Board of Selectmen Minutes of Meeting Meeting held upstairs in Town Hall Monday – November 3, 2014 Attending: Planning/Zoning Coordinator Benjamin Gaetjens-Oleson Selectmen – Leo Enos and David Stickney (Leon Rideout was absent) Others attending: Joe Bachofer, Murray Vashaw, Don Williams and Alan Savage. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Leo Enos at 6:30 P.M., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Appointments: None Old Business: To review and approve the minutes of the October 20, 2014 meeting. A motion was made by David Stickney and seconded by Leo Enos to accept the minutes as written. A vote was taken and the motion carried. Department Head Up-dates: None Signing of various paperwork: Tax Collector's Warrant for 2nd issue of property taxes. Intent to cut: Paul Crane – Mt. Cabot Road To cut 114 acres of a 236 acre parcel. To be done by Larry Brown. Bill Donohue – Route 142 To cut 15 acres of a 55 acre parcel. To be done by Kevin Cormier. Abatement: from John & Tammy York 129 Main St. They were billed for 2 units and there is only one. Abatement was $80.00 each of water and sewer. The Board signed all of the above paperwork presented. New Business: Planning/Zoning Coordinator Benjamin Gaetjens-Oleson presented to the Board a request to designate an Economic Revitalization Zone (ERZ). This designation enables businesses located within that zone to apply for business tax credits through the State when they make investments into capital improvements or creating jobs. NIPRO, formerly PJ Noyes, approached the Town requesting we designate their properties as they have plans to invest in their Bridge Street location. Mr. GaetjensOleson and Town Manager, Ed Samson, felt it would be beneficial to designate other areas of Town in addition to the NIPRO property. The areas recommended to the Selectboard, by Mr. Gaetjens-Oleson and Mr. Samson, are areas of North Main Street, Bridge Street and all of the recently created Central Business District (a copy of the specific description is attached to the minutes). This is strictly a State designation based on the Town’s request and does not affect taxes paid to the Town. The tax credits are solely for State taxes. Once the Selectboard recommends the area to be designated Mr. Gaetjens-Oleson will complete the paperwork for the State. A motion was made David Stickney and seconded by Leo Enos to recommend the area presented by Benjamin Gaetjens-Oleson for designation as an Economic Revitalization Zone. A vote was taken and the motion carried. Also presented was a letter from NH National Guard for an abatement request due to the fact that a check they had mailed had not been received on time and there was a late fee attached. After some discussion a motion was made. A motion was made by David Stickney and seconded by Leo Enos to abate the interest charge on the account. A vote was taken and the motion carried. Information: Also in the packet were two building permits: Roy Ingerson – 34 Ingerson Road Remove existing 16' x25' garage and replace in-kind, on slap on existing footprint. North Country Motor Sales – 213 Elm St. Construct a 14' x 28' addition on slab existing “Collision Center” for parts storage. Noting that there was nothing further to come before the meeting a motion was called for to adjourn. A motion was made by David Stickney and seconded by Leo Enos to adjourn. A vote was taken and the meeting adjourned at 6:41 P.M. Respectfully, Approved: Sandra E. Doolan – Clerk Board of Selectmen Leo Enos – Chairman David Stickney Leon Rideout Lancaster, NH Economic Revitalization Zone Bridge Street: To include all properties with frontage on the south side of Bridge Street beginning at land now or formally owned by Lionel R. Labonte Trust (Stratham Tire)-Tax Map R04 Lot 016 and running easterly to land now or formally owned by Cabot Hill Properties (Herbal Dental) Tax Map R04 Lot 011. Lots included-Tax Map R04 Lots 016, 015, 012, 011 To include all properties with frontage on the north side of Bridge Street beginning at land now or formally owned by PJ Noyes Company, Inc (PJ Noyes or Nipro) Tax Map R04 Lot 024 and running easterly to land now or formally owned by RHTL Partners, LLC (Currier Dealership)Tax map R04 Lot 032. Lots included-Tax Map R04 Lots 024, 026, 028, 029, 031, 032 North Main Street: To include all properties with frontage or direct access off the east side of North Main Street beginning at land now or formally owned by People’s National Bank (Connecticut RiverBank) Tax Map P04 Lot 061 and running northerly to land now or formally owned by Lisa Nast (Dalton Mountain Motorsports)-Tax Map R02 Lot 049. Lots included-Tax Map P04 Lots 061, 060, 063, 064, 065, 066; Tax Map P03 Lots 015, 014, 013, 012, 011; Tax Map P01 Lots 010, 009, 008, 007, 006, 005, 011; Tax Map R02 Lots 051, 049 To include all properties with frontage or direct access off the west side of North Main Street beginning at land now or formally owned by Robert W. Snowman (FB Spaulding Co.)-Tax Map P03 Lot 042 and running northerly to land now or formally owned by Town of Lancaster (Sewer Pump Station)-Tax Map P01 Lot 004. Lots included-Tax Map P03 Lots 042, 002, 041, 043, 004, 005, 006, 045, 003, 007, 008, 009, 010; Tax Map P01 Lots001, 002, 003, 004 Main Street: To include all lands included in the recently adopted Central Business District as presented to the Town of Lancaster for approval on March 11, 2014.
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