here - Erie Yacht Club Foundation

Presque Isle Bay
Letter from
the Chairman
What a difference a year makes on
Presque Isle Bay! As we look west at
the Rickloff Community Boathouse, the
opportunities are now unlimited as we
strive to enhance maritime education in
our community. It’s a wonderful facility
in which we can now pursue our visions.
Over the past 12 months, the Trustees
have completed three significant
projects — all of which have set the
direction of future funding initiatives.
These included raising over $1
million for the new education center,
completing the construction of the
Rickloff Community Boathouse and,
most recently, facilitating the start of
an intercollegiate sailing program with
Gannon University at the boathouse.
As part of our community initiatives, a
permanent “Needs Based Scholarship
Fund” has been created to provide
education to those community members
that might otherwise not participate
in maritime education. Over $100,000
in excess funds from the Education
Building Capital Drive are anticipated
to become a part of this new Fund as
pledges are received. Furthermore, the
trustees started a new capital drive
to purchase 10 new floating docks
($60,000) and then add an additional
six 420 boats ($60,000) to support
the Rickloff Community Boathouse
programs. Perhaps you would like to
float a dock or name your new boat?
During this capital campaign, the
Foundation continued to raise
awareness from the community and seek
donations for the permanent sustaining
funds. For the first time, we successfully
participated in the Erie Gives program
in August. In the current year, the
Foundation received gifts in the amount
of $350,487, and since inception in
2009, we have received $992,879.
As our funds grow, our grants will start
to benefit many worthy programs. This
year, over $5000 was awarded in grants
to maritime organizations from our
annual and permanent funds.
When approaching 2015, please
consider the EYC Foundation for a gift
to one of our funds or to the new dock
and boat capital drive. Perhaps you
are planning your estate or thinking
about where an insurance bequest might
make a difference in Presque Isle Bay’s
future. Please consider your Erie Yacht
Club Foundation!
James McBrier, Chairman
Your Foundation Trustees
James McBrier, Chairman
Michael Tellers, Treasurer
Karen Imig, Secretary
John Bloomstine
David Haller, F/C
David Heitzenrater, P/C
William Lillis
Dennis Markley
Mickey McMahon
Matt Niemic, P/C
Mark Rickloff
Statement of Financial Position
As of October 31, 2014
Cash and Investments
Contributions Receivable, Net
Building, Net
$ 250,509
$ 874,475
Total Assets
$ 1,275,801
Note Payable
Total Liabilities
$ 140,000
Net Assets
Annual Fund
Reyburn Fund
Commodore Fund Rickloff Family Sail Fund
Klahr Family Fund
Education Building Fund
Total Net Assets
$ 1,135,801
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
$ 1,275,801
Statement of Revenue,
Expenses and Grants Paid
For the Year Ending October 31, 2014
Public Support
Net Investment Income
Grants and Awards
Administrative & Development $
Erie Yacht Club Funds
The Commodores Fund supported
the Presque Isle Partnership weather
buoy in 2013.
The Commodore’s Fund
Rickloff Family Sail Fund
An unrestricted permanent
fund supporting annual
grants to programs and
projects within the mission.
This year special grants
went to Frolic on the Bay,
the Presque Isle Partnership
for the new weather buoy
off the Peninsula and to the
Boy Scouts of American for
Eagle Scout sail training.
A fund to support the replacement of sails for the
Reyburn Sailing School.
Current Value........................................................... $24,650
Current Value.........$39,961
Grants in 2014........ $1,200
Reyburn Sailing School Fund
A permanent fund supporting programs, needs and
scholarships of the Reyburn Sailing School. The school
received funding for scholarships and to support the out
of town Sailing team.
Current Value............................................................$75,405
Grants in 2014............................................................. $2,738
You raised $1,150,000 and made the Rickloff Community Boathouse possible!
Boathouse Capital Equipment Campaign
Provide capital funds for new docks and boats.
Our immediate goal is to raise $60,000 for 10
additional floating boat docks for existing boats
followed by and then to buy 10 new 420 boats.
Yes, you can name your boat!
New Fund
You can name a boat $10,000, or float a dock $6,000.
Annual Fund
Make gifts to your other
maritime or community
nonprofit organizations and
help the Foundation build
community awareness.
Grants were given to the
Lake Erie Interclub Cruise
and the Bayfront Center for
Maritime Studies.
The Reyburn Sailing School Fund helped start the Gannon University Sailing
Team with Reyburn Scholarships and funded the racing program.
Community Needs Based Scholarship Fund
A scholarship program providing educational support
to youth and adult Community members that might
otherwise not participate in maritime education.
New Fund
Grants in 2014 ........ $1,567
The Annual Fund supported
Frolic on the Bay.
Donor Advised Gifts, Insurance and Bequests
An opportunity to think about the future of Presque Isle Bay, the Erie Yacht Club and our maritime mission and programs
in your planning. Memorial Cards are available at the EYC office.
2013–2014 Contributors
Building Fund
Thomas Agresti
Scott Allen
Robert Allshouse
David Amatangelo
Matt Bacon
Diane Mitra and
Rick Barner
Robert Becker
Douglas Beers
Douglas Bert
J. Boyd Bert, Jr.
Jerome Bien
David Blake
Chris Bloomstine
John Bloomstine
Mark Bloomstine
William Bloomstine
M. Louise Boice
Gary Boldt
Dennis Bort
Clarke Bressler
Britton Family
Leo Brugger
Builders Hardware
John Butine
Charles Campagne, Jr.
Carrara Steel
Robert Chambers
Church & Murdock
Ken Claunch
William Coleman
Robert Cunningham
James Currie, Jr.
Arthur Curtze
James P. Dailey
Thomas Dailey
Michael Dent
Paul Detzel
Daniel Doyle
David Doyle
Dan Dundon
John Dunn
Jeff & Neala Eastman
James Edgett
Marty Eisert
Judy Emling
Brad Enterline
Erie Community
Keri Fabin
Robert Ferraro
Robert Ferrier
Wallace Flower
Kim Frey
Garrett Fuhrman
John Gage
John Garhart
(EYC account)
Michael Geiger
J. A. Gerbracht
Bill Gloekler
Marvin Gold
Jonathan Goldberg
Jack Gordon
Fletch Gornall
Pete Gorny
Michael J. Grab
Rick Griffith
David Haller
Thomas Hanes
James Hartwell
David Heitzenrater
Richard Hersey
William & Dorothy Hill
Patrick Huntley
Karen Imig
Sandra Jarecki
Eric Johnson
Chal Jordan
Richard Klaber
Lewis Klahr
Sally Kohler
Paul Kopkowski
Tom Kovach
J. Clarke Kuebler
David Brian Lasher
R. Lemuel Lasher
Gary Liebel
Bill Lillis
George Loesel
Rich Loesel
Longo Plumbing
David Loose, Jr.
Peter Lund
Sally Lund Bob Maas
William Makarowski
Dennis Markley
James Marnen
Eric Marshall
Charlotte Mashyna
James McBrier Family
Mark McCain McCormick Brothers
Des McDonald
Kevin McEnery
Robert McGee
Mickey McMahon
David Mehl
Timothy Mehl
Merwin Foundation
Richard Morrison
Harry Mueller, Jr.
Jess Murdock
Alex & Amanda Nagle
Doug & Dick Nagle
Robert Nelson
Matthew Niemic
Paul Nunes
Holly O’Hare
David Penman
Louis Porreco
Alexa Potter
Nancy Potter
Michael Preston
Bruce Raimy
Gary Raimy
Don Richwine
Heidi Rickloff
Mark Rickloff
Mary Rickloff
Robertsons Kitchens
Randall Rydzewski
Mrs. Toni Sample
David Sanner
Robert Schoeller
Ed Schuler
Stanley Schuyler
Dawn Schultz
(GE Match)
Schultz Family
Seip Familty
James Semple
Joe Semple
Gregory &
Elizabeth Sesler
Catherine Shimek
South One Supply
Conrad Stachelek
Janet Stachelek
Barry Stamm
Frank Stearns
Bill Steinbrink
Melvin Strausbaugh
James Taylor, Jr.
Michael Tellers
Mary Lou Thomas
Russell Thompson
Dennis Tobin
John Ungerman
Gerald Urbaniak
Shawn Van Hove, MD
Muriel Veenschoten
Richard Vicary, Jr.
Frank Victor
Everret Walker
JD Walker
William Walker
Eugene Ware
Charles Weber
Timothy Weibel
Gary Weibler
Mitchell &
Christine Wells
Natalie Whiteman
James Wilcko
Harold Will
George Willis
Matthew Wilson
Diana McBrier Wolfe
Matthew Wolford
Douglas Yarbenet
David M. Zurn
Roger W. Zurn
Sailing Fund
Bjorn Gabrielsson
Presque Isle
Michael Schloss
Harley Schultz
John Schultz
John Schultz, Jr.
J. Donald Schwab
Richard Speicher
Douglas Yarbenet
Krahe Memorial
Mary Babo
Allan Belovarac
Timothy Berrier
Michael Buccigrossi
Robert Buzzanco
John Downey
Joanne Druzak
Harold Eisert
Jerome Farrar
Eric Franos
Denis Franos
Gannon Athletic Dept.
Brian Hamilton
David Harrison
Lee Johannesmeyer
Joanne Katchen
Louis Krahe
Sharon Krahe
Charlotte Mashyna
Mark Marshall
Millcreek School
Mary Reiss
Richard Robertson
Cheryl Sonzala
Roger Thayer
The Hite Company
Venango Twp.
Louis Wieczorek
David Zimmerman
G. Diemel Memorial
Dennis Braendel
Stephen Giewont
Eugene Polaski
Michelle Tivani
Commodores Fund
Roger Allenbaugh
Robert Allshouse
Betsy Bort
Mary Burke
Charles Champagne, Jr.
Alfred Church
William Coleman
Patrick DeMarco
Erie Community
Richard Hersey
William Hilbert
William Hill
Lynette Hughes
David Jones
Douglas Klaber
KC. Dean Klahr
Sally Kohler
Julie Lasher
Robert Lasher
William Lasher
Thomas Madura
James McBrier
James McKibben
Timothy McNair
Ray Nicolia
Mark Rickloff
Richard Robertson
Ann Schoeller
Nicholas Scott
Jay Shimek
Clive Tattersall
Russell Warner
Thomas Weyand
Matthew Wilson
Edward Wittmann
F. Sickert Memorial
James McBrier
Annual Fund
Bianchi Motors
David Blake
Boat Owners Assn.
of U.S.
Chubb Charity
Steris Good
Neighbor Fund
The Erie Yacht
Club Foundation
PO Box 648
Erie, PA 16512
phone (814) 453-4931