Und derstanding g the e structure off genomes derstanding g Und the e biology off genomes g derstanding g Und the e biology off disease Advancing the science of m medicine Im mproving the efffectiveness s of h healthcare MMG M 31 10 - Falll 2014 Currrent To opics in n Genom mics an nd Med dicine (22 creditts) Signnificant progress p has h been made in genomicss in the ppast 10 yyears -- thhe Human n Gennome Projject, the first geno ome-wide associatioon study, the first direct-to--consumerr whoole-genom me test, thee first perrsonal gen nome sequuenced, annd the 10000 Genom me Projectt. New w opportu unities to cure c diseaases emerg ge every dday as wee continuee learningg about thee struucture and d function of the hu uman geno ome and genetic coontributioons to hum man health h andd disease. This T seminar-based d course will w providde an up-too-date visiion for thee future of gennomics research and d describe the path towards ann era of geenomic meedicine. ncludes seeminars byy invited sp peakers aand lecturees Thee course in Inviited speak ker seminaar (public welcome)): Weednesdays 9:30-10:30am m at Staffo ford Hall 1101 Lunnch provid ded with sp peakers: Weednesdays Studdent preseentations and a faculty y lectures: Onee hour, tim me/locatioon TBD Connfirmed sp peakers (coonfirming othher speakers): Speakker In nstitution Title Kenneth Kidd Hongyyu Zhao Jason Moore Chao C Cheng Russelll Tracy Jamess Hudziak Richarrd Single Reneee Stapleton Thomaas Ahern Yale Y University Yale Y University Dartmouth D Collegge Dartmouth D Collegge University U of Verm mont University U of Verm mont University U of Verm mont University U of Verm mont University U of Verm mont TBD Leveraging diverse types of prior inform mation to prioritizze genes from ggenome wide asssociation studiess Networrk science approoaches to the ge netic analysis off common humaan diseases From genomics g to biom medical studies: application of inntegrative analyssis TBD Epigenetic studies of child stress reacttivity Data sttandards and staatistical methodss to facilitate meeta-analysis of im mmunogenetic daata Basic statistics s and study design Epidem miology: tools forr translating moleecular data Reggistration: send yourr name to the t instrucctor Daweii Li at daw wei.li@uvm m.edu.
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