Hiring of Diesel pick up(TATA-407 or equivalent having loading capacity 2.5 Tonne)with deploying driver alongwithTATA- pick up in upto date condition for 24 Hrs,3000KM per month at 220kv Radhanpur ss. Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Ltd. TRANSMISSION DIVISION OFFICE, DEODAR ( B.K. ) ; 385330 Tele / Fax: No: ( 02735 ) 244103, Email: [email protected] Regd. Office: Vidhyut Bhavan, Race course, Vadodara-390 007 Corporate Identity No.(CIN) U40100GJ1999SGC036018 1ST Attempt TENDER NO; DER-58 Hiring of Diesel pick up (TATA 407or equivalent having loading capacity of 2.5 Tonne) with deploying driver along with TATA pick up in up to date condition for 24 Hrs, 3000KM / Month at 220kv Radhanpur s/s Under (TR) Division Deodar. ( vehicle registered not before AUG-12) Estimated Cost:- RS. 9,66,720.00/Price of Tender:- Rs. 970.00 Time Limit: - 24 Month. (TECHNICAL BID) Seal & signature of the bidder Hiring of Diesel pick up(TATA-407 or equivalent having loading capacity 2.5 Tonne)with deploying driver alongwithTATA- pick up in upto date condition for 24 Hrs,3000KM per month at 220kv Radhanpur ss. Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Ltd. TRANSMISSION DIVISION OFFICE, DEODAR ( B.K. ) ; 385330 Tele / Fax: No: ( 02735 ) 244103, Email: [email protected] Regd. Office: Vidhyut Bhavan, Race course, Vadodara-390 007 Corporate Identity No.(CIN) U40100GJ1999SGC036018 Tender Notice No: DER 58 FOR Hiring Vehicle Sealed tenders are invited in two separate sealed covers Super scribed technical bid and price bid for works of Annual Contract for Hiring of Diesel pick up (TATA-407or equivalent having loading capacity of 2.5 Tonne)with deploying driver along with TATA pick up in up to date condition for 24 Hrs, 3000KM / Month at 220kv Radhanpur s/s Under (TR) Division Deodar. ( vehicle registered not before AUG-12).from experienced Contractors, who has executed Sr. No. DER 58 similar nature of work and magnitude. Successfully Tenderer should Collect the blank tender from the office of The Executive Engineer (TR), Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Ltd., Division office , Deodar-385330 and submit the same as per instructions there in only by RPAD/Speed post. Name of Work Estimated Time Tender E.M.D. Security Cost Rs. Limit Fee Rs. Rs. Deposite 966720.00 Hiring of Diesel pick up (TATA407or equivalent having loading capacity of(2.5Tonne)with deploying driver along withTATA pick up in up to date condition for 24 Hrs, 3000KM / Month at 220kv Radhanpur s/s Under (TR) Division Deodar. ( vehicle registered not before AUG-12) 24 Month ( 02 years ) 970 1) Last date of issue of tender :( Technical and Price bids) : 2) Last date of submission of tender :( Technical and Price bids) : 18.09.14 3) Due date of opening of Tech. bid 18.09.14 4) Validity of tender: 180 Days from the date of opening of Technical Bid. Seal & signature of the bidder 9700 5% of Order Value (14.00 Hrs.) (14.00 Hrs.) (15.00 Hrs.) Hiring of Diesel pick up(TATA-407 or equivalent having loading capacity 2.5 Tonne)with deploying driver alongwithTATA- pick up in upto date condition for 24 Hrs,3000KM per month at 220kv Radhanpur ss. 5) Bidder has to pay RS. 5000.00 extra over EMD by DD along with tender submission, if they want to provide new vehicle. Same amount will be refunded to the party only after execution of the agreement by successful bidder. Quotation in the name of the party obtained from authorized dealer of the vehicle should be also submitted along with the bid No tender shall be accepted / opened in case of receipt after due date and time of tender, irrespective of delay due to postal services or any other reasons and the GETCO shall not assume any responsibility for late receipt of tender. The tenders are to be submitted by the intending bidders in single envelop with two separate sealed and super scribed envelopes as listed below: Envelope No.1: Technical bid and Post Qualification bid data, details specification. Envelope No.2: Price Bid. Technical and post qualification bid details specification (envelope No.1) will be opened first and subject to evaluation based on the qualification criteria contained in the individual bid document. Price bids (Envelope No.2) of bidders who are assessed and declared as substantially technically responsive on evaluation of the technical bid will be opened for further commercial evaluation. The Earnest Money Deposit will be accepted by Demand Draft of any Nationalized Bank only situated at “DEODAR (N.G.)”, drawn in favour of “GUJARAT ENERGY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LTD”. Tender without EMD shall be rejected. Separate demand draft for EMD should be submitted with technical bid. The GETCO reserves the rights to reject any or all tenders or accept any tender without assigning any reason thereof. CONDITIONALLY TENDER SHOULD NOT BE ACCEPTED UF0L EF0[ ZFBJF DF8[GF lGIDM VG[ XZTM ov s!f UF0L v O[ZJJFG] SFI"1F[+ U]HZFT EZDF\ SM.56 HuIFV[ ,. HJFGL ZC[X[P H[YL UF0L 8[1F 5F;L"U ;FY[ TYF ,FI;g; WZFJTF VG]EJL 0=F.JZ ;FY[ SMg8=FS p5Z EF0[ VF5JFGL ZC[X[PUF0L Z$ S,FS EF0[ VF5JFGL ZC[X[P sZf VFZP8LPVMPGF lGIDMG];FZ VF5GL UF0L VMG ZM0 CMJL H~ZL K[PTYF T[G[ ,FUTF TDFD 8[1F4.g:IMZg;4D[1FL 5ZDL8 JU[Z[ 5]ZF 8F.D GF EZ[,F CMJF HM.V[ T[DH 5M,L;L BFTF DFZOTYL H[ S\. SFI"JFCL YFI T[GL AWLH HJFANFZL VF5G[ XLZ[ ZC[X[P s#f VF5GF JFCGG]\ DM0, S\5GLV[ D]SZZ SZ[, JQF"G]\ CMJ]\ H~ZL K[P H]GF JFCG p5Z 8[g0Z D/L XSX[ GCLP s$f JFCG GF ;\5}6" DZFDT GF BR"GL TDFD HJFANFZL 9[S[NFZ GF XLZ[ ZC[X[P Seal & signature of the bidder Hiring of Diesel pick up(TATA-407 or equivalent having loading capacity 2.5 Tonne)with deploying driver alongwithTATA- pick up in upto date condition for 24 Hrs,3000KM per month at 220kv Radhanpur ss. s5f S\5GLGF lGID VG];FZ T[DH lGI]ST SZ[, VlWS'T VlWSFZL GL ;}RGF VG];FZ JFCG 5FlS"U VYJF SFRF Z:TF 5Z R,FJJFGL ZC[X[P T[DH T[DGL ;}RGF VG];FZ ZF+L ZMSF6 SZJFG]\ ZC[X[P s&f S\5GLGF lGID VG];FZ lS,MDL8Z TYF SFDULZL V\U[GL ,MUA]S VF5[ OZHLIFT 56[ ZFBJFGL ZC[X[PH[ 9[S[NFZ GF lA,GL R}SJ6L DF8[ VlWS'T Z[S0" U6FX[PT[ Z[S0" DF\ S\5GLG[ VlWS'T SZ[, VlWSFZLGL ;lC SZ[, CMJL H~ZL K[P s*f VF5[ ZMS[, 0=F.JZGF 5UFZ4EyYF TYF ZC[JF4HDJFGL ;UJ0 H[ T[ 9[S[NFZ[ SZJFGL ZC[X[P s(f SM.56 XZTJF/]\ S[ VW]Z] EZ[,]\ 8[g0Z :JLSFZJFDF\ VFJX[ GCL\P s)f 9[S[NFZ[ T[G]\ UF0LEF0FG]\ 5FS]\ AL, NZ DlCG[ +6 GS,MDF\ GLR[GL lJUTM ;FY[ VF5JFG]\ ZC[X[PH[G]\ R]SJ6]\ AL, D?IF 5KL V[S DF;GL V\NZ V[SFpg8 5[ GF R[SYL SZJFDF\ VFJX[P s!_fTDFZ[ +FlCT jIlSTGM ;\5}6" lJDM ,LWFGL GS, V[U|LD[g8 SZTL JBT[ ZH] SZJFGL ZC[X[P s!!f;NZ SMg8=FS8 DF8[GL ;DI DIF"NF r JQF"GL ZC[X[P5Z\T] H~Z 50I[ V[S ALHFGL ZFHLB]XLYL OZLYL V[H EFJ VG[ XZTM DFgI ZBFX[ TM V[S JQF" DF8[ SMg8=FS8 ,\AFJL VF5JFDF\ VFJX[P s!Zf VF5[ EZ[, 8M,8[1FqA|LH 8[1FGL 5FJTLGL GS, AL, ;FY[ AL0JL H~ZL K[P H[ ZSD VF5GF AL, ;FY[ 5ZT SZL XSFIP s!#fVF5[ ZMS[, 0=F.JZGL p\DZ 55 JQF" SZTF\ JWFZ[ G CMJL HM.V[PT[DH C[JL ,FI;g; WZFJTM CMJM HM.V[P0=F.JZGL p\DZ $_ JQF" SZTF\ VMKL .rKGLI K[P s!$f0Lh,q8FIZqVFSl:DS DZFDTq;lJ";L;qVS:DFTGF\ SFZ6;Z VF5G]\ JFCG ZM FI[,]\ ZC[X[PTM T[GL VJ[ DF\ VF5[ T[8,F lNJ;M DF8[ AL UF0L 5]ZL 5F0JFGL ZC[X[PT[D KTF\ HM T[D SZJFDF\ lGQO/ HFVM TM 5|tI[SlNG GF ~P!___qv 5|DF6[ AL,DF\YL SF5L ,[JFDF\ VFJX[ T[DH VJ[ DF\ SZ[, ALHF JFCGG]\ EF0]\ A[DF\YL H[ JW]\ CX[ T[ J;], SZJFDF\ VFJX[P s!5f;NZC] SMg8=FS8 DF8[ VF5[ VF5G[ D/[, VM0"ZGF 5@ 5|DF6[ S\5GLDF\ ;LSI]ZL8L 0L5MhL8 5[8[ EZJFGF ZC[X[PHM 9[S[NFZ VWJrR[ SMg8=FS8 ZN SZLG[ RF<IF HX[ VYJF VgI XZTMGM E\U SZTF H6FX[ TM 0L5MhL8 H%T SZJFG[ 5F+ YX[ VG[ S\5GLG[ H[ JWFZFGM BR" YX[ T[ TOFJTGL ZSD J;], SZJFDF\ VFJX[P Seal & signature of the bidder Hiring of Diesel pick up(TATA-407 or equivalent having loading capacity 2.5 Tonne)with deploying driver alongwithTATA- pick up in upto date condition for 24 Hrs,3000KM per month at 220kv Radhanpur ss. s!&fS\5GL HIFZ[ 5MTFGL DF,LSLG]\ JFCG 5]Z]\ 5F0[ VYJF VF5GF JFCGGL H~ZLIFT pEL G YFI TM S\5GL SM.56 ;DI[ SM.56 HFTGL GM8L; VF%IF l;JFI VF5[, D]NT NZdIFG SMg8=FS8 ZN AFT, SZL XSX[P s!*f;FDFgI 5|`GMGF lGZFSZ6 DF8[GL ;TF GLR[ ;CL SZGFZ VlWSFZLzLGL ZC[XP[ s!(fSNFR SM. SFG]GL U]\R pEL YFI TM id4odX SM8"GL CS]DT DFgI U6FX[P s!)f9[S[NFZ[ JFCG p5Z VFU/GF EFU[ ”H[8SM” RMbB]\ JF\RL XSFI T[ ZLT[ ,BJFG]\ ZC[X[PT[ p5ZF\T UF0L ;FY[ :5[Z jCL, TYF ALHF TFtSF,LS DZFDT SZL XSFI T[JF ;FWGM UF0LDF\ ZFBJFGF\ ZC[X[P sZ_f VF5GF JFCG DF8[ H~ZL 0Lh,4VM.,4:5[Z5F8"; S[ DZFDT DF8[GF ;3/F BR"GL HJFANFZL VF5JFGL ZC[X[P sZ!f 9[S[NFZ[ V[DG]\ AL, DF.,M DL8Z D]HAGF SLPDLPGF VF\S 5|DF6[ R}SJJFGF VFJX[ SNFR HM DF.,M DL8Z A\W CX[ VYJF VIMuI ZLT[ OZT]\ H6FX[ TM T[ DF8[ SLPDLPGL IMuI U6TZL SZL GLR[ ;CL SZGFZ VlWSFZLGL ;]RGF D]HA U6JFDF\ VFJX[P sZZf 9[S[NFZGF JFCGG[ ;\HMUMJ;FT HM SM.56 HFTGM 3FTS VYJF lAG3FTS VS:DFT YX[ TM T[GF J/TZGL ;3/L HJFANFZL JFCG WZFJGFZ 9[S[NFZGF XLZ[ ZC[X[P sZ#f SM.56 HFTGF SFZ6 VF%IF l;JFI V[SH VYJF AWFH 8[g0Z l:JSFZJF S[ G l:JSFZJF T[ AFATGM VlWSFZ GLR[ ;lC SZGFZ VlWSFZLzLG[ VAFlWT ZC[X[ VF AFAT[ VF5GM SM. CSS NFJM DFgI ZBFX[ GlCP sZ$f VF5[ ZMS[, 0=F.JZGL SFDULZL V\U[ SNFR SM. V;\TMQF VYJF SM.56 HFTGL OZLIFN pNEJX[TM VlWSFZLGL ;]RGF D?I[YL 0=F.JZ G[ TFtSF,LS AN,JFGL jIJ:YF 9[S[NFZ[ SZJFGL ZC[X[P sZ5f 8[g0Z ,[TL JBT[ H[ UF0LGF N:TFJ[HL 5]ZFJF VF%IF CX[ T[H UF0L VF5JFGL ZC[X[PSNFR ;\HMUMJ;FT UF0L AN,JFGL H~ZLIFT pEL YFI TM GLR[ ;lC SZGFZ VlWSFZLGL H~ZL D\H]ZL D[/JJFGL ZC[X[P sZ&f VF5G]\ JFCG HIFZ[ D];FOZLDF\ CMI tIFZ[ 0Lh, BZLNJF ZL5[ZL\U SZFJJF TYF VgI BR" DF8[ VF5[ VF5GF 0=F.JZ 5F;[ 5]ZTF GF6F VF5JFGL jIJ:YF SZJFGL ZC[X[P sZ*f HIFZ[ HIFZ[ 8FIZv8I]A VYJF VM.,DF\ EFJ JWFZM YX[ T[ DHZ[ VF5JFDF\ VFJX[ GlC 5Z\T] HIFZ[ ;ZSFZzL TZOYL 0Lh,DF\ EFJ JWFZM SZ[, CX[ T[ TFZLB YL JWFZFGF Seal & signature of the bidder Hiring of Diesel pick up(TATA-407 or equivalent having loading capacity 2.5 Tonne)with deploying driver alongwithTATA- pick up in upto date condition for 24 Hrs,3000KM per month at 220kv Radhanpur ss. ~FP_P!_ p5Z ~FP_P_! 5|DF6[ SZ[, SLPDLPp5Z EFJ TOFJT VF5JFDF\ VFJX[ CF,GM 0Lh,GM A[h EFJ NXF"JJFGM ZC[X[P sZ(f !Z v !Z S,FSGF Z V,U ,FI;g; WZFJTF VG]EJL 0=F.JZGL jIJ:YF SZJFGL ZC[X[P sZ)f ,[AZ SFINF VgJI[ 0=F.JZG[ JLS,LVMO VF5JFGM ZC[X[ VG[ VMO GF lNJ;[ VJ[H 0=F.JZ DMS,JFGM ZC[X[P ZlJJFZ[ ZHFGM lNJ; ZC[X[P VlGJFI ";\HMUMDF\ UF0L ZlJJFZ[ AM,FJJFDF\ VFJX[TM T [lNJ;GM VMO DHZ [VF5JFDF VFJX[P s#_f ÕÒÒÒ SLPDLPYL p5ZGF\ SLPDLPGF[ EFJ (.48 ~F ZC[X[ VG[ D\H]ZL D?IF 5KLH R]SJ6] SZJFDF\ VFJX[P s#!f 0=F.JZ 5F;[ DMAF., OMG CMJM HZ]ZL K[P s# Zf uFF0L G]\ C[0SJF8"Z ZZ_ S[JL ZFWG5]Z ;.:8[XG ZC[X[P s##f VF5GF JFCGDF DMAF>, RFß"ZGL ;]lJWF ZFBJFGL ZC[X[P s#$f p5ZMST TDFD ;]RGFVMG]\ R]:T56[ 5F,G SZJFG]\ A\WGSTF" ZC[X[P 9[S[NFZG]\ GFD oPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 9[S[NFZGL ;lC oPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 5]Z]\ ;ZGFD]\ oPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 8[,LOMG G\AZ osVMf oPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPsZC[fPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP DMAF., G\AZoPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPP Seal & signature of the bidder Hiring of Diesel pick up(TATA-407 or equivalent having loading capacity 2.5 Tonne)with deploying driver alongwithTATA- pick up in upto date condition for 24 Hrs,3000KM per month at 220kv Radhanpur ss. kayRpalk [jner Ü p/vhn Ý je3ko, p/vhn id4odX ivwagIy kcerI, GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT 1. SCOPE: The scope of work consists of execution of work as per tender condition and detailed specification mentioned in the tender documents & item description of Schedule-B and GUJARATI terms & conditions atteched h/w for hiring of vehicle. 2. PRICE: Based on the estimated quantities given in Schedule-B the total price for entire contract will be as per quoted price by the bidder & accepted by the GETCO.. However, the final value of the contract will depend upon the actual quantities executed and payment will be by applying unit rate to actual quantity executed. The diesel price escalations will be applicable towards execution of this work as per the formula. 3. SECURITY DEPOSIT: a) You will have to pay 5% of the contract value towards security deposit. 50% S.D. may be paid initially in form of B. G. The balance half security deposit shall be recovered from first two R.A. Bills in equal installments. Alternatively you may pay the entire S. D. in form of FDR/B.G. as per approved format of the GETCO issued by Nationalised / Scheduled Bank. FDR/B.G. issued by Cooperative Bank is not acceptable. b) The security deposit will be refunded only after the completion of contract period of work done or finalization of final bill whichever is later. 4. COMPLETION PERIOD: The time limit for completion of entire work is 24 MONTHS calendar months from the date of commencement of the work, which can be extended for further 12 months on mutual agreed upon by GETCO & the bidder. 5. ROYALTY SALES AND OTHER TAXES: All Royalties, Sales Tax, Toll tax, Local Tax, Road tax, service tax and any other taxes including works contract tax in respect of this contract and also any statutory variation in future towards above mentioned taxes shall be payable by the contractors at his cost and GETCO will only reimburse service tax & road / bridge toll tax in actual after submission of sufficient proof of such payment made to Govt. / authority by the contractor. 6. PENALTY FOR DELAY: Penalty will be levied as mentioned in the specifications & commercial conditions mentioned in the tender documents under relevant clauses. 7. INSURANCE: You will make arrangement at your own cost by insuring all material, equipment obtained by you for the work and also labourers etc. The GETCO will not be responsible for any loss or damage to your personnel and to your equipment. Seal & signature of the bidder Hiring of Diesel pick up(TATA-407 or equivalent having loading capacity 2.5 Tonne)with deploying driver alongwithTATA- pick up in upto date condition for 24 Hrs,3000KM per month at 220kv Radhanpur ss. 8. TERMS OF PAYMENTS: Payment will be made by running account bill monthly after taking joint measurement and following procedure of GETCO. You will have to submit monthly R.A. Bill to concern I/C. 11. ARBITRATION: All question, disputes differences whatsoever which may at any time arise between the parties to this contract in connection with the contract or any matter arising out of or in relation thereto, shall be referred to the "Gujarat public works contracts disputes arbitration ribunal" as per the provision of the Gujarat Public Works Contracts Disputes Arbitration Tribunal ct, 1992. he reference to arbitration proceeding unde rthis clause shall not: Affect the right of the E.I.C to take possession of all or any tools, plants, materials and stores in or upon the work or site thereof or belonging to the contractor or procured by him nd intended to be used for the execution of the work or any part thereof. 2) Preclude the E.I.C. from utilizing the materials purchased by the contractor in any work rom remaining such materials to other place, during the period the work is stopped or uspended in pursuance of notice given to the contractor under general conditions. 3) Entitle the contractor to stop the progress of the work or carrying out the additional or altered work in accordance with the provision of General Conditions of the work where there is no specification. 4) Preclude the Board from getting the work done by another agency. 5) Neither party is entitled to bring a claim to arbitration tribunal latest by thirty days (30) days fter the expiration of the defects liability period. 6) The provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996, Gujarat Public Works contract isputes Arbitration Tribunal Act 1992 and rules made there under shall apply to the itration proceeding under this clause. 13. AGREEMENT: As per GETCO rules, you will have to enter into an agreement with the GETCO n stamp of appropriate value in the prescribed Performa within (07) days of receipt of this work oder. Te cost of stamp fees shall be borne by you. The tender with the specification, price schedules draings and contract document is to be signed by you. This letter and subsequent orrespondence shall be deemed to be part of the contract. The payments of R.A. bills will be mde only after the execution of the agreement. 14. GENERAL TERMS & CONDITION: All the terms and condition of contract enumerated in tender spcifications & commercial conditions mentioned in the tender 15. UNSATISFACTORY PROGRESS OF WORK: If your work is found not satisfactory or notpogressing according to schedule program attached with tender, the GETCO may take suchaction as may be deemed fit to see that the work is completed in time at your risk and cost. 16. LABOUR LAWS: You will have to strictly adhere to the labour laws as prescribed by the GETCOand enumerated in Section 'C' attached along with tender, regarding license, payments,insurance, liabilities, pension scheme, provident fund, leave facilities, compensation on accountof accident etc., for labourers /persons engaged by you during the execution of the above citedwork. 17. WORK SCHEDULE: You shall have to prepare a detailed schedule of work and to submit thework program, co-related with the schedule given by the GETCO, to the DE TECH / SS I/C approval. This schedule shall be reviewed periodically with GETCO's Engineersto ensure that the completion date shall be met or to propose corrective steps to maintain thecompletion dates as per relevant clause of the general condition of tender. Seal & signature of the bidder Hiring of Diesel pick up(TATA-407 or equivalent having loading capacity 2.5 Tonne)with deploying driver alongwithTATA- pick up in upto date condition for 24 Hrs,3000KM per month at 220kv Radhanpur ss. 18. PROGRESS REPORT: Weekly progress report for the work carried out shall be regularly sent toEE TR DEODAR intimation to the DE TECH / DE SS RADHANPUR. Please acknowledge the receipt and acceptance of this order. Please note that, if you fail toacknowledge this work order in token of acceptance within 7 days time of receipt, you willdeemed to have accepted this work order, and terms and condition set therein along withschedule attached. Executive Engineer (TR) TR Division, GETCO, Deodar Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Ltd. TRANSMISSION DIVISION OFFICE, DEODAR ( B.K. ) ; 385330 Tele / Fax: No: ( 02735 ) 244103, Email: [email protected] Regd. Office: Vidhyut Bhavan, Race course, Vadodara-390 007 Corporate Identity No.(CIN) U40100GJ1999SGC036018 TENDER NO; DER 58 Hiring of Diesel pick up (TATA-407or equivalent having loading capacity of 2.5 Tonne) deploying driver along with pick up in up to date condition for 24 Hrs, 3000KM / Month at 220kv Radhanpur s/s Under (TR) Division Deodar. ( vehicle registered not before AUG-12) Estimated Cost:- RS. 966720.00 /Price of Tender:- Rs. 970 Time Limit: - 24 Month. Seal & signature of the bidder Hiring of Diesel pick up(TATA-407 or equivalent having loading capacity 2.5 Tonne)with deploying driver alongwithTATA- pick up in upto date condition for 24 Hrs,3000KM per month at 220kv Radhanpur ss. (PRICE BID) Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Ltd. TRANSMISSION DIVISION OFFICE, DEODAR ( B.K. ) ; 385330 Tele / Fax: No: ( 02735 ) 244103, Email: [email protected] Regd. Office: Vidhyut Bhavan, Race course, Vadodara-390 007 Corporate Identity No.(CIN) U40100GJ1999SGC036018 SCHEDULE- B Sr. No. DER -58 2 Particular of work Hiring of Diesel pick up –TATA 407 or equivalent – Loading Capacity 2.5 Tonne with deploying driver along with pick up in up to date condition for 24 Hrs, 3000 KM / Month at 220kv Radhanpur s/s Under (TR) Division Deodar. ( vehicle registered not before AUG-12 ) Rate Beyond 3000 KM Per km Rate Period Unit Rate Amount 24 Mon th 38160.00 915840.00 6000 km 8.48 50880.00 Basic price of diesel as on Dtd:30.08.14, 65.33 REMARKS: Quote Diesel rate at the time of quoting Tender rate. Holiday one day in a week. TOTAL RS. 966720.00 N OTE ; Service tax at the applicable rate will be reimbursed to the contractor only after submission of sufficient proof of such payment made to the Govt. by the contractor. Seal & signature of the bidder Hiring of Diesel pick up(TATA-407 or equivalent having loading capacity 2.5 Tonne)with deploying driver alongwithTATA- pick up in upto date condition for 24 Hrs,3000KM per month at 220kv Radhanpur ss. Dy. Supdt. (A/C) GETCO, Deodar Ex. Engr. (TR) GETCO, Deodar I/we am/are willing to carry out the work / should be written in figures and words. (A) At the estimated rates mentioned above. (B) At_______% above the estimate. (C) At_______% below the estimate. Signature of Contractor With stamp Seal & signature of the bidder
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