Profiling EGFR Kinase Inhibitor Resistance Pathways in Non-Small Lung Cancer Cells Ryan D. Bomgarden,1 Ryan Jacobs, 2 Jason Fong, 2 David Moravec, 2 Gregory M. Botting, 2 Neelu Puri, 2 Rosa Viner, 3 Michael Blank, 3 John C. Rogers1 1 Thermo Fisher Scientific, Rockford, IL; 2University of Illinois at Chicago, Rockford, IL; 3 ThermoFisher Scientific, San Jose, CA Overview Purpose: To determine the mechanism of tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) resistance through quantitative LC/MS research analysis of differential changes in protein pathway levels. Methods: Parental and TKI-resistant cell lines were treated with and without growth factors (EGF or HGF) and TKI inhibitors erlotinib or SU11274. Samples from each treatment condition were labeled with Thermo Scientific™ TMT10plex™ reagents and analyzed/quantified by LC/MS using a Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap™ Fusion™ Tribrid™ mass spectrometer. Results: Changes in protein expression and/or protein phosphorylation between parent and TKI-resistant cell lines were observed in several key signaling pathways. Introduction Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) against epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) have positive therapeutic effects in a subset of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients; however, their clinical efficacies are limited due to the development of TKI resistance. To study the potential mechanism of TKI resistance, two NSCLC erlotinibresistant cell lines were established by exposing the cells to progressively increasing concentrations of inhibitor. Differences in protein expression and signal transduction pathway activation between parental and drug-resistant cells after EGF and/or erlotinib treatment were assessed by western blotting (Figure 1) and mass spectrometry (MS). For MS analysis, Thermo Scientific™ Tandem Mass Tag™ (TMT™) reagents were used for sample multiplexing and measuring differences in relative protein abundance. Various pathways implicated in drug-resistance were examined for differences in protein expression using an Orbitrap Fusion Tribrid instrument. Methods Sample Preparation NSCLC cell lines (H2170 and H358) were established with resistance to the EGFRTKI, erlotinib, exhibiting a 4-5 fold higher IC50 than the parent cell line.1 Parental and drug-resistant NSCLC cell lines were left untreated or treated with EGF or 10 µM erlotinib alone, or treated with both EGF and erlotinib, for 2.5 minutes. Parental and resistant H358 cells were also treated with HGF and SU11274. After reduction and alkylation, proteins from the up to ten different conditions were digested with trypsin, labeled with TMT10plex reagents, and combined before LC/MS analysis (Figure 2). Magnetic Fe-NTA resin was also used for phospho-peptide enrichment of TMT-labeled samples. Combined peptide samples (unenriched or phospho-enriched) were also fractionated by high pH reverse phase in a novel spin column format containing a polystyrene divinyl benzene resin to generate eight fractions for LC/MS analysis. Western blotting using antibodies against p-EGFR, EGFR, p-mTOR, mTOR, p-S6 kinase, S6 kinase, p-ERK, and ERK was also performed.2 Results Characterization of H358 cel Initial characterization of erloti antibodies showed p-EGFR to 19-fold) in H2170 cells, but do c-Met/EGFR downstream sign found to be 2–4-fold upregulat antibodies revealed little chang and β-actin expression betwee treatment conditions (Figure 1 FIGURE 1. Western blot anal protein (B) levels of mTOR, E drug resistant H2170 and H3 A FIGURE 2. Schematic of TMT analysis. A) Proteins from pa lines treated with diluent, EG reduced, alkylated, and dige Labeled peptides from each phospho-peptides, fractiona and analyzed by LC/MS anal during MS acquisition but ge for relative quantitation. A Liquid Chromatography Samples were separated by RP-HPLC using a Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ UltiMate™ 3000 system connected to a Thermo Scientific™ EASY-Spray™ column, 25 cm × 75 µm or a Thermo Scientific™ Acclaim™ PepMap™ C18 column over a 3 hr 5–30% gradient (A: water, 0.1% formic acid; B: acetonitrile, 0.1% formic acid) at a 300 nL/min flow rate. Mass Spectrometry Spectra were acquired using an Orbitrap Fusion Tribrid mass spectrometer using top speed FT MS2 (HCD) at resolution of 60,000 at m/z 200. Data Analysis Spectral data files were analyzed using Thermo Scientific™ Proteome Discoverer™ software version 1.4 using the SEQUEST® HT search engine with a precursor mass tolerance of 10 ppm and fragment mass tolerance of 0.02 Da. Carbamidomethylation (+57.021 Da) for cysteine and TMT isobaric labeling (+229.162 Da) for lysine and N-terminus residues were treated as static modifications with variable methionine oxidation (+15.996 Da). Data was searched against a Swiss-Prot® human database with a 1% FDR criteria using the Percolator algorithm.3 Proteome Discoverer software was used to calculate TMT reporter ratios with mass tolerance ±10 ppm without applying the isotopic correction factors. A protein ratio was expressed as a median value of the ratios for all quantifiable spectra of the peptides pertaining to that protein.4 Hierarchical clustering and heat map analysis was performed using Spotfire® analytics software. 2 Profiling EGFR Kinase Inhibitor Resistance Pathways in Non-Small Lung Cancer Cells B se inhibitor (TKI) resistance ntial changes in protein ated with and without growth 11274. Samples from each ™ TMT10plex™ reagents and c™ Orbitrap™ Fusion™ phosphorylation between veral key signaling pathways. wth factor receptor (EGFR) all cell lung cancer (NSCLC) e to the development of TKI sistance, two NSCLC erlotinibls to progressively increasing ssion and signal transduction cells after EGF and/or erlotinib and mass spectrometry (MS). g™ (TMT™) reagents were s in relative protein abundance. xamined for differences in rument. with resistance to the EGFRparent cell line.1 Parental and eated with EGF or 10 µM or 2.5 minutes. Parental and U11274. After reduction and ns were digested with trypsin, e LC/MS analysis (Figure 2). tide enrichment of TMT-labeled hospho-enriched) were also olumn format containing a tions for LC/MS analysis. FR, p-mTOR, mTOR, p-S6 d.2 Results Relative Quantitation of Protein Ab Characterization of H358 cells by Western Blot Analysis Initial characterization of erlotinib-resistant (ER) cell lines using phospho-specific antibodies showed p-EGFR to be constitutively auto-phosphorylated (upregulated 19-fold) in H2170 cells, but downregulated 6-fold in ER H358 cells. Interestingly, c-Met/EGFR downstream signaling proteins p-mTOR, p-S6 kinase, and p-ERK were found to be 2–4-fold upregulated in ER H2170 and H358 cells (Figure 1A). Targeted antibodies revealed little change in the degree of total mTOR, EGFR, S6 kinase, ERK, and β-actin expression between the parental and drug-resistant cell lines under all treatment conditions (Figure 1B). FIGURE 1. Western blot analysis for the phosphorylated isoforms (A) and total protein (B) levels of mTOR, EGFR, ERK, S6 kinase, and β-actin in parental and drug resistant H2170 and H358 cell lines A TMT10plex reagents enabled the sim abundances in response to EGF stim Orbitrap Fusion mass spectrometer, peptides were able to be identified fr 90% at the peptide level employing H High pH reversed-phase fractionatio sample increased the number of qua unfractionated samples. Hierarchical relative protein abundance between FIGURE 3. Number of quantifiable fragmentation on the Orbitrap Fus phospho-peptide enrichment. Res files. 100000 90000 B 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 FIGURE 2. Schematic of TMT10plex reagent sample preparation and LC/MS analysis. A) Proteins from parental and H358 erlotinib-resistant NSCLC cell lines treated with diluent, EGF, Erlotinib, or both EFG/Erlotinib were extracted, reduced, alkylated, and digested before being labeled with TMT10plex reagents. Labeled peptides from each treatment condition are combined, enriched for phospho-peptides, fractionated by high pH reversed-phase chromatography, and analyzed by LC/MS analysis. B) TMT10plex-labeled peptides co-elute during MS acquisition but generate 10 unique reporter ion masses during MSn for relative quantitation. A Load (L) Protein Groups (ID) Protein Groups (Quan) Total peptides (ID) Total peptides (Quan) 3770 3553 24897 22796 FIGURE 4. Clustering analysis bas protein expression for 5,485 prote parental versus erlotinib-resistant is normalized to untreated H358 p H358 parental EGF/Erlotinb EGF Scientific™ Dionex™ fic™ EASY-Spray™ column, Map™ C18 column over a 3 hr rile, 0.1% formic acid) at a mass spectrometer using top 0. P e B fic™ Proteome Discoverer™ ngine with a precursor mass 02 Da. Carbamidomethylation 229.162 Da) for lysine and s with variable methionine Swiss-Prot® human database MT reporter ratios with mass ion factors. A protein ratio was iable spectra of the peptides eat map analysis was Thermo Scientific Poster Note • PN-64138-ASMS-EN-0614S 3 HGF/SU1 Relative Quantitation of Protein Abundance Using TMT10plex Reagents Pathway Analysis of H358 ) cell lines using phospho-specific auto-phosphorylated (upregulated ld in ER H358 cells. Interestingly, mTOR, p-S6 kinase, and p-ERK were and H358 cells (Figure 1A). Targeted of total mTOR, EGFR, S6 kinase, ERK, nd drug-resistant cell lines under all TMT10plex reagents enabled the simultaneous comparison of relative protein abundances in response to EGF stimulation, exposure to erlotinib, or both. Using the Orbitrap Fusion mass spectrometer, almost 7,800 protein groups and 90,000 unique peptides were able to be identified from samples, with a quantitation rate exceeding 90% at the peptide level employing HCD MS2 quantitation/fragmentation (Figure 3). High pH reversed-phase fractionation of unenriched and phospho-peptide enriched sample increased the number of quantified proteins almost 3-fold compared to unfractionated samples. Hierarchical cluster analysis revealed numerous changes in relative protein abundance between parental and resistant cell lines (Figure 4). Protein expression profiling SU11274-resistant (SR) cells downregulated in ER cells b study also showed ~2 fold lo Epidermal growth factor rece (SHC1, 5C) were both phosp partial inhibition to erlotinib t containing protein 1 (SND1, (GNA1, 5E) both were phosp osphorylated isoforms (A) and total kinase, and β-actin in parental and FIGURE 3. Number of quantifiable proteins and peptides using MS2 HCD fragmentation on the Orbitrap Fusion MS after high pH fractionation and phospho-peptide enrichment. Results are the MudPIT search of two replicate files. FIGURE 5. Differential exp by TMT reporter ion quant Phospho-peptide signals w lot Analysis 100000 90000 B A Extracted from: R:\Ryan\Fusion TMT phospho\TMT10 AACR Puri\TMT10_L_MS2_25.raw #44393 RT: 1 FTMS, [email protected], z=+3, Mono m/z=710.04175 Da, MH+=2128.11069 Da, Match Tol.=0.6 Da b₄₊ 732.38123 2.5 80000 2.0 70000 b₃₊ 619.29742 Intensity [counts] (10^6) 60000 50000 40000 b₅₊ 831.45001 1.5 850 1.0 30000 y₅₊ 609.38483 y₅²₊ 305.19568 b₆²₊-H₂O, b₂₊-H₂O, y₄₊ 472.32498 y₆₊ 722.46869 y₃₊ 359.24060 0.5 20000 10000 0.0 500 R:\Ryan\Fusion TMT phospho\TMT10 AACR Puri\TMT10_L_MS2_25.raw #44393, RT=134.84 min FTMS, HCD, Precursor: z=+3, Mono m/z=710.04175 Da, MH+=2128.11069 Da, Integration=Most 90 High pH fractions (P) 4493 3592 17017 13987 80 Total (Unique) 8689 8328 92099 84287 EGF/Erlotinb EGF Diluent EGF 6024 54178 50 40 30 20 0 126 Diluent H358 erlotinb-resistant HGF/SU11274 63462 60 10 FIGURE 4. Clustering analysis based on TMT quantitation showing changes in protein expression for 5,485 proteins (2 peptides per protein) between H358 parental versus erlotinib-resistant cells for different treatment conditions. Data is normalized to untreated H358 parental cells. H358 parental 70 Intensity [counts] (10^3) 3770 3553 24897 22796 High pH fractions (L) 7865 7528 83626 80091 Intensity (103) Protein Groups (ID) Protein Groups (Quan) Total peptides (ID) Total peptides (Quan) Phopsphoenriched (P) 1399 1220 2734 2252 127_N EGF 127_C EFG erloti H358 pa B R:\Ryan\Fusion TMT phospho\TMT10 AACR Puri\TMT10_P_MS2_17.raw #39290, RT=129.44 min FTMS, HCD, Precursor: z=+3, Mono m/z=925.44189 Da, MH+=2774.31113 Da, Integration=Most 11 10 8995 9 8 Intensity [counts] (10^3) sample preparation and LC/MS 8 erlotinib-resistant NSCLC cell both EFG/Erlotinib were extracted, ng labeled with TMT10plex reagents. ition are combined, enriched for reversed-phase chromatography, plex-labeled peptides co-elute ue reporter ion masses during MSn Load (L) Intensity (103) 0 7 6 5 4 3 EGF/Erlotinb 2915 217 2 1 0 126 Diluent 127_ EFG erloti H358 pa C R:\Ryan\Fusion TMT phospho\TMT10 AACR Puri\TMT10_P_MS2_17.raw #49485, RT=157.54 min FTMS, HCD, Precursor: z=+3, Mono m/z=812.07092 Da, MH+=2434.19822 Da, Integration=Most 18 16 14 Intensity [counts] (10^3) Intensity (103) 2-fold No change 0.5 fold 127_N EGF 12772 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1724 1051 126 Diluent 127_N EGF 127_ EFG erloti H358 pa D R:\Ryan\Fusion TMT phospho\TMT10 AACR Puri\TMT10_P_MS2_7_140322115834.raw #28258 FTMS, HCD, Precursor: z=+2, Mono m/z=777.81842 Da, MH+=1554.62956 Da, Integration=Most 250 Intensity [counts] (10^3) Intensity (103) 200 150 100 50 9528 0 126 Diluent 10913 127_N EGF 126 127 EFG erloti H358 pa E R:\Ryan\Fusion TMT phospho\TMT10 AACR Puri\TMT10_P_MS2_20_140323110057.raw #1992 FTMS, HCD, Precursor: z=+4, Mono m/z=517.51672 Da, MH+=2067.04506 Da, Integration=Mos 60 Intensity (103) Intensity [counts] (10^3) 50 40 30 20 10 0 10828 126 Diluent 8438 127_N EGF 1040 127_ EFG erloti H358 pa 4 Profiling EGFR Kinase Inhibitor Resistance Pathways in Non-Small Lung Cancer Cells g TMT10plex Reagents Pathway Analysis of H358 Cells arison of relative protein e to erlotinib, or both. Using the tein groups and 90,000 unique h a quantitation rate exceeding ation/fragmentation (Figure 3). and phospho-peptide enriched lmost 3-fold compared to revealed numerous changes in stant cell lines (Figure 4). Protein expression profiling studies of H358 erlotinib-resistant (ER) and H2170 SU11274-resistant (SR) cells using SILAC™ have shown that β-catenin was downregulated in ER cells but upregulated SR cells.2 TMT10plex quantitation in this study also showed ~2 fold lower expression of β-catenin for H358 ER cells (Figure 5A). Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR/Erb2, 5B) and SHC-transforming protein 1 (SHC1, 5C) were both phosphorylated after EGF and HGF treatment but showed partial inhibition to erlotinib treatment in ER cells. Staphylococcal nuclease domaincontaining protein 1 (SND1, 5D) and glucosamine 6-phosphate N-acetyltransferase (GNA1, 5E) both were phosphorylated in ER cells compared to parental cells. eptides using MS2 HCD gh pH fractionation and dPIT search of two replicate FIGURE 5. Differential expression of key proteins in H358 cell lines determined by TMT reporter ion quantitation using the Orbitrap Fusion mass spectrometer. Phospho-peptide signals were normalized to relative protein abundance. Extracted from: R:\Ryan\Fusion TMT phospho\TMT10 AACR Puri\TMT10_L_MS2_25.raw #44393 RT: 134.84 FTMS, [email protected], z=+3, Mono m/z=710.04175 Da, MH+=2128.11069 Da, Match Tol.=0.6 Da β-catenin MEEIVEGCTGALHILAR b₄₊ 732.38123 2.5 β-catenin 2.0 Intensity [counts] (10^6) b₃₊ 619.29742 b₅₊ 831.45001 1.5 Parental ER y₈₊ 850.52722 1.0 y₅₊ 609.38483 y₅²₊ 305.19568 b₆²₊-H₂O, b₂₊-H₂O, y₄₊ 472.32498 y₉₊ 951.57556 y₁₁₊ 1168.62781 y₆₊ 722.46869 b₇₊ 1017.51465 y₃₊ 359.24060 0.5 y₁₂₊ 1297.67126 y₁₀₊ 1111.60645 0.0 500 1000 R:\Ryan\Fusion TMT phospho\TMT10 AACR Puri\TMT10_L_MS2_25.raw #44393, RT=134.84 min FTMS, HCD, Precursor: z=+3, Mono m/z=710.04175 Da, MH+=2128.11069 Da, Integration=Most Confident Centroid, Integration tolerance=20 ppm m/z 1500 2000 90 Intensity [counts] (10^3) 70792 63462 60 60249 70455 64917 62394 54178 50 40 37805 38988 129_C 130_N Conclusion 32045 30 20 10 0 126 Diluent 8 erlotinb-resistant 127_N EGF 127_C EFG + erlotinib 128_N HGF + erlotinib 128_C 129_N HGF + Quan Channels Diluent SU11274 H358 parental B EGF 11 10 8995 9 7736 8 EFG + erlotinib H358 ER R:\Ryan\Fusion TMT phospho\TMT10 AACR Puri\TMT10_P_MS2_17.raw #39290, RT=129.44 min FTMS, HCD, Precursor: z=+3, Mono m/z=925.44189 Da, MH+=2774.31113 Da, Integration=Most Confident Centroid, Integration tolerance=20 ppm Intensity [counts] (10^3) ntitation showing changes in per protein) between H358 nt treatment conditions. Data 7570 130_C Diluent 131 HGF TMT labeling enables the sim multiple experimental condit mass of the Orbitrap instrum High pH reversed-phase frac samples resulted in over 7,8 quantified from ten different Protein expression ratios fro SILAC studies and western Cluster analysis revealed dif proteins. H358 SR EGFR Y1173 GSHQISLDNPDyQQDFFPK 7 6 5117 5 4 3 EGF/Erlotinb 3114 2986 2915 2171 2 1621 2237 1 0 126 Diluent 127_C EFG + erlotinib 128_N HGF + erlotinib 128_C 129_N HGF + Quan Channels Diluent SU11274 129_C 130_N EGF EFG + erlotinib H358 ER R:\Ryan\Fusion TMT phospho\TMT10 AACR Puri\TMT10_P_MS2_17.raw #49485, RT=157.54 min FTMS, HCD, Precursor: z=+3, Mono m/z=812.07092 Da, MH+=2434.19822 Da, Integration=Most Confident Centroid, Integration tolerance=20 ppm 16 Intensity [counts] (10^3) Intensity (103) 14 12772 12 8 6065 4 126 2220 1724 1051 Diluent 127_N EGF 127_C EFG + erlotinib 128_N HGF + erlotinib 128_C 2895 HGF + Quan Channels Diluent SU11274 129_C 130_N EGF EFG + erlotinib H358 ER R:\Ryan\Fusion TMT phospho\TMT10 AACR Puri\TMT10_P_MS2_7_140322115834.raw #28258, RT=91.81 min FTMS, HCD, Precursor: z=+2, Mono m/z=777.81842 Da, MH+=1554.62956 Da, Integration=Most Confident Centroid, Integration tolerance=20 ppm 200 Intensity [counts] (10^3) 130_C Diluent 131 HGF H358 SR 176466 106248 100 55972 50 0 9528 10913 12695 126 127_N 127_C Diluent EGF EFG + erlotinib 21868 16730 128_N 128_C HGF + erlotinib 129_N HGF + Quan Channels Diluent SU11274 H358 parental 129_C 130_N EGF EFG + erlotinib H358 ER R:\Ryan\Fusion TMT phospho\TMT10 AACR Puri\TMT10_P_MS2_20_140323110057.raw #19922, RT=81.23 min FTMS, HCD, Precursor: z=+4, Mono m/z=517.51672 Da, MH+=2067.04506 Da, Integration=Most Confident Centroid, Integration tolerance=20 ppm 60 50 44133 130_C Diluent 131 HGF H358 SR GNA1 S244 LDSsACLHAVGDK For research use only. Not for 40 30 27180 21270 20 10 0 2. Jacobs, R.; Fong, J.; Morave Blank, M.; Puri, N. 2014. Pro Association for Cancer Rese 41602 43571 41511 1. Puri, N. and Salgia, R. Syne inhibition, in non-small cell lu 4. Viner, R.; Scigelova, M.; Zell 2012. Thermo Fisher Scienti 149467 150 References 3. Kall, L.; Canterbury, J.; Wes 4:923–925. SND1 S909 ADDADEFGYsR 250 E 5246 1728 129_N H358 parental D H358 SR 7220 6 0 131 HGF 9590 10 2 130_C Diluent SHC1 Y427 ELFDDPSyVNVQNLDK 18 Intensity (103) 2-fold No change 0.5 fold 127_N EGF H358 parental C Intensity [counts] (10^3) EGF 70 Intensity (103) Total (Unique) 8689 8328 92099 84287 Intensity (103) High pH fractions (P) 4493 3592 17017 13987 80 Intensity (103) pH s (L) 5 8 26 91 A FIGURE 6. Elements of the ErbB quantified by LC/MS are highligh generated by Thermo Scientific™ 10828 126 Diluent 14142 8438 127_N EGF 10403 127_C EFG + erlotinib H358 parental 7003 128_N HGF + erlotinib 128_C 129_N HGF + Quan Channels Diluent SU11274 129_C 130_N EGF EFG + erlotinib H358 ER 130_C Diluent 131 HGF H358 SR Tandem Mass Tag and TMT are registered tr trademark of the University of Washington. S (Sib) Foundation, Switzerland. SILAC is a tra KEGG is a trademark of Kyoto University, Ka trademarks are the property of Thermo Fishe This information is not intended to encourage property rights of others. Thermo Scientific Poster Note • PN-64138-ASMS-EN-0614S 5 b-resistant (ER) and H2170 shown that β-catenin was s.2 TMT10plex quantitation in this tenin for H358 ER cells (Figure 5A). and SHC-transforming protein 1 nd HGF treatment but showed taphylococcal nuclease domain6-phosphate N-acetyltransferase compared to parental cells. FIGURE 6. Elements of the ErbB signaling pathway. Proteins identified and quantified by LC/MS are highlighted in green. KEGG™ pathway maps were generated by Thermo Scientific™ ProteinCenter™ software version 3.9. ns in H358 cell lines determined trap Fusion mass spectrometer. lative protein abundance. β-catenin LAR Parental ER 2000 70455 62394 37805 38988 129_C 130_N Conclusion 32045 129_N Diluent EGF EFG + erlotinib H358 ER 7570 130_C Diluent 131 HGF TMT labeling enables the simultaneous quantification of protein expression from multiple experimental conditions when coupled with the high resolution/accurate mass of the Orbitrap instruments. High pH reversed-phase fractionation of unenriched and phospho-peptide enriched samples resulted in over 7,800 protein groups identified and over 5,500 proteins quantified from ten different experimental conditions. Protein expression ratios from TMT ion reporters correlated well with previous SILAC studies and western blot analysis. Cluster analysis revealed differences in regulation of key ErbB pathway signaling proteins. H358 SR EGFR Y1173 GSHQISLDNPDyQQDFFPK 5117 3114 2986 2237 129_N Diluent 129_C EGF 130_N EFG + erlotinib H358 ER 130_C Diluent 131 HGF H358 SR SHC1 Y427 ELFDDPSyVNVQNLDK 9590 6065 5246 2895 1728 129_N Diluent 129_C EGF 130_N EFG + erlotinib H358 ER 176466 130_C Diluent 131 HGF H358 SR 106248 129_N 129_C EGF H358 ER 44133 41511 130_N EFG + erlotinib 130_C Diluent 2. Jacobs, R.; Fong, J.; Moravec, D.; Botting, G.; Bomgarden, R.; Rogers, J.; Viner, R.; Blank, M.; Puri, N. 2014. Proceedings of the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research. Apr 6-10, Washington, D.C. 4. Viner, R.; Scigelova, M.; Zeller, M.; Oppermann, M.; Moehring, T.; Zabrouskov, V. 2012. Thermo Fisher Scientific Application Note 566. 149467 Diluent 1. Puri, N. and Salgia, R. Synergism of EGFR and c-Met pathways, cross-talk and inhibition, in non-small cell lung cancer. 2008. J. Carcinogenesis. 7:9. 3. Kall, L.; Canterbury, J.; Weston, J.; Noble, W.S.; MacCoss, M. 2007. Nat. Methods. 4:923–925. SND1 S909 ADDADEFGYsR 55972 References 41602 131 HGF H358 SR GNA1 S244 LDSsACLHAVGDK 43571 For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. 27180 21270 129_N Diluent 129_C EGF H358 ER 130_N EFG + erlotinib 130_C Diluent 131 HGF H358 SR Tandem Mass Tag and TMT are registered trademarks of Proteome Sciences plc. SEQUEST is a registered trademark of the University of Washington. Swiss-Prot is a registered trademark of Institut Suisse de Bioinformatique (Sib) Foundation, Switzerland. SILAC is a trademark of the Center for Experimental Bioinformatics (CEBI), Denmark. KEGG is a trademark of Kyoto University, Kanehisa Lab. Spotfire is a registered trademark of TIBCO. All other trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries. This information is not intended to encourage use of these products in any manners that might infringe the intellectual property rights of others. PO64138-EN 0614S 6 Profiling EGFR Kinase Inhibitor Resistance Pathways in Non-Small Lung Cancer Cells For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. ©2014 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. ISO is a trademark of the International Standards Organization. Tandem Mass Tag and TMT are registered trademarks of Proteome Sciences plc. SEQUEST is a registered trademark of the University of Washington. Swiss-Prot is a registered trademark of Institut Suisse de Bioinformatique (Sib) Foundation, Switzerland. SILAC is a trademark of the Center for Experimental Bioinformatics (CEBI), Denmark. KEGG is a trademark of Kyoto University, Kanehisa Lab. Spotfire is a registered trademark of TIBCO. All other trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries. This information is presented as an example of the capabilities of Thermo Fisher Scientific products. It is not intended to encourage use of these products in any manners that might infringe the intellectual property rights of others. Specifications, terms and pricing are subject to change. Not all products are available in all countries. Please consult your local sales representative for details. 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