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F r a u n h o f e r I n s t i t u t e f o r Hi g h f r e q u e n c y p h y s i c s a n d r a d a r t e c h n i q u e s F HR
Security in space
In t he a ge of i n fo rma ti o n a n d co mmu n i cati ons tec hnol ogy , we rel y to a growi ng ex tent on s atellit es t hat
prov ide us w i th i mp o rta n t s e rv i ce s . Fo r i ts c us tomers and partners , F raunhofer F H R des i gns , develops and
ope r a t e s t a ilo re d s ys te m s a n d p ro ce d u res i n i ts Spac e bus i nes s uni t. Thes e are us ed i n the det ect ion,
t r a c k ing a nd a n a l ys i s o f o b j e cts i n s p a c e wi th a v i ew to protec ti ng thes e s atel l i tes .
First-hand information on space
situational awareness
forest fires, could result in imminent danger to life and
Fraunhofer FHR supports satellite operators, space agencies
With the high performance radar system TIRA, the scientists
as well as other international and national institutions, e.g.
can carry out high-precision measurements of the orbit of
the space situational awareness center (WRLageZ) which was
an object that is threatening to collide with a satellite. This
founded by the Bundeswehr (German Armed Forces) and
greatly improves the quality of the collision forecasts with
DLR in 2009, through the provision of first-hand informa-
the result that evasive maneuvers are less frequent or less
tion. Over many decades, the researchers at Fraunhofer FHR
comprehensive. For this reason, satellite operators and space
developed and expanded their ability to observe and analyze
agencies the world over rely on the abilities of Fraunhofer
objects and their trajectory in near-Earth orbits – a process
that will be continued in the future to guarantee the availability of first-class results.
High-precision orbital measurement for
collision forecasts
Emergency assistance in the event of
satellite failure
Satellite operators normally maintain regular contact with
their satellites via ground stations. If it is not possible to
Given that there are approximately 700,000 objects with
establish contact with a satellite, the operators themselves
a mass and velocity that is sufficient to cause considerable
are, as a rule, not in a position to identify the source of the
damage to or even destroy a satellite, the risk of a collision
problem. Nevertheless, it is very important – also from an
between objects in space is quite immense. The possible
economic viewpoint – that cause of the failure be identified
consequences of such a collision include the failure of
as quickly as possible. FHR can also help in such cases: in
satellite-based services whereby the operator can no longer
addition to verifying the orbit, the scientists can also create
provide the services that are due to the customer. The
images of the satellites. FHR uses these images to analyze
failure, for example, of an Earth observation satellite which,
the possible causes of the failure and passes the results on
serving as an early warning system, has the task of detecting
to the satellite operator who will then be in a position to
estimate if and for how long the services will have to be
1 View of the test assem-
transferred to other systems.
bly with 16 digital receive
Development of systems for space
surveillance and reconnaissance
2 ISAR image of the space
shuttle with the polar
reformat algorithm at a
The generation, receipt and, in particular, evaluation of the
bandwidth of 800 MHz.
radar signals and the analysis of radar images is a very com-
3 Due to the high speed
plex undertaking. Complex algorithms which, in most cases,
at which space debris orbits
are individual and state-of-the-art, transform the signals
the Earth, satellites could
into satellite images. For this reason, Fraunhofer FHR works
be completely destroyed in
continuously and intensively on the further development of
the event of a collision.
its algorithms to ensure that it can always provide the best
4 A glimpse inside: space
results. Parallel to this further development, the scientists at
observation radar TIRA.
FHR also focus on the design and development of systems on
the basis of phased arrays. Due to the electronically steered
beams, these are particularly suitable for space surveillance.
Complementary to space reconnaissance, the focus here
does not lie on the analysis of a specific space object with
the goal of investigating a specific object feature, e.g. damage or a capability. On the contrary, space surveillance has
the task of recording the object as a whole to ensure that
its location can be determined at any time. The construction
of such highly modern systems requires sound, up-to-date
know-how as well as experience from various disciplines
ranging from physics and electrical engineering through to
mathematics and informatics. FHR unites all of these under
one roof.
Speaker Business Unit:
Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Inform.
Guido Bartsch
Phone +49 228 9435-268
[email protected]
Fraunhofer Institute for
High Frequency Physics and
Radar Techniques FHR
Fraunhoferstr. 20
53343 Wachtberg
Phone +49 (0)228 9435-227
Fax: +49 (0)228 9435-627
[email protected]
Head of the Institute
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Ender
Phone +49 (0)228 9435 - 227
[email protected]
T I t l e Sputnik was the
Speaker Business Unit Space
first – it was followed by many
Dr.-Ing.Dipl.-Inform. Guido Bartsch
other satellites and lots of space
Phone +49 (0)228 9435 - 268
debris. It would appear that the
[email protected]
situation in space is pretty precarious.
Reference Projects:
© Fraunhofer FHR
© Uwe Bellhäuser
© ESA/Hubble