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Merit Research Journal of Business and Management Vol. 2(3) pp. 040-049, November, 2014
Available online http://www.meritresearchjournals.org/bm/index.htm
Copyright © 2014 Merit Research Journals
Original Research Article
Assessing the capacity of Mellat bank to earn income
from commission on services (the guarantee
commission, LC, etc), emphasizing profitability and
providing a suitable model for capacity management
using SWOT model
H. Arabameri
A.M Student of Industrial
Management, Islamic Azad University,
Semnan, Iran.
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel.: +989193322170
Due to major changes taken place in the banking system of Iran, Bank Mellat
has faced new challenges: restructuring state sectors into private ones
through privatization, an increase in their rivals, the intense competition to
obtain more market share, bringing about more expenses and costs as to
four bank deposits, etc., has led the bank to tends to increase the
commission (the income from services’ commission). In this paper, the
researcher has collected the required information through interviews with
experts as well as scientific and library studies. In the first section of this
study, to determine the potential income from commission on Mellat bank
services, strategic planning (SWOT model) and assessment models of
internal factors (IFE) as well as external factors (EFE) were employed. Due to
the fact that in assessment models of internal (IFE) and external factors
(EFE), the bank has obtained a score of 2.25 and 1.75, it can be argued that
the bank has not successful in making use o its appropriate capacity in the
field of services and non-shared revenues.In the last section of this paper,
to enhance the capacity of non-shared services of Mellat bank, various
strategies SO, ST, WO and WT are suggested. Among aforementioned
strategies, the defensive strategy (WT) is selected as the main strategy of
the bank through which 12 major factors are presented by the researcher
contributing to the self-defense strategy.
Keywords: Capacity assessment, non-shared
commissions, technical planning, SWOT model.
Banking activities from 1960 onwards has changed so
dramatically. But with the arrival of computers in banking
sector after 1980, wide range of banking services has
increased and the rate of doing related affairs is increase
with the same percentage (Kayghobadi, 2012). Parallel to
these developments, have been grew the amount of bank
customers' expectations of the banking network, so that
all the customers willing to get high quality services,
increase speed banking and pay particular attention of
employees to their. Speed in providing services on their
Arabameri 041
own has improved with establishment the computer
networks, but the accuracy and quality of service can not
be achieved only by increasing the power of the machine
and technological progress. That is why improving the
quality of banking services, is supported as a culture
throughout the body pioneer banks. The long-term and
main strategy in successful banks around the world, is
"putting the customers at the center of business." Iranian
banks are not exceptions to these rule, because in an
effort to increase its share of total banking market, the
bank will be more successful that pay attention to solution
improving the quality of banking services as a strategy,
not a tactical plan. Most banking services have specific
implications. Therefore, discussion of quality of service is
the same amount complicated. When it comes to quality
goods immediately forms in mind, technical specifications
of the goods. But among quality of goods and service
quality is as the gap that between product management
and service management. Although the basic principles
and classical management (principles such as planning,
organizing, etc.) is similar on these two management
practices, but the turning point of the distinction between
these two methods of management, is same quality issue
(Kayghobadi, 2012). Bank Mellat, an Iranian bank, was
founded after the 57 revolutionary and after the
nationalization of all banks by Revolutionary Council in
Khordad 1979 and other approved this council in the
integration of all commercial banks in both Bank of
Tejarat and Mellat. Mellat Bank initial capital of 33.5
billion riyals and in 2008 and before the private, its
investment was declared 13100 billion riyals. The bank
currently has branches inside and outside of Iran. after
changed implementation of the policies of article 44 in
2005 from the constitution this bank was ready to
privatize as the first state-owned bank and in Esfand
2008, five percent of the bank's stocks were offered at
Tehran Stock Exchange that it had sold 2.5% of this
amount. Buyer, was futureless Mellat Bank employee
company (retired Mellat Bank company) that itself is
under the management of the Mellat bank. The remaining
stocks were then fully passed in private sector. These
banks now considered as a private bank of Iran (Mollaie,
p 4). In this study, the researcher tries to using SWOT
techniques and scoring models IFE and EFE meanwhile
identifying strengths and weaknesses and the
opportunities and threats of environment about nonshared revenue, specify that does this bank have the
appropriate capacity in this case or not. And the inability
to implement of the appropriate capacity is required what
strategy and tactics.
Theoretical Basis
The analysis of SWOT is a term used for the
recognition of internal weak and strong points, oppor-
tunities and outside threat that a system has to
encounter. This model of systematic pportunity and
threat of outside are compared with a structured
approach of weak and strong points of an internal
system.Strategic management can be grasped as the
collection of decisions and actions taken by business
management, in consultation with all levels within the
organization, to determine the long-term activities of the
organization (Houben et al., 1999). Strategic
management has been widely used by all enterprises to
withstand fierce market competition. The strategic
management process consists of three stages: strategy
formulation, strategy implementation, and strategy
evaluation (David, 1998). In the strategic management
process, many approaches can be used to analyze
strategic cases (Dincer, 2004). Among them, strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis,
which evaluates the opportunities, threats, strengths and
weaknesses of an organization, is the most common (Hill
and Westbrook, 1997). SWOT analysis is a significant
support tool for decision-making, and is often used as a
means to systematically analyze an organization’s
internal and external environments (Kangas et al., 2003;
Kotler, 1988; Sørensen et al., 2004; Stewart et al., 2002;
Wheelen and Hunger, 1995). Infact, SWOT analysis can
determine a perfect foundation for successful strategy
formulation (Kajanus, 2004). However, SWOT analysis
has weaknesses in the measure-ment and evaluation
steps (Hill and Westbrook, 1997; Christiansen, 2002). In
other words, SWOT analysis cannot provide an analytical
means to attain performance ratings and weights of each
SWOT factor, hence, SWOT analysis has not the ability
to assess the appropriateness of decision alternatives
based on these factors. While it does pinpoint the factors
in the analysis, individual criteria are usually expressed
briefly and very generally. Therefore, SWOT analysis
cannot comprehensively assess the strategic decisionmaking process (Kurttila, 2000). SWOT analysis of
external opportunities and threats as well as the internal
strengths and weaknesses of the enterprises is important
for strategy formulation and devel-opment. However,
SWOT analysis is not capable of quantitatively
determining the weights and effects of the strategic
factors on the alternatives.The SWOT analysis is a
widely used methodology which can be met not only in
business practice, but also in the area of municipalities.
The analysis frequently ends with the initial definition of
various factors like strengths
and weaknesses,
opportunities and threats of an organization. This is an
inadequate and misleading understanding of the SWOT
analysis. The SWOT analysis should direct strategic
m anagement to a correct strategy or to its star ting
points based on the mutual comparison and evaluation
of relationships between strengths and weaknesses,
opportunities and threats.
A mere listing of influence factors is insufficient to determine critical strategic
042 Merit Res. J. Bus. Manag.
positions of an organization. Therefore, we sought a way
to e stablish a credible organization's strategic position on
the basis of SWOT.
The place of the SWOT-analysis in the strategic
management cycle
Strategic management can be considered as collection of
decisions and actions taken by the business
management in consultation with all levels within the
company to determine the long-term activities of the
company. The results striven for her primarily concern an
improvement in the competitives position, the realisation
of profit growth in the long term, with as a result the
achievement of better returns from the capacity utilised.
Results of a secondary nature can also be striven for,
which depen on the specific situation of the
company.Strategic management includes three basic ele
ments, namely (wx3 and Majluf, 1991):
• the formulation of a strategy;
• the implementation of a strategy;
• the control and evaluation of the strategy
Before proceeding to these stages a thorough analysis
of the companies internal and external envi-wx ronment
must first take place (wx6, 1992). The investigation of the
internal environment will accordingly result in an overview
of all weaknesses and strengths of the company, while
the investigation of the external environment will result in
an overview of all oppor-tunities and threats. These are
the results of the SWOT-analysis.The external
environment consists of variables existing outside the
company, which in the short-term are not under the
control of the company. These variables form the context
in which the company exists and functions. The external
environment can be further subdivided into a direct
environment and an indirect environment. The direct
environment includes those elements or groups which
are directly influenced by the actions of the company.
Examples of these are the share-holders, the
government, the suppliers, the local authorities, the
competitors, the clients, the creditors and the employee’s
organisations. The indirect envi-ronment includes more
general forces which primar-ily have an influence on the
long-term decisions of the company. These are
economic, socio-cultural,technological, political and
juridical influences.The internal environment of the
company consists of variables within the company itself,
of which the business management of the company does
not have wx an influence in the short-term (wx10 and
Hunger, 1987). These variables form the enterprise
context in which work takes place. They also include the
company structure, the company culture and the
resources of the company. The formulation of a strategy
is a process for the development of long-term plans, to
effectively re-spond to environmental opportunities and
threats in the light of the strengths and weaknesses of
the company. Points of departure here are the objectives
of company management, which determine the long-term
objectives to be achieved. The course to be taken by the
company to realise this is called the company strategy or
the company policy.In order to implement the strategy
and lines of the policy chosen, action programmes are
devised and budgets and procedures are drawn up. In
writing this is also brought into line with the level of
operational planning. A programme can hereby be
considered as a collection of actions and stages which
are necessary for the execution of the plan. It translates
the strategy into actions at an operational level. A budget,
on the other hand, is the translation of this programme
into financial terms. It provides a prognosis of the detailed
costs of each programme for the subsequent control and
evaluation of the aims.Finally, evaluation and control is
the process of following up company activities and the
execution results, so that the actual execution can be
compared with that desired. The business management
then uses this information for corrective action or to solve
problems. Despite the fact that evaluation and control
forms the last important step of the strategic
management process, it can also serve as a starting
point for a new cycle by indicating weaknesses of the
company in previously implemented strategic plans. We
thus obtain a continuous process.
Basic Matrix of SWOT Analysis
Apparently, there is n o professional publication
dedicated to strategic management and planning, which
would not mention the SWOT analysis. Keřkovský
indicates its exact characteristics
like this: “SWOT
analysis is a valuable source of information when
formulating strategy. The thing is that the basic logic
of a strategy proposal is based on its very nature.” The
analysis is usually described as a tool for the diagnosis of
strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of
an organization . The description is often supplemented
with a n illustrative scheme of a relational SWOT matrix.
We, in our opinion, present the most cogent view of the
SWOT matrix, which appears in the publication
Management by the authors Koontz and Weihrich
(Koontz), see Table 1 and Figure 1. The matrix both
incit es to the choice of an
appropriate strategic
direction and draws attention to the dynamics of internal
and external environment, which is very valuable with
regard to the use of the analysis to strategic purposes.
However, scientific literature (e.g., Koontz, 1993;
Keřkovský , 2002; Veber, 2007) does not
describe how to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses,
opportunities and threats. Certain guidance is provided
by Kotler in his book Marketing Management: “Marketing
opportunities can be classified according to attractive-
Arabameri 043
Table 1. Strategy of SWOT.
Internal factors
External factors
External opportunities (O)
(Consider also a risk)
such as
current and future
conditions, political and social
changes, new products, services and
External threats (T)
competitivenessand shortcomings in
the areas mentioned in the previous
cell “external opportunities”
Internal strengths (S)
Strengths of management,
operations,finance, marketing,
research and development,
Internal weaknesses (W)
Weaknesses in the spheres
Mentioned in the cell “internal
SO strategy : Maxi – Maxi
Potentially the most successful
strategy which uses strengths of
an organization for utilizing
WO strategy : Mini – Maxi
Such as a development strategy to
overcome weaknesses in order to
take advantage of opportunities.
ST strategy : Maxi - Mini
Such as the use of internal
strengths to overcome the
threats or to circumvent them.
WT strategy : Mini - Mini
Such as reduction, windingwinding up or
joint venture.
Source: Dincer, 2004
Figure 1. Dynamics of a SWOT analysis
Source: Dincer, 2004
ness and success
probability. Threats
hreats should be
classified according to their seriousness and probability
of occurrence. Strengths and weaknesses should be
classified according to performance and importance.”
Nevertheless, the guidance is more marketing -oriented
and it is questionable whether it is applicable even
outside the business sphere.
If the assessment of a SWOT analysis is not
dized, an own approach is offered to analysts how
to evaluate the information and pinpoint the direction of
other strategic considerations. However,
owever, as mentioned in
the text above, a SWOT analysis ends with mere
enumeration of influence
Anatomy of a defensive strategy
The first factor: Create incentive programs to increase the
income of non-bank mutual between line and staff
044 Merit Res. J. Bus. Manag.
The second factor: the formation of a team to pursue the
kind of non-bank income.
The third factor: unforgiveness unnecessary bank fees.
The fourth factor; empower and educate staff:
Teaching basic elements of human excellence and the
stylized labor relations and management excellence can
also be effective. Good to hear from some one who
enjoys his work and make him happy and satisfied with
the result of the work of the subconscious knows that.
The goal is to realize a good education (20).Thanks to
the efforts of our employees about the bank's efforts
honor society, and today, the bank has a rightful place
among the people and authorities(Beam, pg 29, No. 70).
The fifth factor: Due to the delivery of services or
products for the duration of the service and hardware
products. Compared to competitors.
Agent Sixth: Setting up a comprehensive system of fees
Factor Seventh: Due to the modulus of fees(fees based
on the separation of non-shared):
Know the income of non-common variety that the amount
of fees that the bank's income is different. For example,
the issuance of a guarantee or letter of creditis the
maximum amount of fees to be included in the next of
ficial various types of fees, whether in the current(deposit
services) and the credit is received. Also,even though the
fees that a resupposedly on the receivin gbranch, the
lower the wage guaranteeand LC, but much more than in
terms of the Guarantee and LC.
Factor eighth: Development in the Context of E-banking
Bank charges are to be scheduled and given a
bedmarked. By entering this platform to get customer
service, pays their fees.and also in this way banks
become much more quiet than the past and number of
customers will be low and handling and management will
be done easily and quickly.
Factor ninth: identifying
and resolving failures and
weaknesses, know the types of products and banking
Factor tenth: I am the advertisement: Advertising is
expensive, Investments (Beam, pg 22, No. 67).
Factor elevnth: Trying to customer satisfaction
Factor twelfth: Bank operation all programs: One of the
items that are included in the bank's operating income is
a non-communal. The Bank's performance in his
recurring income item non-common view, and strategy
sessions to review it, to absorb excess acidmet planning
the bank to increase its funding walk.
After the identification and classification of internal and
environmental factors in SWOT model, we do the internal
performance evaluation (IFE) and the outer performance
evaluation (EFE):
A. In the first stage is recognized and determined the
strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and
threats related to the of non- shared revenue of Mellat bank. Resercher has collected internal and external
factors of SWOT technique through scientific studies and
research at the Mellat bank website, study Mellat bank
internal magazine (beam) and especially interviews with
knowledgeable staff and reviews comments of
customers of the Mellat bank. It should be noted that
these factors are real and do not mentally and is
avoided from expressing any exaggeration or lack of
B. Designing or Determining Measurement IFE Models
(internal factors):
1. Weighting or ranking: current status of each agent can
offer with a score from 1 to 4 according to the following
axis. As shown in the figure, weaknesses, only can
receive a score of 1 or 2. Strengths can have just take
grades 3 and 4.
2. Determining established rating: For each factor we
devoted a weight coefficient between zero (no
importance) to 1 (very important). Here also can be used
from normalizing to weighting. In this case, the sum of the
assigned weighting coefficients must be equal one. To
determine the weight of each factor and determine the
more important factors that is good comes to IFE table,
could be utilize expert opinions and then weight of the
most important factors to be normalized between zero
and one. To do so it is recommended to each agent is
assigned a number from 1 to 5, then normalized the
column to weights between zero and one for each agent
obtained and sum of weights is also one.
3. Determining of the Weighted rating: To do this work we
multiplied the weight or ranking of each factor in rating
4. Determination of final amounts of the evaluation: To do
this work we calculate the weighted sum of scores that
are at least 1 and the maximum 4, and the mean is 5.2. If
the final score organization is less than 5.2, ie
organization in terms of internal factors as a whole is
weakening, and if the final score is greater than 5.2,
indicating that the organization is in terms of internal
factors as a whole, has a power.
C. Determination And Designed Evaluation EFE Model
(external factors):
1. weighting determination or ratings: to each factor we
write a score between one and four according to the rate
of compliance of organization with the opportunities and
threats. This score indicates the effectiveness of the
organization's current strategy to respond to the
aforementioned factors. 4 means that the response has
been excellent and 1 means that the reaction is very
weak. The scores are determined at range of
2. established rating: for do this is action like evaluating
model of internal factors.
3. Determine the weighted rating: is achieved by
multiplying the weight or rank at established rating.
4. Determine the amount of final evaluating: is obtained
from sum of weighted scores.
Arabameri 045
Table 2. Assessment of External and Internal Factors.
Weighted Score
customer satisfaction and
therefore the frequency of their
new and innovative products and
customer satisfaction and
therefore the frequency of their.
non-shared services division
based on level of risk and amount
of commission received
implementation of operational
programs. brand of Mellat bank
(Mellat Bank competitive
advantages in the country
highest rank of banks in issuing
the guarantee and LC.
absorb of the resources and the
optimal allocation to uses aware of
the issue and expert steff
superior quality service provision
and appropriate work processes
that is created add value for the
- inattention and negligence on the
non-share revenue
lack of attention to way of thinking
and consideration of people's from
payment of commissions
Failure to set up a comprehensive
system of commission
existance the shortcomings and
weaknesses in some of products
and services
improper location of provided
some of services and lack of skills
forces of marketing commission
empty sections of markets that
competitors in those have no
impact or low impact
international and new sections of
markets that are growing their
increasing competitors and
function properly, especially
private banks
Iran sanctions led to decreases in
foreign exchange
Inflammatory conditions of the
Strong points
046 Merit Res. J. Bus. Manag.
Table 2. Continue.
- people and customers wrong
mindset and attitude to pay
commission (extortion money)
achieving competitors to better
products and services.
Determined the evaluating the internal and external
factors (specify capacity)
New and innovative products and services, customer
satisfaction and therefore their frequency, non-shared
services division based on the risk and amount of
commissions received, the implementation of the bank
operations programs, brand Mellat bank (Mellat bank
competitive advantages in the country), top ranking
banks in the export guarantee and LC, the optimal
allocation of resources to absorb the costs, expert and
awareness to the issue staff, superior quality service and
appropriate work processes that is created the add value
for the bank, inattention and negligence about not-shared
revenue, lack of attention to the idea and consider of
people in payment of commissions, no set up a
comprehensive system of recived the commission,
existance shortcomings and weaknesses in certain
products and services, improper location for provided
some services and lack of expert from the forces
marketing of commission, empty parts of market that
competitors in its not affect or has been little affected,
international and new segments of markets that are
increasing their profitability, increased competition and
function properly especially private banks, sanctions on
Iran which lead to decreases foreign exchange, the terms
of inflation of Iran, thinking and the conception of false of
pepole and customers from paying commission (extortion
money), acquiring competitors to better products and
It is noticeable that the obtained evaluation of the
internal factors is 2.25. Given that the value of 2.5 is
considered as the number of average assessed, so these
models shows that the Mellat bank could not properly
used from capacity of provide his services in the field of
the income created by commission of service. Also
evaluation of external factors earned by bank is 1.75,
which is represents the Mellat bank inability to use the
opportunities and threats in the environment.(Table 2)
Nowadays a lot of problems is challenging Iranian banks
in the field of non-shared revenue that now banks should
deal with these challenges. In the banking system of Iran,
Mellat bank should also meanwhile identify their
strengths and opportunities, provided policies to eliminate
weaknesses and threats environment. The following
there are several basic strategy of the SWOT model that
is proposed as follows:
In cases where the organization have appropriate
strength as well as exist the good environmental
opportunities, the first strategy that is better to choose by
organization is aggressive or development strategy. In
other words, the organization must make the most of their
strengths and opportunities of the environment
(Myrspasy, 1989). According to the Mellat Bank strengths
and opportunities of the existing environment, these bank
can use the strategy SO as following: (Table 3)
The second strategy is used when an organization's
strengths is good but the environment is not suitable. So
that instead of environmental opportunities there are
environmental threats. In this case, organization is better
to use from diversity strategy as that from organizational
strengths use to solve the environmental threats
(Khoshnam, p In this part also, according to the Mellat
bank strengths and environmantal threats of these bank,
it is better to use the ST strategy as following. (Table 4)
In situations where organization have weaknesses,
however, a good environment that is, provided
environmental opportunities is applied the changing
strategy. So that, organizations are trying to compensate
for their weaknesses with environmental opportunities
(Khoshname, p 32) According to the Mellat bank
weaknesses and environmental opportunities, the
following strategy are used as WO Strategy: (Table 5)
Worst case scenario for any organization when the
organization has weaknesses and environmental threats
there are. In this case, organization uses of defensive
strategy is the form that tries to minimize losses resulting
from the weaknesses and environmantal threats
(Khoshname, p 32). On the Mellat bank as well, in order
to minimize losses due to weaknesses and threats, is
used the strategy WT as follows. (Table 6)
In this paper, the researcher has collected the
required information through interviews with experts as
well as scientific and library studies. In the first section of
this study, to determine the potential income from
commission on Mellat bank services, strategic planning
Arabameri 047
Table 3. invasive strategy Table (SO).
SO Strategy
improving and strengthening the Bank's
products and services include:
1- issue variety of gift, weddings, birthdays,
celebrations cards and with any sum that
wants the customer and with the body of
the requests.
2- momentary Access Mellat Card issuing
in all branches of Mellat bank.
3- speech phone bank system
(B) follow-up and implementation projects
of purchasing of wheat, tea, corn, etc., and
in general agricultural, livestock and
fisheries products.
(C) implementation project of linking the
diesel fuel card to the bank cards
new and innovative products and services
1-customer satisfaction and therefore the frequency
of their.
2- new and innovative products and services
3- customer satisfaction and therefore the frequency
of their.
4- non-shared services division based on level of risk
and amount of commission received.
5- implementation of operational programs. brand of
Mellat bank (Mellat Bank competitive advantages in
the country.
6- highest rank of banks in issuing the guarantee and
7- absorb of the resources and the optimal allocation
to uses aware of the issue and expert steff
8- superior quality service provision and appropriate
work processes that is created add value for the
1- empty sections of markets that competitors in
those have no impact or low impact
2- international and new sections of markets that are
growing their profit.
Strong points
Table 4. Diversity Strategy Table (ST).
ST Strategy
(A) increase the variety of banking new and innovative products and services
products and services include:
1-customer satisfaction and therefore the frequency of their.
1- using the bill card
2- new and innovative products and services
2- Implementation services like 3- customer satisfaction and therefore the frequency of their.
bankai system of Saman Bank
4- non-shared services division based on level of risk and
3- the use of services like Sajy card amount of commission received.
of Saman bank
5- implementation of operational programs. brand of Mellat
4- use of the withdraw system bank (Mellat Bank competitive advantages in the country.
without the card from ATM
6- highest rank of banks in issuing the guarantee and LC.
5- The use of biometrics tools for 7- absorb of the resources and the optimal allocation to uses
identification such as iris scanning aware of the issue and expert steff
devices for withdrawing from ATMs
8- superior quality service provision and appropriate work
6- increased the level of service of processes that is created add value for the bank.
POS devices
1- increasing competitors and function properly, especially private banks
2- Iran sanctions led to decreases in foreign
3- Inflammatory conditions of the country
4- people and customers wrong mindset and attitude to pay commission (extortion money)
5- achieving competitors to better products and services.
048 Merit Res. J. Bus. Manag.
Table 5. Tendency to change strategy (WO).
WO Strategy
1- The design and installation of various
posters and brochures to explain the
purpose of payment of commission at the
2- make some changes in deposit rates
and payment facilities to customers
3- Marketing of the Mehr housing
4- New design of bank branches in a way
that will attract customers
competitors have no
impact or low impact
2- international and
Weakness points
1- inattention and negligence on the non-share
2- lack of attention to way of thinking and
consideration of people's from payment of
3- Failure to set up a comprehensive system of
weaknesses in some of products and services
5- improper location of provided some of
services and lack of skills forces of marketing
Table 6. Defensive Strategy Table (WT).
WT Strategy
1- create incentive programs to increase the non-share
revenues of the bank between staff of line and headquarters
2- form a work team in order to pursue the kind of non- share
3-unforgiveness unnecessary commission
4- capacity building and training of staff
5- considering the delivery of services or products in terms of
the duration of the service and hardware form of products and
so on, compared to competitors
6- Setting up a comprehensive system of commission
7- According to the coefficient of importanve the commission
(non-share service separation based on the level commission
8- development services providable in the context of Electronic
9- identify and solve a variety of shortcomings and weaknesses
in the products and services banking
10- promotions
11- Trying to customer satisfaction
12- true implementation of operational programs of bank.
(SWOT model) and assessment models of internal
factors (IFE) as well as external factors (EFE) were
employed. Due to the fact that in assessment models of
internal (IFE) and external factors (EFE), the bank has
obtained a score of 2.25 and 1.75, it can be argued that
the bank has not successful in making use o its
appropriate capacity in the field of services and nonshared revenues.In the last section of this paper, to
enhance the capacity of non-shared services of Mellat
bank, various strategies SO, ST, WO and WT are
suggested. Among aforementioned strategies, the
defensive strategy (WT) is selected as the main strategy
of the bank through which 12 major factors are presented
especially private banks
2- Iran sanctions led to
decreases in foreign
mindset and attitude to
(extortion money)
competitors to better
products and services
Weakness points
negligence on the nonshare revenue
2- lack of attention to way
consideration of people's
3- Failure to set up a
comprehensive system of
weaknesses in some of
products and services
5- improper location of
services and lack of skills
by the researcher contributing to the self-defense
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