DEVICES FOR LEAD EXTRACTION Simplify your lead extraction procedures. LEAD CONTROL VESSEL ACCESS EXTRACTION EVOLUTION ® L E A D E X T R A C T I O N™ S Y S T E M Sometimes the simplest answer is the best answer With the number of cardiac lead implants increasing every year, the need to extract a percentage of them has never been greater. Some leads must be extracted as a result of damage, some because of infection and some because new leads are needed but can’t be implanted until old ones are removed. The Evolution® Lead Extraction™ System goes beyond manual telescoping and laser sheath sets. It’s engineered to be more intuitive and make lead removal less complicated. The system’s many options allow physicians to control every step of both straightforward and challenging procedures. Evolution is also less costly than laser lead extraction and doesn’t require making a capital equipment purchase. The next step in lead extraction technology Evolution’s telescoping sheath set contains a braided inner sheath attached to an ergonomic handle mechanism. The inner sheath rotates as the trigger on the handle is depressed. At the inner sheath’s distal end is a patented, threaded barrel tip that is highly radiopaque and able to progress through binding scar tissue—even calcified tissue—without harming the vessel. This simple yet unique system maximizes physician control while minimizing risk of vascular perforations. Cook Medical’s lead extraction system includes: • Evolution Mechanical Dilator Sheath • Evolution Shortie • Liberator® Beacon® Tip Locking Stylet • Bulldog™ Lead Extender • Needle’s Eye Snare® Please refer to product Instructions for Use for full prescribing information including indications, contraindications, warnings and precautions. Rx only. To learn more, please visit Lead control Liberator® B EACON ® T I P L OC K I N G s t y l e t Enhanced for improved fluoroscopic visibility, the Liberator assists in the removal of cardiac leads, indwelling catheters and foreign objects with a central lumen. This specialized stylet wire can be inserted through a cardiac lead’s conductor lumen once the proximal connector has been removed. The stylet can then be locked into position, firmly grasping the distal end of the lead. The Liberator grasps leads with lumen diameters of .016 to .032 inches. Features • Enhanced fluoroscopic visibility • Strong, positive grip • Threadable handle • Creates rail for extraction sheaths Order Number Reference Part Number G26550 LR-OFA01 Overall Length cm Active Length cm 140 70 Bulldog™ lead extender Aids in the removal of lumenless cardiac leads or those that contain cable conductor wires, such as ICD leads. The Bulldog extends the lead so it can be pulled into a sheath. Once the loop is slipped over the end of the lead or cable conductors, the metal sleeve is advanced over the loop to firmly grasp the lead, facilitating removal. Features • Secure and easy-to-use locking mechanism • Compatible with all Cook dilator sheath sets • Threadable handle Order Number Reference Part Number G46542 LR-LED01 Overall Length cm 70 vessel entry Evolution® Shortie m e c h a n i c a l d il a t o r s h e a t h s e t Dilates scarred or calcified tissue around cardiac leads to be extracted. The ergonomic trigger handle drives smooth rotation of the flexible sheath, which is shorter than that of the regular Evolution to increase physician control. Features • No electrical energy supply needed • 13.6 cm usable length specifically for venous access associated with lead removal • Outer sheath tabs can be used to peel the sheath more easily. This technique aids in retaining wire guides and, if necessary, reimplanting the lead Inner Sheath ID Fr Order Number Reference Part Number G49651 LR-EVN-SH-9.0 9.0 G49652 LR-EVN-SH-11.0 11.0 extraction Evolution® m e c h a n i c a l d il a t o r s h e a t h s e t Separates fibrous or calcified binding adhesions from cardiac leads to be extracted. The ergonomic trigger handle drives smooth sheath rotation and tip advancement. Physicians can feel and control the progress through lesions along the lead. Evolution’s patented sheath tip gently follows the vessel, cutting only when and where the physician desires. Features • No electrical energy supply needed • Range of sizes accommodates both pacing and defibrillator leads and is compatible with both the Liberator and the Bulldog Order Number Reference Part Number Inner Sheath ID Fr Evolution Mechanical Dilator Sheath Set G46538 LR-EVN-7.0 G46539 LR-EVN-9.0 9.0 G46540 LR-EVN-11.0 11.0 G46541 LR-EVN-13.0 13.0 Order Number Reference Part Number Outer Sheath OD Fr 7.0 Evolution/Perfecta® Outer Sheath G26580 LR-PFTA-7.0-CS 15.0 G26578 LR-PFTA-9.0-CS 17.0 G26586 LR-PFTA-11.0-CS 19.0 G26585 LR-PFTA-13.0-CS 21.0 extraction Byrd Dilator Sheath Sets Dilates tissues surrounding pacemaker/defibrillator leads and other indwelling catheters. The stainless steel sheaths are to be replaced by appropriately sized PTFE or polypropylene sets once venous access has been established. Polypropylene sets are color-coded by inner diameters. PTFE sets are softer than polypropylene. Features • Radiopaque • Polypropylene and PTFE sets available in two lengths Order Number Reference Part Number Length Color Inner Sheath ID/OD Fr Outer Sheath ID/OD Fr Size regular blue 7.0/9.3 10.0/12.3 AA Telescoping Polypropylene G26562 LR-PPLBES-7.0 G26563 LR-PPLBES-7.0-XL G19893 LR-PPLBES-8.5 G20534 LR-PPLBES-8.5-XL G19859 LR-PPLBES-10.0 G20535 LR-PPLBES-10.0-XL G19860 LR-PPLBES-11.5 G20525 LR-PPLBES-11.5-XL G26514 LR-PPLBES-13.0 G20526 LR-PPLBES-13.0-XL extra long blue 7.0/9.3 10.0/12.3 AA regular yellow 8.5/10.7 11.6/13.9 A extra long yellow 8.5/10.7 11.6/13.9 A regular green 10.0/12.1 13.1/15.2 B extra long green 10.0/12.1 13.1/15.2 B regular white 11.5/13.6 14.1/16.3 C extra long white 11.5/13.6 14.1/16.3 C regular orange 13.0/15.3 16.0/18.1 D extra long orange 13.0/15.3 16.0/18.1 D regular black 8.5/12.0 12.8/16.0 B extra long black 8.5/12.0 12.8/16.0 B Telescoping PTFE G19999 LR-TEFBES002 G26496 LR-TEFBES002-XL G20221 LR-TEFBES003 G26497 LR-TEFBES003-XL regular black 9.5/13.0 14.3/18.0 C extra long black 9.5/13.0 14.3/18.0 C Regular length 13 inch/15 inch(33 cm/38 cm); extra-long length 16 inch/18 inch (41 cm/46 cm). Telescoping Stainless Steel G20536 LR-TELSST001 metallic 8.7/10.3 11.5/12.6 A G20000 LR-TELSST002 metallic 10.4/11.9 12.7/13.7 B G20537 LR-TELSST003 metallic 12.3/13.8 14.5/15.6 C extraction Accessories Order Number Reference Part Number Lead Clippers G20003 LR-CLP001 Separates connector from pacemaker or defibrillator lead wire. Coil Expander G20005 LR-CEX001 Prepares the proximal end of a cut cardiac lead inner coil to allow for the insertion of a locking or straight stylet. Pin Vise G20004 LR-PVI001 Increases strength and gripping of selected sheath sets. Hollow design allows passage of the Liberator Locking Stylet and Bulldog Lead Extender. Straight Stylet Wires G20006 LR-STS001 Debrides foreign matter inside lead body and measures length of lead after connector has been removed. Lengths: 60 and 65 cm. Diameter: .015 inch. Sof-Grip Hemostat G20001 LR-SGH001 Grips the pacing or defibrillator lead without damaging the lead. Grip It™ Sheath Gripping Pad G52406 LR-PAD001 Improves physician manipulative control of various percutaneous dilator sheaths and catheters during placement, rotation and repositioning. Constructed of a special silicone foam material. INTRODUCERS Peel-Away® s h e at h i n t r o d u c e r s e t Percutaneously introduces pacemaker leads or catheters. The curved introducer sheath and special introducing dilator allow the lead/catheter to be smoothly passed into the venous system at a desired location distal to the superior vena cava/innominate juncture. The 44 cm set is especially useful for coronary sinus leads, while the other sets are especially useful for reinsertions. Features • In addition to introducer sheath, set includes radiopaque dilator (with special van Andel taper on Curved Introducer Sets); .038 inch, double-ended stainless steel wire guide; 18 gage access needle; and 12 mL syringe. • The dual knobs allow the sheath to be peeled away and removed. Order Number Reference Part Number Sheath ID Fr Length cm Curved Introducer Set G31000 PLVN-7.0-38-24-VAD5-CVI 7.0 24 G29841 PLVN-9.0-38-24-VAD5-CVI 9.0 24 G29838 PLVN-10.0-38-24-VAD5-CVI 10.0 24 G29839 PLVN-12.0-38-24-VAD5-CVI 12.0 24 G29840 PLVN-14.0-38-24-VAD5-CVI 14.0 24 G29690 PLVN-9.0-38-44-VAD5-CVI 9.0 44 Order Number Reference Part Number Sheath ID Fr Length cm Introducer Set G04456 C-PLI-7.0-38 7.0 15.5 G01922 C-PLI-8.0-38 8.0 15.5 G04502 C-PLI-9.0-38 9.0 15.5 G04495 C-PLI-10.0-38 10.0 15.5 G04496 C-PLI-11.0-38 11.0 15.5 femoral extraction Needle’s Eye Snare® Retrieves indwelling catheters, cardiac leads, fragments of catheter tubing or wire guides and other foreign objects. The Needle’s Eye Snare is a transfemoral grasping device that forms a basketlike snare around the lead body. It is delivered to the vicinity of the lead through a long, flexible 12 Fr sheath placed coaxially within a larger outer 16 Fr (OD) sheath that has a hemostasis valve at its proximal end. Features • Provides quick-release capability by simply retracting the threader mechanism • Compatible with the Curved Femoral Introducer Sheath for enhanced positioning within the venous system • Flush port is continuous with the snare’s innermost lumen • The large-diameter Curved Femoral Introducer Sheath (LR-CSS16) comes equipped with Seldinger insertion components Order Number Reference Part Number Profile Diameter mm Length cm Femoral Snare and Workstation G26533 LR-NES541 13 54 G26517 LR-NES001 13 94 G26515 LR-NES002 20 94 Femoral Snare G26518 LR-SSN001 13 94 G26516 LR-SSN002 20 94 Order Number Reference Part Number Sheath OD Fr Sheath Length cm Components Available Separately for 94 cm Version Curved Femoral Introducer Sheath G26505 LR-CRVFEM001 12.0 91.4 G26566 LR-CSS16 16.0 68.6 femoral extraction Byrd Workstation™ F e m o r a l I n t r a v a s c ul a r R e t r i e v a l S e t Snares and extracts transvenous cardiac leads via the femoral vein. The 16 Fr (OD) thickwalled sheath contains a coaxial 12 Fr inner sheath preloaded with a Femoral Helical Loop Basket and a Tip Deflecting Wire Guide. The preloaded cannula passes through the outer cannula to carry these two instruments, via the femoral vein, into the right atrium. (Requires a Tip Deflecting Wire Guide Handle [LR-HDG001], sold separately.) Complete Seldinger venous access equipment included. Order Number Reference Part Number Femoral Intravascular Retrieval Set G20007 LR-WSF001 Femoral Preloaded Helical Loop Basket and Tip Deflecting Wire Guide G20008 LR-BDG001 Tip Deflecting Wire Guide G20009 LR-DWG001 Tip Deflecting Wire Guide Handle G20010 LR-HDG001 Needle’s Eye Snare ® TRANSVENOUS RETRIEVAL SET Capture problematic cardiac leads for percutaneous extraction. Needle’s Eye Snare ® TRANSVENOUS RETRIEVAL SET The Needle’s Eye Snare® is a transvenous grasping device that forms a basketlike snare around the targeted cardiac lead or venous catheter body. It is delivered to the vicinity of the lead or catheter through a long, flexible 12 Fr sheath placed coaxially within a larger outer 16 Fr (OD) sheath that has a hemostasis valve at its proximal end. Encompassing Grasp Two shape-retaining loops can encircle cardiac leads, indwelling catheters, fragments of catheter tubing or wire guides, and other foreign objects—whether straight or configured and with or without free ends. Secure Hold Advancing the inner sheath closes the snare in a controlled manner and ensures a firm grasp of the target object. Inner and outer sheaths may be used to disrupt fibrous binding tissue and, if necessary, support countertraction manuevers. Quick Release Grip can be released by simply retracting the threader mechanism. Device details Side-Arm Flush Port Threader Needle’s Eye Telescoping 12 Fr PTFE Sheath Plunger Introducer Tube 16 Fr Introducer sheath Needle’s Eye This large loop is made of a nitinol alloy that allows it to retain its shape and hook the target object during deployment. Loop profile diameters are available in 13 and 20 mm. Threader This smaller nitinol loop passes through the first to fully encircle the target object. Handle The design allows the threader to be engaged with one hand. Plunger Depressing the plunger advances the threader; retracting it releases the snare. Side-Arm Flush Port The side-arm flush port may be used for fluid infusion or to prefill the snare’s innermost lumen with saline. Telescoping 12 Fr PTFE Sheath Advancing this sheath tightens the snare to firmly grasp the target object. 16 Fr Introducer Sheath Advancing this sheath over the snared and folded target object prepares it for removal. Introducer Tube The introducer tube can slide forward to compress the snare and ease its reinsertion if replacing the telescoping 12 Fr PTFE sheath with the 12 Fr curved femoral sheath. Luer Connector Rotating the connector releases the introducer tube from its storage position atop the handle. Needle’s Eye Snare ® TRANSVENOUS RETRIEVAL SET Additional Features • Compatible with the 12 Fr Curved Inner Femoral Sheath for enhanced positioning within the venous system • Flush port is continous with the snare’s innermost lumen • Large-diameter Curved Femoral Introducer Sheath (LR-CSS16) comes equipped with Seldinger insertion components • Highly visible when using fluoroscopy • Device is supplied sterile and inteded for one-time use Global Product Number Loop Profile Diameter mm Order Number Length cm Femoral Snare and Workstation G26517 LR-NES001 13 94 G26515 LR-NES002 20 94 G26533 LR-NES541 13 54 Femoral Snare G26518 LR-SSN001 13 94 G26516 LR-SSN002 20 94 Global Product Number Order Number Sheath OD Fr Sheath Length cm Components Available Separately for 94 cm Version Curved Femoral Introducer Sheath G26505 LR-CRVFEM001 12.0 91.4 G26566 LR-CSS16 16.0 68.6 Needle’s Eye Snare is a component of Cook Medical’s comprehensive approach to percutaneous cardiac lead extraction. AORTIC INTERVENTION CRITICAL CARE ENDOSCOPY INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY LEAD MANAGEMENT PERIPHERAL INTERVENTION SURGERY UROLOGY WOMEN’S HEALTH Peel-Away ® S H E AT H I N T R O D U C E R S E T Convenient Removal Dual knobs allow the sheath to be easily peeled away after insertion. Trusted Design Cook Medical’s Peel-Away® sheath technology has become the industry standard. Complete Sets Curved Introducer Curved and straight sets are available. Sets contain all of the components needed for the percutaneous introduction of pacemaker leads and catheters. Pass cardiac leads or catheters smoothly into the venous system. Peel-Away ® S H E AT H I N T R O D U C E R S E T The curved Peel-Away ® Sheath Introducer Set allows pacemaker leads or catheters to be delivered to a desired location distal to the superior vena cava/innominate juncture. The 44 cm set is especially useful for coronary sinus leads, and the other curved sets are especially useful for reinsertions. In addition to introducer sheath, each set includes radiopaque dilator (with special van Andel taper on curved sets); .038 inch, double-ended stainless steel wire guide; 18 gage access needle; and 12 mL syringe. Order Number Reference Part Number Sheath ID Fr Length cm Wire Guide Diameter Inch Curved Introducer Set G31000 PLVN-7.0-38-24-VAD5-CVI 7.0 24 .038 G29841 PLVN-9.0-38-24-VAD5-CVI 9.0 24 .038 G29838 PLVN-10.0-38-24-VAD5-CVI 10.0 24 .038 G29839 PLVN-12.0-38-24-VAD5-CVI 12.0 24 .038 G29840 PLVN-14.0-38-24-VAD5-CVI 14.0 24 .038 G29690 PLVN-9.0-38-44-VAD5-CVI 9.0 44 .038 Straight Introducer Set G04492 C-PLI-6.0-38 6.0 15.5 .038 G02187 C-PLI-7.0-35 7.0 15.5 .035 G04456 C-PLI-7.0-38 7.0 15.5 .038 G01921 C-PLI-8.0-35 8.0 15.5 .035 G01922 C-PLI-8.0-38 8.0 15.5 .038 G04502 C-PLI-9.0-38 9.0 15.5 .038 G04495 C-PLI-10.0-38 10.0 15.5 .038 G04496 C-PLI-11.0-38 11.0 15.5 .038 Not all part numbers shown on this product information sheet may be approved for sale in all regulatory jurisdictions. Consult with your local Cook representative or customer service for details. Maximise the rail effect with proximal lead control. The One-Tie™ Compression Coil is designed to make Lead Extraction™ procedures more manageable by securely binding together the Cook Medical locking stylet1 and the proximal components of the targeted cardiac lead. The result is total lead control that can be achieved only by actively engaging a lead both proximally and distally. Total lead control is essential in order to create a consistent, transvenous guiding rail for extraction sheaths. 1One-Tie should be used only with the Liberator ® Beacon® Tip Locking Stylet. MEDICAL When using a One-Tie Compression Coil, you will find that a troublesome and ineffective suture tie is no longer required. The simple-to-apply One-Tie can be used on nearly all of the cardiac, defibrillator, and pacemaker leads you may need to extract. The One-Tie Compression Coil will help make your extraction procedures less complex. Order Number Reference Part Number G31929 LR-OTE-N Quantity 5 One-Tie should be used only with the Liberator Beacon Tip Locking Stylet. Some products or part numbers may not be available in all markets. Contact your local Cook representative or Customer Service for details. DEVICES FOR CARDIAC LEAD CONTROL Newly enhanced fluoroscopic visibility Liberator® beacon® tip locking stylet Bulldog™ lead extender Advance extraction sheaths with confidence. LEAD CONTROL VESSEL ACCESS EXTRACTION EVOLUTION® L E A D E X T R A C T I O N™ S Y S T E M Liberator ® B E A C O N® T I P L O C K I N G S T Y L E T The Liberator Beacon Tip Locking Stylet, now with enhanced radiopacity, assists in the removal of cardiac leads, indwelling catheters and foreign objects with a central lumen. It can firmly grasp the distal end of the coil and help establish the “rail effect” for passage of a dilator sheath. Liberator Beacon Tip Locking Stylet can be inserted through a cardiac lead’s conductor lumen once the proximal connector has been removed. Collapse-resistant stainless steel loop allows the lead body’s attachment suture to be tied back. Latch-pin mechanism ensures the cannula activator stays positioned during advancement of the Liberator through the coil lumen. 64 cm integral wire extender facilitates delivery of sheaths without the need for a hook stylet. DEVICES FOR CARDIAC LEAD CONTROL Liberator Beacon Tip Locking Stylet Assists in the removal of cardiac leads, indwelling catheters and foreign objects with a central lumen. This specialized stylet can be inserted through a cardiac lead’s conductor lumen once the proximal connector has been removed. The stylet can then be locked into position, firmly grasping the distal end of the lead. The Liberator grasps leads with lumen diameters of .016 to .032 inches. Bulldog Lead Extender Aids in the removal of lumenless cardiac leads or those that contain cable conductor wires, such as ICD leads. The Bulldog extends the lead so it can be pulled into a sheath. Once the loop is slipped over the end of the lead or cable conductors, the metal sleeve is advanced over the loop to firmly grasp the lead, facilitating removal. Order Number Reference Part Number Overall Length cm Active Length cm 140 70 Liberator Beacon Tip Locking Stylet g26550 LR-oFA01 Bulldog Lead Extender g46542 lr-led01 70 Not all part numbers shown on this product information sheet may be approved for sale in all regulatory jurisdictions. Consult with your local Cook representative or customer service center for details. Liberator and Bulldog are components of Cook Medical’s comprehensive approach to percutaneous cardiac lead extraction. Liberator features include: • Newly enhanced fluoroscopic visibility • Threadable handle • Ability to grasp leads with lumen diameters of .016 to .032 inches • Positive luminal tracking • Strong, positive grip • Ease of use The Rail Effect Passing a sheath over an unsupported lead may cause the lead to kink or stretch, thus preventing the sheath from successfully advancing along the lead’s body toward the distal end. The Liberator Beacon Tip Locking Stylet provides central support for the lead and guides the sheath to its desired destination, just as railway tracks do for a train. This is knows as the “rail effect.” The ability of the Liberator to lock as close as possible to the distal tip maintains the rail effect for the entire length of the lead, making the Liberator an essential component of all transvenous lead extraction modalities, including: • The Evolution® Lead Extraction™ System, with sheath technology that features trigger-operated rotation of a threaded tip that can reach the implant site and disrupt adhesions without a forward depth of cut • Other mechanical extraction tools • Powered sheaths Patented compressed-coil locking mechanism with sliding cannula activator focuses the locking action at the distal end of the lead. Bulldog ™ LEAD EXTENDER The Bulldog™ Lead Extender aids in the removal of lumenless cardiac leads or those that contain cable conductor wires, such as implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) leads. The Bulldog extends the lead so it can be drawn through a sheath. Bulldog features include: • Secure and easy-to-use locking mechanism • Compatibility with all Cook Medical dilator sheath sets • Threadable handle Smaller aperture provides anchoring site to tie outer portion of lead to Bulldog. Advancing metal sleeve closes larger aperture, folds lead and covers it to achieve secure hold and facilitate removal. Larger aperture allows insertion and capture of exposed lead or cable conductors. Evolve your Lead Extraction procedures with controlled bidirectional rotation. MEDICAL ™ EVOLUTION RL LEAD EXTRACTION SYSTEM After receiving feedback from clinicians around the world, we’ve updated the Evolution RL and Evolution Shortie RL Controlled-Rotation Dilator Sheath Sets. To give you more control during the lead extraction procedure, Cook has added three new features to the already innovative line of Evolution devices: a birotational sheath; a low-profile, decagonal tip; and a responsive trigger. These three features allow you to focus on the primary task of safely removing problematic leads and also lessen the distractions that companion leads or suboptimal lead positioning can cause. The Evolution RL line of extraction sheaths combine engineering expertise with the procedural knowledge that physicians have come to expect from Cook Medical. Birotational Sheath • Rotate in alternating directions or continuously in either direction. • Rotate fully or partially, depending on the length of the trigger pull. • Resist kinking with a durable braided inner sheath. Decagon-Shaped Tip • Avoids tissue wrap and deflects companion leads. • Maintains forward progression whether it rotates right or left. • Has a low profile. Responsive, Contoured Handle • Centered position of the the sheath makes the device friendly to both right- and left-handed users. • Intuitive two-stage trigger changes the direction of rotation without buttons or switches. • Rotation indicator clearly indicates the direction of rotation. Evolution RL ® C O N T R O L L E D - R O TAT I O N D I L AT O R S H E AT H S E T The Evolution RL helps you extract leads by separating binding adhesions along the entire length of your targeted cardiac lead. The PTFE outer sheath can be used to disrupt tissue and apply countertraction. The Evolution RL comes in a range of sizes that accommodates both pacing and defibrillator leads. Evolution Shortie RL ® C O N T R O L L E D - R O TAT I O N D I L AT O R S H E AT H S E T Designed specifically for vessel entry, the Evolution Shortie RL dilates scarred or calcified tissue bidirectionally around the targeted cardiac lead. The proprietary shape of the Evolution Shortie RL’s decagonal tip allows the device to easily enter a vessel. The tabs on the outer sheath allow you to peel the sheath away more easily, so you can retain wire guides and, if necessary, reimplant the lead. The Evolution Shortie RL’s shorter sheath gives you greater control. Reference Part Number Inner Sheath ID Fr G23737 LR-EVN-9.0-RL 9.0 G23746 LR-EVN-11.0-RL 11.0 G23747 LR-EVN-13.0-RL 13.0 Order Number Evolution RL Evolution RL is compatible with the following: Standard Outer Sheaths Compatible Sheath Fr G26578 LR-PFTA-9.0-CS 9.0 G26586 LR-PFTA-11.0-CS 11.0 G26585 LR-PFTA-13.0-CS 13.0 SteadySheath Evolution Tissue Stabilisation Sheath G25082 LR-TSS-9.0 9.0 G25083 LR-TSS-11.0 11.0 G25084 LR-TSS-13.0 13.0 Evolution Shortie RL Inner Sheath ID Fr G23748 LR-EVN-SH-9.0-RL 9.0 G23749 LR-EVN-SH-11.0-RL 11.0 Evolution Shortie RL is compatible with the following: SteadySheath Evolution Shortie Tissue Stabilisation Sheaths Compatible Sheath Fr G31908 LR-TSS-SH-9.0 9.0 G31923 LR-TSS-SH-11.0 11.0 Some products or part numbers may not be available in all markets. Contact your local Cook representative or Customer Service for details. Enhance control exactly where you need it. The SteadySheath™ Evolution® Tissue Stabilisation Sheath is an outer sheath that is specially crafted to augment the already highly regarded performance of the Evolution and Evolution RL devices during Lead Extraction™ procedures. MEDICAL The SteadySheath has a textured, stainless-steel distal tip that engages the binding adhesions that anchor targeted cardiac leads in place. By stabilising these adhesions, this specialised outer sheath helps to minimise vessel movement when the powered inner sheath is activated. The unique surface on the tip can also help to disrupt the challenging adhesions that are associated with chronically implanted cardiac leads. • Highly visible under fluoroscopy • Made from the same highly flexible, low-surface-resistance PTFE that has been used in Lead Extraction for over 20 years • SteadySheath is compatible with all sizes of Evolution RL and the original Evolution • SteadySheath Shortie is compatible with all sizes of Evolution Shortie RL and the original Evolution Shortie Order Number Reference Part Number Compatible Sheath Fr SteadySheath ID Fr SteadySheath OD Fr Length cm 9.0 14.2 17.2 36.5 SteadySheath Evolution Tissue Stabilisation Sheath G25082 LR-TSS-9.0 G25083 LR-TSS-11.0 11.0 16.2 19.4 36.5 G25084 LR-TSS-13.0 13.0 18.1 21.3 36.5 SteadySheath Evolution Shortie Tissue Stabilisation Sheath G31908 LR-TSS-SH-9.0 9.0 14.2 17.2 11.2 G31923 LR-TSS-SH-11.0 11.0 16.2 19.4 11.2 Some products or part numbers may not be available in all markets. Contact your local Cook representative or Customer Service for details.
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