CENTRAL COALFIELDS LIMITED ( A Subsidiary of Coal India Limited ) PURCHASE DEPARTMENT Darbhanga House : Ranchi 834 001 (Jharkhand) (PBX) 2360606, 2360726, 2360687, CGM(MM) 2360716 Fax (91) 0651-2360198 E.Mail # [email protected] Website. http://ccl.gov.in Advertisement No. 36/2014-15 Dated: 08.10.14 GLOBAL TENDER INVITED Through E-Procurement Portal "https://coalindiatenders.gov.in" By General Manager(MM),CCL for Procurement of following materials from eligible tenders as mentioned in the respective tender documents. Tender Reference SL.NO.147: CCL/SM(P)/GM(X-P)/ Medical Eq./ ENT-Micro/ 106/2014 SL.NO.148: CCL/SM(P)/GM(X-P) / Medical Eq./ENT/096/2014 TENDER Brief Description & Qty Procurement of Microdebrider with blades related to ENT Department of Gandhi Nagar Hospital, CCL,Ranchi Procurement of ENT Operating Microscope, Electro Cautery , Motorized Operation Table ,Single Chip Endoscopic Camera System along with Monitor,FunctionalEndoscopicsi nus surgery Instrument Set,Light Source, Fiber Optic Light Cable, size 3.5mm, length 180cm and ENT Treatment Unit for Gandhi Nagar Hospital, CCL,Ranchi Estimated Last Date Value (Lakhs) 9.00 of Submission 10.11.14 12.11.14 10.11.14 12.11.14 83.75 Due On INVITED Through E-Procurement Portal "https://coalindiatenders.gov.in" By General Manager(MM),CCL for Procurement of following materials from eligible tenders as mentioned in the respective tender documents. Tender Reference SL.NO.146: CCL/MMD/CM(P-7)/ ERW/&Seamless Pipes/1415 Brief Description & Qty ERW & Seamless Pipes, Qty :Diff Estimated Value (Lakhs) 55.60 Last Date of Submission 05.11.14 Due On 07.11.14 Tender documents can be downloaded and bids can be submitted online through website “https://coalindiatenders.gov.in” on the due date mentioned above. ” The Part A- of the tender shall be opened electronically on the due date mentioned above. No other form of tender submission will be accepted. For further details interested bidders may refer to NIT document available in word format in websites of www.ccl.gov.in, www.eprocure.gov.in/cppp/ , www.tenders.gov.in N.B:- Arrange to fix in notice board. GM(Excv-pur)/MM CENTRAL COALFIELDS LIMITED ( A Subsidiary of Coal India Limited ) PURCHASE DEPARTMENT Darbhanga House : Ranchi 834 001 (Jharkhand) (PBX) 2360606, 2360726, 2360687, CGM(MM) 2360716 Fax (91) 06512360198 E.Mail # [email protected] Website. http://ccl.gov.in Advertisement No. 36/2014-15 Dated : 08.10.2014 GLOBAL TENDER INVITED Through E-Procurement Portal "https://coalindiatenders.gov.in" By General Manager(MM),CCL, Darbhanga house Ranchi for Procurement of following items from eligible tenderers as mentioned in the tender document. Sl.No.147:CCL/SM(P)/GM(X-P)/ Medical Eq./ ENT-Micro/ 106/2014, Desc:- Procurement of Microdebrider with blades related to ENT Department of Gandhi Nagar Hospital, CCL,Ranchi, Estimated Value:Rs. 9 Lakhs, Last Date of Submission- 10.11.14, Due on12.11.14, Sl.No.148:CCL/SM(P)/GM(X-P) / Medical Eq./ENT/096/2014, Desc:- Procurement of ENT Operating Microscope, Electro Cautery , Motorized Operation Table ,Single Chip Endoscopic Camera System along with Monitor,FunctionalEndoscopicsinus surgery Instrument Set,Light Source, Fiber Optic Light Cable, size 3.5mm, length 180cm and ENT Treatment Unit for Gandhi Nagar Hospital, CCL,Ranchi, Estimated Value:Rs. 83.75 Lakhs, Last Date of Submission- 10.11.14, Due on-12.11.14. Tender documents can be downloaded and bids can be submitted online through website “https://coalindiatenders.gov.in ” and opened electronically on the due date mentioned above. No other form of tender submission will be accepted. For further details interested bidders may refer to NIT document available in word format in websites of www.ccl.gov.in, www.eprocure.gov.in/cppp/ , www.tenders.gov.in TENDER INVITED Through E-Procurement Portal "https://coalindiatenders.gov.in" By General Manager(MM),CCL, Darbhanga house Ranchi for Procurement of following items from eligible tenderers as mentioned in the tender document. Sl.No.146:CCL/MMD/CM(P-7)/ ERW/&Seamless Pipes/14-15, Desc:- ERW & Seamless Pipes, Qty :-Diff, Estimated Value:Rs. 55.6 Lakhs, Last Date of Submission- 05.11.14, Due on07.11.14, Tender documents can be downloaded and bids can be submitted online through website “https://coalindiatenders.gov.in ” and opened electronically on the due date mentioned above. No other form of tender submission will be accepted. For further details interested bidders may refer to NIT document available in word format in websites of www.ccl.gov.in, www.eprocure.gov.in/cppp/ , www.tenders.gov.in CCL shall not be responsible for any misprint in the newspaper . GM(Excv-pur)/MM
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