SUPPLEMENT TO ar&togz NO. 21 SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y., JUNE 2, 1881. D A N I E L D . B E N E D I C T ' S atoga Springs to Blanche V i r g i l , youngest d a u g h t e r of Hon. Henry Shaw of New York DIARY. [Explanatory notes by the editor of T H E S E N - city. J u n e f>. Died, J o h n Balcom, agedj»8 years. T I N E L are given in [ ] brackets.] [An old citizen.] . F e b r u a r y . H. H. Hathorn purchased MontJ u n e 10. Died, of c o n s u m p t i o n . Mrs. gomery Hall property of C. B. Moou, price E s t h e r Ann, consort of George F , White, aged said to be $10,000. 39 years. March 2. Married, at the residence of J. C. J u u e 10. Died, in Halfmoon. T e r t u l l u s Hulbert, Hiraiu Wilcox to E. Anu H u l b e r t of Front, aged 83 years, one of the oldest iuhab this village itaDts. J o h n A. Corey appointed county judge by J u n e 20. Married, at Mount Pleasant, [in Gov. Seymour. J u d g e Corey held his rirHt term Greenfield] John T. Carr of Saratoga Springs, of the county c o m t :or hearing appeals. to Autiouette S , only d a u g h t e r of Osjar GranApril 2. Female seminary opened on C i r c u - ger, esq., of the former place. lar street, [where now is Dr. S t r o n g ' s instiJ a n e 23. Died, on board the S t a r of the tute. J E. F. Carter ami Miss Pauline Carter west, Hugh M. Hayues, [father of W. H. principals. Haynes] aged 34 years, formerly of this place. April 2. Married, J a m e s Dexter to Eliza A. J u l y 24. Died, at East Line of Ballston, Rogers. Lemuel Siewart, aged 8G years. Mervin G. P u t n a m appointed clerk in the July 27. Died, at the resideuce of her sou| canal] collector's office at Schuylerville. in law. Elisha Rockwell, Mrs. Sarah Ayres, April 1'_'. Died, at Ballston Spa, Deacon aged 88 years, widow of the late R o b e r t Ayres. William Stillwell, ag'-d 88 years. i formerly of Saratoga Springs. [Mother of Mrs. April 13. Died, at Greenfield, R o b e r t A. Mc- Ransom Cook.] Donnell, sun uf Robert McDonnell, esq. August 16. Died, T h o m a s L. Clarke* eldest April 13. Married, in this town, by Rev. A. son of Dr. J o h n Clarke of this place. H Stowe.ll, Cyrenius E. Motitfort of T o m p k i n s Aagust 20. Died, in this village, at the rest county. New York, and H a n n a h M. P a t t e u dence of her son, D D. Benedict, M M . E h z a T h e above were vtry amiable and intelligent beth Benedict, aged 82 years. mutes. They held the written ceremony beAugust 24. Married, by Rev. Mr. (Juii. fore them while it was pronounced by the ad[Catholic] Miles T. Bliven to Sarah J. P l u u k e t t ministrator. Also the prayer in the same manall of this place. ner. H. H. H a t h o r n aud Harvey P . Hall closed J a m e s M. Cook, comptroller. the bargain for Congress Hall aud made conApril 22. Rev. J. S. Kidney and Dr. Charles tracts tor alterations; main building aud north H. Payn started on a trip in Europe. w I ng. Montgomery Hall by E t h a u A. Deuell. September 27. Loss of he steamer Arctic. W. M. P o t t e r entered into partnership in Cam« m collision with the iron steamer Cleolaw matters with J a m e s B. McKean. patra from Quebec. Mr. E. K. Collins, the April 29 A son of Lorenzo J. Vibbard. owner of the Arctic was lost. Some (>00 persons aged about five years was drowned in the creek were lost in both boats. r u n n i n g t h r o u g h P u t u a m street. T h e body ] ! October 19. Died, J a m e s S. Dexter, aged floated over a q u a r t e r of a mile through cul22 years. | Son of the late Stephen D e x t e r . ] verts and under bridges near the High Rock October 14. Married, George K. Krigger of spring. Saratoga Springs to Susan C. Rogers of Galvvay. Union Hall by P u t n a m & Aiusworth. May 29. October 25. Married, by Rev. Mr. Seymour, Congress Hall by J u d g e Daly, J u n e 10. Leonard Vandecar of Cohoes, to Mary J a n e , L a f a j e t t e House by J o h n Huestis. daugtiter of J o h n Cross, esq., of Saratoga May t>. Died, in Charlton. Benjamin Mar- I S p r i n g s . viu. aged 92, an old revolutionary soldier. November 13. Died, ou board the steamMay 21. Married, by Rev. Mr Seymour, ' ship Cortez, Pacific ocean, Louis Paul, former[Elder [MethodistJ T h o m a s L. Smith of Aspinwall, ly of this place, aged about 35 years. New Granada, to Sarah D. Bonny of Saratoga ' biother of Charles F. Paul. FJe was on his way from California.] Springs. May 20. Annular eclipse of the sun. November -20. Married, by Rev. A. H . May 27. Married, at Fort Washington, by j Stowell, Edward Boehm, professor of music. Rev. J. R. Marvin, Dr M. N. Babcock of Sai- ! New York, [ m e m b e r of baud at United State* T H E LATE Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
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