Accounts Notes to the Company financial statements For the year ended 31 December 2013 6.1 Accounting policies The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union and therefore the Company financial statements comply with Article 4 of the EU IAS Regulation. To the extent that an accounting policy is relevant to both Afren Group and Company financial statements, refer to the Group financial statements for disclosure of the accounting policy. Foreign currencies In preparing the financial statements of the Company, transactions in currencies other than the Company’s functional currency (foreign currencies) are recorded at the rate of exchange prevailing on the dates of the transactions. At each balance sheet date, monetary assets and liabilities that are denominated in foreign currencies are retranslated at the rates prevailing at that date. Non-monetary items carried at fair value that are denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the rates prevailing at the date when the fair value was determined. Non-monetary items that are measured in terms of historical cost in a foreign currency are not retranslated. Exchange differences arising are included in the profit and loss for the period. The functional and presentation currency of the Company is US dollars. 6.2 Subsidiaries and associated undertakings Investments in subsidiaries held by the Company as non-current assets are stated at cost less any provision for impairment. A list of the significant investments in subsidiaries and associated undertakings, including the name, proportion of ownership interest, country of operation and country of registration, is given below: % Country of operation Country of registration Name Principal activity Directly held Afren Nigeria Holdings Limited Afren USA inc. Black Marlin Energy Holdings limited Afren MENA Limited Holding company Service company Holding company Oil and gas exploration, development and production 100 100 100 100 Nigeria USA Dubai Kurdistan region of Iraq England and Wales USA, Delaware British Virgin Islands England and Wales Indirectly held Afren Energy Resources Limited Afren Investments Oil & Gas (Nigeria) Limited Afren Energy Services Limited Afren Exploration and Production Nigeria Alpha Limited Afren Exploration and Production Nigeria Beta Limited Afren Nigeria Holdings (Nigeria) Limited Afren CI One Corporation First Hydrocarbon Nigeria Company Limited (FHN) Afren Tanzania Limited East African Exploration (Kenya) Limited East African Exploration (Seychelles) Limited East African Exploration (Madagascar) Limited East African Exploration (Ethiopia) Limited Afren Energy Ghana Limited Afren Resources Limited Oil and gas exploration, development and production Oil and gas exploration, development and production Service company Oil and gas exploration, development and production Oil and gas exploration, development and production Holding company Oil and gas exploration, development and production Oil and gas exploration, development and production Oil and gas exploration, development and production Oil and gas exploration, development and production Oil and gas exploration, development and production Oil and gas exploration, development and production Oil and gas exploration, development and production Oil and gas exploration, development and production Oil and gas exploration, development and production 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 78 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Côte d’lvoire Nigeria Tanzania Kenya Seychelles Madagascar Ethiopia Ghana Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Cayman Nigeria Tanzania Kenya British Virgin Islands British Virgin Islands British Virgin Islands Bahamas Nigeria 6.3 Investment in trust Afren’s ownership in FHN is structured in order to meet the criteria generally understood and sometimes required under Nigerian oil and gas industry policies for FHN to be classified as an indigenous Nigerian company, with the majority of its equity interest held by Nigerian owners. Afren split its legal and beneficial holdings in FHN such that it is the legal owner of not more than 45% of the issued ordinary shares in FHN. The remaining portion of Afren’s legal interest in FHN is held in trust for the benefit of Afren by Adcax Investments Limited, a Nigerian‑formed trust company. Accordingly, only the beneficial title to the Option Shares was acquired by Afren, with the legal title acquired by Adcax Investments Limited while Afren is the beneficiary of all the benefits accruing to the Option Shares. 148 Afren plc Annual Report and Accounts 2013 6.4 Derivative financial instruments To the extent a disclosure is relevant to both the Afren Group and Company financial statements, refer to the Group financial statements. The Company has the following derivatives: Purpose Commodity deferred put options (cash flow hedges) Interest rate swap Hedge Accounting Hedge against the price of crude oil falling To link interest payments to the performance of certain indices that look to take advantage of a theoretical bias in the forward curve Hedge against changes in the USD/GBP exchange rate Options to buy and sell FHN shares Foreign exchange hedge Put (sell) and call (buy) options for FHN shares 2013 Available for sale investments Financial assets Financial liabilities No No 2012 Current US$m Derivative financial instruments Yes No Non-current US$m – 0.1 (28.0) (27.9) 1.3 – (10.0) (8.7) Current US$m Non-current US$m – – (14.0) (14.0) 0.9 9.1 (5.4) 4.6 The above are shown at fair value and, with the exception of the FHN options, are classified at Level 2 (see note 5.6 of the Group financial statements for further details). The FHN options are classified at Level 3. As such their valuation requires assumptions regarding FHN’s share price which is not readily available. These options were valued using a Black Scholes model (inputs used are detailed below). Changing certain inputs to reasonable possible alternative assumptions does not change the fair value significantly. 2012 Inputs Strike price (US$) Stock price (US$) Time (days) Volatility (%) Risk free interest rate (%) 2013 Call option Put option A Put option B Put option C 1.00 2.00 2,402 25.0 0.1 2.24 2.00 202 25.0 0.1 2.47 2.00 232 25.0 0.1 3.32 3.14 735 25.0 0.1 The movements in Level 3 instruments, measured on a recurring basis, are as follows: Put US$m Call US$m Total US$m (7.3) 1.4 (5.9) 7.1 0.8 (10.9) (1.1) (10.0) 12.2 (1.8) 10.4 – (7.5) – (2.9) – 4.9 (0.4) 4.5 7.1 (6.7) (10.9) (4.0) (10.0) Amounts included in the profit and loss include movements in fair values and amounts taken to the income statement on expiry of options. 6.5 Borrowings The Senior Secured Loan Notes 2016, the Senior Secured Loan Notes 2019 and the Senior Secured Loan Notes 2020 are held by the Company. To the extent a disclosure is relevant to both the Afren Group and Company financial statements, refer to the Group financial statements. 2013 Loan notes Bank borrowings 2012 Current US$m Non-current US$m Current US$m Non-current US$m – – – 847.5 – 847.5 – – – 779.1 49.6 828.7 Afren plc Annual Report and Accounts 2013 149 Accounts At 1 January 2012 Change in fair value As at 1 January 2013 Exercised options Expired options New options Change in fair value At 31 December 2013 As per option agreement Most relevant share price of FHN at reporting date Days to expiry of option exercise period Estimate for an unquoted oil and gas company 10 year US gilt rate Accounts Notes to the Company financial statements continued For the year ended 31 December 2013 6.6 Trade and other receivables Trade and other debtors Due from subsidiary undertakings* Due from joint ventures 2013 US$m 2012 US$m 4.3 1,161.2 0.2 1,165.7 5.0 944.6 19.4 969.0 * The amount is shown net of a provision for doubtful debt of US$33.8 million (2012: US$26.7 million). There were no material past due not impaired receivables at either balance sheet date, nor any material bad debt provisions (other than as disclosed above in respect of intercompany balances). 6.7 Cash and cash equivalents The Cash flow statement on page 146 gives a breakdown of cash movements in the year. To the extent a disclosure is relevant to both the Afren Group and Company financial statements, refer to the Group financial statements. 6.8 Trade and other payables 2013 US$m Trade and other creditors Accruals Due to subsidiary undertakings 2012 US$m 45.3 3.1 46.1 48.2 41.5 312.2 132.9 363.5 6.9 Share capital, share premium and merger reserve The allotted and issued share capital and share premium, and the merger reserve are consistent with Afren Group financial statements. Refer to note 3.5 of the Group financial statements. 6.10 Share-based payments Details of the Afren share option scheme are disclosed in note 5.8 of the Group financial statements. The Company is liable for Employer’s National Insurance on the difference between the market value of the share-based payment at date of exercise and exercise price. This expense is accrued by reference to the share price of the Company at the balance sheet date. The share-based payments expense comprises the following three schemes: 2013 US$m 2012 US$m Equity-settled share option scheme 0.3 Long Term Incentive Plan: Afren Performance Share Plan (equity-settled share award scheme) Share Award Scheme (equity-settled share award scheme) 6.5 – 6.8 3.1 5.4 – 8.5 Other reserves US$m Total US$m Additional details of these schemes are disclosed in note 5.8 of the Group financial statements. 6.11 Other reserves Share-based payment reserve US$m Company At 1 January 2012 Share-based payments for services Transfer to accumulated losses Other movements At 31 December 2012 28.8 15.1 (4.6) – 39.3 – – – (1.0) (1.0) 28.8 15.1 (4.6) (1.0) 38.3 Share-based payments for services Transfer to accumulated losses Other movements At 31 December 2013 13.6 (1.5) – 51.4 – – 0.5 (0.5) 13.6 (1.5) 0.5 50.9 Share-based payment reserve represents the fair value of the options, share awards, warrants and LTIP granted under the Company’s share‑based schemes. 150 Afren plc Annual Report and Accounts 2013 6.12 Operating lease commitments At the balance sheet date, the Company had outstanding commitments for future minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating leases, which fall due as follows: Within one year In the second to fifth years After five years 2013 US$m 2012 US$m 2.3 9.2 0.6 12.1 1.7 6.7 0.4 8.8 2013 US$m 2012 US$m – 11.0 70.0 81.0 6.5 – – 6.5 Operating lease expenses for the current and prior year were not material. 6.13 Contingent liabilities The Company has the following contingent liabilities: Indemnity in respect of FHN’s standby letter of credit Guarantee in respect of FHN hedges Bank guarantee in relation to Partner 6.14 Unrecognised deferred tax assets At the balance sheet date the Company had tax losses (primarily arising in the UK) of US$176.0 million (2012: US$91.2 million) in respect of which a deferred tax asset has not been recognised as there is insufficient evidence of future taxable profits against which these tax losses could be recovered. Such losses can be carried forward indefinitely. The Company had temporary differences of US$16.0 million (2012: US$5.3 million) in respect of share-based payments, property, plant and equipment and pensions in respect of which deferred tax assets have not been recognised as there is insufficient evidence of future taxable profits against which these tax losses could be recovered. 6.15 Related party transactions Amounts owed by and to subsidiaries are disclosed in notes 6.6 and 6.8 respectively. Transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures were as follows: 2013 Net loan advances/(repayments) Investments Joint Ventures US$m 494.4 286.3 Subsidiaries US$m (19.2) – Joint Ventures US$m 448.6 (375.9) (6.1) – Remuneration of key management personnel The remuneration of the Directors, who are the key management personnel of the Group, is disclosed in note 5.12 of the Group financial statements. Further information about the remuneration of individual Directors, transactions with Directors and Directors’ interests is provided in the audited part of the Directors’ remuneration report. Trading transactions All trading transactions between the Company and related parties are disclosed in note 5.11 of the Group financial statements. 6.16 Post balance sheet events – Company and Group On 27 February 2014 Afren signed a new US$100 million term loan facility for OML 26. This replaces the OML 26 Facility of US$80 million that existed as at 31 December 2013 which was repaid on 28 February 2014. The new facility has a four year term and bears an interest rate of Libor plus 6.5%. The new facility will be used to fund ongoing capital expenditure, operational expenditure and general corporate purposes with respect to OML 26. Afren plc Annual Report and Accounts 2013 151 Accounts 2012 Net loan advances/(repayments) Investments Subsidiaries US$m
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