O P E MINNESOTA COUNTY Buildinglor tlw Fuure - Pruserting the Past HoUSING AND REpBveIOPMENT AUTHoRITy / EcoNoulC DeveLoprapNr AuruoRrrY OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS Pope County Housing and Redevelopment Authority Board July 16,2014 The July 16,2014 regular Board meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cody Rogahn at E; I 5 a.m. with the following members present: Commissioners Luan Johnsrud, Allen Rutter, and Lori Vaadeland. Commissioners Dorothy Gaffaney and Bob Flemal were absent. Commissioner Larry KittBlson arrived late because of a medical appointrnent. Also in attendance was Dick Dreher, HRA Executive Director. Agriculture -ExecutiveDirectorDreheraskedthatthesaleof6l0HagensonStreetbesubsitutedinplaceof#ll: approved the Board and unanimously carried by Vaadeland Johnsrud, seconded motion by HRA/EDA. On of the the amended Agenda. -On motion by Johnsrud, seconded by Rutter the Board unanimously approved the Official Proceedings of July 2, 2014. -On motion by Vaadeland, seconded by Rutter and unanimously carried the Board approved payment of the bills, having been duly audited and ordered them paid according to law. -Executive Director Dreher gave an update on the Villard and Lowry work force housing projects. Executive Director Dreher gave an update on the extension of Broadband to Villard and ottrer parts of the County not currently served. -Executive Director Dreher updated the Board on his work on job retention and job development in the County and suggested that he would have more information at a meeting in September. -Executive Director Dreher updated the Board on both Bay Meadows and the Lakeview RV Park. He has signed a total of five leases and has another two reservations for Bay Meadows. Constntction is about two weeks behind the original schedule but the first unit in Phase II is still scheduled to be complete by August 1,2014. The other three units should be complete before the end of August. Executive Director Dreher brought a proposal from Mr. and Mrs. Peter Grossman to purchase the property at 610 Hagenson Street that the HRA/EDA had purchased from Pope County for $10 after the property had been taken by the State of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes. Dreher said that while the HRA/EDA had paid a little over $6,000 to remove the house, that had become a health and safety hazard, he was recommending that the HRA/EDA Board accept the Grossman's proposal $2,575 for the property. The Grossman's would like to pay for the purchase with a Contract for Deed over a 24 to 36 month period. The lot is too small to build a new house on and the Grossman's would landscape the property and have it serve as a pleasing extension of their yard. On motion by Rutter, seconded by Johnsrud and unanimously carried the Board authorized Dreher to negotiate a Contract for Deed with the Grossman's for a purchase price of $2,575 over two or three years with a 5% simple interest rate. -Executive Director Dreher reported on progress on the Habitat for Humanity house now under construction in Lowry. He also gave the Board an update and summary of the Department of Agriculture Conference on Moving Agricultural Products by Rail in Minnesota that he attended earlier in the month. l3O Minnesota Avenuc East, Suile 210, Glenwood, MN 56334 r Fcx (320) 614-5712 o www-co-pope-mn us Phone (320) 634-?700 Official Proceedings HRA 7n6t2014 Page2 of2 -The next meeting of the HRA Board is on Wednesday, August 6,2014 at 8:15 a.m. in the Courthouse Boardroom. -On motion by Johnsrud, seconded by Kittelson and unanimously carried, the Board meeting was adjourned at 9:22 a.m. Crv0+ fuq-"-(* I 30 Minnesota Avenue East. Suit6 2l 0. Glenwood, MN 5633,1 Phone (320) 634-7700 . Fsx (320) 614-571 2 . www.co.pope.mn.us
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