The Electronic Computer A Machine with a Past G. A. Erskine It is about 130 years mathematician Charles since and Babbage, the wealthy amateur engineer, conceived the idea of a completely automatic calculating machine. Babbage realized that if his machine ming' the Analytical Engine, possibly clearly appendices successive Bernoulli results page 'memory' the to in w h i c h calculation sequent was use to digit print an intermediate could by 50 decimal of the be the c o n s i s t of wheels, machine. digits. The sub- This store of containing automatic control operations of of in a J a q u a r d alized that machine a insight, truly lifting universal re- calculating its sequence of o p e r a t i o n s d e p e n d i n g on t h e unforesee- a b l e result of i n t e r m e d i a t e c a l c u l a t i o n s . therefore provided for a mechanism w o u l d cause the m a c h i n e to skip or backwards control over a specified He that forwards number cards when the number Since program shows of contained by the Babbage's cost Babbage put and into the Lady Lovelace practice, backing Analytical horses. an devised, infallible The were occur if a n y length, and would result he be exceeded foresaw 50 digits the use of in length arithmetic to deal with s u c h cases. anticipated many essential features of the m o d e r n Babbage prepared many parts of spent much of experimenting nism. During his detailed Engine remainder pieces a visit to the drawings Analytical the with of computer. of of the Italy, he of and his described the p r o p o s e d m a c h i n e to a small g r o u p people an which army included engineer Menabrea was Babbage's machine L.F. and so interested he published g e n e r a l d e s c r i p t i o n o f it i n t h e Universelle de Geneve in English of the p o e t translation of by a Bibliotheque 1842. Twentieth From Century the 1871 time until the Lovelace, Byron, published Menabrea's an article, invented could original article. Lady Lovelace, tician a n d a friend of B a b b a g e , clearly what was involving in the mathemaunderstood 'program- learnt of meeting should the with the and electro- machinery Such subtract, being out entered was machines and print, to sequence of an operations manual University collaboration Business construct Machines an automatic c a l c u l a t o r in w h i c h operations was to be t r o l l e d b y a p e r f o r a t e d p a p e r t a p e , in the same which was as Babbage's Aiken knew nothing be controlled to This way machine, calculator, In the was Neumann an accidental H.H. Goldstine. by the thought of twenty thousand vacuum tubes being to provide the such In a n y in inflexible case, von ENIAC team, set ENIAC with to the by the Harvard meantime, in work conrather (of time) Jaquard completed the machine at cards. Mark 1 1944. had using work school held vania in published much principles international were audience at t h e on and in a series than hard- presented at were of the compu- less University 1946, and members of an electronic while used computing Neumann collaboration principles as those to a summer of Pennsyl- subsequently reports. but that without into International Corporation a* c o l l e a g u e , horrified The von Neumann The computer and Goldstine modern electro-mechanical in ter w h i c h w o u l d be far more versatile In 1939, H o w a r d A i k e n o f t h e with ENIAC construction, von to carried Harvard under John seems intervention. of still 1930s, t h e r e card and (3 m s ) . logical no m e a n s of s p e c i f y i n g be addi- ( 2 0 0 \is) It i s t e m p t i n g t o t h i n k o f v o n N e u m a n n of developed. add, several in improvement and to death punched sort, hours mircoseconds was an steady a few mathematician ware. These posal begun at first Computer proposed in 1946 computer. was specify that the by von is The Neumann essentially form and the held computer puter could instructions speed as which to from result a of test the as the was to the store necessary, one the on same another test (for the jump in the to the example, number in This computer, designed by J . W. i n p u t m e d i u m s u c h a s p a p e r t a p e , it w o u l d United States 1946. V a c u u m provide Army, tube arithmetic internal required circuits for 10-digit tubes, program were to tions, the Programming was by used together twenty 10-digit location whole puter used approximately twenty tubes. possible in storage and be completed capabilities storage Each 550 was com- thousand means of new to load containing thus in a Using a specified the location). and to completely electronic computer, the ENIAC. Mauchly storage the numbers, to of com- successive according simple sign which The be m a d e place some high-speed at extract sequence on same numbers extract could be numerical operate. then from it could, when easily in device pro- of o p e r a t i o n s p e r f o r m e d , s h o u l d be c o d e d into storage the fundamental 'instructions', the sequence instruction t h e U n i v e r s i t y of P e n n s y l v a n i a o n t h e numbers. of ENIAC calcu- a time might S o m e t i m e in t h e s u m m e r of 1944, w h i l e under- with length 200 general-purpose which the from lator. M a n u a l l y o p e r a t e d calculators mechanical the ENIAC was certainly fast: took the pletely went and multiplication 3 milliseconds the to w h i c h she added explanatory appendices were three times tion have b e e n no a t t e m p t to c o n s t r u c t a c o m automatic wires, Babbage's of late plug-in anything facilities. a n d J . P. E c k e r t u n d e r a c o n t r a c t w i t h In t h e s a m e y e a r , L a d y A u g u s t a daughter of Menabrea, mathematician. much that life mecha- be days. The Goldstine, what multi- Babbage called would programmed Thus now automatic which for disas- trous. arbitrary s e q u e n c e of arithmetic overflow and system results its s i g n . H e a l s o p r o v i d e d f o r t h e the Engine, and required to set up a n e w calculation the there was of to t u n e w a s not sufficient to p a y for t h e constructing switches the was machine. on some specified storage column changed detection how for- of even (see substantial The loom. Babbage w o u l d need to vary The relation be exploited kind used for controlling the remarkable recurrence of w a s to be p r o v i d e d by perforated c a r d s With 165). a results the the warp threads of repetitive n a t u r e of t h e c a l c u l a t i o n columns arithmetic means and calcu- numbers or for column of and the her — for store placed a thousand each sequence its internal complete lating it have a more O n e of program by require gives himself. modern — intervention, would Babbage completely w a s to operate w i t h o u t h u m a n would than few seconds hundreds preparing the of a instruc- computer for a calculation. The von Neumann and Goldstine also an describe the programs (already and means the (sequences of use of a foreseen by by which instructions for reports library of Babbage) sub-routines performing 163 The first programmer, Ada Augusta, the Countess of Lovelace, and (opposite) the first programm, prepared by Lady Lovelace in 1842 for calculating the Bernoulli numbers on Babbage's Analytical Engine. (Reproduced from Lord Bowden's book 'Faster Than Thought' with acknowledgement to Lady Wentworth). frequently occurring operations), in a f o r m w h i c h final position 'relocated' was in the before prepared i n d e p e n d e n t of store, the their could beginning be of a calculation. One was effect to This the a race headed of of start was by M.V. into shortly won Wilkes Cambridge, came 1946 s u m m e r school computer-building the University EDSAC operation behind a of whose in came race. by computer May the team 1949. Only University M a n c h e s t e r w i t h its c o m p u t e r of incorporating the first index registers. a b o v e c a n b e w r i t t e n in F o r t r a n as f o l l o w s : The Vanishing Programmer SUM = 0.0 D O 10 J = The designers assumed of that the early programming computers would t h e h a n d s of a s m a l l g r o u p of probably in specialists, that it w o u l d be undesirable to m a k e the task too easy. mathematicians, be For example, and von Neumann and 10 S U M where the In t h i s = SUM asterisk way, it-yourself 1,16 + A(J)*B(J) denotes activity, to those job whose and multiplication. became the remain in it w a s have been successfully programmed to algebra and calculus. programming programmers computers only a 'do- (and is) were to write in logy. an represents an effort to binary render a point thorough 'software' of the modern computer. the problem unnecessary, and t h a t t h i s is a s t e p i n a d o u b t f u l we direction'. Thinking along the s a m e lines, the sity of Manchester computer all a programming instructions group of adopted 32 were Univer- for their code in constructed teleprinter feel first which from characters. a Thus t h e s e q u e n c e of instructions for c a l c u l a t i n g a sum + a 16 b u of the form ai bi a2 b2 the languages, of offered perhaps not This simplified which began difficulties be Fortran for however, of c o m p u t e r s customers. of were Gradually, led to in 1957) h a s b e e n o n e of t h e m o s t s u c c e s s ful. 164 The sequence of instructions given The user electric of Institute of such typewriter a project Techno- system which is sits at connected programs ignoring electronic ly typewriters. non-numerical providing rapidly a similar In servicing If be from one connected to make language into suitable equip- ment, they can read printed text or control tools. The to programmed only from seems speed lie limit to their their finite — in and the but programme them. everydata (in t h e f o r m of p u n c h e d c a r d s or p e r f o r a t e d p a p e r tape) a r e usually p l a c e d in a which they wait The until results 'backing-store' printed. The delay constitutes delay many is not computer by the users to other computer acceptable. is sequence, between long ; a and no existence typing reply a request becomes computer could at provide and intolerably present an s e r v i c e to all of t h e 250 or so p e o p l e who use day. the main Perhaps big CERN there enough computer never and fast will each be computers enough to provide this k i n d of o n - l i n e s e r v i c e to all w h o to use them. continue to If become and cheaper, may become the small simultaneously use the of a want computers big exception faster computer rather than future be these see example, development, a continuing hoped-for merely but and the will the ciently we the skill relief happen shall increase 'substitution for for What this in adequate by hours. For delay equitably in t h e rule. B u t w h a t e v e r t h e d i r e c t i o n of 'turn-around-time', applications, time the be large- until they c a n often a m o u n t i n g to several For generated introduced the queue can may also queue on s o m e capacity queues they its receiving storage intellectual o n e ' s p r o g r a m at o n c e , p r o g r a m s a n d in sharing service fact, the can translations programs (introduced Massachusetts indifferent g a m e of chess. T h e y c a n poor of programming objection time-sharing them. processed. the a users, to discouraging of the arithmetic Since a computer cannot execute retained of between T Manches- introduction U n f o r t u n a t e l y , if t h e r e a r e t o o m a n y Computers limitations of t h o s e w h o was the a result ? play a g o o d g a m e of draughts, but only an tasks. £ E Q G computer the do also perform to might development quickly, could — whether prospective that ever-increasing code receiving a printed t h e f a c t t h a t t h e c o m p u t e r is s i m u l t a n e o u s - to capacity, manufacturers programming realized invented / U U F commercially ! wonder soon machine programming University was computer, Gap capabilities, apart w h e n e n g i n e e r e d versions of t h e ter It Communication O i l l : E / / sale The another. I U K change or data a n d receives b a c k results, V E Q O / This + became minor t o a l a r g e c o m p u t e r a n d t y p e s in m a t h e m a t i c a l u n d e r s t a n d i n g of at least p a r t of a c o n s o l e system similar to the M A C the-scenes floating-point floating algebra In p r i n c i p l e , t h e a n s w e r to t h i s lies programs which constitute the vital'behind- built-in The simple do to making formula and against providing to hours the complicated compilers and arithmetic: wants between Goldstine presented the following argument supervisory who b y c o m p u t e r if h e m u s t w a i t s e v e r a l full-time business But do of of of the when human intellect relieved remains in Babbage's machinery, the human human the be not hand, intellect'. human have to the presumably been seen. hand suffi- C 0 S s Indication of & ft 0 0 Variables Variables change in the Acted Receiving Value on 0 Upon 0 9 8 Results % % Statement of Results any Variable i I fF,='F,) VF.-'F,/ I X % X % 2 - - 3 + % + 'F, F. • • fF,='F,l = I'F, = F J 4 + % % 'F, . • = 8« fF,='F,| = s « - 1 I'F, ='FJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 n - 2 n 1 - - in - 1 ! % T ! F, V 'F„. - 1 %-% V % - 'F, %• T 'F, r 10 X 'F„ x %% II + % + 'F,>%• • 12 - • 13 r T %• • fF,='F,l = I'F, =7,/ fFi l = Vi\ • . . . fF„ = 'F„1 = V % - % fF^'F.l 'F, • • I'F, = ' M = f'F, ='F,1 = i'F, = 'F j «-2(=2) 2?!- • • • . - 16 i) i8< / 'F, x % %. 'F, - + \ + F, V ! 19 'F, 20 \ 'F, 21 X 22 i 23 'F, *F,. 'F» T '7, % • x% %. x %V . . . 0 0 0 n 2 , 1 . 2»- 0 :: - - - - - - 3 2n — 2 2 - - - - - - - - - - • , - - - - 2 • • - 1 - - . fF,='F,l 272 - - VFn-'Fj " 2 " = 'FJ a „ I 21! - 2 ^ 3 ' 4 " 2?! 2 f i - 2 3 I - 3 2»- 2 %-'F, (% = 'F,,1 • I'Fi-'F,/ = « - 3 ( = i ) . . +% + %• I 3 !( 3 - - . 25 + 'F, + 'F, 'Fi • - - 0 H-y - 1 4 /2l! 21J~ 0 W 3 ' 4 1 . ft-3 - I 2* 3 2 in- 2 4 0 0 1 2n- 1 . ~?27+T^ j I 2 1 2 - 1 ^ 212J 1 2 * 212 + I 21 1 1 4 -- - - »+ i Q - 2 k 212-2 I t - . 1 ff 4 212 212- • • . 1 in - 1 0 • f F ^ ' F , , ! = B; rF = 'FJ I'F, ='F,\ = 12 + 1 = 4 + 1 = 5 ' F , ='FJ . 'F, ='F, by a Variable-card I'F, ='F, by a Variable-card + 0 3 Here follows a repetition of Operations thirteen to twenty-three 24 - I i~ . . . 1 2fl 2 ' in 2 ™ 4 fF„ = ' W •IV'FJ =^ +^ +M. 0 0 0 I 2B- 2 in- 20 - 0 + I in - 1 -- - - - =!F,1 2 f l - 2 4 fF, 2B 2 1 % 0 n- - --- - - - I % 0 + I 2B- fF,='M • VF, = FJ = 3 + i = 4 • 0 0 0 % 0 0 • 1 . . % + % 'Fa- V 2H I "a' fF 0 0 0 0 % in in 3 f'F^'F.I • I'F, ='F,I = • 0 0 0 hi - 1 211 212 - • - - . I 2 + 1 = 3 2(1- fF,='F,l 'F, • • l'F,='F,J + %±% 0 0 0 817 D - - • - - - - - in . ; 15 0 N B % • • • 1 11 - • 0 _ _ 2 fF„ = F ) = B , . - = U . . l'Fu = ' F j 2 2»- I 2fl fF = 'Fol = -- 1,—— + !>!.- . 2 212+1 2 K-'FJ I • 2 + 0 = 2 -5-4, % % + 'F, % I % 0 1 2 8 - 1 u 9 14 1 2!- I'F, = 7 , / a " an + i • fF =%i l l'F„ = ' W fF.^F.1 = » - ! ( = 3) • • • I'F, ='KJ . in 0 in +1 • 8 + 'F, + 'F, %. >F, S»- I •h=»Fj D - -- X 0 V, % % % 0 1 2» + I ! 5 6 Result Variables Working Variables Data 1 0 'F ... I( 0 0 0 0 h
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