PROGRAM 1230-1330 TUESDAY 29 APRIL 2014 Energy Networks 2014 Trade Exhibition REGISTRATION AND INFORMATION DESK OPEN 1330-1400 Exhibition Centre Concourse (Doors 7 & 8) 1730-1930 AUSTRALIAN KEYNOTE ADDRESS The Hon. Jeff Kennett AC, Chairman, City West Water Corporation WELCOME RECEPTION 1400-1515 Energy Networks 2014 Trade Exhibition PLENARY PANEL DISCUSSION #3 Panel Leader: Terry Effeney, Chief Executive Officer, Energex FOUNDATIONS FOR A STRONG ENERGY INDUSTRY WEDNESDAY 30 APRIL 2014 0730-1700 What does future investment in engagement, innovation and assets look like? What is already being done to support the industry and its customers? What strategies can energy businesses adopt that will complement the changes that are already taking place in the energy system? REGISTRATION AND INFORMATION DESK OPEN Exhibition Centre Concourse (Doors 7 & 8) 0830-0840 Mr John Wylie, Chief Executive Officer, Lazard Ms Delia Rickard, Deputy Commissioner, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Ms Cheri Warren, Vice President, Asset Management & Innovation Officer, National Grid Mr John Pierce, Chairman, Australian Energy Market Commission WELCOME & SPONSOR ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Plenary Room 3 Mr Paul Adams, ENA Chairman 0840-0845 1515-1545 PLATINUM SPONSOR ADDRESS Energy Networks 2014 Trade Exhibition Toshiba/Landis+Gyr 0845-0900 1515-1545 MINISTERIAL OPENING ADDRESS 0930-1045 1545-1700 Panel Leader: Dr Alex Wonhas, Group Executive, CSIRO Energy Mr David Gray, Chairman, Ofgem THE NEW GRID – STRATEGIES FOR THE DEPLOYMENT OF FAIR, RELIABLE AND ACCESSIBLE ENERGY PLENARY PANEL DISCUSSION #1 How will new approaches to service delivery, pricing and technology advance efficiency and equity in the energy market? How will they enhance the consumer’s experience? What can international perspectives offer to our understanding of the new grid? LEADING ENERGY NETWORKS INTO THE FUTURE: REFORM, REGULATION, REPUTATION Mr Charles Popple, Executive Adviser, SP AusNet Dr Ronald Melton, Project Director, Pacific Northwest Smart Grid Demonstration Project Mr Christian Weeks, Managing Director, EnerNOC Australia & New Zealand Dr Gill Owen, Research Program Leader, Monash University Mr Michael Jansen, Business Unit Manager - Power Generation, ABB Australia The environment for network businesses is changing. How will companies responsible for over $75 billion in infrastructure transform to respond to the challenges of the future? Mr Paul Adams, Managing Director, Jemena Ms Merryn York, Chief Executive, Powerlink Mr Rob Stobbe, Chief Executive Officer, SA Power Networks Mr Paul Italiano, Chief Executive Officer, Western Power 1900-2300 GALA DINNER Melbourne Room 1, Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre MORNING TEA Energy Networks 2014 Trade Exhibition 1115-1230 PLENARY PANEL DISCUSSION #4 INTERNATIONAL KEYNOTE ADDRESS Panel Leader: Ms Emma Alberici, Presenter ABC’s Lateline 1045-1115 POSTER SESSION 1 Energy Networks 2014 Trade Exhibition Government agenda for energy policy The Hon. Ian Macfarlane MP, Federal Minister for Industry 0900-0930 AFTERNOON TEA PLENARY PANEL DISCUSSION #2 Panel Leader: Ms Emma Alberici, Presenter ABC’s Lateline CO-OPETITION IN THE ENERGY SUPPLY CHAIN: CAN ENERGY BUSINESSES COMPETE AND CO-OPERATE? Energy businesses have more opportunities to facilitate new supply and demand options, new market opportunities and new consumer services. As the energy market becomes more dynamic, we can expect greater engagement and interaction between all market participants. Can they work together in the interests of consumers? Mr Lance Balcombe, Chief Executive Officer, TasNetworks Mr Tim Rourke, Chief Executive, Citipower Powercor Mr Ian Mcleod, Chief Executive, Ergon Energy Mr Tom Werner, CEO and President, SunPower ENERGY NETWORKS 2014 PROGRAM 0830-1930 LUNCH THURSDAY 1 MAY 2014 0700-1700 REGISTRATION AND INFORMATION DESK OPEN Exhibition Centre Concourse (Doors 7 & 8) 0730-0830 MEET THE INDUSTRY BREAKFAST 0830-0900 0900-1030 INNOVATION ASSETS GAS ENGAGEMENT Meeting Room 220 Meeting Room 219 Meeting Room 218 Meeting Room 217 CONCURRENT SESSIONS 1 CONCURRENT SESSIONS 2 CONCURRENT SESSIONS 3 CONCURRENT SESSIONS 4 Something New That Adds or Creates Value Exploring Technical Solutions A Fuel for the Future? Communicate, Collaborate, Connect It’s not just the ‘big bang’: how understanding and delivering innovation will enable continuous improvement. Identifying the real issues facing energy network infrastructure and exploring the technical solutions. With global markets reshaping local markets, how can gas position itself as a sustainable and efficient fuel of choice in the long term. Developing approaches to engagement that builds a stronger industry and advances the opportunities for consumers. CONCURRENT SESSION 1A CONCURRENT SESSION 2A CONCURRENT SESSION 3A CONCURRENT SESSION 4A Priorities and Strategies for Innovation Priorities and Strategies for Assets Priorities and Strategies for Gas Priorities and Strategies for Engagement ENA Future Networks Committee OPEN FORUM ENA Asset Management Committee OPEN FORUM ENA Gas Committee OPEN FORUM ENA Regulatory Affairs Committee OPEN FORUM Rod Howard, Chief Operating Officer, Endeavour Energy Terry Effeney, Chief Executive Officer, Energex Andrew Staniford, Commercial Manager, Envestra Hugh Gleeson, Chief Executive Officer, United Energy and Multinet Gas CONCURRENT SESSION 1B CONCURRENT SESSION 2B CONCURRENT SESSION 3B CONCURRENT SESSION 4B Technology, Information and the Smart Grid Embedded Generation and Energy Networks The Outlook for Growth in Domestic Gas How will we harness technology and information to ensure the energy system can deliver the best value products and services to all stakeholders? Learning to adapt to integrate embedded generation – overcoming the issues to realise the opportunities. Can domestic gas markets cope with the forces of higher wholesale gas prices, changing customer demand and renewable energy competition? Inclusion and Consultation – How Do Energy Businesses Identify Their Stakeholders? Session Leader: Terry Effeney, Chief Executive Officer, Energex Session Leader: Andrew Staniford, Commercial Manager, Envestra 0900-0920 0900-0920 0900-0930 0900-0920 Lessons learned in planning and implementing smart grid data mining and analytics platform to drive greater utility value How communications networking will differentiate next generation electricity distribution businesses GAS KEYNOTE Effective network and retail relationships – Working together 0830-0900 0900-1030 Session Leader: Tony Pfeiffer, Executive General Manager Asset Management, Ergon Energy Ronnie Contractor, Solutions Architect, Cisco Bradley Williams, Vice President, Industry Strategy, Oracle Utilities, USA Perspectives on the future of the Australian Domestic Gas Market Who needs to be included in engagement – why, when and how? Session Leader: Hugh Gleeson, Chief Executive Officer, United Energy and Multinet Gas Jim Galvin, General Manager Retail Customer Operations, Origin Energy The Hon Peter Reith, Chairman, Victorian Gas Market Taskforce 0920-0940 0920-0940 0920-0940 Harvesting value from advanced metering infrastructure Energy storage and the modern grid – A perspective from the UK Establishing a lasting relationship with the community – Why does it matter? John Theunissen, Manager Network Modernisation, Chris Wering, Director, Australia and New Zealand, S&C Electric Company Katherine Teh-White, Managing Director, Futureye Tobie de Villiers, Business Intelligence Development Manager, SP AusNet 0940-1000 0940-1000 0930-0950 0940-1000 The drive toward a multi-application, interoperable smart grid architecture Managing customer inverter energy systems on the LV network – Ergon Energy’s plan to 2020 The outlook for domestic gas How do you reach the disengaged? Paul Balfe, Executive Director, ACIL Allen Felix Davis, Production Line Manager, Cisco Systems Blake Harvey, Manager Alternative Energy Solutions-Rural, Remote & Isolated, Ergon Energy Andrea Pape, Project Manager, The Give Grid, Australian Council of Social Service 1000-1020 1000-1020 0950-1010 1000-1020 Imagine crash-testing every new car… applying the network feeder taxonomy to transfer smart grid trial findings across diverse network topologies The Federation of Microgrids: Engaging the disconnected The changing role of gas in the Australian energy market How customer analytics helps Energex identify and engage with customers John Ward, Senior Scientist, CSIRO Peter Geers, Group Manager Business Strategy, Corporate Development, Australian Energy Market Operator Andrew Hager, Customer Business Manager, Energex 1020-1030 1020-1030 1010-1030 1020-1030 Panel Question and Answer Panel Question and Answer Panel Question and Answer Panel Question and Answer Mark Paterson, Manager, Smart Grid Partnerships, CSIRO Energy Flagship ENERGY NETWORKS 2014 PROGRAM Energy Networks 2014 Trade Exhibition 1030-1100 MORNING TEA 1100-1230 INNOVATION ASSETS GAS ENGAGEMENT Meeting Room 220 Meeting Room 219 Meeting Room 218 Meeting Room 217 CONCURRENT SESSION 1C CONCURRENT SESSION 2C Teaching Dinosaurs to Dance Foundations of the Network - Best Practice Asset Management As the energy system transforms through changes to customer aspirations, pricing signals and technology, how will energy businesses innovate their business models to capitalise on these changes. Asset management underpins a strong energy network. Examine solutions to support the critical assets of network businesses. 1100-1230 CONCURRENT SESSION 3C CONCURRENT SESSION 4C Are Global Successes Threatening Local Markets? Name Your Network – Building Connections in the Community Investigating the impacts of wholesale gas price fluctuations on customers and the outlook for energy policy. Ensuring consumers understand energy networks and networks understand consumers. Session Leader: Mark Paterson, Manager, Smart Grid Partnerships, CSIRO Energy Flagship Session Leader: Dr Edoardo Viel, Manager Asset Engineering, SP AusNet Session Leader: Justin Scotchbrook, General Manager, Commercial and Business Development, ATCO Gas 1100-1120 1100-1120 1100-1125 1100-1120 Energy networks and the pricing dilemma International standards for asset management in Australia: ISO 55000 Challenges in the natural gas market: pricing, regulation and policy and the implications for the competitive position of gas Ergon Energy empowering the customer James Bennett, Manager Regulation, SA Power Networks John Allen, Business Improvement Manager, Networks Strategy and Development Division, SP AusNet Session Leader: Ian Israelsohn, General Manager Policy and External Affairs, Jemena Trevor Gear, Manager Demand Planning and Facilitation, Ergon Energy Danielle Beinart, Manager Gas Network Development, Jemena John Hardwick, Group Executive - Network Strategy, Networks NSW 1120-1140 1120-1135 1125-1150 1120-1140 A practicable model for the widescale deployment of storage within the distribution network Conductor management – the state of the nation International pressures on domestic gas: A view from Western Australia and Canada Data analytics: The key to customer engagement Terry Lampard, Chair, ENA Electricity Technical Regulatory Committee Dean Spaccavento, Co-Founder, Reposit Power Alan Dixon, President, ATCO Gas Australia Chris King, Chief Regulatory Officer, Siemens Smart Grid Services, EMeter, A Siemens Business Miguel Brandao, Smart Grid Technical Solution Director, GE Energy 1140-1200 1135-1150 1140-1200 Pacific northwest smart grid demonstration project Condition assessment of overhead steel conductors Dr Ronald Melton, Project Director, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Demonstration Project Tom Ruzeu, Senior Asset Performance and Bushfire Mitigation Engineer, Jemena Framing the message – The path to successful engagement with the community 1200-1220 1150-1205 1150-1215 1200-1220 Creative destruction and the natural monopoly ‘death spiral’: can electricity distribution utilities survive the incumbent’s curse? Energy safety law and self governance – The beast within A customers’ experience Utilities and the community: What has Yarra Water learned about engagement Paul Newbury, University of Queensland Fiona Austin, Special Counsel, Clayton Utz Dr Karen Stenner, Senior Research Scientist, CSIRO Peter Dobney, General Manager Resources and Energy, Orora Limited (Formerly Amcor) 1205-1220 Pat McAfferty, General Manager, Strategy and Communications, Yarra Valley Water Data analytics: The key to drive value from existing assets Chris King, Chief Regulatory Officer, Siemens Smart Grid Services, EMeter, A Siemens Business 1220-1230 1220-1230 1215-1230 1220-1230 Panel Question and Answer Panel Question and Answer Panel Question and Answer Panel Question and Answer ENERGY NETWORKS 2014 PROGRAM Energy Networks 2014 Trade Exhibition 1230-1330 LUNCH 1330-1500 INNOVATION ASSETS GAS ENGAGEMENT Meeting Room 220 Meeting Room 219 Meeting Room 218 Meeting Room 217 CONCURRENT SESSION 1D CONCURRENT SESSION 2D Innovation in a Regulated Industry… Paradox or Paradigm Shift? Perspectives on Vegetation Management Can the regulatory framework deal with uncertainty and support innovation? Session Leader: Garth Crawford, Executive Director Economic Regulation, Energy Networks Association International and domestic developments in vegetation management for utilities – opportunities and innovation. Session Leader: Harry Kestin, Regional Lead, Energy and Communications, Esri Australia 1330-1500 CONCURRENT SESSION 3D CONCURRENT SESSION 4D What Place for Gas in Meeting the Big Environmental Challenges? Unlocking the Authority of the Customer in Network Planning & Reliability – Opportunities and Threats Investigating the evolving role of gas in promoting an environmentally sustainable future. Network planning and reliability processes are changing: will the new processes be practical, meaningful and result in network spending that customers can support? Panel Moderator: Chris Kelly, Senior Vice President, Clearion Software Session Leader: Peter Harcus, General Manager Gas Asset Management, Jemena 1330-1350 1330-1350 1330-1355 1330-1345 Can innovation thrive in regulated energy businesses? Locating the hot spots in vegetation management Opportunities for gas in emissions reduction policies Greg Houston, Director, NERA Anne Beard, Manager, Vegetation Management, PNM/TNMP John Bradley, Chief Executive Officer, Energy Networks Association The energy conversation: Customer engagement is core business for electricity networks Session Leader: Lynne Gallagher, Executive Director, Industry Development, Energy Networks Association Peter McIntyre, Managing Director, TransGrid 1350-1410 1350-1410 1355-1420 1345-1400 New opportunities for networks to profit from demand management Using geography and technology to reshape vegetation management Can gas compete with renewables? Identifying and engaging key stakeholders for effective network planning and development Paul Troughton, Director of Regulatory Affairs, EnerNOC Pty Ltd Igor Albornett, Architecture Team Leader, POWERCO 1410-1430 1410-1500 1420-1445 1400-1415 Allocating demand and energy forecasting risks Expert panel on vegetation management David Bones, Senior Consultant, GHD Hill Michael Anne Beard, Manager, Vegetation Management, PNM/TNMP Integration of renewable gas into existing gas distribution infrastructure Everything you wanted to know about VCRS estimation but haven’t had a chance to ask Michael Emmett, Chairman, Utility Arborist Association of Australia Attilio Pigneri, Managing Director, Talent with Energy Professor Riccardo Scarpa, Professor in Environmental Economics, University of Waikato 1430-1450 Performance based regulation; enabling utility innovation Matt Futch, Global Policy Director, Energy and Utilities, IBM Jon Jutsen, Executive Director, Energetics Daryl Scott, Service Line Leader - Power Delivery & Utilisation, Sinclair Knight Merz Lionel Smyth, Executive General Manager - Network Services & Operations, TransGrid 1415-1430 Mike Tshaikiwsky, Manager Safety Management Systems and Audit, Electrical Infrastructure Safety, Energy Safe Victoria Planning and co-operation in a race against the clock – A customer’s experience Matt Peters, Group Manager, Utilities Solutions, Select Solutions Jeremy Sampson, Engineering Services Manager, Crown Melbourne Ltd 1450-1500 1445-1500 1430-1500 Panel Question and Answer Panel Question and Answer Panel Question and Answer ENERGY NETWORKS 2014 PROGRAM Energy Networks 2014 Trade Exhibition 1500-1530 AFTERNOON TEA Energy Networks 2014 Trade Exhibition 1500-1530 POSTER SESSION 2 1530-1630 INNOVATION ASSETS GAS ENGAGEMENT Meeting Room 220 Meeting Room 219 Meeting Room 218 Meeting Room 217 CONCURRENT SESSION 1E CONCURRENT SESSION 2E CONCURRENT SESSION 3E CONCURRENT SESSION 4E Innovation Masterclass Reliability and Power Quality Major Projects and Technical Challenges How Do Energy Networks Meet Expectations? What can energy businesses learn from Innovation Leaders and how can we build their insights into our businesses? Maintaining reliability and power quality in an evolving technical and regulatory environment Lessons learned from major downstream gas development projects and the technical challenges facing the industry Consultation and engagement will breed expectations. Where will that lead and can we deliver? Masterclass Facilitator: Dr Anton de Waal, Senior Lecturer, Swinburne University Session Leader: Craig Savage, General Manager, Network Asset Management, United Energy and Multinet Gas Session Leader: Dougal Torrance, Director, Energy Infrastructure and Gas Markets, Energy Networks Association Session Leader: Rod Howard, Chief Operating Officer, Endeavour Energy Michael Egan, Director, SME Engagement Centre, CSIRO 1530-1550 1530-1550 1530-1550 Deborah-Ann Allan, Innovation & Development Manager, NRMA Motoring & Services Ergon Energy Case Study: Reliability Improvement and Smart Network Benefits Using Fuse Saving Circuit Breakers Advancing the gas value chain – A perspective from a smart gas operator Community engagement and broad-based planning approach to deliver high quality transmission asset – Adelaide Central reinforcement Tim Brookshaw, Innovation Projects Manager CitiPower and Powercor Andrew Rowe, General Manager Bradford Energy Solutions, CSR Bradford 1530-1630 James Kwan, Senior Adviser, The Hong Kong and China Gas Co Ltd Brett Watson, Business Manager, Siemens Hoang Nguyen, Principal Development Advisor, ElectraNet Scott Marsh, Regional Reliability Officer, Ergon Energy 1550-1610 1550-1610 1550-1610 Understanding voltage sag impacts on customers and what networks service providers can do to respond The South Gippsland natural gas project – technical and commercial challenges Beginning with the end in mind – Transpower’s systematic approach to improving customer service Robert Barr, Director, Electric Power Consulting Todd Henderson, Gas Asset Manager, United Energy Multinet Gas Rebecca Mehrtens, Customer Solutions Manager, Transpower New Zealand Ltd Greg Lemaire, Team Leader, Customer Solutions Analysts at Transpower New Zealand Ltd 1610-1630 1610-1630 1610-1630 Advancing reliability and the way forward – A case study Innovation in gas project delivery Engaging the customer: Outcomes of Victoria’s flexible pricing and other learnings for innovative network pricing Peter Price, Executive General Manager, Asset Management, Energex Richard Blagrove, General Manager Network Services NSW/ACT, Zinfra Group Lance Hoch, Director, Oakley Greenwood Pty Ltd 1630-1700 CLOSING RECEPTION ENERGY NETWORKS 2014 Level 2 Foyer ENERGY NETWORKS 2014 PROGRAM SECTION TITLE HERE Energy Networks 2014 Trade Exhibition
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