APPROVED MEETING MINUTES PRESERVATION COMMISSION Tuesday, February 18, 2014 7:00 p.m. Lorraine H. Morton Civic Center, 2100 Ridge Avenue, Room 2200 Members Present: Kris Hartzell, Sally Riessen Hunt, Dian Keehan, Anne McGuire, Garry Shumaker, Scott Utter, Karl Vogel, Diane Williams and Jack Weiss Members Absent: Andres Lombana and Amy Riseborough Staff Present: Carlos D. Ruiz Presiding Member: Garry Shumaker, Chair Declaration of Quorum With a quorum present, Chairman Shumaker called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES of April 16, May 21, 2013 and January 28, 2014 This item was discussed later in the meeting. The January 28, 2014 and April 16, 2013 minutes were approved as corrected. Vote: 9 ayes, 0 nays. COMMITTEE REPORTS This item was discussed later in the meeting. Garry Shumaker informed the Commission that a follow up meeting with Mark Muenzer, Director of Community Development Department, is scheduled on Thursday, February 20, 2014. The Planning and Development Committee had asked staff to record landmark properties outside local historic districts as a first step. STAFF REPORTS This item was discussed later in the meeting. Carlos Ruiz informed the Commission that he just received from Mark Varner, GIS Specialist, and data on the number of landmark properties. This information is important for determining the cost of recording landmark properties. Also, the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency has proposed a Grant Agreement to conduct the recording of landmark properties. City staff is reviewing the proposed agreement. Page 1 of 4 Preservation Commission APPROVED UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. 120 Dempster Avenue (LSHD) – Toni & Greg Van Ert, owners/DonnaLee Floeter, architect (applicant). Proposed attic addition in “Dutch Colonial” or “Gambrel” style above existing 2story “Georgian” /“Dutch Colonial” mixed type house. Proposed front porch w/roof entire north façade. 2story frame addition to rear (south) side. Center dormer as part of attic. Dormers added to north and south master bedroom (above garage). Open wood deck to west side, stone/concrete patio to south. [Construction/Demolition] Toni and Greg Van Ert, owners, and DonnaLee Floeter, architect, presented the application. D. Floeter noted that the major change was reducing the size of addition in the back east corner. The middle section changed from 1.5story to 2 stories high. There is a new wrap around open porch on the west side. The south/east corner proposed addition was eliminated. All the new roofs are gambrel style. All the new sections are cedar shake siding and the brick will be painted to match the color of the siding. All the trim will be white. The project is zoning compliant. Anne McGuire said the proposed design is compatible with the historic district. However, the survey lists the house as contributing to the district. She suggested using the standards of construction rather than alteration. It was motioned (K. Vogel) and seconded (S. R. Hunt) to approve the COA for 120 Dempster as meeting standards of construction 116. The motion passed. Vote: 9 ayes, 0 nays. It was motioned (K. Vogel) and seconded (S. R. Hunt) to approve a COA for demolition at 120 Dempster in that standards 15 are all applicable. The motion passed. Vote: 9 ayes, 0 nays. NEW BUSINESS A. 2511 Orrington Avenue (L) – Edward Provost, owner/John Zachar, applicant. Construction of a 2story masonry addition to an existing single family home. The addition is at the rear portion of the home [Alteration]. John Zachar, architect, presented the proposed 2story rear addition. On the south elevation, the addition is setback 4” with dentil molding and concealed gutters will match the existing in composite material. The 2story addition is for the expansion of the family room on the first floor and the master bedroom on the second floor. The new windows are wood aluminum clad to match the style of the existing windows. It was motioned (A. McGuire) and seconded (D. Keehan) to approve the COA for the addition at 2511 Orrington in that standards for alteration 13 and 510 apply and have been met, with the provision that the first floor where the grouping of windows Page 2 of 4 Preservation Commission APPROVED be reduced from 4 to 3. It was motioned (A. McGuire) and seconded to issue the COA for the demolition of the rear porch at 2511 Orrington for the construction of the new addition, in that standards for demolition 15 apply and have been met. The motion passed. Vote: 9 ayes, 0 nays. The following projects were presented by Tony Meyers of North Shore Builders and Jesus Serrato, architect. Barbara Janes of 802 Colfax was present. B. 728 Lincoln Street – Lot 3 (NEHD) – North Shore Builders I, LLC, owner/Tony Meyers, applicant. New single family home with garage, coach house and fence [Construction] The Preservation Commission tabled this application to allow the applicant(s) revise the exterior materials and the design of the proposed single family home. C. 730 Lincoln Street – Lot 2 (NEHD) – North Shore Builders I, LLC, owner/Tony Meyers, applicant. New single family house with garage, coach house and fence [Construction] Tony Meyers said the house has dormers on the roof. S. Utter said the house had good proportions and materials (stone on the sides and chimney, cedar siding and cedar shakes above). The Commission asked to remove the cedar shakes from the garage. Barbara Janes thought that the proposed fences give a sense of isolation. It was motioned (J. Weiss) and seconded (A. McGuire) to approve the COA for the construction of the new house, garage and fence at 730 Lincoln Street, in that standards 116 of construction apply and have meet met. The motion passed. Vote: 9 ayes, 0 nays. D. 732 Lincoln Street – Lot 1(NEHD) – North Shore Builders I, LLC, owner/Tony Meyers, applicant. New single family house with garage, coach house and fence [Construction] The Preservation Commission tabled this application to allow the applicant(s) revise the exterior materials and the design of the proposed single family home. E. 2370 Orrington Avenue – Lot 10 (NEHD) North Shore Builders I, LLC, owner/Tony Meyers, applicant. New single family house with attached garage and fence [Construction] The Preservation Commission tabled this application to allow the applicant(s) revise the exterior materials and the design of the proposed single family home. Page 3 of 4 Preservation Commission APPROVED DISCUSSION (No vote taken) · Review and update the 2012214 Preservation Commission Work Plan by June 2014 Garry Shumaker informed the Commission that the 20122014 Preservation Commission work plan needs to be completed and updated. The Commission completed: Goal 1 (Lakeshore Historic District Survey); Goal 2 (established a partnership with the Preservation League of Evanston to continue the sell of plaques for designated Landmark properties). It was agreed that efforts to achieve the second objective (to adopt a memorandum of agreement with the Evanston History Center to archive Commission’s records) should continue. Goal 3 (Preservation Month was celebrated with a Proclamation at City Council; the 2013 Preservation & Design Awards were successfully held; and the 2013 Statewide Preservation Conference was held in Evanston). Also, Commissioners Scott Utter, Anne McGuire and Dian Keehan volunteer to the 2014 steering committee for a preservation/sustainability workshop. The Commission will continue working on Goal 4 (review of current standards for review of alteration, construction, relocation and demolition and incorporate sustainability initiatives) · Amend Preservation Ordinance to include staff recommendation on cases by May 2014 The Commission will work with City staff to implement this task. · Review and update the Commission Rules and Procedures by June 2014 Commission members will work with City staff to implement this task. · 2014 Preservation & Design Awards by May 2014 Commissioners Garry Shumaker, Kris Hartzell and Jack Weiss volunteered to the steering committee for the 2014 Preservation & Design Awards. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was moved (D. Williams) and seconded (K. Hartzell) to adjourn. A voice vote was taken and the motion was approved at 10:20 p.m., Tuesday, February 18, 2014. Respectfully Submitted, Carlos D. Ruiz Senior Planner/Preservation Coordinator – Community Development Department Page 4 of 4 Preservation Commission
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