PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF KERALA KERALA STATE TRANSPORT PROJECT ‐ II UNDER WORLD BANK ASSISTANCE – Loan No. 5284 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT JULY 2014 Project Management Team Kerala State Transport Project T.C.11/339, JAGAD Building Keston Road, Nanthancode, Kawdiar P.O Thiruvananthapuram 695003 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF KERALA KERALA STATE TRANSPORT PROJECT ‐ II UNDER WORLD BANK ASSISTANCE – Loan No. 5284 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT JULY 2014 Project Management Team Kerala State Transport Project T.C.11/339, JAGAD Building Keston Road, Nanthancode, Kawdiar P.O. Thiruvananthapuram 695003 Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 2 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................ 6 1.1 Project Development Objectives ................................................................................................... 6 1.2 Project Components....................................................................................................................... 6 1.3 Component A - Road Network Upgrading and Safety Improvement (US$ 413 million) ........... 6 1.4 Component B - Road Safety Management (US$ 22 million) ........................................................ 7 1.5 Component C - Institutional Strengthening (US$ 10 million)...................................................... 7 1.6 Implementation Arrangements ...................................................................................................... 7 1.7 Project Description ........................................................................................................................ 7 1.8 Sub Component A1 ....................................................................................................................... 7 1.9 Sub Component A2 ....................................................................................................................... 8 1.10 Component B – Road Safety Management ................................................................................... 8 1.11 Component C – Institutional Strengthening .................................................................................. 9 1.12 Project Cost ................................................................................................................................... 9 1.13 Project location map .................................................................................................................... 11 2.1 Upgradation Works ..................................................................................................................... 12 2.2 Summary of Progress (works) ..................................................................................................... 12 2.3 Details of Supervision Consultanty Services: ............................................................... 13 2.4 Current Status of Upgradation Works ............................................................................ 14 2.5 Contract Package I ....................................................................................................................... 14 2.6 Contract Details ........................................................................................................................... 14 2.7 Progress of Works ....................................................................................................................... 15 2.8 Summary of progress for major items is as follows: ................................................................... 15 2.9 Progress Considering the Contract price up to July 2014............................................................ 15 2.10 Physical progress Bar Chart ........................................................................................................ 16 2.11 Physical progress S Curve ........................................................................................................... 16 2.12 Payments to the Contractor.......................................................................................................... 16 2.13 Potential Issues ............................................................................................................................ 17 2.14 Implementation of EMP .............................................................................................................. 17 2.15 Institutional Arrangements of Contractor .................................................................................... 17 2.16 Environment Management at Project Ancillary Facilities ........................................ 17 2.17 Compliance with Statutory Clearances .......................................................................... 18 2.18 Environment Management at Work Sites ...................................................................... 19 2.19 Traffic Management and Road Safety Measures ......................................................... 19 2.20 Environmental Quality Monitoring .................................................................................. 19 3.1 Contract Package II ..................................................................................................................... 20 3.2 Contract Details ............................................................................................................ 20 3.3 Progress of Works ....................................................................................................................... 21 3.4 Physical Progress Bar Chart ........................................................................................................ 22 3.5 Physical Progress S Curve ........................................................................................................... 22 3.6 Payments to the Contractor.......................................................................................................... 22 3.7 Potential Issues ............................................................................................................................ 23 4.1 Implementation of EMP ..................................................................................................... 24 4.2 Institutional Arrangements of Contractor ..................................................................... 24 4.3 Staff engaged by the Contractor for EMP implementation. ..................................... 24 4.4 Environment Management at Project Ancillary Facilities ........................................ 24 4.5 Compliance with Statutory Clearances .......................................................................... 25 4.6 Environment Management at Work Sites .................................................................................... 26 4.7 Traffic Management and Road Safety Measures......................................................................... 27 4.8 Environmental Quality Monitoring ............................................................................................. 27 5.1 Contract Package III .................................................................................................................... 27 5.2 Contract Details ........................................................................................................................... 28 5.3 Progress of Works ....................................................................................................................... 28 5.4 Potential Issues ............................................................................................................................ 30 Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 3 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 5.5 Nonconforming Product Notification ............................................................................... 30 5.6 Physical Progress Bar Chart ........................................................................................................ 32 5.7 Physical Progress S Curve ........................................................................................................... 32 5.8 Works Programme ....................................................................................................................... 32 5.9 Payments to the Contractor ............................................................................................... 33 5.10 Implementation of EMP ....................................................................................................... 33 5.11 Institutional Arrangements of Contractor ..................................................................... 33 5.12 Environment Management at Project Ancillary Facilities ........................................ 33 5.13 Compliance with Statutory Clearances........................................................................................ 34 5.14 Environment Management at Work Sites .................................................................................... 35 5.15 Traffic Management and Road Safety Measures......................................................................... 35 5.16 Environmental Quality Monitoring ............................................................................................. 35 6.1 Contract Package IVA ................................................................................................................. 36 6.2 Contract Details ........................................................................................................................... 36 6.3 Progress of Works ....................................................................................................................... 36 6.4 Mobilization of Resources ........................................................................................................... 36 6.5 Plant and Machinery .................................................................................................................... 36 6.6 Materials ...................................................................................................................................... 36 6.7 Work Progress ............................................................................................................................. 37 6.8 Implementation of EMP – Contract Package IVA ...................................................................... 37 6.9 General ........................................................................................................................................ 37 6.10 Institutional Arrangements of Contractor .................................................................................... 37 6.11 Environment Management at Project Ancillary Facilities........................................................... 37 6.12 Payment ....................................................................................................................................... 37 7.1 Contract Package IV .................................................................................................................... 38 7.2 Upgradation of Road from Chengannoor to Ettumannoor of SH-1............................................. 38 7.3 Scope of Works (45.40 Km) ........................................................................................................ 38 8.1 Contract Package V ..................................................................................................................... 38 8.2 Pre-Construction Activities ................................................................................................ 38 8.3 Contract Details ........................................................................................................................... 39 8.4 Progress achieved is 0.52% against the target of 5.45%. ......................................... 39 8.5 Pre-Construction Activities ......................................................................................................... 40 8.6 Mobilization of Resources ........................................................................................................... 40 8.7 Work Progress ............................................................................................................................. 41 8.8 Work Programme ........................................................................................................................ 41 8.9 Design changes ............................................................................................................................ 42 8.10 Quality Control ............................................................................................................................ 42 8.11 Mix Designs................................................................................................................................. 42 8.12 Important/Key/Potential Issues.................................................................................................... 43 9.1 Contract Package VI ..................................................................................................... 43 10.2 Description of work ............................................................................................................... 44 10.3 Construction Supervision Services – Package VI ....................................................................... 45 10.4 Consultant – Details .................................................................................................................... 45 10.5 Mobilization Status of works ....................................................................................................... 46 10.6 Quality Control ............................................................................................................................ 47 11.1 Contract Package VII .......................................................................................................... 47 13.0 Contract Package VIII ................................................................................................................. 48 13.1 New work .................................................................................................................................... 48 13.2 Road Safety ................................................................................................................................. 48 13.3 Institutional Strengthening Components – Current Status .......................................................... 49 14.0 Meetings, Site visits & Inspection ............................................................................................... 49 14.1 Package – I .................................................................................................................................. 49 14.2 Package – II ................................................................................................................................. 50 14.3 Package – III ................................................................................................................................ 50 Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 4 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9 Package – V ................................................................................................................................. 51 Package VI................................................................................................................................... 51 Land Acquisition Status .............................................................................................................. 51 Payment to consultant M/s Egis India JV with M.s Egis International .............. 52 Key action taken on Critical Issues pointed out during World Bank Mission in Aide Memoire 53 List of Annexure: ......................................................................................................................... 55 Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 5 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Consequent to the completion of KSTP-I, the State Govt. decided to take up the KSTP-II, the delinked portion (Phase-II upgradation) along with one additional road as a separate project, KSTP-II,. In 2011 the revised, project proposal covering upgradation of 363 Km SH & MDR, Road Safety and institutional strengthening in PWD (continuation of reforms process) was presented to the DEA by the State Govt., seeking World Banks (IBRD) Financial Assistance. The State’s consistent efforts proved to be successful when the DEA and the World Bank agreed to include this project in the Bank’s pipeline of projects for assistance for the Fiscal 2012. The Bank’s Board met at Washington and approved the loan assistance of US$ 216 million for the project, with an overall outlay of Rs. 2403 crores (US$ 445) million. The project implementation schedule has been fixed as 20132018. The Project and Loan Agreements signed on 19-06-2013 at New Delhi. 1.1 Project Development Objectives The Project Development objective is to improve condition, traffic flow and road safety with a focus on vulnerable road user on Kerala State Core road networks comprising of 363 Km of state highways. The main beneficiaries of the Project will be the users living along the Project corridors mainly the travelling public, agricultural and industrial producers, consumers and local community. The main benefit is in the form of reduced transport bottlenecks, lower passenger freight transport costs, reduced travel time and improved road safety in terms of reducing severe crashes and injury. The road identified for improvement passes through about 87 villages covering eight districts. 1.2 Project Components 1.3 Component A - Road Network Upgrading and Safety Improvement (US$ 413 million) This component consists of Road Network upgrading and safety improvement of 363 Km of important state highways. The existing intermediate line roads will be upgraded to a full two-lane standard with paved shoulder with 1.5 m on either side. The civil work includes road widening, strengthening of pavements improving bridges, cross-drainage and longitudinal drains, improving stability of side slopes, enhancing road safety and traffic management measures. The sub component is again sub divided as A1 and A2 and procured through FIDIC based Contracts and PPP modified Annuity. Subcomponent A1 (US$ 322 million) This sub component will include upgrading 281 Km comprising of 8 civil contracts, consultancies, procurement of goods etc. Subcomponent A2 (US$ 91 million) This sub component will include upgrading 82 Km of State Highways through a PPP modified Annuity Concession, a pilot approach in the State. In this component upfront construction cost support of 40% of the Contract Value (US$ 33 million) will be supported by World Bank. Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 6 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 1.4 Component B - Road Safety Management (US$ 22 million) This component consists of Road Safety management System in Kerala with an objective of reducing accidents across the state roads including project roads. This road safety component includes safe corridor demonstration project (80 Km of Kazhakkutam – Taikod – Kottarakara - Adoor), improvement of road safety using challenge fund, strengthening road safety management capacity of road safety authority, road safety cell in PWD. 1.5 Component C - Institutional Strengthening (US$ 10 million) The objective of this component is to improve the sustainability of Kerala’s state road network with respect to its functional adequacy, financial viability and capacity of key state road sector institutions to deliver road infrastructure and services. This component consists of road sector modernization action plan, network maintenance planning and implementation and community engagement and road user satisfaction. 1.6 Implementation Arrangements PWD has the overall responsibility for implementation of the Project. PWD has delegated the offices of KSTP which was formed in KSTP 1 to undertake day to day management of the Project. The Project management team (PMT) has been established under the control of Project Director specifically to manage the Project. PMT will be responsible for planning, budgeting, procurement, implementation, coordination, management and monitoring of various components such as resettlement action Plan and Environmental Action Plan. Chief Engineer is also appointed to support the Project Director in all activities. On ground 5 divisional offices also formed headed by 2 Superintending Engineers, 5 Executive Engineers and other support staff. An organization chart is shown as Annexure – 1. 1.7 Project Description 1.8 Sub Component A1 Consists of the following civil contracts: SI. NO. CONTRACT PACKAGE NAME OF WORK LENGTH (KM) 1. KSTP-II/UG-1 Kasargod – Kanhangad 27.78 2. KSTP-II/UG-2 Pilathara – Pappinisery 20.90 3. KSTP-II/UG-3 Thalassery – Valavupara 54.00 4. KSTP-II/UG-4 Chengannoor - Ettumannoor 45.40 5. KSTP-II/UG-5 Ettumannoor- Muvattupuzha 40.96 6. KSTP-II/UG-4A Thiruvalla Bypass along Chengannoor Ettumannoor 2.3 7. KSTP-II/UG-6 Ponkunnam - Thodupuzha 50 8. KSTP-II/UG-7 Perumbilavu - Perinthalmanna 41 Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 7 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ Supervision Consultancy Under this component 2 supervision consultancies CSC1 and CSC 2, 2 Independent engineering services, Transaction Advisory Service for PPP are included. Contract Agreement for Consultancy for CSC 1 for 190 Km of upgradation road has been executed with M/s Egis International in JV with Egis India Consulting Engineers Pvt. Ltd on 28.02.2013 and mobilized and in place. Egis has established rented office for Team Leader at Thiruvananthapuram near to Client’s Office and started functioning from April 2013. Also RE offices at Kanhangad in Kasargod District for package - 1, Pazhyangadi in Kannur District for package – II and at Uliyil near Mattannur in Kannur District for package – III are functional. Consultants mobilized most of the key staff. Resident Engineer for Package 4 & 5 also mobilized. Vehicles required for CSC have been provided through Civil Works Contract. Payment for CSC1 up-to October’13 cleared. The procurement for the Supervision Consultancy, CSC 2 for Ponkunnam – Thodupuzha Road has been completed and contract signed. M/s MSV International USA is the identified consultant. The length of road covered is 80 km and the fee quoted is Rs. 4.40 crores. The consultant has been mobilized and commenced services. Procurement of Goods for Utility Shifting Procurement of goods for electrical, water utility shifting is also included under the above component. Goods for 3 contract packages 1, 2, 3 for Milestone 1 activities completed and materials issued to the concerned contractors. Arrangement of issue of materials for Package V is done and issue in progress. Further requirement of material both electrical and water supply are being issued as per request of the contractor. 1.9 Sub Component A2 DPR for this sub component (Punalur – Ponkunnam – 82 Km under PPP) completed and schedule prepared by the consultants. The Technical Proposal received from the consultant is big evaluated. The RFP has been forwarded to the shortlisted consultant. The procurement of Independent Engineer will be initiated after the finalization of PPP Contract. 1.10 Component B – Road Safety Management The baseline survey for the proposed safe demonstration corridor has been completed by ‘NATPAC’ and report shared with Bank. Consultancy Services for the Capacity Building and Road safety Management has been initiated and 6 Consultants have been shortlisted. The RFP has been issued to the shortlisted consultants and five Consultants have responded the RFP. The technical proposal and financial proposal evaluation has been completed. M/s VicRoads, Australia in association with M/s Price water house Cooper has been selected based on QCBS selection process. This was placed before the Steering Committee held on 28.June 2014 and the committee approved the highest ranking firm in the combined evaluation, M/s VicRoads, Australia. They are invited for negotiation on 28.07.2014. Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 8 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 1.11 Component C – Institutional Strengthening Consultancy Services The following Consultancy services were procured. 1. Consultancy for Road User Perception Survey mobilized and completed for 363 Km of Project Road through M/s Sherwood Consultants and report shared with Bank during last mission. 2. Consultancy for Prioritization and DPR Preparation for 1000 Km of Improvement of State roads was entrusted with M/s Egis India Consulting Engineers Pvt. Ltd and draft report submitted. The Estimate for the 400 Km requires some revision and will be completed soon. Balance 600 Km, DPR will be completed through KHRI and is in progress. Government approval has been sought for posing the Project for World Bank’s loan assistance. 3. Consultancy for Strategic Option Study (SOS) for 8570 Km newly declared MDR was also mobilized and completed by M/s CDM Smith Associates Pvt. Ltd. Study report has been handed over to PWD and further action will be taken by them using their own funds. 4. Consultancy for Developing Multi Model Integrated Transport Hub at 3 cities, Trivandrum, Kozhikode and Kochi was also included under this component. Consultancy Services awarded to M/s L&T Ramboll Consulting Engineers. The draft final report has been submitted. 5. A review of the existing IT initiatives implemented in PWD under KSTP 1 Project has been completed through an IT expert and report shared with Bank. The SoS for identifying a Core Road work for PWD and developing a RMS have been proposed as separate consultancy services and ToRs prepared. 6. The EoI notification for Strategic Road Network Program has been submitted to Bank and is under review. 7. There are other consultancy services also which are enclosed under the Progress Review of the respective components. 1.12 Project Cost Total Project Cost US$ 445 million. World Bank is financing US$ 216 million. Sl No Claim Date EXPENDITURE in Lakh AMOUNT CLAIMED in Lakh DISBURSED USD in millions BALANCE FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR CLAIM (MUSD) 0.54 215.46 1.69 213.77 In INR 216.00 Front end fee 1 Retroactive 2 1st Quarter 3 2nd Quarter 4 3rd quarter 5 4th quarter 15.06.13 to 15.06.14 1,863.95 1,043.00 213.77 01.07.13 to 30.9.13 01.10.13 to 31.12.13 01.01.14 to Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 1,355.79 764.00 1.23 212.54 1,906.01 1,071.00 1.71 210.82 2,696.00 1,510.00 2.50 208.32 Page 9 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 20.03.14 6 1st Quarter 21.03.14 to 31.03.14 01.04.14 to 18.06.14 Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 53.79 30.00 0.05 208.27 1,826.41 1,023.00 1.70 206.57 9,701.95 5,441.00 9.43 Page 10 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 1.13 Project location map Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 11 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 2.1 Upgradation Works Bids were invited for the Contract Packages 1 & 2 on 31.10 2012, Contract package 3 on 12.12. 2012 and Contracts awarded to the lowest evaluated Bidders after getting NOC from Bank. The bids for package 4 & 5 were invited on 17.04.2013 and lowest evaluated bidders selected. Letter of acceptance was issued on 30.11.2013. Bids for Package 4A invited on 02.07.2013 as per NCB norms and Letter of Acceptance was issued on 29.10.2013. Bids for Package 6 were invited on 27.09.2013 and notice to commence work was issued on 10.06.2014. 363 Km of upgradation civil works are divided into 9 Contract packages. SI. CONTRACT Contractor NAME OF WORK NO. PACKAGE 1. KSTP-II/UG-1 Kasargod – Kanhangad RDS Projects, Kochi 2. KSTP-II/UG-2 Pilathara – Pappinisery RDS Projects, Kochi 3. KSTP-II/UG-3 Thalassery – Valavupara SACYR-ESSAR JV 4. KSTP-II/UG-4 Chengannoor - Ettumannoor Under rearrangement 5. KSTP-II/UG-5 Ettumannoor- Muvattupuzha NAPC Ltd, Chennai 6. KSTP-II/UG-4A Thiruvalla Bypass along (Chengannoor – Ettumannoor) EKK & Co, Kochi. 7. KSTP-II/UG-6 Ponkunnam - Thodupuzha GHV – EKK JV 8. KSTP-II/UG-7 Perumbilavu – Perinthalmanna (EPC) - 9 KSTP-II/UG-8 Punalur – Ponkunnam (PPP) - The works are being executed under FIDIC (5th edition) Conditions of Contract. The work involves improvement of State Highways including geometric improvements and realignments to standard 2-lane of 7 m carriageway, 1.5 m paved shoulders, and soft shoulders. The Construction Works include: Widening the existing pavement where it is less than design width; Scarification, clearance, earthworks, granular sub-base, wet mix macadam base course, bituminous mix surfacing, Construction of overlays to the existing pavement, inclusive of regulating course to a designed vertical profile; Geometric realignments at specific locations; Construction of paved shoulders; Construction and maintenance of diversion roads Construction of lined and unlined longitudinal drains, covered drains and footpaths in urban areas; New culverts, new bridges and rehabilitation of existing bridges/culverts and protective works Provision of road signs and markings; Provision of traffic safety features - road furniture and other road safety appurtenances, Routine maintenance and maintenance during Defects Notification Period. Environmental protection measures and Social enhancement works/ landscaping works etc. 2.2 Summary of Progress (works) The following tables present the summary of progress in each contract package considering contract price. Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 12 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ Cumulative Contract packages Contract value target in (Rs. Crore) percentage up to end of July 2014 Achieved cumulative percentage upto Balance period (months) end of the July 2014) KSTP/PMT/UG-I 1,33,05 74.00 10.52 9 KSTP/PMT/UG-II 118.20 65.87 8.18 9 KSTP/PMT/UG-III 234.99 40.40 2.58 17 * KSTP/PMT/UG-V 171.49 5.45 0.58 24 31.80 - - - * KSTP/PMT/ UG-IVA 28 KSTP/PMT/UG-VI 227.13 - - (preconstruction activities in progress) Steering Committee recommended KSTP/PMT/UG IV 293.00 - - lowest evaluated bidder M/s DelmaSreedhanya JV for award. * Pre-construction and mobilization in progress The following sections describe Civil Works Contract packages in detail: 2.3 Details of Supervision Consultanty Services: Name of consultant CSC-1 – M/s Egis International in JV with M/s Egis India Pvt. Ltd. CSC-2 – M/s MSV International USA Contract signed Contract Period Commencement Date Contract Amount (Rs.) 28.02.2013 42 months 04.04.2013 18,36,04,600 14.05.2014 30 months 14.05.2014 4,41,88200 Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 13 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 2.4 Current Status of Upgradation Works 2.5 Contract Package I Upgradation of Road from Kasargod to Kanhangad of SH 57 Scope of Works Viaduct Major Bridge Minor Bridge Widening Bridge New culverts Widening Slab culverts Reconstruction Foot path Drain Solar Lights – – _ – _ – _ _ – 1 2 2 2 16 16 9 6.7 Km 22.20 Km 2.6 Contract Details Letter of Acceptance Date 06.03.2013 Agreement Date 01.04.2013 Name of Contractor Contract Price Notice to Commence M/s RDS Projects Ltd, Kochi Rs.133,05,79,485/24.04.2013 Total Length 27.78 Km Contract Period 24 months Completion Date 23rd April 2015 Defect Liability Period 365 days 1st Milestone Km. 0+000 – Km. 10+000 - 22nd February 2014 (original) 24th September 2014 (revised) 2nd Milestone Km. 0+000 – Km. 20+000 - 22nd October 2014 3rd Milestone Km. 0+000 – Km. 27+780 - 23rd April 2015 Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 14 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 2.7 Progress of Works 2.8 Summary of progress for major items is as follows: Milestone I II III Length in km 10 20 27.78 Length handed over to contractor in km 10 20 27.78 Unencumbered land available to the contractor in km 10 20 27.78 Stretch completed in all respects in km 0 0 0 FW HW GSB completed in km 0.88 4.04 WMM completed in km 0.84 2.75 DBM completed in km 0.80 2.52 BC completed in km 0 CD completed in Nos. 12 2.9 Progress Considering the Contract price up to July 2014. Up to previous Month This Month Cumulative to end of this Month Target Achieved Target Achieved Target Achieved 74% 9.04% 0% 1.48% 74% 10.52% Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Balance period (months) 9 Page 15 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 2.10 Physical progress Bar Chart 2.11 Physical progress S Curve 2.12 Payments to the Contractor Mobilization advance, Equipment advance and Interim payment Certificate for works (IPC 5) was paid to the Contractor amounting to Rs.22,53,36648/- Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 16 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 2.13 Potential Issues • Lack of experienced staff at site which reflected in planning of works at site, delay in preparing mix designs, delay in submission of working cross sections, in preparation of survey data etc. • The KSTP and the Contractors are coordinating with various Service Providers like KSEB, KWA, BSNL, Forest and other departments for shifting of utilities. • Crusher operation interrupted by Public and Contractor brought to the notice of Dist. Collector and Public representatives and Issues are now resolved. • Monsoon rain started last month and though the rain is not continuous, Contractor not taking the risk of carrying out bituminous works. Only concrete works are in program. • Monthly Achieved Progress is not near the targets. Instructions issued to Contractor for taking measures to enhance the progress of works. • Poor cashflow of the contractor • Quarry Owners Association started strike for 25.07.2014 and all quarry and crushers stopped production. 2.14 Implementation of EMP 2.15 Institutional Arrangements of Contractor The details of staff engaged by the contractor for EMP implementation are presented below: Table 10.1: Staff engaged by the Contractor for EMP implementation Name Sanal K P Designation Environmental Engineer Mobilisation Date 25 July 2013 2.16 Environment Management at Project Ancillary Facilities The contractor has established two base camps at the locations detailed below. Table 10.2: Details of Construction Camps Camp identity Camp-1 for Quarry, Crusher, Workshop, Hot Mix Plant, Labour camp Camp-2 for WMM plant, Batching Plant, Precast yard, Office, Store, Field Laboratory. Location about 5 acres of land, 40Km away from Ch.27+780 5 acres of Land at Ch.15+100 LHS (6km from project road) Village Madhamangalam . Camp 1 is common to package 1 & 2 Pallickara Table 10.3: Environment Management Facilities at Ancillary facilities Sl.No. 1 Details of Camp/Plant Construction camp Environment Management Facilities Provided Provided with sanitary toilet facilities, drinking water supply, and solid waste collection facilities. Internal roads are developed partially by utilising the Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 17 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 2 Labour Camps 3 Quarry, Crusher, Hot mix plant Borrow area 4 5 Debris Disposal sites 6 Water Sources 7 Workshop for Heavy Vehicles 8 Water Sprinklers construction debris obtained during the tarred surface cutting. Ornamental plants and banana plants were planted in the free space Generators are provided with vertical stack of adequate height. Waste oil storage facilities are provided with floor and roof. The solid waste disposal facility like compost pit is not provided. Oil interceptors are not yet provided. Water supply and toilet facilities provided to the staff quarters and labour camps. The toilets with septic tanks and soak pit Dust bins provided for collection of solid wastes. Disposal facilities like compost pits to be provided. Cooking at labour camp is done partially at open area. LPG connections are provided for cooking. Ornamental plants and vegetables are planted in the free space available. The details of new site for labour camp not reported to the CSC for approval. These facilities are common for package- I & II and are managed by Package II. Not identified Cut earth from roadway may be sufficient Not identified. Debris heaped along the construction site. The clay from piling activities at CH-3+392 are collected in earthen pits and likely to overflow into the stream. Urgent action has to be taken to identify debris disposal sites. 3 Bore wells at camp. Acceptance from Ground Water Department for construction of tube well issued. Workshop established at construction camp site-1. The floor of the workshop area was seen concreted. Work for oil interceptor started this month. Water tankers provided to sprinkle water at construction sites and camps. Instructions were given to provide water sprinkling facilities at the crusher and quarry. 2.17 Compliance with Statutory Clearances The action taken by Contractor for complying with statutory requirements is summarized in below: Table 10.4: Compliance with Statutory Requirements Unit Crusher Hot Mix Plant Base camp Quarry Status of Compliance Consent to Establish and Operate from Kerala State Pollution Control Board obtained. Building permit obtained from Grama Panchayat. Consent to Establish and Consent to Operate from Kerala State Pollution Control Board were obtained. Consent to Establish and Consent to Operate from Kerala State Pollution Control Board obtained. Obtained Consent to Operate from Kerala State Pollution Control Board and permit from Mining and Geology Department. Explosive Licence from Deputy Controller of Explosives, Ernakulum obtained Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Remarks A common crusher is planned for Package-1 & 2. A common Hot Mix Plant is planned for Package-1 & 2. Common for package 1 & 2. Page 18 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 2.18 Environment Management at Work Sites Site visit conducted by Environmental Engineer of CSC on 14-05-2014 and reviewed the measures taken by the Contractor for implementing the mitigation measures proposed in the EMP. Instructions were given to avoid accumulation of debris along the project site and to remove the debris from the site periodically. Regular sprinkling of water at active work phase and maintenance of proper records of water sprinkling are to be carried out. As the measures adopted by the Contractor for implementing EMP is not satisfactory, recommended for imposing penalty as per contract agreement. Accordingly RE has imposed of penalty that is 10% of the interim payment certificate will be withheld from next IPC as per sub clause 14.6 of part B specific provision. World Bank Team including the Environmental Specialist visited the project site on 21st May 2014 and reviewed the progress of implementation of EMP. World Bank Team instructed the contractor for making the arrangement for solid waste disposal. They also stressed the need for adequate waste collection bins and proper fencing to electrical panel board with danger sign board at all major construction sites. 2.19 Traffic Management and Road Safety Measures The Contractor has provided safety precautions such as flags, safety signboards, traffic cones, blinkers and safety tapes at the work site. The Contractor is also required to provide personal safety equipment to his workers such as jackets, safety shoes, face shields, and hand gloves as appropriate to the nature of their work. The workers at various locations were seen not using personal safety equipments. The Contractor has provided safety precautions which was inadequate. Therefore RE has imposed damages as per sub clause 17.2 of part B specific provision for various locations. 2.20 Environmental Quality Monitoring The impact of project activities on environment was checked through water and air quality monitoring. Air quality monitoring was also conducted through accredited laboratory on 20-21 March 2014 at two locations. Monitoring report from the laboratory is awaited. Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 19 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 3.1 Contract Package II Upgradation of Road from Pilathara to Pappinisery of SH 67 Scope of Works New ROB Repair of Bridge New Box culverts Widening Slab culverts Reconstruction Drain Foot path Solar Lights – – _ – _ – _ 2 2 9 20 8 26.04 Km 12.6 Km 3.2 Contract Details Letter of Acceptance Date 05.03.2013 Agreement Date 01.04.2013 Name of Contractor Contract Price Notice to Commence M/s RDS Projects Ltd, Kochi Rs.118,29,77,833/23.04.2013 Total Length 20.90 Km Contract Period 24 months Completion Date 22nd April 2015 Defect Liability Period 365 days 2nd Milestone Km. 0+000 – Km. 08+000 - 22nd February 2014 (original) 26th September 2014 (revised) Km. 0+000 – Km. 14+000 - 22nd October 2014 3rd Milestone Km. 0+000 – Km. 20+900 - 22nd April 2015 1st Milestone Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 20 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 3.3 Progress of Works A summary of progress for major items is as follows. Milestone I II III Length in km 8.000 14 20.9 Length handed over to contractor in km 8.000 - - Unencumbered land available to the contractor in km 8.000 - - Stretch completed in all respects in km - - - FW HW GSB completed in km 3.30 1.24 WMM completed in km 3.30 0.58 DBM completed in km 2.30 1.41 BC completed in km 0 CD completed in Nos. 11 Work progress considering the contract price For previous month This month Cumulative to end of this month Target Achieved Target Achieved Target Achieved Balance period (months) 65.00% 7.03% 1% 1.15% 65.87% 8.18% 9 Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 21 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 3.4 Physical Progress Bar Chart 3.5 Physical Progress S Curve 3.6 Payments to the Contractor Mobilization advance and Equipment advance and IPC 3 and 4 were paid to the Contractor amounting to Rs.180,240,109/ Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 22 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 3.7 Potential Issues • Lack of experienced staff at site which reflected in planning of works at site, delay in preparing Mix designs, delay in submission of working cross sections, in preparation of survey data etc. • The shifting of utilities is slow. However Employer and the Contractors are coordinating with various Service Providers like KSEB, KWA, BSNL and other departments for utility shifting. • Contractor took more time for mobilization of resources which prevented them in achieving the target as per their programme. • Even though buses and trucks were diverted through approved diversions as decided in the various meeting convened by the District collector, Kannur the diversions for movement of light local motor vehicles for isolating the work zone could not be solved yet. One small pocket road identified, and with the consent of Railways light traffic has been diverted for one way. Since the work area of ROB cannot be isolated by closing the road after diverting the entire traffic through two way diversions as mentioned above, the work of piling could not be preceded smoothly as expected and the progress cannot be achieved as per the target. Hence the initiation for closing project road (in the ROB Length) and commissioning another loop road is to be urgently sorted out for the smooth progress of piling work of ROB@ Pappinisseri. • There is a proposal for the new additional parallel bridge at Ramapuram @KM 4+200, the general drawing submitted by the contractor has been received and the soil investigation work has been completed by the Contractor and investigation reports submitted to CSC, and forwarded to the Team Leader office for taking up with the Project Director. • Water utility shifting material has been directly supplied to the contractor. But the items for shifting (Labour Rates) are not included in the contract BOQ. These items are to be included as separate variation items for which variation proposal are to be initiated and processed. • The contractor has started operation of the Crusher and Quarry with all permissions and licenses in multiple shifts for increasing the production, however the local residents have stopped the operation of Quarry and Crusher since 23rd June-2014 on account of their various allegations like pollution, damages to their houses due to blasting and yet this problem could not be sorted out even though the District Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 23 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ Administration has agreed to provide all sorts of help to sort out this issue. After lots of efforts by the contractor the Crusher and Quarry operation have been re-started on 16th July 2014. • HT Line at ROB @Km. 19+950 (Pappinisseri) are to be relocated, since this Line and Poles are fouling with pile rigs while pile boring, cage lowering and concreting works of piles. The materials for shifting of these HT & LT lines were now received by the contractor and shifting work commenced. • Poor cashflow of the contractor. 4.1 Implementation of EMP 4.2 Institutional Arrangements of Contractor As defined in the EMP, the Contractor had established the institutional framework for implementation of EMP as an integral part of the project team. 4.3 Staff engaged by the Contractor for EMP implementation. Name Dr. Rajeevan Designation Environmental Engineer Sinoj.T.T. Esob M Philip Iajas Ahmed.N.P. Shijinas.K.A Christy Varghese Safety Officer Jr. Safety Officer Jr. Safety Officer Jr. Safety Officer Jr. Safety Officer Mobilisation Date Rajeevan Resigned on 30.04.14 and Mr.Harikrishnan joined on 02.05.14 in the role 01-01-2014 15-10-2013 10-07-2013 10-07-2013 21-10-2013 4.4 Environment Management at Project Ancillary Facilities As part of the pre-construction activities, setting up of facilities like base camp, labour camps, quarry, borrow area, crusher, hot mix plant, batching plant, WMM plant, mobilisation of plants and machineries were almost completed. Road construction activities were also started. Camp-1 is proposed as common facility for Package - I & II. Table 11.2: Details of Construction Camps Sl.No. 1 2 Camp Identity Camp-1 for Quarry and Crusher Plant, Hot Mix Plant, Site lab, Workshop, labour camp Camp-2 for WMM Plant, Concrete batching Plant, Field laboratory, Site office, Staff quarters, labour camp Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Location At a distance of 20 km away from project road on OlayambadyPonnampara Road Village name Odamuttu At a distance of 4 km away from project road RDS Projects Ltd, Camp Office, Ornadathchal, Near New Kannur Bricks Company, Vilayankode PO., Pilathara, Kannur -670501 Vilayangode Page 24 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ Table 11.3: Environment Management Facilities at Ancillary facilities Sl.No. 1 Details of Camp/Plant Construction camp Environment Management Facilities Provided Provided with sanitary toilet facilities, drinking water supply, and solid waste collection facilities. The toilets were provided with septic tanks and overflow disposed in soak pits. 2 Labour Camps 3 Quarry, Crusher, Hot mix plant Internal roads are developed partially by utilising the construction debris obtained during the tarred surface cutting. Ornamental plants and banana plants were planted in the free space Generators are provided with vertical stack of adequate height. Waste oil storage facilities are provided with floor and roof. The solid waste disposal facility like compost pit is not provided. Two oil interceptors are provided. Water supply and toilet facilities provided to the staff quarters and labour camps. The toilets with septic tanks and soak pit Dust bins provided for collection of solid wastes. Disposal facilities like compost pits to be provided Cooking at labour camp is done partially at open area. LPG connections are provided for cooking. Ornamental plants and vegetables are planted in the free space available Labour camp at crusher site has to be provided with compost pit, safety measures to electrical installations Quarry was identified adjacent to the crusher site. Crusher not covered fully and dust suppression system is inadequate. Electrical cables are to be laid in conduits Internal roads partially tarred Road to quarry tarred partially The hot mix plant is installed at space available at construction camp site-1 for package- I & II. 4 Borrow area 5 Debris Disposal sites Not identified Cut earth from roadway may be sufficient Disposal site identification pending. Construction debris heaped along the construction site. Identified a site for the disposal of piling muck. 6 Water Sources Bore well No clearance required 7 Workshop for Heavy Vehicles 8 Water Sprinklers Workshop established at construction camp site-2. The oil storage area was also concreted and roofing provided. Proper drainage facilities are yet to be provided. Water tankers provided to sprinkle water at construction sites and camps. Instructions were given to provide water sprinkling facilities at the crusher and quarry. 4.5 Compliance with Statutory Clearances The action taken by Contractor for complying with statutory requirements is summerised below: Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 25 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ Table 11.4: Compliance with Statutory Requirements Unit Crusher Hot Mix Plant WMM Plant & Batching Plant Quarry Status of Compliance A common crusher is planned for Package-1 & 2 for which Consent to Establish and Consent to Operate from Kerala State Pollution Control Board were obtained. Building permit obtained from Grama Panchayat. A common Hot Mix Plant is planned for Package1 & 2 for which Consent to Establish and Consent to Operate from Kerala State Pollution Control Board were obtained. Consent to Establish and Consent to Operate from Kerala State Pollution Control Board obtained. Consent to Operate from Kerala State Pollution Control Board was obtained on 2203-2014 and license to store explosives received from the Deputy Controller of Explosives, Ernakulam on 13-03-2014. The License from the Grama Panchayat is yet to be received. Obtained Consent to Operate from Remarks Date of Issue of Consent to Operate-04.04.2014 and Valid Upto 31.03.2017 Date of Issue of Consent to Operate-16.12.2013 and Valid Upto 15.12.2016 Date of Issue of Consent to Operate-15.03.2014 and Valid Upto 19.11.2016 Date of Issue of Consent to Operate-22.03.2014 and Valid Upto 02.10.2014 Kerala State Pollution Control Board and permit from Mining and Geology Department Explosive Licence from Deputy Controller of Explosives, Ernakulam obtained 4.6 Environment Management at Work Sites Site Visit conducted by Environmental Engineer of CSC on 19-05-2014 and reviewed the measures taken by the Contractor for implementing the mitigation measures proposed in the EMP. Instructions were given to avoid accumulation of debris along the project site and to remove the debris from the site periodically. Regular sprinkling of water at active work phase and maintenance of proper records of water sprinkling are to be carried out by the contractor. Instruction have been issued. As the measures adopted by the Contractor for implementing EMP is not satisfactory. Resident Engineer has imposed of penalty that is 10% of the interim payment certificate will be withheld from next IPC as per sub clause 14.6 of part B specific provision. World Bank Team including the Environmental Specialist visited the project site on 20th and 21st May 2014 and reviewed the progress of implementation of EMP. World Bank Team instructed the contractor for making the arrangement for solid waste disposal. They also stressed the need for adequate drinking water, toilet facilities, first aid box, waste collection bins and proper fencing to electrical panel board with danger sign board at all major construction sites. Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 26 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 4.7 Traffic Management and Road Safety Measures The contractor is required to provide safety precautions such as barricading, flags, safety signboards and traffic cones at all work zones to ensure safety for all road users. Personal safety equipment such as jackets, safety shoes, face shields and hand gloves are to be provided to all workers as necessary. Instructions were given to provide adequate safety sign boards and fencing all along the active work sites. The safety measures adopted by the contractor was not satisfactory and due to noncompliance, RE has imposed of damages as per sub clause 17-2 of part B specific provision for various locations. 4.8 Environmental Quality Monitoring Air Quality Monitoring Tests were conducted at Contractor’s Base Camp(Vilayankode) and Crusher site at Odamuttu on 22.03.2014 by Enviro Design Lab(NABL accredited Laboratory) and Water samples were collected on 22.03.2014 from Payangadi River @Km.7+000 and River @ Km.14+950 (Kannapuram) for testing in their laboratory and test results were submitted by the contractor. 5.1 Contract Package III Upgradation of Road from Thalassery to Valavupara of SH 30 Scope of Works Construction of Major Bridges Construction of Minor Bridge New Box culverts Widening Slab culverts Reconstruction of Culverts Drain Footpath Solar lights Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 – – _ – _ – _ 3 4 21 88 50 65.30 Km 44Km Page 27 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 5.2 Contract Details Letter of Acceptance Date 19.03.2013 Agreement Date 06.05.2013 Name of Contractor M/s SACYR–ESSAR JV, Mumbai Contract Price Rs.234,99,31,763/- Notice to Commence 29.06.2013 Total Length 54.00 Km Contract Period 30 months Completion Date 28th December 2015 Defect Liability Period 365 days 1st Milestone Km. 1+200 – Km. 16+200 28th April 2014 (original) 06th August 2014 (revised) 2nd Milestone Km. 1+200 – Km. 36+200 - 24th February 2015 3rd Milestone Km. 1+200 – Km. 55+200 - 29th December 2015 5.3 Progress of Works Some preparatory work activities, relocation of Electrical Utilities, water pipe line shifting, road way excavation, pile foundation works for Major Bridges at km 2+910, km 19+750, culvert works etc. are in progress. Contractor has not executed any other major work on the project road. Quantum of works done is given as under: Activities During the Month Total Remarks 54 km Approved 29.3 km 54.00 km 29.3 km Approved Survey: Traversing Staking out of center line (Modified) Checking and assigning values of TBM Recording OGLs Establishing TBMs Road Maintenance: Pot hole filling Clearance of choked earthen drain/construction of earthen drain Clearance of Culverts 54 km Approved Approved Routine checking is in progress. 0.5 5.0 km - 13 Nos. Shifting of Electric poles 22 308 Nos. Shifting of ‘A’ poles 41 154 Nos Stringing of HT Line 1045 7885 m Utility Shifting: Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 28 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ Activities During the Month Total Remarks 1045 7885 m . Stringing of LT Line Relocation of Transformer Structure Works: • Confirmatory Boring • For A1, A2 and pier locations of Bridge at km 02+910. 5 Nos. - 3 No • A1 ,A2 and P1 & P2 location of Bridge at km 19+758 4No. • Bridge at km 21+162 1No. • Bridge at km 29+405 2No. • Bridge at km 35+405 2 No. • Bridge at km 42+195 1No. • Bridge at km 53+865 Nil • SPT Tests for Culvert Locations Casting of Precast drains at base camp Precast drain units erected at site. • • For abutment A2 and pier locations are yet to start. Yet to start 81 No. 717m 8017m 357m 2427m Considering the overall value of work 235 crores, progress up to 31st May 2014 is given in table below: Up to Month end of Previous This Month Cumulative to end of this Month Target Achieved Target Achieved Target Achieved 39.40% 2,26% 1.00% 0.32% 40.40% 2.58% Balance period (months) 17 Work progress is summarized in the S-curve in Annex 6.4, which compares programme and actual progress. A summary of progress for major items is as follows. Milestone I II III Length in km 15 20 19 Length handed over to contractor in km 15 20 19 Unencumbered land contractor in km 15 20 19 available to the Stretch completed in all respects in km 0 GSB completed in km 0 WMM completed in km 0 Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 29 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ Milestone I DBM completed in km 0 BC completed in km 0 CD completed in Nos. II III 10 (except aprons) 5.4 Potential Issues The following issues are very critical which may have adverse impact on the timely completion of the Project. • Mobilization of crusher, WMM Plant, Hot Mix Plant is yet to be completed • Shifting of electrical and water utilities are slow though enough stock of materials supplied to contractor. • Identification of adequate sources for construction materials. • Procurement of POT cum PTFE bearings • Initial Pile load test is delayed • Submission of revised Work Programme by contractor • Submission of corrected cross sections by the contractor • Procurement of applicable permits for establishing and operating HM Plant and WMM Plant • Poor contract management, frequent changes of key contractor personnel and poor planning • Poor cashflow to the work from contractor and shortage of labour force. 5.5 Nonconforming Product Notification Details of Nonconforming Product Notification issued are listed below: Sl. No. 1 NCR No. 01/'Marc h/2014 2 02/'April/ 2014 3 4 03/'April/ 2014 04/'April/ Details Statu s TVRP/KSTP3/GEN/2 Close Objection from local People 98 dated 05th March d regarding Batching Plant Operation 2014. Pollution caused by muddy water, slush from pile hole at Km. 19+758. Pit to be provided for collecting muddy water and slush with proper bunds to contain muddy water and slush generated during piling operations to avoid spilling over to the river. Km 19+758 bridge site - Non procurement of drinking water and urinal facility for workers Borrow area at km 33+700 LHS & Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Letter No. TVRP/KSTP3/GEN/4 22 dated 26th April 2014. TVRP/KSTP3/GEN/4 31 dated 29th April 2014 TVRP/KSTP3/GEN/4 Page 30 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 2014 5 05/'May/ 2014 6 06/'July/ 2014 7 07/'July/ 2014 km 20+300 LHSApplicable permissions from competent Authority for obtaining borrow earth. Earth work excavation for pipe culvert @ km 5+645 RHS without proper barricading, sign boards and traffic diversion. Filling the approach of Eranholi Bridge (Valavupara side) at km 02+910. The filling carried out without raising RFI, without complying specification requirements and without quality testing During inspection at Construction of Gabion Wall following points has been observed 1) The size of stones are larger than permitted maximum size of 250mm. 2) The gabion meshes are in a damaged and broken stage. 3) The cages are not filled properly. 4) The ruble used for filling is not packed closely and not in line and level. 5) Mud is mixed with rubble used for filling 32 dated 2014 29th April TVRP/KSTP3/GEN/4 63 dated 14th May 2014 TVRP/KSTP3/GEN/5 82 dated 01st July 2014 TVRP/KSTP3/GEN/6 36 dated 22nd July 2014 The CSC has been asked to remind the contractor and issue final warning. Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 31 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 5.6 Physical Progress Bar Chart 5.7 Physical Progress S Curve 5.8 Works Programme The work programme after incorporating modifications suggested by Engineer’s personnel has been received on 28th September 2013 and was approved the same as base programme vide letter no. ET/1A/bd/198 dated 8th November 2013. The contractor has submitted revision of base programme on 8th January 2014 vide letter No. SEJV/KSTP/TVRP/SO/344. The Contractor was asked to compress the programme within the agreed completion period along with other required modifications. Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 32 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ The Contractor resubmitted the revised base programme on 19th April 2014. On perusal of the resubmitted revision of base programme Competent Authority informed that the Programme is not in conformity with the Contract Conditions. The Contractor was asked to revise base programme as per Contract Conditions. The Contractor again resubmitted revised works programme without complying stipulations of the Contract Conditions. The contractor has submitted revised time programme on 8th January 2014 vide letter no. SEJV/KSTP/TVRP/SO/344. The Contractor was asked to compress the time programme within the agreed completion period along with other required modifications vide Resident Engineer’s letter TVRP/KSTP3/GEN/196 dated 18.01.2014 and Team Leader’s letter ET/1A/bd/264 dated 29th January 2014. The Contractor submitted the revised work programme on 19th April 2014 and the same is under review of CSC. A summary of progress for major items is as follows: 5.9 Payments to the Contractor The contractor has sofar been paid Rs. 14,76,02,131/- 5.10 Implementation of EMP 5.11 Institutional Arrangements of Contractor As defined in the EMP, the Contractor had established the institutional framework for implementation of EMP as an integral part of the project team. Environmental Engineer and Safety Officers were mobilized and all are in place. Table 12.1: Staff engaged Name Rajan Pillai. N Vishnu Gopi Shambhu Dayal Jat Releesh Kumar by the Contractor for EMP implementation. Designation Mobilisation Date Manager – HSE 24-10-2013 Officer – HSE (HED) 04-12-2013 Officer - HSE 18-05-2013 Officer - HSE 08-10-2013 5.12 Environment Management at Project Ancillary Facilities As part of the pre-construction activities, setting up of facilities like base camp, labour camps, borrow area, batching plant, WMM plant, mobilisation of plants and machineries were almost completed. Instead of establishing the quarry and crusher, the contractor has leased out two quarries and crusher for the supply of raw materials required for the project. The contractor was requested to report the details of these facilities to the CSC. Piling works of bridges, construction of culverts, and construction of road side drains were also started. The contractor has established a base camp near Chavassery where the construction camp, labour camp, and construction plant site were established. The details of facilities at Chavassery camp site are shown below:. Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 33 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ Table 12.2: Details of Construction Camps Sl. No 1 Camp Identity Location Base Camp for Precast yard, Field laboratory, heavy vehicle workshop, batching plant etc 7.4 acres of land about 2 Km from Project Road Nearest village with distance from camp Chavassery Tabe 12.3: Environment Management Facilities at Ancillary facilities Sl.No. Details of Environment Management Facilities Provided Camp/Plant 1 Construction Provided with sanitary toilet facilities, drinking water camp supply, and solid waste collection facilities. Solid wastes disposal facility like compost pit is lacking. The internal roads in the construction camps were not tarred or concreted. Fencing the boundaries and restricted entry into the camp site are partially provided. One generator is provided with adequate stack height. Oil interceptors not provided 2 Labour Camps Water supply and toilet facilities with septic tanks and soak pits. Dust bins are provided for collection of solid wastes Solid waste disposal facilities like compost pits are lacking. Cooking at labour is done partially using firewood. Adequate LPG connections to be provided to avoid usage of firewood Not provided with roof top aerodynamic ventilation system. Soak pit provided for disposal of waste water from kitchen is filled with water. The stagnation of water may cause severe health problem. 3 Quarry, Crusher, Proposed to take on lease. Details not provided Hot mix plant 4 Borrow area Identified two borrow area for embankment and subgrade works Final approval of these borrow areas are pending due to non-submission of clearances from revenue authorities. 5 Debris Disposal Not identified sites 6 Water Sources Kerala Water Authority Bore well, No clearance required 5.13 Compliance with Statutory Clearances The action taken by Contractor for complying with statutory requirements is summerised below: Table 12.4: Compliance with Statutory Requirements Unit Status of Compliance Remarks Crusher and Three existing quarry and Documents to show the details of quarry crusher were identified for the the quarry and crushers, the supply of materials required for agreement with them, the valid the project. Consent to Operate obtained by Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 34 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ Hot Mix Plant Base camp and batching plant Not identified the location of Hot Mix Plant. Yet to apply for Consent to Establish Obtained Consent to Establish and Consent to Operate from Kerala State Pollution Control Board them etc were not furnished. Instructed to identify the site, apply and obtain Consent to Establish urgently Date of Issue of Consent to Operate09.04.2014 and Valid Upto 31.03.2016 5.14 Environment Management at Work Sites The Environmental Engineer of CSC visited the project site on 16-05-2014 and reviewed the measures taken by the Contractor for implementing the mitigation measures proposed in the EMP. Instructions were given to avoid accumulation of debris along the project site and to remove the debris from the site periodically. Regular sprinkling of water at active work phase and maintenance of proper records of water sprinkling are to be carried out. As the measures adopted by the Contractor for implementing EMP is not satisfactory, Environmental Engineer recommended for imposing penalty as per contract agreement. Resident Engineer has imposed of penalty that is 10% of the interim payment certificate will be withheld from next IPC as per sub clause 14.6 of part B specific provision. 5.15 Traffic Management and Road Safety Measures The Contractor has provided safety precautions such as flags, safety signboards, traffic cones and safety tapes at the work site. The Contractor is also required to provide personal safety equipment to his workers such as jackets, safety shoes, face shields, and hand gloves as appropriate to the nature of their work. The workers at various locations were generally using personal safety equipments. Traffic and road safety measures adopted by the contractor at work zone are inadequate. Contractor has been instructed comply with the Road Safety measures. The safety measures adopted by the contractor were not satisfactory and due to noncompliance, RE has imposed of damages as per sub clause 17-2 of part B specific provision for various locations. 5.16 Environmental Quality Monitoring Air quality monitoring conducted at 3 locations on 23-25 January 2014 (Erinholi bridge, Project office, Mattannur, and base camp). Water quality monitoring conducted at 2 locations on 23-25 January 2014 (Erinholi Bridge, and Meruwambai bridge). Noise Monitoring conducted at 2 locations on 23-35 January 2014 (Erinholi bridge, Project office, Mattannur). The monitoring report shows that impact of project activities on environment was insignificant. Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 35 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 6.1 Contract Package IVA Construction of Thiruvalla Bypass along Chengannoor - Ettumannoor Road (SH-1) from chainage 7+390 to 9+400 6.2 Contract Details Letter of Acceptance Date 29.10.2013 Agreement Date 29.11.2013 Name of Contractor Contract Price Notice to Commence Total Length M/s EKK & Co, Kochi Rs. 31,80,45,071/19.12.2013 2.3 Km Contract Period 24 months Completion Date 18th December 2015 Defect Liability Period 365 days 6.3 Progress of Works Bidding was done as per NCB norms. Work awarded to the Contractor and Kickoff meeting was held on 30.12.2013. Contractor is in the process of identifying locations for camp and other operations. The contractor has completed survey works, completed confirmatory spring of PVD area and other locations, completed mix designs. The work has been stopped due to a case in the National Green Tribunal. The case is posted for 11.08.2014. However the preparatory works and mobilization activities are progressing as per schedule. 6.4 Mobilization of Resources 6.5 Plant and Machinery Contractor has not established any equipment like Batching Plant, WMM Plant, HM Plant and Crusher. They had mobilized at site very few equipment like one JCB, One Dumper, One Water Tanker, One Low bed trailer, One Generator Set and Two Nos. of Piling Rig. Contractor has established their site office at Thiruvalla near KM 7 on the Project Road. 6.6 Materials Approval for procuring Cement from three sources, Admixture from one, Geo synthetics from one, Hume pipes from One, Pre stressing strand from one, PTFE bearing from one, Steel liner from one and Reinforcement Steel from three sources has been issued. Source approvals submitted for Aggregates will be cleared after receipt of relevant test results. Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 36 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ The Contractor has taken action for source approvals of Water from a well located in Thiruvalla on the project road which will be cleared after receipt of test results. 6.7 Work Progress Date of Commencement of project is 19th December 2013. All Survey works and confirmatory boring required have been completed. Supply of Vehicles for engineer has been done and are being maintained. 6.8 Implementation of EMP – Contract Package IVA 6.9 General Environmental impact assessment (EIA) was carried out for the entire project to define the environmental management requirements to ensure environmental safe guards during pre-construction, construction and operation phases and presented in Sectorial Environmental Assessment (SEA). In addition, project/link specific issues were studied in detail during the environmental impact assessment of each packages and presented in the Environmental Impact Assessment Reports. The Environment Management Plan (EMP) prepared for Package IVA describes the environmental issues anticipated during the execution of the project and suggests mitigation measures to be carried out during the implementation to minimize the impact on the environment. The EMP has been made an integral part of the construction contract and is being implemented along with the execution of the project. The progress of implementation of EMP during the execution of Package IVA as of 30th April 2014 is summarized below. 6.10 Institutional Arrangements of Contractor As defined in the EMP, the Contractor is in the process of establishing the institutional framework for implementation of EMP as an integral part of the project team. Environmental Engineer and Safety Officers are being mobilized. 6.11 Environment Management at Project Ancillary Facilities As part of the pre-construction activities, setting up of facilities like base camp, labour camps, borrow area, batching plant, WMM plant, mobilization of plants and machineries are in progress. In the meantime, a public Interest litigation came up before the National Green Court and the Hon’ble Green Court had issued orders to maintain status quo. Hence the work is at a standstill now. 6.12 Payment Mobilization advance has been paid to the contractor Rs. 159,02,000/- Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 37 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 7.1 Contract Package IV 7.2 Upgradation of Road from Chengannoor to Ettumannoor of SH-1 The Bid of M/s Delma-Sreedhanya JV was approved by the Steering Committee at Rs. 293,58,17,987. The no objection of the World Bank is awaited for executing agreement and commencement of work. 7.3 Scope of Works (45.40 Km) Construction of Major Bridges – Construction of Minor Bridge – New Box culverts Widening Slab culverts – Reconstruction of Culverts Foot path, Solar lights 8.1 3 5 9 8 59 Contract Package V Upgradation of Road from Ettumannoor to Muvattupuzha of SH 1 Bids were invited on 06.04.2013 as per World Bank guidelines. Bid evaluation was done and qualified bidder was selected based on the combined evaluation criteria. Accordingly Contractor M/s NAPC Ltd, Chennai was selected at bid price of Rs. 171.50 Crores. Letter of Acceptance was issued to them and Contract Agreement executed on 30.12.2013. Construction of Major Bridges Construction of Minor Bridge New Box culverts Widening Slab culverts Reconstruction of Culverts Foot path, Solar Lights – – – - 0 4 3 14 75 8.2 Pre-Construction Activities • Land hand over Land handed over to the Contractor. The KSTP has handed over land to the Contractor and accordingly acknowledgement of the contractor also received, but some hindrances like cutting of trees and shifting of utility remain in the work front. Which are being removed. Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 38 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 8.3 Contract Details Letter of Acceptance Date 29.11.2013 Agreement Date 30.12.2013 Name of Contractor M/s NAPC Ltd., Contract Price Rs. 171.49 Notice to Commence 04.02.2014 Total Length 40.60 km Contract Period 30 months Completion Date 03.08.2016 Defect Liability Period 365 days 1st Milestone 10 km – BC level 02.05.2015 2nd Milestone 30 km – 30 km BC level 03.02.2006 3rd Milestone 40.960 km whole works by 03.08.2016 8.4 Progress achieved is 0.52% against the target of 5.45%. No major construction activities commenced. Preparatory works in progress. 16.6% of the completion period has elapsed. Quarry & Crusher, Hot Mix Plant : Consent for installation has been obtained. Development of site is under progress. Components of Crusher and HMP have arrived at site. Installation not commenced. WMM Plant : Erection has been completed. Calibration and Commissioning not done. Concrete Batching Plant : Erected. ‘Consent to Operate’ from Panchayat is pending. Initial Survey : Traversing and Topo completed. TBM established for 30 Km. Centerline marking and OGL recording completed for 26 Km. Revised Vertical Profile finalized for 10 Km. Horizontal alignments up to km 30.00. Balance will be finalized after receipt of modified TOPO drawings. Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 39 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ Field laboratory : Established at their office building. Contractor has to establish laboratory at base camp. 9 Contractor has done cleaning of 10 Nos. of existing culverts in the Milestone-1. 9 Source approval has been issued for use of coarse Aggregates from 2 sources and fine Aggregates from one source. Alignment soils for 5 Km have been collected and lab tests are progressing. Mix designs for concrete grade PCC M15, PCC M 20, RCC M25 and RCC M30 have been approved. Job mix for GSB is under progress. 9 Work on relocation of electrical utilities has commenced. Construction Programme submitted on 19.04.2014 has been approved. In view of the impending Monsoon, the contractor has been instructed to maintain traffic worthy road during monsoon and steps shall be initiated to provide enough safety measures. 8.5 Pre-Construction Activities Land hand over All land has been handed over to the Contractor and accordingly acknowledgement of the contractor also received, Utilities Utilities such as water lines, telephone cables and associated accessories, electrical lines and associated accessories and trees are being removed / shifted. Contractor has submitted item rates required for relocation of KWA water lines from the project road. KSTP/PMT has made arrangements with BSNL and other private agencies for relocation of cables, telephone posts and telephone pillars. KSTP has issued some of the items required for relocation of electric utilities and relocation work has commenced. 8.6 Mobilization of Resources Plant and machinery Contractor has established a new concrete Batching Plant and is planning to obtain consent for its operation from KSPCB and local bodies concerned. Erection of the WMM Plant is under progress. Area development for establishing crusher is going on although the Crusher unit has not been mobilized. Apart from this, 2 nos of Weigh bridges have been erected and commissioned.. Contractor has mobilized the components of Crusher and HMP. Installation has not commenced. They have mobilized at site very few Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 40 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ equipments mentioned in Annexure 8.3. Considering their poor progress of mobilization, they have been notified to expedite this activity. They have taken on lease 7.24 acre of Land near km 31 of project road for the Base Camp where they propose to establish the above equipments other than Crusher, Workshop and Field Lab and Labour Camp etc. For establishing the Crusher, they have arranged another piece of Land near km 33 and they have obtained consent of KSPCB to establish same. Their application submitted for EMP approval on the specified format duly supported with site plan, Lease agreement and Consent of KSPCB has been approved by the CSC. Labour Camp established by the contractor at Km.3+300 (LHS) has not been approved as it does not satisfy some of the mandatory EMP criteria specified in the Contract Document. Human Resources The contractor has obtained Labour registration certificate and deployed adequate number of labourers for progressing their mobilization and preparatory works. They are yet to moblize adequate resources for commencement of civil works as scheduled in the approved programme. Materials Approval for procuring Cement from 4 sources, Reinforcement Steel from 5 sources, Admixture from 4 sources, Gabion from 2 sources and Coarse and Fine Aggregate from one source each and Water from one source has been issued. Procurement of material not started. 8.7 Work Progress Date of Commencement of project is 4th February 2014. No major construction activity initiated except the cleaning of 10 culverts as per the BOQ and construction of one box culvert and one slab culvert. Contractor has completed the Traversing and Topo survey for the complete stretch, and established TBM for 30Kms. Some revision in the horizontal alignment was necessitated and this was one. Recording of OGLs has been completed for 26 km. Contractor has pre-cast 627 Nos of RCC drain unites of 1.5m each (941 m) other civil works are yet to be taken up. 8.8 Work Programme As per clause 8.3 of GC, Contractor has to submit a detailed time programme to the Engineer within 28 days after receiving the notice under clause 8.1 of Contract Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 41 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ Conditions. Since the Programme submitted on 23.02.2014 was not in accordance with the Contract, advised to resubmit the Programme. Detailed Construction Programme as per Contract provisions was submitted on 19.04.2014 and approved on 08.05.2014. 8.9 Design changes • As per DPR, design of pavement was made based on the criteria of 15 years design life. Later it was discussed to consider 10 years design life for pavement design as per suggestion in the value Engineering exercise and accordingly Chief Engineer (Projects) intimated that the pavement thickness of DBM modified to 75 mm instead of the proposed 90mm considered in the drawing. This is in accordance with the value Engineering done. • In view of the varying land width, will be located near the edge of ROW. Accordingly, paved shoulder also will be extended up to drain in town portions. Earthen shoulder to be constructed Upto drain in other reaches. 8.10 Quality Control The status of material and job mixes and mix designs is shown in Annexure 8.12. Source and Material Approvals Approval has been given for Steel and Cement, Admixture and Gabion to be used in the permanent works based on manufacturer’s satisfactory test results. The contractor has established a Field Laboratory in their office premises near km 22 (RHS) of Project Road and is functional for performing tests on Aggregates, Soil, Admixture, GSB and Concrete works. Contractor has obtained approval of 2 sources of aggregate for use in concrete mixes. Alignment soils for 5 Km have been collected and lab tests are progressing. Mix designs for concrete grade PCC M15, PCC M20, RCC M25 and M30 have been approved. Job mix for GSB is under progress. The Contractor is yet to identify Borrow source for soil as they do not anticipate use of outside soil due to availability of Road Way excavated soil. 8.11 Mix Designs Mix designs for concrete grades PCC M15, PCC M20, M25 and M30 have been approved. Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 42 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 8.12 Important/Key/Potential Issues The following issues are very critical which may have adverse impact on the timely completion of the Project. • Delay in obtaining consent for operation of Batching Plant and inordinate delay in installation of Crusher and Hot Mix Plant. The WMM plant though installed, its commissioning and obtaining consent for operation are pending. • Shifting of Electrical and Water utilities. • Delay in Identification and procurement of adequate construction materials. 9.1 Contract Package VI Upgradation of Road from Ponkunnam to Thodupuzha Bids were invited World Bank guidelines (ICB). Bid evaluaiton was done and qualified bidder was selected. Accordingly Contractor M/s GHVEKK (JV), Cochin was selected at bid prince of Rs.227,13,73,548. Letter of Acceptance was issued and to them contract executed on 05.05.2014. agreement the works are in progress now. Structures Bridges Minor Bridges a. Reconstruction - 2 nos. b. Widening - 1 no. c. Repair & retain - 2 nos. Reconstruction a. Pipe - 31 b. Box - 78 Culverts Retained & widened Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 43 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ a. Box - 38 - 6 Retained a. Box New Construction on Realignment a. Pipe - 1 b. Box - 4 - 2 - 160 nos. New Construction a. Box Total Contractors Name of Contractor: M/s GHV-EKK(JV) Address: 2nd Floor, Municipal Building, A.M. Road, Perumbavoor, Eranakulam District, Kerala State. Mob: +919048306889, Fax/Tel: +91484 2523603 Letter of Acceptance date 04.02.2014 Agreement date 05.05.2014 Name of Contractor M/s GHV-EKK (JV) Contract price Rs. 227,13,73,548 Notice to Commence 10.06.2014 Total Length 46.363 km Contract Period 30 months Completion date 09.12.2016 Defect Liability Period 365 days 1st Milestone 10 km 2nd Milestone 25 km 3rd Milestone Completion of full stretch & Thodupuzha Bypass 10.2 Description of work The work involves improvement of State Highways including geometric improvements and realignments to standard 2-lane of 7 m carriage way,1.5 m paved shoulders, and 1.00 m slow lanes or soft shoulders and generally wider construction in built –up areas including median separated dual carriageways . The construction Works include, but are not limited to: - Scarification, clearance, earthworks, Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 44 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ - New culverts, new bridges and rehabilitation of existing/culverts and protective works - Granular Sub-Base, Wet Mix Macadam base course, Bituminous Mix Surfacing and Stone Matrix. - Side drains, sidewalks, - Road markings, road furniture and other road safety appurtenances, - Routine maintenance and maintenance during Defects Notification period. - Traffic management and environmental protection measures during construction stage. - Construction and maintenance of diversion roads, whenever needed. - Environmental and Social enhancement works/landscaping etc., 10.3 Construction Supervision Services – Package VI The construction Supervision Consultancy agreement (No.KSTP/PMT/PWD/240/2014dated 14/05/2014was signed on 14th May2014).The effective date of the services was established on 14th May2014. The objectives of the consultancy services are: 9 To ensure high quality construction with full compliance to Engineering Designs and Drawings, Technical Specifications and other Contract Documents within the specified Time schedule 9 To monitor the Pre –construction activities 9 To assist in taking remedial actions to avoid slippages, cost overruns, delays by the contractor and contract disputes 9 To ensure safety during construction and adherence to all Environment Management Regulations prescribed under the contract. 9 To ensure that effective Contract Administration is achieved. 10.4 Consultant – Details The selected contractor for this package is M/s MSV International Inc., USA Agreement Details: a. b. c. d. Contract Signed Contract Period Commencement date Contract Amount Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 :: :: :: :: 14.05.2014 30 months 14.05.2014 Rs.4,41,88200.00 Page 45 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 10.5 Mobilization Status of works Main Camp The establishment for Main Camp has identified at Kurinji (Km 123+000). In this camp planning to establish Hot Mix Plant (HMP), Wet Mix Macadam Plant (WMM), Crushing Plant, Main laboratory, Main office, Labour camp and Staff camp. Sub Camp The Sub camp will be established at Paika (Km 97+000) and Bharananganam. Land lease procedure has been done for both the Camps (i.e. for Main as well as for Sub Camp). Survey Works Topographic survey has been completed from Ponnkunnam to Thodupuzha. Bench marks Shifting has been completed for full alignment. Centre line marking is complete up to a distance of 12.50 Km from the beginning coordinates have been fixed with the help of GPS along the full alignment of the road. Verification of crust thickness survey has been completed along the total alignment. OGL Soil Samples Survey Collection of the OGL Soil Samples from Ponnkunnam to Thodupuzha Road and Thodupuzha Bypass Road is completed. Box Culvert Designs for precast Box Culvert are being finalized. Temporary Lab Existing laboratory and Batching Plant at Kidangoor will be used in the initial stage of the project, till the laboratory is setup at the main camp both are functional. Equipment Mobilization In main camp the HMP, WMM, Crushing Plant, Concrete Batching plant, etc shall be mobilized. Gantry (20 MT) and Batching plant of capacity 20 cum/hour and WMM plant shall be mobilized at sub camp in the month of August. In initial stage, the existing Concrete Batching Plant of Kidangoor Batching plant shall be used, which is established for other works and is very near. Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 46 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ Manpower Mobilization • Overall 52 persons have been mobilized so far and further mobilization is in progress • Work program has been submitted for scrutiny and approval to Engineer. Facilities for Engineer • Office for the Engineer has been setup in leased accommodation at Pala and furnished. • Four vehicles have been procured and supplied for Engineers use. • Fifth vehicle has been transferred to KSTRI (PWD) as per instruction of Project Director. 10.6 Quality Control The Status of OGL Material and mix designs are given below. Source and Material Approvals Approval has been given for Steel, Admixture, Cement, Gabion and Geotextile to be used for the works based on manufacturer’s satisfactory test results. Approval for procuring Cement (Coromandel, Ultratech) from two sources, admixture (BASF, Fosroc) from two sources, Gabion (Maccaferri) and Geotextile (Maccaferri) from one source, Hume pipes (Premier spun pipe) from one source, Reinforced Steel (SAIL,SYAM,JSW),from three sources, source approval submitted for Fine aggregates and coarse aggregates,(Cochin blue metals) from one source have been approved Mix Designs M15 (P.C.C), M20 (R.C.C), M25 (R.C.C) and M30 (R.C.C) Trial Mix are being in progress for using Coromandel cement. 11.1 Contract Package VII Upgradation of Road from Punalur to Ponkunnam under PPP Annuity mode Selection of Transaction Advisory Work has to be arranged under PPP mode (Hybrid Annuity). DPR submitted by M/s CDM Smith Associates is under review. The procurement process for selection of Transaction Advisory has been initiated. Out of the six firms shortlisted, five firms have submitted their Technical and financial proposals. The technical proposals are under evaluation. The firms are 1. M/s Ernst & Young 2. M/s Darashaw & Co., 3. M/s Crisil Ltd., Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 47 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 4. M/s L&T Ramboll 5. M/s Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Ltd., 13.0 Contract Package VIII Upgradation of Road from Perumbilavu – Pattambi Perintalmanna As per the original program, work has to be arranged under EPC mode. Alignment Plan completed and the DPR preparation by M/s CDM Smith Associates is nearing completion. Marking on boundary pillars is in progress and action is taken to publish 4(1) notification. Since delay is expected on land acquisition as per the new LA Act, for which rules are yet to be framed, it has been decided to carryout improvement to this road with in the available RoW so as to complete the works during the project period of KSTP. Estimate is under preparation through KHRI. The works can be arranged after the approval of restructuring proposal submitted to the Bank 13.1 New work As the surface of the KSTP I roads which were completed about 6 to 8 years back are likely to deteriorate after the rainy season, it has been planned to provide an overlay renewal course in these road sections from the savings anticipated from the reduction of scope of works for Package VIII (Perimbilavu – Perintalmanna road). Proposal has been endorsed by the Steering Committee and World Bank has also agreed in principle to this proposal. KHRI has been entrusted to prepare DPR for these works and will be put to tender after obtaining approval to the restructuring proposal from DEA and Bank. The road sections included are about 150 km and are as under 1. Adoor - Chengannur (20.00 km) 2. Muvattupuzha - Thodupuzha (17.83 km) 3. Muvattupuzha - Angamaly (31.40 km) 4. Thrissur - Kuttippuram (33.08 km) 5. Palakkad Shornur (45.30 km) The road stretch from Kazhakkuttom – Venjaramoodu – Adoor (80 km) has been proposed under SCDP and hence excluded and so also the Alapuzha – Changanassery road which was renewed about two years back. 13.2 Road Safety Baseline Road Safety Survey for Safe 1. Corridor Demonstration Project – Kazhakkoottam – Adoor Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 :: Study completed Page 48 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 2 Road Safety Capacity Building and program management The evaluation (final) has been approved by the Steering Committee :: and negotiation with the consultant fixed on 23.07.2014. The draft agreement is being prepared 13.3 Institutional Strengthening Components – Current Status 1. Road User Perception Survey 2. Prioritization and DPR preparation for 1000 km 3. :: Completed, report submitted :: Work completed. Draft DPR presented and comments given. Requested permission of State Government for posing the Project for World Bank financing. :: Work completed and Report forwarded to Chief Engineer (R&B) for preparing DPRs of individual road packages with PWD funds. SOS for 8750 km MDR 4. Development of Multi Model (Hub) 5. Hiring of consultants for Strategic Core Road Network Program :: ToRs received from Bank and EoI being invited short listing. 6. Developing Integrated Information Management System :: EoI invited with last date as 11 August 2014. 7. Construction of Head Quarters Building under Green Building concept :: Architectural and Structural Design completed under KSTP II and proposal submitted to Government for Administrative Sanction for the construction through PWD Building Wing. 8. 9. 10. :: Final report submitted Community engagement in road management and Road User Behavior and Accidents. :: ToR for implementing the program is progress Review and updating information systems in PWD and developing Integrated Management Information System for PWD :: Review of existing IT systems in PWD completed. Purchase of Project Management Software for KSTP :: Financial offers received from Bangalore based firms and orders being placed. 14.0 Meetings, Site visits & Inspection 14.1 Package – I Project Director (KSTP) visited the site on 18th July’2014, along with, Team Leader. Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 49 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ Mr.Ramana Rao Sr. Safety Specialist visited the site on 04th July 2014 and an orientation class were conducted regarding safety measures to be followed at construction site and crusher and Quarry sites. Progress Review meeting held on 24th July 2014 at contractor’s site office along with Resident Engineer, Dy. Resident Engineer, client Assistant Executive Engineer and contractor’s engineers. 14.2 Package – II • Mr. Ramanarao Sr. Safety Specialist visited the Site on 03rd July 2014 and an orientation class were conducted regarding safety measures to be followed at construction site and crusher and Quarry sites • Mr. Shibu Joseph Sr. Structural Engineer of CSC visited the Site on 07th July 2014 along with SE of KSTP and Railway officials to check the railway Gate shifting location for construction of diversion for execution of ROB @Km 7+420. • Progress Review meeting was convened at Trivandrum on 09th July-2014 by the Hon’ble Minister of Works. Principal Secretary PWD, KSTP Officials, Consultants, and Contractor’s representatives attended the meeting. • Progress Review meeting was convened at Trivandrum on 17th July-2014 by PD KSTP. KSTP Officials, Consultants, and Contractor’s representatives attended the Meeting. • Utility Shifting meeting convened at KSTP Div. Kannur on 16th July 2014. • PD, SE of KSTP & TL of CSC visited the Site on 19th July 2014. • Dispute Board members Site visit and meeting convened at RDS Base camp on 19th July 2014. • Progress Review Meeting convened at RDS Base camp on 24th July 2014 RE with CSC Staff’s and Contractor’s representative attended. 14.3 Package – III • During this Month Honorable Minister for PWD reviewed the progress of the works on 30th July 2014 at Thiruvananthapuram. • Progress review meeting at KSTP level has been conducted on 07th July 2014 at Thiruvananthapuram. Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 50 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ • Executive Engineer, KSTP convened a meeting at Mattannur on 01st July 2014 with Service providers, consultant and Contractor. • Project level Monthly Progress review meetings held on 25th July 2014 at RE office, Mattannur. 14.4 Package – V Progress Review Meeting Conducted at KSTP, Thiruvananthapuram on 17th July 2014. Progress Review Meeting Conducted at Thiruvananthapuram by the Hon’ble Minister of PWD on 30th July 2014 along with the Principle Secretary to the PWD, KSTP officials with all the Contractors and Supervision Consultant. Environmental Engineer of CSC visited the site on 15 July 2014 and reviewed the Implementation of EMP. 14.5 Package VI Progress of the Project was reviewed by the Honorable Minister of PWD on 30thJuly 2014. 14.6 Land Acquisition Status Sl No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name of Road Kasargod – Kanhangad Pilathara – Pappinisery Thalassery – Valavupara Chengannoor Ettumannoor EttumannoorMuvattupuzha Ponkunnam Thodupuzha Total Requirement (Ha) Extent of pending acquisition Percentage of pending acquisition LA Stage Date of taking Possession 2.983 0 0 - - 6.234 0 0 - - 25.32 1.032 4.08 Award Stage 30.03.2014 15.368 0.246 1.6 DLPC 31.03.2014 17.866 0.07 0.39 DLPC 31.03.2014 35.733 0 0 - - 7 Perumbilavu – Perinthalmanna 13.5 13.5 100 8 Punalur – Ponkunnam 17.705 0.026 0.14 Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 LAO appointe d 4(1) stage 31.12.2014 31.06.2014 Page 51 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 14.7 Payment to consultant M/s Egis India JV with M.s Egis International KERALA STATE TRANSPORT PROJECT Report Date Construction Supervision Phase II 31-Jul-14 Annex 2.3 List of Egis's Invoices and Payments Invoices No. Invoice No. Period Submission Gross Amount Net Receivable LC (Rupees) LC (Rupees) 1 Advance April'13 18,360,460 18,360,460 2 1A April & May'13 822,250 776,297 Received Gross Amount Net Received LC (Rupees) LC (Rupees) Date 12-Apr13 19-Sep13 Remarks Date 16,524,414 20/4/13 Mobilization Advance credited 822,250 591,759 25/10/13 Repayment of Mobilization Advance 3 1B 2,011,982 878,208 1,534,899 -1,126,528 25/10/13 4 2A 632,500 104,082 534,667 25/10/13 5 2B 845,829 26,930 19-Sep13 632,500 845,829 -479,601 25/10/13 6 3A 613,525 541,773 613,525 514,200 25/10/13 7 3B 1,916,459 770,878 19-Sep13 1,916,459 663,211 25/10/13 8 4A 594,550 520,453 594,550 469,433 25/10/13 2,955,659 1,938,523 2,955,659 1,772,474 25/10/13 632,500 710,677 632,500 492,026 07/12/13 3,173,829 2,036,076 3,173,829 2,005,353 07/12/13 632,500 710,677 632,500 492,026 07/12/13 3,474,117 2,373,480 3,457,417 2,308,061 07/12/13 588,225 660,930 588,225 447,254 04/02/14 3,569,341 2,497,173 3,562,913 2,442,688 04/02/14 487,025 547,221 487,025 344,916 04/02/14 3,620,100 2,537,506 3,620,100 2,504,084 04/02/14 9 4B 10 5A 11 5B 12 6A 13 6B 14 7A 15 7B 16 8A 17 8B 18 9A June'13 July' 13 August'13 September'13 October'13 November'13 December'13 613,525 January'14 19 9B 20 10A 4,360,671 632,500 Februaty'14 21 10B 22 11A 5,801,595 632,500 March'14 23 11B 24 12A 25 12B 4985536 April'14 569,250 689,357 19-Sep13 11-Oct13 7-Nov-13 12-Dec13 9-Jan-14 10-Feb14 3,369,612 710,667 11-Mar14 4,988,634 710,667 5,028,442 Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 4,360,671 632,500 5,771,415 632,500 4-Apr-14 4071710 639,609 613,525 4,918,436 12-May14 569,250 4,998,392 480,421 3,166,242 514,602 4,663,411 12/03/14 12/03/14 25/03/14 25/03/14 514,602 Repayment of Adv. completed 3,790,298 582,684 11/06/14 11/06/14 Page 52 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 5,649,957 26 13A 632,500 May'14 27 13B 28 14A 5,096,634 632,500 June'14 29 14B 5,085,977 880,930 5,116,354 632,500 6-Jun-14 5,020,834 6,967,006 800,284 647,427 5,139,326 - - - - 11/07/14 11/07/14 5-Jul-14 6,393,732 Annex 243 List of MSV Invoices and Payments Invoice-1: 14.8 Received for ` 336667 and being paid Key action taken on Critical Issues pointed out during World Bank Mission in Aide Memoire Component A – Road Network upgrading and Safety Improvement: Action Target date Action taken The extension of time of completion for first milestone has been recommended up to 6th August 2014 as the contractor has expressed willingness to speed up the progress. The contractor started piling and other works. Road work could not be started due to rain. The work is slow. Procurement of materials and utility shifting are in progress. The performance is being watched to take stringent actions. 1. Complete mobilization and initiate road works in contract 3, failing which face stringent contractual action 2. Complete mobilization in contract 5 Sept 30 2014 This is progressing 3. Achieve at least 5 km of completed road works in contracts 1 & 2 Sept 30 2014 The review meeting in the presence of the Hon’ble Minister PWD has been conducted and contractor has been instructed accordingly 4. Take a final decision on the approach for remaining land acquisition Sept 30 2014 The Government order for direct purchase of land has been obtained and action is being taken June 15 2014 5. Take a final decision on scope of contract 8 - The Steering Committee has approved the suggestion to carryout the improvement works of rehabilitation nature within the available Right of Way. The intimation regarding this was already given to Bank. 6. Issue RFP for Transaction Adviser for PPP road - The RFP was already issued and proposals received. The technical proposal is under evaluation. 7. Improve the overall environmental management and construction safety following the agreed framework in - This is being done Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 53 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ Annexure-5 Component B – Road Safety Management 8. Engage Road Consultant Safety Management 9. Identify the first set of projects for the challenge fund - The negotiation meeting with the selected consultant is over and agreement being signed. - This will be done after mobilization of the Road Safety Programme Management Consultant start the tasks. - Actions on this will be taken urgently after discussion with the higher authorities. - Discussed with Mr. Bernard Aritua the Deputy Task Team Leader and advised to first select the client Executive Program Sponsor. However Expression of Interest for the work Package-II is being invited which will be followed by Package III & IV. Component C- Institutional Strengthening 10. Initiate the process of appointing a Client Executive Program Sponsor 11. Issue RFP for the Sector Option Study Work packages Strategic 12. Finalize the ToR for the integrated Omni-Channel IT and Communication System for improved public communication and user engagement - The ToR for Integrated Management System has been the Bank and Expression applications invited fixing last August 2014. 13. Issue RFP for direct engagement in road safety - The ToR for this is being prepared in consultation with the Bank. - Actions to procure this software from the supplier taken on sole source basis. The Bank had expressed no objection for this. stakeholder Information approved by of Interest date as 11th General Issue 14. Install a suitable Project Management System for improving overall project management FM Actions Agreed SL NO ACTION DUE DATE Withdrawal Claim for period ended 15th June 2014 18/06/2014 2 Withdrawal Claim for period ended 30th June 2014 15/07/2014 3 Internal Audit report FY 201314 15/06/2014 1 Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 KSTP REMARKS Claim submitted and disbursement received. Audit Completed. Report dated 02.08.2014 received on 11.08.2014. Page 54 Kerala State Transport Project - II ____________________________________________________________ 4 Finalised Accounts to CAG 30/06/2014 Will submit to CAG on receiving approval from Steering Committee 5 Submit CAG Audit Report 30/09/2014 Can be done. 6 Appoint Internal Auditors for FY 14-15 31/07/2014 As per the agreement with the Internal Auditors, the term of appointment is for 3 years, (201304 to 2015-16) extendable subject to satisfactory performance. Hence their tem is still on. Also their output was satisfactory. 7 Internal Audit report for 1st 6 months of FY 14-15 30/11/2014 Can be achieved. 14.9 List of Annexure: Annex 1 Organization Chart KSTP Annex 2 Important letters to contractor and minutes of review meeting Annex 3 Procurement Plan Annex 4 Photographs Monthly Progress Report – July 2014 Page 55
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