Weekly Round-Up, 24th April 2014 - WebLearn

Weekly Round-Up, 24th April 2014
* Any weekly round-up attachments can be found at the following link
Disclaimer: The University of Oxford and the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages accept no responsibility for the content of any advertisement published in
The Weekly Round-Up. Readers should note that the inclusion of any advertisement in no way implies approval or recommendation of either the terms of any offer
contained in it or of the advertiser by the University of Oxford or The Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages.
1 Lectures and Events
Comparative Criticism and Translation Programme
11th Modern German Studies Symposium
Gender, Literature and Culture Seminar
History of Art lectures and Seminars, TT14
External – Elsewhere
European Youth Parliament Germany: International Academic Summer Forum 2014
2 Calls for Papers
Forming Ruins: CFP Deadline Reminder
Extension of deadline: 34th Annual Harvard Celtic Colloquium
3 Adverts
Summer Volunteering Opportunity in Russia
Emma Huber, new German Subject Librarian at the Taylorian
* Any weekly round-up attachments can be found at the following link
Weekly Round-Up, 24th April 2014
* Any weekly round-up attachments can be found at the following link
Disclaimer: The University of Oxford and the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages accept no responsibility for the content of any advertisement published in
The Weekly Round-Up. Readers should note that the inclusion of any advertisement in no way implies approval or recommendation of either the terms of any offer
contained in it or of the advertiser by the University of Oxford or The Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages.
1 Lectures and Events
1.1 Comparative Criticism and Translation Programme
Please see the attachment below for details of the Trinity Term 2014 programme.
All the events and the Discussion Group seminars are part of the Research Programme in Comparative Criticism
and Translation, a collaboration between TORCH and St Anne's College which is funded also by the John Fell
OUP Research Fund. Website: www.oxfordcomparativeliterature.com.
Email: [email protected]
* Please see item 1.1 attachment for further information:
1.2 11th Modern German Studies Symposium
Sat 26th April 2014 in Lecture room 6, New College
We at the German grad seminar welcome all interested modern and medieval linguists to our Symposium this
Saturday. Registration is not absolutely necessary, but do send us an email, especially if you want to join us for the
conference dinner. We hope to see you there!
10.00–10.15 — Registration & coffee
10.15–12.30 — Creating Space
Lucy Duggan (St Hilda’s): Seeking the other Prague: Wandering through the city in contemporary Czech and
Czech-German narrative fiction.
Michael Navratil (Freie Universität Berlin): Lost in Motion: On the Semantics of Movement in Kafka’s Der
Rey Conquer (Somerville): Space, colour and the ontology of the artwork in Rilke’s Neue Gedichte.
12.30–1.30 — Lunch
1.30–3.00 — Facing East and West
Sophie Burt (New): Seltsame Sterne Starren zur Erde: Minor Literature?
Alex Marshall (Brasenose): Looking East: The Zionist Search for Authentic Models of Jewishness.
3.15–4.45 — Looking in, Looking out
Melissa Schuh (Queen Mary University of London): The Novelist’s Self-Scrutiny: Autobiographical Perspective and
Late Style in Günter Grass’s and J. M. Coetzee’s Self-Referential Writing.
Benjamin Schaper (Oriel): Readability as ‘Zukunftsperspektive’ in German Literature since 1990.
5.00–6.00 — Keynote
* Any weekly round-up attachments can be found at the following link
Weekly Round-Up, 24th April 2014
* Any weekly round-up attachments can be found at the following link
Disclaimer: The University of Oxford and the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages accept no responsibility for the content of any advertisement published in
The Weekly Round-Up. Readers should note that the inclusion of any advertisement in no way implies approval or recommendation of either the terms of any offer
contained in it or of the advertiser by the University of Oxford or The Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages.
Michael Minden (Jesus College, Cambridge): Perspective in Context (and Vice Versa)
6.00–6.30 — Round table discussion
7.00 — Dinner at the King’s Arms
Main contact for further details: [email protected]
1.3 Gender, Literature and Culture Seminar
For Trinity Term 2014, our topic is Women’s Writing and the Classics. The programme is to consist of three
seminars and a workshop, all held at the Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road and open to all whether
members of Oxford University or not. Please see the attachment below for further details.
* Please see item 1.3 attachment for further information:
1.4 History of Art lectures and Seminars, TT14
Please find this term's History of Art lecture list attached below. Updated versions of these documents will also be
available at http://www.hoa.ox.ac.uk/events.html
* Please see item 1.4 attachment for further information:
External – Elsewhere
1.5 European Youth Parliament Germany: International Academic Summer Forum 2014
Marburg, Germany/19-23 August 2014
The International Academic Summer Forum will gather around 80 young Europeans, aged between 18 and 29.
While some of the delegates will be alumni of the EYP who have participated in events of our organisation before,
Marburg 2014 will be the first session for a big part of the participants, both from Germany and abroad. The
delegates are divided into seven committees of 10-12 members. Each committee will deal with a different topic
revolving around research and innovation – the theme of the session. The delegates will get to know each other,
learn how to work together as a team and discuss current European topics in order to find new and innovative
solutions. If you are aged between 18 and 29 and are interested in participating in the International Academic
Summer Forum, you can now apply to the session as a delegate with the online application form available on the
EYP website, where you can also find out more about the programme (http://marburg.eyp.de/).
The deadline for applications is Wednesday, 30.04.2014. Before submitting your application, please take note of
the following organisational information:
The participation fee for delegates is 60 EUR. This covers both meals and accommodation from 19.08.- 23.08.14.
All delegates are asked to arrive on 19th August before 13:00 CET and can depart on 23rd August after 19:00
CET. If you want to arrive earlier or stay longer in Marburg, the organising team can arrange for you to stay another
night at the youth hostel. Please note that extra nights (approx. 25 EUR) are at your own expense. We invite
everyone to stay an extra night at the youth hostel to celebrate the end of the session with us at the unofficial
farewell party on 23rd August.
For more information email Mathilde Pascal: [email protected]
* Any weekly round-up attachments can be found at the following link
Weekly Round-Up, 24th April 2014
* Any weekly round-up attachments can be found at the following link
Disclaimer: The University of Oxford and the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages accept no responsibility for the content of any advertisement published in
The Weekly Round-Up. Readers should note that the inclusion of any advertisement in no way implies approval or recommendation of either the terms of any offer
contained in it or of the advertiser by the University of Oxford or The Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages.
2 Calls for Papers
2.1 Forming Ruins: CFP Deadline Reminder
This is a reminder for the approaching CFP deadline for ‘Forming Ruins: An Interdisciplinary Postgraduate
Workshop’, which will be held on Wednesday 2nd July 2014 at the University of Nottingham.
Abstracts of 250-300 words for 20 minute papers, along with a short biography, should be sent to
[email protected] by 12 noon on Friday 2nd May 2014.
Further details can be found in the attached CFP below.
* Please see item 2.1 attachment for further information:
2.2 Extension of deadline: 34th Annual Harvard Celtic Colloquium
Please note that the closing date for proposals for the 34th Annual Harvard Celtic Colloquium has now been
extended to May 12, 2014.
The Harvard Celtic Department cordially invites proposals for papers on topics which relate directly to Celtic studies
(Celtic languages and literatures; cultural, historical, or social science topics; theoretical perspectives; etc.) for the
34th Annual Celtic Colloquium, taking place at Harvard University, October 10-12, 2014. Papers concerning
interdisciplinary research with a Celtic focus are also invited. Attendance is free.
Presentations should be no longer than twenty minutes. There will be a short discussion period after each paper.
Papers given at the Colloquium may later be submitted for consideration by the editorial committee for publication
in the Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium.
Potential presenters should send a 200-250 word abstract in English suitable for reproduction, plus a brief
biographical sketch. Submissions should be sent by e-mail to [email protected], faxed, or posted to the
departmental address; we encourage submissions in the form of RTF or Word Document email attachments.
Please see the attachment below for the original call for papers.
Further information is available on the website: http://www.hcc.fas.harvard.edu.
* Please see item 2.2 attachment for further information:
3 Adverts
3.1 Summer Volunteering Opportunity in Russia
Want to volunteer at a Russian orphanage this summer?
* Any weekly round-up attachments can be found at the following link
Weekly Round-Up, 24th April 2014
* Any weekly round-up attachments can be found at the following link
Disclaimer: The University of Oxford and the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages accept no responsibility for the content of any advertisement published in
The Weekly Round-Up. Readers should note that the inclusion of any advertisement in no way implies approval or recommendation of either the terms of any offer
contained in it or of the advertiser by the University of Oxford or The Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages.
Step Up Orphan Opportunity Centre (www.vverh.su) is currently recruiting British volunteers to take part in a
summer camp at the Belskoye Ustye Orphanage for mentally and physically disabled children – located about 100
kilometres outside of Pskov.
Volunteers will think up games, put on plays, organise festivals and camping trips. They will glue, cut out, paint,
draw, run, jump and dance – providing a month of fun for orphanage kids who suffer from chronic isolation and
Summer Camp has been a catalyst for grassroots change since it began in 2002 and has been attended by dozens
of volunteers from across Europe and Russia.
This year, Summer Camp will run from July 5th to August 3rd. Volunteers must have some knowledge of Russian
(fluency not required). Step Up will cover all accommodation costs and travel inside Russia as well as providing
visa support.
This short film gives a flavour of Summer Camp: http://vimeo.com/13557265. For more information, and details
about how to put yourself forward as a volunteer, please contact project coordinator Howard Amos
([email protected]).
Ховард Амос
Центр равных возможностей для детей-сирот "Вверх"
моб. +7 (903) 614 6221
* Please see item 3.1 attachment for further information:
3.2 Emma Huber, new German Subject Librarian at the Taylorian
Emma Huber started work as the Subject Librarian for German in January. She isn’t new to the Taylorian, as she
studied French and German as an undergraduate at Lady Margaret Hall from 1996 to 2000. Since then her
professional time has been divided between traditional Librarianship and Digital Humanities. She worked for the
Oxford Digital Library for many years, on projects such as the Early English Books Online Text Creation
Partnership and Shakespeare Quartos Archive. She is experienced in using the TEI for text encoding, in audience
analysis and website design and development, and has delivered training on digitisation best practice. At the same
time, she gained an MSc in Library and Information Science with distinction in 2008, and worked as Librarian at
Linacre College from 2006.
Emma hopes to be able to make use of her experience to help users of the Taylorian exploit its collections, both
print and digital, to the full. She considers the key to the role to be knowing users and their needs well, and
understanding the collections and how they are used. She is currently looking at ways of developing her
knowledge of these areas.
Emma is looking forward to meeting many of you over the course of the next few months and is interested to hear
about your research and interests. Please do introduce yourself!
(Emma works part-time and can normally be found in person or by phone (78153) on Wednesdays (all day) and
Fridays (up to 14:30) – at these and other times you can also contact her at [email protected].)
* Any weekly round-up attachments can be found at the following link