, etfiq qrrftrq (dfuffirg) REGIONA-L QFFICE(T4I\,{ILNADU) offi qrq -ffrt f+rrq , r WlTfq Phone:28306300 (100 lines) frwt Fa* : EMPLOYIDES' STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION r43, €ffi.r rts, Ad-6oo 034. ; I43, STERLI}iG ROAD, CHENNAI.6OO 034. . { tA Brnuil : [email protected] grS : l2l No.5 1 -4126 12 I Uo d 9OO1:Z0OC gflfrrd aTSf{C website : www.esichennai.org (ISO9001:2008Certified) ftHi6 Dated: 09.12.2014 20l2Adm n.II. q{ 2014 28238559 ir'r qrqfcTq sTrtsr dlgr 235 / OFFICE ORDER No 235 oF 2014 i +-.i6-r s{ eOts *,dR1-q o.Tl.fff*rrq b dFffi{rg Rril 6.rqfmit d FF{fdfud frdi d;{q erqorcl *' tq d ergwwr ovi or 3r$qc fcq t t Regional Director has approved that the following days will be observed as Closed Holidays dwing the calend ar year 2015 in the offices of the E.S.I. Corporation situated in e)-*q ftavr6 Tamil Nadu :- :q{ zots S lerq {< 3ffi6Tsii ftt qff LIST OF CLOSED HOLIDAYS FOR THE YEAR 2015. 3Fq q. ftnio, Date ei-arc b il-q Name of the Festival S.No. I Nevr Year's Day 2 Ponl3al a J Tlrv9-lrvs P-s-- Republic day 4 ;) Holi 6 Good FridaY 7 May Day 8 Inde,pendenco 9 Ganesh Chaturthi 10 Idul' Zuha (B'akid) 11 B i{l'dst--_ I4qtr{*e 9e}gblr t2 13 Day .--. _ ' l4 ryra'(ogggylUt5 Milad-wr-Nabi 16 Christmas daY *'fac Days of the Week 01-01-2015 15-01-2015 1G01-2015 26-0r-2015 06-03-2015 03-04-2015 01-05-2015 1s-08-201s 17-09-20t5 24-09-2015 02-10-2015 4ryat'glgEl--Mulwram rsqra Thursday Thursday Friday Monday Friday Friday Frida Saturday Thursday Thursday Friday 2l-10-2015 WednesdaY 23-10-2015 10-11-2015 615 25-12-2015 Friday ffi|T- -Jggsday Wednesda Frida t Estt$ 'r{ am qqi ftrq r{sq 3rfffi d T{ 3r{qfd *a q iroet tt q.fr { S;"fd" or cftiltrd 3rqqilr fuar can avail two holidays out of the list In addition to the aSove holidays, each employee of the authority gompetent to of Restricted Horidavs shown below,'with prior^permission sanction the leave. sc{-o, cr+onil mq t'eftfto, rdd o.ffi rffi'bcrq d. Name of the Festival S.No. 1 2 Bogi (lrrnr Ravidas Birthday rL^; -^^oo."/ v"" Rlci6 Date cqn b ftn Days of the Week r4-01-201s -03-02-2015 WednesdaY Tuesday Ir thri 17-02-2015 Tuesday J 4 Ash Wednesday J"Yrnthi t8-02-2015 t9-02-2015 WednesdaY 5 6 7 8 f -1'qclr !!t""lt Hc'lika dahan ItVaisakhWishu/Tamil Nery ylg -05-03-2015 02-04-20r5 -1]4-04-2015 Thursday Thursday Thursday Tuesday a ki6 'idll6m iF qrq 3Dq TT. qqre * len 9 Name of the Festival Vaisakhadi(Bengal) 10 Buddha Poornima t1 Vaikashi Visagam Jamat-Ul-Vida Adiperukku t5-04-2015 04-05-2015 01-06-201s 17-07-2015 03-08-2015 Parsi New Year Day 18-08-2015 l5 Orarn/Vara takshmi Viradham 28-08-2015 Friday t6 Ba'krid 25-09-20rs T7 Mahalaya Amavasai Mahasaptmi t2-10-20t5 l8 t9 Pu.r.tn" fVtj 20-10-2015 22-10-2015 Friday Monday Tuesday Thursday 27-t0-20t5 Tuesday 30-10-2015 Friday Monday S.No. 12 l3 t4 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 O"rnrl) "V" Maharishi Valmiki's Binhdav Karaka Chaturthi All Souls Dav Diwali(Deepavali) Govq4dhana Pooja thai Duj Chhat Puja Guru Teg Bahadur Martyrdom day Guru Nanak's Birthday/Karthigal O"epu* . Vaikunda Ekadasi Chrirtt""r Fhe New Year's Eve Date Days of the Week Wednesdav Tuesday Monday Monday Friday Monday 02-It-2015 r1-tl-2015 I2-It-2015 Wednesdav 1,3-ll-2015 17-rt-2015 24-II-2015 Friday Tuesday 25-tr-2015 Wednesday 2t-12-2015 24-12-2015 Monday Thursday 3t-t2-20ts .-!$Psday Thursday Tuesday 1d.w';\,"1r,1 (\'s. os-gsrff / S. Raruppusamy) sq ftevro (uvrrcn; DEPUTY DIRECTOR (Ad,nn.) *qr if To: l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. t2. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. The Di'ector Ge'eral Hqrs. office, New Delhi. (5 copies). -(Estt.[), SMC, R.O., Che.an ai-34. Director(Vig.) SZ, R.O., Chenn ai_34. {qlg ol.gor(DE) SZ,1ID(F)IJD(R), R.O., Chenn ai_34. All the Officers in the Regional Oince, ESIC, Chennai_34. All Branch Manilgers of Tamil Nadu Region. Joint Director, Sub Regional office, ESl-corporation, coimbatore, Madurai, Tirunelve:li. (5 Copies) Medical Supdt., ESI Hospita, Nagar, Chennai-7g (5 Copies). Regional Director, R.O., puducherrv. All Insurance Iru;pectors/Audit Insplctors/Dy. Manager and superintendents. Regional Directors of all Regions. Dy. Director (Trg.), Bangaloie. offi ce of Medic'l Referee, chennai/r\4adurailcoimbatore. All Branches in ltegional Offrce, Chennai. All Branch Offices in Tamil Nadu Resion. Regional Provident Fund commissiorier, EpF organisation, chennai- 1 4. Director of Medical Services, Chennai_6 Dept of Labour, Govt of Tamil Nadu, Chennai. Labour Commisr;ioner, Govt. of tami Nadu, Chennai secretary, Dept of Hea_llh a Family, Govt. of Tamil Nadu, chennai Superintendent, i]. S.I. Hospital, Ay anav aran Accountant Gendral, Govt. of Tamil Nadu, Chennai General Secretary, ESIC Employees, IJnion, Chennai_34. 9:f:"1 Secretary, ESIC Offi-ceis' Association, Chennai_34. Br., R.o., chennai-34 / Notice Board. / It -gffi:ial-Languag,e Roll out Notice tsoard !4*, f.f.
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