" Hh i i 107 BUFFALO COURIER-EXPRESS, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1926 SCREEN PROGRAMS GLARA BOW IN MUSIC COLLEGE MOVIE AT LAFAYETTE TO ALL VARIETY TO APP Four Buffalo Boys Win Brilliant Success in New York Meighan Hopes to Do Big Things in Drama of Screen GIRL, 13, SAVES DROWNING MAN IN EARLY MORN Real Old Timer, j | This Comedian qf Stage and Screen Charlie Murray, frmous screen comic, who has one of the featured roles ln Sweet Daddies, which opens today tt S h e a s Hippodrome, wes born in 187S in Laurel. lad. He in one cf the few real old t.mers. r.ct only la the movies, but in other branches of the theatrical basinesw. The circus, vaudeville, tab ahow and musical coznedy—Charlie tried them all. The team or Murray and Mack was for years a Isr.dhi.^ com| edy act in vaudevills. In 1912 CharJif d e c i d € d ^ a t he would take a flyer ' at them there nervous phota^rapaa, as he humorously calkul them, and j-slned the Biograph Studion. Taefe with Gloria Swanson, Jcck Mulhail, Marshall Neilan, Lew Cody and "Wallace Beary and oilier embryonic celebrities, he worked cs an e;»tra» Then c a n e Murray's encasement with Mack Sennett, extending overja. period of ten years. Last year Murray, while enjoying a vacation, w*a invited to play a part In a dramatia picture for First National. After it was completed Murray decided tt^t his place t s a comedian was in 1 dramatic photoplay. He s i g n e d ! , five-year contract with First National and was loaned recently to M. C. Levee to play one of the feature roles in Sweet Daddies. The Chromatic Club has made J cess, and were engaged for many apThomas Meighan, who will appear ^„n»»,*#„i «,,i a ^«i « « . ! pearances outside of New York. The on the Shea's Buffalo screen com- plans for a delightful musical sea j ^ ^ a p p e a r e d a t l h e F a b i a n thementing today in Tin Gods, is weary I 8 0 n , and with Amy Corey Fisher a3 ater, P a t e n o n , N- J- where they reof the wholesome figures that he has [ chairman of the artists recital com- ceived a great ovation. The critic of portrayed in a hundred or so films, mittee, and Ethyol McMullen, chair- the Paterson Evening News says: Clid only in nightgown, At dives "The Fabian atmosphere prologue He is weary of smiling, in the final , m a ° f£* afternoon P r 0 ^ J ° m ; preceding the feature, employs the from bulkhead—Not only , ' I mittee, the members are anticipating Toothful star in film version of services of the Schubert Male quartet, close-up. He _ feets that he must do ( m a n y e n j o y a b i e r e {ntals. one she has rescued noted organization of soloists, and Percy Marks' no?el. The bigger and better things. This feel-j T n e officers of the Chromatic Club their blending and ensemble easily lng is shared by the master minds of f o r t h e c o m l t l g season, are Miss MilPlastic Age show their admirable training and the Famous Players-Lasky Company. l i c e n t w h i t e , president; Mrs. Ralf Seattle,* Wash., Sept 18—Add flnette,'" Edward D. Bollinger of Bev5 The men whose sensitive fingers are I Hillman, vice-president; Miss BeaPeggy Davis, thirteen years old, 136 erley road, Buffalo, trained these ever on the pulse of public opinion j t r i c e p e r e w , second vice-president; singers and they do him gTeat credit. Alki avenue, to the list of lifesavbrought warnings that stronger ! Mrs. Cleveland Jauch, secretary; -..-•••• g \ They undoubtedly have a bright fuing heroines. stories were needed, stories that Miss Lavinia Hawley, treasurer; Dancing, comedf, singing, with gave opportunities for greater emo-! Mrs. Walter P. Hawkes. assistant ture. Early in the morning, clad only tlonal acting. Orders went out t h a t ' secretary and treasurer, Scotch organizations In Buffalo in her nightgown, she leaped into instrumental music—Child every one was to be on the1 alert for | Warren Case, concert pianist of and vicinity are preparing an enthuthe sound from a bulkhead in front ^ material. Ultimately, the search was New York, will open the series of re- siastic welcome for the Glasgow wonder of vindeville of her home and rescued Charles I successful. Tin Gods was selected. j citals on November 6th. Marion Orpheus Choir when It comes to this Lelvers, a neighbor, from drowning. Although he adorns the silent i Nicholson, contralto atsd Eva Rau- city on Tuesday evening. October Clarm Bow's youthful gaiety will be drama, Mr. Meighan is not a silent | tenberg. pianist are also scheduled 19th, under the leadership of Dr. Lei vers had gone In for a dip and w e n in The Plastic Age, the feature man. ™ _ , , awilling s h m a n to " wlio program be date. pre- Hugh Robertson. The choir is giving He liso ,perfectly talk ji A~ on Chris'tmas the program for thatwill sam« apparently got beyond his depth. His Schubert Quartet of this city, h a s been filling engagements in New photoplayV itartlng - ———.-—» will K« rtrm 20 concerts in Canada and thel s ^ g o T btodi ldlitUe6 £ I U k ' s ^ ^ h r ^ s l y . who views | sented on December 11th. United States. Its Buffalo concert is J York and adjacent cities, winning flattering endorsement from'the critics, little daughter, Charlotte, cried out £ T 5Il%llm%inlo'£ > rf' p7rcf"M.rYs ; j it with a rea.isttc.and somewhat pe.the only one in Western New York for help and Peggy responded. Only and will be supported by clans and String Qaartet This cycle has been | g n i p scholarship for two succeeding last year she had saved Charlotte, a , r . s e n « a whimslca. . » » * _ » . » « | & ' £ £ %°rT.V.T.™t l u a r y ' t h . On January 8th, Margaret Scotch organizations of Rochester played by the quartet in London, I v e a r 8 a t t n e juilllard Musical Foun- playmate from disaster in the water, work that adds greater laurels to financial returns were great, and town? in Western New York. but her mother says the • feat was her popularity. Featured with Miss j Some twenty One of the'greatest singing organi- Paris and Vienna, and will be given Nation. Mrs. Flora E. Locke announces the nothing for the child. 'Bow are Donald Keith, Mary Alden.! Barrymore was playing in The Dicta- \ soprano, Florence Wescott, violinist zations in the world, the Glasgow in Boston and New York before it opening of her studio at 149 Hodge Henry B. Walthall. Gilbert Roland i tor, at the Criterion Theater on j and Emily Yoder Davis, pianist, will Choir has concerts annually through is played in Buffalo. "She swims like a fish, and any McCormack who has not sung avenue, September 22d. She will reand others. Broadway. Barrymore's part was a ; give a program. ' England and Scotland, giving a in John Buffalo the past season will return c e i T e p u p l l 8 l n t h e P r l m a r y P l a n Gf child would have done the same A football game and all the rah, j small one. But an even smaller role I On January 29th, the Hart House series in London, Edinburgh and on October 28th The Westminster J w n l c h s h e i a t h e o r j g i n a t o r > a s y 8 t e m thing," says Mrs. Davis, yet there is id boom of the campus are was played by M Meighan. L u M Meighan re- j String Quartette and Isabelle Wllea- Glasgow. Dr. Robertson was one of rah sis and boom or the campus ar« was piayea oy * s *tt- r*"7":~ mezzo Choir and the Lkrainian Choir will i foundation of mu. * . \1 ,*O~ D ~ Stranahan. flt«n«han TTIPZZO soprano, S O D r a U O . will W i l l Glasgc pride in her eyes when she says it. Interwoven in the story. The picture , mained on the so-called legitimate , ton * ™ ; Q n F e b r u a r y 5 t h . a the pi oneers of the Musical Festival also be extra concerts on the Founda-1 w h I c h t e a c h e 8 t h e sic in rnyme8t 8onas and aural ann Is filled with action, beginning when | 8 U g e for a number of years, acting . B _ . . . movement in Scotland and has been chorus of fifteen voices, with Wil* j visual exercises. In this plan of study father and mother pack Hugh off \ with Warfleld in The Return of Peter Ham Benbow, conductor, will sing a leading spirit in the Glasgow Musi- tion list of -5^ the remarkable invention "The Locke j m o r e t h a n for collate. On his arrival, Hugh. Grimm, in George M. Cohan's Broad- and the as3isting-talent will be Mar cal competition festival, pronounced Demonstrating-board" is j WO Popular song*. In 1117 The second dinner concert of the Musical * l a / c d by Donald Keith, finds a big . w a y J o n e a j ^ ^ p a r t o f B i n y Bol- *aret Walsh and Lillian Eetrin in by London critics "the leasing and American Artists Club will be given used in teaching beginners in a I n e "ceWed the honorary degree of •welcome awaiting him as the na- ton in The College Widow. numbers for two pianos, and. Anita pattern festival of the United King next Wednesday in the ballroom of I J ^ J fa WnaTlng" mannlrTAH funds Master of Arts from Atlanta Uni- . dom." He has composed many festi the Hotel Buffalo, by the Buffalo ! „ „ < „ , trmMmimjml tiona! prep school running champion, j » s o w t n a t p a m 0 u s Players has a Rupple, soprano. u„ „„„u«^ u versity. m e n t a l k n o % v l e d e tt h u sQ 0 S acquired is Taylor Gordon was born ln White < H e falls in love with a girl the first i t u d i o on Long island Meighan lives February 19th Wanda Landowska val pieces, sung by choirs wherever Oneratic Concert Comnanr Mavbelle I « ™ . « 2f™»« ^ ^ m n i f o H n f ' I m m e d i a t e l y tested in piano study Sulphur Springs, Montana. He got will play the harpsochordl and piano English is spoken. year at college. Parties and other; a l G r e a t N e c k T h e r e h e u 0 U e Q . ir a d com s e d of n S n i members: 'L°L r P° with results which This Glasgow Choir concert will be S college social activities are depicted I lh% b e l o n g 0 f »be theatrical colony in a charming program, and March the/ ffollowing _, _ , , are, most satis,, hit first insprlation for crooning | realistically. In his senior year he i a f l d . « « . the first In the artist series of five rerouiette untll well Int0 the im • Berth Drescher, soprano; R u t b actory. Mrs. Locke s plan is too well Negro Spirituals from his mother, crashes through the opposition In the , m o r n l n g a t ^ h o m e o f j * . W y n n e . 5th Ruth Van Leuven soprano, citals announced hy the Buffalo Musi- Pettit, contralto; Malcolm Brook, Joown in Buffalo to need comment, who, back in the seventies, was refinal rootball game, c o r i n g he H e l g S h e p h e r d o f t h e I j a m b g a n d l s > Charlotte Elsheimer pianist Mildred cal Foundation through its manager, tenor; Arthur Bolt, tenor, Arthur however the work of successful garded as the greatest leader of winuing touchdown and winn ng the t h e flr8t m o l i o n p i c t u r e a c t o f t Q h o l d | Laube,, harpist will and Margaret BlakesMiss Marian de Forest. lee, violinist, give the program King Barnes, basso; William Miles classes having been demonstrated in camp meeting songs on Polndexter Iirl with whom he has been in love t h , h - -proMabel Garrison and Reinald Wer- Thomas, basso. With Victor W. her recitals for many seasons. Mrs. Farm, Lexington, Ky. Mr. Gordon H e haa been mar. Barbara Lull presents the entire gram on March 19th. April 2d Louise renrath oh Thanksgiving night, Syl- Schwarz, conductor and coach. The I Locke will also teach private pupils came to New York in 19L5 and began Ernwein Sleep, soprano, and Emily via Lent on December 7th and the dinners will be served at 6.15 and the | ) n D l a n o . Call 'Phone Tupper 2997. study with Mr. J. Rosamond John • - —» • 1 V » » and made him sing as he stood there Linner. contralto, will he heard and Russian pianist, Alexander BnNlow- program will begin promptly at The coming appearance In Buffalo j son at the Music School Settlement clothed only in his pajamas. April 23d Mrs. Lester Cherry, so- sky, and lovely Mary Lewis at two All members are required • to show , JTW j m i for Colored People, where Mr. JohnT « On the stage the Servanny Twins prano, Geraldlne Ayres Ulrleh. con- later dates will complete the artist their concert tickets. of J. Rosamond Johnson and Taylor J S ^ J g was being sponsored by appear with the Jazz Pirates in a tralto and Anita Frank, pianist, will series. Gordon ln a program of Negro SpiritElbridge L. Adams, Nataly Curtiscomedy, singing and dancing revue, O&jHiing the orchestra series on give the final program. The ChromaJohn J, Ball, concert baritone, has November 3d is the Boston SymMid Harry and Elsie have a comedy David Mannes, Maud Powell, tic Club will hold its meeting* this again resumed teaching after several uals Is looked upon as one of the I Burlln, David Bispham, Walter Damrosch act which Is unusual. year in the ballroom of the Lafay- phony Orchestra, whose celebrated years' absence from Buffalo, includ- most important events in musical and other prominent musicians. In leader, Serge Koussevltzky, sails i t able to present All Ashore, a ette hotel. circles this year. Mr. Johnson and ing a residence in New York. Mr. a special article by H. Serwer about from France on September 21st to nautical musical message. For sevMr. Taylor will make a coast-to-coast "the Guardian of the Spiritual," reBall haa opened a studio at No. 610 The Schubert Male Quartet, com- begin his Boston season after a brileral weeks they have been waiting to prising Paul Schroeppel, 1st tenor; liant series ln Paris. The Detroit Woodlawn avenue, where he will tour, giving three New York recitals, ferring # to the work of Mr. Johnson m e n u have delayed their appearance Arthur Doepp, 2d tenor; Robert J. Symphony Orchestra will give three teach the aft cf tone production and three Boston recitals, two Chicago and Mr. Gordon, he said in part: hare. Morris A Wells, humorist and Strigl, baritone and Louis Jaanan, remarkable and varied programs, and coach advanced pupils. He will al- recitals, and will appear ln Buffalo "It Is my humble opinion that Johnversatile comedians from the 1926 _. » i *i i baaeo who are all Buffalo boys, have the Cleveland and Cincinnati orches- so include piano instruction.. Mr. at the Shubert Teck Theater on Sun- son rendered the spiritual better Follies, will also appear Ralph Schwara, the house orohaa- l t / l B a t t H M B l t l e r a n d StmWeiS r e c e n t l y returned from New York, tras will complete the series. Harold Ball has appeared in concert, both ln day evening October 3d, at 8.30 than has ever been rendered. He is the first singer to give me a real where they enjoyed tremendous suc- Bauer will ba soloist with the first Buffalo and In the E a s t with great o'clock. tra conductor, will have another Viccomedian appears it his thrill out of them. Gordon is a robust success, and has also sung over the Detroit concert on November 30th, tor Herbert masterpiece, American Mr. Johnson was born In Jacksontenor with one of the best natural local radio stations. He has a voice and the Russian dramatic soprano, beat in taaffh riot Fantasia. Hy C. Gats and Viola La ville, Fla. He went to the New Engvoices it has been my fortune to hear Elisabeth Santagano. at the January VandeviHe it New Ariel of beautiful quality and is an intelliPret* have another organ-vocal novland Conservatory of Music In Bos—of absolute pitch, which Johneon 11th concert Mr. Gabrilowitach will gent musician. / tlty. A Patha comedy and news ton and still later he completed his Butter Keaton'a merriest laugh S The Prince of Pap and Why Wornhas been cultivating ateadily. I he eololst with hie own orchestra on reels round out the Mil. musical training ln Europe. He m riot. Battling Bntler. in which Buster I en" Love; with vaudeville added to- March 32d ln a Beethoven program. prophecy great things for Gordon, studied the piano with Charles F. la actually pounded ail over a prize day, ara the Sunday and Monday pic- Elsa Alsen, tha dramatic soprano, Elinor M. Lynch, one of Buffalo's even If his struggle has been an ring while mistaken for the light tures at the New Ariel. The picture who made anch a hit in a Wagnerian most successful piano teachers, has Dennee and Mme.-Dietrich Strong, arduous one; he is in capable hands Tuesday and Wednesday is One Way program with orchestra last year, re-opened her studio at No. 159 An- organ with George Whiting, harmony and has no need for fear." weight W e l l u l vchampion U a u i y * ^ u vof * the v-*w world, ——--—, and A % A ^,wv»«^——— with Carl .Riessman and Davenport will be eoloiBt in a Wagnerian pro- derson place, with a large class of Kerrlson, and voice with William raudeville that is headed by Bob | Stamed Thursday the ilms are TJnt r e e t . Lady and The Circle; Friday, gram with the Cleveland orchestra pupils already enrolled. Miss Lynch, Larry's Sntertalners direct, feature The Phantom Express and Clicking in tha concluding concert of the! who studied with the great master, Dunham and Clarence B. Ashenden. Loew's bill this week Frederick the Great used the He made his professional debut in One willI feel sorry for Buster Kea-f Hoofs". """andSaturday night. Mary scries. Leschetlszky, ls a cultivated musiBoston. He ls the arranger of many French language and customs ln his "There hi no one who haa a great- ton one minute and proud of him the i P l c k f o r d m S u d s , Thursday The Pep A beautiful tributa to tha great cian and many of her pupils have negro spirituals and has composed court y Reyu§ w m be added i t reapect than I for the critics of next during presentation Battling a n d 0 1 n composer, Beethoven, wno died 100 won a place for themselves in music A rich man s Idle son with the drama," remarked Frank Crumit, Butler. years ago ln March, will ba tha series circles. Charlotte R. Elhelmer, who teetered comedian ln Quean High, plenty of gas money, he falls in love, of aix concerts ln the Hotel Statler studied with Miss Lynch for several Plaza's Program which cornea to the Shnfcert-Teck ia taken for a famous boxer, and to ballroom, at which will be played the years and then went to New York atextlng tomorrow night, "and yet, as impress tha girl he strives to live The Plaaa today will show The g l x t e e n Q u a r t e t i « n d the Grosse for further study with Ernest a comedian, I often wonder it the the role. He develops fast, as a great Speed Limit and Ladles of Leisure, r M u e o f Beethoven by the London Hutcheson, has won tha full fellow , axitice mean what they say whan liar and poor fighter. His ring ex- with vaudeville added ™ Tha - "picture "*'"- * u * u they report of a comedian that ho periences bring screams of laughter. for Monday and Tuesday is Ransom's __ 2 GREAT STARS IN waa aa funny aa he could he with How ln the ring, after being ham- F o l l mered~ from post to post, he turns I y - Wednesday and Thursday the 2 WONDERFUL PICTURES the jskaterlal given him.' about and actually whips the light- f ^ ™ ** W l n d s of Chance. Friday "Now, aa I said before, Tm a come weight champion, la a tale of num- a n d Saturday tha bill includea the dlan myself. People have told ma so arous laugh-provoking situations. P f t P » n d Ginger Revue, Mile. Modlate sight to my face, so 1 felt justified [ «roua la repeating i t What I want to aay Through It all Buster cracks his fists. »»<• the Fighting Marina serial la that If a man is a comedian ft is hit ribs and his thins, but never Rene at tke Cameo , 1 0 more than right to expect him to cracks a smile. Nine musicians comprise Boh Larbe funny, t. a., ha should ba funny The Cameo, ln Genesee street near with whatever material he may ba ry's Entertainers, the vaudeville head- Goodyear, will present The Pep and given. Give almost any actor highly liner. Their new offering Is called Ginger Revue and Tha Reckless Lady comical lines and situations and ha la A Trip Through Noreityland. There today and Monday. Tuesday there ia bound tosj^e tunny. But a comedian are plenty of comedy and soma fine enjc eeffects. aeuu, . a Charleston contest and The ahculd be able to get laughs on hit scenic nis racial ox-i Max Cooper and Roy Rodello pre-1 Connecticut Yankee. Wednesday and manner of speech and his facial e x TV *~\ as well as an j sent some novelty acrobatics. Dor-1 Thursday the picture Is The Sheik. W ? U l B U I W S U U T C u ; aav.1 W O T . . . . . presslone and gestures -*-* * 0 - . „ » < l « « , »the > , a double rfnnhlA bill Kill othy Quintette, is teaming this leaFriday and Saturday .the lines he delivers. "The part I play In Queen High is son with Harry Stanley in songs, j is The Red Rider and The Bride of the Storm. j t 'full of comical lines and situations. chatter and dancing ALSO SHOWING Fred Walton and Mary Bxaat stnj; If I made no effort to put my own Two Features at Avon •personality and whatever talents for and joke their way into popularity. comedy I may have into my part it Erlay and Hallock, America's Own The Avon, Lovejoy and North Ogwould still be quite amusing. But, Songsters, give a number of operatic den streets, today and Monday preby stud lng tha role, I have managed and popular ballad selections. sents The Lure of the Wild and Mile. Sandy Macpherson, concert organs£ to Insert many little tricks of speech Modiste. For Tuesday and Wednesand expression into the part, with ist* has e> new program, and Emmett day the picture is His Last Hour tha result that audiences, laugh up- Luedeke and his Harmonists have a with the Pep and Ginger Revue addR O S Y BY R E X BEACH roariously at lines which were not special offering. The film comedy ed. Thursday there will he His Jaas shows tha Newlyweds In additional E X T R A - L A T E S T HARRY LANGDON COMEDY Intended to be fmnny when they ware Bride and Mulhall's Great Catch. '/' \ written and which, IT they were set domestic complications. Next week Manager Beckerich will This bill ls repeated, with a Charlesdown on-#aper. wo%ld not make the ton contest, Friday. Saturday's film most good-natured person in the present The Midnight Sun, telling of feature Is Pal o' Mine. Russian intrigue and romance. world smile. REVUE ANDITHER ACTS LOEWS OFFERS BUSTER KEATON IN FIGHT FILM Comedy Depends Much on Actor, Crumit Asserts —TODAY— LOEWS THE WORLD'S GREATEST COMEDY IS HERE/ \JeeK MOB* ^S RUDOLPH VALENTINO V - "THE SAINTED DEVIL" <Z' The \ 3 1 IjJtv West TODAY MATINEE and E V E . v> KEATON1 vak SALLY O'NEIli attlin utler Popular GRANT and PERRY THE BLIND JACK ' Showing in MONDAY and TUESDAY STS. Also PATSY THAN GODDESS" Buffalo, HOLT--ERNEST RUTH with MILLER CURRENT SUNDAY JOHNNIE WALKER •THE i n i u i LIB;! • Chapter 3—Gena Tun nay in "Tha Fighting Marina" • THE PALACE SPEED GIRLS with SAM GOLDMAN In New Musical Comedy Show _ . - —~i '/ Will Ian at » < I PL ' VAUDf VILLE ~ *«*•»•»« «•«*•• • T H E SPEEO L I M I T " SI*)** H**tiB*rrt*ta I* "LADIES of lEituar*] VAUDEVIllC T t l * I . N I* NEWARIEL t PRINCE OF eerv «ia {-,•;ith»r« Blanc** Sw«*t I* HY J , r < ? u lH L _P.. v f " U f k t M i M la L U a f Or THE W l l B " C*<rl*na* fcrimt* ia ' MLLE. MODI STI* , AVON N». 0|*aa CAMEO MNNtl at e**ey*ar ¥Tf~Kno emSfW : REVUC a** Ly*a la RECKLESS LADV COMEDY REGENT, l i t t l e Prices—Why Pay More Today—OontinQous I to 11 ' I Neil Hamilton, Shirley Mason in Zone Grey's "DESERT GOLD" P E T E R THE GREAT Famous Police Dog Mar la "The Sign of the Claw" Monday—MJlton Mils in "The Knockout" r" **affr"• Beacon Music School INCORPORATED 281 IA Salle Avenue P«»no Orflan Vlollfi Volet Thaory Harmony Hlttory I, Post Graduile Count* Diplomas Granted m Lillian F. Cleveland, President |i' Uraiee W. Macftonald It KMrar r Crtactnt 7W1-W J O H N J. B A L L Teacher of Piano and Voice 610 WOODLAWN AVE. Tel. Fillmore 2264-W. MODERN SCHOOL OF MUSIC PIANO—ORGAN—KINGING H. W . 8 T R A T T O N , Principal Sand for Booklet 103 A S H L A N D A V E . . B U P P A L O Tupper 71S1-J In EVENTS He's Here— NOW!! THE NEW 4 DAYP] ONLY The Locke Primary PUn Flora E. Locke, Originator j THETEXAS STREAK TbriHf! KURT PAUR Studio: 138 NORTHLAND A V E N I K Fillmore 1447-K from 10-1 A Rapid-Flre Western Action! Phone Tapper 2»97 Pianist-Teacher [km a<«* Suipcn« ! EXTtfi Efi'. Ctr ATTRACTION Bob LARRYENTERTAINERS* 1ARYCARR ELINOR M. LYNCH in "THE HIDDEN WAY" Kft Will r- -IIIIK IMT Piano Instruction 1 y KeptembcT 13tli, at h#*r MTWLO 5 aTAHTINQ STUDIO: 149 HODGE AVE. 2&*. coopeo MAIN St., at Shttton Square TORRENCE ••WHY G I R L S G O BACK H O M E " H E A R T H E VICTOR-IA-PHONE AT EACH SHOW VICTORIA PALACE THEATER Playhouse WILL N E V E R ^ E E A GREATER DRAMA First • ' Most VICTORIA YOU U Sidea THEATCfLT. // 8tndio, 159 Anderson Plaot Mi Teleptjone Tmppcr OS 14 TODAY CONTINUOUS, 2 UNTIL 11 P . M . LEWIS STONE and BARBARA BEDFORD In "OLD LOVES AND NEW" IWAUON 5 BRANT Cruahed B y T r a g e d y in H i t H o m e H e Finda Romance in tha Deeert. ELINOR FAIR in "BACHELOR BRIDES" ROD6LLC Romance, Comedy Sirona 7 <5>o<Co» > >ftUDOLPH mjlHmo^fyacwA**'--? and Mystery m a De]jghtful Mixtura. Fo«- News—Travel. Art. Science ELMWOOD OltrUESTRA AND ORGAN J Robert H. Fountain Kxpotwnt of tl»e I/»uU Grareora Mf-th<Kf of Stntin*-. Kttortlrm Sin*. ng. Vibrant Rendition. Perfect I JIUJI> iation. Stodk) * | 200 LEXINGTON AVE. Tapper ?*«*-J ! - Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
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