Program Outline TH THURSDAY 7 MAY 2015 1700-1900 Registration: Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre 1700-1900 Welcome Reception Exhibition area TH FRIDAY 8 M AY 2015 0800–1700 Registration: Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre 0900–0930 Official Opening and housekeeping 0930–1030 Keynote presentation: Prevalence and trends in obesity in Australia Speaker: Associate Professor Anna Peeters, Head Obesity & Population Health | Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute President Australian & New Zealand Obesity Society 1030–1100 Morning tea 1100 –1230 Concurrent session Lifestyle, Related Issues & Solutions Concurrent session Applied Approaches to Weight Management Concurrent session Business 1100-1145 Prenatal and early life influences on obesity and weight management over the life course Ass Prof Abdullah Mamun PhD The University Of Queensland How to effectively manage cravings in weight loss How to build a trusted weight loss business Richard Cartmer GAICD Winning At Slimming Pty Ltd Rachel Collins, BHlthSc(ComplMed) AdvDipNat AdvDipNutMed AdvDipWHM CertIV in Fitness, mNHAA mATMS Fitness Australia Registered Discover Health Pty Ltd 1145-1230 Insulin-Sensitive Obesity: fact or fiction Assoc Prof Jerry Greenfield MBBS (Hons 1), BSc (Med), PhD, FRACP St Vincent's Hospital 1230–1330 Lunch Unpacking Weight Concern: how misunderstanding can unhinge your client relationships Fiona Willer APD, AN. BA, BHlthSc (Nutrition and Dietetics)(hons) Queensland University Of Technology Digital Marketing: what you need to know Iain Calvert Reload Media Program Outline 1330–1430 Concurrent session Lifestyle, Related Issues & Solutions Concurrent session Applied Approaches to Weight Management Concurrent session Business 1330-1400 Taking someone from No to Go! Murray Altham Peakperformancebubble.Com Fifty shades of sugar Dr Helena Popovic MBBS Winning At Slimming Business Branding: Branding for sustained growth Jane Toohey BSc, AIMM, MAICD Jane Toohey Sales & Marketing 1400-1430 Keynote presentation: The pain of discipline vs the pain of regret Steve Willis aka Commando Steve 1430–1500 Afternoon tea 1500–1600 Keynote presentation: A systems approach to weight loss and obesity management: Why a calorie is no longer a calorie Speaker: Prof Garry Egger, Director, Centre for Health Promotion and Research, Sydney, Australia Professor; Lifestyle Medicine and Applied Health Promotion, Southern Cross University, Lismore NSW Australia 1600-1645 Panel Discussion: Stress, not food, is the biggest cause of obesity in the 21st century Moderator: Prof Garry Egger, Director, Centre for Health Promotion and Research, Sydney, Australia 1645-1700 Close and housekeeping 1830-2359 2015 Weight Management Industry Excellence Awards & Gala Dinner Quashing the myths about exercise, diet and weight loss Professor Neil King, Director, Research Training, Faculty of Health, Queensland University of Technology Program Outline TH SATURDAY 9 M AY 2015 0830–1700 Registration: Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre 0915-1930 Official Opening and housekeeping 0930–1030 Keynote presentation: Winning the weight loss game Speaker: Guy Leech, Australia's number one fitness guy & ambassador for Diabetes Australian & Global Fitness Federation 1030–1100 Morning tea 1100–1230 Concurrent session Lifestyle, Related Issues & Solutions Concurrent session Applied Approaches to Weight Management Concurrent session Business 1100-1145 Do weight concerns differ according to level of income or education? Loretta McKinnon PhD, BSc, BA Queensland University Of Technology Utilizing cellular signalling to maximise weight loss Dr Dean Stubbs Health Intelligence Medical Centre How to Turn Your Passion Into Profit – how to run a successful online business! Leanne Sklavenitis Fitness & health expert /international speaker/author 1145-1230 Work structure is leading to weight gain Sam Beau Patrick RN, ND BHeaSci (comp med) ANTA member Sam Beau Patrick Health Media Turn ‘Fat’ Labels Into Fables: 8 secrets of neurodiversity to powerfully re-frame unhelpful labels for weight management success Dr Gloria Wright PhD Learning Solutions Smarter marketing for business growth Hilary Knights GradDip Mktg, GradDip AICD, MBA(Executive), CPM, FAIM Outsource2us 1230–1330 Lunch 1330–1430 Concurrent session Lifestyle, Related Issues & Solutions Concurrent session Applied Approaches to Weight Management Concurrent session Business 1330-1400 Integrated Health - how nutrition, exercise and psychology synergise - a call for true client centred team care Cam McDonald AE, APD-AN Nutrition Smart Shared Medical Appointments: innovation in sustainable weight loss management Associate Professor John Stevens RN PhD FACN Adjunct The School of Health and Human Sciences Sothern Cross University Get Noticed and Be Remembered: media exposure for your brand Grant Stockwell AFAIM Australian Institute of Management Program Outline Rewiring The Brain for Change: the applied neuroplasticity approach Judy Williams PGCNL and EMNL and Josie Thomson MCC, B.Bus (HRM), AFAIM, CAHRI, MAITD Communicate with Impact - How communication & appreciation in the work place will build your team and your success Ondia Gregoric ONDINA 1400-1430 Nutrigenomics: how food changes your genes Dr Cris Beer, BBiomedSci, BBiomedSci, MBBS (Hons), FRACGP, ACNEM member, AIMA member The Medical Sanctuary, Benowa, QLD 1430–1500 Afternoon tea 1500–1600 Keynote presentation: Can neuroscience provide ‘A New Way Forward’ for weight management? Speaker: Dr Helena Popovic MBBS, Medical Doctor, CEO & Founder, Winning At Slimming 1600-1645 Panel Discussion: Can you really be ‘healthy at any size’ or is this just an exercise in political correctness? Moderator: Dr Helena Popovic MBBS, Medical Doctor, CEO & Founder, Winning At Slimming 1645-1700 Close and housekeeping
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