RFP for Redevelopment of the Atlanta Civic Center Questions and Answers Submitted Questions 1. What is the exact acreage of the site? What is the exact acreage of the park? Can we get a CAD survey of the site? The exact acreage of the Civic Center site as calculated by the survey prepared by Croy Engineering is 858,617 square feet, or approximately 19.71 acres. This includes two tax parcels: PID 140050LL0217 (792,346 square feet) and PID 140050LL0241 (68,271 square feet). The Southface Institute (“Southface”) occupies approximately 32,760 square feet, or 0.752 acres on PID 140050LL0217. Southface must be accommodated in any redevelopment proposal. Southface currently utilizes the parking on the Civic Center Site and will continue to need parking for their facility upon redevelopment. Southface’s parking needs are estimated to total approximately 0.25 acres, resulting in a total site size of 1.02 acres. Thus, after accommodating for Southface, the net developable size of the entire Civic Center site is estimated to be 18.69 acres. However, Invest Atlanta is open to accommodating Southface’s parking needs through other means as proposed by respondents to this RFP. The exact acreage of Renaissance Park as calculated by the survey prepared by Keck and Wood, Inc. is 237,286 square feet, or approximately 5.45 acres. This includes the former Dayton Place and Pine Street rights-of way, as shown in Exhibit A. Exhibit A is the only survey of the park available at this time. 2. Are there any encumbrances related to the site? Major encumbrances on the site include the accommodation of Southface’s facility and the proposed underground DWM vault (See #4). A permanent easement would be needed for DWM maintenance of the vault. DWM does not anticipate paying for the temporary and permanent easements associated with the vault, since it is on existing COA property and provides a public benefit. The storage vault helps to make redevelopment of the property feasible. As stated in the RFP the Butler Street Combined Sewer Trunk and Butler Street Combined Sewer Relief Trunk, operated by DWM, cross through the Site. These combined sewer trunks are critical to the City’s utility system and must be protected as part of any redevelopment proposal. The existing trunk lines cannot have direct load bearing and DWM will require access for maintenance. The final easements will be negotiated with DWM. Last, a floodplain currently exists on the site. DWM will require any fill dirt brought onto the site to address the floodplain to be offset with an equivalent amount of stormwater detention. The proposed underground vault will be sized to accommodate any such mitigation. 3. Have you done environmental surveys of the site and the buildings on the site that you could provide? There are not currently any environmental surveys of the site. This level of analysis can be performed as part of the due diligence period prior to the financial closing of the purchase and sale agreement. 4. The answers supplied to questions regarding the DWM vault pertain to the vault as it is currently being designed by DWM. The future buyer/developer of the Site would have the option of completing the construction of the vault him/herself pursuant to the design specifications of DWM. In this case, a) the developer would be reimbursed by the City for the agreed-upon cost of such construction, excluding the cost of the developer’s onsite stormwater contribution and the vertical development above the vault, b) DWM would retain oversight over design and construction, and c) DWM would have access to all price quotes and cost invoices for the purposes of tracking reimbursement. A) Can you provide more information on the design of the DWM Vault along with vertical clearances required? The current design of the vault is structurally designed for a HS - 25 truck loading which means vacuum and other heavy trucks can park or drive over the vault. If a parking deck is built in the future above the vault, then a 14’ clearance would be required on the ground level of the parking structure. B) How often is the vault serviced by the city? Typically these storage vaults are cleaned out at least once a year or after any significant storm event. C) If a structure can be built above it, what are the vertical clearances for access (services, truck, equipment, etc.)? Can the structural columns of the parking deck or buildings above the vault penetrate through actual vault zone with all precautions considered and working in coordination with the City? The current design of the vault structure will allow for additional loads of a future single-story parking deck above grade level. If a parking deck is built in the future above the vault, then 14’ clearance would be required on the ground level of the parking structure. The columns and foundations of the current design of the vault have been sized to accommodate those expected loads. DWM’s consultants have advised that penetrating the vault with columns for a future parking deck would compromise the integrity of the vault as it is designed today. The vault can be designed with support columns to withstand almost any type of building with the installation of the vault. However, this significantly increases the construction cost of the vault, and expands the footprint due to the incorporation of these high load bearing columns. Once the vault is constructed, columns cannot later be added on top of the vault, or adjacent to the vault, without impact to the vault. D) How often is maintenance required? Typically these storage vaults should be maintained at least once a year. DWM is planning to have both manhole access locations as well as locations where lift-out slabs will be located to allow for periodic access for cleaning and maintenance equipment. E) How much water are they trying to retain or detain? 4-million gallons of active storage. F) Can you refer us to a similar installation in the city? DWM Atlanta Stadium Media Parking Lot vault of 5.9- million gallons storage capacity completed Feb 2014. G) Could we move the location of the vault? It is possible to move the vault. However, it needs to be located as close to the two existing combined sewer pipes or additional diversion structures as possible to direct water into and out of the vault. These diversion structures and associated piping will require an additional easement. The current design has the diversion and control structures integral with the vault and stays within the 1.1 acre footprint. H) Could the vault be located in the northwest quadrant of the site? Yes, however, the two combined sewer pipes separate further apart at the northwest quadrant, so additional diversion structures would be required to direct water into and out of the vault. The footprint will increase beyond 1.1 acre. I) Is square geometry for the vault also feasible in lieu of the rectangular one?” Yes, but current design geometry is a function of the existing easement and 1.1 acre footprint. Given the location of the existing pipes and other site constraints, a square structure does not provide the 4-million gallons of storage volume. 5. There is an existing curb cut along Piedmont Road already, so can we assume there must be a variance already in effect for the site? Can it remain where it is and/or can it be relocated along Piedmont Road? While two curb cuts exist on Piedmont Avenue, the current zoning regulations do not allow for curb cuts on Piedmont. Thus, any redevelopment of the site would trigger the need to request a variance for curb cuts on Piedmont. This includes keeping the existing ones. 6. Does the City have an ideal seating capacity for a new Performing Arts Center in mind? Have potential City uses been considered and can this information be shared? The inclusion of a new performing arts or event center is a secondary redevelopment objective of the RFP. A venue featuring a capacity of 2,000-3,000 seats is sufficient to accommodate most public events, such as graduations, public speaking engagements, mayoral or council events (inaugurations), large scale public safety briefings, etc. 7. Do you have any guidelines for earnest money? Earnest money is negotiable, and deposits may be staggered in connection with the satisfaction of certain conditions. Deals of the size anticipated for the sale of the Civic Center typically have a 2-5% earnest money requirement at the end of an inspection period. 8. We understand submissions will be limited to 100 pages. Is this for single or doublesided printing? Double-sided sheets could provide up to 200 pages "sides". Sheet sizes are not defined, so must they be letter-sized (8.5x11")? Can 11x17" tabloid sized sheets be used for graphics? The 100-page limit is 100 pages of content. So a double-sided sheet will count as two pages. Sheet sizes should be letter size (8.5X11”). Ledger size sheets (11X17”) are permissible for graphic pages. 9. Can we get high resolution versions of drawings within the RFP (i.e. the site survey, Appendix B)? The site survey included as Appendix B is the only version of the drawing available. 10. Can you provide the specific definition Invest Atlanta will apply to “workforce housing” as mentioned within the rfp? Invest Atlanta generally defines workforce housing as housing that is affordable to professionals employed in retail, hospitality, public safety, education, healthcare, or other comparable fields. More specifically, Invest Atlanta defines rental workforce housing as housing that is affordable to households earning 80% of the area median income (AMI) for the Atlanta Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). Invest Atlanta defines for-sale workforce housing as housing that is affordable to households earning 115% of AMI. The federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has set the 2014 AMI for the Atlanta MSA at $64,400, 80% AMI at $51,500, and 115% of AMI at $74,100. 11. With respect to preliminary economic and fiscal impact projections, will Invest Atlanta accept preliminary numbers which can be firmed up before the finalist firm offer submission (should the firm be made a finalist)? Invest Atlanta will accept preliminary numbers for economic and fiscal impact projections. Finalists will have the opportunity to refine projections as part of the firm offer. However, respondents should make their best efforts to provide the most accurate projections as can be provided given the level of information at this time. 12. Will finalist firms be invited in for a presentation? If so, in what month will that likely occur? Invest Atlanta reserves the right to invite selected respondents to this RFP for interviews prior to identifying the finalists. Should Invest Atlanta choose to do so, these interviews would occur in December of 2014. Invest Atlanta will invite all identified finalists in for interviews prior to making its decision on a preferred respondent. These interviews will likely occur at the end of January 2015 or the beginning of February 2015. Invest Atlanta reserves the right to revise any estimated dates. EXHIBIT A RENAISSANCE PARK SURVEY (TWO PAGES)
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