The WHY Code – SWOT Analysis

The WHY Code – SWOT Analysis
The goal of a WHY Code SWOT analysis is to help:
Align everybody and everything to WHAT your customer needs, HOW and WHY
Achieve a winning understanding of your real goals, your customers, clients and project
The WHY SWOT analysis can be scoped to cover the whole organization, or equally, it can be applied
to a specific function, project or process within an organization.
STAGE 1 – Your Customer’s WHY Code
STAGE 2 – Your WHY Code
STAGE 3 – SWOT Analysis
STAGE 1 – Your Customer’s WHY Code
The first step is focused on researching and creating your customer’s WHY Code, presented in terms
of WHAT they really need from you (or your competitors) HOW and WHY.
The WHY Code is an interactive map of WHAT fundamental and specific needs your customer seeks
to fulfil, interconnected via a series of WHY-chains and HOW-chains.
Because the WHY Code digs deeply into your customer’s fundamental motivations, new insights
almost always emerge. Sometimes, totally new ways of working can emerge.
STAGE 2 –Your WHY Code
The second step is to focus on your ideal WHY Code - the key goals, tasks and processes needed to
align with your customer’s WHY Code. This covers the key activities of the organization or area
under review.
If the project or organization is new this resulting WHY Code is as an ideal way of documenting,
sharing and controlling what needs to be done to fulfil your customer’s needs.
For existing organizations, obviously, most of your WHY Code will already be implemented and
functioning within your organization. But always, incremental improvements can be found and
sometimes, major improvements or even whole new ways of working will emerge. This is the focus
of stage 3.
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STAGE 3 – SWOT Analysis
In step 3, your ideal target WHY Code is tested against the current situation in terms of:
Processes (customer facing and other)
Responsibility and Authority Alignment
The objective is to identify misalignments between the ultimate WHYs of the organization and the
attributes listed above. This is presented in the form of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and
Following the SWOT Analysis
The WHY SWOT analysis will normally identify significant and immediate improvement opportunities
for management to exploit, with or without further use of the WHY Code approach.
The approach is so powerful and intuitive that it can become the very DNA of the organization. It
aligns everybody and everything to the strategic goals of the organisation, thereby saving time and
cost, simplifying the management challenge and genuinely enabling a significant increase in
shareholder value.
Contact Us
If you’d like to discuss this further please contact us by any of the methods below. We will be
delighted to arrange a discussion with one of our experts.
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