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As of now, over 40 IAF officers and an undisclosed number of Army officers have been affected as the hackers withdrew large amounts from their salary accounts. The IAF officers were aghast to find their State Bank of India (SBI) salary accounts emptied by the cyber criminals who managed to access their accounts via net banking. The incident has caused concern in South Block as IAF officers were being targeted by hackers and there is a pattern behind this. There are fears that the number of personnel affected by the hacking could grow as the investigation progresses and the amount stolen by the cyber criminals will be ascertained only after the investigators get to the bottom of the case. An FIR has been registered with the Economic Offences Wing (EOW) under sections of the Information and Technology Act. Initial investigations by the cyber cell have found that the accounts were accessed from Canada. The EOW has widened its probe and is also investigating the involvement of some SBI staffers who had access to the accounts and internet banking details, which could have been used to hack the accounts. Investigators are also probing whether the cyber criminals used servers installed in Canada to cover their tracks. They could very well be in India and could have used this circuitous route to avoid detection. The incident came to light ten days ago when 40 IAF officers lodged complaints of money being deducted from their salary accounts and unauthorized transactions being made from their debit cards. Incidentally, the hacking was not limited to officers stationed in the Capital. Officers in Jaipur and Hyderabad were also affected by the hacking. Amounts withdrawn from the accounts range from Rs 10,000 to Rs250,000. The Provost and Security unit of the 20DB4 5>AF>AAH 0b^U]^f^eTa#805^UUXRTabP]SP]d]SXbR[^bTS]d\QTa^U0a\h^UUXRTabWPeTQTT] PUUTRcTSPbcWTWPRZTabfXcWSaTf[PaVTP\^d]cbUa^\cWTXabP[Pah PRR^d]cb CWTaTPaTUTPabcWPccWT]d\QTa^U_Tab^]]T[PUUTRcTSQhcWT WPRZX]VR^d[SVa^fPbcWTX]eTbcXVPcX^]_a^VaTbbTbP]ScWT P\^d]cbc^[T]QhcWTRhQTaRaX\X]P[bfX[[QTPbRTacPX]TS^][h PUcTacWTX]eTbcXVPc^abVTcc^cWTQ^cc^\^UcWTRPbT 8]XcXP[X]eTbcXVPcX^]bQhcWTRhQTaRT[[WPeTU^d]ScWPccWT PRR^d]cbfTaTPRRTbbTSUa^\2P]PSP CWT4>FWPbfXST]TSXcb_a^QTP]SXbP[b^X]eTbcXVPcX]VcWT X]e^[eT\T]c^Ub^\TB18bcPUUTabfW^WPSPRRTbbc^cWT PRR^d]cbP]SX]cTa]TcQP]ZX]VSTcPX[bfWXRWR^d[SWPeTQTT] dbTSc^WPRZcWTPRR^d]cb IAF approached the EOW and a case was lodged under section 66 and 66D of the Information Technology Act. Alarmingly, the Provost and Security unit has also received a number of calls from Army personnel com- $OJHULDQSODQH ZLWKDERDUG IHDUHGFUDVKHG DY`ceTfeTfed #&]ZgVddY`ce VFKRROFKLOGUHQ NLOOHGRQUO\WUDFN DVEXVGULYHUWDNHV XQPDQQHGOHYHO FURVVLQJURXWH ><4A50A>>@Q 7H34A0103 I n a horrendous tragedy, 21 schoolchildren among 25 people died when their school bus collided with a train at an unmanned level crossing in Masaipet village of Telangana's Medak district on Thursday morning. The children were in the 7-14 age group. The impact of the collision was so intense that the bus turned into a mess of mangled steel. Bus driver Bhikshapati Goud, who died on the spot, had joined the duty three days ago. The driver's decision to avoid nearby manned railway gates to take a shorter route and his failure to spot the oncoming Nanded-Secunderabad passen- 4RSZ_Ve`\Rjd %*aVcTV_e75: Z_Z_dfcR_TV New Delhi: In a first major reform initiative by the Modi Government, the Cabinet on Thursday gave a go-ahead to FDI cap hike in insurance to 49 per cent with a rider that management control will remain in the hands of Indian promoters. The move kicks-off expectations of relaxation of FDI norms in Railways and Defence in the coming days. The Cabinet's approval to hike the FDI limit from the current 26 per cent is expected to attract a long-term capital, besides improving the overall investment climate. The decision is expected to pave way for inflow of as much as C25,000 crore foreign funds in the sector. Detailed report on P10 ger train while crossing were blamed for the mishap. The bus, being driven by the new driver as the regular one was on leave, was carrying about 40 students of a private school at Toopran in the district. The schoolchildren from Islampur, Gundreddy and other villages of Medak district were on their way to Kakaitya Techno School at Toopran town. While 15 children, bus driver and cleaner died on the spot, six children succumbed to injuries on their way to hospital. 21 injured children were rushed to Yashodha hospital in Hyderabad where condition of 15 students was stated to be critical, according to Dr Chandrashekhar. The parents were so shocked that the father of two children, Wahid and Razia, died of heart attack after hearing the news. A resident of Kishanpur too suffered cardiac arrest, and died on way to hospital. Many families have lost two to three children in the accident. The train was coming from plaining about their accounts being hacked as well. Officers said the text message informing them about the transactions revealed the locations to be Canada. Sources revealed that the hackers employed a unique modus-operandi as they cracked the code in a series by using the 16-digit card number. To prevent more people from falling prey to cyber criminals, the officers have started circulating a warning message on a mobile application so that others become aware and change their passwords from time to time and avoid hacking. When asked about the case, the Joint Commissioner of EOW, Satish Golchha said that they have received a complaint in this regard and a case has been registered at the EOW police station. A probe has been launched and the cyber unit is on the trail of the hackers, he added. 2gZReZ`_`WWZTZR] T`_WZc^dTcRdY, 7cR_TVdRjd_` ecRTVW`f_U 064=284BQ 0;684AB n Air Algerie flight crashed A on Thursday en route from Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso ?T^_[TVPcWTaPccWTPRRXST]cbXcTPc<PbPX_TcX]<TSPZ^]CWdabSPh Nanded in Maharashtra to Secunderabad and was running late. "If the train had been running come on time, our children would have been alive," said one resident. The villagers were very angry that despite their decades old demand, Railways had not put a barricade and guard at the level crossing. A large number of people, including politicians, reached hospital to console the devas- tated families. As the news about the accident spread like wildfire, thousands of locals gathered on the spot. At one stage, police had to use mild force to keep the situation under control. Senior Minister T Harish Rao announced that the families which had lost children will be paid an ex gratia of Rs 5 lakh. The expenses of treating the injured will be borne by the Government. *RYWSODQVWRSKDVHRXW HDXFWLRQRIFRDOVIRU VPRRWKVXSSO\WRSODQWV 0=8<4B7B8=67Q =4F34;78 ith at least eight major thermal power plants belonging to W National Thermal Power Corporation of India (NTPC) across the country left with less than a week's supply of coal, the Government has planned to phase out e-auction of coal to ensure smooth supply of dry fuels to power plants. Coal India Ltd (CIL), which sells around 10 per cent of coal through e-auction, has been directed by the Coal Ministry to divert this quota to thermal power plants. Highly placed sources told The Pioneer that the sale of coal by CIL through e-auction will be phased out. Under this plan, the quota of coal to be e-auctioned in this financial year will be cut by half to 26 million tonnes. CIL sells around 52 million tonnes of coal through e-auction. "E-auction will be phased out, but at the same time we will ensure that CIL's profitability is not impacted," a source told this correspondent. As on July 20, 2014, two thermal power plants of NTPC, namely Talcher and Kahalgaon, are in a critical state. They are left with six days of fuel. Another six NTPC plants have less than four days of coal stock. Continued on Page 4 ?C8 South Central Railway has ordered an inquiry into the incident. Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao and Governor ESL Narasimhan expressed shock and grief over the loss of lives in the accident. Minister Harish Rao visited the scene of accident. Education Minister Jagdishwar Reddy is camping at the hospital. The tragedy has evoked a strong reaction from political leaders. 3URZOLQJOHRSDUG FDXJKWDIWHUPRQWKV :D<0A274;;0??0=Q 274==08 he elusive leopard which was on the prowl T for the last two months in Thimbam forest of Erode district in Tamil Nadu was caught on Thursday morning. The leopard had killed two persons, including a forester early this week. According to Anwardheen, Conservator of Forests (Erode), the five-year-old leopard will soon be transported to Vandaloor Zoo near Chennai. He said the big cat is in the best of health and there are no injury marks on his body. The conservator told The Pioneer, “He was living on the deer population in the Satyamangalam Tiger reserve. He has single-handedly finished 50 per cent of the deer population in the zone. Continued on Page 4 to Algiers with 116 passengers on board, an Algerian aviation official said. "I can confirm that it has crashed," the Algerian official told news agencies, declining to be identified or give any details about what had happened to the aircraft on its way north. However, AP reports quoting the French Foreign Minister said no wreckage had been found, and that the plane "probably crashed." The Air Algerie flight carrying 116 people from Burkina Faso to Algeria's Capital disappeared from radar early Thursday over northern Mali, officials said. Air navigation services lost track of the MD-83 about 50 minutes after takeoff from Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso, at 0155 GMT (9:55 p.m. EDT Wednesday), the official Algerian news agency APS said. "Despite an intensive search, at the moment I speak no trace of the aircraft has been found," French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told reporters in Paris. "The plane has probably crashed." Two French fighter jets are among aircraft scouring the rugged north of Mali for the plane. More than 50 French were onboard the plane along with 27 Burkina Faso nationals and passengers from a dozen other countries. The flight crew was Spanish. The flight was being operated by Spanish airline Swiftair, the company said in a statement, and the plane belonged to Swiftair. The plane sent its last message around 0130 GMT (9:30 p.m. EDT), asking Niger air control to change its route because of heavy rains in the area, Burkina Faso Transport Minister Jean Bertin Ouedraogo said. The disappearance of the Air Algerie plane comes after a spate of aviation disasters. Fliers around the globe have been on edge ever since Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared in March on its way to Beijing. Searchers have yet to find a single piece of wreckage from the jet with 239 people on board. Continued on Page 4 9^da]P[XbcbfPXcU^acWT]Tfb^U\XbbX]V0Xa0[VTaXTPXaRaPUc^dcbXSTcWTB_P]XbW BfXUcPXaPXa[X]T^UUXRTX]<PSaXSB_PX]^]CWdabSPh 0? =T_P[bfXbW[Xbc)8]R[dSTdbX]8]SXP]?X[VaX\PVT2XaRdXc E8=44C0?0=34HQ =4F34;78 N epal is preparing an interesting wish list for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi when he visits the Himalayan nation next month. The neighbouring country would like the Indian Government to include it in the Indian Pilgrimage Circuit, which would enable Kathmandu to boost its religious tourism. Nepal wants India to extend the Buddhist Circuit of Varanasi-Sarnath-Bodhgaya to Lumbini in Nepal. It is also expected to propose setting up of a `Nath' circuit linking KedarnathBadrinathSomnath in India with Pashupatinath-Muktinath in Nepal. Nepal will be happy if Goddess Bhagwati's Manakamana Temple is also added to the Nath link, even though it is a little out of way. Besides, it also awaits railway and road networks and economic packages from India. Modi will be first Indian Prime Minister (PM) to visit Nepal for a bilateral meeting after the 1997 visit of former PM IK Gujral. Former PM, AB Vajpayee had visited Nepal in 2002, but it was for a SAARC Summit. It is expected that External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, who is going to Nepal on Friday to attend a Joint Commission meeting between the two nations, will prepare the base for Modi's visit. During her maiden visit to Nepal, Swaraj will hold discussions under five clusters: Political, security and border issues; economic cooperation and infrastructure; trade and transit; power and water resources and culture, education and media. "India has a good transport network and there is immense scope for working on it under cultural cooperation between the two nations. If this transport network joins Lumbini as well, then it will complete the Buddhist Circuit too," said Tirtha Raj Wagle, Minister Counsellor in Embassy of Nepal in New Delhi. Though another Buddhist temple Shoyambhunath is in Kathmandu Valley, the official felt that linking it with this Buddhist Circuit will be difficult. Nepal believes that this will give a fillip to its tourism sector. "The circuit in Kushinagar in India can be extended up to Lumbini through a fresh route. Lumbini has its religious importance and there is a scope in working in 4H4>=A4;868>DBC>DA8B< =T_P[fP]cb8]SXPc^TgcT]ScWT1dSSWXbc2XaRdXc^U EPaP]PbXBPa]PcW1^SWVPhPc^;d\QX]XX]cWT 7X\P[PhP]ZX]VS^\ 3daX]V?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXbeXbXc]Tgc \^]cW=T_P[XbP[b^Tg_TRcTSc^_a^_^bTbTccX]Vd_ ^UP=PcWRXaRdXc[X]ZX]V:TSPa]PcW1PSaX]PcW B^\]PcWX]8]SXPfXcW?PbWd_PcX]PcW<dZcX]PcWX] =T_P[ =T_P[fX[[QTWP__hXU6^SSTbb1WPVfPcXb <P]PZP\P]PCT\_[TXbP[b^PSSTSc^cWT=PcW[X]Z TeT]cW^dVWXcXbP[Xcc[T^dc^UfPh 1TbXSTbXcP[b^PfPXcbaPX[fPhP]Sa^PS]Tcf^aZbP]S TR^]^\XR_PRZPVTbUa^\8]SXP this area," said Wagle. Buddha was born in Lumbini, while he attained enlightenment in Bodhgaya (Bihar); in Sarnath (Varanasi) he gave his first sermon and in Kushinagar (Uttar Pradesh) he achieved salvation. The Buddhist circuit is an important route for over 500 million Buddhists across the world. But despite having such historic and religious importance, Lumbini attracts lesser tourists. With the governments of both countries steadily working on the Buddhist Circuit with help from the World Bank, Nepal hopes the `Nath circuit' idea may also click well with India since a lot of Hindu devotees visit Pashupatinath in Nepal every year. "Pashupatinath and Muktinath are considered the most sacred of all Naths. In fact, Muktinath is believed to be the Nath of all Naths. Hence, they are of high importance to Hindus," said Wagle. India is building a 600-km road network in Nepal. Called the Tarai network, it is in the first phase of construction. It is expected that the network might get extended up to 1,400 kms. "The road network is a priority for us for linking entire Nepal. This will help in development of the country," said Wagle. India with its huge rail technology and infrastructure has also developed the Janakpur (Nepal)-Jainagar (Bihar) rail link. Nepal has requested India to upgrade that line since it is not in a very good condition now. It is learnt that Indian Railways have already conducted a feasibility study on it and further discussions for upgradation will be held during Swaraj's visit. Besides, India also has shown interest in some new hydel-projects in Nepal. A feasibility study on Sunkosi (Bihar) and Mahakali rivers (Uttarakhand) is already on even though Nepal is facing resistance at the domestic level with regard to resettlement, compensation and environment issues. dccPaPZWP]S! &$+&$, +-, ./0.123 ><A4`]]VXVµgZ`]ReVd¶ TRdeVSRdVUbf`eRa`]ZTj <0=>9:D<0AQ 347A03D= KP (PG) College Principal Dr Indu Singh seems to be M unaware about caste-based reservation policy for admission in various degree courses. This college on Monday declared merit list for admission in various degree courses without following Government's reservation policy. In the merit list, those SC/ST/OBC students who secured more than cut-off for general category have been included in reserved category in violation of caste-based reservation policy framed by the State Government. In BSc, the cut off for OBC category has exceeded the general category cut off which has deprived OBC students scoring less from deriving the benefit of reservation. Singh said that merit list has been released based on marks in five subjects in Class XII board examination. The cut off of general category was kept from 84.8 to 61 percent for general category in science stream and 83.8 and 63 per cent for OBC. The cut-off of SC and ST was kept at 80.7 to 47 per cent and 65.2 to 60.6 per cent respectively in science stream. In Commerce stream, the cut off for general category was kept between 93.8 and 64.8 per cent; between 83.8 and 63 per cent for OBC; between 71.8 and 42 per cent for SC and between 73.4 and 47.4 per cent for ST. In BA, the cut off for general category was kept between 89.6 to 60 per cent; 83 to 65 per cent for OBC, 85.8 and 57.4 per cent for SC and 76.6 and 73.2 per cent for ST. Not a single SC/ST/OBCs student has been included in general category list in spite of scoring more than the cut off for general category, which is violation of reservation policy. 8=C74<4A8C;8BC B2BC>12BCD34=CB F7>B42DA43<>A4 C70=2DC>555>A 64=4A0;20C46>AH 70E4144=8=2;D343 8=A4B4AE43 20C46>AH Observers opine that the college has violated the reservation policy and it seems college has kept seats reserved for general category students on its merit list. When this correspondent asked as to why meritorious students of SC/ST/OBCs were not included in general category list, Singh questioned where the general category students would go. "Are you asking this question because you belong to this category? The college hashas followed caste based reservation system in the admission process," she said. DAV (PG) College principal Devendra Bhasin said that caste based reservation policy is being implemented for admissions in various degree courses and if SC/ST students secure more than the cut off for gen- eral category then they are included in the general category list. DBS (PG) College ex-students union leader Kamlesh Bhatt said that the MKP (PG) college should follow caste based reservation policy in admissions and if they fail to do so then the students will protest in the college. SGRR (PG) College principal in charge AK Gupta said that as per state government guidelines on reservation in higher education institutions,19 per cent of available seats are reserved for Scheduled Caste (SC), four per cent for Scheduled Tribes, 19 per cent for OBCs and remaining seats are for general category students and physically handicapped, dependents of freedom fighters and ex-servicemen. If SC/ST/OBCs secure more than cut off for general category, they are included in general category list. It should be mentioned here that University Grants Commission (UGC) provides financial assistance to universities for the establishment of Special Cells for SC/STs. The cells help universities implement the reservation policy in student admission in the colleges. 5^a\TaR^[[TVT_aX]RX_P[aTPRcb Dehradun: Reacting to MKP (PG) College principal Indu Singh's claim that HNB Garhwal Central University has not allocated seats for various degree courses, the former college principal Kiran Sood said that MKP college is exclusively for girls especially for those who deserve tuition fee free education. This college has been running classes for graduate and post graduate degrees since 1958. Earlier, the college was affiliated with Agra and Meerut University. In 1975, HNB Garhwal University came into existence and since then there are 59 posts of teaching faculty members were sanctioned for this college that observing the ideal ratio of 1:20 there are 1,180 seats sanctioned for the college. PNS 3T[PhX]PS\XbbX^] X]R^[[TVTb\Ph RPdbT_a^Q[T\b U^a_aX]RX_P[b 8]PST`dPcTSaPX]PVTUPRX[XcXTbX]cWTc^f]aTbd[cX]fPcTa[^VVX]VX]ePaX^dbPaTPbPbbTT]WTaTP[^]VcWTAXb_P]PaXeTafWTaTRWX[SaT]_[PhX]SXachfPcTaSaPX]X]VX]c^ cWTaXeTa <P]VTbW:d\Pak?X^]TTa G_b[cX_`_^VQSe\diTUfU\_`]U^dXU\T ?=BQ 347A03D= n order to enhance the qualities of good tutors and eduIcationists in its academic staff, DIT University held a workshop on Faculty Development Programme at its campus. The new academic session 2014-15 in the university would commence from August 1, said Dr KK Raina, vice chancellor of the DIT University. He said that Faculty Development Programme (FDP) aims at equipping teachers with skills and knowledge that are essential for inculcating entrepreneurial values in students and guiding and monitoring their progress towards their career. Prof PK Tulsi, Dean of Research and Development and head of Education and Educational Management department, NITTTR, Chandigarh was chief guest on the occasion. She talked on teaching learning processes and the quality of higher education in India. Stressing upon the need of strong communication skills, she said that effective communication needs to be pitched to the level of the students. It is essential to know age, interest, background, previous attainments and learning styles of the students. She also elicited focus on the present system of evaluation of question papers and showed how effective it can be made to minimise errors. Talking about the Research and Development activities at the university, Dr AN Kaul, Dean, DIT University said that the teachers are always motivated to take up more activities to promote a research and development culture in the university. The university has already shown its mark in research with many papers being published nationally and internationally in the last five years. The university registrar, Ajay Swarup said that the event is an important stepping stone in the career paths of participants. GU\XQ]2_icµCSX__\d_ X_cdYdcVYbcd´93Q^µ]UUd ?=BQ 347A03D= he Welham Boys’ School is T going to host two days long its first annual ‘I Can’ Conference between July 25-26. The Conference will see participation from almost 270 students who will be role-playing various corporate entities like CEOs of corporate and media houses, advertisers, news presenters and entrepreneurs. Not only this, to introduce this concept to chosen handful of schools, the first WBSICAN. will also see participation from schools like Daily College, Indore, Sanskaar Valley, Bhopal and Ecole Globale School, Dehradun. Students will compete with each other in this activity-based learning programme which aims to hone and develop life skills and soft skills of students. These basic skills go a long way in helping students during crucial life stages like acing college admissions or BCD34=CBF8;; 2><?4C4F8C7 4027>C74A8=0= 02C8E8CH10B43 ;40A=8=6 ?A>6A0<<4 F782708<BC> 7>=40=334E4;>? ;854B:8;;B0=3 B>5CB:8;;B>5 BCD34=CB cracking that important job interview. The Conference basically simulates various real-life verticals of the society within the school environment. Students are divided into corporate houses, media houses and political parties. Each vertical has its own set of activities to execute on which its is judged. The team with the maximum marks is pronounced as the winner at the end of the Conference. For the first time in this part of the world, I Can. is promoting entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship at the high-school level. Four established entrepreneurs are being invited for the Conference who will act as mentors to the students. These students will be guided by the entrepreneurs regarding the nitty-gritties of starting your own social or commercial business. The guests for WBSICAN. are Prerna Mukharya who has previously been a research assistant at the prestigious Harvard University and is now running a highly successful research firm called Outline India, Mayank Batheja who is known for his glamorously successful venture Let’s Intern that gives avenues for internships to students, Shruti Dhanda who is an alumnus of the Indian School of Business and has been a serial entrepreneur and Rajat Madan who has an NGO based out of Varanasi and is also a student at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences right now. WBSICAN. promises to be an event which will capture the imagination of the students throughout the city. The Conference is successfully bringing together various elements that act as a support system in moulding a student’s thought-process. The concept, which has been widely accepted by various schools within the city, is increasingly being adopted by prominent names like Welham Boys’. The driving force behind the idea are Vansh Nathani and Akshit Batra who are an alumnus of the Doon School. They are supported by Deviyani Dixit and Priyamvada Lamba in their endevaours. DEHRADUN: Delay in admission process in DAV (PG) College and DBS (PG) College this year may cause problems for the principals of these colleges in ensuring the mandatory 180 days of teaching in a year as per University Grants Commission guidelines. In compliance with Uttarakhand High Court’s order, HNB Garhwal Central University had recently directed the college principals to ensure 180 days of teaching in their colleges. As per University academic calendar, the first year admissions for all classes should be completed by July 26. Amid protest by leaders of various students’ groups against cap on admissions in various degree courses, admission process in DBS (PG) College and DAV (PG) College could not begin. In DBS (PG) College, merit list for admissions in various courses were released on Saturday but college student leaders did not allow admissions in the college. In DAV (PG) College, following protest of students’ leaders and recent Uttarakhand CM Harish Rawat’s instruction to the principals of government colleges and government degree colleges to follow last year’s admission process this year, the admission process could be start in DAV (PG) College. College principal Devendra Bhasin said that admission in the college will begin after High Court’s next order as earlier in compliance with High Court Order, the university had directed the college principal to allow students’ admission on sanctioned seats. 20??> 03<8BB8>=B 6^ecbdQ\Xcb bd__[T\T]cPah PUUXSPeXcX]72 ?=BQ 347A03D= egarding the cap on admissions in various degree R Government colleges and Government aided colleges, the Government has recently submitted a supplementary affidavit in the Uttarakhand High Court. The HC had appointed a senior advocate as court commissioner with instruction to submit report over this issue after meeting with government officers, college principals and students on July 21. DAV (PG) College Principal Devendra Bhasin said that admission process will begin soon after court commissioner inspects the college. He further said that admissions in second and third year bachelor degree courses are being done in the college. It should be mentioned here that earlier, Uttarakhand High court, in writ petition (PIL) number 164 of 2013 had observed that the institutions under the HNB Garhwal Central University are permitting admissions more than their permitted intake; mandatory minimum 180 days of teaching a year are not being ensured and the teachers are not available in the institutions for five hours a day. Moreover, in compliance with HC order, the University registrar PS Rana had directed that every institution affiliated to this university should specify the course, duration and sanctioned strength in their admission prospectus from the academic session 2014-15. Rana said that the head of the departments will be held responsible for non implementation of minimum teaching of 180 days in a year. Principals and heads of departments, deans of the schools as the case may be, will have to ensure that the faculty members are available in the college/departments for a minimum of five hours a day. $OWKRXJKHYHU\SRVVLEOHFDUHDQGFDXWLRQKDVEHHQWDNHQWRDYRLGHUURUVRURPLVVLRQVWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQLVEHLQJVROGRQWKHFRQGLWLRQDQGXQGHUVWDQGLQJWKDWLQIRUPDWLRQJLYHQLQWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQLVPHUHO\IRUUHIHUHQFHDQGPXVWQRWEHWDNHQDVKDYLQJDXWKRULW\RIRUELQGLQJLQDQ\ZD\RQWKHZULWHUVHGLWRUVSXEOLVKHUVDQGSULQWHUVDQGVHOOHUVZKR GRQRWRZHDQ\UHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUDQ\GDPDJHRUORVVWRDQ\SHUVRQDSXUFKDVHURIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQRUQRWIRUWKHUHVXOWRIDQ\DFWLRQWDNHQRQWKHEDVLVRIWKLVZRUN$OOGLVSXWHVDUHVXEMHFWWRWKHH[FOXVLYHMXULVGLFWLRQRIFRPSHWHQWFRXUWDQGIRUXPVLQ'HOKL1HZ'HOKLRQO\ 3ULQWHGDQGSXEOLVKHGE\$MLW6LQKDIRUDQGRQEHKDOIRI&0<.3ULQWHFK/WG5DMSXU5RDG'HKUDGXQ7HO7HOHID[DQGSULQWHGDW6XNKPDQL3UDNDVKDQ+&/&RPSRXQG1LUDQMDQSXU'HKUDGXQ8WWDUDNKDQG(GLWRU&KDQGDQ0LWUD$,5685&+$5*(RI5H(DVW&DOFXWWD5DQFKL %KXEDQHVZDU1RUWK/HK:HVW0XPEDL$KPHGDEDG6RXWK%DQJDORUH&KHQQDL&HQWUDO.KDMXUDKR'HOKL 7HOHSKRQHV)D[/XFNQRZ2IILFHWK)ORRU6DKDUD6KRSSLQJ&HQWUH)DL]DEDG5RDG/XFNQRZ7HOHSKRQHV dccPaPZWP]S" &$+&$, +-, ./0.123 CV^Rc\`_g`]TR_`UVdec`jZ_X3RUcZ_ReYUcRhdW]R\ ?A0344?170=30A8Q 9>B78<0C7 <Q^Tc\YTUcR\_S[>8\UQTY^W 3TQaXbhTcc^QTR[TPaTS d_7Q^W_dbYIQ]e^_dbYcXbY^Uc ^]AXbWXZTbW2WP\QP=7 T he Teerth Purohits of Badrinath and Brahma Kapal have strongly objected to a statement made by the Dharmadhikari of Badrinath temple on a national television channel predicting the destruction of this hallowed shrine. The Dharmadhikari, Bhuwan Uniyal, reportedly said on a television channel that the Tapt Kund (natural hot water pool) at Badrinath contains sulphur and as sulphur indicates to the presence of a volcano, this volcano would burst in the future and destroy Badrinath. Strongly criticising the statement made by the Dharmadhikari, the Teerth Purohits of Badrinath and Brahma Kapal have called it a "foolish" statement. The point out that Uniyal has not mentioned any scientific basis on which he had based his statement. Author and journalist Mahesh Sati said that action should be taken according to service rules against the Dharmadhikari for the controversial statement he had E8=>3270<>;8Q =4FC47A8 due to blockages on the routes leading to these shrines. The failure of the authorities to ensure timely treatment of the danger zones activated on the national highways to these shrines during last year's disaster is resulting in landslides at several places. The recurring road blockages are causing much inconvenience to both the locals and the pilgrims. This has also affected the numbers of devotees visiting the shrines this year. This year, at this time mostly Kanwadias are reaching Gangotri to fill pitchers with water of the Bhagirathi here, while the number of pilgrims Yamunotri is considerably sparse. Due to the rains being experienced here for the past many days, landslides occurring at various places have led to frequent blockage of the national highway to Gangotri especially at Sukki, Netala, Helgu and Raturisera. Due to the road blockages, it is taking the pilgrims two days to Gangotri instead of one. On Thursday, debris landing on the highway forced the pilgrims to wait for many hours for the road to be cleared even as the landslide prone area at Badia and Syanachatti remained active on the route to Yamunotri. Though theBorder Roads Organisation and Public Works Department have placed JCBs at such sites, the pilgrims and local travelers are frequently forced to wait for many hours at a time for the blockages to be cleared. Due to this reason, even during the ongoing Kanwad pilgrimage, only 1000 Kanwadias reached Gangotri last week while 500 pilgrims visited Yamunotri. However, before the June 2013 disaster, thousands of pilgrims used to visit these shrines during this period. BKTC have been warned and directed to refrain from making any statements regarding the Badrinath temple to newspapers and television chan- nels. Disciplinary action will be taken against any official or employee found violating this direction, stressed the BKTC CEO. Lakhs of devotees from India and abroad visit the Badrinath temple every year though this year the number of pilgrims has been comparatively less due to last year's dis- he pilgrimage to Gangotri and Yamunotri shrines is T being disrupted intermittently C44AC7?DA>78CB0=31A07<0:0?0;70E4>1942C43 C>C74C4<?;4370A<0378:0A8BBC0C4<4=C>=0 CE270==4;?A4382C8=634BCAD2C8>= >5C7470;;>F43B7A8=4 made. "The Dharmadhikari had distorted the meaning of the contents of the Arthashastra written by Chanakya and made a questionable statement," said Sati. On the other hand, the chief executive officer of the Badrinath Kedarnath Temple Committee, BD Singh said that the Tapt Kund near Badrinath temple is situated on the upper portion of Markandeya Shila (boulder). "Markandeya means that which has no end so there is no question about the existence of the Badrinath temple coming to an end," said Singh, adding that the Dharmadhikari and other employees of the ?=BQ =4FC47A8 he debris and stones lying along the RishikeshChamba national highway continue to increase the risk of accidents on this road. Despite being an important route, the debris has not been cleared by the authorities, which is causing much discontent among the locals. While the debris continues to pose a danger, the Border Roads Organisation appears to be apathetic to this situation. Heavy rains experienced last year had caused landslides along the highway with the debris also blocking the highway for some time last year. Many of the boulders and other debris from last year have not yet been cleared completely from the national highway by the BRO especially at Agrakhal, Takshla, Bemunda, Jajal, Khadi, Selupani, Nagani and other places. Local villagers alleged that none of the officials concerned were paying attention to the state of this National Highway, which is a matter of serious concern. Meanwhile, a BRO officer said that the task of removing the debris was underway. aster and other factors. This shrine is considered to be one of the most sacred centres of pilgrimage in the Himalayas situated at an altitude of 10,248 feet above seal level. It is here that Lord Mahavishnu is believed to have undertaken penance with goddess Mahalakshmi assuming the form of a Badari (jujube) tree to shelter him from adverse weather — hence, the name Badri Narayan. T 33BaTbd[cc^STRXSTUPcT^U6^ecc^SPh BD=8;:D<0AQ 347A03D= oiwala, Dharchula and ²0aaP]VT\T]cbX]_[PRTU^aR^d]cX]V^Ue^cTb Someshwar (DDS) D cer. A total of 14 tables have 8 am on Friday. Assembly bypolls result would decide the future of the Congress-led Uttarakhand Government on Friday. Although people have decided the fate of candidates of assembly bypolls on July 21, the final decalartion will be made by the election commission after counting on July 25. Political analysts believe that ruling party may win all three assembly seats; if this happens, the Congress dependence over the alliance partner will be a thing of the past and chief minsiter Harish Rawat would be able to do batting on front foot. Currently, the Harish Rawat-led Uttarakhand Government is being survived by 32 Congress MLAs and seven members of the Progressive Democratic Front ?=BQ 347A03D= Dehradun district Theelection officer has claimed that all the preparations for counting of votes polled for Doiwala assembly bypoll have been completed at the counting venue, ITI, Doiwala. The district election officer Chandresh Kumar Yadav reached the counting venue on Thursday and inspected the strong room and counting site. He directed the election officials to complete their assigned duty by Thursday evening so that vote counting could begin at 8 am on Friday. He directed the police officers to ensure that no one entered the counting venue without permission from returning offi- been placed for completing the vote counting in 11 rounds. A separate table has been placed for returning officer and barricading has been placed at various places for smooth completion of counting at the venue. Separate gates have also been made for the entry of counting officials and counting agents, he added. He further said that a total of 150 government officials have been deputed on counting duty as counting micro observers, counting observers and counting assistants and they have been directed to reach the counting venue around two hours before the start of the counting. He said that vote counting will begin at Meanwhile, Dehradun Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Ajay Rautela said that elaborate security arrangements have been made with the deployment of ITBP, PAC jawans and state police at the counting venue for peaceful completion of vote counting for assembly bypoll. He also presided over a meeting with the policemen in Doiwala and gave them necessary instructions to prevent untoward incidents during vote counting. Policemen were directed to ensure that no one carries mobile phone at counting venue. No will be allow to conduct rally without permission of election officer, he added. µ5HVXOWVWRPDUN&RQJ UHYLYDOLQFRXQWU\ %LRPHWULFUHJLVWUDWLRQV\VWHP 6P]V^UPQbR^]SX]V[P]SVaPQQTab 0]^[S_TT_P[caTTfWXRWQa^ZTSdTc^X]R[T\T]cfTPcWTaPccWT3TWaPSd]R^[[TRc^aPcTR^\_^d]S^]FTS]TbSPh]XVWc 2^]VaTbb[TPSTaB?BX]VWPSSaTbbTbcWT\TSXPX]3TWaPSd] (PDF) out of 67 members Asssembly because three seats, including Doiwala and Someshwar, were vacated by BJP MLAs, including Dr Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank and Ajay Tamta after becoming member of Lok sabha in recently concluded general election2014 and one Dharchula was vacated by MLA Harish Dhami, who resigned to usher Chief Minister entry as member of Vidhan Sabha. Ironically, four, including Pritam Singh Panwar, Dinesh Dhanai, Mantri Prasad Naithani and Harish Chandra Durgapal out of 11 cabinet ministers seat in Harish Rawat went to PDF, ?X^]TTa?W^c^ which is an alliance of three BSP, three independent and one UKD (P). It means only seven Congress MLAs got cabinet berth in which CM Rawat has to maintain balance between ex-CM Vijay Bahuguna's faction and his confidants. If Congress wins all three seats, Congress MLAs' number would be 36, including one nominated MLA out of 71 member assembly and CM Rawat would be able to win the heart of Bahuguna faction by accommodating four more Congress MLAs into cabinet. Meanwhile PDF, which was very much vocal while change DEHRADUN: Congress leader and former member of Dehradun district Panchayat has said that the results of the recently held Assembly bypolls in three constituencies of Sate will mark the revival of the Congress in the nation. Addressing the media at his residence on Thursday a day ahead of the counting of votes polled in the bypolls, Singh said that though the Congress had not performed well in the recent Lok Sabha polls, the outcome of the Assembly bypolls held in Doiwala, Someshwar and Dharchula constituencies would herald the revival of the Congress in India. He expressed confidence that the party would win all the three seats and spark of a new beginning for the party in the nation. Citing reports received by the party from the three assem- of guard was happening on February 1, 2014, has slow down their pitch. Talking to The Pioneer, State Tourism Minister and bly constituencies, Singh said that the Congress would win from all the seats by a comfortable margin as the people of Uttarakhand had understood that the NDA Govt at the Centre headed by Narendra Modi would not be able to ensure the welfare of people. Stating that people had elected BJP MPs from all the five Lok Sabha seats in Uttarakhand, the Congress leader said that the people of the State were now feeling disillusioned. "As the Modi Govt has now been exposed, the voters are in no mood to support the BJP which makes me sure of Congress winning the bypolls from all the three Assembly constituencies," he said, adding that the Assembly bypolls in Uttarakhand was not a Statecentric event as its repercussions would be felt across the nation. independent MLA Dinesh Dhanai said kheer me jyada dudh dalne se kheer kharab nahi hota hai (Adding more milk to kheer does not spoil it)". LQ'$9&ROOHJHVRRQ Ua^\APYPbcWP]WT[SX]D³ZWP]S ?=BQ 347A03D= I <P]VTbW:d\Pak?X^]TTa n order to ensure teachers are present in the college for at least five hours a day, DAV (PG) College principal Dr Devendra Bhasin has decided to implement biometric registration system. Office bearers of college teachers association have opposed the system terming it as a 'humiliating system'. Some college teachers met Chief Minister Harish Rawat recently and submitted a memorandum demanding that basic amenities be facilitated in the college and that other benefits which are given to teachers of Government colleges be given to Government aided college teachers. DAV (PG) College Teachers Union member DK Tyagi said that teachers conduct their classes regularly and stay in the college for more than five hours daily. Some time, they stay and work additional two or three hours to complete college related works assigned to them. According to him, in a recent meeting of teachers with the college principal, Bhasin had failed to answer questions raised by the teachers. He said that government had instructed the college principals to use biometric system or a register for teachers’ attendance, but college principal has decided to implement biometric system which is nothing but a humiliating system. It should be mentioned here that in compliance with High Court’s order, the state government and HNB Garhwal Central University had recently directed the government colleges and government aided colleges to ensure that teachers stayed at least five hours a day in the college and that 180 days classes are conducted in a year. ?=BQ =4FC47A8 couple of days after a wanted thief from Rajasthan was A arrested in Dehradun, four members of a gang of landgrabbers absconding from Rajasthan were arrested by the Uttarakhand Police at Ranichauri in Tehri district. The Rajasthan police have taken custody of the four arrested men and taken them back to Rajasthan from where they have been absconding for the last one year. According to sources, the police had learnt that some criminals from Rajasthan had reached Ranichauri in Tehri district about six days ago. Based on this input, the Chamba police had been combing the area in question for some days. On Wednesday a six-member team of Rajasthan police also reached Chamba. According to the police, the four men- Shiv Pratap, Mahipal, Bharat Singh and Rajendra Singh were members of a gang active in Vaishalinagar area of Jaipur in Rajasthan. The members of this gang specialised in taking forceful possession of land plots and attacking the land owners who objected to the land grab. A violent altercation had taken place last year between the gangs headed by Shiv Pratap and Himmat Singh after which Pratap’s gang escaped from the area. In a joint operation undertaken by the Chamba police and the police team from Rajasthan, the four gang members were arrested in Ranichauri on Wednesday night. According to the Chamba police station officer KC Bhatt, the gang members had been staying at Ranichauri for the past six days. The Rajasthan police team had left with the arrested gang members for Rajasthan, he added. 2<cT[[b^UUXRXP[bc^PRcc^RWTRZX[[TVP[\X]X]V ?=BQ 347A03D= aking cognizance of media reports about illegal mining T prevailing in the State, Chief Minister Harish Rawat has categorically instructed officials to take effective steps to check such mining. Now onwards, if a person wants to lift soil from their soil, he will not have to seek prior approval from the department concerned. "To check illegal mining, you identify the mining place and licence holders and deploy enforcement and survillance system as well. You make sure that mining should be transparent," the CM Rawat said while reviewing the mining department's work at Bijapur guest house on Thursday. "You also decentralise the work of the executive agency," he said. For this, the CM has constituted a committee led by chief secretary and other two members are Additional Chief Secretary Rakesh Sharma and Principal Secretary to CM SS Sandhu. He instructed the committee to have a meeting with Dehradun, Haridwar and Udhamsinghnagar District Magistrate and SSP to establish fullproof and effective mechanism to check mining mafia. They have been empowered to have detail study on how to check the illegal mining mafia. "You make sure that State revenue from mining should not hamper but mining should be conducted within the specified area, which were allotted through open bidding. You also make amendments in the procedure for allotment of Mining permission on private land. It should be clear that whichever farmers' land get destroyed due to silt will be given compensation by the State." Removal of debris or silt will be done by the state government's appointed agency. Its decision will be taken by the committee led by chief secretary only. "Now onward if anyone digs out soil from their private land then they will not have to seek prior permission from mining department. You also make sure that no silt or mines should be stored at the embankment of rivers because such activity promote illegal mining. You also open vendor shop at department level so that mining material should not get wasted. Now onward only licencee can have storage of mining material." The CM expressed disappointment over the report about illegal mining despite making an effective executive agency. He also instructed them to take cognizance on the public complaints and fix accountability of the concerned executive agency. "While allotting the tender you must take photographs of the identified place and display the name of the licence holder as well. You also make sure that the licence holder should not misuse their permission limit. It has been noticed that the licence holder gets permission for designate place, but they do illegal mining in and around the permissible area. For this, you strengthen you survillance system and if required, you employ third party for monitoring," the chief minister said. "You also make arrangement for the intensive search operation and fix the accountability of local police officer as well. Besides it, Special investigative team (SIT) would continue their job," he said. Forest development corporation (FDC) was asksed to expedite the process of allotment areas for mining. "To procure timely permssion from the Union Government, you establish better coordination with the Union forest and environment ministry. The FDC also focuses on nullah which flow through forest areas, you do its treatment wherever it required. If mining is required as part of treatment, give permission for mining. It has been noticed that these mines are damaging flora and fauna of the areas." Forest department was asked to make detail report about loss of forest due to mines to the union environment and forest ministry so that they will give permission for mining to save the forest. To review the flood safety work, which are being or were being executed in Haridwar district, chief minister Rawat has asked them to place sand back on the embankment to protect the nearby villages and land. For this MLA Kunwar Singh Champion has been assigned to take a stalk of the current situation and will have to submit recommendation about how to save our agriculture land from erosion. He will go along with irrigation department officials and department concerned. On the basis of their report, the Government will take appropriate action on priority basis. During meeting MLA and Uttarakhand State Mining Development council chairman Kunwan Pranav Singh Champion, Chief secretary Subhash Kumar, Addional Chief secretary Rakesh Sharma, Principal Secretary to CM SS Sandhu, Principal Secretary Forest Ranbir Singh, PCCF SS Sharma, MDDA vice chairman R Meenakshisundarm and other officials were present. ]PcX^]# &$+&$, +-, ./0.123 &%,UDLGVSUHPLVHVLQ5DQFKL'HOKL <D:4B7A0=90=Q A0=278 entral Bureau of Investigation (CBI) sleuths C from Delhi on Thursday conducted searches at three locations in Ranchi and Delhi in the coal block scam case after registering a case against a Ranchi-based company — Domco Private Limited, its promoters, directors and unknown others. “Search operations related to coal block allocation are being conducted at the offices of Domco Private Limited at 8=B?8C4>5 34E4;>?8=6C74 2>0;1;>2: C742><?0=H 5;>0C43B70A4B >5C74 2><?0=H8=C74 <0A:4C0=3 <0340?A>58C>5 >E4AC&2A>A4 2>0;C31= APY_daA^PS<;0P]S?Pa[XP\T]cPahbTRaTcPahAPYZd\PaX]b_TRcbR^]bcadRcX^]^UPbPUTchfP[[P[^]VcWTAXb_P]PaXeTaX]3TWaPSd]^]CWdabSPh ?X^]TTa?W^c^ two locations in Ranchi and one at Delhi,” said a CBI official in Delhi over phone. The search operations are being conducted after registering a case against the company under Section 120B read with 420 of IPC, said the official. According to an official release by the investigating agencies, the company alleged- ly entered into a conspiracy with unknown others and submitted false information with dishonest intentions to the concerned authorities while applying for a captive coal block and secured allocation of ‘Lalgarh (North)’ coal block. The Director of the said company allegedly gained pecuniary benefit of Rs seven crore by selling shares of the company on premium, after the allocation of the coal block. The company earlier had also been issued a show cause notice in 2012 by the Ministry of Coal for the delay in the development of the coal block by the company asking why it should not be considered as violation of the terms and conditions of the Lalgarh Coal Block allocation and directed it to reply within 20 days failing which the ministry threatened it to de-allocate the Lalgarh Coal Block. One of the conditions of coal block allocation was that the coal production from the captive block shall commence within 36 months in case of open cast mine and in 48 months in case of underground coal mines from the date of allocation letter. The coal block mining schedule should be modified accordingly and submitted to the ministry within three months from the date of allocation. Inspite of developing the coal block, the company floated shares of the company in the market and made a profit of over Rs 7 crore. The CBI so far has registered 20 cases in the scam so far in the coal block scam. Of these, it has closed four and filed charge sheets in two of them. The CBI is reportedly preparing to register more charge sheets in the case against the former coal secretary, former Jharkhand Chief Secretary A K Basu and others. So far, there hasn’t been any charge sheet against any bureaucrat in the scam. Basu had allegedly influenced the allocation to Vini Iron and Steel Udyog, against which an FIR was registered on September 4, 2012. CBI had alleged to “embellish its claim for allocation of coal block”, “fraudulently” claimed they were having the required net worth to get the mines. Domco Private Limited is a Private Company incorporated on February 29, 1988. 2ceZT]V$(!SRdZdW`cAR\UZdafeZ_X;<+:_UcVdY 7HQVLRQLQ ?=BQ A0=278 enior RSS leader and its national executive comSmittee member Indresh Kumar has blamed Article 370 of the Constitution for pricking Kashmir dispute, also the main reason behind the stand-off between India and Pakistan. He also advised the Government to talk tough on the issues relating to the security and integrity of the country. Speaking on the occasion of inauguration of Jharkhand chapter of Forum for Integrated National Security (FINS), also 17th of the country, on Wednesday evening Indresh pulled up previous governments for adopting appeasement politics with the elements adverse to the interests of the country. "I don't know why successive governments have maintained the provision for Article 370 of the Constitution? How a separate Constitution for Jammu and Kashmir is in national interest and contributing to the national integration when the same is harmful if any other state demands it? If at all Pakistan talks about J&K it is because of this Article," he said, adding that it had in no way benefited the troubled State either. Indresh also cited numer- ous examples of anti-national activities such as dishonouring the tricolour, rights to Indian citizens, extension of the Act passed by Indian parliament etc in the State which are not considered as crime over there and demanded tough stand from the Government on the anomalies existing. At the same time he also said that the 'Panchseel Agreement' between India and China expired way back in 1962. "The agreement was actually to pacify the anger of Indians against the Chinese incursion in Tibet. It was a ploy from China and also a commercial agreement to emotionally blackmail us. Also the agreement was just for eight years and has already expired on April 8, 1962. It is ludicrous that even then our Vice President goes and attends ceremony in China organised to mark its anniversary," said Indresh. Former Chief Minister Arjun Munda seconding the views stressed over the duty of citizens in preserving and protecting country's interest. "We all are aware about the challenges before us. It makes us think about our roles in making our political boundaries safe and safeguard its identity. We have to think beyond caste, creed, religion and family and need an &KKDWUDSXUDV &3,OHDGHUNLOOHG ?=BQ 1A07<0?DA T ABB[TPSTa8]SaTbW:d\PaP[^]VfXcWbT]X^a19?[TPSTaP]SU^a\Ta2WXTU<X]XbcTa^U9WPaZWP]S0aYd]<d]SPP[^]VfXcW^cWTabPSSaTbbTbcWTVPcWTaX]VSdaX]V X]PdVdaPcX^]^UcWT5^ad\5^a8]cTVaPcTS=PcX^]P[BTRdaXchPcPW^cT[X]AP]RWX ?X^]TTa_W^c^ informed sense to deliver. It is not just the duty of our security forces," said Munda. Also present on the occasion was Tapas Kumar Mallick, convener of FINS' Jharkhand chapter along with founding members, including Pawan Bajaj, noted businessman and social worker, and SLN Das, Dean Commerce of Ranchi University. Stressing on the need of a stronger nation and even stronger sense of national inte- gration in the hearts and minds of intelligentsia in particular and common citizens, in general, Indresh, also one of the founding members of FINS, said lack of it had made the country paying since Independence. "Our total geographical area when we attained Independence was 33 lakh km2 which reduced to 31.02 lakh km2 in 2000. That means we have lost over 1.98 lakh km2 over the years! This is apart from the loss incurred in terms of over five lakh persons killed in the acts of terrorism, separatism and naxalism. Why India is like this when Pakistan mocks on the list of terrorists given to it? It is because we always do compromises and lack in our vision. The time has come when India should lead and not just follow the world like before and for that we have to debate such constitutional provisions which create disparities and sense of disintegration amongst us," he added. On the occasion, he called upon intellectuals to huddle and discuss the issues before the nation and do their bit in making a stronger, more secured and cultured India. "They should lead the nation like our great freedom fighters did at the time of freedom movement. FINS can play a role at international, national and state levels in the endeavour," said Indresh. ension continued to prevail in the Ganjam district headquarters town of Chhatrapur on Thursday following the brutal murder of a young CPI leader, who was hacked to death by six persons on Wednesday night. According to reports, Sakura Behera (30) was travelling by a bike with senior party leader Krushna Nayak after having a meeting with lawyer Adi Narayan at Basnapalli when they were intercepted by the assailants, who came by three bikes, near the Kali temple at Shanti Nagar. As soon as Behera stopped, one of the attackers got down from his bike and placed a revolver on Behera’s head. Even as Krushna Nayak resisted the youth and prevented him from pressing the trigger, four other assailants hacked Behera with swords before fleeing the area. Behera, who sustained deep wounds on his face and neck, was first rushed to the Chhatrapur Government hospital and then to MKCG Medical College Hospital in 0bb^^]Pb1TWTaP bc^__TS^]T^UcWT PccPRZTabV^cS^f] Ua^\WXbQXZTP]S _[PRTSPaTe^[eTa ^]1TWTaP´bWTPS 4eT]Pb:adbW]P =PhPZaTbXbcTS cWTh^dcWP]S _aTeT]cTSWX\Ua^\ _aTbbX]VcWT caXVVTaU^da^cWTa PbbPX[P]cb WPRZTS1TWTaP fXcWbf^aSb Brahmapur, where the doctors pronounced him ‘brought dead’. Following information, police rushed to the spot and started a manhunt to nab the criminals. Till reports last came in, none of the accused has been arrested despite a series of raids by the police. The local MLA, in his complaint with the police, has mentioned the names of two accused as Mohan Das of Kumarbegpalli and Jagan Reddy of Badareddika Sahi of Chhatrapur. 19?ST\P]Sb0bbT\Q[h $OJHULDQSODQHZLWKDERDUG _^[[bd]STa?aTbXST]c´bAd[T 8bbdT^USTcTaX^aPcX]V [PfP]S^aSTa bXcdPcX^]X]9´ZWP]S aPXbTSX]?Pa[XP\T]c ?=BQ A0=278 BJP President Ravindra Rai demanded on Thursday Sthattate the Assembly elections in Jharkhand should be held after imposing President’s Rule in the State. Rai, who also happens to be and Koderma MP, was speaking during Zero hour of Monsoon session of the Parliament on Wednesday. Chief Elections Commissioner VS Sampat during his visit to Ranchi on Monday hinted that the elections are likely to be conducted in the month of November keeping monsoon season and Chatth Puja into consideration. “As it is evident in the last few months, situation of law and order in the state has gone out of control….. Schools in Khunti, merely 40 km from the state capital Ranchi are opened and closed on the directions of the BcPcT19?_aTbXST]cP]S:^STa\P <?APeX]SaPAPX rebel groups…under such circumstances free and fair elections could be held only after imposing President’s Rule in the state,” said Rai. Similarly, other senior party leaders are also of the view that free and fair elections are not possible under the prevailing situation in the state. “Same situations are being created again as was done before the Lok Sabha Elections…Right from block to the state level, officials are being reshuffled in order to bring more and more benefits to the ruling coalition during Vidhan Sabha elections,” said State BJP Vice President Deepak Prakash. According to Prakash, there is nothing like government in the state as situation of law and order presently is at its worst in the state. “Even ministers under the coalition government do not trust each other, which is evident from the blame game being played here,” said Prakash. The only agenda left the coalition partners in the state is to mould the policies in order to lure the poor people and get more and more votes during the coming assembly elections, he added. Unlike the ruling JMM and Congress that want elections to be held in November, the BJP demanded elections between Dushehra and Dipawali, if the Election Commission wants to avoid festive season, said Prakash. Representing the party in the scheduled meeting with the team of ECI headed by CEC V S Sampat at Raj Bhavan in Ranchi, Prakash had urged CEC also to look into the Bangladeshi infiltrators getting enlisted illegally into the voter’s list. &,/ZLOO From Page 1 These are Dadri (four days), Rihand (one day), Singrauli (two days), Sipat (two days), Vindhyachal and Simhadri (one day each). On July 14, NTPC had written to the Power Ministry informing that six of its plants with a combined capacity of 16,840 MW or 15 per cent of India's total energy capacity from coal-fired plants had stocks of up to two days and cannot weather even a "small" disruption in supplies. From Page 1 Last week, a Malaysia Airlines flight was shot down by a surface-to-air missile while flying over a war-torn section of Ukraine. The backto-back disasters involving Boeing 777s flown by the same airline were too much of a coincidence for many fliers. Then this week, US and European airlines started canceling flights to Tel Aviv after a rocket landed near the city's airport. Finally, on Wednesday, a Taiwanese plane crashed during a storm, killing 48 people. French Transport Minister Frederic Cuvillier said the Air Algerie flight vanished over northern Mali. He spoke Thursday from a crisis center set up in the French Foreign Ministry. Cuvillier didn't specify exactly where the plane disappeared over Mali, or whether it was in an area controlled by rebels. However, Algerian Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal said on Algerian State television said that ten minutes before disappearing, it was in contact with air traffic controllers in Gao, a city essentially under the control of the Malian Government, though it has seen lingering separatist violence. The plane had been missing for hours before the news was made public. It wasn't immediately clear why the airline or Government officials didn't make it public earlier. The flight path of the plane from Ouagadougou to Algiers wasn't immediately clear. Ouagadougou is in a nearly straight line south of Algiers, passing over Mali where unrest continues in the north. Northern Mali fell under control of ethnic Tuareg separatists and then al-Qaedalinked Islamic extremists following a military coup in 2012. A French-led intervention last year scattered the extremists, but the Tuaregs have pushed back against the authority of the Bamako-based Government. A senior French official said it seems unlikely that fighters in Mali had the kind of weaponry that could shoot down a plane. The official, not authorized to speak publicly, said on condition of anonymity that they primarily have shoulderfired weapons - not enough to hit a passenger plane flying at cruising altitude. Swiftair, a private Spanish airline, said the plane was carrying 110 passengers and six crew, and left Burkina Faso for Algiers at 0117 GMT Thursday (9:17 p.m. EDT Wednesday), but had not arrived at the scheduled time of 0510 GMT (1:10 a.m. EDT Thursday). Swiftair said it has not been possible to make contact with the plane and was trying to ascertain what had happened. It said the crew included two pilots and four cabin staff. Algerian aircraft were overflying the region around Gao to try to locate wreckage, said Houaoui Zoheir, spokesman for the Algerian crisis center. He provided no details on the type or number of aircraft. "As long as we haven't found the wreckage, we can't talk of a crash," he said. "We talk of loss of contact." The passengers include 51 French, 27 Burkina Faso nationals, eight Lebanese, six Algerians, five Canadians, four Germans, two Luxemburg nationals, one Swiss, one Belgium, one Egyptian, one Ukrainian, one Nigerian, one Cameroonian and one Malian, Ouedraogo said. The six crew members are Spanish, according to the Spanish pilots' union. 3URZOLQJOHRSDUGFDXJKW DIWHUPRQWKV From Page 1 Since getting preys has become difficult, he came out to the semi-forest zone in the region and started eating the cattle. The killing of two persons confirmed the fact that he is a maneater," said Anwardheen. Four cages with live baits were pressed into service in the four sq km area where the leopard was on the prowl. "He himself had restricted his movement to the four sq km area and that made things easy for us," said Anwardheen. The forest official said the entire population in Thimbam cooperated with the department. "Many peo- ple saw the animal moving along the ThimbamBangalore road a number of times. But they played it cool which too helped as in getting him live," he said. Meanwhile, residents in and around Vandaloor in Chengalpet district near Chennai intensified the vigil against another leopard which was in the region. Tamil Nadu Minister for forests MSM Anandan had visited to Chengalpet for an on the spot assessment about the preparedness of the forest officials to trap the leopard. Six cages with live baits was pressed into service. ]PcX^]$ DEHRADUN+&$, +-, ./0.123 =0C8>=0;:E49391<2><<8BB8>=29<< ARceZVd¶gZVhdZ_gZeVU e`cZU8`ge`W4`]]VXZf^ /DZ0LQLVWHU3UDVDG ZULWHVWRSDUW\ OHDGHUVVHHNLQJ VXJJHVWLRQVRQ%LOO ?=BQ =4F34;78 I n its first move signaling the Government’s attempt to replace the Collegium system for appointment of superior judges, Union Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad has written to leaders of major political parties to elicit their views on the proposed National Judicial Commission Bill. The move comes in the wake of recent developments that exposed the manner in which the UPA-I Government had influenced decisions of the Supreme Court Collegium to recommend extension of a Madras High Court judge, despite having a corrupt history. The instance, highlighted by a former SC judge and Press Council of India chairman Markandey Katju, ended up embarrassing three former CJIs, who were accused by him of making “improper compromises” before finally “succumbing” to political pressure. Although the Government had announced its plans to take all political parties on board on the question of judicial appointments, a formal letter from the Ministry was issued on Wednesday to suggest the contours of the new proposed CWT\^eTR^\TbX]cWTfPZT^U aTRT]cSTeT[^_\T]cbcWPcTg_^bTS cWT\P]]TaX]fWXRWcWTD?08 6^eTa]\T]cWPSX]U[dT]RTS STRXbX^]b^UcWTBd_aT\T2^dac 2^[[TVXd\c^aTR^\\T]STgcT]bX^] ^UP<PSaPb7XVW2^dacYdSVT STb_XcTWPeX]VPR^aad_cWXbc^ah ?aPbPS³b[TccTaP[b^R^\Tb PVPX]bccWTQPRZSa^_^UcWT 2T]caTaTcda]X]VcWT aTR^\\T]SPcX^]^UcWT Bd_aT\T2^dac 2^[[TVXd\c^ aTR^\\T]ScWT bill on the subject that is likely to be introduced in the coming session of Parliament. The Government will also consult eminent jurists on the subject. Prasad’s letter also comes against the backdrop of the Centre returning the recommendation of the Supreme Court Collegium to recommend the name of senior lawyer Gopal Subramanium as an apex court judge. Sources said the NDA Government found “certain infirmities” in the UPA Bill that sought to replace the Collegium system with a broad-based Appointments Commission. The NDA Government in 2003 had suggested replacement of the Collegium but the proposal met no success. The ]P\T^UbT]X^a[PfhTa 6^_P[BdQaP\P]Xd\PbP]P_Tg R^dacYdSVT B^daRTbbPXScWT=30 6^eTa]\T]cU^d]S°RTacPX] X]UXa\XcXTb±X]cWTD?01X[[cWPc b^dVWcc^aT_[PRTcWT2^[[TVXd\ bhbcT\fXcWPQa^PSQPbTS 0__^X]c\T]cb2^\\XbbX^] CWT=PcX^]P[9dSXRXP[ 0__^X]c\T]cb2^\\XbbX^] 1X[[fPbX]ca^SdRTSX] ?Pa[XP\T]cQdcUPX[TSc^ VTcXcb]^S then Law Minister Arun Jaitley introduced a Constitution Amendment Bill in Lok Sabha but the Bill was referred to Standing Committee and subsequently lapsed with the expiry of the House. Later, the UPA Government initiated a fresh move in this regard. The National Judicial Appointments Commission Bill was introduced in Parliament but failed to get its nod as eminent jurists and Opposition BJP sought constitutional status to the proposed body. The Centre even agreed to this request and proposed introduction of Article 124A in the Constitution to institutionalise the JAC. This was done to allay apprehensions of successive Governments resorting to alter the composition of the JAC. )DVWWUDFNSHQGLQJFDVHVDJDLQVW03V30 7^\T;Pf <X]XbcaXTbc^ f^aZc^VTcWTa ^]Q[dT_aX]cc^ STP[fXcWcaXP[b ?=BQ =4F34;78 rime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday asked the P Home and Law Ministries to look into ways of speeding up cases against Parliamentarians who are facing trials and investigations.The Law ministry and the Home Ministry will work in coordination to prepare a blue print to deal with cases that have been lodged against MPs. During his election campaign, Modi had repeatedly stressed on speeding up inves- tigation and trial against people’s representatives. Sources said the Government is aiming for ensuring an all party consensus on the issue. The Government wants that cases against politicians should not drag on beyond a certain stipulated time and that the dilatory tactics of seeking bail and adjournments are blocked. The Centre is expected to CWT?8;RP\Tc^QTUX[TSWXVW[XVWcX]V ^]TbdRWRPbTaT[PcX]Vc^U^a\TaD]X^] <X]XbcTaBWXQdB^aT]7TfPbQ^^ZTSU^a X]RXcX]VP\^QX] (&$cWPc[TSc^ _Tab^]bQTX]V[h]RWTSX]2WXadSXWX] 9WPaZWP]SCWTRWPaVTbWTTcfPbUX[TS X] ('!P]SPUcTaP %hTPacaXP[B^aT] fPbPR`dXccTSX]!'PbfXc]TbbTbWPS SXTSSdaX]V_T]ST]Rh^UcaXP[ file a response in regard to fasttracking cases against important public functionaries in the Supreme Court before August 7. On that day, the Court will take up the PIL filed by lawyer VK Ohri, along with responses filed by State Governments and a report of the Law Commission supporting the petitioner. Appearing in the case last week, Solicitor General Ranjit Kumar informed the apex court that the Centre wished to file its response in the matter pending since 2004. Interestingly, the Centre had not once responded to the petition in the past decade. The PIL sought guidelines to fast-track trials against politicians and influential public functionaries. The Law Commission in its report of March 2012 suggested measures for bother police and courts to achieve this end.The affirmative backing of the Law Commission led the Court to demand responses from states on November 12, 2013. The Commission highlighted the fact that pendency defeats administration of criminal justice as politicians and VIPs wield influence over police and witnesses. The PIL came to be filed highlighting one such case relating to former Union Minister Shibu Soren. He was booked for inciting a mob in 1975 that led to 11 persons being lynched in Chirudih in Jharkhand. The charge sheet was filed in 1982 and after a 16-year trial, Soren was acquitted in 2008 as witnesses had died during pendency of trial. ?D8dRjdµ_`¶e` GG:AdW`cWfefcV ;H8=6 8= ³F4867C´ ?aTbXST]c?aP]PQ<dZWTaYTTcaXTbWXbWP]Sb^]Sd\QQT[[bSdaX]VcWTX]PdVdaPcX^]^UPaTRaTPcX^]R[dQ UXc]TbbRT]caTPc?aTbXST]c´b4bcPcTX]=Tf3T[WX^]CWdabSPh ?C8 New Delhi: The NSG, which protects the most ‘vulnerable’ VVIPs of the country, has decided to stop taking any more protectees under its elite ‘black cat’ commando security cover. The special force has taken this decision to ensure the most fool-proof and strict security to the existing VVIPs under its cover which includes the likes of Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh and a number of Chief Ministers. “We will not be able to manage more protectees under our cover. We protect the most vulnerable of the VVIPs and according to our mandate and present strength we will not be able to take anymore such duties,” NSG Director General JN Choudhury told PTI. The elite commandos of the federal counter-terror force guard 15 VVIPs at present, who are accorded the top security categorisation of ‘Z+’, which generally entails over two dozen armed commandos with a host of gadgets and security paraphernalia to secure the individual. PTI ,QGLDQFDSWLYHVLQ,UDTVDIH6XVKPD 218RPbTbPVPX]bccf^AP]RWXAPX_daUXa\b ?=BQ =4F34;78 xternal Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj on E Thursday said 41 Indians captured in Iraq were safe and hoped they would be released soon. Replying to Calling Attention in Lok Sabha, the Minister suggested the House should appeal for the release before “Eid as a special Ramazan gift.” However there was no res- olution on this regard. “While we don’t have any direct contact with them, but according to several sources, we have got to know they are safe and alive, they are being given food,” Swaraj said. To questions about the action plan to get them released, she refused to reveal details, saying the fundamental principle of such negotiations was secrecy. “Did you get to know our plan when we got the 46 nurses from Kerala released?” While making the suggestion in the Lok Sabha, External Affairs Minister appeared to send out a message to the Islamist militants holding the hostages by reminding that India had refused to send armed forces to Iraq when the Americans went there over a decade back. “The holy period of Ramazan is on. The House should appeal to those who have kept these 41 Indians captive to release them before Eid as a special Ramazan gift,” she said. “The safety and security of Indian nationals, especially 41 Indians in captivity in Mosul, is a matter of foremost concern and pre-occupation for us. We are leaving no stone unturned for their safe return,” she added. India has had “very good historical relations” with Iraq and “it must be recalled that sever- al years ago, it was this House that had passed a resolution and we did not send our armed forces to Iraq,” Swaraj said. However, the House did not adopt a resolution as Speaker Sumitra Mahajan took up the next item on the agenda immediately after Swaraj ended her reply to the motion raised by Congress member KC Venugopal, RSP’s NK Premachandran and AAP’s Dharam Vira Gandhi. =Tf3T[WX)CWT218^]CWdabSPhaTVXbcTaTScf^UaTbW RPbTbPVPX]bccf^bT_PaPcTUXa\bQPbTSX]AP]RWXP]S APX_dacWTXaSXaTRc^abP]Sd]Z]^f]_Tab^]bX]R[dSX]V \T\QTab^UcWT"$cWBRaTT]X]V2^\\XccTTU^a P[[TVTSRaX\X]P[XchX]cWTR^P[Q[^RZP[[^RPcX^] bRP\CWTR^\_P]XTbP[[TVTS[hT]cTaTSX]c^P RaX\X]P[R^]b_XaPRhfXcWd]Z]^f] 6^eTa]\T]c^UUXRXP[bP]SbTRdaTSP[[^RPcX^] ^U;P[VPaW=^acWR^P[Q[^RZX]9WPaZWP]S P]S5PcTW_da4PbcR^P[Q[^RZX] 2WWPccXbVPaWQhUda]XbWX]VUPQaXRPcTSS^Rd\T]cbP]S \PZX]VUP[bTR[PX\bFWX[TAP]RWXQPbTS3^\R^?ec ;cSP]SXcbSXaTRc^ab_a^\^cTabWPeTQTT]Q^^ZTSU^a RaX\X]P[R^]b_XaPRhP]SRWTPcX]VcWTAPX_da WTPS`dPacTaTSEP]SP]PEXShdc?ec;cSWPbQTT] RWPaVTSfXcW^UUT]RTbX]R[dSX]VRaX\X]P[R^]b_XaPRh RWTPcX]VP]Sd]STaaT[TeP]c_a^eXbX^]b^UcWT ?aTeT]cX^]^U2^aad_cX^]0Rc3^\R^P]SXcbSXaTRc^ab P[[TVTS[hT]cTaTSX]c^R^]b_XaPRhfXcWd]Z]^f] ^cWTabP]SbdQ\XccTSUP[bTX]U^a\PcX^]fXcW SXbW^]TbcX]cT]cX^]c^cWTR^]RTa]TS PdcW^aXcXTbfWX[TP__[hX]VU^aPRP_cXeTR^P[ Q[^RZP]SbTRdaTSP[[^RPcX^]^U;P[VPaW =^acWR^P[Q[^RZCWTcWT]3XaTRc^a^UcWT bPXSR^\_P]hP[[TVTS[hVPX]TS_TRd]XPah QT]TUXc^UP__a^gX\PcT[hC&Ra^aTbQhbT[[X]VbWPaTb ^UcWTR^\_P]h^]_aT\Xd\PUcTacWTP[[^RPcX^]^UcWT R^P[Q[^RZ0UcTaaTVXbcaPcX^]^UcWTRPbTPVPX]bc 3^\R^bTPaRWTbfTaTR^]SdRcTSPccWaTT_[PRTbX] AP]RWXP]S=Tf3T[WX ?=B 6^ecWP]SbUd[[fXcWf^aZ 9PePSTZPacT[[b2^]VaTbb ATb_XcTU^a\TSXRP[R^[[TVTbPfTTZVXeT]c^aTeXTf^aSTa ?=BQ =4F34;78 M T he Government on Thursday rejected criticism by a Rajya Sabha MP of the Congress that it does not have sufficient business with it to keep the Parliament session going till August 14. “We have enough work to keep you busy. The Government’s hands are full with business,” Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Prakash Javadekar told Congress member Satyavrat Chaturvedi in Rajya Sabha after the latter taunted the Government for having no legislative business with it ready. “It is unfortunate that so far this Government has 1aTTSX]V2T]caT U^aT]SP]VTaTS 681bb^^] =Tf3T[WX) 5X]P[[hfPZX]Vd_c^ cWTP[Pa\QT[[b^USfX]S[X]V _^_d[PcX^]^U6aTPc8]SXP] 1dbcPaSbcWT4]eXa^]\T]c <X]XbcahWPbQTVd]cWT_a^RTbb^U TbcPQ[XbWX]VP]PcX^]P[ R^]bTaePcX^]QaTTSX]VRT]caTU^a cWXb²RaXcXRP[[hT]SP]VTaTSb_TRXTb 0RR^aSX]Vc^b^daRTbcWTW^\T aP]VTBcPcTb^UAPYPbcWP]6dYPaPc P]S<PWPaPbWcaPWPeTQTT] aT`dTbcTSc^\PZTPePX[PQ[TPQ^dc #b`dPaTZX[^\TcaTb^UbdXcPQ[T [P]SP]SR^]caXQdcT$_TaRT]c^U cWTT]eXbPVTSRP_XcP[R^bc^UO" Ra^aT^eTaP_TaX^S^Ucf^hTPab APYPbcWP]5^aTbc3T_Pac\T]cWPb PVaTTSX]_aX]RX_[Tc^cWT_a^_^bP[ ^UcWT2T]caP[6^eTa]\T]c 7^fTeTacWTSTcPX[baTVPaSX]V PePX[PQX[Xch^U[P]SP]S R^\\Xc\T]cU^aUd]SX]VWPb]^c QTT]aTRTXeTSUa^\cWTBcPcT 6^eTa]\T]c^UAPYPbcWP]CWT PQ^eTbcT_bPaTQPbTS^]cWT aTR^\\T]SPcX^]^UPf^aZbW^_ WT[S^]9P]dPah &! #^] ²5TPbXQX[XchP]SA^PS\P_U^a6aTPc 8]SXP]1dbcPaS2P_cXeT1aTTSX]V³ CWT<X]XbcahWPbX]XcXPcTScWT _a^RTbb^UTbcPQ[XbWX]VP=PcX^]P[ 2^]bTaePcX^]1aTTSX]V2T]caTU^a 6aTPc8]SXP]1dbcPaS ?=B been able to bring only one bill pertaining to the National Institute of Design and two Ordinances have been discussed. So many days have passed but this Government has no legislative business to bring here…. So many bills are pending in this House from the previous session. At least 35-38 bills are pending from our term but there is no discussion on them. What is this Government doing? It is not able to take decisions in Cabinet. I have heard that they are going to adjourn the House sine die,” Chaturvedi said just as Deputy Chairman PJ Kurien announced for a discussion on General Budget. Even as Kurien tried to pacify him saying that’s not for the member to worry, Chaturvedi rubbed in more salt saying he has heard that the government is postponing the proposed visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to China as it could not complete its preparations. He sought to know details of legislative business and their timeframe. However, Chaturvedi got a sharp reaction from Javadekar: “I have never seen such an example of political desperation. Today, we have the Budget and then the Finance Bill. Then there will be discussion on three ministries but before than other legislative business will also come before you,” Javdekar said. ?=BQ =4F34;78 edical colleges that had failed to get renewal permissions from Medical Council of India for 2014-15 got a lease of life on Thursday after the Supreme Court gave the medical regulator a week’s time to review its earlier order. The order is set to benefit thousands of medical aspirants as there are about 35 colleges (both private and Government) whose cases would be reviewed by the MCI. The bench of Justices Dipak Misra and NV Ramana ordered MCI to carry out compliance verification assessment of the existing medical colleges which applied for renewal of permission for admission to MBBS "de TZeZkV_RSfdjY`de 1b]i3XYUVXQY\c ReCRdYecRaReZ3YRgR_ >417_fdµc In his second year New Delhi: In the two years that President Pranab as President, 78-year-old Mukherjee has spent so far at Mukherjee has hosted 33 forRashtrapati Bhavan, the eign dignitaries, which means country’s first citizen has a guest has come calling to shown a marked preference for Rashtrapati Bhavan on every playing the gracious host over 10th day. Besides the being a travelling head of the State. <dZWTaYTTWPb Emperor of Japan, who visUnlike his preeXbXcTS^][h ited the country decessor Pratibha Patil, who covered 1T[VXd\CdaZTh after 53 years, 23 countries dur- P]SB^dcW0UaXRP the King of h u t a n , ing her five years as ^]cf^ BPresidents of President at the cost Sri Lanka, the of `223 crore to the bW^ac Maldives, exchequer, caX_bX] A f g h a n i s t a n Mukherjee has visWXbUXabc and Germany, ited only three r i m e countries— cf^ PMinisters of Belgium, Turkey habX] N e p a l , and South Africa— P a k i s t a n , on two short trips in ^UUXRT Bhutan and his first two years in Mauritius, the General office. But the lack of foreign Secretary of the Communist travel did not impact his diplo- Party of Vietnam, Speaker of matic efforts as he has hosted Bangladesh Parliament and 75 foreign dignitaries so far at Foreign Minister of China are those whom the imposing Rashtrapati among Bhavan, including the Emperor Mukherjee, who completes two of Japan, heads of State and years in office on July 25th, has hosted so far. PTI Foreign Ministers. DRYRcRTYZVWdVV\de`dYZWee`EZYRcXfVdeY`fdV course for academic session 2014-15. The bench, however, directed MCI not to consider =Tf3T[WX)BPWPaPRWXTUBdQaPcPA^hb^dVWc_Ta\XbbX^]Ua^\cWTBd_aT\T2^dac^]CWdabSPhc^QTbWXUcTS applications dealing with estab- Ua^\cWTYPX[QPaaPRZc^CXWPaVdTbcW^dbTbXcdPcTSfXcWX]cWTYPX[R^\_^d]SX]^aSTac^UPRX[XcPcT]TV^cXPcX^]b lishment of new colleges or ^]bP[T^UBPWPaP_a^_TachfXcWU^aTXV]P]S8]SXP]QdhTab8]PUaTbWP__[XRPcX^]\^eTSX]Bd_aT\T2^dac increased intake of seats. Under A^hP[^]VfXcWcf^bT]X^aBPWPaP^UUXRXP[b¯0bW^ZA^h2WPdSWPahP]SAPeXBWP]ZPa3dQTh¯fW^PaT a timeline fixed by Supreme _aTbT]c[h[^SVTSX]CXWPa9PX[]^"ST\P]STSc^QTbWXUcTSc^cWTVdTbcW^dbT^UcWTYPX[cWPcfPbQTbcbdXcTS Court, the MCI was supposed U^a]TV^cXPcX^]b^]bP[T^UR^\_P]h_a^_TacXTbCWTP__[XRPcX^]fPb\T]cX^]TSQhBPWPaP³b[PfhTabQTU^aTP to subQT]RWWTPSTSQh9dbcXRTCBCWPZdafWXRWSXaTRcTScWTATVXbcah^UcWTBd_aT\T2^dacc^[XbccWT mit its 5A>< C74B2 \PccTaQTU^aTPb_TRXP[QT]RWWTPaX]VcWTRPbTCWTP__[XRPcX^]bdVVTbcbcWPccWTR^\_P]hfPbd]PQ[T recomc^\PZTP]hWTPSfPhX]bP[T^U_a^_TacXTbPbcWTaTXbPVT]TaP[PccXcdSTP\^]VQdhTabP]SX]SdbcaXP[ mendations to Centre by June W^dbTbc^S^QdbX]TbbfXcWBPWPaP°?T^_[TPaT]^caTPShc^_PacTeT] QdRZb±BPWPaP³bP__[XRPcX^]bPXS 15. By July 15, the Centre was fWXRW\PZX]VPWXVW_XcRWST\P]SU^abTRdaX]VcWT_aTbT]RT^UA^hP]SWXbcf^3XaTRc^abX]P[[ bound to submit letter of per- ]TV^cXPcX^]bBPWPaPbTeT]^QYTRcTSc^cWTcX\TaTbcaXRcX^]^UbXgW^dabfWXRWcWT2^dacWPSPVaTTSc^_a^eXST mission/disapproval to the con- A^hPbP]SfWT]P_a^_^bP[U^a]TV^cXPcX^]fPbQa^dVWcU^acWBTTZX]VP_Ta\P]T]cbWXUcX]Vc^CXWPa cerned colleges. 6dTbcW^dbTcWTP__[XRPcX^]bPXS°7TaTX]cW^bTVdTbca^^\b_a^b_TRcXeTQdhTabRP]QTRP[[TSSXaTRc[h The Ministry found out QTRPdbTcWXb_[PRTX]CXWPaXbfXcW^dcch_XRP[YPX[T]eXa^]\T]cP]SaTbcaXRcX^]b± ?=B that by May 15, the MCI returned only 15 recommen- Ministry sent yet another leges.The MCI turned down 64 In some cases, the MCI cited dations to Centre while 90 per reminder to inform MCI about cases at one go, which includ- July 15 as the deadline to cent applications (including 150 cases that were pending for ed 41 private colleges, 18 State decide the application, citing that of Government colleges) review with MCI with a major- medical colleges and five this ground to disapprove was still pending. On July 8, the ity relating to Government col- Government medical colleges. renewal. ´TUSYcYfU^Uccµ ?=BQ =4F34;78 utgoing Army Chief General Bikram Singh, who will retire on July 31, praised the “decisiveness” of the NDA O Government during a farewell function for him organised by Defence Minister Arun Jaitley here. The tea party was also attended by the three Services Chiefs and Defence Secretary R K Mathur. Speaking at the function on Wednesday, Singh said the brief period in which he got to work with the new political dispensation, he was impressed with the government’s decisiveness, officials said hereon Thursday. His remarks came in the backdrop of the NDA Government clearing several pending strategic road projects and sanctioning environmental clearances for them along the border with China soon after assuming office. These projects were awaiting environmental clearances for last some years and the NDA Government decided that given the strategic importance of these roads, the defence ministry need not come to the Ministry for environment and respective States bordering China can take a call on these projects on their own.The Government also went along with the Army’s view that the Armed Forces Special Powers Act(AFSPA) now in force in Jammu and Kashmir should not be changed. Several political parties were demanding that AFSPA should be partially removed from four districts of the State where situation is normal. The Army has maintained that if the proposal goes through, these districts will provide safe haven to antinational elements and security forces will not be able to take action against them. :27e`Z_UfTe'eY 4"(8]`SV^RdeVc ecR_da`ceRZcTcRWe ?=BQ =4F34;78 T he IAF will induct its sixth C-17 Globemaster heavy lift transport aircraft on Monday at the Palam air base here in the presence of Defence Minister Arun Jaitley. India had signed a deal for ten such aircraft with the US through foreign military sale route and five aircraft have already joined the fleet. The contract is worth over C24,000 crore. This aircraft can carry 70 tonnes of load besides more than 200 troops and can land at unmetalled air strips in remote areas including high altitude sectors of Ladakh. Incidentally, this aircraft due to arrive here on Saturday is carrying a World War two vintage fighter plane Harvard from London. The IAF in 2008 was given the go-ahead to resurrect vintage aircraft and a British firm was awarded the contract for making these planes airworthy like Tiger Moth, Wapiti, Lysander, Tempest and Spitfire and Hurricane. A Tiger Moth plane is now part of IAF’s ceremonial aerial displays. =^2T]caP[ST_dcPcX^]c^ QPQdbUPRX]VVaPUcRWPaVTb ?=BQ =4F34;78 I n a major exercise to bring greater transparency and effectiveness in the bureaucracy, the Centre may deny an IAS, IFS or IPS officer a central deputation if the official is facing graft charges or has defaulted in submitting annual property returns. The Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) has finalised new guidelines on central deputation for Joint Secretary and equivalent posts for officers belonging to Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS), Indian Police Service (IPS) and Indian Forest Service (IFoS), among others. “Vigilance denied officer shall not be empaneled, which means that they exhaust their first chance of empanelment. The cases of officers who have defaulted in filing property returns shall also be treated as vigilance denied, for a period of one year for every default. Adverse impact of default in filing of Immovable Property CWTRPbTb^U ^UUXRTabfW^WPeT STUPd[cTSX]UX[X]V _a^_TachaTcda]b bWP[[P[b^QT caTPcTSPbeXVX[P]RT ST]XTSU^aP_TaX^S ^U^]ThTPaU^a TeTahSTUPd[c °3>?C38A42C8E4 Returns would be one year applicable to the empanelment due in the year of default,” a DoPT directive said. It has also been decided to relax selection criteria further to ensure adequate representation of officers belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, women and the North East at the central level. In case the selection process does not lead to adequate representation of categories like SC, ST, women, particular State cadres, North East among others in the panel, the criteria for empanelment would be suitably relaxed to give due representation to these sections, it said. ]PcX^]% DEHRADUN+&$, +-, ./0.123 <Yd]ecdUcdV_b3_^W3= >RYRe`aT`aS``\VU /\QFKHGIRUGRLQJ D%DGDXQLQ%HQJDO A W`ccRaV^`]VdeReZ`_ :4BCDAE0BD:8Q 10=60;>A4 ?C8Q <D<108 A n FIR has been registered against a senior IPS officer of Maharashtra after a young model-turnedactor accused him of rape and molestation last year, Police said on Thursday. “An FIR was registered against DIG Sunil Paraskar last night after a model complained that she was raped and molested by him,” Assistant Commissioner of Police Ramesh Lokhare said. 57-year-old Paraskar has been booked under IPC Sections 376(2) (rape by a police officer), 376 C (Intercourse by superintendent of jail, remand home, etc) and 354(D) (stalking which interferes with the mental peace of a person or causes distress, fear of violence or alarm), by Malwani police station last night on the victim’s com- plaint, Joint Police Commissioner (Crime) Sadanand Date said. The probe has been transferred to Crime Against Women Cell of the Crime Branch headed by Deputy Police Commissioner Sharada Raut, he said. The 25-year-old model had approached Mumbai Police Commissioner Rakesh Maria on Tuesday with the complaint of rape and molestation against Paraskar, Deputy Inspector General (Protection of Civil Rights Units) posted at the Maharashtra police headquarters. The matter was referred to the Women Cell which conducted a preliminary enquiry and then the FIR was registered at Malwani Police Station against the 1997-batch IPS officer. The offence was allegedly committted at a hotel within its jurisdiction in sub- urban Malad. The model has alleged that Paraskar had on two occasions molested and sexually assaulted her in the last quarter of 2013, Police said. According to Police, the victim met Paraskar in 2012 when he was Additional Commissioner of Police (North Region) in Mumbai with regard to a case. Since then he tried to be friendly with her, allegedly molested her once and raped her on the second occasion. Asked if Police had gathered sufficient evidence to arrest the officer, Date said, “We are collecting evidence and at the right time appropriate decision will be taken.” He said the woman had undergone some medical tests on Thursday. The modelturned-actor has featured in some TV advertisements and is working in a Bollywood film for the first time. Paraskar, who was shifted as DIG in March this year, was not available for comments. PTI CWTaP]bPRZTSW^dbT^UPaP_TPRRdbTSPcPeX[[PVTX]4Pbc<XS]P_^aTSXbcaXRc^U FTbc1T]VP[^]CWdabSPh ?C8 ?=BQ :>;:0C0 hadows of Badaun extended to Bengal with a sevenSyear-old being raped, murdered and hanged from a tree late on Wednesday evening, police said. The incident took place at Nandakumar in East Midnapore district. The accused, a neighbour was later caught and beaten to death by angry villagers, the police said adding that the incident was a result of old family feud. The accused’s friend was also badly beaten up by the villagers and was undergoing treatment in a hosptial. His house was set on fire by the locals. “She was sent to fetch something outside. But when she did not return for long we started looking for her but could not find her out,” said the victim’s grieving father adding the locals found the body of the girl handing from a tree in the neighbourhood with marks of rape. The Police had started a case of rape and murder. fter the drubbing the party got in the general elections, the ensuing bypolls for the three Assembly constituencies in Karnataka is seen as a litmus test for the ruling Congress and its Chief Minister Siddaramaiah. The August 21 bypolls to the three Assembly segments in Bellary, Shimoga and Chikkodi held by B Sriramulu, BS Yeddyurappa of the BJP and Prakash Hukkeri of the Congress are going to be tough for the Congress which is now caught up with infighting. As it is almost sure, the BJP will get one seat each in Bellary and Shimoga, the Congress would get one at Chikkodi. The Congress under Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has been into the politics of minorities, by helping consolidation process of dominant communities like Vokkaliga and Lingayats is an advantage to the BJP. It is already in circulation, that Yeddyurappa’s son, BY Raghavendra and Sriramulu’s sister and former MP Shantha and Congress leader and MP Prakash Hukkeri’s son would contest the bypolls. :0A=0C0:02I@?<<C B8330A0<0807;43 2>=6A4BB6>E4A=<4=C8= C74BC0C48BD=34A ?A4BBDA4>E4A<0=H 8BBD4B0=3C74A424=C 8=2834=CB>5A0?4B70E4 34=C43C748<064>5C74 6>E4A=<4=C5DAC74A Meanwhile, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has already started the consultation process with holding meetings with his confidants and the major Opposition BJP has also started the ball rolling, to face the elections in the changing political scenario. A section of the Congress leaders belonging to a dominant community is already upset with Siddaramaiah and another group, akin to the State Congress president G Parameshwara is bringing pressure to include him into the Ministry to make him deputy Chief Minister. The weakened Congress high command, anarchy in the State unit and emergence of Modi wave have posed a tough challenge to Siddaramaiah in 03<:3<:³WPcT_^[XcXRb´XaZb729dSVT :D<0A274;;0??0=Q 274==08 isgusted and dejected Judge of the Madras High D Court was left with no other alternative but to rebuke politicians belonging to both the AIADMK and the DMK for their “politics of hate”. Justice N Kirubakaran of the Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court was so annoyed with the two major parties in the State for filing cases even over frivolous issues. The Judge was listening to arguments by lawyers representing the parties in a petition filed by an AIADMK worker against MK Stalin, the heirapparent and the de facto chief of the DMK, seeking to register a criminal case against the latter for having used the PWD guesthouse at Kanyakumari for 20 minutes during the Lok Sabha election <:BcP[X] campaign on March 14. The petitioner’s contention was that Stalin had used the Guest House for holding discussions with leaders of the DMK. A former DMK Minister was present in the meeting which was attended among others by many local leaders of the party. According to the petitioner, Stalin violated the directives of the Election Commission that Government facilities should not be used by politicians for political activities during election campaign when the Code of Conduct is in place The lawyer, representing Stalin argued that the DMK leader was present in the Guest House for only 20 minutes. The judge expressed surprise that what kind of political activity could have happened in a span of 20 minutes. He even opined that that the DMK leader would have gone to the Guest House to use the rest room. “The filing of this case will not serve any purpose except publicity,” the Judge told the lawyer of the petitioner. This prompted Veera Kathiravan, counsel for Stalin to intervene and said that the petition had been filed with a mala fide intention. But the Judge Kirubakaran was not amused. “You are no different from them. You also do the same thing when you are in power. Only in Tamil Nadu we have such bad political cultures. It is not so in north ,” said the Judge. He later reserved the case for orders. The kind of politics practised in Tamil Nadu could be understood by a PIL filed by a lawyer in the Madras High Court pleading for restraining the Union Government from selling two Offshore Patrol Vessels to Sri Lanka. These OPVs, used for surveillance and rescue operations in the Indian Ocean are to be built by the Goa Shipyard Limited. The Court has asked the respondents concerned (read Union of India) to find out from the PMO whether the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu was informed about the deal for supplying the vessels to Sri Lanka. “This is ridiculous. Why the Union Government should inform Tamil Nadu Chief Minister about a commercial deal with another countr y,” asked a senior lawyer in MHC. the ensuing bypolls for three Assembly constituencies. A senior leader in the State Congress told The Pioneer, as Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has antagonised dominant communities, the ensuing bypolls to the Assembly will have a serious repercussion on his leadership. He said, “By playing backward classes politics to hilt, he has faced the wrath of the major communities in the party. It is going to be a litmus test for the party this election. The results will have major impact on his leadership.” Siddaramaiah-led Congress Government in the State is under pressure over many issues and the recent incidents of rapes have dented the image of the Government further. ?VhH38fg eR\Vd`ReY acRZdVd5ZUZ ?=BQ :>;:0C0 esri Nath Tripathi on K Thursday was sworn in as the new Governor of Bengal replacing MK Narayayan. State acting Chief Justice Asim Kumar Banerjee administered the oath of office to the 79year-old former UP Assembly Speaker in the presence of Chief Minsiter Mamata Banerjee, State Assembly Speaker Biman Banerjee, and senior Union Minsiters including Partha Chattopadhyay. Tripathi who had earlier praised the Bengal CM for her simple ways, said after her swearing-in that the Mamata was “competent enough to deal with the State matters”. He added, “I will work for the welfare of the State and coordinate with the Centre” adding “we will solve the FTbc1T]VP[=Tf6^eTa]^a:TbPaX=PcWCaX_PcWXfXcW2WXTU<X]XbcTa<P\PcP1P]TaYTTSdaX]VWXb^PcWcPZX]VRTaT\^]hPc APY1WPeP]X]:^[ZPcP^]CWdabSPh ?C8 matters discussing it mutually.” >=2+?R>` hZ]]UVgV]`a :_UZRZ_e`R 9Z_UfDeReV ?C8Q ?0=098 ays after his Minister brother triggered a conD troversy by demanding a ban on wearing bikinis on Goa’s beaches, Cooperation Minister Dipak Dhavalikar on Thursday appeared to have waded into another, saying Prime Minister Narendra Modi will develop India into a Hindu nation. “I am confident that under the leadership of Modiji, India will develop into a Hindu nation. Prime Minister will work in this regard is what I feel,” he said while speaking in State Assembly on a motion congratulating Modi on BJP's electoral victory. *RD&RQJ0/$FRPSDUHV 300RGLWR,QGLUD*DQGKL <0H017DB70=Q ?0=098 A Goa Congress legislator, known for his BJP leanings has compared Prime Minister Narendra Modi to former PM Indira Gandhi. Speaking during a congratulatory motion to congratulate former Gujarat CM on becoming India’s Prime Minister, Mauvin Godinho who represents the industrialised Dabolim constituency said that Modi’s rise is the first of a Prime Minister who means business since Indira. Iconic Congress leader and daughter fo India’s first Prime Minister Nehru, Indira Gandhi, served as the Indian PM on three occasions. “He (Modi) has shown that he means business. We had seen something like this when Indira Gandhi was Prime Minister,” Godinho said, speaking on a BJP-sponsored motion congratulating Modi on becoming PM during the Monsoon Session of the State Legislative Assembly. Congress MLA Dabolim Mauvin Godinho also lauded the former Gujarat Chief Minister’s work ethic, strong leadership and and his ability to think “out of the box”. Godinho has been at loggerheads with the Congress leadership in Goa over the last few months and had even refused to campaign for the party’s South Goa candidate Aleixo Reginaldo during the recently concluded Lok Sabha poll. Godinho said that there was a lot to learn from Modi, especially his “work culture, ability to grasp subjects and control over his ministers”. “He works 18 to 20 hours a day. Which of our Ministers work like this? Only our CM works as hard as the Prime Minister. Other Ministers are not even available to public. Is this the example you are learning from your own PM,” Godinho asked the Treasury Benches. D:)3h7XVW2^\\XbbX^]X]6dYb^^] =0H0=30E4Q60=378=060A 5>A>DAE8B8>=5>AD: 8=380D:6D90A0C8B=´C 01>DCB4A84B>5>=4>55 CA0=B02C8>=B8<?>AC0=C C7>D678=38E83D0; ?A>942CB<867C14C74 E8B8>=8B<>A4?>F4A5D; °8C´B01>DC0=4=3DA8=6 A4;0C8>=B78?>550<8;84B 5A84=3B0=358A<B 6A>F8=6C>64C74A T he British Cabinet Minister for Energy & Climate Change, Edward Davey on Thursday announced that the British Government will open a Deputy High Commission in Ahmedabad during a function at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA). Speaking on the topic of ‘Changing Economics — Tackling Climate Change & Driving Growth’ at the prestigious B-school, Davey said that Gujarat matters to the UK politically. “In fact, the UK is home to 600, citizens of Gujarati origin. Just like in India, Gujaratis are drivers of economic growth. With entrepreneurship and excellence across countless fields, they matter to the UK economically too,” said the UK’s Secretary of State for Energy & Climate change. He further said that Gujarat matters to the UK because Gujarat matters to °44SfPaS3 3PeTh India as it is a driver of growth and prosperity, learning and culture for all India. “Gujarat must be proud that the new Government in Delhi is publicly following the ‘Gujarat Model’ of growth,” he said adding that those who are studying marketing will know Gujarat is now rightly selling this message to the world. Talking on the Prime Minister’s pet event ‘Vibrant Gujarat’, when he was at the helm of the State, the British Minister said that ‘Vibrant Gujarat’ has become a byword for attracting investment. “It’s a powerful symbol of the success of Gujarat. The UK was delighted to be a country partner to the 2013 event and we look forward again to partnering Vibrant Gujarat 2015,” he asserted. “And because Gujarat matters, I am delighted that the UK will strengthen our relationship further with an agreement to open a Deputy High Commission (DHC) here in Ahmedabad,” he declared adding that a DHC in the biggest city of Gujarat will help to deepen and broaden the ties between the UK and Gujarat. The Deputy High Commission will enable to build on the strong people to people links that enrich all communities. “For our vision for UKIndia, UK-Gujarat isn’t about series of one-off transactions, important though individual projects might be. The vision is more powerful — it’s about an enduring relationship, of families, friends and firms growing together,” said Davey. “2015 will be a defining moment. A global climate deal is in India’s interest, as well as the rest of the world. India’s growth and development matter to us. We see India’s emissions rising in the short term. Then peaking and falling towards a common level. This low carbon path will support India’s energy security and its growth,” he added. ]PcX^]& DEHRADUN+&$, +-, ./0.123 C`h`gVcDR_ZRRdEScR_UR^SRddRU`c 6HQDGHIHQGV03V2SS FWhP?PZXbcP]X SPdVWcTaX][Pf XcbPe^cTQP]Z _^[XcXRb)19?<;0 ><4A50A>>@Q 7H34A0103 ppointment of ace tennis player and India’s only A woman grand slam player Sania Mirza’s appointment as “brand ambassador” of Telangana State by the Government and rewarding her with a grant of C10 million, has run into a controversy with the Opposition BJP and Telugu Desam Party objecting to it. BJP’s floor leader in the State Assembly, K Lakshman has objected to the Telangana Government’s choice of Brand Ambassador on the ground that she was married to a Pakistani. “She is a daughter-in -law of Pakistan,” he said. Pakistan’s test cricketer Shoaib Malik is married to 28year-old Sania Mirza. Alleging that appointment of Sania as brand ambassador was a vote bank politics aimed at appeasing the Muslim community, Lakshman said, “The CM wants pre-1956 documents as proof of being a native even from those hailing from Telangana to claim fee reimbursement. But he makes an exception to a Pakistani daughter-in-law who was born in Mumbai and Bred in Hyderabad”. Lakskhman also found fault with Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao for giving her a grant of C10 million while giving a reward of only C2.5 million to another achiever from Telangana Malavath Poorna who had scaled Mount Everest last month. Telugu Desam Party Youth Wing Secretary Jimmy Babu also objected to Sania’s appointment. “Has she given proof of being a native of Telangana”, he asked. However, the State Government has strongly defended its decision. “She is a Hyderabadi and a great achiever with international fame and $OODKDEDG+& LVVXHVQRWLFHWR 6RQLD*DQGKL 0ZWX[TbWPbbdaTbYdbcXRTX] <^WP][P[VP]YaP_TRPbT ?=BQ ;D2:=>F ?=BQ ;D2:=>F he Lucknow bench of the hief Minister Akhilesh Allahabad Yadav showed commitT C HC has issued a ment of his Government to notice to the Congress president, Sonia Gandhi in connection with an election petition filed against her after her election to the Lok Sabha for the fourth time from Rae Bareli. Justice Tarun Agarwal issued the notice on an election petition and fixed September 9 as the next date of hearing. ensure stern punishment to all those involved in the brutal murder of a 36year-old woman in Mohanlalganj area last week. “Government has already set up a two-member commission comprising of Director General Health and Director General Medical Education to probe into all the lapses raised by the family members and others in the police investigation and post-mortem report,” he said while adding that the Government will act after the Commission submits its report.” There is no question of any relaxation to the guilty,” he asserted but refused to say anything further on whether the Government will consider to recommend for a CBI probe as demanded by the family members or not. acclaim. She was the most suitable choice as brand ambassador of Telangana”, said TV Ramana Chary, cultural advisory to the Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao. “People are asking why not VV Lakshman or Sania Nehwal. Sania Mirza is a class apart in terms of popularity. She is well known in sports as well as in the world of glamour”, he said exuding confidence that she will bring a lot of value to the State. Chief Minister KCR, who had handed over the appointment letter to Sania Mirza on July 22 described her as a gifted player. Pointing out that Telangana was the youngest State in the country, he said, “who could be more suitable to represent the State than Sania Mirza”. He said that the grant of C10 million was to help her in getting good coaching and training to improve her game and achieve more success. “If she goes up 90H0FA8C4BC>?< >E4AE8B034=80; C>D=C40< 2WT]]PX)2WXTU<X]XbcTa9 9PhP[P[XcWPPWPbcPZT]bca^]V TgRT_cX^]bc^aT_^acbP__TPaX]VX] PbTRcX^]^U\TSXPcWPc8]SXPf^d[S ST]heXbPc^cWTD=cTP\fWXRW WPbQTT]R^]bcXcdcTSc^X]eTbcXVPcT RWPaVTb^UWd\P]aXVWcbeX^[PcX^]b P]SfPaRaX\TbPVPX]bccWTBaX ;P]ZP]V^eTa]\T]cP]ScWT ;XQTaPcX^]CXVTab^UCP\X[4T[P\ 8]P[TccTaPSSaTbbTSc^?aX\T <X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SX^] CWdabSPh9PhP[P[XcWPPbPXScWT ST]XP[^UeXbPc^cWTD=cTP\c^ W^[SbXccX]VbX]8]SXP°f^d[SQTP QXccTaSXbP__^X]c\T]cc^cWT_T^_[T ^UCP\X[=PSdfW^PaTSTcTa\X]TS c^T]bdaTcWPccWTBaX;P]ZP] aTVX\TXbWT[Sc^PRR^d]cU^aXcb WTX]^dbPRcbPVPX]bcCP\X[b± ?=B BP]XP<XaiPXb _aXST^U8]SXP bPhb9PePSTZPa =Tf3T[WX)CWT19? SXbP__a^eTS^UUcWTaT\PaZb^U ^]T^UXcb_Pach[TPSTabUa^\ CT[T]VP]PcWPccT]]XbbcPaBP]XP <XaiPfPbP°SPdVWcTaX][Pf± ^U?PZXbcP]P]S[^RP[7hSTaPQPSX P]SbWTbW^d[S]^cWPeTQTT] \PSTcWTQaP]SP\QPbbPS^a^U CT[T]VP]PD]X^]<X]XbcTa ?aPZPbW9PePSTZPa^]CWdabSPh bPXScWTcT]]XbPRTXbP_aXSTP]S QaP]SP\QPbbPS^a^U8]SXP °BWTWPbP]X]cTa]PcX^]P[ bcP]SX]V^]WTa^f]B^fT WPeT]^^QYTRcX^]8P\bdaTbWT Xb_aXST^U8]SXPBWTXbQaP]S P\QPbbPS^a^U8]SXP± 9PePSTZPafW^Xb<X]XbcTa^U BcPcTU^a8]U^a\PcX^]P]S1a^P ?=B in the rank and becomes world Number one, the State will also benefit from it”. <X]^aXchcPV) 0[[PWPQPS72 ]^cXRTc^06 0<0A=0C7C4F0AHQ ?0C=0 ld partners of the NDA Government in Bihar O came to blows on Thursday in the State Legislative Council and accused each other for the ugly incident. The BJP accused JD(U) leader Nitish Kumar for instigating his party leaders to attack them which eventually prompted Kumar to say that he was deeply hurt and would not attend the ongoing session of the Council “until an inquiry report absolve him from the accusation.” The unprecedented incident happened at Question Hour when JD(U) MLA, Sanjay Singh allegedly instigated by party leader Nitish Kumar, hurled uncalled for words against Leader of Opposition in the Council, Sushil Kumar Modi. Modi was putting question on the Government on reduction of scholarship amount from C1 lakh to C15,000 for students belonging to extremely back- 19?[TVXb[Pc^ab_a^cTbcPc1XWPa0bbT\Q[hX]?Pc]P^]CWdabSPh ward castes and communities. “At the instigation of Kumar, his party colleague, Singh uttered some uncalled words against me and while protesting his undemocratic behaviour, we rushed into the Well of the House…It was unprecedented”, said senior BJP leader Sushil Kumar Modi. Amid raging protest and din, the Council Chairman Awadhesh Narayan Singh later, adjourned the House for 10 minutes but as soon as he left the House a clash broke out <D;C82A>A4C31= 65XcZ]]d:2D`WWZTVc B0D60AB4=6D?C0Q :>;:0C0 IAS officer Godala Kiran Kumar and former SDMenior of Malda who was arrested about a year ago, by the Siliguri Commissioner of Police J Jayaraman making national headlines was on Thursday grilled intensely by the Enforcement Directorate for his alleged involvement in the multi-crore Siliguri-JalpaiguriDevelopment-Authority scam. Kumar was summoned by the ED sleuths at the CGO complex at Salt Lake in Kolkata where he was questioned from 9 am in the morning till 4 pm. Kumar would not speak to the media when he went out but, sources in the ED said he was given a set of questionaires and was asked to write his answers related to the scam. “We will go through the reply and then will summon him again if there is a need” said one official adding he appeared on Thursday after notices were served on him repeatedly. Kumar had earlier func- :D<0A70340A;84A 5D=2C8>=430BC74 2<3>5C74B930 F74=C74A4?>AC43 C !2A>A4B20< C>>:?;024 tioned as the CMD of the SJDA when the reported C120 crore scam took place. The case came in the limelight when, Jayaraman, the then CP of Siliguri probing the case arrested him after he refused to appear before him for interrogation. The State Government immediately swung into action, with Chief Secretary questioning the propriety of the IPS officer arresting the IAS officer without prior sanction from the higher authorities. The Government then arranged for his bail the next day with the public prosecutor strangely failing to appear in the court. The names of a number of ruling Trinamool Congress mandarins including MLAs have come up in the multi-crore scam. between the members of two rival parties. “Once again Singh rose up to his chair, and commented that Modi suffers from some serious ailment of always blubbering something and other words which I cannot speak before the camera”, said State BJP chief Mangal Pandey. The BJP legislators, including Mangal Pandey, Rajnish Kumar and others rushed towards Singh to protest but, some JD(U) members like Ranbir Nandan, Neeraj Kumar ?C8 and others opposed their move. Meanwhile, some other members from both the sides got involved in the clash while, accusing each other for their undemocratic behavior and attitude in side the House. The pandemonium which threatened to break out in a violent clash, continued for ten minutes in presence of senior party leaders Nitish Kumar and Sushil Modi from both the parties. Later, the scuffling lawmakers were to be physically ?C8Q <D<108=4F34;78 S hiv Sena on Thursday defended its MPs involved in alleged force-feeding of a fasting Muslim employee and said a “protest” against mismanagement was given “communal colour” for “political mileage” even as the Opposition in the Parliament pressed Government for a statement. Under fire over a party MP Rajan Vichare being caught on video footage forcing a catering supervisor fasting for Ramzan to eat a chapati at the new Maharashtra Sadan in Delhi last week, the Sena invoked the Maratha pride and turned the spotlight on the quality of food there. It said the incident was blown out of proportion. “Shiv Sena respects all religions but will not tolerate if anyone tries to flaunt his religious affiliation for intimidation. One should keep his religion in his heart and in his house. But if someone wears it <070B030= 5A020B DSSWPeCWPRZTaPh on sleeve and tries to malign Shiv Sena by playing politics over it, we will not tolerate it,” an editorial in party mouthpiece Saamana said. The editorial launched a scathing attack on the “poor quality of service being rendered at Maharashtra Sadan by the management.” Without naming Vichare, the editorial asked, “Was it wrong to question the injustice? Was it wrong to question the catering contractor on quality of food served there?” “What is wrong if the chapati is taken to the mouth of the contractor and he was asked to eat it. It was not written on his face that he was a Muslim. It was just a coincidence. The contractor serves such chapatis that are difficult to break. How is one supposed to eat such food?” it said. The editorial said that basic facilities like clean drinking water, cleanliness and proper canteen management are lacking at Sadan. In the Rajya Sabha, the Government said it will respond on the issue after ascertaining full facts by tomorrow. Congress, SP and Left members raised the issue when the House met for the day, saying 24 hours have passed since the issue was first raised but the Government is yet to come back. “We are ascertaining facts. We will be finding out full details and then only respond.” Parliamentary Affairs Minister M Venkaiah Naidu said. ?=BQ ;D2:=>F he Lucknow bench of the Allahabad High Court has T issued a notice to Advocate General on a PIL challenging grant of minority status to Mohammad Ali Jauhar University in Rampur. The notice has been issued by a division bench comprising Chief Justice Dhananjay Y Chandrachud and Justice Devendra Kumar Upadhaya on a public interest litigation (PIL) filed by non-governmental organisation Hindu Front for Justice. ;5F3;A>=2dT`^Ve`S]`hdZ_9`fdV 1LWLVK.XPDU DFFXVHGRI LQVWLJDWLRQ SXVKHVIRUDVWDWHPHQW separated with the help of House marshals and by intervention of senior leaders from both the parties. Later, the BJP leader Sushil Modi charged Kumar for instigating his party member Sanjay Singh to create such pandemonium in the House to save his Government from embarrassment. He also said that if the situation was not brought under control in time, he would have been attacked by the JD(U) leaders. “It was Nitish Kumar who instigated Singh to create trouble. The JD(U) leaders wanted to attack me which was shameful and unfortunate”, said Modi while adding that though, once he was attacked in the State Assembly by members of RJD during Lalu’s regime but it has never ever happened in the Council. State BJP president, Mangal Pandey too accused Nitish Kumar for instigation and said that the JD(U) leaders lobbed unparliamentarily words and threatening moves towards them. “Anything could have happened if it was not stopped at that time…what the JD(U) leaders did inside the House was unprecedented,” he said 0RcXeXbcbbW^fX]VPQP]]TaSdaX]VP_a^cTbcX]<d\QPX^]CWdabSPhPVPX]bccWTBWXeBT]P<?fW^U^aRTUTSPUPbcX]V<db[X\ T\_[^hTTX]cWT<PWPaPbWcaPBPSP] ?C8 ^_X]X^]' DEHRADUN+&$, +-, ./0.123 gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] aRaVchZeYaRddZ`_ CVRTYZ_X`fee`?VaR] $OOD\.DWKPDQGX¶VIHDUVSURWHFW,QGLD¶VLQWHUHVWV ]X^]<X]XbcTaU^a4gcTa]P[0UUPXabBdbW\PBfPaPYbcWaTTSPheXbXcc^=T_P[ QTVX]]X]V^]9d[h!$WPbcWT_^cT]cXP[c^WTaP[SP]TfQTVX]]X]VX]8]SXP =T_P[aT[PcX^]bBWTfX[[_PacXRX_PcTX]cWT9^X]c2^\\XbbX^]<TTcX]VfWXRW XbQTX]VWT[SPUcTaP[^]VVP_^U!"hTPabFWX[TcWTcf^R^d]caXTbWPeT^cWTa QX[PcTaP[\TRWP]Xb\bcWT92<XbX\_^acP]cQTRPdbTXcSTP[bfXcWPVP\dc^U R^]cT]cX^dbXbbdTbR^\\^][haTUTaaTSc^PbcWT²UXeTR[dbcTaP__a^PRWCWTh PaT)?^[XcXRP[bTRdaXchP]SQ^aSTaXbbdTb*TR^]^\XRR^^_TaPcX^]P]SX]UaPbcadR cdaT*caPSTP]ScaP]bXc*_^fTaP]SfPcTaaTb^daRTb*P]SRd[cdaTTSdRPcX^]P]S \TSXPBX]RTcWXbfX[[QTcWT=PaT]SaP<^SX6^eTa]\T]cbUXabcQX[PcTaP[X]cTa PRcX^]fXcW=T_P[<bBfPaPYfX[[\TTc[TPSTabUa^\PRa^bbcWTb_TRcad\aP]V X]VUa^\cWT?aTbXST]ccWT?aX\T<X]XbcTaP]S<P^Xbc[TPSTaP]SU^a\Ta?aX\T <X]XbcTa?dbW_P:P\P[3PWP[²?aPRWP]SPCWT=30aTVX\TS^Tb]^cRPaahPWXb c^aXRP[QPVVPVTd][XZTcWT[Pbccf^6^eTa]\T]cbfWXRWWPSX]cTaPRcTSfXST[h fXcW=T_P[b_^[XcXRP[b_TRcad\X]R[dSX]VcWT<P^XbcbSdaX]VcWTXaR^\QX]TS hTPaad[TPccWT2T]caT8]cWT_a^RTbbcWTD?0WPSTPa]TSU^a8]SXPV^^SfX[[ QdcP[b^aTbT]c\T]cU^aXcb²WXVWWP]STSP__a^PRWX]cTa_aTcTSPbd]STbXaPQ[T X]cadbX^]X]c^cWTPUUPXab^UcWPcR^d]cahCWT0cP[1XWPaXEPY_PhTT6^eTa]\T]c SXSWPeTX]cTaPRcX^]bfXcW:PcW\P]Sd Qdc cWTh fTaT [PaVT[h [X\XcTS c^ cWT \^]PaRWh P]S cWT _PacXTb X] _^fTa CWTaTVX\TSXS]^cWPeTPfXSTb_aTPS aTPRW c^ cWT <P^Xbcb _aX\PaX[h QTRPdbTcWT[PccTabeX^[T]c?T^_[Tb FPafPbPcXcb_TPZC^fPaSbcWTT]S ^U Xcb cT]daT cWT 6^eTa]\T]c SXS X]Sd[VTX]cT]cPcXeTcP[ZbfXcW_a^\X ]T]c<P^XbcbfW^WPSQTVd]c^_aT _PaTcWTVa^d]Sc^T]cTacWT_^[XcXRP[ \PX]bcaTP\QhVXeX]Vd_cWTVd] FWX[T cWT RWP[[T]VTb QTU^aT <b BfPaPY P]S ?aX\T <X]XbcTa <^SX fW^XbTg_TRcTSc^eXbXc=T_P[b^^] PaT\P]hcf^XbbdTbfX[[bTXiTcWTXa X\\TSXPcTPccT]cX^]CWTUXabcWPbc^ S^fXcWbTRdaXch8]SXPP]S=T_P[bWPaT P] ^_T] P]S UaTT Q^aSTa P]S cWTaT WPeTQTT]X]bcP]RTbfWT]XcWPbQTT] Tg_[^XcTSQhP]cX8]SXPT[T\T]cbTb_TRXP[[hUa^\?PZXbcP]c^X]UX[caPcTX]c^cWT R^d]cah=Tf3T[WXXbP[b^d][XZT[hc^U^aVTcX]PWdaahcWTWXYPRZX]VQh?PZXbcP]X cTaa^aXbcb^UP3T[WXQ^d]SU[XVWcUa^\:PcW\P]SdX] (((BTRdaXchR^]RTa]b WPeTP[b^c^S^fXcWcWTVa^fX]VX\_aX]c^U2WX]PX]=T_P[cWa^dVWcWTU^a\Tab X]eTbc\T]cbX]_a^YTRcbP]ST]R^daPVT\T]cc^=T_P[TbTbcdST]cbc^bcdShX]2WX]P CWTXSTPXcXbbPXSXbU^acWT]TfVT]TaPcX^]^U=T_P[³bRXcXiT]bc^VTccd]TSc^ cWT2WX]TbTfPhP]SaT_[PRTcWTcaPSXcX^]fWTaTPePbc]d\QTa^U=T_P[TbTWPeT WPScWTXaTSdRPcX^]P]STeT]d_QaX]VX]VX]8]SXP 1dcPVaTPcSTP[^UcWT_a^VaTbbX]QX[PcTaP[aT[PcX^]baTbcbfXcWcWTWP]S[X]V ^UcWTWhSa^_^fTa_a^YTRcbcWTaT^UfWXRW8]SXPXbPSXaTRcQT]TUXRXPahPbcWT _aTS^\X]P]cQdhTa^U_^fTaP]SX]fWXRWXcXbP]X]eTbc^ac^^CWTaTXbP_Ta RT_cX^]cWPc8]SXPWPbQTT]bW^acRWP]VX]V:PcW\P]SdP]ScWPc=T_P[\dbcX]eXcT _PacXRX_PcX^]Ua^\R^d]caXTbbdRWPb2WX]PX]XcbWhSa^_^fTabTRc^a3PhbPWTPS ^U<bBfPaPYb\TTcX]VPQd]RW^U_a^\X]T]c=T_P[TbT_^[XcXRXP]b^__^bTS8]SXPb _a^_^bP[c^UdacWTaSTeT[^_=T_P[bWhSa^_^fTaP[[TVX]VcWPc=Tf3T[WXfP]cb c^R^]eTac=T_P[X]c^°P]^cWTa1WdcP]±CWXbP[Pa\XbceXTf\dbcQTR^aaTRcTS D >`cVeYR_[fdedeReZdeZTd )HZRUPDQ\UDSHLQFLGHQWVFDQ¶WEHWULYLDOLVHG cf^d[SQTX]bT]bXcXeTc^aTSdRTRPbTb^UaP_Tc^\TaTbcPcXbcXRbQTRPdbTTeT] ^]TX]RXST]cXbPQ[^c^]cWTb^RXTchfT[XeTX]P]SXbcaPd\PcXRU^acWTeXRcX\ P]SXcbUP\X[h\T\QTab[TPeX]VPSTT_P]S^UcT]X]ST[XQ[TT\^cX^]P[bRPa CWTaTU^aTcWTaTXb]^cWX]Vc^caXd\_WP]c[h_^X]c^dccWPc8]SXPaP]ZbPSXbcP]c cWXaSX]cWT[Xbc^U R^d]caXTbcWPcWPeTaT_^acTScWTWXVWTbc]d\QTa^UaP_Tb 0RR^aSX]Vc^cWTD]XcTS=PcX^]b2aX\TCaT]SbBdaeTh! fWX[T8]SXPaTR^aS TS 'RPbTb^UaT_^acTSaP_T_Ta[PZW^U_^_d[PcX^]cWTUXVdaTbU^acWTDBP]S 1aPiX[fTaTPbWXVWPb!&"P]S! 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Yet it is an unpalatable truth for all its aspirants that attaining the Holy Grail of American politics requires a very unholy scramble. And after nearly 30 unbroken years in public life, no one knows more about the hard knocks of the American political rodeo than Ms Hillary Clinton. Even so, with the launch of her manifesto-memoir last month, followed by a national book tour cum campaign launch in all but name, it now seems certain that Ms Clinton is planning to ride again. She will be 69 on inauguration day in January 2017. Why on earth would she do it? That was the question posed openly this week by Mr Barack Obama, the man who elbowed her into an undignified second place in the Democrat primaries of 2008 and now, after six frustrating years in the coveted office, just looks impatient some days for it all to be over. Could it really be worth the candle for those — like Ms Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden — who might want to succeed him, Mr Obama wondered in a New Yorker magazine article. “They’ve already accomplished an awful lot in their lives. Do they, at this phase in their lives, want to go through the pretty undignifying process of running all over again?” he asked. The answer is undoubtedly a resounding “yes”, says one former Clinton White House staffer, for the simple reason that for all Mrs Clinton’s achievements as First Lady, Senator and Secretary of State, nothing can cap the presidency. “Becoming President makes you into a world, historic figure in a way that Hillary isn’t yet. She’s made a mark on history, sure, but it goes up by an uncountable factor if she wins the White House, particularly as first woman President,” he says. But presidential ambition comes at a cost, as Ms Clinton knows from her husband’s scandalplagued presidency — some of it self-inflicted, like the Monica Lewinsky affair; some of it grossly unfair and openly confected, like the stories that the Clintons were involved in unlikely murders and cover-ups, including that of their own friend, Vince Foster, the deputy White House counsel who committed suicide in 1993, a few months after Mr Clinton took office. Fast-forward 20 years to the present and the once dormant cottage industry of conspiracy and slander about the Clintons has started to whirr and clank again, with the publication of a series of sometimes outrageously thinly sourced books that tap into the stillvisceral dislike of the Clintons on the American Right. Exhibit A is Blood Feud, a 320page book that allegedly traces the bitter Clinton-Obama rivalry and rifts in the Clintons’ marriage. It is written by former New York Times journalist Ed Klein, who has made a new career out of writing salacious tell-all books on the Clintons and Obamas. The book is filled with wildly implausible fly-on-the-wall accounts of the Clinton’s marital tiffs and White House showdowns, all relayed in breathless Mills and Boon prose. Mr Klein says his books are based on proper reporting, but Ms Clinton’s spokesman, Nick Merrill, impolitely disagrees. Mr Klein’s work is given scant credence by serious American political media but it is gobbled up with relish by the conservative book-buying public. To whoops of delight on the Right last month, Mr Klein’s book outsold Hard Choices, Ms Clinton’s scrupulously gossip-free memoir of her four years at the State Department, according to The New York Times non-fiction bestseller list. Other works, such as Mr 9dXebdc]UdXQd`bUSY_ec dY]U_V`b_]Y^U^d `_\YdYSYQ^cQ^T]UTYQYc RUY^WgQcdUT_^Q`Uddi YcceU_V]iRUY^W Q``_Y^dUTDU\Q^WQ^Qµc RbQ^TQ]RQccQT_b DU^^YcQSU °CQ^YQ=YbjQ 1DCF70C<0H14 <>A4F>AAH8=6 5>A78;;0AH 2;8=C>=C70=C74 ?08=B>5AD==8=6 5>A?A4B834=C80; >558248BC74 ?A>B?42CC70C 4E4=85B74F8=B C746A40C?A8I4 B7402784E4B 38B0??>8=C8=6;H ;8CC;4F8C78C Ronald Kessler’s The First Family Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of Presidents, extracts of which were leaked this week, are more plausibly sourced but equally salacious. According to the extract quoted in the tabloid The New York Post, Mr Kessler alleges that Mr Clinton keeps a blonde, surgically enhanced mistress who is codenamed ‘Energizer’ by the former President’s secret service detail. A third takedown tome, Clinton Inc by Daniel Halper of the conservative Weekly Standard, has been treated more seriously, despite attempts from the Clinton machine to lump it in with more scurrilous works. The book paints ‘Clintonworld’ as a place where scores are always settled and where Ms Chelsea Clinton, who has taken a much higher-profile role since joining the board of the Clinton Foundation, her parents’ vast global philanthropy operation, is described as the “wizard behind the curtain”. How does Ms Clinton cope with this onslaught? Mostly by ignoring it, says the former staffer, while relying on a close coterie of loyal old female friends such as Ms Cheryl Mills, who defended Mr Clinton at his impeachment trial; Ms Maggie Williams, who managed her failed 2008 campaign; and B>D=318C4 Ms Huma Abedin, her long-time aide. Ms Clinton’s daughter, now 34 and expecting her first child, is another of her rocks. The former First Lady’s personal armour is strengthened by the belief among Democrat strategists that in America’s polarised political universe, the avalanche of anti-Clinton books is unlikely to affect the outcome in 2016. The belief is that they appeal only to that 40 per cent of Americans who, as one strategist put it, “would vote for a dog for President” before they’d ever vote for Ms Clinton. Arguably more damaging to Ms Clinton’s prospects are the selfinflicted wounds from her awkward relationship with a US media corps that still prickles at its highhanded treatment during her 2008 campaign. Sure enough, the launch of Ms Clinton’s Hard Choices last month demonstrated how ringrusty she had become in four years glad handing the world as America’s top diplomat. But what may be more worrying for Ms Clinton than the pains of running for office is the prospect that, even if she wins the great prize, she achieves disappointingly little with it. As Mr Obama has discovered, the modern presidency is saddled with old expectations that have not caught up with America’s divided political realities. The powers of the office have contracted sharply even in the two decades since Mr Clinton was cutting often unpalatable but necessary deals with Newt Gingrich’s Congress. Mr Obama now talks openly of using his “phone and his pen” to get things done, but to many that only advertises the limits of his political predicament which will get worse if, as it now looks possible, the Republicans retake the Senate in this autumn’s mid-term election, giving them control of both Houses of Congress. Given all her past experience and the platform the Clinton Foundation offers her to effect real change on issues close to her heart, such as gender equality and free speech, would Ms Clinton trade her current position for the frustrations of the modern presidency? You bet she would. “Everyone believes their time in the Oval Office will be different,” says the former staffer. “And despite the frustrations, recent presidencies show that everyone does get to do something relatively big for a short while. That’s the nature of ambition: You know the pain that lies ahead, but you accept the challenge. No one knows that better than Hillary.” Courtesy; The Daily Telegraph DXU_^\igQid_TUQ\gYdXdXYc 9cbQU\ccQfQWUbUWY]UYcd_ S_^dY^eUQb]UTcdbeWW\UQ^T UhdU^TYdd_GUcd2Q^[ 2i`\QSY^WgUQ`_^cY^ cSX__\cY^7QjQdX_cU bUc`_^cYR\UQbUdeb^Y^W cSX__\cY^d_`_dU^dYQ\ ]Y\YdQbidQbWUdcQ^T U^TQ^WUbY^WdXU\YfUc_V Y^^_SU^dSXY\TbU^ 9bQ^cce`bU]U\UQTUb ° 1iQd_\\QX1\Y;XQ]U^UY E>CUSbUdQbi7U^UbQ\ °2Q^;Y]__^ ;4CC4ABC>C74438C>A 6e^^i`Qbd^UbcXY` Sir — This refers to the article, “Shadow-boxing Taliban for a billion US dollars” (July 23) by Ashok K Mehta. The Pakistani Army is befooling the US by extracting juice for its nefarious activity in the neighbourhood. Pakistan, as a state, has misled US for 50 years. I wonder if the US is really so dumb that it does not understand this. Or, is it going along to meet its short-term benefits? Ved Via web GYcU7_fUb^_b Sir — This refers to Uttar Pradesh Governor Ram Naik’s statement that he will act as a bridge between the Centre and the State. Implicit in the new Governor’s observation is that he will not discriminate against people on the basis of their language and religion. This reflects his firm conviction in democratic values. Mr Naik also said he would not review or reverse decisions that his predecessor had taken. This includes the earlier decision to give ‘minority’ status to the Rampur-based Mohammad Ali 5VReYaV_R]ej_`e^VcTj W`cYVZ_`fdTcZ^Vd aTbXST]c?aP]PQ<dZWTaYTTWPbS^]TcWTaXVWccWX]VX]aTYTRcX]VcWT\TaRh _TcXcX^]^UBdaT]SaP:^[XX]cWT=XcWPaXZX[[X]Vb4Pa[XTac^^WTWPSaTYTRc TS_[TPb^UQPaQPaXRR^]eXRcbfW^WPS_TcXcX^]TSU^a\TaRhPVPX]bccWT STRXbX^]^UcWTBd_aT\T2^dacCWT?aTbXST]c\dbc]^fcPZTX\\TSXPcT PRcX^]^]P[[cWT\TaRh_TcXcX^]bcWPcPaT_T]SX]VfXcWcWT6^eTa]\T]c P]SaTYTRccWT\ ?aTbXST]cXP[_^fTab^eTacWTBd_aT\T2^dacU^a\TaRhR^d[S]^cWPeT QTT]\TP]cU^a_^[XcXRP[_da_^bTbc^V^b^Uc^]cTaa^aXbcbP]S^]cW^bT fW^WPSR^\\XccTSWTX]^dbRaX\Tb[XZT\daSTaP]SaP_TCWT[Pf^]cTa a^aXb\P]SaP_TbW^d[SQTT]PRcTSX]bdRWPfPhcWPc]^\TaRh_TcXcX^] c^cWT?aTbXST]cXbP[[^fTSU^acTaa^aXbcbP]SaP_Xbcb^]RTcWTBd_aT\T 2^dacPfPaSbRP_XcP[_d]XbW\T]c>][hfWT]fTcPZTbdRWWPabWPRcX^] fX[[cTaa^aXbcbP]SaP_XbcbVTcPbca^]V\TbbPVTcWPccWTaTXb]^_[PRTU^a cWT\X]8]SXPD]cX[cWT]cWThfX[[R^]cX]dTc^TbRP_TcWTVP[[^fb <:d\Pa EXPT\PX[ ? Jauhar University, with State Cabinet Minister Mohammed Azam Khan at the helm of its affairs. This should allay apprehensions, if any, in the minds of the people from the minority community. Hopefully, his pragmatic governorship will help in better administration of the State. Rukhsana Khan Via email 9^S_bbYWYR\U@Q[YcdQ^ Sir — Many Indians would say that there is no need to talk to Pakistan anymore. It has violated the ceasefire agreement 19 times since the day of formation of the new Government in India. Pakistan considers our patience as our weakness. It deserves a titfor-tat response at the earliest. If Pakistan can destroy Taliban hideouts and kill 13 of the ultras in their secure dens, why cannot India kill Pakistani terrorists and destroy all their hideouts? We don’t want even a single inch of Pakistani soil, but there is no way that we should allow Pakistan to cause terror in our country or kill our jawans along the Line of Control in Jammu & Kashmir. There is a limit to patience. Hansraj Bhat Via email 1bb_WQ^d=@ Sir — Shiv Sena leader and Member of Parliament Rajan Vichare’s act of force-feeding a fasting Muslim is outrageous. The arrogance of authority is clear in his attitude. People in power should be tolerant and humble. It is because of the likes of Mr Vichare that people have disrespect for politicians. Public representatives are elected to serve the nation, not humiliate individuals. A case must be filed against the MP for abuse of power. Manzar Imam New Delhi 7bQfUYcceU Sir — The judiciary has been traditionally looked upon as the last bastion against corruption and wrongdoing, and judges are considered the epitome of propriety. Hence, allegations of wrongful conduct, such as those made by former Supreme Court judge Markandey Katju, need to be taken seriously. 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RP] fX] P \X]X\d\ ^U bTPcb X] :PbW\XaXUXcRd[cXePcTbcWTbTVa^d_bAT_^acbbdV VTbccWPccWT19?³bT[TRcX^]bcaPcTVXbcbPaTf^aZX]V X]cWXbSXaTRcX^]0]X]RaTPbX]V]d\QTa^U:PbW\XaX <db[X\bX]R[dSX]Vb^\TU^a\Tac^__^[XRT^UUXRTab P]SQdaTPdRaPcb_a^UTbbX^]P[bP]STSdRPcTSh^dcW PaTTPVTac^Y^X]cWT19?CWXbPdVdabfT[[U^acWT UdcdaT^UcWTBcPcTP]ScWT]PcX^]PbPfW^[T CWTfaXcTaXbU^a\Ta3TP]5PRd[ch^UB^RXP[ BRXT]RTbD]XeTabXch^U9P\\d T 5 0B7DC>B7<8BA0 <^bR^fWPb PaVdTScWPcbX]RT cWTPRcfPb R^\\XccTS^] DZaPX]XP] cTaaXc^ahXc PQb^[eTbAdbbXP ^UP]h aTb_^]bXQX[Xch 1dc_a^AdbbXP aTQT[bR^]ca^[cWT cTaaXc^ahB^RP] DZaPX]TPaVdT cWPc<7 &fPb S^f]TSX] AdbbXP] cTaaXc^ah. Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 in eastern Ukraine has re-ignited the debate on the role of non-state actors in committing unlawful international acts and on how to establish state accountability for those acts. Media reports allege that a Russian-made Buk missile was used by pro-Russian rebels operating in Crimea, to shoot down the flight at 32,000 feet. According to Ukrainian officials, in two separate calls, one between Igor Bezler, the rebel’s operational commander and a suspected Russian military intelligence official, and Vasili Geranin, a suspected Colonel in the Russian Intelligence headquarters; and another between two suspected rebels, nicknamed ‘Major’ and ‘Greek’, the rebels were heard discussing the crash as a consequence of a missile strike. Interestingly, the conversation betrayed their bewilderment at the incident, as anyone else’s. It indicates that the incident may have been a case of mistaken identity, wherein the MH17 was confused with an Ukraninian AN26 transport aircraft. Both Russia and Ukraine have traded allegations and blamed each other for the tragedy. This is not the first time that a civilian aircraft has been targeted in the region. In 2001, the Ukrainian military had accidentally shot down a chartered plane, along the Georgian border, carrying 78 passengers from Israel to Siberia. And since the Ukrainian crisis flared in February this year, the pro-Russian rebels in Crimea have shot down several Ukrainian military helicopters and transport aircraft. In the latest instance, the death of 298 passengers including 154 Dutch, 23 American and 27 Australian citizens among others, has fuelled tensions between these states and Russia. The big question is: Can Russia (as alleged) be held accountable under the appropriate international law for the act of the rebels? Can the linkage be proven between the rebels and Russia, and shown that the latter exercised control over the former? Three key cases of unlawful acts committed by NSAs in a conflict zone have been adjudicated by the International Court of Justice that shed light on how their acts can be attributed to nation states. These give some indication of what can be expected in the MH17 case. Article 8 of the International Law Commission Articles on State Responsibility specifies, “The conduct of a person or a group shall be considered an act of a state under international law if the person or the group of person is in fact acting on the instruction of, or under the direction or control of that state in carrying out the conduct”. But, it is necessary to prove in a court of law that a state or its organs (in this case, Russia), exercised com- plete control over the rebels and directed them to undertake unlawful act. This is easier said than done. In 2007, the ICJ determined the contours of state responsibility under the Genocide Convention of 1948. The case pertained to the alleged involvement of Serbia (the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) in the genocide of Bosniaks and non-Serb minorities in Srebrenica in the early 1990s. The ICJ ruled that FRY had furthered “considerable military and financial support available to the Republika Srpska” (the Republic of Serbia) and “had it withdrawn that support, (it) would have greatly constrained the options that were available to the Republicka Srpska authorities”. But in spite of this support, the Serbian military, known as the Vojska Republike Srpske, could not be considered a de jure organ of the FRY. In addition, based on reports submitted by Dutch and American 6YbcdbUZUSdUTdXU^ Xe]Y\YQdUTYc_\QdUT BT]bX]VcWPc2^]VaTbbXbST\^]bcaPcX]V]^X]SXRPcX^]^UbTaX^db X]ca^b_TRcX^]^eTaSTUTPcXcb_Pac]TabPaT[TPeX]VcWTD?0bWX_ T he UPA partners are leaving the sinking ship and looking for better opportunities. The latest to do so is the National Conference. The Congress remains isolated, with barely a handful of allies and friends like the Muslim League, the RJD and the NCP. The Congress is having trouble both from within and outside. There is a near rebellion within the party demanding change of leadership in Maharashtra, Assam and Haryana. Maharashtra and Haryana will go to the polls in a few months. After the Lok Sabha poll debacle, dissidence is growing in every State. The Congress high command’s decision to retain the three Chief Ministers has created further crisis. In Maharashtra, Mr Narayan Rane, who was aspiring to become the Chief Minister, has resigned, creating a flutter. This was the second time he had done so after the disastrous Lok Sabha result. He now claims that he had been assured of the top post when he resigned from the Shiv Sena and joined the Congress in 2005. The party has no strong leader and incumbent Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan is unable to take everybody along. The Congress-NCP combine has been in power in the State for the past 15 years and it will be difficult for it to return to power under the circumstances. In Assam, rebel Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma, who has been leading the revolt against Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi, has quit, declaring that he will not join the ministry as long Mr Gogoi is the Chief Minister. Mr Sarma claims to have the support of about 50 MLAs. On the other hand, about 13 Ministers have written to the party chief to start disciplinary action against Mr Sarma and other dissidents. The high command had been dilly-dallying for long about the change of leadership and ultimately decided against it. In Haryana, senior Congress leader Birender Singh is sharpening his attack against Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda. Mr Singh has declared that he will not contest under the leadership of Mr Hooda. But, the high command is backing Mr Hooda. If the Congress is facing internal troubles, the problem from out- side, particularly from the allies, is no less. Already the UPA had shrunk after the DMK, the Trinamool Congress and other key allies had left the coalition. The NCP has been demanding a 50:50 share in the Assembly poll in Maharashtra. Its chief Sharad Pawar has been putting pressure on the Congress to replace Mr Chavan with Mr Sushilkumar Shinde. The NCP is sending signals that it does not mind going it alone, although it is speculated that after the poll the two may severe connections and the NCP may move towards the BJP. The recent meet- intelligence agencies, the ICJ found that VRS acts were not under the instructions, directions or control of the FRY. Therefore, the latter was not responsible for the genocide. However, in the same breadth, the ICJ also said that the FRY had the “duty to prevent” the genocide, since it occurred on its territory, even if it had no direct links and control over the VRS. In the MH17 case, Russian President Valdimir Putin has argued that since the act was committed on Ukrainian territory, it absolves Russia of any responsibility. But pro-Russia rebels control the territory. So, can Ukraine argue that the flight was downed in Russian territory? As such, the use of a Russian missile is insufficient to establish Russian culpability. In 1984, in the case of Nicaragua versus the US, the ICJ had pulled up the latter for supporting the contras to attack the Nicaraguan Government and mil- to suggest that the attacks by Nicaragua-based rebel groups against El Salvador could be attributed to the Nicaraguan Government. Therefore, the targeting of Nicaraguan state by USsupported contras was unlawful. Similarly, in the 2005 case of the Democratic Republic of Congo versus Uganda, the ICJ had ruled that since the attacks undertaken by the anti-Ugandan rebels operating from DRC territory were not attributable to the DRC, Uganda had no right to use force in selfdefence against the DRC. The DRC had charged the Ugandan troops for invading its territory, violating human rights violations, which the court upheld. The ICJ also ruled that there was no satisfactory evidence to prove the DRC’s claims that Uganda created and controlled the Congo Liberation Movement. Again, efforts to establish any state linkage yielded no success. The task of proving state linkages with NSAs, state control over their activities is so onerous that states, such as the US, prefer to use drones against the Taliban, rather than followi the legal path. India, too has seen the futility of the exercise in trying to link Pakistan’s spy agency to the Lashkar-e-Tayyeba terror in the 26/11 case. The United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2625, which calls upon states to refrain from supporting acts of terrorism and prevent the use of their territory to be used for terrorism, also does not apply in this case, since the proRussian rebels were from Ukrainian territory. Hence, notwithstanding the current hullabaloo over the MH17 incident, it will be very difficult to hold Russia accountable for the tragedy. (The writer is Research Fellow at the ARC Center of Excellence in Policing and Security, Griffith University, Australia) &DWFKWKHUHIRUP EXOOE\WKHKRUQV :0;H0=8B70=:0A ing of Mr Pawar with Prime Minister Narendra Modi has triggered speculations to this effect. Moreover, the NCP has now set a deadline to the Congress to decide on the road ahead. The latest blow to the Congress is the parting of ways with the National Conference in Jammu & Kashmir. This was expected for some time, and the alliance had continued because of the personal chemistry between Chief Minister Omar Abdullah and Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi. The Congress has to introspect seriously over the present state of affairs. The most important thing for the Congress is not only to keep the flock together but also look for new allies, but nobody is ready to go with the setting sun. Congress president and UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi had put together the grand alliance, but it is crumbling fast. With an ailing Ms Gandhi and an indifferent Mr Gandhi, the allies are not inspired. Even two months after the humiliating defeat, there are no indications of corrective measures from within the party. The real problem appears to be that Mr Gandhi has not learnt any lesson from the defeat and the rootless wonders continue to hold important positions. The party should discuss the defeat in the AICC and the Congress Working Committee and find ways to correct the mistakes. The right kind of people should be chosen to hold positions. The Congress has to re-invent itself to suit the new situation. For now, the party does not send any signal about revival. Continuing in the same manner will only ensure the disappearance of the party altogether in the course of time. 4eT]PUcTacf^STRPSTb^UTR^]^\XR[XQTaP[XbPcX^] cWTaTPaTUTfTgP\_[Tb^UX]SdbcaXP[aTbcadRcdaX]V T he urge for safety is one of the driving forces of human nature. The defining characteristics of individual behaviour are often found to be replicated in the behaviour of organisations. This is the reason which leads to the emphasis on the need for a synergy between individual and organisational goals. Closer home, the need for corporate revamp, across the full spectrum of the typology of organisations, is needed. Selective, episodic and fragmented interventions across the range of Government entities, regulatory agencies and more seem to have produced bewildering results. Private organisations are no exception. Whereas the number of professional degree-holders among the owner-managers has gone up, the values and quality of their decisions are often rooted in traditional practices. Whereas the powerful and the influential very often get away with what they want to do, the honest and the compliant are inundated with forms, questions and investigations. Taking the discussion to a higher level, the issues affecting the governance of enterprises and the corporate sector haven’t changed much over the last two decades. And if the concerns haven’t changed, neither have the positions. There has been no radical shift between the policies of one set of the cabinet members to another. The process of economic reforms initiated in July 1991 has been fairly steady in the last 23 years. The emphasis has been on the external sector, fiscal policy reforms, reducing entry barriers for industrial investment and liberalising foreign investment. These are comforting domains where a lot of energy can be spent, without affecting the cosy comfort of the powerful or mitigating the misery of the honest. Safety of the status quo, in terms of power distribution, is a significant driving force for the intelligent. Interestingly, examples of industrial restructuring, privatisation and/or nationalisation, not to mention the basic re-examining of the paradigms governing action, have been few and far between. Over the last few years, one has heard arguments in favour of making India a low-cost economy. Now, with onions being sold at C70/kg, frugality is a fairy tale proposition. So much so that even the proverbs are changing. The old quip used to be: “I can survive on chapattis and onions”. Today even that is lyrical. A basic transformation is on its way. The facts are simple. Industrial re-structuring cannot be a painless process. It involves justification of each item of expense, often causing reduction of functionspecific manning levels. Redeployment of staff is also inevitable. It is not an easy job, with bulging figures of people seeking employment, and innovative definitions of poverty. And this is not to refer to the creation of a climate wherein claiming to be a person below the poverty line has large political and economic advantages. It does not take a genius E8=0HB78;60DC0< to realise that unviable industrial units must close. Stateowned enterprises and private ones too must streamline their operations. But this means re-defining the rights of workers and enabling growth in viable areas. It is significant that that in the recently concluded general election, no political leader, no political party found it worth their while to raise the issue of population control or advocate family planning. The logic of unfettered expansion of the supply side cannot be ignored, in practical terms, if we want to create a safe India. Many measures are possible including monetary compensation to a re-trenched worker. The Ramanujam Committee reports, produced decades earlier, had dealt upon this. A National Renewal Fund has been talked about, employment assistance centres had been talked about, and unemployment insurance fund has been talked about. But talking apart, no action has followed. Perhaps the ‘genie’ defies control. The simple proposition that population control will need to walk hand-in-hand with improving the employability and skill dimension of those already in the labour market, and those wanting to enter it, has been talked about as well. Now, it needs action. To be a nation of achievers we have to discipline our instincts. We have to work on the paradigms that govern our productive forces. The mind-set of getting by on contacts and privileges is unacceptable. Reality abhors evasion. \^]Th DEHRADUN+&$, +-, ./0.123 &DELQHWFOHDUVLQVXUDQFH)',WRWRIHWFKCNFUIXQGV ?=BQ =4F34;78 I n a first major reforms initiative by the Modi Government, the Cabinet on Wednesday gave a goahead to FDI cap hike in insurance to 49 per cent with a rider that management control will remain in the hands of Indian promoters. T h e m ov e k i c k s o f f expectations of relaxation of FDI norms in railways and defence as well in the coming days. The Cabinet’s approval to hike the FDI limit from the current 26 per cent, a proposal which has been pending since 2008, is expected to attract long t e r m c ap i t a l , b e s i d e s i mp r ov i n g t h e ov e r a l l investment climate. The decision is expected to pave way for inflow of as much as C25,000 crore foreign funds in the sector. “The CCEA has approved raising of FDI cap in insurance sector to 49 per cent from 26 per cent,” sources said, adding that all investment proposals beyond 26 per cent will have to be approved by the FIPB and Indian promoters will continue to have the control of the management. Wi t h t h e C a b i n e t approving the amendments to the long pending In s u r a n c e L aw s (Amendment) Bill, it will n ow b e t a k e n u p by Parliament. According to KPMG, the h i g h e r c ap c ou l d fe t c h investments up to C25,000 crore. “Once there is proper clarity on the interpretation of control by Indian promoter, the additional foreign capital expected across life, health and general insurance companies is between C20,000 to C25,000 c r o r e s ,” K P M G ( In d i a ) Partner Shashwat Sharma said. After the Bill is passed by Parliament the same norms for foreign investment will apply to the pen- sion sector as well. “ We w e l c o m e t h e C a b i n e t’s ap p r o v a l t o increase FDI limit in insurance from 26 to 49 per cent with full Indian management and control, as it will help in attracting the much needed long term capital for the sector which can have multiplier effect on the state of economy, espe- cially in meeting the huge inf rastr ucture f inancing requirements,” commented CII Director General Chandrajit Banerjee on the FDI approval. C h a i r m a n o f Fi c c i’s Insurance Committee and MD & CEO of HDFC Life In s u r a n c e Amitabh Chaudhry said the proposed FDI cap increase will hope- fully drive capital infusion in the insurance sector and revive growth. “Given that the (insurance) industr y has witnessed muted growth in recent times, this move will further enable the industry to serve millions of underinsured Indians, improve life and health insurance coverage and provide long term savings vehicles,” he added. Wi t h t h e C a b i n e t approving the amendments to the long pending In s u r a n c e L aw s (Amendment) Bill, it will n ow b e t a k e n u p by Parliament. As s o c h a m P r e s i d e nt Rana Kapoor said liberalisation in the insurance sector will send an important signal to the global investors about the earnestness of the Na r e n d r a Mo d i Government to go ahead with the financial sector reforms. “FDI in insurance sector will also strengthen the capital flows in the coming time... It would go a long way to rebuild investment sentiments in the country,” PHD Chamber of C o m m e r c e & In d u s t r y President Sharad Jaipuria said. There are about two dozen private sector insurance firms both in life and non-life segment. Industry chamber Ficci said foreign players will enterinsurance as well as the pension sector at this opportune time when the country is in need of foreign investments. “This move should bring in the much required longterm capital for the sector. It will also bring in domain capital which is of critical importance in this phase of growth of life insurance i n d u s t r y,” Ma x Life In s u r a n c e C E O & M D Rajesh Sud said. In his Budget 2014-15 speech, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley had said that t he i ns u r an c e s e c tor i s invest ment st ar ve d and there is a need to increase the composite cap in the sector to 49 per cent, with full Indian management and control, through the FIPB route. The move would help insurance firms to get much needed capital from overseas partners. The proposal to raise FDI cap has been pending since 2008 when the previous UPA Government introduced the Insurance Laws (Amendment) Bill to hike foreign holding in insurance joint ventures to 49 per cent from the existing 26 per cent. However, the Bill could not be taken up in the Rajya Sabha because of opposition from several political parties, including the BJP. The insurance sector was opened up for private sector in 2000 after the enactment of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999 (IRDA Act, 1999). This Act permitted foreign shareholding in insurance companies to the extent of 26 per cent with an aim to provide better insurance coverage and to augment the flow of long term resources for financing infrastructure. The industry has been demanding for long that the FDI limit be raised so as to attract adequate funds for the expansion of the sector. 4RZc_:_UZRXZgVddfcacZdV "#&S_]`R_e`GVUR_eR Bc^RZcP]Zb%%&cWT\^bcbX]RT0_aX[ %!( =4F34;78) After using its cash 0f^\P]fP[ZbQhbP[TbXV]bPcBT^d[bW^__X]VSXbcaXRcB^dcW:^aTP^]CWdabSPhB^dcW:^aTP´b6^eTa]\T]cd]eTX[TSbcX\d[db_[P]bCWdabSPhPUcTacWTbW^RZ^UP STPS[hUTaahbX]ZX]Vb[^fTSTR^]^\XRVa^fcWc^cWT[^fTbc[TeT[X]cWaTT`dPacTab 0? :LSUR41HWXSDV,7 VSHQGLQJUHWXUQVLQ1RUWK$PHULFD ?=BQ =4F34;78 ipro on Thursday announced a 29.5 per cent W growth in consolidated net profit for April-June period, helped by large deals in application and infrastructure space as well as return of discretionary spending in the North American market. Bangalore-headquartered firm had posted a net profit of C1,623.3 crore in the year-ago period, it said in a BSE filing. Consolidated net sales of the country’s third largest IT services firm rose 15.5 per cent to C11,245.5 crore in April-June quarter this fiscal from C9,733.2 crore in the same quarter of 2013-14. Figures are in IFRS. Wipro Chairman Azim Premji said: “We see a significant rise in business confidence in developed markets as well as India.” The new Government at the Centre has brought about hope and confidence in the minds of all stakeholders through reform pronouncements with fiscal prudence, he added. In US dollars, Wipro report- ed a net profit of $351 million and revenue of $1.9 billion. Revenue from IT Services stood at $1.74 billion, a quarteron-quarter increase of 1.2 per cent and year-on-year increase of 9.6 per cent. Wipro had guided this to be in the range of $1.715 billion-$1.755 billion. For the July-September quarter, the IT services revenue is forecast to be in the range of $1.77 billion-$1.81 billion. “We continue to win large deals particularly in the application and infrastructure space. We recently announced our largest ever total outsourcing deal,” Wipro CEO TK Kurien said. Speaking to reporters in Bangalore after the result announcements, Kurien said Wipro had a quarter-on-quarter revenue growth of 1.2 per cent, which was in line with the guidance. On the demand environment, he said: “Demand continues to hold steady. In North America, we see return of discretionary spending, while Continental Europe continues to have significant potential for outsourcing IT services.” “We see strong demand in healthcare and life sciences which grew 20 per cent y-o-y in revenue this quarter. Business momentum is improving in manufacturing & hi-tech, while we challenges in retail,” Kurien said. On service lines, global infrastructure services continue to score good wins with a sequential growth of 5 per cent. The business in India and Middle East also witnessed good growth. Analysts said the April-June quarter has been lukewarm for the country’s third largest IT services firm. “Its been a lukewarm period overall for IT industry at large, including Wipro. That said, few contracts over the last quarter has helped Wipro get access to more high-profile deals at a time when outsourcing demand looks stronger compared to previous years,” Greyhound Research CEO Sanchit Vir Gogia said. Wipro shares today closed higher by 1.31 per cent at Rs 576.80 apiece at the BSE.IT Services revenue in rupee terms was C10,510 crore, anincrease of 18 per cent year-on-year. The IT services segment had 147,452 employees as of June 30, 2014 and the firm added 35 new customers for the quarter. “We continue to drive operational efficiency and invest in our strategy. Operating margins for the quarter was on expected lines, impacted largely due to wage hikes,” Wipro CFO Suresh Senapaty said. The decline in profit and margins is mainly due to the wage hikes, he added. “We gave average eight per cent wage hikes to offshore employees and two per cent to onsite employees. About 80-90 per cent of the decline in profits and margins is due to the wage hikes,” Senapaty added. to help new promoter raise stake in the company, Cairn India has loaned out $1.25 billion to Vedanta Group, leading to its stock dropping by the most in five years. Cairn, which has already disbursed $800 million out of the total loan of $1.25 billion, made the loan disclosure after analysts raised doubts on utilisation of cash reserves. Its spokesperson said, “the loan has been extended for two years at floating rate of 3 per cent plus LIBOR after requisite approvals, which is significantly higher than comparable rates being received on fixed deposits of same tenor.” Cairn refused to disclose when the board decided to extend the loan or if sharehold- 4RSZ_VeT]VRcdSZ]]e` V^a`hVcDVSZe`UVR] hZeYa`_kZdTYV^Vd ?=BQ=4F34;78 Bill to effectively empower the market A regulator Sebi to crack down on ponzi schemes and investment frauds was approved by the Cabinet on Thursday. Following the CCEA approval, the Securities Laws (Amendment) Bill will be introduced in Parliament. “The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has cleared the Sebi Bill,” an official source said. The Bill seeks to give Sebi sweeping powers like attachment of properties, launch of recovery proceedings, seeking call data records to investigate cases and ordering search and seizure against manipulators and fraudsters. The previous UPA Government had sought to empower the market regulator to deal with ponzi schemes through an Ordinance, which was promulgated thrice. However, the Ordinance could not be passed by Parliament which is necessary for making in an Act. ers’ nod was required for doing a related party transaction. Vedanta Group holds 59.90 per cent stake in Cairn India. Under the new Companies Act which came into effect from April 1, companies need to take shareholder nod for related party transactions. Cairn India on Wednesday held its annual general meeting of shareholders in Mumbai but did not make any disclosures of the loan. Shares slumped 6.67 percent, the most since April 16, 2009, to close at C322.65 on the BSE. Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research said: “Such related party transaction typically raise market concerns about conflict of interest on the most shareholder-friendly way of deploying surplus cash.” Cairn, which had on Wednesday stated that it had cash of C13,561 crore in rupee funds and $922 million in dollar funds on June 30, had in January announced a share buyback programme that would give Vedanta greater control of the firm. It bought 36.7 million shares for C1,225 crore and extinguished them, resulting in promoter shareholding rising from 58.76 per cent to 59.90 per cent. Vedanta group shareholding would have gone up to 64.53 per cent had Cairn been able to buy all the 170.9 million share it had intended to buyback for up to C5,725 crore. It could not as Cairn share traded higher than C335 offered. The loan was advanced in the middle Cairn India’s three year $3 billion exploration cam- paign to drill for more oil. “The company’s 3 year capex plan of $3 billion, which includes both development and production, is well supported with its current cash reserves of $3 billion and is further bolstered with its annualised operational inflows of over $1.5 billion. “As such, considering the exploration oriented focus and its advancement plan over the next 2 years, the company is adequately funded,” the spokesperson said. Analysts said if Cairn did not have a better usage of its cash, it should have rewarded its shareholders buy way of bonus etc. “This being a related party transaction, prior approvalof the Audit Committee was taken and the transaction has been effected on arm’s length principal. ?C8 $EX'KDEL¶V7$4$SXOOVRXW RICFURUHGHDOZLWK-D\SHH ?=B==4F34;78 J aypee Group on Thursday announced that Abu Dhabi National Energy Company (TAQA) is withdrawing from the nearly C10,000 crore deal to acquire its two hydel power projects. It is great setback for the c omp any, a s t he d e a l , announced in March this year, would have helped Jaypee Group to pare its debt. TAQA Ind i a Powe r Ventures Ltd has decided to withdraw from its agreement w it h Jaipr a k a s h Powe r Ventures Ltd ( JPVL) to a c qu i re B as p a I I and Karcham Wangtoo hydro proj e c t s i n Hi m a ch a l Pradesh, Jaypee Group said in a statement. “It is unfortunate that the Abu Dhabi based company TAQA has decided to undo its agreement with Jaiprakash Power Ventures Ltd to buy 1 , 0 0 0 M W Karcham Wangtoo and 300MW Baspa II projects due to a change in their business strateg y and priorities,” 8cXbd]U^acd]PcTcWPc cWT0Qd3WPQXQPbTS R^\_P]hC0@0WPb STRXSTSc^d]S^Xcb PVaTT\T]cfXcW 9PX_aPZPbW?^fTa ET]cdaTb;cSc^Qdh <F:PaRWP\ FP]Vc^^P]S" <F1Pb_P88 _a^YTRcbSdTc^P RWP]VTX]cWTXa QdbX]TbbbcaPcTVh P]S_aX^aXcXTb 90H?446A>D? 4G42DC8E42708A<0= <0=>960DA Jaypee Group Executive Chairman Manoj Gaur said. He also emphasised that the development would not impact its commitment to reduce debt to C45,000 crore by March next year. The break up fee to be paid by TAQA is estimated to be over C500 crore, a source said. The deal entailed selling JPVL’s two hydel projects, together having a generation capacity of about 1,300 MW, for an enterprise value of C9,689 crore. Describing the move as “sudden and unexpected”, t he g roup s ai d it w a s informed by TAQA that they had some compelling reasons forcing them to review their investment strategy and opt out of the transaction. In a filing to the BSE, JVPL said that TAQA was “constrained to take the said decision as a result of a change in the business strategy and priorities of their group”. “We re c o g n i s e t hat TAQA has exercised the buyer’s prerogative to opt out of the deal, but as per the agreement, they will have to pay to JPVL the break away fee,” the statement noted. )URPDFWLYLVWVWRGUDJRQ6HEL 6HELWZHDNVLQYHVWPHQWFDSIRU)3,VLQ*6HFV JHWWLQJDOOQDPHV&KDLUPDQ ?=B Q <D<108 ?C8Q 274==08 aking a dig at those calling Sebi by names ranging from T ‘activist’ to ‘dragon’, the regulatory authority’s Chairman UK Sinha on Thursday said that corporates should actually fear activism and powers of their investors. Addressing an industry event here on Thursday, Sinha said that the public activism has for long showing its impact on politics and a similar trend was now being seen in corporate world also, as shareholders have powers to vote on company proposals and these powers are being exercised. “We were told that we (companies) are dealing with multiple regulators, multiple agencies and multiple bosses. That is a very generic complaint. It is a very fair point. “... We (Sebi) have been blamed in the past to be an activist. In fact, they have blamed that Sebi has become a dragon”, Sinha said at the 1 7 8 t h A n nu a l G e n e r a l Meeting of Madras Chamber of Commerce. Recently, a senior industry leader said Sebi was becoming like a dragon for the corporate world, while similar comments have been made in the past also including those accusing Sebi of acting like an activist. “I would like to explain that whether we have acted like an dragon and if so, why?”, he said, while adding that times have changed and people (shareholders) who have been remaining quiet in the past are wanting to be heard. M arket regulator Sebi has tweaked the investment limits for foreign portfolio investors (FPI) in Government securities by increasing the threshold for general investors from $20 billion to $25 billion. At the same time, the sublimit for longer time FPIs such as sovereign funds has been reduced by $5 billion as there was less demand in this category. The overall cap remain unchanged at $30 billion. The previous cap of $10 billion had been utilised by only about 20 per cent in this category. The $20 billion limit for general FPIs has been always fully exhausted. The decision comes after Reserve Bank of India (RBI) relaxed sub-limit for foreign institutional investors in government bonds by $5 billion. “It has been decided to enhance the investment limit in government securities available to all FPIs by $5 billion by correspondingly reducing the amount available to long term FPIs from $10 billion to $5 billion within the overall limit of $30 billion,” Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) said in a circular. Long-term investors include sovereign wealth funds (SWFs), multilateral agencies, pension, insurance funds and foreign central banks registered with Sebi. Earlier this year, the limit for long-term investors for investment in Government securities was raised from $5 billion to $10 billion within the total limit of $30 billion available to them. Sebi, however, said the increment investment limit of $5 billion shall be required to be put in government bonds with a minimum residual maturity of three years. It further said, all future investment against the limit vacated when the current investment by an FPI runs off either through sale or redemption would also be required to be made in Government bonds with a minimum residual maturity of three years. “...There will be no lockin period and FPIs shall be free to sell the securities (including those that are presently held with less than three years of residual maturity) to the domestic investors,” Sebi said. FPIs encompasses all foreign institutional investors (FIIs), their sub-accounts and qualified foreign investors (QFI) under a new regime which has been effective from June 1. The new regime divides FPIs into three categories as per their risk profile and the KYC (know your client) requirements. Sebi said that FPIs, which had acquired debt limits in the auction held earlier this week, may utilise the limit as per the previous limits. In the auction held on July 22 for Government bonds, such securities attracted bids worth C4,857 crore -- almost double the amount of such securities on offer at C2,521 crore. \^]Th DEHRADUN+&$, +-, ./0.123 :HKDYHPLOHVWRJRLQ :_UZcVTeeRi LPSURYLQJUXUDO,QGLD-DLWOH\ T`]]VTeZ`_dfa ?=BQ =4F34;78 %&Z_ inance Minister Arun Jaitley 2acZ];f_V Fon Thursday said the country has "miles to go" to improve investment flows into farm sector, rural infrastructure and housing in villages. "I don't want to say that nothing has been done but still we have miles to go. Capital formation in agriculture which is the key to the development of the rural infrastructure. That is the one area where we are still hugely lacking," he said at a function organised by Nabard . "We have embarked upon rural roads programme, embarked upon several irrigation (projects). We talk about affordable housing in urban areas but rural housing is still not being mentioned as part of larger national agenda," Jaitley said. The government therefore has decided to provide housing for all in the next few years. Besides, it would be government's endeavour to provide power to all, toilet to all, clean water to all and reasonable access to rural roads in the next few years, he added. "It's difficult and challenging but absence of this can never give us satisfaction," he said. Praising the efforts of National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Nabard), Jaitley said it has played key role in development of rural India which comprises of largest percentage of India's =4F34;78)Indirect tax mop up 8S^]cfP]cc^bPh cWPc]^cWX]VWPb QTT]S^]TQdcbcX[[ fTWPeT\X[Tbc^ V^2P_XcP[ U^a\PcX^]X] PVaXRd[cdaTfWXRWXb cWTZThc^cWT STeT[^_\T]c^UcWT adaP[X]UaPbcadRcdaT CWPcXbcWT^]TPaTP fWTaTfTPaTbcX[[ WdVT[h[PRZX]V 5<0AD=908C;4H population. "Nabard has become pivotal organisation doing work for different fields of in the rural areas which are all included under the larger umbrella of rural development. It's perhaps the most challenging field of the economic activity which has been assigned to Nabard," he added. inched up by 4.5 per cent in the April-June quarter of the current fiscal due to decline in custom duty and excise duty collections, reflecting slump in manufacturing activity. Indirect tax collections comprising excise, customs and service tax stood at about Rs 1,13,570 crore in the first quarter of 2014-15 fiscal, as against Rs 1,08,639 crore in the corresponding period a year ago, the finance ministry said in release. The growth at 4.5 per cent is far less than 25 per cent increase envisaged in the Budget for the full 2014-15 fiscal. Excise collection contracted 0.2 per cent during the quarter to over C35,159 crore. Customs mop up has declined by 3.1 per cent to over C39,549 crore during AprilJune period against C40,796 crore in the same period a year ago. Service tax collection, which has become a new focus area for revenue officials, grew by 19.1 per cent to C 38,862 crore during the period, the statement said. With an aim to widen the service tax net, the government had introduced the concept of negative list of taxation. ?=B 4ca^5 <=PaT]SaP2WPXa\P]<P]PVX]V3XaTRc^a^U8]SXP]>eTabTPb1P]ZWP]STS^eTaP3XeXST]S2WT`dTU^a! 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"I think status quo is more likely," she said when asked what her expectation was from RBI policy review. On capital requirement, Bhattacharya said: "There are various scenarios, various requirements...At this point of time when the credit growth is not too much I am not seeing any immediate requirement. But going ahead, of course there will be requirement on the capital front." For the current fiscal, the bank has not taken a decision on how much to raise, she said on the sidelines of an event organised by Nabard here. Reserve Bank is scheduled to announce its bimonthly monetary policy on August 3. It is largely believed that RBI is going to keep interest rate intact as there is pressure on inflation due to deficient rainfall in the country. Prices of some of the food articles like onion, tomato and potatoes have firmed up in the recent past. In the last policy review in June, RBI chose not to tinker with the policy rate. Thus it was the second consecutive time that RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan kept interest rates unchanged. The repo rate, at which the RBI lends to banks, was retained at 8 per cent and the cash reserve ratio (CRR) was kept unchanged at 4 per cent. The statutory liquidity ratio (SLR), the mandatory amount of bonds lenders must park at the RBI, was cut by 0.5 per cent to 22.5 per cent of their net demand and time liabilities (NDTL) with effect from June 14. 6HQVH[1LIW\VPDVKUHFRUGV 3YRceZ:_WcReV] DV),,VOLIWVWRFNVIRUWKGD\ a`ded#*[f^a ?=BQ =4F34;78 E xtending the winning run to eighth straight day, Sensex on Thursday ended at a new peak of 26,271.85 and Nifty scaled 7,800 mark for the first time at close as FIIs continued to pour in money enthused by steps to attract overseas investment and encouraging corporate earnings. Besides, positive cues from Asia after strong Chinese manufacturing data kept the sentiment on a firm footing although indices showed signs of profit-booking early on. Metal, IT and FMCG counters were in demand while some of the consumer durable, pharma and power stocks saw investors taking some profit off the table, said traders. Sensex-based shares like ITC, Infosys, RIL, HDFC Bank, Tata Steel, HUL, Hindalco and Wipro notched up handsome gains and kept 8`ge^Rjd``_ UVTZUV`_75:Z_ CRZ]5VWV_TV dVTe`cd =4F 34;78) The Government may soon take a decision on easing FDI in Railways and Defence sectors, with the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion awaiting final comments from the concerned ministries to put these proposals for consideration of the Union Cabinet. "The CCEA has approved the 49 per cent FDI in insurance and the Cabinet notes for Railways, Defence are under the final consultative process. Once we get the final comments, we will put them up to the Cabinet for approval shortly," DIPP Secretary Amitabh Kant said on the sidelines of the CII Invest North Summit here on Thursday. The Government proposes to hike the foreign direct investment (FDI) ceiling in the sensitive defence sector to 49 per cent from 26 per cent, ensuring control in Indian hands, for boosting domestic industry of a country which imports up to 70 per cent of its military hardware. Besides, it also plans to ease FDI norms for the cash-starved Railways. ?=B the momentum on the positive side. The benchmark BSE S&P 30-share Sensex moved in a narrow range and mostly in negative terrain till afternoon, but buying in the last session pushed up the Sensex by 124.52, or 0.48 per cent, to end at 26,271.85. It also recorded intra-day high of 26,292.66. Both intra-day high and closing level values surpassed their previous peaks. In eight days, its longest winning streak s i n c e September 2012, the gauge has now rallied 1,265 points. The Sensex has increased 24 per cent this year so far, the best among major global markets, as FIIs have pumped $ 12 billion in shares.Similarly, the 50-issue CNX Nifty of the NSE improved by 34.85 points, or 0.45 per cent, to end above 7,800-mark for the first time in the history at 7,830.60. It registered new intra-trade peak of 7,835.65. In eight days, Nifty has rallied 376.45 points. Z_B"ac`WZeRe C%'#)Tc`cV =4F 34;78) Telecom infra- structure company Bharti Infratel on Thursday reported 29.4 per cent jump in net profit to C462.8 crore for the April-June quarter of 201415 and it will invest C 1,345.7 crore in capital expenditure by the end of this fiscal. The mobile tower company had reported a net profit of C 357.6 crore in the same quarter last year, according to a filing to the BSE stock exchange. Bharti Infratel has plans to invest C1,345.7 crore in capital expenditure, that include s e tt ing up ne w mobile towers and operational expenses, in this fiscal. T h e c ap e x i n clu d e s C425.3 crore for setting up new towers, C530.7 crore for upgradation and replacement of some of its existing towers and C 276.8 crore on green technologies at its mobile towe rs s ite s , t he f i l i ng showed. The company had raised C 3 , 1 6 5 . 7 c rore i n 2 0 1 2 though its initial public offer for installation of 4,813 new towers. ?=B ?=BQ =4F34;78 J et Airways and its 24 per cent equity partner Etihad on Thursday announced a 20-50 per cent special limited period discount on fares across 135 international destinations of the two carriers. "Both economy and business class travellers of Jet Airways and Etihad Airways availing this special offer will enjoy a flat 20-50 per cent discount over regular fares, which is to celebrate the strategic alliance," a release said here. The 72-hour introductory joint special fare offer will be available from July 25 to July 27 for a travel period between September 1 and June 15, 2015 for flights within India and between September 1 and November 30 this year for flights to international destinations, the release said. The offer, however, will be limited for tickets purchased in India and for travel in business and economy classes of both the airlines, it said. Naresh Goyal's Jet Airways became the first Indian carrier to accept investment from a foreign airline after the government relaxed foreign direct investment norms for the domestic airline operators about two years ago. The Abu Dhabi-based carrier bought 24 per cent stake 1^cWTR^]^\h P]SQdbX]Tbb R[PbbcaPeT[[Tab ^U9Tc0XafPhb P]S4cXWPS 0XafPhbPePX[X]V cWXbb_TRXP[^UUTa fX[[T]Y^hPU[Pc !$_TaRT]c SXbR^d]c^eTa aTVd[PaUPaTb fWXRWXbc^ RT[TQaPcTcWT bcaPcTVXR P[[XP]RT worth about C2,060 crore in the Jet Airways last year, marking the first FDI by a foreign carrier. Incidentally, Goyal was opposed to the very idea of allowing up to 49 per cent stake purchase in the domestic carrier by the overseas airlines, at the time the then government had sought to relax the norms. "The special introductory offer is a celebration to mark the formalisation of the strategic alliance between Etihad Airways and Jet Airways," Jet Airways Senior Vice President (Commercial) Gaurang Shetty said f^a[S ! DEHRADUN+&$, +-, ./0.123 8baPT[bWT[[bD=ad] bRW^^[X]6PiP 3DOHVWLQLDQWROO WRSV ?C8Q 60I094ADB0;4< tanks on Thursday shelled a UN-run school in Ithesraeli Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, killing 15 people and wounding dozens who took shelter there, amid frantic international diplomatic efforts to end the bloodshed that has left 770 Palestinians and 34 Israelis dead so far. Israeli tanks shells hit a compound housing a UN school in Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza Strip, killing at least 15 people and wounding 200 others, Gaza health ministry said on the 17th day of the war. Reports said that pools of blood stained the school courtyard and the desks. Books and belongings were scattered and there was a large scorch mark in the premises marking the place where one of the shells hit. The attack came amidst heavy fighting throughout the coastal territory between Israeli forces and Hamas militants. Israel focused its attacks on southeast of Gaza, with residents fleeing areas which came under heavy bombing. More than 70 people were killed in Gaza on Thursday, taking the overall Palestinian toll to over 770 since Israel launched its military offensive ‘Operation Protective Edge’ on July 8. In another tragic incident, seven Palestinians were killed in a series of Israeli air strikes and tank fire in a flashpoint area near Khan Yunis in southern Gaza. The latest casualties, included a family of six with two young children. Israeli forces have destroyed at least 475 houses while 2,644 have been partially damaged. Some 46 schools, 56 mosques and seven hospitals had also suffered varying degrees of destruction, Palestinian officials said. 8baPT[Xb^[SXTabbW^^ccTPaVPbc^fPaSb?P[TbcX]XP]_a^cTbcTabPVPX]bccWT8baPT[X \X[XcPahPRcX^]X]6PiPSdaX]VPST\^]bcaPcX^]Pc7PfPaPRWTRZ_^X]c]TPacWTFTbc 1P]ZRXch^U=PQ[db^]CWdabSPh 0? :TaahaTPRWTb^dc c^7P\PbP[[XTb c^_aTbbcadRT (J\SWLDQDLGFRQYR\ UHVXPHVMRXUQH\WR *D]DDIWHUVWRSSDJH 2PXa^)DBBTRaTcPah^UBcPcT 9^W]:Taahb_^ZTc^WXbR^d]c Ta_PacbX]@PcPaP]SCdaZTh fWXRWbd__^accWT?P[TbcX]XP] 8b[P\XbcVa^d_7P\PbPbWT _aTbbTSU^aP6PiPRTPbTUXaT :Taah¯fW^XbX]4Vh_cfWXRW WPbSaPUcTSPcadRT_a^_^bP[U^a cWT8baPT[7P\PbR^]U[XRc¯ b_^ZTQh_W^]TfXcWcWT 5^aTXV]<X]XbcTab^U@PcPaP]S CdaZThPDB^UUXRXP[bPXSCWT c^_DBSX_[^\PcfPbW^_X]V @PcPaP]SCdaZThf^d[SdbT cWTXaX]U[dT]RTc^T]R^daPVT 7P\Pbc^PRRT_cRTPbTUXaT 05? 2PXa^)0]4Vh_cXP]\TSXRP[PXS R^]e^h^]XcbfPhc^6PiP fWXRWfPbbc^__TSQhcWTPa\h PccWTAPUPWQ^aSTaRa^bbX]VU^a ]^cWPeX]VP]^UUXRXP[_Ta\Xc fPb^]CWdabSPhP[[^fTSc^ _a^RTTSc^cWTfPac^a]R^PbcP[ bcaX_CWTR^]e^hR^]bXbcX]V^U _PacXRX_P]cb¯S^Rc^abP]S \T\QTab^UcWT?^_d[Pa 2P\_PXV]c^bd__^accWT ?P[TbcX]XP]8]cXUPSP[TUc2PXa^^] CWdabSPhPcSPf]WTPSX]Vc^ cWTAPUPWQ^aSTaRa^bbX]V ?C8 Thirty two Israeli soldiers, two civilians and a Thai worker in Israel have also been killed in the conflict. One other soldier remains missing, but is presumed dead. As the death toll mounted, UN Human Rights Council yesterday ordered a probe into Israel’s offensive on Gaza. India along with Brazil, Russia, China and South Africa voted in favour of the Palestinian-drafted resolution on “Ensuring Respect for international law in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, including East Jerusalem”. Israel’s close ally US was the only one of the 47 member states to oppose the probe supported by 29 countries. Describing UNHCR as a “kangaroo court”, Israel slammed the move as a “travesty”. “This investigation by a kangaroo court is a foregone conclusion,” the Prime Minister’s Office said. Taking a dig at the UNHCR decision, Israel’s Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman labeled the UN body as the “council for the rights of terrorists”. Prior to the vote, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay warned that Israel could be committing war crimes. 0c[TPbc%ZX[[TSX]PccPRZ^]8aP`_aXb^]R^]e^h 05?Q 1067303 A n onslaught on a convoy transferring inmates north of Baghdad left at least 60 dead on Thursday, even as politicians and diplomats stepped up efforts to end Iraq’s worst crisis in years. Most of those killed in Taji, 25 kilometres (15 miles) north of Baghdad, were prisoners whose escort was attacked and were described by police as being mostly Sunni militants charged with terrorism. Explosions from the attack were heard in some neighbourhoods of the capital, where UN chief Ban Ki-moon landed on Thursday on an unscheduled stop in his Middle East tour. “At least 60 people, prisoners and policemen, were killed in a suicide attack followed by 8NUDLQLDQ 3ULPH0LQLVWHU DQQRXQFHV UHVLJQDWLRQ 0?Q :84E 0]8aP`X\P]fP[Zb_PbcPSTbca^hTS_aXb^]TacaP]b_^acQdbX]cWTc^f]^UCPYX PQ^dc !\X[Tb]^acW^U1PVWSPS8aP`^]CWdabSPh 0? several IEDs (improvised explosive devices) and shooting,” an Interior Ministry official told AFP. One security source said the inmates were being transferred as a precautionary measure after Taji prison was hit by mortar fire on Wednesday. However the exact circumstances of the attack were not immediately clear, nor how many attackers were dead and how the prisoners they were apparently trying to free were 7DLZDQUHVFXHUVILQG EODFNER[HVDIWHU DLUFUDVKNLOOV 05?Q <06>=6C08F0= krainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk has U escuers said on Thursday announced his resignation fol- Rthey had recovered black lowing turmoil in Government. boxes from the Taiwanese airYatsenyuk made the announcement from the dais of the Parliament after two parties said they would pull out of the governing coalition. “I am announcing my resignation in connect with the collapse of the coalition,” Yatsenyuk said. He said the Parliament could no longer do its work and pass necessary laws. The nationalist Svoboda party and the Udar party led by former boxer Vitali Klitschko pulled out of the group of legislators that took over after former President Viktor Yanukovich was ousted by protesters seeking closer ties with the European Union. craft which crashed in torrential rain killing 48 people, as angry relatives blamed authorities for the worst air disaster in a decade. The discovery of the black boxes — which record cockpit voice and other in-flight data — raised hopes of an answer to what caused the domestic TransAsia Airways flight to crash in Magong in the Penghu island chain on Wednesday, with just 10 survivors. The ATR 72-500 propeller plane was carrying 54 passengers and four crew members when it plunged into eight houses in Magong on its way from Kaohsiung in southwestern Taiwan, injuring five people on the ground, officials said. Two French medical students were among the dead, the Foreign Ministry in Paris said. Flight GE222 was trying to 0]T\TaVT]Rhf^aZTabdaeThbcWT faTRZPVTPccWTbRT]T^URaPbWTS CaP]b0bXP0XafPhb5[XVWc64!!!^]cWT ^dc[hX]VXb[P]S^U?T]VWdCPXfP]^] CWdabSPh 0? land for the second time after aborting the first attempt during thunder and heavy rain as Typhoon Matmo pounded Taiwan. Investigators are looking into the cause of the crash, including why the plane was cleared to fly in bad weather. killed. The bus was believed to be transporting around 60 prisoners and medics said that some 50 of those killed in the pre-dawn attack were inmates. Government forces were recently accused by rights watchdogs of having executed more than 250 prisoners since June 9. Among the allegations are that members of the Iraqi security forces shot prisoners, on the grounds they were sympathetic to advancing forces from the Islamic State (IS) jihadist group, that jails were set on fire and that grenades were tossed into cells. Since it launched a sweeping offensive on June 9, IS and allied Sunni groups have conquered the country’s second city of Mosul, overrun large swathes of five provinces and declared a “caliphate” straddling Iraq and Syria. 5dPS<Pb^d\ T[TRcTS]Tf 8aP`?aTbXST]c 05?Q 1067303 raq’s Parliament on Thursday Ipolitician elected veteran Kurdish Fuad Masum as Federal President, a move that paves the way for the muchdelayed formation of a new Government. He succeeds the ailing Jalal Talabani, who returned only five days ago from 18 months of medical treatment in Germany to serve out his tenure. Parliament Speaker Salim al-Juburi announced that Masum, who was born in 1938 and became the first Prime Minister of autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan more than two decades ago, had garnered the most votes. Masum was almost guaranteed the job after Kurdish parties struck a late night deal to support him. Under an unofficial power-sharing deal, Iraq’s Kurds traditionally get the post of President. Masum won 211 votes while his challenger only managed 17 in the second round, according to figures announced by Juburi. Di`X__^=Qd]_`e]]U\c3XY^Q !%%\Q[X`U_`\UUfQSeQdUT 05?Q 64=4E0 J ehadis in Iraq have ordered that all women between the ages of 11 and 46 must undergo female genital mutilation, which could affect up to four million women and girls in the war-ravaged country, a UN official said on Thursday. The UN’s second most senior official in Iraq, Jacqueline Badcock, said, “It is a fatwa (or religious edict) from ISIS, we learnt about it this morning. We have no precise numbers.” The Islamic State, formerly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), took over large swathes of the country last month and has begun imposing its extreme Salafist interpretation of Islam. Badcock said that if you took UN population figures as a guide, around “four million girls and women could be affected”. Female genital mutilation is unusual in Iraq and is only practised in “certain isolated pockets of the countr y”, she added. She said only 20 families from the ancient Christian minority now remain in Mosul, the northern Iraq city which ISIS has taken as the capital of its Islamic state. Most have reportedly fled north into Kurdish-controlled territory. Badcock said some Christians have converted to Islam, while others have opted to stay and pay the jiyza, the tax on non-Muslim’s ISIS has imposed. 6;>14 CA>CC8=6 =864A80CF8=1;0BCB C>;;A8B4BC> ;PV^b)CWTc^[[Ua^\cWTcfX] Q^\QPccPRZbX]=XVTaXP³b :PSd]PBcPcT^]FTS]TbSPhWPb aXbT]c^ fXcW\^aTX]YdaTS eXRcX\bQTX]VadbWTSc^W^b_XcP[ U^acaTPc\T]cPWd\P]XcPaXP]PXS ^UUXRXP[bPXS^]CWdabSPh ?C8Q 14898=6 bout 1.55 lakh people were on Thursday evacuated in A China’s Zhejiang, Fujian and Jiangxi provinces after typhoon Matmo made a landfall on the coast. More than four lakh people have been affected since Matmo landed in Gaoshan Township in Fuqing City wednesday with a wind speed of up to 30 metres per second, the Ministry of Civil Affairs said in a statement. Around 1.55 lakh people were evacuated in Zhejiang, Fujian and Jiangxi provinces, it said. A total of 500 houses have been destroyed and 1,100 hectares of crops damaged in :cRbZ[VYRUZd `cUVcXV_ZeR] ^feZ]ReZ`_`W R]]h`^V_ <>A4<7 &1>384B 0AA8E48==4C74A;0=3B 0UPcWTaP]Sb^]ad]cWa^dVWbca^]VfX]SbP]SaPX]Ua^\P__a^PRWX]VCh_W^^] <Pc\^X]CPX_TXCPXfP]^]CdTbSPh 0? Fujian, where direct economic losses are estimated to be USD 50 million, the statement said. In Zhejiang, 1.35 lakh people were affected and over 100 houses damaged, with direct economic losses reaching 49 million yuan, it said, adding Jiangxi has relocated 1,900. 5^a\Ta?PZ29b[P_bAb!Q] STUP\PcX^]bdXc^]8\aP] Islamabad: Pakistan’s former Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry on Thursday served a Rs 20 billion defamation notice to cricketer-turnedpolitician Imran Khan. Khan, chief of the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf party (PTI), had said that Chaudhry as chief justice of Pakistan failed to stop rigging in the general election of 2013 and thus indirectly helped his rivals to win the polls. The notice was issued against Khan by the lawyers of Chaudhry for maligning the top judiciary of the country and bringing the former judge to disrepute. “I claim from you in damages a token sum of Rs 15 billion only and another Rs 5 billion only as damages for mental agonies, torture, harassment, humiliation, etc, caused to me as well as my family,” said the former top judge in the notice. PTI 2aPbWZX[[b?PZ0\TaXRP]cTT] _X[^cPccT\_cX]Vf^a[SaTR^aS ?C8 Q =4FH>A: B;=0C8>=0;8BCB0;;464 1;>2:8=651022>D=CB 2^[^\Q^)BaX;P]ZP]1dSSWXbc ]PcX^]P[XbcVa^d_b^]CWdabSPh P[[TVTScWPccWTXa5PRTQ^^Z PRR^d]cbWPeTQTT]Q[^RZTSSdT c^_aTbbdaTUa^\°TgcaT\Xbcb± 278=4B4<0=74;35>A 20BCA0C8=65>DA<4= 1TXYX]V)02WX]TbT\P]fW^ P[[TVTS[hRPbcaPcTSU^da_PcXT]cb fXcWPaPi^aPcP]dabX]VW^\T fPbPaaTbcTS^]CWdabSPhX] 7TX[^]VYXP]V_a^eX]RT <8;8C0=CBB48I4?0AC >5BHA80=0A<H10B4 1TXadc)5XVWcTabUa^\cWT TgcaT\Xbc8b[P\XRBcPcTVa^d_^] CWdabSPh^eTaaP]_Pac^UP] Pa\hQPbTX]]^acWTa]BhaXP fWXRWWPbQTT]d]STacWT \X[XcP]cb³bXTVTU^a\^]cWbX] UTa^RX^dbQPcc[TbcWPcZX[[TS^a f^d]STSS^iT]b^]Q^cWbXSTb PRcXeXbcbbPXSCWTQPbT[XTbX] AP``P_a^eX]RTfWTaT\dRW^U cWTcTaaXc^ahUT[[c^cWTBhaXP] ^__^bXcX^][PbchTPa % :8;;438=2;0B74B >E4A;81H008A?>AC A 17-year-old Pakistani-origin boy, attempting to set a world record for an around-the-globe flight has died in a tragic crash over the Pacific Ocean while efforts are on to locate his father. Haris Suleman was piloting a single-engine aircraft under the watchful eye of his 58-year-old father Babar Suleman to try to set a world record and raise money to build 1,000 schools in Pakistan. The journey, months in the planning, would take the pair on a 42,647km odyssey, with 25 stops planned in 15 countries. Their Beechcraft A36 Bonanza aircraft crashed on Tuesday night, just 20 minutes after taking off from Pago Pago, the capital of American Samoa island en route to Hawaii, Haris’ sister, Hiba CWT7PVdT)?[P]TbRPaahX]V \^aTQ^SXTbaTR^eTaTSUa^\cWT <7 &RaPbWbXcTX]DZaPX]TfTaT U[^f]c^cWT=TcWTa[P]Sb^] CWdabSPhPSPhPUcTacWTUXabc^U cWT!('STPSPaaXeTS CaX_^[X)0c[TPbc% \X[XcXP_Tab^ ]]T[fTaTZX[[TSP]S ^cWTab f^d]STSX]R[PbWTbQTcfTT]cf^ ;XQhP]Pa\TSVa^d_bbTTZX]Vc^ R^]ca^[CaX_^[X8]cTa]PcX^]P[ 0Xa_^acb^daRTbbPXS 1PQPaBd[T\P]P]Sb^]7PaXbBd[T\P] Suleman, said last night. It is unclear why the plane crashed or why the duo took off at night. “He was doing something that he loved. He was doing something adventurous,” she said of her brother, who received his pilot’s license in June. And he was doing it for a good cause, she added. ?0:0B:B:0AI08C> ?0A3>=908;43B2A814 8b[P\PQPS)?PZXbcP]^] CWdabSPhP__TP[TSc^0UVWP] ?aTbXST]c7P\XS:PaiPXc^XbbdT P_PaS^]c^PY^da]P[XbcUPRX]VP U^dahTPaYPX[cTa\X]0UVWP]XbcP] U^a°R^]cPRcX]VcTaa^aXbcb± 5PXid[[PW:WP]PaT_^acTafXcW cWT?PZXbcP]X_aXePcTCERWP]]T[ 0AH]TfbfPbPaaTbcTSX]0_aX[ Qh0UVWP]bTRdaXchU^aRTbX] =P]VPaWPa_a^eX]RT eXePRXch " DEHRADUN+&$, +-, ./0.123 0XbWPccT]Sb2F6 ^_T]X]VRTaT\^]h 08B7F0AH0A081027270= PccT]STScWT^_T]X]VRTaT\^]h^U cWT!cW2^\\^]fTP[cW6P\TbX] BR^c[P]Sb[PaVTbcRXchPbcWT ;^]VX]Tb0\QPbbPS^a^U4[TVP]RT 0XbWfPahPfW^fPbSaTbbTSX]P Q[PRZR^PcfXcWWTa[dbca^db[^RZb cXTSX]PWXVWQd]fPb PRR^\_P]XTSPccWTTeT]c FTS]TbSPhQh;^]VX]Tb ?aTbXST]cFP[cTae^] :P]T[CWTBfXbb[dgdah fPcRWQaP]S;^]VX]TbXb cWT^UUXRXP[ cX\TZTT_TaP]S fPcRW^UcWT 2F68c_a^eXSTb \^aTcWP] ( cX\TZTT_Tab P]S !! c^]]Tb^U T`dX_\T]cc^ bd__^accWTTeT]c CWT^UUXRXP[ fPcRW^U 6[PbV^f! # XbP RWa^]^VaP_W X]bcTT[ Ua^\cWT 2^]`dTbc 2[PbbXR R^[[TRcX^] ETcTaP] 1aXcXbW 3>A0 PRcaTbb 1AH0= bcX[[ aT\T\QTaTSU^aWTa a^[T X] 0 CPbcT ^U 7^]Th SXTS Pc ( 7Ta b^] 3P]XT[ aT[TPbTS P bcPcT\T]c bPhX]V)±8cfPbWTPacQaTPZX]VQdcXcfPb _TPRTUd[BWTfPbPcX]hf^\P]QdcWTa R^]bcXcdcX^] fPb X]RaTSXQ[T BWT [^eTS QTX]V^]bcPVTcWPcbfWPcbWTfP]cTS =^c^][hSXSbWTS^XcQdcbWTfPbV^^S PcXc²1^a]3^aP<Ph1a^PSQT]cX] (!" bWT bcPacTS PRcX]V Pb P RWX[S P]S P[b^ f^aZTSX]cWTPcaT 5^a P RadRXP[ bT`dT]RT X] cWT U^acWR^\X]V QX^_XR<Pah:^\ QPbTS ^] cWT [XUT ^U>[h\_XRQa^]iT \TSP[[Xbc Q^gTa <2 <Pah :^\ ?A8H0=:0 27>?A0 fT]cU^a P QP[S [^^Z CWT PRcaTbbbPhbXcfPb WTa ±aTb_^]bXQX[Xch² c^ S^ YdbcXRT c^ WTa RWPaPRcTa ?aXhP]ZPb Q^[S [^^Z RP] QT bTT] TeT] X] cWT UX[\b _a^\^b CWT PRcaTbbbPhbbWTfPbeTahTgRXcTSPQ^dc Xc° b^\dRWb^cWPcbWTfPbP[[Pa^d]S cWT UX[\b bTc X] cWPc [^^Z ±<Pah WPb S^]TXcV^]TQP[SX]WTa[XUTCWXbXbP] PdcWT]cXRbRT]TX]cWTUX[\P]S8fPbeTah TgRXcTSPQ^dcXc²bPXScWTPRcaTbb ITT CE´b 4XS b_TRXP[ bW^^c 3PfPcT4XS RP\T Pb P] ^__^acd]Xch U^a cWT PRc^ab c^ QaTPZ UaTT Ua^\ cWTXa SPX[h a^dcX]T ^U bW^^cX]V ^] cWTXa bTcb P]S Q^]SX]V fXcW ^cWTa PRc^ab Ua^\ cWT ITT UP\X[h cWTh WPS]´c \Tc QTU^aT ?PaX]TTcX 2W^_aP fPb P _Pac ^U RT[TQaPcX^]b P]S _a^\^cTSWTaU^acWR^\X]VUX[\ 1XTQTabWPaTb]Tf b^]Vb]X__Tcb ?^_bcPa9DBC8=18414A aTRT]c[hbWPaTSPbTaXTb^U ]Tfb^]Vb]X__Tcb U^RdbbX]VWTPeX[h^] aT[PcX^]bWX_bP]S VXa[b^] _W^c^bWPaX]V fTQbXcT 8]bcPVaP\ 1XTQTaaT[TPbTS $bTR^]SR[X_b^U ]Tfb^]VbcWPc WTbQTT]f^aZX]V ^]7XbUP]bPaT aTP[[hTgRXcTSPUcTa WTPaX]VcWT b]X__Tcb CWT!hTPa^[S SXS]^cR^]UXa\ fWTcWTacWT caPRZbU^a\P ]TfP[Qd\^a ]^c FXcW6^^V[Tb ^_TaPcX]VbhbcT\ P]S0__[Tb²XFPcRW _a^YTRcU^afTPaPQ[T STeXRTbcWT b\PacfPcRW X]SdbcahWPbV^cP UaTbW[TPbT^U[XUT 7^fTeTaTg_Tacb bPh\P]dUPRcdaTab fX[[WPeTc^cWX]Z ^dc^UcWTQ^gc^cP_ cWT_^cT]cXP[ \PaZTc1h :0A0= 170A3F09 E xchanging emails, text messages, updates from social networking websites, searching stuff on Google… now everything’s available at hand! We are not talking about your phone, but a smartwatch that rests on your wrist. After mobile phones, smartwatches have caught the world’s fancy as big players like Samsung, LG, Motorola and Apple are injecting a fresh impetus to the evolving industry. While Samsung’s Gear Live is impressing geeks for its add-on features, Motorola’s Moto 360 is earning brownie points for its fashionable design. The latter is expected to hit Indian markets soon. According to reports, the smartwatch market is set to reach a total of 15 million smartwatches shipped worldwide, up from five million this year. Growth is expected to continue , with the market hitting nearly 37 million watches shipped in 2015. However, the smartwatches in India are still finding their feet. They are bought either by geeks or businessmen who would not like to miss out even a single mail. “The smartwatches are picking up gradually. It’s still at nascent stage and there’s a long way to go,” says tech analyst Ashish Bhatia. A smartwatch provides live access to certain kinds of information and intelligent features to try and add more convenience to your life. Some models have built-in flash drives. Others have voice, gesture control, cloud data and builtin activity trackers. Most smartwatches allow you to text and tweet from your wrist. F70C´BB<0AC0=3 F70C´B=>C. Like a newborn baby, smartwatches, too, are evolving with each passing day. As of now, smartwatches lack the wow factor to draw customers. Most of the smartwatches available are extensions of smartphones. They connect with phones via Bluetooth and enhance its functionality. One can derive information from a watch by looking at it rather than poking it like a phone. These watches bring messaging, PIMs and other apps to your wrist so you don’t have to fiddle with your device all the time. “I think they are dumb because they are not independent. Connectivity too is not hassle-free. Sometimes, they behave errantly and are not in sync with phone. In a way, you have to put in efforts like bringing it closer to throat to make it hear or ensure flawless Bluetooth connectivity,” observes tech expert Ankit Tuteja. There’s also a big difference in what these companies are charging and what they are offering. Smartwatches come with minor advantagess. According to industr y experts, there’s no cutting edge or path-breaking invention so far which can actually lure customers. Design and battery life are other shortcomings that need to be addressed. “Also, the smartwatch only goes well with the phone of the similar brand. It is useless once you change the phone,” says Bhatia. =827434<0=3 into outdoor adventure so I am unable to carry too many devices. This watch helps me with navigating directions, altitude, my heartbeat, two different time zones, compass and thermometer. This one device is enough to solve all my problems. It’s a touch screen and it doesn’t attract scratches because of titanium,” says Suneja. While it may be too early to relate it to a lifestyle order, people have begun discussing the advent of wearable technologies. Google Glass has also made an impact in the West. “People are discussing it actively on online forums. The forthcoming years will be dominated by wrist-worn trackers, smartphones-connected watches and futuristic Google Glasses,” says Dhanya Thakkar, MD, India & SAARC, Trend Micro. Although consumers are wary of wearable technology, it has not stopped them from talking about it. There is curiosity value and niche demand. There are very few who are interested in wearing a smartwatch. Tushar Suneja, a dentist by profession, is also an adventure enthusiast. He owns a Tissot Ttouch worth C50,000. “It’s like an investment. I am more ?4AB>=0;?;0C5>A< If smartwatches can speak language or predict behaviour, they can be of better help, especially since all currently conceivable wearable devices involve limited screen space. With no space for haptic input, we need to be able to have a ‘conversation’ with these devices. “Voice and artificial intelligence together should be the main ingredients for wearable computing, and as of now, they are not yet advanced enough. If smartwatches only boil down to another notification platform, I don’t believe that would make much sense. Users have a personal hierarchy of what kind of information is important. Real time must become the right time, based on their context,” says Thomas van Manen, a digital trend expert. 5A><³644:C>2782´ With Apple jumping on the bandwagon, there are fresh hopes pinned on the emerging market. The US-based company has just bought a patent ‘iWatch’ and is reportedly working with Swatch group to manufacture a family of smartwatches to suit all tastes “from geek to chic.” As Tuteja says, “Apple redefined the concept of smartphones for the world. We can expect a similar trend in the watch industry. However, it is too early to draw conclusions.” Apple’s ‘iWatch’ will likely be seamlessly integrated with the company’s other services like iPhone, iPad, Mac and iTunes. Google has also ventured into the sector with its first OS (operating system) for wearable devices, Android Wear. Can a smartwatch really compete with the classics of Titan, Casio, DnG and Fossil? “Yes eventually they will. Casio has a smarter watch which has Bluetooth in it. Titan and Fossil will get there,” says tech expert Gagandeep Singh Sapra. =4F?;0H4AB>=C741;>2: BTcc^_[PhX]cWTQXV[TPVdT $.6+$<.80$5VKDUHG GHWDLOVRIKLVNDEDGGLWHDP DQGKLVORYHIRUWKHVSRUWZLWK 6$0,.6+$ 5$is on more than one occasions that Akshay has spoken about his love for sports. IThistKumar love is also evident from the kind of films he decides to do, Patiala House is an example. A black belter in Taekwondo and an exponent in martial arts, he has always promoted fitness, contact and other sports. And now he is the co-owner of Speedy Singhs London, one of the teams in the soon to be launched World Kabaddi League (WKL), from August 9 to November 30. He was recently here to announce his latest association in the sports arena. Dressed in cool casuals — chest baring tee and baggy pants teamed with a black jacket, the actor shared that the name of his team draws inspiration from the 2011 movie Speedy Singhs (Hindi version of Canadian f lick Breakaway), which was co-produced by the actor. Earlier Akshay was actively involved with cricket — he was the brand ambassador of IPL team Delhi Daredevils in 2008 and at one time had also planned to buy one of the teams in the tournament. Akshay said, “I like calling myself a stuntman and sportsman first, then an actor. My father was from Amritsar, Punjab and a wrestler himself. I did get a lot of opportunities to buy a cricket team but I went ahead investing in a kabaddi team because I feel there are other sports which all of us, should be a part of. My niece loves basketball and it’s actually nice to see youngsters going for different kind of sports. Cricket is of course a big sport; it’s a religion, but I want other sports to rise to the fore, especially a sport like kabaddi which is native to our own country.” The actor reminisced, “When I was a child, I used to play kabaddi in my building. Hamare school me kabaddi nahi hoti thi (We didn’t play kabaddi in school). Now even my son loves the sport.” Today we see celebs taking to alternative sports by endorsing and investing in sports other than cricket. But, still when it comes to India, we remain a cricket-crazy nation. Akshay agreed that it will definitely take time for other sports to gain public attention but with initiatives like WKL, other sports will also get the required impetus. The tournament also features popular industry faces like Sonakshi Sinha, Yo! Yo! Honey Singh and Rajat Bedi as stakeholders of their respective teams. Yo! Yo! Honey Singh, owner of Yo! Yo! Tigers Toronto, remarked, “By nature I am a desi sports person and by choice I am a musician.” Clad in a casual printed shirt and a zebra-striped hat, he stated that he’ll promote the tournament in a big way and also requested the support of the youth for kabaddi. Actress Sonakshi Sinha who was not in attendance is the coowner of the team United Singhs Birmingham. ²8;8:4 20;;8=6 <HB4;50 BCD=C<0= 0=3 B?>ACB<0= 58ABCC74= 0=02C>A <H50C74A F0B5A>< 0<A8CB0A 0=30 FA4BC;4A 78<B4;5³ -DFNRIDOOWUDGHV 9>7=01A070< b_^ZTc^BA09 PQ^dcWXbU^^cQP[[cTP\=^acW4PbcD]XcTS 52fWXRWXb^][hU^RdbbX]V^]_[PhTabUa^\cWT]^acWTPbc hen he first forayed into Bollywood with Jism, John W Abraham got nominated for the Filmfare Best Debut Award. When he vroomed past hapless cops in Dhoom, John showed us his famous wispy locks and love for stunt-biking and his style triggered a rage in the entire nation. John Abraham is known not only as a successful model and a versatile actor but in the recent past, he has also made a mark as a producer par excellence with a penchant for offbeat but socially relevant subjects, Vicky Donor and Madras Cafe are the examples. The only aspect that binds all the diverse occupations is a never-ending zeal for perfection and whole-hearted dedication to the task at hand. John is soon going to be seen in reality television space as are his next projects. The actor was recently here to inaugurate Toni & Guy salon in South Extension-II. He looked dapper in casual black and emphasised on the importance of hair care and fitness. “As far as my personal hair care regimen is concerned, I use basic stuff like shampoos and conditioners and go for manicure and pedicure, unless I’m shooting in unfavourable conditions where I need to take few precautions. But I suggest youngsters that being hygienic is most important factor,” shared John who himself “has an OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)” when it comes to cleanliness or hygiene. He added that working out is worship for him. “I think one should follow fitness as a religion. Being fit comes with its own perks. I go to gym the way people go to church. When I was growing up there were no actors whom I could look up to because they were all larger than life. When I decided to become an actor, I wanted to be stylish and concentrate on my fitness. I feel there is nothing more important than health and workout and one should take care and nurture the body we’ve been blessed with.” Football has been a part of his DNA since childhood. He has been a good player and there was a time when he even aspired to play for the country. The actor has recently invested in a football team and is also a co-owner and brand ambassador of a hockey franchise, Delhi Waveriders. Super excited about his football team, North East United FC, which will participate in the soon to be launched Indian Super League, John said, “Unlike other teams, ours is not city-specific. It is about the entire Northeast, so it unites the entire region.” John also opened up on his forthcoming projects, both as an actor and producer. The actor who is usually seen as an action hero is making a comeback in the comedy genre (after Housefull 2) with multistarrer Welcome Back (sequel to the 2007 hit film Welcome). “Shooting for Welcome Back was fun as well a learning experience. It has an ensemble starcast of Naseeruddin Shah, Paresh Rawal and Nana Patekar, Dimple Kapadia. It was good to work with such senior actors. Akshay is a good friend and brilliant actor. We worked together in many films. I enjoy watching his films,” said John. He will also be seen in Sanjay Gupta’s Mumbai Saga, shooting for which will begin in November. The soccer enthusiast will be seen donning a different look in 1911, a sports biopic on Mohun Bagan footballer, Sibdas Bhaduri. He will dabble in a leaner avatar in this Shoojit Sircar-directed period drama. He also has another movie, Rocky Handsome, on the cards, which is his home production. eXePRXch46 5 # DEHRADUN+&$, +-, ./0.123 BWaP\P]PcCWT0bW^Z XbU^acW^bTX][^eTfXcW 6dYPaPcXP]SAPYPbcWP]X RdXbX]T:WP]SeXb P]S SW^Z[Pb fXcWP cfXbcPaTP \dbccahWTaT 1hB0<8:B70 A09 T here’s a renewed interest in Gujarati cuisine and sadly places serving traditional Gujarati cuisine are less here. So it is no wonder that in less time Shraman at The Ashok, Chanakyapuri, has found its regulars. The place is highly rated for its traditional Rajasthani and Gujarati servings. Shraman is the brainchild of Jairam Banan, who is known for popular food chains — Sagar Ratna, Shree Rathnam, Swagath and Ocean Pearl. The restaurant is already popular among those who love traditional for it serves authentic Rajasthani, Marwari, Jain and Gujarati cuisine. The décor in exquisite turquoise represents a perfect dichotomy between rustic and urbane interiors. Floral motifs and Rajasthani village scenes adorn the off-white plastered walls. During our recent visit, we chose an interesting concoction of fresh mixed fruits, ice cream and grenadine syrup to begin our meal on a rich note. The pink frothy drink interspersed with pomegranate and cherries, made for a cool and relaxing start. The sweet and sour kairi panna with a tinge of chilli was reminiscent of ghar ka aam panna. For starters they had an array of street ;UU`e` dXUdbQTYdY_^ :P[\XePSP Xb \PSTUa^\RWP]P SP[_PbcTfWXRWXb cWT]UaXTSX]c^Sah RaXb_RdQTb =PhPPQcXZZX Xb _aT_PaTSUa^\ WP]S_^d]STS R^ccPVTRWTTbT PSSTSfXcWVaTT]b FWPc´b]TfPQ^dccWXb. 7KRXJKWKHUHLVQRWKLQJWRRVXUSULVLQJDERXWWKHPHQXDW6WRUP%DUDQG*ULOO ZHOOSODQQHGLQWHULRUVDQGDQRSWLRQWRVDYH\RXUKDOIILQLVKHGERWWOHRIDOFRKRO IRU\RXUQH[WYLVLWDUHDSSHDOLQJVD\V75,6+$ 08.+(5-(( :RQGHUSODQW t is interesting to note how food Icum-workplaces, spaces have diversified into cafelounge-cum-corporate seating and so on. Restaurateurs in town are coming up with smart ways and utilising the space available in such a way that it caters to varied interests. One such smartly conceptualised place is Storm Bar and Grill at East of Kailash. Keeping in mind that the area is frequently visited by corporates, students and families, the huge space is neatly divided into a dim-lit lounge and a relatively brighter dining area with a bar comfortably placed in the centre. “Located in one of the business hubs of the city, the crowd is either corporate or families,” said Shamit, the owner of the place. As we waited for the starters and got chatting, I was served a chilled glass of pomegranate mojito. Appropriately garnished with mint leaves, the drink was refreshing. Shamit informed, “Along with the place, we have revamped the menu for the season.” The menu has been crafted carefully to offer ample choices to both vegetarians and non vegetarians. As recommended by chef Sunil, the head chef, we started our meal with gahloti kebabs, cigar rolls and dahi ke kebab. “Gahloti kebabs are from Lucknow, they usually are served with crispy varki parantha.” Dahi ke kebab was succulent. While you might expect a spongy batter beneath the cornflour crust, the hung curd immediately melts into your mouth with the very first bite. “Cornflour is added to the hung curd along with a variety of Indian spices. The curd batter is then doused into cornflour and deep fried,” said Sunil. Cigar rolls are a must-have for cheese lovers. S m o k e d cheese filled in small rolls and dipped in sweet and sour sauce in tequila glasses C74<08=2>DAB4 703<>A48=380= E0A80=CB B4AE43>=0 7D64?;0CC4A F4A490==0C4 =D<0?0=44A ;0101300A 58A0=68 ?0C80;0 70=38 0=3 300; BC>A< 0;>=6F8C7 1DCC4A=00= will surely leave you asking for more. The fungi pizza will also cater to your cheese cravings. Thin crusted and topped with molten cheese, the pizza is another must-have. A glass cupboard of half filled liquor bottles caught my attention. It’s called the alcohol library. “When a big group comes to dine and orders a bottle of alcohol, there are times they fail to finish it. In such cases, we keep the bottle under the customers’ names, so that they can consume it the next time they visit,” Shamit informed. While the starters were picked up from across the globe, the main course had more Indian variants. Served on a huge platter were jannat-e-numa, paneer lababdaar, firangi Patiala handi and daal storm along with butter naan. While jannat-e-numa and paneer lababdaar had familiar tastes, the daal storm and Patiala handi were a delicious surprise. “Vegetables like baby corn, broccoli and three coloured capsicums are prepared in a desi handi with myriad spices,” said the chef. “Daal storm is our USP. It is nothing like the daal makhani that is available elsewhere,” added Shamit. To end the meal perfectly there was fried ice-cream. 2Pbc^a^X[T]WP]RTbcWT cTgcdaT^UWPXaP]S_aTeT]cb PR]TP]S_X\_[Tb wash it off in two to three hours. Also, castor oil enhances the texture of skin, which is due to its rich vitamin E content, making the skin smooth and supple. It also helps prevent constipation and astor plant is native to the digestive disorders, attributed to its laxMediterranean region, India, and ative properties. Eastern Africa. Castor oil is primari- The oil, when used as castor oil ly rich in triglycerides, particularly reci- packs, enhances the activity of thymus nolein, which is not found in anything glands, thereby increasing the concenother than castor oil. The total fat con- tration of T-cells in the body. This may tent is up to 50 per cent. After fats, the alternatively be inferred as strengthennext nutritional component that forms ing of immune system, preventing and a major chunk of the castor oil is pro- curing a variety of afflictions. In fact, tein, with it comprising 20 per cent. castor oil also relieves the symptoms Other components found in castor oil of AIDS, though partly. are mineral salts, glucides, oleic acid, Castor oil is anti fungal in action and helps relieve fungal infections water, certain enzymes, and vitincluding ringworm. amin E. It may also be used to cure Castor oil may be used to cure problems of the muscular warts. It can be massaged on the system, including muscle skin for 15 minutes, twice a and ligament sprains. day till the wart disappears. Castor oil, being an It may be used to soothe ^UUPRcb antimicrobial agent, may be tired eyes. You can rub casused as antiseptic ointment tor oil on eye lashes before on wounds. It would help pregoing to bed. It also serves to make eye vent bacteria or microbial infection of lashes smooth and shiny. It enhances the texture of hair. Mix wounds, thereby preventing the wound a few drops of castor oil, glycerin, and from becoming septic. egg white, apply it on scalp and The oil is used to cure stretch marks strands, wait for a few minutes and caused during pregnancy. It may be applied at night, massaging on the wash it off. Castor oil is antimicrobial in action abdominal area to get rid of the and as such prevents acne and pim- marks. ples. It penetrates deep in the skin and Castor oil also helps prevent and cure inhibits microbial growth, thereby sebaceous cysts. Sebaceous cysts are preventing and curing various skin usually caused by blockage of sebaceous or oil glands by bacteria or afflictions. It also helps slow down the effects viruses. of ageing. However, you should use Castor oil also cleanses the body. a meager amount of oil on skin, and C X[[X"!cWT8]SXP]b_TRXP[chaTbcPdaP]cPc:T\_X]bZX 30\QXT]RT7^cT[WPbPaP]VT^Ubd\_cd^db ST[XRPRXTbbTaeTSPccWTT]S^UcWTSPhSdaX]VAP\iP] CWT SPPfPcUTPcdaTbP]TgR[dbXeT[h_aT_PaTS\T]d fWXRWX]R[dSTb\daVWQPSP\XPa`eTVbcPacTab[XZT bdQiZPZ^aXRW^fZZXcXZZX]^]eTVZTQPQb[XZT\daVW _PbP]SPRWPc_PcX\PRRW[XCWT\PX]R^dabT^aSPbcPa ZWPfP] X]R[dSTbbWPZPWPaXZWTTRWaP]PUTTi_P[PZ CX\X]V) &"c^ _\?aXRX]V)C $_[dbcPgTb_Ta _Tab^] ^P[^]VfXcWh^daUP\X[hP]SUaXT]Sb 6c^PePX[\^]b^^]bPeX]V^UUTaP]STgR[dbXeT SXbR^d]cbPc7P]V>dc2PUT0[b^T]Y^hPb_TRXP[ \^]b^^]\T]dfWXRWUTPcdaTbP[[cX\TUPe^daXcTb [XZT _PZ^aPbbP\^bPbRWTTbTQXcTbWPaaP ZPQPQb P]S cXZZXbbTaeTSfXcWcTP^aR^UUTT ]Sd[VT 8X]cWTTcTa]P[ PbWcP_PP]X Pc3WPQPQh2[PaXSVTb 2hQTa7dQQaX]VbPePaXTch^USXbWTb U^afW^[Tb^\TQaTPZUPbcSTbXbch[T CWTaTXbPP[^^_PaP]cWPRWXRZT]cXZZP _PaP]cWP ePSP_P^Qd]^\T[TccT_P^ QWPYXP]SPQWdaYX QaTPS_PZ^SPP]S \dRW\^aTCX\X]V) 'c^ "P\ = U[Pe^dab^UPdcWT]cXRaTRX_Tb_aT_PaTSX]a^hP[=PfPQX bch[TfXcWb_TRXP[U^daR^dabT8UcPa\T]dQhcWT \PbcTaRWTUb^U3d\?dZWc8C2<PdahPCWT WXVW[XVWcb^UcWXbb_TRXP[[hWP]SRaPUcTS\T]dX]R[dSTb SdSXhPZTQPQ`PbPaT_dZWcP]VdRWWX_d[P^ ZPZ^aXZTQPQ\daVWaXiP[P\daVWhPZW]X_d[P^ P]S T]ScWTUTPbc^]PbfTTc]^cTfXcWiPdZTbWPWX P]S Vd[PQZXZWTTaCX\X]V) &"c^ _\?aXRX]V) C"$_[dbcPgTb_Ta_Tab^] food delicacies. Paan-patta chaat was definitely the star here. The crispy mixture of papri and paan-patta topped with dahi and tangy chutneys was a delight. The spongy dhoklas and tender khandvis in Gujarati dhokla and khandvi chaat made for another good pick. “Our kalmi vada and nayaab tikki are must-haves,” said the head chef Deepak. Chef Deepak hails from Himachal Pradesh but his specialty lies in traditional Rajasthani delicacies. “Kalmi vada is made from chana dal paste which is then fried into dry, crisp cubes. Nayaab tikki is prepared from hand-pounded cottage cheese added with greens,” said chef Deepak. We also had a paneer offering which was way too tangy and sour. Speaking about its distinct cooking style, chef Deepak said, “The focus is on following the standard procedure perfectly. We don’t have an innovative style of cooking but we do try to impress our customers with the balance of ingredients in our preparations. It’s a case of old wine being served in a new bottle but without tampering with its quintessence in any single ounce.” With a rather promising start, we were expecting main course items to build upon the myriad pleasant tastes. However, there was lack of novelty in Jodhpuri mirch paneer which we teamed up with not-so-impressive matar paranthas. Even the popular Rajasthani dish dal baati churma was a tad undercooked and was laced with dollops of ghee. Bikaneri parantha turned out to be a saving grace as we found an intrinsic Rajasthani twist to it. We paired it with an equally flavourful mixed raita. “All our preparations are without onion and garlic, living up to the concept of a pure vegetarian restaurant. However, we do provide customised service so that no one returns disappointed. Onion and garlic can be added to food on demand and so is the case for health-conscious foodies who can instruct our chefs to cater to their preferred quantities of ghee, oil, cheese, butter while ordering,” explained Tarun Singh, general manager, Shraman. For desserts, we skipped the popular Rajasthani ghewar and went for angoori rabdi and gulab jamun. Angoori rabdi was tender and succulent but was creamy and rich, loaded with nuts. A 4 2 8 ? 4 74A12AD<114:C8C><0C>4<D;B8>=B0D24 8=6A4384=CB 1TZcXRWd]Zb !#V\b 5aTbWQaTPSRad\Qb 'V\b ?Pa\TbP] $V\b ?Pab[ThcWh\TSX[[ V\b 3XY^]\dbcPaS %V\b >[XeT^X[ $\[ 1dccTa !$V\b 0b_PaPVdb $V\b 2Paa^cb $V\b IdRRWX]X $V\b ?^cPc^Tb $V\b 2WTaahc^\Pc^Tb !$V\b 1P[bP\XReX]TVPa $V\b C^\Pc^Tb !$V\b C^\Pc^YdXRT !$V\b BP[c V\b 1[PRZ_T__Ta 'V\b <4C7>3 OBTPb^]UXbWb[XRTbfXcWbP[cP]S_T__Ta OFPbWR[TP]P]SRdccWTeTVTcPQ[TbP]S_^cPc^TbX] caXP]V[Tb^aSTbXaTSbWP_T^Uh^daRW^XRTfPbWP]S RW^_cWh\T_Pab[ThSX[[P]SZTT_PbXST O<PZTUaTbWQaTPSRad\Qbc^__X]V5^acWTUaTbWRad\Q \XgcdaT\XgUaTbWRad\Qb_Pab[Thb^[XSQdccTaP]S _Pa\TbP]RWTTbT O7TPccWTcPePbTPacWTUXbWfXcW^[XeT^X[cX[[XcVTcbP [XVWcQa^f]R^[^da^]Q^cWbXSTb O<TP]fWX[TWTPc^[XeT^X[bPdc|^]X^]VPa[XRP]SPSS fPbWTSP]SSXRTSc^\Pc^RWd]ZbBPdc|cX[[cWT c^\Pc^TbPaTR^^ZTSfT[[PSSc^\Pc^YdXRTP]S cWh\TR^^ZU^aPQ^dcUXeT\X]dcTb^]cWTQda]Tac^ _aT_PaTcWTbPdRT OCPZTcWTc^\Pc^\XgcdaTP]S_PbbXccWa^dVWPQ[T]STa Q[T]SfT[[P]SbcaPX]ATbTaeTcWTYdXRT^QcPX]TS SXbRPaScWT_d[_ZTT_PbXST O>]RTcWTUXbWXbbTPaTSP__[h\dbcPaS^]cWTd__Ta bdaUPRT^UcWTUXbWP]S_dccWTRad\Q\XgcdaTP]S QPZTU^acWaTT\X]dcTbPc!!STVaTTbX]cWT^eT] O<TP]fWX[TWTPcP_P]P]SPSS^[XeT^X[bPdc|cWT eTVVXTbP]S_^cPc^TbP]SUX]XbWXcfXcWRW^__TSWTaQ cWh\T_Pab[ThSX[[bTPb^]fT[[ O8]P_P]WTPc^[XeT^X[P]S\XgXcfXcWcWTbcaPX]TS c^\Pc^YdXRTP]SfWXbZcX[[XcQ[T]Sb O?[PcTcWTeTVVXTb^]cWTQPbTP]S_X[Td_cWTWTaQ Rad\QUXbW OB_^^]cWTc^\Pc^T\d[bX^]^]cWT_[PcT O6Pa]XbWfXcWbPdc|TSRWTaahc^\Pc^Tbc^bbTSX] QP[bP\XReX]TVPaP]SVaX[[TS[X\TfTSVT R^dacTbh0QWXbWTZ1PbdTgTRdcXeTRWTUCWT?PaZ=Tf3T[WX $ DEHRADUN+&$, +-, ./0.123 :US/]ORRIUSVKZKOTS_ZNI]M :NOY]ORRHKS_RGYZGVVKGXGTIK GZZNKMGSKY.UVKZUNG\KYUSKL[T )UTZ 'HNOTG\(OTJXGUTZ]OZZKX 30H>=4)B8;E4A;8=8=6 =PeY^c2WP]PP]SBWdbWX[P;XZ\PQP\aTPRWUX]P[bX]YdS^PbbdaTS^UbTR^]SQTbc_aXiT ?C8Q 6;0B6>F I ndia launched their campaign in the 20th Commonwealth Games with a flourish with judokas Navjot Chana and Shushila Likmabam assuring the team of at least two medals while the paddlers, shuttlers and squash players had easy outings on the opening day of competitions here on Thursday. The 30-year-old Chana of Punjab and Manipuri judoka Sushila, 19, were the star performers for the Indian contingent as they romped into the finals of their respective weight categories. In the men's 60 kg, Chana defeated Daniel Le Grange of South Africa in just 1 minute and 51 seconds to storm into the medal round. He will take on Ashley McKenzie of England in the final later in the day. In the women's section, Shushila Likmabam reached the finals in the 48 kg category defeating Aussie rival Chloe Rayner in two minutes and 23 seconds. Sushila got a couple of Wazaris which is equivalent to an 'Ippon' which finished the bout. She will lock horns with Kimberley Renicks of Scotland in the final. She had earlier defeated Amy Meyer of Australia in 2 minutes and 38 seconds in the quarter-finals while she got better of Mani Medza Effe of Cameroon in a minute and 41 seconds in the pre quarter finals. Two more Indians — Kalpana Thoudam (women's 52kg) and Manjeet Nandal (men's 66kg) are also in contention for a bronze medal. Both lost in the quarter-finals but won their respective repechage round bouts to keep themselves in the reckoning for a bronze medal. While the swimmers and cyclists failed to make much of an impact, it turned out to be a relatively sweat-free day for the paddlers, shuttlers and squash players as they trounced their first round opponents. In badminton, India spanked minnows Ghana 5-0 in a Group B match of the mixed team event. India hardly broke any sweat as Parupalli Kashyap started the proceeding, thrashing Daniel Sam 21-6 21-16 in a 27-minute men's singles match to put his team in the driver's seat right from the start. World Championship bronze medallist P V Sindhu then taught Stella Amasah a lesson or two in badminton with a 21-7 21-5 victory in the women's singles competition to give India a 2-0 lead. Men's doubles pair of Akshay Dewalkar and Pranaav Chopra thrashed Emmanuel Donkor and Abraham Ayittey 21-7 21-11 in just 22 minutes to make it 3-0 in India's favour. Commonwealth Games gold medallist pair of Jwala Gutta and Ashwini Ponnappa then took another 17 minutes to brush aside EvelynBotwe and Diana Archer as India continued their rampaging run. Finally, P C Thulasi and Kidambi Srikanth -- both singles players -- paired up and trounced another makeshift combination of Sam and Amasah 21-5 21-9 in a mixed doubles match to put an end to Ghana's misery at the Emirates Arena. India will next take on Uganda. Indian men and women's table tennis team made a comfortable start by defeating Vanuatu and Barbados respectively at the Scotstoun Sports Campus. The women's team, surprise silver medallists in Delhi four years ago, blanked Barbados 3-0 courtesy a clinical performance by Shamini Kumaresan, Manika Batra and Madhurika Patkar. India's top player Sharath Kamal was rested for men's team opener against Vanuatu. Harmeet Desai won the first singles against Ham Lulu 11-2, 11-3, 115. Southpaw Sanil Shetty then defeated Yoshua Shing 11-6, 11-2, 7-11, 11-1. Shetty and Anthony Amalraj paired up for the doubles to give India a 3-0 win. They beat Alan Lin and Shing 116, 11-5, 11-4. In squash, India's Anaka Alankamony, Harinder Pal Sandhu and Mahesh Mangaonkar won their respective opening singles convincingly. Sandhu defeated Northern Ireland's Michael Craig 11-9, 11-5, 11-5. India's best male player and fourth seed Saurav Ghosal was to take on Jules Snagg of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines later on Friday. Indian swimmer Sajan Prakash failed to advance to the men's 400m freestyle final after clocking 3:59:29 in his heat. Prakash came fourth in heat number 2 but finished at the 20th spot overall in a field of 28 swimmers at the Tollcross International centre. In men's 100m freestyle S9, Indian Para swimmer Prasanta Karmakar, who had won a bronze medal at the 2010 Commonwealth Games, clocked 1.04.86 to qualify for the final after finishing fourth in heat. Indian cyclists did not have an ideal start to their campaign as they failed to qualify for the finals of both men's sprint event and Men's 400m team pursuit on the opening day of the track cycling competition. In the men's sprint qualifying round, three Indians — Amarjit Nagi, Amrit Singh and Alan Baby finished a poor 22nd, 23rd and 25th, respectively in a field of 28 cyclists. While Amarjit took 11.114 seconds to finish the race, Amrit timed 11.193 seconds and Alan 11.885. India finished at the bottom in the qualifying round of the Men's 4000 metres team pursuit. Indian team comprising of Suresh Bishnoi, Amit Kumar, Manjeet Singh and Sombir ended at sixth position with a timing of 4:31.714. First four teams out of six advanced to the final. Reigning Commonwealth Games men's squash singles champion Nick Matthew is safely through to the round of 32 in the 2004 event after taking less than an hour to see off Xavier Koening of Mauritius 11-3, 11-3, 11-1. The world number two was given the honour of being England's flag barrier at the opening ceremony at Celtic Park on Wednesday night and his good mood continued with a straight-forward victory over the part-time solicitor at the Scotstoun Sports Campus. Matthew dropped just seven points against an opponent who entered the arena forgetting his racquet. The 33-year-old was always in control as he sets out to repeat his feat of =PeY^c2WP]P^U8]SXP[TUcW^[SbS^f]3P]XT[;T 6aP]VT^UB^dcW0UaXRPSdaX]VcWTXa\T]b%ZVYdS^ four years ago in the singles and the doubT\XUX]P[Q^dcPccWT2^\\^]fTP[cW6P\Tb6[PbV^f bles. Matthew will next meet Chris Binnie of Jamaica on Thursday evening ! #X]6[PbV^fBR^c[P]SCWdabSPh ;TUcX]Q[dTBWdbWX[P;XZ\PQP\SdaX]VWTafX]]X]V after he dropped just one point in 0? defeating Ntholeng Lescesa of Lesotho _TaU^a\P]RT^eTa0\h<hTa^U0dbcaP[XP 11-0, 11-0, 11-1. There was delight for the home Alankamony breezed past Kenya's crowd after Scotland's Alan Clyne, the Khaleqa Nimji 11-2, 11-3, 11-6 to reach world number 35, defeated Kevin the round of 32 at the Scotstoun Sports Hannaway of St Vincent & Grenadines 11-1, 11-2, 11-2. Many of the world's best Campus. India's top female player Dipika in the women's singles have been given Pallikal and the experienced Joshana byes to the round of 16 which gets Chinappa have been given first round underway on Thursday evening. World number one and reigning byes and were to take court later on Commonwealth Games singles chamThursday. In the men's singles, Mangaonkar pion Nicol David of Malaysia starts her made short work of Kenya's Hardeep campaign against Vanessa Florens of Reel in the round of 64. He faces a Mauritius while Laura Massaro takes on mighty challenge later in the day when Lynette Vai of Papua New Guinea. The singles' finals in both the men's he will meet England's third seed Peter Barker. Barker hammered Manda and women's events take place on Chilambwe of Zambia 11-4, 11-1, 11-3. Monday and doubles matches start a day Mangaonkar's senior teammate later. 6;0B6>>>> 2[^RZfXbTUa^\c^_[TUcBPRWX]CT]Sd[ZPa\PZTbPbcPcT\T]cSdaX]VcWT ^_T]X]VRTaT\^]h^UcWT! #2^\\^]fTP[cW6P\TbPc6[PbV^fX] BR^c[P]S^]FTS]TbSPh 8]SXP]R^]cX]VT]cPaaXeTbPccWTPaT]P[TPSQhEXYPh:d\Pa 0acXbc_TaU^a\SdaX]VcWTRTaT\^]h A^QBcTfPacfPbP[b^[XeTPccWTVP[PTeT]c 5XaTf^aZbV^^UUbXV]P[[X]VcWTRT[TQaPcX^] @dTT]^U4]V[P]S4[XiPQTcWcWT!]S\PZTbWTab_TTRW 0]^cWTabTc^UUXaTf^aZbbTccWTbZhPQ[PiT 0? 82>6D@? 18=3A08=02C8>=C>30H Glasgow: >[h\_XRV^[S\TSP[[Xbc0QWX]Pe 1X]SaPP]Sf^a[S]d\QTa^]TX]f^\T]b \TcaTPXa_Xbc^[7TT]PBXSWdPaTTg_TRcTSc^ bTccWTc^]TU^acWTbca^]V8]SXP]bW^^cX]V cTP\fWXRWQTVX]bXcbRP\_PXV]X]cWT!cW 2^\\^]fTP[cW6P\TbWTaT^]5aXSPhCWT ^cWTa8]SXP]bW^^cTabX]PRcX^]^]cWTbTR^]S SPh^UR^\_TcXcX^]fX[[QTAPeX:d\Pa \ PXaaXU[T<P[PXZP6^T[ \PXa_Xbc^[0acX BX]VWAP^P]S<PXaPY0W\PS:WP]X] f^\T]bP]S\T]bbZTTcTeT]cb aTb_TRcXeT[h7PeX]Vf^]PbcPVVTaX]V" \TSP[bX]R[dSX]V #V^[SX]cWT[PbcTSXcX^] X]=Tf3T[WXcWTTg_TRcPcX^]fX[[ d]STabcP]SPQ[hQTWXVWUa^\cWTbW^^cTab fW^fX[[QTR^]eTaVX]VPccWT1Paah1dSS^] BW^^cX]VAP]VT 2H2;8BCB38B0??>8=C Glasgow: 8]SXP]RhR[XbcbSXS]^cWPeTP] XSTP[bcPacc^cWTXaRP\_PXV]X]cWT 2^\\^]fTP[cW6P\TbPbcWThUPX[TSc^ `dP[XUhU^acWTUX]P[b^UQ^cW\T]bb_aX]c TeT]cP]S<T]b#\cTP\_dabdXc^]cWT ^_T]X]VSPh^UcWTcaPRZRhR[X]VR^\_TcXcX^] Pc6[PbV^f^]CWdabSPh8]cWT\T]bb_aX]c `dP[XUhX]Va^d]ScWaTT8]SXP]b¯ 0\PaYXc =PVX0\aXcBX]VWP]S0[P]1PQhUX]XbWTSP _^^a!!]S!"aSP]S!$cWaTb_TRcXeT[hX]P UXT[S^U!'RhR[XbcbCWTUXabc !RhR[XbcbWPeT `dP[XUXTSU^acWTUX]P[bfXcW0dbcaP[XPb <PccWTf6[PTciTaUX]XbWX]V^]c^_fXcWP cX\X]V^U(&&(bTR^]SbPccWTBXa2WaXb7^h ET[^Sa^\T6[PTciTaPRWXTeTScWT6P\Tb aTR^aSfXcWWXbcX\X]VFWX[T0\PaYXcc^^Z #bTR^]Sbc^UX]XbWcWTaPRT0\aXc cX\TS ("bTR^]SbP]S0[P] ''$ <TP]fWX[T8]SXPUX]XbWTSPccWTQ^cc^\X]cWT `dP[XUhX]Va^d]S^UcWT<T]b#\TcaTb cTP\_dabdXc8]SXP]cTP\R^\_aXbX]V^U BdaTbW1XbW]^X0\Xc:d\Pa<P]YTTcBX]VW P]SB^\QXaT]STSPcbXgcW_^bXcX^]fXcWP cX\X]V^U#)" & #5XabcU^dacTP\b^dc^UbXg PSeP]RTSc^cWTUX]P[ ?A0:0B7508;BC>@D0;85H Glasgow: 8]SXP]bfX\\TaBPYP]?aPZPbW UPX[TSc^PSeP]RTc^cWT\T]b#\UaTTbch[T UX]P[PUcTaR[^RZX]V")$()!(X]WXbWTPc^]cWT ^_T]X]VSPh^UcWT!cW2^\\^]fTP[cW 6P\TbWTaT^]CWdabSPh?aPZPbWRP\T U^dacWX]WTPc]d\QTa!QdcUX]XbWTSPccWT !cWb_^c^eTaP[[X]PUXT[S^U!'bfX\\TabPc cWTC^[[Ra^bb8]cTa]PcX^]P[RT]caT0dbcaP[XPb 3PeXS<R:T^]R[^RZTSP]X\_aTbbXeT")#$!" 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"It's firm, there is a covering of grass on it, so it is looking like it will be a good pitch to me," Gray told BBC Radio of the Rose Bowl pitch that awaits India and England for the third Test starting on Sunday. Hampshire head groundsman Gray believes the Ageas Bowl pitch is in good shape for the match. "It won't be as grassy as Lord's was when that Test started, it will be much more like the Test we had against Sri Lanka three or four years ago, which was a good pitch. It went through, there was a bit in it for the bowlers and the batsman can play their shots, so I'm expecting very similar," he said. "It's the same 22 yards so it looks like it should be a good pitch again but you never can really tell until you start playing on it. But there is no reason to think it won't be a very good," Gray said. The Trent Bridge pitch for the first Test earlier in July was rated "poor" by the International Cricket Council. It attracted criticism from both ex-players and the media. The Lord's Test, which England lost, began with a green strip but flattened out as the match progressed. Gray said a pitch with assistance for the bowlers would be much better than one which is flat. "We want it to have a little bit of assistance for the seamers if possible rather than being a flat road. We want a decent balance between bat and ball," he said. Gray admitted to a few nerves ahead of the first ball and revealed they had met with ECB representatives over how they wanted the pitch to be. "I don't feel pressure. Every groundsman is under scrutiny, as are the players. There are a lot of media hours to fill these days so everyone is inspected quite intensely. After 24 years of being head groundsman you still get nervous. I'm confident we've produced a good pitch, I just hope it turns out alright and that the players produce a good game of cricket," Gray said. 4=6<8BB8=6BF0==)B0@;08= Former Pakistan spin bowling legend Saqlain Mushtaq on Thursday joined the chorus for the inclusion of off-spinner Ravichandran Ashwin in the India's playing XI against England for the third Test, starting at Southampton on Sunday. "England had six left-handed batsmen in their eleven. Why aren't they playing R Ashwin? Isn't it an obvious choice if they really want to play five bowlers?," asked Mushtaq. "It is understandable that they =4F 34;78) Virat Kohli's childhood coach Rajkumar Sharma has advised his ward to "avoid playing strokes square off the wicket initially" in order to counter the swing, saying it would help him get back to form with a bang. "Virat has six Test centuries and is too good a player to be kept quiet for a long time. I have advised him to cut down on shots square off the wicket initially. He should concentrate on playing within the 'V' as it will help him counter the swing and seam movement easily," coach Sharma said on Thursday. India's batting mainstay Kohli has so far scored only 34 runs in four innings with a top score of 25. Asked any specific shot that he has told Kohli to cut down on, Sharma replied, "I told him to avoid playing the flick shot initially when the ball is swinging. He doesn't need to change anything in his batting. Just play straight and the big knock is just round the corner." For 49-year-old Sharma, who has played first-class cricket for Haryana, Kohli's lack of runs hasn't bothered him as he feels it's more about good deliveries rather than poor shots that has brought about his downfall. "I would’ve been worried had he been out playing a rank bad shot. But that hasn’t been the case. He has got out to some extremely good deliveries bowled by top class Test bowlers. Take the Jimmy Anderson delivery in the first innings of the Lord's Test. The ball swung in and then shaped away after pitching. Nine out of 10 batsmen would be out facing such delivery," the coach explained. About Virat’s second innings dismissal where he was out shouldering arms to an incoming delivery from Liam Plunkett, Sharma said, "If you have an idea about the Lord's ground, Plunkett was operating up the slope. When someone is coming uphill, you don't expect the ball to cut back sharply as it did. Just like a batsman wants to score, ditto for bowlers. You will bowl good deliveries at this level but Virat is good enough to have an answer for these deliveries," he added. ?C8 ?A4B834=C2>=6A0CD;0C4B8=380=C40< =4F34;78) ?aTbXST]c?aP]PQ <dZWTaYTTWPbR^]VaPcd[PcTScWT8]SXP] RaXRZTccTP\U^aXcbWXbc^aXRfX]PVPX]bc 4]V[P]SPc;^aSbP]SbPXScWT]PcX^] fPb_a^dS^UcWTPRWXTeT\T]cfWXRW \PcTaXP[XbTSPUcTaPVP_^U!'hTPab 8]WXb\TbbPVTc^RP_cPX] <PWT]SaPBX]VW3W^]XcWT?aTbXST]c bPXS?[TPbTR^]eTh\hWTPach R^]VaPcd[PcX^]bP]SQTbcfXbWTbc^P[[ \T\QTab^Uh^dacTP\^]cWT \PV]XUXRT]cPRWXTeT\T]c^UfX]]X]VcWT YdbcR^]R[dSTSCTbc<PcRWPVPX]bc 4]V[P]SPc;^aSb CWT]PcX^]Xb_a^dS^UcWXbWXbc^aXR PRWXTeT\T]cfWXRWWPb\PcTaXP[XbTS PUcTaPVP_^U!'hTPab8fXbWCTP\ 8]SXPR^]cX]dTSbdRRTbbX]cWTbTaXTb P]SUdcdaT\PcRWTbWTbPXS 8]SXPaTVXbcTaTSPWXbc^aXR($ad] fX]^eTa4]V[P]S^]cWTUXUcWP]SUX]P[ SPh^UcWTbTR^]SRaXRZTcCTbcPc;^aSb ^]<^]SPh8]SXPb[PbcCTbceXRc^ahPc ;^aSbWPSR^\TX]9d]T ('%fWT]cWT :P_X[3Te[TScTP\WPSQTPcT]cWT 4]V[XbWbXSTQhUXeTfXRZTcb ?=B ?=BQ =4F34;78 eigning IPL champions Kolkata Knight Riders will play Chennai Super Kings in the inaugural R match of this year's Champions League Twenty20 at the Rajiv Gandhi International Cricket Stadium in Hyderabad on September 17. The sixth edition of the Twenty20 tournament will be held in four Indian cities — Hyderabad, Mohali, Bangalore and Raipur — from September 13 to October 4. According to statement from BCCI — the orgainsers of CLT20, the tournament will follow a format similar to the three previous editions, with a Group Stage preceded by a Qualifier. A total of 29 matches will be played in the competition. The Qualifier will start from September 13 with the main tournament, comprising 10 teams, scheduled to begin on September 17 in Hyderabad. Apart from KKR and CSK, Group A will comprise Dolphins (winners of South Africa's domestic T20 competition), Perth Scorchers (Big Bash League winners), and a team from Qualifier. Group B will feature Hobart Hurricanes (Big Bash League runners-up), the winner of the domestic T20 competition in the West Indies, Kings XI Punjab (runners-up in 2014 IPL), Cape Cobras (runners-up in South Africa's domestic T20 competition), and a team from the Qualifier. Each side will play the other four in its group once, with the top two sides from each group going through to the semi-finals. "The Group stage matches will be played at Mohali, Bengaluru, Hyderabad and Raipur. The Qualifier will be played at Raipur. The CLT20 Governing Council has confirmed the teams that will compete for a total prize money of $6 million," BCCI secretary Sanjay Patel said. The Qualifier, to be played from September 13 to 16, will feature four teams — Mumbai Indians (fourth-ranked team in IPL 2014), Northern Knights (winners of New Zealand's domestic T20 competition), Southern Express (winners of Sri Lanka's domestic T20 tournament) and Lahore Lions (Pakistan's domestic T20 competition champions). In the Qualifier, all teams will play each other once, with the top two advancing to the Group Stage. The top team from Group A will play the second-ranked team from Group B, and vice versa, in the semi-finals, both of which will be played at Hyderabad on October 2. Bangalore will host the final on October 4. F8=384BC>DA8C8=4A0AH>=B0CDA30H <D<108)The BCCI is expected to announce the full didn't want to play him at Lord's. It was such a green-top wicket that you couldn't differentiate between the pitch and the outfield on day one. The pitch eventually took some turn on days four and five. "But nobody will play two spinners on such a track thinking that it will turn later. But why didn't they play two spinners in the first Test at Nottingham on that flat track?" he said. Indian skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni had admitted that they "read the pitch wrong" at Trent Bridge and had also said that India will continue to play five bowlers depending on pitch and conditions. itinerary of a scheduled tour by West Indies later this year on July 26. "The Board's Tour Programme and Fixture Committee is to meet in Mumbai on Saturday to finalise the West Indies tour programme," BCCI sources said on Thursday. The Committee is headed by Rajeev Shukla with G S Walia (North Zone), P Yadagiri (South), Sathya Mohanty (East), Nitin Dalal (West) and Mahendra Sharma (Central) as its other members and BCCI secretary Sanjay Patel as its convenor. West Indies are scheduled to play a three-Test and best-of-five ODI rubber between October 4 and November 18 after the completion of the Champions League T20 tournament which is scheduled to be held from September 14 and October 4, also in India. West Indies visited India last year too in a hastily arranged two-Test series as a farewell to Sachin Tendulkar who retired after playing his 200th Test against the Caribbean team at his home ground, Wankhede Stadium, here in November. The upcoming Windies visit is as per the previous Future Tours Programme of the ICC. Next year the new FTP, agreed upon by all full members of ICC at Melbourne last month, will kick in. In 2015-16, it would be the turn of South Africa to visit India to play three Tests and ODIs to be followed by England who would split their tour into two halves — playing five Tests before the Christmas break and then ODIs on their return in the early part of 2016. ?C8 :./DQQRXQFHVIUDQFKLVHVORJRV 9PhPfPaST]Tc^]VXeTb;P]ZPTSVT ?=BQ =4F34;78 W orld Kabaddi League (WKL), the first professional Kabaddi League of the world, today announced the franchisees names and logos of its teams in presence of Deputy Chief Minister of Punjab Sukhbir Badal, who is also the president of the league. The international-level league, slated to kick off on August 9, will have eight international teams including those owned by Bollywood actors Akshay Kumar and Sonakshi Sinha and star rapper Yo Yo Honey Singh. While Kumar has bought Speedy Singhs along with Fastway Sports Development Pvt. Ltd., a subsidiary of Fastway Transmissions, Singh owns Yo Yo Tigers, named after his own name. Both the stars were present on the occasion. The other teams are Vancouver Lions owned by Gurjit Singh Purewal; Haryana Focus, owned by R and AAR Communication, an off-shoot of Focus Television; Punjab Thunders owned by Thind Properties. It is also co-owned by Bollywood actor Rajat Bedi. United Singhs, co-owned by Sonakshi Sinha and California Eagles, owned by the Tut Group are the other teams. Stressing on the need to take the sport to a global stage, Badal said: "You can say that people in India think of only one sport and I think there are so many sports which can be encouraged so I took up this challenge to make this one sport reach the international level." Asked whether the new league was complementary to the existing Pro Kabaddi League or its competitor, he said, "WKL is completely different in the sense that this is Kabaddi in circle style which is a pure Punjab style, while Pro Kabaddi is a national style. "The way it is played is completely different. It's more aggressive than the national style," the minister said. Asked what his government was doing to promote the sport in the grassroots of Punjab, Badal said: "In Punjab, my plan is to create one Kabaddi stadium in each district and block of Punjab within the next two years. Not very big ones but small stadiums to encourage the sport." Badal, who is the mind behind the league, further hinted that even women's teams can be included in the upcoming league in future. "Once we build up this Kabaddi League, the next step would be to make women's teams a part of it in future," Badal revealed. The league will see 86 matches to be played in 13 international cities during a four-month long calender. A prize money of C3.5 Crore has also been announced for the winner team with the salary of each player pegged at C15 crore, higher than that of the Pro Kabaddi Team. WKL recently signed up with India's sports and entertainment channel Sony SIX for its broadcast coverage in India. F>A;3 :010338 ;406D4 1LEDOLZLQV6WDJHFORVHVLQRQ7RXUYLFWRU\ 0?Q 0A64;4B60I>BC5A0=24 V incenzo Nibali crushed everyone on the last mountain leg of the Tour de France on Thursday, all but ensuring he will be crowned champion when the race ends in Paris in three days. On the last big climb of Stage 18, the Italian broke out of the peloton, chased down breakaway riders, and rode solo in front for the last eight kilometers (five miles) uphill. Nibali, who captured his fourth stage of the Tour, stuck out his tongue, tapped his chest, and raised a fist skyward as he finished the 145.5-kilometer (90-mile) leg more than a 4=E#!Wc`^DVae"$ WZ_R]Z_3R_XR]`cV 8cP[hbEX]RT]i^=XQP[XRa^bbTbcWTUX]XbW[X]Tc^ fX]cWT 'cWbcPVT^UcWTC^daST5aP]RTRhR[X]V aPRT^eTa #$$ZX[^\TcTab(#\X[TbfXcWbcPac X]?PdP]SUX]XbWX]7PdcPRP\?haT]TTbaTVX^]X] 0? 5aP]RT^]CWdabSPh minute ahead of Thibaut Pinot of France, who was second. Rafal Majka of Poland, in third, was another two seconds back. The remarkable effort by Nibali, who was on track to become the first Italian to win the Tour since Marco Pantani in 1998, essentially made the real race drama about who will join him on the podium on the ChampsElysees on Sunday. While three stages left, Friday's is mostly flat and unlikely to allow a breakaway rider to gain time. The last real challenge will be Saturday's individual time trial, but Nibali's lead is so big — 7:10 ahead of Pinot and 7:23 ahead of France's Jean-Christophe Peraud — that it would take a disaster for him to lose the yellow jersey before Sunday. The race for second heated up: Alejandro Valverde of Spain lost crucial seconds on the last climb and fell from second overall to fourth. But he is considered the strongest time-trial rider among the three main aspirants for the podium, including Pinot and Peraud. After setting off from Pau, riders tackled the famed Tourmalet pass — the highest Pyrenean peak on this Tour — before heading up to Hautacam ski station. Both climbs are among the toughest in professional cycling. 2>;><1>) Mahela Jayawardene smashed his 34th test century as Sri Lanka overcame an early hiccup and scored a healthy 305-5 on day one of the second test against South Africa on Thursday. Jayawardene made a splendid unbeaten 140 off 225 balls with 16 fours and a six on a flat pitch at Sinhalese Sports Club and raised his 11th test century at the venue — the most by any batsman at one venue. Dale Steyn (2-55) had Sri Lanka reeling at 16-2 when he snared wickets off successive deliveries before Jayawardene put on 99 for the third wicket with Kaushal Silva (44), and another 131 with captain Angelo Mathews, who scored 63. Jayawardene, who will retire from test cricket next month, showed brilliant form at his favorite venue as Sri Lanka bid to level the two-match series after losing the first test at Galle. Earlier, Mathews won the toss but a charged-up Steyn had early success when Upul Tharanga couldn't get his glove out of the way while attempting to leave a short ball and very next ball Kumar Sangakkara top edged an easy catch off another short delivery. But Jayawardene and Silva combined for an attractive stand at a healthy run-rate before J.P. Duminy (2-58) had Silva caught by A.B. de Villiers in the slips in the last over before lunch. South Africa could have removed Silva while he was on 10, soon after Steyn's double strike, but Alviro Petersen missed a catch at third slip off fast bowler Vernon Philander. Jayawardene completed his 49th test half century off 58 balls and continued to dominate the bowlers after lunch — especially legspinner Imran Tahir. He BaX;P]ZP´b<PWT[P9PhPfPaST]TaPXbTbWXbQPcPUcTabR^aX]VWXbRT]cdah 0? <>BC24=CDA84B8=C4BC2A82:4C $ #$ # "% "% "# "# "# "! " !( !( BPRWX]CT]Sd[ZPa 9PR`dTb:P[[Xb AXRZh?^]cX]V :d\PaBP]VPZZPaP APWd[3aPeXS Bd]X[6PePbZPa 1aXP];PaP <PWT[P9PhPfPaST]T BcTeTFPdVW <PccWTf7PhST] 3^]1aPS\P] BWXe]PaX]T2WP]STa_Pd[ completed his century by sweeping a full toss of Dean Elgar in the last over before tea and ran for two. Mathews completed his half century off 100 balls soon after the break before Duminy broke the stand when Mathews tried to cut the spinner but got a faint edge to wicketkeeper Quinton de Kock. Morne Morkel finally had his lone success of the day when nervy looking Kithuruwan Vithanage (13) fended at a short pitched delivery and got the shoulder of the bat to de Villiers 8]SXP B^dcW0UaXRP 0dbcaP[XP BaX;P]ZP 8]SXP 8]SXP FTbc8]SXTb BaX;P]ZP 0dbcaP[XP 0dbcaP[XP 0dbcaP[XP FTbc8]SXTb !CTbcb %% %' !% %# !$ " #& %' " $! $% in the slips. Sri Lanka made three changes to its lineup and brought in Dickwella, replacing Dinesh Chandimal, while another youngster Vithanage came in place of Lahiru Thirimanne. Ajantha Mendis replaced injured fast bowler Shaminda Eranga as Sri Lanka expected the pitch would aid three spinners. South Africa kept faith in its three fast bowlers — Steyn, Philander and Morkel — with Tahir its specialist legspinner. 0?
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