Human Resources Procedure Manual Ozford English Language Centre STAFF RECRUITMENT 1. Advertising 1.1 All advertisements for ELICOS are placed on the SEEK website. This is done by going to and logging on with Ozford’s user name and password. 1.2 After logging on follow the prompts to create an advertisement. Another alternative is to use the Archived Advertisements. 1.3 Ozford also uses the following recruitment agencies: ‘Conquest Personnel’: Ozford’s consultant is Dianne Becker. Dianne is contacted via e-mail with a description about the job, the working hours and the hourly rate. Her e-mail is [email protected]. ‘Essential Personnel’: EP are contacted via phone and given a description of the job, the working hours and the hourly rate. Their number is 9836 7888. 2. Short – listing candidates for Interview 2.1 All short listed candidates must have the following qualifications as stated on the NEAS website – 1. Academic Management 1.1 The ELT centre appoints a suitably qualified and experienced person responsible for the academic management of the ELT centre who is in the full-time employ of the ELT centre and holds the following minimum qualifications and experience: a. recognised degree or equivalent b. five years experience in managing and/or teaching on ELT programs plus c. TESOL qualification at postgraduate diploma level or above 1.2 The person responsible for the academic management of the ELT centre is committed to achieving the educational goals of the centre through the: a. development, implementation and review of the curriculum b. management of the educational resources, and c. provision of guidance to the teaching staff. 1.3 At the time of taking up appointment, the person responsible for the academic management of the ELT centre receives in writing from the centre a signed statement containing the job description and the terms and conditions of employment. 1.4 The person responsible for the academic management of the ELT centre maintains an up-to-date knowledge of significant developments in TESOL theory and practice. 1.5 Where the person responsible for the academic management of the ELT centre is not on-site fulltime, the ELT centre must have in place a staff member who: a. meets the criteria outlined in Section C: 1.1 or b. has an appropriate balance of qualifications and experience to meet the needs of the ELT centre which can be detailed through a rationale provided by the centre. 2. Teachers 2.1 The ELT centre has a policy and procedures for the following: a. verification of qualifications b. induction of ELT staff c. performance assessment of ELT staff. 2.2 Teachers on English language programs are professionally trained and hold specialist TESOL qualifications as follows: a. degree or equivalent plus recognised TESOL qualification or b. degree or equivalent plus teaching qualification with TESOL method or c. degree in education or teaching with TESOL method 2.3 Each teacher, at the time of taking up appointment, receives in writing from the ELT centre a signed statement containing a job description and the terms and conditions of employment. 2.4 The ELT centre must demonstrate the provision of a balance of TESOL experience among the teaching staff employed which allows for: a. mentoring and support of newly qualified staff by more experienced staff, and b. suitable experience appropriate to programs and students being taught 2.5 The ELT centre has procedures in place for covering absent teaching staff. Teacher Professional Development 3.1 The ELT centre facilitates the ongoing professional development of teaching staff, to ensure teachers are kept up-to-date with current theory, knowledge and practice in the field. 3.2 ELT teachers receive ongoing guidance and support from the person responsible for academic management on lesson planning and, if required, program design. 3.3 Newly qualified staff are provided with mentoring and support during their first year of employment. Counselling Staff 4.1 The ELT centre employs at least one person with sufficient knowledge to counsel students on academic matters related to English language learning and future educational opportunities. 4.2 The ELT centre employs in the role of welfare counsellor a person who has formal counselling qualifications and/or relevant experience in counselling international students. 3. Phone Interview 3.1 After short listing candidates a phone interview must be conducted. 3.2 Before telephoning the candidate, the Ozford English Language Centre Telephone Interview form is attached to the front of the CV and filled out. This form can be found at – N:\Human Resources Documents\Forms for Teaching Positions\Telephone Interview Form 3.3 Shortlisted candidates are telephoned and asked to confirm the details on their CV and to give some details about their teaching experience as well as answer the questions on the form. All information must be written down on the Ozford English Language Centre Telephone Interview Form. If the telephone interview is successful (see 3.3.1) then the candidate is asked to attend a formal interview at the school premises. An invitation via outlook is sent to reception and any other staff member attending the interview. 3.3.1 An interview is deemed successful if the candidate can confirm that they have completed all the relevant qualifications according to NEAS standards and can easily talk about their experience as an English Language Teacher. 4. The Interview 4.1 Interviews are conducted in the Boardroom at Latrobe Street Campus and in the Department Heads Office at Lonsdale Street Campus. 4.2 Candidates are asked set questions and at the end of the interview are informed about some staff regulations as well as the hourly pay rate. Questions and regulations are found at N:\Human Resources Documents\Questions for interviews\Questions for ELICOS. The Award that is used to pay ELICOS teachers is the ‘English College’s award. 4.3 Questions about an applicant’s age, name, disability or impairment, industrial activity, sexual activity, marital status, physical features, political or religious belief or activity, pregnancy or potential pregnancy, race, sex, status as a parent or carer, or personal association with a person who is identified by reference to any of these attributes cannot be asked, except where necessary and in accordance with legislative provisions, to ensure that the inherent requirements of the position can be carried out. 4.4 At the end of the interview the candidate will be asked for their original certificates to be photocopied. The copy of their certificates must have the words ‘original sighted’ written on it and be signed and dated. They are then stapled to the back of their CV/Resume. The candidate should also be asked if their referees can be contacted or if they don’t have any listed to provide at least 3 referees at a later time either via e-mail or over the phone. The candidate will also be informed that the success of the interview will be subject to the reference checks being done and their performance in the interview. 5. The Successful applicant (Qualification) 5.1 Successful applicants will be chosen by the ELICOS department head based on their reference check. The reference check form is found at N\: Human Resources Documents\forms for teaching positions\reference check form. Once it has been filled in, staple it to the front of the candidate’s CV. A copy of qualifications will be made from the originals, then initial all the copies as a proof of qualification verification. 5.2 The candidate will be informed via telephone and then will be asked to come in for an induction and to collect their contract. 5.3 All ELICOS teachers are placed on the Emergency Teachers’ list when they first start unless stated otherwise by the ELICOS department head. Their name, home phone number and their mobile number are entered. Their availability is written next to their phone numbers in bold letters. The emergency teachers’ list is found at N:\ELICOS\Staff\Emergency teachers Contact details\Emergency and FT Teachers List. 5.4 After candidates have accepted the job offer, the HOD will fill in an Employee Contract Request Form which is found at n:\Forms\New Employee Contract Request Form. The form is then sent to Accounts via e-mail to prepare the contract. Their CV/Resume with their qualifications is then given to accounts to keep on file. 6. The Induction 6.1 First the induction booklet is photocopied. This is found at N\:ELICOS\Staff\New staff Induction package. 6.2 Each page of the induction booklet is briefly explained to the new teacher and then given to him/her to take home and read thoroughly. 6.3 Once the induction booklet has been explained the tour of the school begins: 6.3.1 The tour begins at reception and the candidate is first shown the sign in book. They are told they must write the time they walk into the building and the time they exit the building every day. This is so we know who is in the building in the case of an emergency. Then they write the hours they are paid and their signature. 6.3.2 Next the new teacher is shown the toilets, classrooms, computer labs, photocopiers and photocopying procedures, booking sheets for the TV/DVD/Video /CD players, kitchen areas and their desk. They must also be introduced to the Head of ELICOS and the Student Services Coordinator. Finally they are shown the folder for the level they are teaching and given some time to peruse the lesson plan and make photocopies of resources. 7. Emergency Teachers 7.1 In the morning when a teacher calls in sick an emergency teacher (ET) must be contacted as a replacement. ET’s can be found at N:\ELICOS\Staff\Emergency teachers Contact details\Emergency and FT Teachers List. 7.2 When the Emergency Teachers’ contact list has been exhausted and classes cannot be amalgamated, Essential Personnel can be contacted to send in an ET. Their number after hours is 0413 211 917. 7.3 The ET from Essential Personnel is met at reception and asked to sign in. They are then escorted to the classroom and shown the lesson plan for the day. They are also assisted with photocopying and obtaining resources. 8. Candidate Notification 8.1 All candidates that apply for a position at Ozford must be notified either via phone or email. 8.2 Candidates who are not shortlisted for an interview or who were not successful in an interview are notified via e-mail. 8.3 For templates of letters go to N:\Human Resources Documents\Letters for Applicants
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