FEHW FQEC Paper 13/37 17th June 2014 Faculty of Education, Health and Wellbeing (FEHW) FACULTY QUALITY ENHANCEMENT COMMITTEE Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 9th April 2014 at 2pm in WN303 Flexible Training Room, WN Building, Walsall Campus. Present Ms Ann Cysewski, Associate Dean Quality and Enhancement (Chair) Dr Jill Williams, Associate Dean UG Academic Enterprise (Deputy Chair) Ms Laura Clode, Academic Standards and Quality Officer (Officer) Ms Ada Adeghe, Head of Academic Business & Work Force Development Ms Sharon Arkell, Head of QPS Ms Marie-Therese Ayodele, SHaW (City) School Student Representative Ms Jill Barr, Head of Community Practice Ms Rebecca Bates, Quality Administrator Dr Gillian Conde, External Faculty (FSE) member Mrs Claire Corness-Parr, Head of Adult Nursing Dr Andy Cramp, Head of Doctoral Studies & Research Fellowships Dr Richard Darby, Head of Psychology Ms Grace Deakin, Student Adviser (Walsall Campus) Mr Scott Dean, Registry Representative Ms Sheila Dixon, Head of Mental Health Nursing Ms Marcia Edwards, Head of Midwifery Mr Peter Eggison, Head of Learning Disability and Access Ms Louise Goodyear, SHaW (Burton) School Student Representative Ms Fay Glendenning, Head of Secondary Education Mr Paul Gurton, Acting Head of Primary Education Mr David Hanson, Head of Adult Nursing Ms Emma Hewitt, Faculty Operating Officer Mr Tom Hicks, FEHW Learning and Information Services Representative Dr Anne Hollinshead, Head of Education & Inclusion Studies Ms Julie Hughes, Head of Post Compulsory Education Ms Deanne Hutchinson, Senior Lecturer Adult Nursing / Foundation Degree Coordinator Ms Helena Jenkinson, SEF School Student Representative Ms Manny Kaur, Student Adviser (City Campus) Mr Ranjit Khutan, Head of Public Health Professor Linda Lang, Dean of Faculty Ms Stef Nosek, Quality Administrator Ms Colette Parsons, Head of Children’s Nursing Page 1 of 6 Deputies Total: 2 A 1 2 1 2 2 A A 2 1 1 1 0 A 1 0 A A 2 2 0 1 X 0 2 1 A 2 0 2 A 0 1 A 0 X 0 X X 0 2 2 1 0 Ms Vicky Price, Head of Social Work and Social Care Mr Simon Rose, Student Adviser (City Campus) Ms Ann Saxon, Head of Academic Business & Work Force Development Mr Julian Smith, Head of Sport and Physical Activity: Delivery Mr Patrick Smith, Associate Dean PG Academic Enterprise Dr Megan Thomas, Head of Academic Quality Ms Gemma Thompson, Student Adviser (Walsall and Burton Campus) Ms Jenny Worsley, Senior Lecturer Childhood and Family Studies / Foundation Degree Coordinator Vacant Post, Head of Learning, Teaching Assessing & IPE Key: Present X 0 A 1 1 2 A 0 2 1 1 Apology Received A Absent X FEHW FQEC 13/18 Apologies for Absence (as noted above) FEHW FQEC 13/19 Chair’s Business 13/19.1 There was one item of any other business to be discussed under agenda item 13/34. 1) Learning and Information Services (LIS) update (Mr Tom Hicks) 13/19.2 There were no additional points to be raised by the Chair. FEHW FQEC 13/20 Minutes The committee approved the minutes of the last FEHW FQEC meeting held on 6th February 2014. FEHW FQEC 13/21 Matters Arising There were no matters arising reported. FEHW FQEC 13/22 Action Checklist The committee received outstanding actions from the last FEHW FQEC meeting. SEF SQEC 12/51.2 (14.06.13) & 13/06 (28.11.13) & FEHW FQEC 13/06 (06.02.14) The Chair confirmed that the Faculty Collaborative Management Committee (FCMC) would oversee the development and maintenance of the Faculty partnership database, with ongoing updates received at FQEC. CLOSED SHaW SQEC 13/17 (27.11.13) & FEHW FQEC 13/06 (06.02.14) Ms S Arkell confirmed, through liaison with Burton’s Practice Placement Managers, that all students placed in the Burton geographical area for placement experience have open access to library services regardless of community based or acute placement allocation. CLOSED SSPAL SQEC 12/05 & FEHW FQEC 13/06 (06.02.14) Ms L Clode presented the committee with a copy of the University’s ‘Policy for taking images and recordings on University property and at University events’, and confirmed that the Faculty Multimedia would contact Dr Chris Sellars directly to Page 2 of 6 respond to the concern. CLOSED SSPAL SQEC 12/07.3 & FEHW FQEC 13/06 (06.02.14) Ms L Clode confirmed that an update was received from Dr Chris Sellars on feedback from the APSSB but the issue was ongoing and would be monitored through the appropriate Course Management Committee. CLOSED SSPAL SQEC 13/13 & FEHW FQEC 13/06 (06.02.14) Mr S Dean confirmed that during semester one no automatic one week extensions were given to students by the Student Enabling Centre (SEC). However, during semester two extensions were given but academic staff were not informed. Action There are plans to set-up automatic alerts to relevant tutors informing them that a one week extension has been granted by SEC and Mr Scott Dean will continue to update the committee regarding progress. Ongoing SSPAL SQEC 13/15.2 & FEHW FQEC 13/06 (06.02.14) Mr T Hicks confirmed that LIS is currently reviewing the WIRE submission process. Once the new submission process has been established, LIS will be working directly with Faculties to encourage all staff to submit to WIRE. This will be facilitated by Liaison Librarians. CLOSED FEHW FQEC 13/17 (06.02.14) The Chair confirmed that where professional body requirements dictate intermodular compensation an exemption will be confirmed. The previous decision of no inter-module compensation has been rescinded for Psychology courses due to professional body requirements but will stand for Sport courses due to no professional body requirement. CLOSED FEHW FQEC 13/23 Continuous Monitoring and Course Journals (2013/2014) 13/23.1 The Chair provided a verbal update on the Faculty’s progress with Course Journals. It is noted that all recently validated programmes require course journals setting up. The relevant course teams are working to complete these Course Journals. It was also noted that all courses in Education will be maintaining course journals in addition to any professional body reports that are completed. Course Journal training sessions have been offered to all Faculty staff. The sessions were well attended and one additional session has been arranged for Wednesday 21st May, as part of the University’s Staff Development package. Ms L Clode will email Faculty staff to promote this Course Journal training session. 13/23.2 Page 3 of 6 The Chair advised the committee that a Faculty-wide Course Committee self-audit is due to be carried out with the outcome reported to the University Quality Enhancement Committee (UQEC) in May. A self-audit template will be circulated to Heads of Department shortly for completion. FEHW FQEC 13/24 Professional, Statutory, Regulatory Bodies (PSRB) The Chair provided a verbal update on recent PSRB activity: • • • • A Nursing and Midwifery Council review of Adult Nursing and Health Visiting courses took place on the 5th and 6th March. The Faculty are pleased to confirm it achieved the highest possible outcome: ‘standards met’. The draft report has been received and comments in relation to factual accuracy have been returned to Mott MacDonald. An annual Educational Commission for Quality (ECQ) review of BSc (Hons) Midwifery course took place on 24th March 2014, with excellent verbal feedback received on the day. A June meeting will be scheduled to close out any outstanding actions. The College of Social Work has confirmed the endorsement of the BA (Hons) Social Work and MA Social Work courses (paper 13/24b) and a visitor’s report has been received from the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) confirming their approval of the Social Work courses (paper 13/24a). The British Psychological Society (BPS) confirmed accreditation of the MSc Occupational Psychology course following their visit on 15th January 2014. Ms L Clode will upload the BPS letter and visit report to the FEHW FQEC WOLF topic for information. Ms J Barr reported on the HCPC approval of the Independent Prescribing course designed to enhance the practice of some allied health professionals e.g. Chiropodists, Podiatrists (level 6). FEHW FQEC 13/25 Student Items 13/25.1 Ms Marie-Therese Ayodele, SHaW (City) School Student Representative, confirmed she had no student items and thanked the Faculty Student Advisers and course/Faculty student forums for efficiently resolving student concerns. 13/25.2 The committee received for information the paper titled ‘Students’ Union Academic Vice President Midterm Report 2013-14’. FEHW FQEC 13/26 Curriculum Planning 13/26.1 The committee members provided verbal updates on proposed validation activity within their subject area. The following feedback covers areas of planned validation activity at all stages in the planning cycle: • An ADP is being written by the Post Compulsory Education (PCE) team, in collaboration with the Faculty of Social Sciences (FoSS), to extend provision currently offered at Wolverhampton Adult Education Service. • Bournemouth and Poole College has been formally approved as a new partner of the University. The PCE and Childhood and Family Studies (CAFS) teams will be submitting an ADP to the Planning Unit by the end of April deadline for proposed course delivery in academic year 2014/15. • CAFS will be submitting an ADP for the development of a BA (Hons) Childhood Studies course with Early Years Teacher Status. Partner approval in progress with Best Practice Network (BPN). Page 4 of 6 • The Secondary Education team is developing a new level 7 pastoral care module. The Chair informed the committee of a course in development and delivered jointly with the Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE) for a successful bid to the National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) for BSc (Hons) Mathematics with Secondary Education (QTS). The course is designed to train mathematic specialist teachers and will be monitored by Ofsted. Discussions took place regarding ownership of this course and it was agreed between faculties, and supported by the validation panel (including the external adviser), that due to professional body requirements course ownership of the programme remained in FEHW. 13/26.2 The committee received for confirmation a schedule of Faculty-wide validation activity. FEHW FQEC 13/27 Practice Management Strategy Committee There were no items of business to report on. The next meeting of the Practice Management Strategy Committee will be held next week. FEHW FQEC 13/28 Service User/Carer Forum A new Service User/Carer strategy is being developed to include all areas of the Faculty where enhancements to service user and carer engagement can be made. There will be a Service User and Carer conference held in September 2014. FEHW FQEC 13/29 External Examiners 13/29.1 Dr M Thomas provided a verbal update confirming that external examiner vacancies were in process of being appointed to. The proposed process for appointing new external examiners and extending the duties and/or tenure of existing external examiners, outlined in paper 13/29.2, utilises WOLF to store documentation for critical readers to approve on behalf of FQEC. 13/29.2 The committee received for approval the proposed Faculty wide process for the approval of external examiners. The Chair asked that any feedback on the proposal be emailed to the FQEC Officer within two weeks. Any feedback will be reviewed and amendments made where necessary. If no feedback is received the proposal will subsequently be approved by FQEC. 13/29.3 The committee received for information the External Examiner Sub-Group minutes of the meeting held on 7th February 2014. The committee noted that training for chairs of assessment boards and amendments to assessment board documentation are under review. 13/29.4 The committee noted that the external examiner annual reporting templates have been updated to incorporate more focussed reporting on collaborative provision. Updated templates will be available via e:Vision in time for 2013/14 reporting. FEHW FQEC 13/30 Issues and Feedback from University Quality Enhancement Committee (UQEC) 13/30.1 The Chair provided a verbal update on issues arising from the UQEC meeting held on 27th February 2014. The update included an overview of UQEC items for dissemination to FQEC, with the majority of papers included as part of the agenda for this meeting. Page 5 of 6 13/30.2 The committee received for information a letter from the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) confirming the University’s Institutional Review will take place week commencing 2nd February 2015. It was noted that Ann Holmes will be presenting to the Faculty Leadership Group about the QAA process. The Chair will be setting up a Faculty working group to prepare for the QAA review. The Chair emphasised the importance of evidence collation and the Faculty’s commitment to providing administrative support for all Course Management Committees and Course Journal completion. FEHW FQEC 13/31 Collaborative Activity The first Faculty Collaborative Management Committee (FCMC) will be held next week. A representative from the University’s Partnerships Unit will be in attendance. FEHW FQEC 13/32 Equality and Diversity Dr Kay Biscomb, Associate Dean – Director of the Institute of Sport, who is leading on Equality and Diversity developments for the Faculty, provided the following update reported on by the chair: • The principal lecturer post for equality and diversity is currently vacant and consequently no formal committee meetings have taken place. • A student workshop was held on 2nd April, delivered by students from the Faculty of Arts and open to all students to attend. The workshop focussed on challenging different types of non-inclusive behaviour, and was offered collaboratively between the University and Walsall Youth Cabinet. • The Faculty are in the process of setting up a wellbeing group and it is expected that the equality and diversity principal lecturer will be a member of this group which will report to FQEC. In addition to Dr Biscomb’s update, the committee discussed the importance of supporting the Faculty-wide Student Enabling Tutor role to ensure equity of support for all students. FEHW FQEC 13/33 Registry Items The committee received the following feedback from Mr S Dean on Registry items: • Registry has appointed a new Deputy Academic Registrar. Ms Victoria Stec will be introduced to staff across the University over the next few weeks. • Walsall Student Office would like to thank staff for supporting recent examination arrangements. • The development of paperless assessment boards is ongoing. FEHW FQEC 13/34 Any Other Business Mr Tom Hicks, Learning and Information Services (LIS), provided a verbal update; • A new version of Summon will be introduced in August ahead of the new academic year. The update is being made at the request of the software owners and University staff/student focus groups are being held to collate feedback on planned developments. • LIS is currently open 24/7 due to the assessment period and will then revert back to normal opening hours throughout the summer. • LIS is available to support new student induction sessions, staff are asked to contact the appropriate academic librarian to make arrangements. FEHW FQEC Date of Next Meeting Tuesday 17th June 2014, 2-5pm, WN303, Walsall Campus. Page 6 of 6
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