E523.40/41 3-PHASE STEPPER OR BLDC MOTOR CONTROLLER WITH LIN 2.x or PWM ADVANCE PRODUCT INFORMATION - JUL 9, 2014 Features General Description ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ The 3-phase motor controller is intended to operate diffent kinds of 3-phase stepper motors or BLDC motorsfor various applications. The communication complies to LIN rev. 2.x or 1.3 with a baud rate of up to 19.2kBaud. The internal microcontroller allows high flexibility of protocol handling and motor control. It can be ROM mask programmed with customer's firmware or a variant with FLASH memory can be used. On the PCB besides the IC only few passive components are required for supply filtering. Motor driver for 3-phase stepper or BLDC motors 3 integrated half bridge drivers 3 independent PWM generators Sensorless stall detection circuitry LIN communication interface Compliant to LIN rev. 2.x, 1.3 Slave node position detection / auto addressing Wide operating range 8.0V to 18.0V with full functionality 6.5V to 25.0V with reduced functionality Integrated microcontroller 8 Bit 8 kByte program memory 512 byte RAM 8 byte EEPROM for customer use "Sleep" and "Deep sleep" modes Sensor input for Hall or potentiometer feedback Operating temperature range -40° to +125°C Equipped with a suitable application software, the IC is capable to fulfill the requirements of the standard climate control actuator as described in the document "Lastenheft Klima-Standardaktuator mit LIN-BusSchnittstelle 2.x". Ordering Information Applications ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ HVAC flaps Headlight adjust Grill shutter Intake manifold flaps Auxiliary heating pump Ordering-No. Features E52340A77B 8kB Flash QFN32L6 8kB ROM * QFN20L5, QFN32L6 E52341A62C Package * Contact factory for more information Typical Application Circuit To bus master Smart Bus Actuator VBAT A 3 Phase Stepper Motor B BUS_M E523.40 BUS_S C BLDC Motor DIG[0;3) GND VDDA Optional Sensor VDDD To next bus slave This document contains information on a new product. ELMOS Semiconductor AG reserves the right to change specifications and information herein without notice. Elmos Semiconductor AG Data Sheet 1/15 QM-No.: 25DS0111E.01 E523.40/41 3-PHASE STEPPER OR BLDC MOTOR CONTROLLER WITH LIN 2.x or PWM ADVANCE PRODUCT INFORMATION - JUL 9, 2014 Functional Diagram VBAT VDDD VDDA Internal 3.3V Supply Regulation Reference and Bias Charge Pump Versatile 3 phase PWM generator unit Diff. Amplifier ADC BUS_S BUS_M TEST EEPROM 64 Byte LIN Transceiver LIN Interface Test Controller 8MHz Oscillator Power On Reset FLASH / ROM 8 kByte RAM 512 Byte EL3.5 Microcontroller Core Supply Supervisor Over Temperature Detection PWM Control CPU Watchdog Phase A Gate Control A Phase B Gate Control B Phase C Gate Control C GPIOS DIG0 DIG2 E523.40/41 PGND DIG3 DIG3 GND Pin Configuration 14 TEST DIG2/TIN 3 13 TMS/DIG0 DIG3/TOUT 4 12 TANA LGND 5 11 VDDD 9 NC NC A TEST DIG2/TIN 4 21 TMS/DIG0 DIG3/TOUT 5 20 TANA LGND 6 19 VDDD NC 7 18 NC NC 8 17 NC 10 E523.40/41 9 NC 8 GND 7 PGND 22 VDDA BUS_M 6 B VBAT 3 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 NC DIG1/TCLK NC 2 E523.41 VBAT NC 23 VDDA VBAT VBAT DIG1/TCLK C 24 EP GND 2 VBAT PGND BUS_S 1 BUS_M 15 EP BUS_S 1 Bottom Side 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 NC 20 19 18 17 16 PGND NC Pin 1 Bottom Side A PGND B C Pin 1 VBAT Top View Note: Not to scale, EP Exposed die pad This document contains information on a new product. ELMOS Semiconductor AG reserves the right to change specifications and information herein without notice. Elmos Semiconductor AG Data Sheet 2/15 QM-No.: 25DS0111E.01 E523.40/41 3-PHASE STEPPER OR BLDC MOTOR CONTROLLER WITH LIN 2.x or PWM ADVANCE PRODUCT INFORMATION - JUL 9, 2014 Pin Description Pin Pin QFN20L5 QFN32L6 Name 1 2 PGND Power ground (Half bridges) 2 3 TCLK/DIG1 JTAG clock input / GPIO input DIG1 3 4 TIN/DIG2 JTAG data input / GPIO input DIG2 4 5 TOUT/DIG3 JTAG data output / GPIO output DIG3 5 6 LGND LIN ground 6 10 BUS_M LIN bus terminal to LIN bus master 7 11 BUS_S LIN bus terminal to next LIN bus slave 8 12 VBAT Battery voltage supply (LIN, voltage regulators) 9 13 GND Supply ground 10 14 VDDA Output of integrated voltage regulator, analog 3.3V supply 11 19 VDDD Digital 3.3V supply input 12 20 TANA Analog test I/O 13 21 TMS/DIG0 JTAG test mode select / GPIO input DIG0 14 22 TEST Test enable input 15 23 VBAT Battery voltage supply (Half bridges) 16 27 A Half bridge A output 17 28 PGND Power ground (Half bridges) 18 29 B Half bridge B output 19 30 VBAT Battery voltage supply (Half bridges) 20 31 C Half bridge C output - 1, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, NC 2) 18, 24, 25, 26, 32 Not connected - - Exposed Die Pad Type 1) EP Description 1) I/O = Input/Output, S= Supply 2) Pins marked with the label NC are not connected internally This document contains information on a new product. ELMOS Semiconductor AG reserves the right to change specifications and information herein without notice. Elmos Semiconductor AG Data Sheet 3/15 QM-No.: 25DS0111E.01 E523.40/41 3-PHASE STEPPER OR BLDC MOTOR CONTROLLER WITH LIN 2.x or PWM ADVANCE PRODUCT INFORMATION - JUL 9, 2014 1Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses beyond these absolute maximum ratings listed below may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only; operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those listed in the operational sections of this document is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. All voltages with respect to ground. Currents flowing into terminals are positive, those drawn out of a terminal are negative. Description Condition Symbol Min Max Unit Battery supply voltage Continuous VBAT,CONT -0.5 +30 V Battery supply voltage, load dump conditions t ≤ 0.5sec VBAT,LD -0.5 +42 V Battery supply voltage, reverse polarity conditions t ≤ 0.5sec IBAT ≥ -1.0A VBAT,REV -1 Input voltage bus transceiver Continuous VBUS -12 +40 V Input voltage bus transceiver, load dump conditions t ≤ 0.5sec VBUS,LD -12 +42 V Current on motor drivers IA, IB, IC -240 +240 mA Current on digital I/O pins IDIGIO -10 +10 mA Junction temperature ϴJ -40 +150 °C V 2Recommended Operating Conditions Parameters are guaranteed within the range of recommended operating conditions unless otherwise specified. All voltages are referred to ground (0V). Currents flowing into the circuit have positive values. The first electrical potential connected to the IC must be GND. Description Condition Symbol Min Battery supply voltage Full functionality VBAT Battery supply voltage No motor function recommended. LIN communication only VBAT Battery supply voltage No motor function or LIN communication recommended. VBAT Retention of volatile memory content assured. Bus transceiver input voltage VBUS Typ Max Unit +8 +18 V +7 +18 V +6.5 +18 V 0 +18 V This document contains information on a new product. ELMOS Semiconductor AG reserves the right to change specifications and information herein without notice. Elmos Semiconductor AG Data Sheet 4/15 QM-No.: 25DS0111E.01 3-PHASE STEPPER OR BLDC MOTOR CONTROLLER WITH LIN 2.x or PWM ADVANCE PRODUCT INFORMATION - JUL 9, 2014 E523.40/41 2.1 Thermal Ratings Description Condition Symbol Thermal resistance junction to ambient, low conductive environment Package QFN20L5, (See footnote) Thermal resistance junction to ambient, low conductive environment Thermal resistance junction to case Min Typ Max Unit RTH,JA,L 80 K/W Package QFN20L5, (See footnote) RTH,JA,H 32 K/W Package QFN20L5, (See footnote) RTH,JC 5 K/W Notes: In general the thermal performance of a QFN package significantly depends of the PCB design: • The thermal resistance RTH,JA,L from junction to ambient corresponds to a low conductive environment like e.g. a single layer PCB without internal thermal planes. • The thermal resistance RTH,JA,H from junction to ambient corresponds to a high conductive environment like e.g. a multilayer PCB with internal thermal planes and an adequate thermal contact between PCB and the exposed die pad of the package. • The thermal resistance RTH,JC from junction to case indicates the thermal performance of the QFN package as such, assuming a ideal thermal contact between the exposed die pad and a heat sink. • These thermal resistance values shall help to estimate the actual thermal performance of the QFN20L5 package in the customer application. This document contains information on a new product. ELMOS Semiconductor AG reserves the right to change specifications and information herein without notice. Elmos Semiconductor AG Data Sheet 5/15 QM-No.: 25DS0111E.01 E523.40/41 3-PHASE STEPPER OR BLDC MOTOR CONTROLLER WITH LIN 2.x or PWM ADVANCE PRODUCT INFORMATION - JUL 9, 2014 3Electrical Characteristics (VBAT = +8V to +18V, TAMB = -40°C to +150°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VBAT = +13V and TAMB = +25°C. Positive currents flow into the device pins.) Description Condition Symbol All motor drivers off IBUS=0 Min Typ Max Unit IBAT,MAX 6 mA All motor drivers off IBUS=0 VBAT=12.0V ϴJ=+25°C IBAT,NOM 6 mA Deep sleep mode active IBAT,SLEEP 100 uA External supply current drawn from VDDA regulator output IVDDA,EXT 2 mA Internal analog supply voltage VDDA 3 3.6 V Internal digital supply voltage VDDD 3 3.6 V Internal Supply Generation Active mode supply current Active mode supply current 1) Deep sleep mode supply current Overtemperature Shutoff High temperature threshold 2) ϴJ rising ϴOFF +150 +185 °C Low temperature threshold ϴJ rising ϴON +125 +155.5 °C Power-On-Reset low threshold (VBAT related) VBAT falling V VDDD=V VDDA V TL,POR 3.8 V Power-On-Reset high threshold (VBAT related) VBAT rising V VDDD=V VDDA V TH,POR 4 V 2) POR Prolongation of POR signal for logic and microcontroller reset tPOR tCK- t.b.d. 8MEG LIN Interface DC Characteristics VBAT voltage range for LIN compliant function VBAT,LIN +7 +18 V VBAT-1.0V VBAT V Recessive level bus transmitter Bus driver off IBUS=0mA VBUSREC Dominant level bus transmitter Bus driver on VBAT=7V RBUS=0.5kΩ to VBAT VBUSDOM_LO 0.7 1.2 V Dominant level bus transmitter Bus driver on VBAT=18V RBUS=0.5kΩ to VBAT VBUSDOM_HI 1.1 2 V Input low threshold bus receiver Bus driver off -12V ≤ VBUS ≤ 18V VBUS,THDOM Input high threshold bus receiver Bus driver off -12V ≤ VBUS ≤ 18V VBUS,THREC Input threshold center level bus receiver VCNT=0.5*(V THREC+ V THDOM) VBUS,CNT Input hysteresis bus receiver VHYS=V THREC- V THDOM VBUS,HYS 0.4 0.5 VBAT 0.5 0.6 VBAT 0.475 0.5 0.525 VBAT 0.025 0.1 0.175 VBAT 1) Conditions according to standard climate control actuator specification 2) Functionality of overtemperature shutoff is tested. Temperature thresholds are not tested in production. This document contains information on a new product. ELMOS Semiconductor AG reserves the right to change specifications and information herein without notice. Elmos Semiconductor AG Data Sheet 6/15 QM-No.: 25DS0111E.01 3-PHASE STEPPER OR BLDC MOTOR CONTROLLER WITH LIN 2.x or PWM ADVANCE PRODUCT INFORMATION - JUL 9, 2014 E523.40/41 Electrical Characteristics (continued) (VBAT = +8V to +18V, TAMB = -40°C to +150°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VBAT = +13V and TAMB = +25°C. Positive currents flow into the device pins.) Description Condition Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Current limitation bus transmitter Bus driver on VBUS=18V IBUS,LIM 40 75 240 mA RSLAVE 30 40 60 kΩ -1 Bus pullup resistor 2) Passive bus current, dominant state Bus driver off VBAT=12V VBUS=0V IBUS,PASDOM Passive bus current, recessive state Bus driver off 7V ≤ VBAT ≤ 18V 7V ≤ VBUS ≤ 18V VBUS ≥ VBAT ϴJ ≤ +85°C IBUS,PASREC85 20 µA Passive bus current, recessive state 1) Bus driver off 7V ≤ VBAT ≤ 18V 7V ≤ VBUS ≤ 18V VBUS ≥ VBAT ϴJ > +85°C IBUS,PASREC 40 µA Passive bus current, ground loss VBAT=0V -12V ≤ VBUS ≤ 0V IBUS,NO_GND 1 mA Passive bus current, not supplied VBAT=0V 0V ≤ VBUS ≤ 18V ϴJ ≤ + 85°C IBUS85 100 µA Passive bus current, not supplied 1) VBAT=0V 0V ≤ VBUS ≤ 18V ϴJ > +85°C IBUS t.b.d. µA Bus clamping voltage 1) VBAT=0V IBUS=1mA VBUS,CLAMP 42 Slew rate bus transmitter 1) CLIN=1nF-10nF, RLIN=0.5kΩ-1kΩ 1¿s ≤ τBUS ≤ 5¿s VBAT=18V Falling edge dV/dtF -3 -1 V/µs Slew rate bus transmitter 1) CLIN=1nF-10nF, RLIN=0.5kΩ-1kΩ 1¿s ≤ τBUS ≤ 5¿s VBAT=18V Rising edge dV/dtR +1 +3 V/µs Slew rate bus transmitter 1) CLIN=1nF-10nF, RLIN=0.5kΩ-1kΩ 1¿s ≤ τBUS ≤ 5¿s VBAT=7V Falling edge dV/dtF -3 -0.5 V/µs Slew rate bus transmitter 1) CLIN=1nF-10nF, RLIN=0.5kΩ-1kΩ 1¿s ≤ τBUS ≤ 5¿s VBAT=7V Rising edge dV/dtR +0.5 +3 V/µs -1 mA V Dynamic Characteristics 1) Parameter not part of LIN specification rev. 2.1 2) In deep sleep mode the LIN pullup resistor shall be switched off This document contains information on a new product. ELMOS Semiconductor AG reserves the right to change specifications and information herein without notice. Elmos Semiconductor AG Data Sheet 7/15 QM-No.: 25DS0111E.01 E523.40/41 3-PHASE STEPPER OR BLDC MOTOR CONTROLLER WITH LIN 2.x or PWM ADVANCE PRODUCT INFORMATION - JUL 9, 2014 Electrical Characteristics (continued) (VBAT = +8V to +18V, TAMB = -40°C to +150°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VBAT = +13V and TAMB = +25°C. Positive currents flow into the device pins.) Description Condition Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Duty cycle bus transmitter fBAUD=20kBaud tBIT = 50µs TBUS ≤ 5µs 3) D1 0.396 Duty cycle bus transmitter fBAUD=20kBaud tBIT = 50µs TBUS ≤ 5µs 3) D2 Duty cycle bus transmitter fBAUD=10.4kBaud tBIT = 96µs TBUS ≤ 5µs 3) D3 Duty cycle bus transmitter fBAUD=10.4kBaud tBIT = 96µs TBUS ≤ 5µs 3) D4 0.590 1 Propagation time bus receiver Falling edge and rising edge tREC_PD 6 µs +2 µs 1 0.581 0.417 1 1 Symmetry of falling and rising propagation delays bus receiver tREC_PD,F-tREC_ Bus capacitance 2) CBUS 20 50 pF Value of accuracy of the byte field detection 4) tBFS 1/16 2/16 TBIT. Earliest bit sample time, tEBS ≤ tLBS tEBS 7/16 -2 PD,R 4) SLAVE TBIT. SLAVE 10/16 TBIT,SLAVEtBFS TBIT. 150 µs Latest bit sample time, tLBS ≤ tEBS 4) tLBS Duration of dominant level required to wake-up IC via bus tBUS,WU 70 Disabled in PWM interface mode tBUS,LOW 3 6 12 ms Bus pull-up current source for auto-addressing 0°C ≤ ϴJ ≤ +50°C VBUS=0V IPDS 1.84 2.050 2.26 mA Bus shunt resistor 5) 0°C ≤ ϴJ ≤ +50°C RSHUNT 0.75 1 1.25 Ω Temperature coefficient of bus shunt resistor 2) 0°C ≤ ϴJ ≤ +50°C TKSHUNT Differential amplifier differential input voltage range 6) 0°C ≤ ϴJ ≤ +50°C VDIFF_AMP -10 30 mV Differential amplifier common mode input voltage range 6) 0°C ≤ ϴJ ≤ +50°C VCOM_AMP 0 2.5 V Differential amplifier gain 5) 0°C ≤ ϴJ ≤ +50°C 0° ≤ VBUS ≤ =2.5V ADIFF 65 70 73 1 Total gain of autoaddressing path 0°C ≤ ϴJ ≤ +50°C 0° ≤ VBUS ≤ =2.5V ATOT 16300 23870 31750 LSB/ A Timeout for LIN dominant clamping failure SLAVE Autoaddressing Circuitry 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 0.4 %/K Parameter not tested in production The definition of the bus duty cycle measurement parameters is shown in a separate chapter The timing parameters of the LIN SCI are defined by the construction of the digital part and are tested by the digital test patterns. There is no dedicated parametric test for these parameters. For more details please refer to chapter Total gain of auto-addressing path is tested through digital ADC output. Operation outside of common mode and/or differential input voltage range will not result in damage, but will produce invalid results on the differential amplifier's output. This document contains information on a new product. ELMOS Semiconductor AG reserves the right to change specifications and information herein without notice. Elmos Semiconductor AG Data Sheet 8/15 QM-No.: 25DS0111E.01 E523.40/41 3-PHASE STEPPER OR BLDC MOTOR CONTROLLER WITH LIN 2.x or PWM ADVANCE PRODUCT INFORMATION - JUL 9, 2014 General notes: The auto-addressing parameters are valid only under the following conditions: Ground shift: DC ≤ 0.45V, AC ≤ 100mV for f ≤ 1kHz Noise ≤ 250µV for a bandwidth less than f ≤ 1kHz VBUSDOM_MASTER_MIN=0.60V Y VBUS_INPUT_SLAVE is always positive: 0.60V-0.45V=0.15V (max. ground shift) Electrical Characteristics (continued) (VBAT = +8V to +18V, TAMB = -40°C to +150°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VBAT = +13V and TAMB = +25°C. Positive currents flow into the device pins.) Description Condition Symbol Min Typ Max Unit ADC DC Characteristics ADC resolution resADC ADC LSB voltage VLSB,ADC ADC reference voltage VREF,ADC 2.51 Differential nonlinearity error NLD Intergral nonlinearity error Total unadjusted error Total VBAT measurement error (VBAT related) 7V ≤ VBAT ≤ 25V 10 bit 2.5 mV 2.56 2.61 V -1 +1 LSB NLI -1 +1 LSB ETOTAL -2 +2 LSB EVBAT -0.2 +0.2 V Dynamic Characteristics ADC conversion cycle nCLK ADC throughput rate fCK8MEG=8MHz 17 Clocks fCONV 0.47 MS/s DAC DAC resolution resDAC 8 bit DAC LSB value VLSB,DAC 10 mV DAC reference voltage Differential nonlinearity error Integral nonlinearity error 1) 1) VREF,DAC 2.51 NLD 2.56 2.61 V -2 +2 LSB NLI -2 +2 LSB +0.85 GPIO Low input threshold DIG0/TMS, DIG1/TCLK, DIG2/TIN V TEST < V TL,TEST V TL,GPIO High input threshold DIG0/TMS, DIG1/TCLK, DIG2/TIN V TEST < V TL,TEST V TH,GPIO +2.45 V Input hysteresis DIG0/TMS, DIG1/TCLK, DIG2/TIN 1) V TEST < V TL,TEST VHYS,GPIO +1.10 V Low input threshold TEST V TL,TEST High input threshold TEST JTAG mode 1 V TH1,TEST High input threshold TEST JTAG mode 2 V TH2,TEST Pulldown resistor DIG0/TMS, DIG1/TCLK, DIG2/TIN All supplies powered up, no POR pending RPD,GPIO V +0.85 V +3.6 +2.45 V +12 V 125 kΩ 1) Parameter not tested in production This document contains information on a new product. ELMOS Semiconductor AG reserves the right to change specifications and information herein without notice. Elmos Semiconductor AG Data Sheet 9/15 QM-No.: 25DS0111E.01 E523.40/41 3-PHASE STEPPER OR BLDC MOTOR CONTROLLER WITH LIN 2.x or PWM ADVANCE PRODUCT INFORMATION - JUL 9, 2014 Electrical Characteristics (continued) (VBAT = +8V to +18V, TAMB = -40°C to +150°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VBAT = +13V and TAMB = +25°C. Positive currents flow into the device pins.) Description Condition Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Lower ratiometric voltage ref. SELREF[1:0]=01b VREF17 0.0093 0.0104 0.0115 VBAT Centered ratiometric voltage ref. SELREF[1:0]=10b VREF50 0.0281 0.0313 0.0344 VBAT Upper ratiometric voltage ref. SELREF[1:0]=11b VREF83 0.0469 0.0521 0.0573 VBAT VBATDIV 0.0563 0.0625 0.0688 VBAT Half bridge H leakage current ENx=0 IPD disabled VOUT=VBAT ϴJ ≤ +85°C ILEAKH -20 +20 µA Half bridge L leakage current ENx=0 IPD disabled VOUT=0V ϴJ ≤ +85°C ILEAKL -20 +20 µA Half bridge high side on resistance ENx=1 SETx=1 ILOAD=-200mA VBAT ≥ 8V RON,H 3 5 Ω Half bridge low side on resistance ENx=1 SETx=0 ILOAD=+200mA VBAT ≥ 8V RON,L 3 5 Ω Total full bridge on resistance RON,H+RON,L VBAT ≥ 8V ϴJ ≤ +105°C RON,TOT 6.5 10 Ω Forward bias voltage high side bulk diode ENx=0 ILOAD=+200mA VDIODE,H=VOUT-VBAT VDIODE,H 0.7 V Forward bias voltage low side bulk diode ENx=0 ILOAD=-200mA VDIODE,L=-VOUT VDIODE,L 0.7 V Half bridge pulldown current ENx=0 IPD enabled VOUT=VBAT IPD +10 +30 µA Low side overcurrent detection threshold ENx=1 VBAT ≥ 8V t<TDEB,OVC ITL,OVC 450 750 mA High side overcurrent detection threshold ENx=1 VBAT ≥ 8V t < TDEB,OVC ITH,OVC -750 -450 mA Slew rate half bridge, rising edge Rising edge dV/dtR +110 V/µs Slew rate half bridge, falling edge Falling edge dV/dtF -110 -75 Overcurrent shutoff debouncing time IOUTx ≥ ITL,OVC or IOUTx < ITH,OVC TDEB,OVC 384 512 Half Bridge Drivers Half Bridge References VBAT ratiometric voltage ref. Half Bridge Output Stages Dynamic Characteristics +75 V/µs 640 µs This document contains information on a new product. ELMOS Semiconductor AG reserves the right to change specifications and information herein without notice. Elmos Semiconductor AG Data Sheet 10/15 QM-No.: 25DS0111E.01 E523.40/41 3-PHASE STEPPER OR BLDC MOTOR CONTROLLER WITH LIN 2.x or PWM ADVANCE PRODUCT INFORMATION - JUL 9, 2014 Electrical Characteristics (continued) (VBAT = +8V to +18V, TAMB = -40°C to +150°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VBAT = +13V and TAMB = +25°C. Positive currents flow into the device pins.) Description PWM frequency Condition Symbol 1) PWM resolution Min Typ Max Unit fPWM 25 kHz RESPWM 8 bit 1) PWM frequency can be configured at run time. 4Microcontroller Core 4.1 Flash/ROM 4.2 Flash memory Description Condition Symbol Min Typ Memory size(N address size, W word length) NxW 8k x 8 Memory size of one page (N address size, W word length) N x WPAGE 256 x 8 Number of pages NPAGE 32 Max Unit Max Unit 4.3 EEPROM Description Condition Symbol Memory size (N address size, W word length) NxW Min Typ 64 x 8 This document contains information on a new product. ELMOS Semiconductor AG reserves the right to change specifications and information herein without notice. Elmos Semiconductor AG Data Sheet 11/15 QM-No.: 25DS0111E.01 E523.40/41 3-PHASE STEPPER OR BLDC MOTOR CONTROLLER WITH LIN 2.x or PWM ADVANCE PRODUCT INFORMATION - JUL 9, 2014 PACKAGE OUTLINE SPECIFICATION Date : 04.01.2011 5Package Information 20 RoHs Leadcompliant Quad Flat Non Leaded Package The E523.41 is available in a Pb free, QFN20L5 plastic package according to JEDEC MO-220 K, VHHCQM-No.: 08SP0687.03 ASto 2. The Author: package is classified to Moisture Sensitivity Level 3 (MSL 3) according to JEDEC J-STD-020 with a soldering (QFN20L5) peak temperature of (260+5)°C. Package Outline and Dimensions are according JEDEC MO-220 K, variant VHHC-2 Description Symbol min mm typ max min inch typ max Package Height A 0.80 0.90 1.00 0.031 0.035 0.039 Stand Off Thickness of Terminal Leads, including Lead Finish Width of Terminal Leads A1 0.00 0.02 0.05 0.000 0.00079 0.002 A3 -- 0.20 REF -- -- 0.0079 REF -- b 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.010 0.012 0.014 D/E -- 5.00 BSC -- -- 0.197 BSC -0.150 Package Length / Width D2 / E2 3.50 3.65 3.80 0.138 0.144 Lead Pitch e -- 0.65 BSC -- -- 0.026 BSC -- Length of Terminal for Soldering to Substrate L 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.014 0.016 0.018 Number of Terminal Positions N Length / Width of Exposed Pad 20 20 Note: the mm values are valid, the inch values contains rounding errors Note 1: for assembler specific pin1 identification please see QM-document 08SP0363.xx (Pin 1 Specification) Page 1 of 1 This document contains information on a new product. ELMOS Semiconductor AG reserves the right to change specifications and information herein without notice. Elmos Semiconductor AG Data Sheet 12/15 QM-No.: 25DS0111E.01 E523.40/41 3-PHASE STEPPER OR BLDC MOTOR CONTROLLER WITH LIN 2.x or PWM ADVANCE PRODUCT INFORMATION - JUL 9, 2014 PACKAGE OUTLINE SPECIFICATION Date : 04-01-2012 All devices are available in a Pb free, RoHs compliant QFN32L6 plastic package according to JEDEC MO-220 K, VJJC2. The package is classified to Moisture Sensitivity LevelNon 3 (MSL 3) according to JEDEC J-STD-020 with a soldering 32 Lead Quad Flat Leaded Package QM-No.: 08SP0646.01 Author: Hepet peak temperature of (260+5)°C. (QFN32L6) Package Outline and Dimensions are according JEDEC MO-220 K, variant VJJC-2 Description Symbol min mm typ max min inch typ max Package height A 0.80 0.90 1.00 0.031 0.035 0.039 Stand off A1 0.00 0.02 0.05 0.000 0.00079 0.002 Thickness of terminal leads, including lead finish A3 -- 0.20 REF -- -- 0.0079 REF -- b 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.010 0.012 0.014 Width of terminal leads D/E -- 6.00 BSC -- -- 0.237 BSC -- D2 / E2 4.50 4.65 4.80 0.177 0.183 0.189 e -- 0.65 BSC -- -- 0.026 BSC -- Length of terminal for soldering to substrate L 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.014 0.016 0.018 Number of terminal positions N Package length / width Length / width of exposed pad Lead pitch 32 32 Note: the mm values are valid, the inch values contains rounding errors Note 1: for assembler specific pin1 identification please see QM-document 08SP0363.xx (Pin 1 Specification) Page 1 of 1 This document contains information on a new product. ELMOS Semiconductor AG reserves the right to change specifications and information herein without notice. Elmos Semiconductor AG Data Sheet 13/15 QM-No.: 25DS0111E.01 3-PHASE STEPPER OR BLDC MOTOR CONTROLLER WITH LIN 2.x or PWM ADVANCE PRODUCT INFORMATION - JUL 9, 2014 E523.40/41 6Marking 6.1 Top Side ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ Elmos Logo 52340 XXXSL YWWR@ Signature 52340 A XXX S L YWW R @ Explanation ELMOS project number ELMOS project revision code Production lot number Assembler code Production line code Year and week of assembly Mask revision code ELMOS internal code This document contains information on a new product. ELMOS Semiconductor AG reserves the right to change specifications and information herein without notice. Elmos Semiconductor AG Data Sheet 14/15 QM-No.: 25DS0111E.01 E523.40/41 3-PHASE STEPPER OR BLDC MOTOR CONTROLLER WITH LIN 2.x or PWM ADVANCE PRODUCT INFORMATION - JUL 9, 2014 WARNING – Life Support Applications Policy Elmos Semiconductor AG is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to physical stress. It is the responsibility of the buyer, when utilizing Elmos Semiconductor AG products, to observe standards of safety, and to avoid situations in which malfunction or failure of an Elmos Semiconductor AG Product could cause loss of human life, body injury or damage to property. In the development of your design, please ensure that Elmos Semiconductor AG products are used within specified operating ranges as set forth in the most recent product specifications. General Disclaimer Information furnished by Elmos Semiconductor AG is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Elmos Semiconductor AG for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties, which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Elmos Semiconductor AG. Elmos Semiconductor AG reserves the right to make changes to this document or the products contained therein without prior notice, to improve performance, reliability, or manufacturability. Application Disclaimer Circuit diagrams may contain components not manufactured by Elmos Semiconductor AG, which are included as means of illustrating typical applications. Consequently, complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. The information in the application examples has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the purchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under the patent rights of Elmos Semiconductor AG or others. Contact Information Headquarters Elmos Semiconductor AG Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 1 • D-44227 Dortmund (Germany) : +492317549100 : [email protected] Sales and Application Support Office North America Elmos NA. Inc. 32255 Northwestern Highway • Suite 220 Farmington Hills MI 48334 (USA) : +12488653200 : [email protected] Sales and Application Support Office China Elmos Semiconductor Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 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