FRAMEWORK - Fredericksburg Area Builders Associations

Caroline County  City of Fredericksburg  King George County  Orange County  Stafford County  Spotsylvania County
Volume 9, Issue 1
A publication of the Fredericksburg Area Builders Association
January 2014
President’s Ball
Friday, January 24, 2014
Fredericksburg Hospitality House & Conference Center
6:30 - midnight
Danna Middleton and the Board of Directors cordially invite you to join
them for a intriguing evening of mystery and music at the masquerade themed
black tie optional dinner dance.
Make plans now to join us for an evening of celebration. FABA will be recognizing the following:
Builder of the Year
Associate of the Year
Rookie of the Year
Committee Chairman of the Year
Jules Elliott Legislative Award
President’s Award
Sponsored in part by:
Bowling Franklin & Company ♦ Rappahannock Electric Cooperative
Fredericksburg Expo Center/Ballantine Management Group ♦ Stock Building Supply
Cary Quality Insulation & Building Products ♦ Fidelity Mortgage
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From the President’s Pen …
Danna Middleton
Charleston Company
Happy New Year everyone! 2014 is here and I am looking forward to a produc ve year with a great group! Now – one of my du es as the President is to write a column every other month. You would think that I could find a lot of things to write about – well I can’t. It is always a difficult task. Plus I know that none of you bother to read it anyway! There is never any feedback or comments (good or bad). I know that they are pre y boring but I do TRY to spice them up a li le. But it isn’t working. So we are going to try a li le test. I have a $100 gi card that I will give to one lucky person at the President’s Ball – which is on January 24 – hope you have all signed up! For each person that emails me “I read it” ‐ your name will go in the drawing. Simple – read this then send me an email. I hope I am wrong and I get hundreds of emails – but I don’t think that’s going to happen. Since this is not long enough I thought I would insert some dummy copy to fill the page. Enjoy and I hope to hear from all of you – Piease roed eobetyonbt thinsf tyha voy can th tenn poss whant yvs tyhal it s sswsaa. Haaf to ne smegh slethn tha ccvv spspedfs soeme g in alalalntm – bpe quidds aarrr vwom! Crs dapibus! Nam etq etaim Mae‐
cenas tempus eget –er libero nullam quis ante sed conesequat libero. Dolor sit emt. Aenean commodo. Piease roed eobetyonbt thinsf tyha voy can th tenn poss whant yvs tyhal it s sswsaa. Haaf to ne smegh slethn tha ccvv spspedfs soeme g in alalalntm – bpe quidds aarrr vwom! Crs dapibus! Nam etq etaim Maecenas tempus eget –er libero nullam quis ante sed conesequat libero. Dolor sit emt. Aenean commodo. Piease roed eobetyonbt thinsf tyha voy can th tenn poss whant yvs tyhal it s sswsaa. Haaf to ne smegh slethn tha ccvv spspedfs soeme g in alalal‐
ntm – bpe quidds aarrr vwom! Crs dapibus! Nam etq etaim Maecenas tempus eget –er libero nullam quis ante sed conesequat libero. Dolor sit emt. Aenean commodo. Piease roed eobetyonbt thinsf tyha voy can th tenn poss whant yvs tyhal it s sswsaa. Haaf to ne smegh slethn tha ccvv spspedfs soeme g in alalalntm – bpe quidds aarrr vwom! Crs dapibus! Nam etq etaim Maecenas tempus eget –er libero nullam quis ante sed conesequat libero. Dolor sit emt. Aenean commodo. Hope to hear from you and be er yet – SEE you on the 24th! Danna
Like Us On Facebook JANUARY 2014
Builders FRAMEWORK - Page 3
FABA - Where It Pays To Be Involved!
Members of FABA can earn Bonus Points for their activity. Points will be awarded for recruiting a new member,
serving on a committee, attending a meeting, sponsoring an event, attending an event, renewing membership, etc.
Those points can then be used towards payment for event registrations or material purchases. They cannot be
used towards dues renewal. FABA - where it pays to be involved!
Attend a committee meeting (50 pts.), Attend a paid event/function (20 pts.), Attend a free event/function (5 pts.),
Sponsor an event (100 pts.), Renew membership (100 pts.), Recruit a new member (200 pts.), Chair a committee
(100 pts.), Host an event (100 pts.), submit a permit (50 pts. awarded at time of payment) and/or Advertise with
FABA (50 pts.). We will also be awarding special points from time to time so make sure you watch for announcements from FABA.
Redemption is valued at $10 per 1000 points (cannot be redeemed towards membership dues).
A er Hours Membership Party February 6, 2014 Cas glia’s Restaurant ‐ Downtown Fredericksburg 5 ‐ 7 p.m. Fredzatoni Phil is predic
ng significant accumula on of new members between February 5th and 7th. Phil’s successful predic on rate is 100%. Help us ensure his success con nues by recrui ng a new member and bringing them to our celebra on on February 6th.
EARN: 5 points for a
ending, 200 points for each new member recruited, your new member will earn 100 points (what a great way for you to say thanks for joining!). We will have two (2) $50 drawings. One for recruiters and one for new members. FABA ‐ where it pays to par cipate. See you on February 6th!! Page 4 - Builders FRAMEWORK
Home builders and remodelers who install large capacity water heaters (greater than 55 gallons) need to be aware that revised federal energy standards that go into effect in April 2015 are expected to have a significant impact on space requirements for these water heaters and on the way they are installed. Don't Get Yourself in Hot Water: Prepare Now for New Energy Standards Smaller water heaters must also comply with the increased energy‐efficiency requirements and are expected to be more costly as a result. However, they are not expected to have addi onal space and/or ven ng requirements like the larger capacity units. The revised standard was imposed by the Department of Energy and will go into effect following a five‐year transi on period to allow manufacturers to gear up for produc on of the more efficient units. As of April 2015, manufacturers will no longer be allowed to construct water heaters not mee ng the new requirements, but builders and remodelers will s ll be able to install the exis ng stock. Water heaters that comply with the new energy‐efficiency standard are expected to be more costly and bulkier than current models. In par cular, some current models of large capacity electric water heaters may no longer be available because the higher energy factor standards will require heat pump water heater technology. This new technology requires the water heater to be installed in an area with sufficient household air volume for heat exchange. Builders and remodelers whose projects include installa on of large capacity gas‐fired water heaters must accommodate the posi ve pressure ven ng needs of higher efficiency gas‐ or propane‐fired units during installa on. And remodelers and home owners replacing a water heater may also find that these bulkier large capacity water heaters are too large to fit into the exis ng space and/or require new exhaust ven ng. According to DOE's market assessment, about 4% of gas‐fired storage water heater shipments and about 9% of electric storage water heater shipments fall into the large‐volume water heater category. In prepara on for the new energy‐efficiency standard, builders and remodelers who rou nely install large capacity water heaters are encouraged to reach out to manufacturers for details about availability and space and ven ng requirements. NAHB will con nue to follow this issue and will provide members with informa on about installa on and poten al alterna ves to the larger capacity units as it becomes available. For more informa on please feel free to contact Craig Drumheller at NAHB. His phone number is (800) 368‐5242 ext 8565. MEMBERS IN THE NEWS Congratula ons to Charlie Payne, John McManus and Carrie O’Malley, all with Hirschler Fleischer, for being listed amongst the “Legal Elite” in the annual Virginia Business Magazine publica on. All three were chosen by their peers as leading a orneys in Real Estate/Land Use JANUARY 2014
Builders FRAMEWORK - Page 5
A Look At The Year Ahead! Below is a list of the 2014 events. Details for each event will be provided in upcoming FABA newsle ers and through e‐mail communica ons. We encourage you to get these dates on your calendars before you book a conflic ng appointment. Fri., Jan 24 President’s Ball (Masquerade theme) 6:30 p.m. ‐ midnight Thurs., Feb 6 A er Hours Membership Party 5 ‐ 7 p.m. Thurs., Mar 13 Builder Direct Connect (tenta ve) 9 ‐ 11 a.m. Thurs., Mar 20 Legisla ve Breakfast Mee ng 8 ‐ 10 a.m. Wed., Apr 23 Administra ve Professionals Luncheon 11 a.m. ‐ 1 p.m. Wed., May 14 Kick Off Summer Party 5 – 7 p.m. JUNE – JULY Summer Break from Events Fri., Aug 22 CrabFeast 5:30 ‐ 8:30 p.m. Thurs., Sept. 18 You Nailed It Celebra on (tenta ve) TBD Fri., Sept 26 Golf Tournament all day Fri., Oct. 3 Parade of Homes Celebra on (TBD) Thurs., Oct 30 Halloween Party 5 – 7 p.m. Thurs., Nov 6 Builder Direct Connect (tenta ve) 9 – 11 a.m. Thurs., Nov 13 Bowling, Ballots & Beer . . oh my! 5 – 7 p.m. Thurs., Dec 4 FABA Holiday Party 5 – 7 p.m. Sponsorship opportuni es will be available for each of the programs listed above ‐ see page 8 of this newsle er. Make sure you get your company the visibility they deserve by sponsoring one of these great events!
ATTENTION BUILDERS: Tired of the numerous phone calls and visits by salespeople? Have other things you could be doing besides spending your day in mee ngs ‐ but need to know what products/services are available to you are the best prices? If so, we can help. Join us on Thursday, March 16 at the Fredericksburg Country Club. We will have a “builder only” breakfast from 8 ‐ 9 followed by Direct Connect from 9 ‐ 11. This is your opportunity to connect with 20 Associate members (salespeople) to find out what they have to offer your company. To meet with these folks on your own would take up at least 10 hours ‐ we get it done in 2 hours. To register contact Tammy Reid at (540) 898‐2730, e‐mail [email protected] or go to the FABA website at Don’t Delay . . . . Space is Limited! Page 6 - Builders FRAMEWORK
Member News & Notes
BENCHMARK GROUP, INC. Ben Tatum 5321 Whelan Way Partlow, VA 22534 (540) 895‐4097 [email protected] (Surveyors) FALL LINE GEOSCIENCE Bob Rothman 201 Overlook Court Falmouth, VA 22405 (308) 765‐0759 [email protected] (Groundwater/Geological ‐ Consultant) MID ATLANTIC LABORATORIES Sylvia Storke 14294 Big Timber Road King George, VA 22485 (540) 509‐7048 [email protected] Www.midatlan (State Cer fied Environmental Laboratory) TRIUMPH BUILDERS LLC David Jule 2215 Plank Road, #164 Fredericksburg, VA 22401 (540) 322‐7807 [email protected] (Builder/General Contractor) E
Associates & Membership Commi ees Legisla ve Commi ee Thurs., Jan. 16 9 a.m. FABA office OFFICE CLOSED Mon., Jan. 20 President’s Gala Wed., Jan. 8 9 a.m. FABA office Execu ve Commi ee Wed., Jan. 8 3:30 p.m. FABA Office HBAV Legisla ve Mee ng Thurs., Jan. 9 10 a.m. HBAV ‐ Richmond Orange County Bi‐Monthly Fri., Jan. 10 9 a.m. Orange Building Dept. Stafford Bi‐Monthly Mon., Jan. 13 9 a.m. Stafford Building Dept. Fri., Jan. 17 6:30 ‐ midnight Fred’bg Hospitality House Spotsylvania Bi‐Monthly Mon., Feb 3 3:00 p.m. Spotsylvania Building Dept. Membership A er Hours Thurs., Feb. 6 5 p.m. Cas glias ‐ Downtown Fred’bg THANKS
Anderson Leonarkis Construc on ♦ Bowling Franklin & Co. Cer fied Plumbing ♦ Coleman Homes ECS—Mid Atlan c ♦ Foreman Carpenter Fredericksburg Expo & Conference Center ♦ Homes of Dis nc on Lewis Appraisal ServIces ♦ Republic Home Builders Sears Commercial JANUARY 2014
Builders FRAMEWORK - Page 7
1. Announcements & Upcoming Events A. Orange County Quarterly Mee ng, 1/10/14, 9:00 AM B. Spotsylvania County Bimonthly, Mee ng 2/3/14, 3:00 PM C. Stafford County Bimonthly Mee ng, 1/6/14, 9:00 AM D. King George County Quarterly Mee ng, 3/19/14, 10:00 AM E. Caroline County Quarterly Mee ng, Wednesday, 2/12/14, 10:00 AM F. Next Legisla ve Commi ee Mee ng, Thursday 1/16/14, 9:00 AM 2. Legisla ve Discussion/Ac on Items: A. Elec ons B. State Government Legisla ve Issues 1. Legisla ve priori es (Prelim plan under 100 lots; VDH review of drainfields; award damages when challenging code; increase grantor’s tax to eliminate proffers; signage in ROW; elimina on of architectural proffers; ICC building code from 3 to 6 year cycle; eliminate transporta on impact fees; extend implementa on of VSMP to 2015; DBIZ) 2. New SWM Handbook available 3. 2012 IRC in summer/fall 2014 – NAHB organizing (800‐368‐5242 x8564 or [email protected]) C. Caroline County 1. Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) for A. P. Hill underway (AECOM is consultant) ‐ county comments sent to consult‐
ant week of 11/11/13 2. Staff in ini al stages of considering “cluster” ordinance – may wait for Comp Plan update 3. Have adver sed for permanent Director of U li es – 15‐18 applicants – s ll no decision yet 4. TND road standards s ll being reviewed by VDOT 5. Port Royal annexa on of County approved by both bodies 6. County considering joining VRE D. Orange County 1. Julie Summs, County Administrator, leaving in January 2014 2. Revisions to ZO approved by PC – now to BOS a. allow accessory apartments in certain districts b. define voca on training facility c. military training facili es not allowed anywhere d. road standards for 1‐7 lots 3. Comp Plan update, to BOS 12/17/13 – approved by PC 9/24/13; BOS deferred un l 12/17/13 – considerable opposi on at public hearing—Approved by BOS 12/17/13 4. Planning Route 3 corridor land use – BOS toured nearby developments 5. Wilderness Gateway study on web site 6. Dra Water Supply Plan created E. Spotsylvania County 1. Comp Plan update – to BOS 10/22/13 a. Primary Se lement Districts ge ng modified 2. Wetland buffer? Engineers Quarterly resolved ma er ‐ no buffer against non‐Ches Bay wetlands 3. Debate on "Western By‐pass" 4. Noise ordinance approved for Raceway 5. VRE sta on to open March 2014 at earliest (delayed from December 2013) 6. New employees a. County A orney – James Benkahla b. Deputy County A orney – Karl Holsten c. Chief of the Department of Fire, Rescue and Emergency Management – Monty Willaford d. Planner – Kimberly Pila o, formerly with Hanover and Henrico Page 8 - Builders FRAMEWORK
Opportunities filling up fast! Don’t delay. Reserve your spot today. Go to - click on
events and select the event you are interested in.
General Membership Meetings
Special Functions
FEBRUARY 6 ‐ GROUNDHOG CELEBRATION SOLD ‐ MOVEMENT MORTGAGE MARCH 20 ‐ LEGISLATIVE BREAKFAST SOLD ‐ DOMINION VA POWER MAY 15 ‐ SUMMER KICK OFF BARBECUE SOLD ‐ FERGUSON ENTERPRISES OCTOBER ‐ OKTOBERFEST MEETS HALLOWEEN SOLD ‐ JIM CARPENTER COMPANY NOVEMBER ‐ BOWLING, BALLOTS & BEER . . Oh My! $300 ‐ 2 available DECEMBER 4 ‐ HOLIDAY PARTY $300 ‐ 2 available APRIL 23 ‐ ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF LUNCHEON $100 ‐ Deal or No Deal/Lets Make A Deal Theme AUGUST 22 ‐ CRABFEAST $300 ‐ only 8 available SEPTEMBER 26 ‐ FALL GOLF TOURNAMENT Fawn Lake Breakfast ‐ $250 Driving Range ‐ $200 Pu ng Green ‐ $200 Hole in One ‐ $300 Beverage ‐ $300 Hole ‐ $200 Longest Pu ‐ $200 Longest Drive ‐ $200 Closest to Pin ‐ $200 Deduct $100 from marke ng opportunity fee if entering a foursome OCTOBER 3 ‐ PARADE OF HOMES Premier ‐ $3000 Recep on ‐ $2000 Gold ‐ $1500 Silver ‐ $750 QUESTIONS? Contact FABA staff at (540) 898-2730.
FABA plans to host the first “Builder Garage/Yard Sale” in 2014. Volunteers are needed to serve on the planning commi ee. If this is something you think you would enjoy par cipa ng in please contact Bea at [email protected] or call (540) 898‐2730. If you have items to donate (i.e. le over building products, rug remnants, appliances, etc.) we would love to have them in our sale. A por on of the proceeds will go to the FAB Founda on, a 501(c)3 charitable organiza on providing home repair to the elderly and less fortunate. JANUARY 2014
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Currently providing permit expediting
services to the following builders.
Mendleson Development FABA is so thankful for everyone that has helped make the Permi ng Division so successful throughout the 2013 year. We have been offering these services for one year now and we are determined to make our second year even more effec ve, efficient and helpful for our FABA Members. We definitely look forward to what 2014 has to offer. If you have not used our permi ng expedi ng services we invite you to give it a try! Start the New Year off in a less stressful way by allowing our permi ng division to take the hassle out of ge ng building permits. Call the FABA office at 540‐898‐2730 or e‐mail us at permi [email protected] for more informa on. Scenes from the FABA Holiday Party We hope to see everyone at the February 6th A er Hours! Page 10 - Builders FRAMEWORK
LEGISLATIVE UPDATE ‐ Spotsylvania con nued 7. S ll considering proffer guideline update star ng November – considering “per bedroom” approach 8. TDR tax issues resolved and can move forward a er Comp Plan 9. New SWM ordinance to DEQ by January 2014 F. Stafford County 1. LEGO coming to Centerport Parkway? 2. New ligh ng ordinance adopted in Fall 3. Proffer Guidelines a. Looking at Chesterfield County ‐ caps proffers at $19K b. Chesterfield received $4.9 million over same me frame in which Stafford collected $700K 4. Transporta on Impact Fees ‐ $2,999 per unit– effec ve 5/21/14 – lawsuit filed but not served 5. Upda ng Master Water and Sewer plans for new Comp Plan – target comple on in 2014 6. U li es in streets being reviewed by VDOT – UD presented dra agreement a. Mee ng with Harry Critzer 1/8/14 at 2 PM at UD offices 7. JLUS (Joint Land Use Study) for Quan co underway – AECOM is consultant, Kathy Baker is staff contact G. King George County 1. Dra SWM ordinance available for review a. Using State SWM Handbook by reference b. Using BMP Clearinghouse by reference 2. JLUS to be undertaken with Dahlgren base ‐ BOS selected Matrix Design Group for consul ng 3. Linwood Thomas named new Economic Development Director – started 9/30/13 EXPECT
H. City of Fredericksburg 1. Charles R. “Chuck” Johnston is new Director of Planning in City – takes Ray Ocel’s place I. VDOT 1. Bre Cox le VDOT, David Beale new Area Land Use Engineer 2. Mike Doczi is Area Land Use Engineer for south areas MORE
NAHB Interna onal Builders Show set for February 4 ‐ 6 in Las Vegas. Don't miss this outstanding opportunity to: 
See more than 1,500 exhibitors! 1 badge = 2 shows during the first annual Design & Construc on Week™ when IBS will be co‐located with the Kitchen & Bath Industry Show 
Learn new techniques during live demonstra ons at the High Performance Building Zone. 
Be inspired and expand your exper se at more than 100 educa on sessions. 
Connect and exchange ideas with professionals in your niche at IBS Centrals. 
Network and mingle during an array of fun IBS events! More than 70,000 building industry professionals are expected to a end Design & Construc on Week. Be sure that you are one of them! NAHB member rates start at just $50. Don’t delay ‐ register today at JANUARY 2014
Page 11 - Builders FRAMEWORK
“We work hard to make your job easier”
234 Industrial Ct.
Fredericksburg, VA. 22408
Fax 540-710-0844
Toll free 888-658-7663
2362 Plank Road
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Cabinets, countertops, appliances & more!
Gerald Childress, President
Spotsylvania, VA 22553
[email protected]
Eddie Payne, Sales Rep
11001 Houser Drive, Ste 1
Fredericksburg, VA 22408
(540) 735-1864 [email protected]
Specializing in Siding, Windows, and
Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery
10702 Spotsylvania Ave
Fredericksburg, VA 22408
(P) 540-898-5511
Scott Hine and John Hayden
[email protected]
P. O. Box 7267
Fredericksburg, VA 22404
Industry Investors ‐ This level of advertising represents the most visible and
most significant advertising on our website. The specifics are:
[email protected]
3351 Shannon Park Drive
Fredericksburg, VA 22408
(540) 623-8804
Advertise in
Builders Framework
Full page ad
½ page ad
¼ page ad
Bus. card sized ad
$ 75
$ 50
Call the FABA office
Your company logo will appear on ALL pages of our website in a scrolling box
We are only offering twenty advertising spots for this level which will assure a specific
amount of time for your logo to appear
Each logo will appear (scroll) for five seconds each time – which means YOUR logo will be
front and center every 1 minute 20 seconds
In addition, we are providing an Industry Investors page which will display your logo and
a company description – there is no extra charge for this display as long as you are an Industry Investor. We will link your logo directly to your company website.
As an added bonus, we will also include your logo, (complete with a link to your company
website) on our “What Members Are Saying” page which will include a brief statement
from you on why you are a FABA member. This is also provided at no extra charge as long
as you are an Industry Investor. ($300 value)
And finally, you will receive a business card ad in our monthly Framework Newsletter for
each month you are an Industry Investor. ($600 value)
The cost for this level of advertising is only
$500 for 12 full months.
THE FIRST 10 MEMBERS WHO SIGN AN ADVERTISING AGREEMENT FOR THIS LEVEL OF ADVERTISING WILL RECEIVE AN ADDITIONAL 12 MONTHS OF INDUSTRY INVESTOR ADVERTISING FOR FREE! That’s 24 months of adver sing on the new FABA website for $21 per month. To secure adver sing, please click on "register" on website to pay or you can contact Tammy Reid at 540‐898‐2730. Page 12 - Builders FRAMEWORK
Bea Phelps
Executive Vice President
[email protected]
Erin Edge
Permit Administrator
[email protected]
Tammy Reid
Executive Assistant
[email protected]
3006 Lafayette Blvd.
Fredericksburg, VA 22408
(540) 898-2730
Board of Directors
2013 Officers
Danna Middleton
David Elsey, Builder Director
G H Watts Construction
Legal Counsel
Charlie Payne
Charleston Company
Hirschler Fleisher
1st Vice President
Hank Osleger
Guy Miller-Richards
Aaronal Homes
C&F Mortgage Corporation
2nd Vice President
Dan Sandoval
Robert Donovan
Mike Urian, Builder Director
NVR Ryan Homes
Billy Middleton, Builder Director
Charleston Company
Sean Halsey, Builder Director
Halsey Homes
Republic Home Builders
Donovan & Associates Realty
Mike King, Associate Director
Ray’s Siding
Associate Vice President
Eddie Payne
Immediate Past President
Tim Thompson
Taylor Lewis, Associate Director
Lewis Appraisal Services LLC
Mid South Building Supply
Thompson Building Corp.
Executive Vice President
Bea Phelps
Bruce Reese, Associate Director
The Engineering Groupe
Lisa Wescoat, Associate Director
NSWC Federal Credit Union
Fredericksburg Area Builders Association
About the association
The Fredericksburg Area Builders Association, chartered in 1968 and incorporated in 1980, represents thousands of
people whose livelihoods are directly tied to the building and building-related industries. FABA, a tax-exempt trade
association, is affiliated with the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and the Home Builders Association of
Virginia (HBAV). With its main purpose to create and maintain a favorable climate for the growth and development of the
building industry, the Fredericksburg Area Builders Association seeks to develop and maintain high professional business
standards with the ultimate goal of providing home ownership to all individuals and families in our area. Centrally located
between Washington, D.C., the nation’s capital, and Richmond, Virginia, the state capital, FABA serves the historic
Fredericksburg, VA area including the surrounding counties of Spotsylvania, Stafford, King George, Caroline, and Orange.