THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE NEW ZEALAND NATURIST FEDERATION January 2014 ! gonatural News Happy New Year from the gonatural Team! In this edition of gonatural News: ✤ President’s Message - Page 1 ✤ Important NZNF Dates - Page 1 ✤ 56th NZNF AGM - Page 2 ✤ 2013 Press Prizes/Awards - Page 2 ✤ 2013 Mowlem Membership Trophy Page 2 ✤ 2013 Pat Trott Trophy - Page 2 ✤ 2015/16 NZNF Festival - Page 3 ✤ gonatural Week - Page 3 ✤ 2016 INF Congress Bid - Page 4 ✤ Rapere Film Festival - Page 4 ✤ Position Available - Page 4 ✤ NZNF Executive List - Page 4 Important NZNF Dates January 17th, 2014 gonatural Magazine article deadline January 18th ~ 27th 2014 gonatural Week April 17th, 2014 gonatural Magazine article deadline December 28th 2014~ January 3rd 2015 NZNF Festival - Rapere Film Festival HBNC ! PAGE 1 President’s Message:! are hos@ng an event and would like to have the mer-‐ chandise available please let the merchandise officer Wayne Duggan know. Don’t forget to let us know if there is a change in key per-‐ sonnel at your club; this will enable us to keep in touch with you beCer. And if you have a ques@on about anything to do with naturism -‐ ask! All of the execu@ve are available to answer your ques@ons at any @me. Enjoy gonatural week and I hope it is successful for all of your clubs and organisa@ons. Welcome to 2014! I hope this new year brings you everything you could wish for: health, happiness and lots of @me in the sun. Those who aCended the 62nd NZNF Fes@val at Rotota will have leI feeling re-‐ freshed and rested as well as thoroughly entertained. Well done Rotota!! The weather was quite change-‐ able but we had enough fine days to get some good @me in the sun. During this next year we will con@nue to promote the go-‐ natural brand, through the merchandise and other av-‐ enues. We now have a cabi-‐ Regards naturally, Wendy Lowe net for the merchandise to be shipped around so if you ! THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE NEW ZEALAND NATURIST FEDERATION ! 56TH NZNF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING! The 56th Annual General Meeting of the New Zealand Naturist Federation was held on December 28th 2013 from 10:30am until 3pm in the clubhouse at Rotota Sun Club. It was a great AGM and while there were no remits or rule changes presented, many topics were keenly discussed, some of which will be communicated in the content of this newsletter.! We cannot stress enough that the Federation acts on behalf of and for all clubs and affiliations - therefore it's so important that each of your organisations are represented by a Delegate at the AGM and are a part of the discussions that occur.! Many thanks to Rotota Sun Club for providing the wonderful luncheon, refreshments and superb location. ! And many thanks also to the Delegates who attended and participated in the meeting. 2013 NZNF PRESS PRIZES AND AWARDS! The Press Prizes and Awards were announced during the AGM of the NZNF at Rotota Sun Club. ! These are as follows:! Best Article from gonatural Magazine: 1st - Return to Sawcut Gorge by Kay Hannam in 226 Sept 2013! 2nd - The Naked Overlander by Will Fraser in 225 June 2013! 3rd - A New Age of Aquarius by Pam Griffin in 224 Mar 2013! Best Photo from gonatural Magazine: 1st - Inside cover photo “Return to Sawcut Gorge” ! by Dave C. in 226 Sept 2013! 2nd - "Opoutere" by Glenne F. in 226 Sept 2013 ! Best Article from non-naturist Media: 1st - "Nambassa" by in DGZ Magazine! 2nd - "Leave your hat on" in Hawkes Bay Today ! Best Club Newsletter: 1st - Pineglades Naturist Club! 2nd - Bay of Plenty Sun Club! Best Club Website: 1st - Manawatu Naturist Club! 2nd - Taranaki Naturists Club! 3rd - Rotota Sun Club ! Congratulations to all those winners. We appreciate the assistance of the Judges for these awards.! WINNER OF THE 2013 MOWLEM MEMBERSHIP ACHIEVEMENT TROPHY! This winner of this trophy was announced during the AGM of the NZNF at Rotota Sun Club which was based on the percentage of increase between 1st October 2012 and 30th September 2013.! 1st - Taranaki Naturists Club with an increase from 32 to 46 members = 43.75% increase! 2nd - Auckland Naturists Orewa with an increase from 19 to 24 members = 26.32% increase! 3rd - Orchard Sun Club with an increase from 27 to 34 members = 25.93% increase! Congratulations to all of those clubs for their efforts in recruitment, and retention of membership. ! WINNER OF THE 2013 PAT TROTT ACHIEVEMENT TROPHY! The very worthy recipient of this trophy was June Campbell-Tong for her enormous contribution to both naturism and the NZNF as Secretary and our Delegate to the 2012 INF Congress in Croatia. June has recently celebrated 50 years as a naturist - you can read more about her story in the next issue of gonatural Magazine. ! PAGE 2 THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE NEW ZEALAND NATURIST FEDERATION ! APPLICATIONS OPEN FOR HOSTING 2015/16 NZNF FESTIVAL! At this stage, we have no application for hosting the 2015/16 NZNF AGM and Festival. ! As you will be aware the national festival is an important and traditional gathering of members of the nudist movement in New Zealand, and has become an established feature of the calendar since the first national rally in Wanganui in 1953.! Hosting a festival doesn’t have to be an enormous and unsurmountable task. While there are a few requirements which are necessary to host a festival, there are many options of making it a manageable process.! A Rally Guide is available if you don’t already have a copy to give as much information as possible to make the process as smooth as possible. Get a copy of the guide from [email protected].! We would also like to make the following recommendation for a suggestion to ease the hosting burden…you could join forces with another club and share the hosting responsibilities. ! For example the festival could be based at one club, using their grounds and facilities, and another or other club(s) could organise the entertainment for a day or evening. Or, a non-landed organi- sation could assist a landed club with the responsibilities.! There are many options or variations that could be considered including the duration of the festival and what activities or sports are offered. It has been many years since a festival was held in the South Island and we’d love that to be considered. It also doesn’t need to be a large club with many facilities - a successful festival could be held at a small club with no sports.! So please talk to your committee, and consider putting an application forward for hosting a festival - all options will be considered. ! GONATURAL WEEK! gonatural Week is being held from 18th ~ 27th of Ja n u a r y 2 0 1 4 . We h o p e t h a t y o u r c l u b i s participating in this opportunity to show your community and the countr y what the nude recreation and social naturism is all about. ! The Federation have sent a Press Release to all media nationwide and copies have been sent to your Club Secretary for distribution to more local ! PAGE 3 based media outlets. We will also be doing a social media campaign, intensifying our blog posts and responding positively to media opportunities.! We want to wish all clubs and participants of gonatural Week a successful event and hope that you get to introduce many people to the naturist lifestyle and the many benefits it provides. For any queries, contact [email protected]. THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE NEW ZEALAND NATURIST FEDERATION ! NZNF PROPOSAL TO HOST 2016 INF CONGRESS! The NZNF have formally written to the INF, expressing their desire to hold the 2016 INF World Congress at the grounds of Wellington Naturist Club.! Upon receiving approval from our Executive to submit the proposal, a steering committee comprising of Kay Hannam, June CampbellTong, Ken Mercer and Donna Miller was established. ! This group, with designated functions, will co-ordinate and promote a hopefully successful bid. They are working on a visual presentation which will be shown at the 2014 INF World Congress in Ireland where the delegates will vote to support our bid.! While it is proposed to use the grounds and facilities at Wellington Naturist Club, we hope we can count on the support from all clubs and organisations around the country to provide assistance where required in order for the congress to be successful and long lasting in the memories of the delegates that attend. ! The delegates will be travelling a great distance to be at the congress in Wellington and we will ensure each one receives information about all clubs and naturist parks around NZ so they can spend as much time as possible touring around our wonderful and picturesque country.! 63RD NZNF FESTIVAL AT RAPERE - HBNC! Hawkes Bay Naturist Club have vals before you will know they’re announced the theme for the 63rd a l w a y s a w e s o m e , a n d i f y o u NZNF Festival they’re hosting haven’t…then trust us! from 28th December 2013 to 3rd Januar y 2015 - “RAPERE FILM FESTIVAL”. ! More details and registration forms will be available soon, but make sure you put the dates in your diary and arrange to be there at Rapere. If you’ve been to one of their festi- NZ NATURISTS SECRETARY POSITION! At the recent AGM, Colin Basire advised he will be standing down from the role of NZ Naturists Secretary at the end of 2014. We would ask that you consider a suitable candidate for this most important role in promoting and providing an avenue for social naturism amongst people not ready or able to join a club. Colin’s great work over the many years is acknowledged and hugely appreciated. Yours naturally,! Donna Miller ! Communications Officer, NZNF! [email protected] ! PAGE 4 T h e s te e r i n g co m m i t te e w i l l communicate regularly to all clubs with updates so please help where you can when requested. ! ! NZNF Executive 2014 President: Wendy Lowe E: [email protected] ! NIVP: Nick Lowe E: [email protected] ! SIVP: Tony Nee E: [email protected] ! Secretary: June Campbell-Tong E: [email protected] ! Treasurer: Rodney Beals E: [email protected] ! Communications Officer: Donna Miller E: [email protected] ! Database Secretary: Christine Bowers E: [email protected] ! Internet Co-ordinator: Hans van Asperdt E: [email protected] ! ! Appointments: NZ Naturists Secretary: Colin Basire E: [email protected] ! Sports Co-ordinator: Errol Flynn E: [email protected] ! Merchandiser: Wayne Duggan E: [email protected] ! gonatural Managing Editor : Kay Hannam E: [email protected]
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