;April tho~·o. uoro still s6mowh_µt ()VOr _20,~000·. . ---- , · : ~Jc1~i sl1_.c1ctainecs. in Thcrcsionst.~cw:···~or·ormor _G_orinan~; e,ooo Cze_()~1s fro6 the 1,906 Hung;ndari_~; 11 1wa'toctor.:ctB 11., 1,000 Slovalcs,. 800 Dutch .:encl P.bc.ut 300 Danos .who, according tr: E:nsztner (unconfirocci.), were roooved from _,the ghetto -on A~:.1°il 15 by ·Sweclis~1 Red Cross trucks. been trcc1·1sforoc1- to '.;;hcrosicnstndt ·in tho course of- the p<'-st tuo or three r:ionths, particulnrly the Cz·echs· and who rc;-JLlinod• i·n Bcrc;cn 3elsen hnvc nlso been appa-rently tro.;:,s-fori·ca. to ·'21wrc sienst"'d'c wEiere they now· are. - .- ~ ~ . - . . Four truck loti.c1s of relief goods shi:)pCc1 to the ':;hot to (last pnra~;rn:·)h, Leptio'1' s ~045 ,_ i1;~1i 7) under IGRC control were satisfactorily received and ·ac_corrlinc; to both Kasztncl' ana_ -ICRC men: . . A13 o_f "!-- -···.1· . ~- ~ ·1:. .., - • , CORHECrED PAGE 2 1/2 -2 1/2- #2471, ;,pril 27~; 5 i_1.ra., from Born ;;.s of boginninc of .April, Kasztnor reported that thoro woro close to 30,000 Hungarian Jews on former ;.ustrinn torri tory, two-th1rc1s of then boing Hungarian - , ·. P.rny forced labor bntnlliQPs sent to .~ustrin to cons1;iruct · -. . - _- . .·-. - ;,; . ~ . --. ·- _,_.:' :. - .. . . . :f.cjrtificii..tions, ppo-t~ird boinG t:>ors.P_l}s cteiscrte.d there · _ - - • ' - _.- • - 19·14~. iri. J:une Rei _. -1-· , • - ·. - • - ... • ·- ~. --. ' . ,- - e~tii:Jnt~~"tlinf'nbout.:s6$.. ~-:r· th~stJ~~~L ,. wore lof_t behind by Gornuns when tncy ···w:lthd:row;·i'li th reference to your 505 ( Depa~tnofrfrs. 1501:,~ - :>.prif) 18,) Kasztnor also reported ~lk'1.t ho was in ,the· concentration. co.rri~) of Har:ibure; Nouonr;a=o, which ho described ns a relatively e;ood one, on about April 12~ --~- At that time there wore some .9 to 10 1 000 inmates hn.lf of whon wore Danos· and Norwee;ians, r'cmaihder being Ru_ssians an<.'l Polos_;··'The ·l:>i\nos and"'Norwog:l:ans.:.onjoyed fairly good . .. . .. ··: . . ' . -· . " . . .. "" : . ' ·'~". .. treatment and. were. [1,CtiVoly 'ttss:is.tcd ·bY: the· Swe.a.ish. . • · •. ; . ;·_,_:;~ ~---- " - • '•••,---- . • ,o_o;· _•,• . .•· Red Cross.- · ·.•HiJRRISON ..LiIS "· • /, . DEPARTMENT OF STATE INCOMING --TELEGRAM DIVISION OF '"-CENTRAL. SERVICES TELEGRAPH. SECTION..;, • • .. : ·~ .•T • • •• "' • PLAIN . DRM-1936 London Dated April 27, 194~ Rec 1 d 2:53 p.m. Secretary of State washingtpn f.1C/j, · 4293 / Twentyi!e;von th~ .•. FO~~~~~i~~ .. llA150N ..OffU.:i:. . -"· ·-- --~~ ~---.---. . FROM MANN. I-nforma t ~oi:'.. _l(elioved rolia ble t~ansmit ti>d to.· ,,. , JDC by l>rmy chaplain indicates that there· are 3000 Jews o. t Buchenwald of which approximately:" 600 arc 0 orphan child ren. Please advis·e· Leavitt. ----~---------- \iINLNT REP .. _,,,;:_,. i . oc.P'P;RTMENT INCOMING TELEGRc"M 7·-0P STATE ~ - 01v1s10N oii. ):;f:NTRAL SERVICES TELEG~APH SECTION . . . - ., . - ::. ~ - , DIVISION OF CEIHHAL SERVICES ·Born ,i,SB-H,~9 This tologrnm must be . pn.rn~)hrascd before 1::19,fi1.MlR 20 IMftcgi ;m:>r:U :J.9, 1945 commun+cated to anyone Rec 1 d 9:30 p.m. other than a Government Ae;ency • (MEfi'Fl3:9\PJ3B) DC/L LIAISON Secretary of $tnte 1 1fo.shington - PRIORITY,<- .- -----·-----·- -.~-:2~9o, ·april,-i9, ·7 p:.m•. . - .. ---~- --~-:- . . FOR URB FROM UCCLELLAND -~ -~- ~--. Kasztl1er; sternbuqh; i~usy und-Swiss~p611·c-e alcl_- •-~----;---___ --_informed me that small group of 69 Jewish refugeeR .. ·--:··,. apparently .maiJ:"llY from BratislltVl;t reached ·Koristahz yostcrc1e.y and would be adr:iitted to Switzerland-today. - - - - - - .--~--'-· It is not qlear due to whose efforts these pcop;l.e_ reache<;i Switzerland although Musy is already: .claiming crodi_t •. ~-- _---~--: . -:--~~-;;>:·- ·--_,--_~-:·--:·- . stcr.nbi.tch has :unqo~b\;odly ro:portcd. tJ:iis .mi;lt_'j;or . by wi.re to Yaad Hahatzala •.. Kas·ztnQ:r arrived in Switzerland yesterday and accordinf;·to report fromNath~n S~hw'alb of He6haluz1 after an ext~nded trip withKmt Bechei;~~i' SS which reportedly included Thcresien~tadt (April lQ) and Borgen-Bolsert (day or. so before 11 beratioii). ~~j.~ . --- \. • ......,-i'- . ..., -2.. )2290 1 April 19 1 7 P•m•, from Bern apparently has .considerable on Jmvish survivors· in whore he st~ted in~or'osting Austri~ 1 SlQvakia and Theresienstadt there were 20 1 000 Jews.including many now arrivals from Austria and Slovakia. Kusztner Becher . - . information 11 orgnnized" According to capitulation of camp.. o.f.;_ . . ._· ~ ~ Bergon... ~elsen wi-t);l_~U inma:to.s remalni!lg 011.{lpO,t:• - .. __ --~-.-·-· ----------"--_:; ____ - ..::..-~--'-·--~-=--= - __,...-----;- Kasztner_- further rep-ort s ~b~ boa.ring ;iinport{i.pt' pr>c-.' . posds .concerning possible. rescue or Jewish depor_tees'-. in cnmps still uncfor German Cicintrol. As soon as Kasztner is released from .,temporary Swiss CUS"tody 1 ·I ?hall secure a:).l details. possible and report to you. ·- HARRISON ~------------- ··-· IJJi!PARTMENT . ··/ OUTGOING·· TEl£. IDGRAM 'OF STATE 1 :~, . '.::i~tW;,v:~,Es· · j!!;, /(D,1y1s10~ .b#;'.: > : ; . CENTRAL.SE:RVICEs· r:~~t•.· ·--· -•- ·---L ·-·· ~ __·- .. :·.-- ~,-•·•-··-,·-'-:•""' __ ; . ....,.. ; ___ . . ·. _!~efe~alllte~. :r~ur~n~.:.t~114. of-~Apr~-t~~~~~~~J~' ~ 2~~-~::c~-2 .'.~: ~. IntorrnaUon c'onciernine; .oond;itioll In.··,~hi~li c~ncentre.t1onc>. . ' . _-- .- - -. - -- . - .- .--•._·: ' . '~ '···-:·-,:· -·.. - ~. _,:.~..- :·. ·.---~':"::·~_;~ . f< cQ.lllps nre rciii"iia upon 'liberation is received in-t·l~shini;tton : r . ·r - . - _,-· _. .;c_-- - frora i'.i-6 of :.JH.11,Ji;Ji', Paris. -No 1.ntormntion 1Ei nVeiliibl~ ~J.'e to dnte on ccmpe nar.ied .. in your no. ~~1"14. iili'sugges~eii.:: It . -;::-Y --.... _-.-: ....:'.-':.--.-A·: -· '0 . J; Dov:rdi·r~n- send •' ·-!~ ·- that you i:i(i,y be c.ble to obtr:in desired informntion t.hrotigl{ /11Jeriov.n I::mbeee;v ·in l'o.ria. - ·' l yqu~~y~de.tp._ ,;{~ URi:l: 1,,;;N :ii.G ~/J.'ll46 :• 0'A• ;_;:---~~;-< J - ,~:''"~&~:~r~~'.,_JL _-:;~~~-:: '"' .• , c~·_·. -.-_:_;-::_~~-·: ·'-·· :._o ,-.- .. '.('.~c .· ,, ·-~-:_):··.: ;·."".:_~:__ ~ \j Sc'":__ Xntor.,1rition C'>tl<:wrnl ~~~ o~nilit1on 111 ,,. .ich <:onoent>r,,tion 1!"1'•1'ptl ore :f'0t1r..<l u,)()n lt.boi·atton 19 1'C"C-.i1vec,l in Wt1.0Mnttton fJ.'1;r,1 G-v of \WAW., Par.ta. ~o 1nforra..nt1rm 1e v.vaUal/llil h!Wo to <'li1'1l0 on c.n<wn named 1n your ~Io. :?l.'140 .'.(t 1e ougt;DAteil that yau r'11l,Y bo al•le ~ obtn,ln danlred inf<li'rMitlon tJ-•.rou.gh Awn•icim ~~11!'l.11oy in l"".ll'ie.· Jhw.x-t' uUl ntmll you wiy <l(1.tr.i l'(fflolnd in \lru)l_~l.!:gt.:.n. Till S IS WRB BERN CABLE NO. 502 11:15 a.m. April h, 1945 . ll:iss ·Chauncey ·(:tor the Sec•y); Cohn, DuBois; r.~ston, H del; Hutchison, l,'tcCormack. C 1 Dwyer, Files. . 0 . FH:ve 4/16/45 '._: .. I. INCOMING \ DEPARTMENT· OR TELliG.~~M STATE DIVl'310i'J,OF .... I CENTR/\ 1 SERVI G§1hn MN-1284 Distribution of true: re:ading only /JM. ~%Ed April 13, arrange:me:nt. . Re:c 1 d 1:58 p,ili. b1 mn@llf DC/L LIAISON Se:cre:tnry.of State: A'l't~ ~~ 3 nl'.~:- r1 shingt n ~L, -. '/. . FOR '.-- Ap:il 13; 1 p,m, O'~YlER:Oli' .· ~WUROL 'COPY .I 'iRB.ft'fj.OM·!iiCCLEL.LAND· ,, . • . :· .;_ . ,.;: - . - -··-- ~--: co.uld ob'tnin us so'on us possible: from' our ciompe:t"E:nt " d __ .;,; ·_.: milit:i.ry nuthoritiEs .information conce:rning condition· in \7hich follov1ing conce:ntrntioh camps (in inune.:dihtE linE of n.dvnncE· of·our nrmie:s) 1'.rE fOUnd UpOh libEration: BErge:n BElse:n, I<:re:iscElle: (20 kilome:te:rs· ______ _ ,,. NJ Qf CElle:) Buche:nwald midvmy be:twe:rn Erfurt and·· -.·;e:imo,r and Hamburg--Ne:uE:ngo.rrune: in e:nvirons of foh11Er _ _ _..;-=----=..... ~.......,.__ c·it.y. DU '· ._-.,-_,,_; :;"' - ---)~- . .nEicLA~~ifu:n . ·... ·State Dept. Letter; 1-11~72' By R. H. Parks na.te-1fe, - ~ :~. . OF····. STATEMS .·. CEi~i:~~=;~~-~\j • _. DEPA~TM,ENT ... t ~·11 I .6J -DC/!. LIAISON AMLEUA'l'ION .. . CONTROL COPY ,;.h\c\:b~~thbelow fgf' _OJ.sen is .-. PRH ~ ~~47. ~ . / . . : _ ,. " I J ae~.s,e ·de~t~~r the t•oy~t;iine m.e'lpg'Q to- ~!!~e~ :~~~_or~h~ ·: _'' -~ ··;~;',~~~'.'} . l'ostb.Qi 7110.e~;.:..stoolrboln~,:r--:ror~ietr-cTl.'rtn.k_ot.re'i .o_r_ \~9vld "".:=. -.--:~ - . . :• ' Jewish .Congref G,=..- · ·>iUO!L'.U: - . . ' - -~ • ,; ' .- • · · , ·· or l ··' j I tt1e1r. rfotion1;1Ui;y,~he 1.-"err:.cn ruthoz•i tles hiw~ ogreed thc.t :me delogo.tes ~l11l . . visit <rcrnps e.nd distribute :foodstuffs Clothlne; medicine!).:_ . \ . __ . ·1.--~-. to them. Red Cr>oss <lelegpte ;1ill ~-.lso. receive lists (ff .· . J . . . ... 'c . . ·, . no.mes ,_•er~ons tlet['ine::J. concent:ri;tion comps. Cons:icJ.~:ri ti.d s ri tur:tig_n Lflli: I.;N: l\U . L, 1111lercr-<n:in 1nt'orrna us thpt f.or Jet10 trci~i r'r:--nce i>n<l_ Belt·ium regnrcUeso 4/10/45 . •.• ~-- . ir.1poI>~1',n-t.' ~4t~.f-?U:r10 !JJ~UPl):;;,tliH{{.J:(.b'l1.lli •.. · · ."-:__c,.c:..,__;_..:.__, _ _....~· .... f'leaee deli Vf>l' the following mesoge :to Bile! stoiiOh. Pos'bo& 1306. Stockbolm• from Arieh ~Wei" o't WOJ'ld Jewtah 0080""91 "iiIOO'E M:EaOROSS INID100l US 'l'lIA'P »OR JEOO :moM '1WIOI Mm BI«.GlUM UROARl'JLESS OF !t'Hli1lfl RATIO!lAtlH 'fI!E (12'8til.AM mfflO!U'l'llilS 1-IAVE AOIWID \!1IA.f iBO D~TBS OAM VlSlT OAMPS AND DI:S1'1Ul!ln'Jl.l IOOD.'m.JJl'S otmBING M.mlOJK&s t'Q R~ CllOSS DQJM'Jt '#ILi, AL-SO Rf.OEIVI LISJIS 01 lll.D:il P»tl.SOHS Dll'AlllEI} COIIDMRM'IO.N CAMH. COMUmt Ti'llS SITUATiOB lttroll'rAHT io!t YOOll. Am'lOJil;--- -UW<JJMI TJ.IQ4. --i··· ~ , _, >: "'~ -·· -----._ - --------' ---- ----.··- ~-- - ----- --~-:._._::.._.~-,--~ ... , - THIS IS iVRB. STOCKHOLM NG. J47 ~ -~ --~- ::;(;--' -_ . -?Jfll~ ·. t1' · 4:15 o·.m. April '_6, 1945 Miss Chatmcey (for the S~c•y), Corm, DuJ3ois, ?ast6n, Hodel, Hutchison, McCormack, 0 1 Dwyer, l!,il es. - (1jj6 RBH: 4/5/45 -0-.-"'. • .WORLD JEWISH CONGRESS CONGJ3.ES JUIF MONDIAL CONGRESO JUDIO MUNDIAL 1834 BROADWAY. NEW YORK, 23, N. Y. LONDON 55 New Cavendish St., W I GENEVA 37 Quni Wilson BUENOS AIRES Corricntcs 19'19 2021·9C JERUSALEM Vaad Leumi P. 0. B. 471 MONTREAL 1121 St, Catherine St. W MEXICO CITY Sonora 1744_ -·. _. CABLES: CoNcnEss, NEw YonK TELEPHONE: In reply refer to: ClactE 6 °1900 Ap:r11 3, 1945 No. 381 Erig. Gen. William O'Dwyer, Executive Director Wa'l: Refugee EoaTd Trea!iury :Building Washington, D, O. ~ear --.---- General 0'Dwy:er: -- . ---~ ----·-,.--···--~-;'-~ --- . :~ May I ask you to be. good enough. to have the. f'_ollowing· mes8age ·transmitted through the f'acilitiea of' the ~a partment of ~tats: "To: Hilel Storch, Postbox 7306 1 Stockholm,· Sweden From: .Arieh Tartakower Interredcross 'informs us that for Jews from France and Belgi'ilm regardless of their ·nationality the German authorities have agreed that mo delegates can Visit camps and distribute foodstuffs clothing medicines to' them, Red Cross delegate will also receive lists names persons detained concentration camps• · ·consider this situation important for your action." .Thank you _tor giv1ng'this 'llllitt~r KRG:im y'OU.r klnd''a1:'tenti~n: .. J _,('!J:•.. • I WORLD JEWISH CONGRESS CONGRES JIDF MONDIAL CONGRESO JUDIO MUNDIAL 1834 BROADWAY NEW YORK, 23, N. Y. LONDON55 New Cavendish St., W I CABLES: CoNGBESS, NEW TBLBPHONE: GENEVA 37 Qnai Wilson BUENOS AIRES Corrientes 1979 June 22, l944. JERUSALEM Vnnd Lemni P. 0. B. 471 MONTREAL 112i St. Cnthcrine St. W MEXICO CITY Sonora 1744 In reply refer to. letter Ho. l~ Dr.· BenJamin Altzin War Refugee Board .. ~rua.u:ry~iu1lditl8 Washington~ D.o. Dear Dr • .lk:zin, With referenoe to our telephone oonveraation some· d~i ago _IUld our letter of June 19, I am enclosing a new ll1t of oonoentration ollliip1, aa we received the .Jllllllea· of new oempa in .P6land. KBG:erl ~34 .J CIBCLE y QBK. . 6·1900 '•,.,,,.- -;- ..- ',.·:·- --~~ c CONOEN'l!RATION O,AMPS :Bernau, :Boernicke, :Brandenburg, Jueterbog, Oran1enburg 1 Baoheen.hau.ean, Boldin, Sonnenburg. Hesse-Nassau: East Prussia! Bad Du.erkheim, ll'echenbaah, Gineheim, Kaseei, ·Roedelhe~,Wetzla.r. :Baerenhostel, Papenburg-Esterwege, Mooringen, Wilsede , 3 J,.,..__ .B""'"t"vv Graudena, Labiau, Sohulthoff Palatine: - llayenburg, •llrauweiler, Ooblenz-Kanneri ta, Ooblenz-Karthauee, Duaren, Juelich, Kemnia., Siegburg, Wuppertal, Sax;on.y1 - Erfurt, Liahtenb1,ll'g, Graefenhainiehen, Zoerbig. Schleswig-Holstein! - Glueckstadt, Rickling Silesia: - FrEIJlkenthal,- Grose Rosen, Lei teri tz, M1.l!lneterberg .,. - : · Upper Silesia: Bielitzt Frauen_Arbeitslagert lli_r~p.au bei Neu llel'Wl, Aui!ohwitz 1 • - _ · · Jawisahowitz, Monowitz, Sosnowitz. · · . Israel. Ziyi.larbei tslager ll'aubruok, Gr~ taitz, Krei~ Reichenba.ch Pomerania - Westphalia: Anhalt: :Bavaria: Hohenbrli.eok llerglaimGn. :Boergermoor, Neususren, Bennelager,. Wanne-Eiclcel• · - Dornburg, Rouslau. - Ankenbuck, Rueberg, Kisslau, Rastatt - Dachau, Flos-senberg, ·- :Bernau, Lauffen. Hasteet. :BraU.nschweig1 woi:renbuttel (Brvn~wig). · .:f .··· FUhlsbuttel, Wi ttmQo.r - Langen, OsthOt'en Mecklenburg:- liavensbru.ok Oldenburg: - Eutin, Vechta. Se.xon.y: - :Bautzen, Coldni tz, Orlmnrl. tschau, Dresden, GI'll!lenhainichen,Reinicbe n, Heinwalde, Hohens1;ein, SachseDburg, Sonnenburg, Osterstein. Thurine:ia: - lllankenhain, lluchenwalO.e, Jena, Oh:rd.ru.t', Unternass:feld Wurttemberg: - Gotteszell. 1 • AUS'lRIA1 Mauthausen, Woelleredorf .... BELGIUhl: Huy, Breendonok:, J;Ioboken, Perjweren, Hasselt.(These are the five o:t'i'ici·al camps. Besides these, there exist about ten smaller camps, the .names of which are not known to the Belgian Information Service). Lokeren (said to be U.Sed for deserters from the Wehrmacht). CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Fischern, Milovice, plzen, Stepenov, .Terezin, Klety, Firna, Horna, Kutna,. Killn. DEm!AlUtJ. Horeerode; and a camp in the neighporllood of Frederiksvaerk. FRANCE; Gurs, :Besancon, St,Denis, Doullens, Argeles, River,saltes 1 Orleans, Vidauban, Vi ttel 1 Nexon, Reoebedou, "Brabant, Les Milles, St.Cyprian, Noe, ·Vernet, Draney, Pithiviers, Beaune la Roland, Compiegne, Sohirmeck, Brena, Tarn, Maseeµbe, Gars, Centre de Rabee, Oornil, 0!2P'eze, GTJ!l-701, Mirataa.B 1 · llouohedu,_ Rhone. Sana. (Sanatoriwi.?), PTT Mont:f'e.ccon, Lot, :Beaudesert.,.;· .. GREEGE1·- Salonica, Larissa;· Soo,ios,. Patras,-'-Na.uplia, Crete, p . r~alh. HUNGARYi Ceoergoe, Satoral jaujhely ITALY: ···- ~ : Fe.rramonti LITHU.ANIA: Viliempole, Petrasiunai NETHERLANDS: Ha.aren, Oudleusden, Scheveningen, (Oranje Hotel). Barneveid, Vugilt, Wes.terboek, Hooghlen (cost) NORTH AF.RICA; (probably omitted by the Free Fre~ch): Ber@ient, Meng0ub, :Bou..A:fra, Ainel-Ourak, Infout, Oued-.Akresc, Sidiel-Ayashi, Oued-Zen, Said, Colomb- - Bechar, KeDedza,, Harjarat M•guil,. :Berrou@:liz, Djelsa,· Boghari. NORWAY! Griili, Bredtvedt, Sen, FaJ.stad, Ulven, Oslao, Hedmarch. Distrikt, _ Oe.sterdalen, Verdalsoeren, Kvae_naxige_n~ · SLOVAKIA: Il~va, Bojllice, Chalmova, Ope'la:, .- Jewish Vlo.rk Oamp, .Serifed nad, VehUin -~~ · Jewish Work 00Illp, Vyhne, V~ne, Wor~ Camp 1/.91 l!ovaky,. Prievid.za · ' _ . .· · - -- .'"--'-·--··- YUGOSLAVIA: Ruma. .... :: ,,-.- -------------'~---~__::____:____:_._-~----·--· • -3- • Arbeitslager, Lublin, Alter Flugpla.tz G.G. Bi ecz bei Gorlice, Ge:lizien :arzezjd, Distrikt Lublin Oholm, :Bezirk, Lublin Czenatochowa .Dolina near Stryj Domazowaica bei Lukov Deblin-Irena, Distrikt Lublin Deutsch Horst, Arbei ts lager, Post Han.sky, Kreis Cholm Dorohucza , Post Travniky, Distrikt Lublin Drohoboycz Firley, Distrikt Lublin Ge,je.ry, Distrikt Lu"olln Gemeinschoftslager der D.A.F. 11 Romus11, Posen Hojowice 1 Distrikt Lublin Horodenka Howy Szacz Invaniska·, Lublin lzbica. ~\Vieprs,.Xreis Kras:qistow 0: I>is_trikt L:\l°blin_ Jaslenica, Rozielna b_ei Sanok, Jedizejof, Distrikt Radon Jeziorna bei Tarnopol Karczmisko, Lublin Kazimir m.d Vi sla Klimantov, Kreis Opa.tov · Konska.wola, Kreis Putawy Kielce · Koma.row bei Zamosce Kazimirsky Deley, Kreis Pulawy Kamionka bei Lubartow, Distrikt Lublin Krakow-Podgorc;re Kariljec bei Oswieczim Krasnu.czin, Bezirk: Krasnistow Krychow, Arbei tslager, Kreis Cholm Laziska bei Opole; Lublin, Lipowa 7 Lublin, Lager Lindemtra11se 7 Luta, Post Sobiboi:, Kreis.·Cholm Lubltov Lublin Li tamannstad t Lukow, Distrikt Lublin Imbartow Lagow bei Opatow Majd-anek bei-Lubl±n L!arkuszow, Kreis Pulawy Maly Bab bei Lublin Miedzyrzecz Podlasld. Minsk . Nisko, Galizien Novy Salacz bei Lubartow Opole, l{reis Pi;lawy, :Bezi.rk Lp.blin Ossowa, Kreis Cb.elm Ostrowa, Posen · ., - . ----:,.-_--- - -'· - - - - - - - - - --..,-_ .. - 4 - ·• • Os trow L11belsld. Oswiecira, .Arbeitsleger Oswiecim, Frauen Starfgefaigenen Lager Piask:i bei Lublin Pinsk l. '.Bezirlt Lublin Pistawy, Podolonek Lublin Pr.zeeyst Radlowa bei Breczko · Rejowioe, Kreis Cholm Rosnistow, (Ukraine) Sanok, Bezirlt Krekov Sajeczyoe, Post Staw, Kreis Cholm Sawin, Distrikt Lublin Siedleszicze, Kreis Cholm Sobibor, Distrikt LUblin Sowaszowcze, Sandomircz Sadurko, Kreis Pulawy Stanislau Steyj . . S-tadOWi ·. tiei s Radczyn 'raJ.'llOlf . ,. . 'rrawniky 0 Distrikt L11blln 'rlunaoz bei Stanl.slay Uher, Kreis Oholm Ujazow, Warscha.11 ? Wieczbnik bei Ra.don · Wloda.va. Wojciechawil!adomsk Rakow bei Stassow, Bezirlt Opatow Wieliczne bei Lublin Wiesmilowin, Post Sadenld, Kreis Pulawy Wieliczka.-Bochnia Za.bin bei Tarnov Zamicz bei Lublin '· _: -- ._: --~~~-~--- \. 1' ·. ! j 1834 B_l!OADWA Y J .. ..._.'._" NEW YORK, 23, N; Y.. · ·CABLES: Co!'caus, NEW Yoa1t' LONDON 55 Now Cavendish St" W l TELEPHONE: CIRCLE GENEVA 37 Quai Wilson BUENOS AIRES Corrlentes 1979 : JERUSALEM Vaad Leumi P. 0. B. 471 MONTREAL 1121 St. Catherine St. W MEXIco· CITY Sonora 174-4 ~_rep11 1•~ter reter to aa. Jdr, BtAJamili ~lln .Wu. 8-tqee_ B .. \l ·:,!!re'aluq-Buti:~ ,.,._~liiston, . ·-";:f.",:: D.o. Dtiar Iii• .Altzlll, ·-·-:·:~_;-.:---- ·.--:_;-"'_-- 6 °1900. ''._, Brandenboµrg; Bernau, Boerniok:e, Brandenburg, Jueterbog, hausen, Soldin, Sonne:q~rg. ·· .or.an1e.nb~S'i Saohsen- Hesse-Nassaua Bad. Duerkheitn, Feohenbaoh, Ginsheim, Kassel, 1toedlilhe1m, Wetzlar. Hanover: . Baerenho st el, Papenburg-Esterwege, 1'.!ooriDgen, W1ls94e, E§pt- Pruss11u Graudens, Labiau, Sohul thoff. Pe.I.atine: Bauenburg, Brauwe1ler,.Ooblenz-Xarmer1~a, Ooblenz-lra.rthause, ·:Dueren, Juelioh, Kemma, Biegburg, Wuppertal. ~: Erfurt, Liohtenburg, Graefel$.a1n1ohen, Zosrblg, SOhleswig-HolsteiQ! Glueokstadt, Rioltling. S~~esia: Frank:enthal, Gross .Aosen, 'Leite~itz, !duensterberg. .J_;•. trppR1iHlesia1 Bieli~z, Fr_auen, Arbe1tB'l~e~.~ B.i:rk:enau :bei. Neu:,B'erun,. 'lusohwitz'; · . · . . '-.. :· . . J8Wiscihow1tz;'.Monowitz; ·soariowftz, ··-+-·:, "'T.""''-:--~;. .... . . . ·-. - ·· P'oirier&nia: Hohe~brueok. · ·. --- ;_,_____ __· W~etphalia: Bergkamen, Boergermoor, Neususren, Senn9lE1ger," Wann.e-Eiok~l• ~: Dornburg, Rosslau. - ---o. - .... Bad~ri: Ankenbuok; Heuberg, Kisslau, Rastatt. Bavari1u Dachau, Flossenberg, Bernau, Lauffen. Bremen1 Hasteet. (.Br11nn111") --~.:'--- . -- ' !Wwl: J:,angen, --· - - Ost]~o.ten, ·--;,. !deoklenburg; Ravenso:ruci!: Oldenbul'.i'.; Eut.1n, Veohta • ~ ~: .Bautzen,. Ooldllitz, O~immitsoh~u~ Dresden, Grunenhainiohen, H~l,111ohen, Heiliw&lcie, 'Hohenstein, Saoh•enburg, Sonnel;lµrg, Ost.e);'stei~ •.- .- - --~ -~ . -· ~· -, ' - - - - - - - -- . Thuringia; Blankenhil.in, Buchenwald.a, Jena, Ohrdruf, Unte.i-nassfeid. :Wurttemberg: Gottesiell. .c·~-----~==L • ~~ ;:i'"--'~-;;.,.,,_=;-•--- >.-~---~---=--·-\:, -~• -~-~- 2 .. , -A '~ • r . ~ ADIAI Mauthaussn, Woellersdorf, l!lWUWI .1 ~- . Huy, .Breendono~ Hoboken, PerJweren, Hass61.t. (These are the fhe _off1oial camps. lleside's these, there wt1et about ten lllllaller c;iamps,. the names o~ wh1oh are not !mown. to the Be~g1an Information Service). Lokeren (said to b& used for deserters from the Wehl'maoht). OZEoHOSLQVAKU: Fisohern, Milqvioe, Plzen.- Btepanov, Terezin, Klety, i'1rna, Horna, Xutna:, Xilin. · JIBJW@K1 Horserode; and a Olll!lp in the neighborhood of li'reder1ksvaerk. ~: Gura, Besandon, St. Denis, Doullens, At-gales, Rivesaltes; Orleans, Vidauban, Vittel, Nexon, Reoebedou, Brabant, Les Milles, St. Oyprien, Noe, Vel'net, Dranoy; Pithiviers, Beaune,£e. Roland, Oompiegne, Sohirmeok. · .. I ~: . , Salonioa, J,.arissa, -Samoa, ~atr-a~, Na,upli_a, Crete, Kirz&l.~_~>¥ . L~·M: ~~l1am~~h~:?t~aaiunai, _ _-_._-~.: ~ }ii£Igmr,p1 ll!i&ren, ·Oudleuiiden, Soheveningen,(Oranje Hotel!. • • .r_ :-.·. ·'.. -. -:- ~.:·1 NORt_H_~A: J_p~Q!labj.y_ ri.iltted by the Free. l!'renoh): Bergue~t, M~ng9U,b, Bou--'-~ -Ourak, Infout, Oued-Akreso, SidiAl-Jlwashi, Oued-Zen, Sai·d, Colomb• ·· · Beohar, Kenedza, Harjarat M'guil, Berrough·iz, Djelea, Boghar-i. ~. :11 ~I Grini, Bredtvedt, Sen, Falsta.4, Ulven, Oelao, Hit!iinarolit Distrikt, ·oa•te~dalen, Verdaleoeren, Kvaenangen~ 8LO'l!'Af<IA: llava, · .Bojnioe, Chalmova, Opeva. ~ --1 ------- -~-----. ---~+~f. l J !_ J_t . :1 -l '' iJ ,-,-1 ~ • \ '.I'. ·\· i; . . -~--~-"--- .... ---- ... 3 - . '/ Bieoz _bei Gorlioe, Gp.liz1en Oholm, Bezirk. ;t.ubUn Ozenstooh11Ui$ . Domazownioa bei LUkov -,, : Deblin-Irena, Distrikt LUblin . Deutsoh Horst, .Arbeitsl"ager, Post Han.sky, Kreis Oholm Dorohuoza, .Post Travniky, D1$'tr1kt LubUn · Drohoboyoz • Firley,·D1strikt Lublin Gajary, Distrikt Lublin Gemeinsohaftslager der D.A.F, 11Romus", Posen Hojowioe, Distrikt Lublin lzbioe. na Wieprz, Kreis l,{rasn1stow, D1str11tt Lublin Jeziorna bei Tarn.opal Kll110J1.to'• Kreis OpalloT KonekaW(jiJ.ji, 0.· Xl'•1e PllJ.l,W)' JQ.t1at ·; ... J .·"''. ~ bel l11110•1t• - _ Jtuw_1ra.JO' ·:Dc>1iv• · . ·,- _ ~j,~ilka xre1e Pu.J.tiWT -b•kLtib&¥>WW.~ Dia_t,$.kt .~)~~ bei·O~'!'Ollm - · -·----:~.:c._~,.,g4i01'111e ·. 1'4li'llJeo ~ .... ·. . ·· Jl'l7o!l0w, _.,ll•UilMer, Kral• Ol!Plni> Lu~, ioat S.blbgr, Jtrelli OlloJ.a Labqr · Lulll,lll Ll~t-4' _ ~-. Dletrlltt ~~l~ Lubartow J.8an. bll Opa\n KaJ•ek bel Lulilin. Mal'Jmesow, lra'ell Pu11111 Jlaq Bab be1 Lubllll Ki~odlatkl JU.ult :Sl1.U, .QaU1len. lo'1. Balasl b-.il Lubarllcnr .· 0,.1•, Irr~~· J"ulP7~ :s•11rk L1f.b111i 011owa, Jrrei1 Ohelm .. .. _. . - 01tnn, :rc1.. ----~----·~ Oat:mr :Lube\slU.----- _____ · ----- -----°_:_ OniRJm > · .6rbei.hlager .. - · · . . Onl'°~' J~iti;i ••J;&t.setangen.en i.pr Piukl bei ·Lablia · · · Pinal!: 1, B111lrJc.J.ubllll a- .P.t--~'t5' . .. -... ,,,,,_. · · • ·. ·· ; ·· . - · · ,:---·· ...,,•.--_-~·~-~---·-c xr-.011n, ·1,sll'lc Jtruni•tow · ·· ·· ··· . . ·_·"·· -· - --. ·;_J__ --- --- ··- .i;.f.t--·--::·~ . .-...._.J.··-~~-,.-- . .~. . . . .--·-r~~----a.~~-, I'.' -.. - •• Wlna 11•1 Breouo BeJenrloe,. Erua Oholm 1t4-.11tow; (tlliniJJ.tJ hiMtlt, .Beali'k Kr.UT Sai,leoqot~ Poat Staw, XreS.11 Oholll Sa1JJ., Dla~rlltt Llill.U:a. · Sl•dhuloH, Erell Oholia Belll'11or, Dlatdll:t LullU.n . .... !".- ·~" ~-· Stauow; Jtrela ladoqn ~rawnill;y, Dlatrlkt Lubll:a. tlhlr, Krah ~J.a War1ohauH Wlada..... lfeJc~•O ..•k Bakolr. bei Staaaow, Bezirll: Opatow - WS.eliosn• 11• 1 Llalll l:a. Wleimilowin, Pott S8denk1, Kreh Po.law_ imliol)!'.a.-Boobllla . - - _- '.1.,:. ' ~-~-,--:--=--------=-----'--_.: ... _~-~- ;'l-! .. - ,--' .. .l- _;._• y-· -- ·:··i t. ·:_-rI l i t -------- ___ i__ I .! I .- : ,_,,..~.:!"-..;...~- .;.-·- .. ~' M1'8Jll1 ... •&rll Kaaaaube, llers Oentre 4.1 Re.bes, Oemll, Oerres• G!llE - '101, ll1rsmas, · lleuohedu llll.one Sana (SaiiatorlumT), P!l!!I! :lontfsaoon, Lot Beaud.esert · J[9JJ.pmi llana"H14. Tught Weaterboolt, liotghl•n looet) G•ANX1 IU"ael. lll1v1large1talagar Jaullruo11: 1 Gra1tn1ts, ICreh Be1ohenbaoll SWJtJih . Jew111h Work Oamp, earved nad. 1 Vahum Jew19h li•rlt 011111p 1 V1lm•, V;ybne Work 081Dp .l/9, Jlevalcy, Pr1ev14.sa ~. IWJGARYI ....~- - Osoargoe, Satoral. Jaa.Jhel;y ~· .A.rlle1tslager,. Lublin, Alter i'J,ugplats G.G ... Lubl ln, L1p•n 7 . Lublin, Lager Lmdenatraese 7 ~· ll'erramonti ,. - - -- --~- _f """"':.- ·..~ .:------·-~.-'-~---7 /' . wontn JEWISH·CUNlJJ\ESS' ......WrfC,~ ''f/J . . ~ CONGRES JUIF MONDIAL • • CONGRESO JUDIO MUNDIAL 330 WEST 42n~- STREET NEW YORK lil, N. Y, CADLBS: C(>NGRBSS, NBW YORK LONDON SS New Cavendish St., \V l TnLBPHONB: LONoAcas 5-2600 i' GENEVA 37 Quei Wilson BUENOS AIRES Corrientes 2024-90 JERUSALEM Vaad Leumi, P. 0. D. 471 MONTREAL 1121 St. Catherine St. W MEXICO CITY Sonora ·174-4 June 6, 1944. ln reply refer to letter no. ~, .- -· 76 -~- Dr. Be~jamin Akzin War Refugee lloard . !Creasury BuUding· - ""·-· . -- .; - --.--_·_L_ -~ .:·.-- -_ ''"'}: ,: With ref~retiqe· tc;i/the oonversa tion that you had wi ~h lllY: . oolleague·, Dr. Sa'hirn, at the time that he saw you in · · Washington, I take th~liberty of eriolosing some 1nforinat1on on,., th.a Olllllp B_el11e~bei:-gen-Oelle, which. as you know, is.an unaasimilated oallip. Should we be able to secure f-urther information,_ not fail to forward it to you. KRG_:erl l will - ~-· -;-· ..... ~ • • .... MEMORANDUM ON THE CAMP BELSENBERGEN-CELLE A certain number of people in this.country whose. relatives (Dutch Jews) were interned in Westerbork and who were in possession of Palestine Certificates, have been informed that these internees have been transferred to the camp of Belsenbergen-Celle. It must be pointed out that as far as we could ascertain, this t_ransfer has been baaed on the possession of Palestine Certificates only, Yet, we had learned previously that Jews who had Latin-American passports -had been sent to the above camp. It results from additional messages we received that this camp comprises only a few hundred internees. According to a let~er which ·w.e r~~ceived froin tM' Nation13.l Headquar_ters of the 'American Red. Cr.oss- in Wasnihgto)l,, on MaY £7, 1944 the American Red Cross had been ··sent a cable from the International Red Cross. It was dated Ma;y 23; and stated· that 11 Intercross (International· Red Cross) · unab).e visit, forward relief Belsenbergen. 11 It should be mentioned in this connection that a message from a certain Sidney Rickheimer who has been transferred in March from Westerbork to Vittel,statee clearly that inmates of Westsrbork have ·a good chance to return to Amsterdam if they are placed on the so-called 11 Haneman" list. We are still investigating the e-ignificance ·of this list. * *·.* * --.. "
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