Liver Mitochondria Proteomics: Protein and PTM Quantitation Jenny Ho,1 Loïc Dayon, 2 John Corthésy, 2 Umberto De Marchi, 2 Antonio Núñez, 2 Rosa Viner, 3 Michael Blank, 3 Steve Danielson, 3 Madalina Oppermann,1 Martin Hornshaw,1 Martin Kussmann, 2,4,5 Andreas Wiederkehr2 1 Thermo Fisher Scientific, Hemel Hempstead, UK; 2Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences, Lausanne, Switzerland; 3Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose, CA, USA; 4Faculty of Life Sciences, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland; 5 Faculty of Sciences, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark Overview Results Methods: Relative quantitation of proteins using TMT 10-plex and LC/MS3. The TMT 10-plex reagents util isotopes; therefore, to baseline m/z 200) were acquired (Figur Purpose: Towards the understanding of biological aging by deep differential profiling of the liver mitochondrial proteome. Results: Quantitative changes of the liver mitochondrial proteome were observed in different age groups. Introduction Identification and Quantitati FIGURE 2. TMT 10-plex reag spectra acquired at 60,000 r To characterize changes in the mitochondrial proteome associated with the process of aging, liver mitochondria from different age groups of rats were studied. The liver proteomes from three age groups of rats – young (8 month old), middle (18 month old), and old (24 month old) – were labeled with Tandem Mass Tags (TMT)1, and analyzed using nanoLC-MSn workflows to maximize both qualitative and quantitative information on the mitochondrial proteome. Methods Sample Preparation Liver tissues were homogenized and mitochondria were isolated by differential centrifugation2. Proteins were then reduced, alkylated, and precipitated with methanol/chloroform/water. Mitochondria proteins were re-dissolved and digested with trypsin. Samples were then labeled with Thermo Scientific™ TMT 10-plex™ reagents according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The experimental strategy consisted of three age groups, young, middle, and old animals with six biological replicates per age group. The biological replicates were divided into two experiments, referred to as Exp A and Exp B. Each experiment consisted of 9 samples labeled with TMT channel 126130 and a pooled age group sample labeled with TMT channel 131. Aliquots from each sample were mixed in equimolar ratios. The experimental strategy is summarized in Figure 1. FIGURE 1. Experimental design Co-isolation interference has accuracy when using isobaric to address co-isolation interfe precursor was fragmented by precursor selection of multipl HCD MS3 (Figure 3). Ion trap Orbitrap MS3 spectra contain quantitation. Figure 4 shows MS3 approach compared to t FIGURE 3. MS3 approach e TMT-labelled peptides LC-MSn All samples were analyzed by nanoLC coupled to the Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap Fusion™ Tribrid™ mass spectrometer. Peptides were separated using a Thermo Scientific™ Acclaim™ PepMap™ C18 column, 50 cm x 75 µm ID, 3 µm, employing a water/acetonitrile/0.1% formic acid gradient from 5-35% over 360 minutes. TMTlabeled peptides were analyzed by data-dependent top speed using an MS3 approach. During a maximum 3 s cycle time, the most abundant multiply charged parent ions were selected for CID MS2 in the ion trap followed by Synchronous Precursor Selection (SPS) of up to 10 parent ions from the MS2 for HCD MS3. MS3 spectra were acquired at 60,000 resolution (at m/z 200) in the Orbitrap MS. All samples were analyzed in triplicate. Data Analysis For peptide and protein identification as well as TMT quantitation, data were processed using Thermo Scientific™ Proteome Discoverer™ software version 1.4. Spectra were searched against a UniProt rat database using the SEQUEST® HT search engine. Static modifications included carbamidomethylation (C) and TMTsixplex (N-terminal). Dynamic modifications included oxidation (M), TMTsixplex (K), acetylation (K), and phosphorylation (S,T,Y). Resulting peptide hits were filtered for maximum 1% FDR using the Percolator algorithm. The TMT 10-plex quantification method within Proteome Discoverer software was used to calculate the reporter ratios with mass tolerance ±10ppm without applying isotopic correction factors. Only peptide spectra containing all reporter ions were designated as “quantifiable spectra”. A protein ratio is expressed as a median value of the ratios for all quantifiable spectra of unique peptides derived from the protein. The MS3 approach generated CID MS2 spectra for identification and HCD MS3 for quantitation. 2 Liver Mitochondria Proteomics: Protein and PTM Quantitation FIGURE 4. Orbitrap Fusion for MS3 and MS2 approache 10--plex labelled peptides g by deep differential profiling 0-plex and LC/MS3. proteome were observed in Results Identification and Quantification o Identification and Quantitation of TMT-labeled Peptides Using the MS3 Approach The TMT 10-plex reagents utilize the 6 mDa mass difference between 13C and 15N isotopes; therefore, to baseline resolve all ten, reporter ions >60,000 resolution (at m/z 200) were acquired (Figure 2). FIGURE 2. TMT 10-plex reagents: structures, reporter ion masses, and mass spectra acquired at 60,000 resolution (at m/z 200) TMT-labeled peptides from Exp A an using a 360 min gradient. Each sam loaded on column. Representative b shown in Figure 5. FIGURE 5. Representative base p associated with the process of ts were studied. The liver nth old), middle (18 month m Mass Tags (TMT)1, and h qualitative and quantitative isolated by differential and precipitated with re-dissolved and digested with ific™ TMT 10-plex™ reagents mental strategy consisted of ix biological replicates per age xperiments, referred to as Exp labeled with TMT channel 126hannel 131. Aliquots from mental strategy is summarized Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap separated using a Thermo x 75 µm ID, 3 µm, employing a % over 360 minutes. TMTp speed using an MS3 abundant multiply charged ollowed by Synchronous the MS2 for HCD MS3. MS3 ) in the Orbitrap MS. All Co-isolation interference has been shown to contribute to a decrease in quantitative accuracy when using isobaric tags such as TMT3,4. An MS3 approach was developed to address co-isolation interference on the Orbitrap Fusion Tribrid MS, where each precursor was fragmented by CID MS2 followed by HCD MS3. The synchronous precursor selection of multiple MS2 ions using the ion trap subsequently underwent HCD MS3 (Figure 3). Ion trap MS2 spectra were used for peptide identification, while Orbitrap MS3 spectra containing the TMT 10-plex reporter ions were used for quantitation. Figure 4 shows acquisition workflows and instrument settings for the MS3 approach compared to the MS2 approach on the Orbitrap Fusion MS. FIGURE 3. MS3 approach employing SPS for identification and quantification of TMT-labelled peptides FIGURE 4. Orbitrap Fusion MS acquisition workflows and instrument settings for MS3 and MS2 approaches for the identification and quantification of TMT 10--plex labelled peptides Each group was analyzed in triplica performed, resulting in approximate peptides at 1% FDR (Percolator alg identified when all six data files were In addition, 84% of the identified pro ions were present), and 817 mitocho quantified using ≥2 unique peptides The number of peptides identified u Exp A was acquired using the instru LC gradient. Figure 7 summarizes th where approximately 12% less prote MS2 approach using the same grad FIGURE 6. Summary of the numb and quantified by LC-MS3 using 3 FIGURE 7. Summary of the numb using MS2 compared to the MS3 a analytical experiments) uantitation, data were erer™ software version 1.4. using the SEQUEST® HT omethylation (C) and ed oxidation (M), TMTsixplex lting peptide hits were filtered The TMT 10-plex quantification d to calculate the reporter otopic correction factors. Only nated as “quantifiable spectra”. atios for all quantifiable spectra approach generated CID MS2 . Thermo Scientific Poster Note • PN-64105-ASMS-EN-0614S 3 Identification and Quantification of the Mitochondrial Proteome Peptides Using the MS3 Approach difference between 13C and 15N orter ions >60,000 resolution (at eporter ion masses, and mass 00) Quantitative Changes to the nanoLC-MS3 TMT-labeled peptides from Exp A and B (Figure 1) were analyzed by using a 360 min gradient. Each sample was analyzed in triplicate and 2 µg were loaded on column. Representative base peak chromatograms for Exp A and B are shown in Figure 5. FIGURE 5. Representative base peak chromatograms for groups A and B To study changes to the mitoch groups were compared using is concurrent identification and qu in one LC-MS3 experiment.3 Th age were used, in which six bio replicates were divided into two (Figure 1). Each group consiste and labeled using TMT channe pooled age group sample. All samples were normalized to channel 131). Figure 8 summa samples for selected mitochond same age group were observed abundance with increasing age shows box plots summarizing t proteins for different age group FIGURE 8. Normalized ratios proteins in all biological sam ribute to a decrease in quantitative An MS3 approach was developed ap Fusion Tribrid MS, where each by HCD MS3. The synchronous e ion trap subsequently underwent used for peptide identification, while reporter ions were used for s and instrument settings for the n the Orbitrap Fusion MS. ,4. dentification and quantification of Each group was analyzed in triplicate; thus six analytical experiments were performed, resulting in approximately two days of analysis time. A total of 15,464 peptides at 1% FDR (Percolator algorithm) and 2,635 protein groups were identified when all six data files were combined for the database search (Figure 6). In addition, 84% of the identified protein groups were quantified (where all reporter ions were present), and 817 mitochondrial protein groups were identified and 631 quantified using ≥2 unique peptides when all six data files were combined. The number of peptides identified using MS3 was compared to the MS2 approach. Exp A was acquired using the instrument settings shown in Figure 4 and a 180 min LC gradient. Figure 7 summarizes the number of peptides and proteins identified, where approximately 12% less proteins were identified in the MS3 compared to the MS2 approach using the same gradient. FIGURE 6. Summary of the number of peptides and protein groups identified and quantified by LC-MS3 using 360 min gradient (n=6 analytical experiments) FIGURE 9. Box plots summa age groups. rkflows and instrument settings tion and quantification of TMT FIGURE 7. Summary of the number of peptides and protein groups identified using MS2 compared to the MS3 approach using a 180 min gradient (n=2 analytical experiments) 4 Liver Mitochondria Proteomics: Protein and PTM Quantitation Proteome nanoLC-MS3 analyzed by riplicate and 2 µg were rams for Exp A and B are s for groups A and B Quantitative Changes to the Mitochondrial Proteome upon Aging Profiling Quantitative Changes to the To study changes to the mitochondrial proteome upon aging, rats from different age groups were compared using isobaric labeling and LC-MS3. TMT10-plex enables concurrent identification and quantification of proteins from up to 10 different samples in one LC-MS3 experiment.3 Three age groups consisting of young, middle, and old age were used, in which six biological replicates were used per age group. Biological replicates were divided into two experiments, referred to as Exp A and Exp B (Figure 1). Each group consisted of three rats per age group (nine samples in total) and labeled using TMT channels 126-130, while channel 131 was used to label a pooled age group sample. To determine protein abundance distrib age groups were transformed to a Log2 GProX software5. As shown in Figure 1 which could be further separated into 6 All samples were normalized to the corresponding pooled age group sample (TMT channel 131). Figure 8 summarizes the calculated normalized ratios for all biological samples for selected mitochondrial proteins. Although biological variations within the same age group were observed, there was a subtle trend of increasing protein abundance with increasing age. This trend can be clearly observed in Figure 9, which shows box plots summarizing the distribution of protein ratio for all mitochondrial proteins for different age groups. . FIGURE 8. Normalized ratios (against pooled age group) for four mitochondrial proteins in all biological samples experiments were is time. A total of 15,464 otein groups were atabase search (Figure 6). antified (where all reporter s were identified and 631 s were combined. Conclusion red to the MS2 approach. in Figure 4 and a 180 min s and proteins identified, n the MS3 compared to the protein groups identified 6 analytical experiments) protein groups identified 0 min gradient (n=2 FIGURE 10. Profiling changes to pro FIGURE 9. Box plots summarizing the distribution of protein ratios for different age groups. The multiplexing capabilities of T samples in one LC-MSn experime Quantitative changes to the mitoc using TMT 10-plex and LC-MS3. levels with increasing age was ob dissected into different expressio A total of 35 TMT-labeled acetyla phosphopeptides were identified Further experiments include the e peptides prior to TMT-labeling an analysis. References 1. Dayon, L. et al. Relative Quantific Fluids by MS/MS Using 6-plex Is 2. U. De Marchi et al., Influences of Monoamine oxidase activity on a transition, Cellular and Molecular 3. Ting et al. MS3 Eliminates Ratio D Proteomics. Nature Methods, 201 4. Viner et al. ASMS 2013 poster: In Quantitation from 6-to 10-Plex Re 5. Rigbolt, K.T. et al., GProX, a Use and Visualization of Quantitative Proteomics, 2011, 10(8):O110.00 SEQUEST is a trademark of the University of Wash Scientific and its subsidiaries. This information is not intended to encourage use o intellectual property rights of others. Thermo Scientific Poster Note • PN-64105-ASMS-EN-0614S 5 e upon Aging aging, rats from different age MS3. TMT10-plex enables om up to 10 different samples ng of young, middle, and old sed per age group. Biological o as Exp A and Exp B group (nine samples in total) el 131 was used to label a ed age group sample (TMT malized ratios for all biological iological variations within the nd of increasing protein ly observed in Figure 9, which ratio for all mitochondrial Profiling Quantitative Changes to the Mitochondrial Proteome upon Aging To determine protein abundance distribution profiles, the protein ratios from the three age groups were transformed to a Log2 scale and clustering was performed using GProX software5. As shown in Figure 10, 41 proteins showed quantitative differences which could be further separated into 6 different profile clusters. FIGURE 10. Profiling changes to protein expression levels upon aging . roup) for four mitochondrial Conclusion of protein ratios for different The multiplexing capabilities of TMT allows the comparison of up to 10 biological samples in one LC-MSn experiment. Quantitative changes to the mitochondria proteome in aging rats were made using TMT 10-plex and LC-MS3. A subtle trend in increasing protein expression levels with increasing age was observed. Interestingly, this trend could be further dissected into different expression profiles. A total of 35 TMT-labeled acetylated (K) peptides and 10 TMT-labeled phosphopeptides were identified and quantified without prior enrichment. Further experiments include the enrichment of these post-translational modified peptides prior to TMT-labeling and nanoLC-MS3 analysis for quantitative analysis. References 1. Dayon, L. et al. Relative Quantification of Proteins in Human Cerebrospinal Fluids by MS/MS Using 6-plex Isobaric Tags. Anal. Chem., 2008, 80, 2921-2931. 2. U. De Marchi et al., Influences of Reactive Oxygen Species Production by Monoamine oxidase activity on aluminium-induced mitochondrial permeability transition, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 2004, 61, 2664-2671. 3. Ting et al. MS3 Eliminates Ratio Distortion in Isobaric Multiplexed Quantitative Proteomics. Nature Methods, 2011, 8(11), 937-940. 4. Viner et al. ASMS 2013 poster: Increasing the Multiplexing of Protein Quantitation from 6-to 10-Plex Reporter Ion Isotopologues. 5. Rigbolt, K.T. et al., GProX, a User-Friendly Platform for Bioinformatics Analysis and Visualization of Quantitative Proteomics Platform Data, Mol. Cell. Proteomics, 2011, 10(8):O110.007450. SEQUEST is a trademark of the University of Washington. All other trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries. This information is not intended to encourage use of these products in any manners that might infringe the intellectual property rights of others. PO64105-EN 0614S 6 Liver Mitochondria Proteomics: Protein and PTM Quantitation For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. ©2014 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. ISO is a trademark of the International Standards Organization. SEQUEST is a trademark of the University of Washington. All other trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries. This information is presented as an example of the capabilities of Thermo Fisher Scientific products. It is not intended to encourage use of these products in any manners that might infringe the intellectual property rights of others. Specifications, terms and pricing are subject to change. Not all products are available in all countries. Please consult your local sales representative for details. 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