GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS COVER AUG 2014 1/9/14 12:35 Page 1 Vol. 69 No. 1 ROSH HASHANAH 5775/2014 GIFFNOCK AND NEWLANDS HEBREW CONGREGATION GIFFNOCK AND NEWLANDS HEBREW CONGREGATION GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:54 Page 1 ROSH HASHANAH 5775 Rabbi Rabbi Moshe Rubin 0141 577 8251 0141 638 8436 [email protected] Chairman Vice-Chairman Hon. Treasurer Hon. Secretary Parness Gabbai Building Convenor Hall Convenor Events & Marketing Jeremy Freedman Raymond Strang Adam Berkley Evy Yedd Garry Mann Michael Goodman Ralph Gurevitz, Malcolm Livingstone Warren Karpf Phyla Mair Council Michael Clerck, Richard Coats, Jonny Glasser, Richard Kaye, Stephen Jacobs, Jeffrey Jesner, Ian Leifer, Myra Livingstone, Naomi Livingstone, Timothy Lovat, Roger Mitchell, Michael Simpson Emeritus Rabbi Life Presidents Rabbi Philip Greenberg Ephraim Borowski, Dr Kenneth Collins, Monty Cowen, Ellye Freedman, Dr Bernard Groden, Malcolm Livingstone GIFFNOCK AND NEWLANDS HEBREW CONGREGATION Administrator Helmi Livingstone Office: 0141 577 8250 Caretaker George Eldridge 07979 921367 222 Fenwick Road, Giffnock, Glasgow G46 6UE Office: 0141 577 8250 E-mail: [email protected] Web: 1 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:54 Page 2 GIFFNOCK AND NEWLANDS HEBREW CONGREGATION Rosh Hashana Message from the Rabbi By the time this Magazine reaches you we hope and pray that the war on terror “Operation Protective Edge” will be over and Israel will have achieved the security they are asking for. We were shaken by the news of the numbers of IDF and civilians fatalities and we were equally shaken by how the civilian population in Gaza were being manipulated and put in harm’s way for the sake of the Hamas warped method of warfare. Nevertheless, there is one phrase that comes to my mind when I hear about the situation, and that is Mi K’amcha Yisroel - Who is like you oh Israel? The war has mobilised all sectors of Israeli society and has brought together many communities from the far right to the far left to perform amazing acts of kindness. Here is just one of the many 1000’s of stories that was reported in the press. “The father of a Chayal (soldier) who is now in Gaza told how his son was informed on Friday that his unit will not be going home for Shabbat, which was a problem because they did not have any provisions for Shabbat. The father ran to the supermarket to buy some things, as much dips and salads as he could, then he stopped at the schwarma place in Petach Tikva. He asked for a portion to be put into an aluminium tray and explained that it was for his son who is in Gaza without food for Shabbat. The owner said to him "What do you mean for your son? How many soldiers are in his group?" The father answered “70". The Schwarma place owner called all of his workers. They prepared all the schwarma they had, brought out all of their meat, fried schnitzels, prepared Moroccan salads and chips and within an hour he and all of his workers had emptied the entire restaurant and given it over to the father. The father, a religious guy who has seen Chesed in his life, just stood there crying and thanking him”. This is a typical example of Mi K’amcha Yisrael - Who is like you oh Yisrael. We pray daily in the weekday Amida for the time when God will gather together the Jewish people from the four corners of the world, and over the past few months we have seen, perhaps the beginning, of the answer to this prayer. The unity that has been generated from Jews around the world has been phenomenal and has made me proud of being part of Israel - the Jewish people. The sad thing about this is that it has taken the kidnap and murder of 3 young men and the war in Israel to make me realise how great Jewish people are and how although we may be scattered around the globe, we are still one heart. We have to ask ourselves: Is there a way that we can generate this same unity and create that bond for a positive Jewish cause? 2 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:54 Page 3 This is where Shabbat UK comes in. Shabbat UK is part of a global campaign of mobilising Jewish people around the world to welcome and enjoy one Shabbat altogether. Shabbat UK is about making one Shabbat special in your homes and in the community. Shabbat UK is about putting aside the labels we give each other, Chareidi, Dati or Secular, and uniting under one special day and by so doing adding to the holiness of Shabbat and the beauty of our people. A leaflet about this project will be posted to each member suggesting many different ways you can get involved and I ask you all to consider involving yourselves in some form and way in Shabbat UK 2014. I conclude by wishing you a Shanna Tova, may the coming year be a year of Shalom - peace for the State of Israel and for Jews everywhere. Rabbi A M Rubin Bar Mitzvah Boy, Shlomie Rubin, surrounded by his Minyan Friends. FRONT COVER –BY LINDA WOODS Californian artist Linda Woods mixes the media of life and art. Combining words and images, Linda's art pieces capture the energy of the city, illuminate the Zen in the garden, and reveal the hidden stories in every-day life. Widely acclaimed for her unique perspective on self-expression and the creative process, Linda has appeared on national television and in numerous books, magazines, and exhibits worldwide. For more information, visit 3 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:54 Page 4 GIFFNOCK AND NEWLANDS HEBREW CONGREGATION Chairman’s First Report Jeremy Freedman Having had the privilege and honour of being your Chairman for 5 months I have now discovered what really happens in the day to day running of our Shul -something which had escaped my notice as a member of almost 50 years! I would like to say a big thank you to all those who help run the Shul, including our Kiddush girls! It would be impossible to do this without everyone’s help and enthusiasm. So far, I have found it fascinating and fulfilling. I have been meeting a plethora of people across our city and from across the country. One of the highlights was the honour of receiving a visit from our Chief Rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis. That was a splendid event in which he spoke eloquently and passionately to a packed Shul hall. Did I mention meetings? Oh yes, I have had meetings and meetings and even more meetings! Thank goodness for Risha’s shortbread!! There are a number of challenges to be tackled. A major issue for me is the Ladies Gallery. I would dearly love to give our women easy access to our services and Kiddush on a Shabbat. This can be resolved with goodwill on all sides. The Chief Rabbi, when in Glasgow, urged our community to come together and take bold decisions. Hopefully, we can do this for everyone’s benefit. I have not forgotten a huge thank you to our beloved Rabbi Rubin who is guiding us through events with a caring and friendly manner- as well as dealing with family simchas!! So, as we approach the Yamim noraim, I wish you all a Healthy and Happy Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and well over the fast. Congratulations to outgoing Chairman Nigel Allon who recently celebrated his 70th Birthday 4 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:54 Page 5 RABBI RUBIN AT THE COMMONWEALTH GAMES PURIM Included in the Purim celebrations this year was a 2 course meal served by En Croute who provided us all with a ‘Taste of Persia’. Entertainment was provided by the 5th Giffnock Guides who gave us their play of the story of Purim, We also had entertainment from a wonderful couple ‘The Amazing Mckorkills’ who provided us with a straitjacket routine as well as leaving everyone amazed by their mentalism act where the couple were able to read minds of everyone sitting watching, amazed with how they were able to tell what people were thinking , who had what picture hidden from their view, as well as able to detect what people had drawn through a closed envelope. A great night was had by everyone. Phyla Mair Purim is Judaism’s most dramatic, fun-filled holiday. When else can you dress up like a bunny rabbit and eat doughy triangles filled with poppy seeds? Purim occurs on the 14th of Adar. (In certain walled cities like Jerusalem, “Shushan Purim” is celebrated the following day, the 15th of Adar.) Purim celebrates the dramatic turn-around events, where the wicked Haman tried to annihilate the Jewish people of ancient Persia. The Jews were saved through G-d’s miraculous arranging of events, as expressed by the heroics of Mordechai and Esther. 5 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:54 Page 6 GIFFNOCK AND NEWLANDS HEBREW CONGREGATION SHAVOUT Giffnock Shul was absolutely buzzing as Shavuot was celebrated by so many people in so many ways, a real "HUB" of events. The festivities got underway on Monday afternoon when Enid Reid visited the Shul to present a tutorial in flower arranging which was followed by decorating the Shul in preparation for Shavuot. On Wednesday straight after the morning service there was a beautiful "Baby Blessing Ceremony" which was attended by the Mothers and Toddlers group that was running in the Shul anyway. Rabbi Rubin conducted the ceremony and praised Vicky Jackson, Naomi Livingstone for the vibrant role the Mothers and Toddlers group are playing within the community. After the Ceremony the Shul hosted the annual Shavuot lunch which as usual was a complete sell out. There was a huge cross section of the congregation in attendance- ranging from young families to a few guests from the Friendship Club, the atmosphere was lively and upbeat. Rabbi Rubin made a special presentation of Books and a certificate to Ruth Levey for her considerable contribution to Jewish education both within and also outside of the Shul. He praised both Ruth and Michael Levey for their commitment to the Shul. Wednesday night at 5.00 was when the Tikkun Learning Programme took place, it was another very well attended event. Rabbi Rubin spoke about the significance of flowers and Shavuot and Rabbi Wolfson spoke about the story of Ruth. In-between the 2 Rabbis, the guest speaker was A.J. Berkovitch from the USA, he is currently doing a PHD at Princeton University in New Jersey on Ancient Jewish History. Shul chairman Jeremy Freedman said "I am thrilled that so many people attended the Tikkun and all expressed such a high level of enthusiasm to learn in such a positive, fun, interactive environment". On Thursday morning after Shul, A. J. Berkovitch spoke again to the congregation 6 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:54 Page 7 after the Kiddush, Thursday night was the teenagers turn to party, they were all invited to Rabbi and Rebbitzen Rubin's house for supper and learning. Rabbi Rubin said "These 2 festival days at Giffnock Shul represented everything that the Shul should be, not only a place for prayer but also, equally, a place where all the family, young and old can connect to their Jewish Heritage through social events, exciting educational programmes and family Simchas. The last word went to the chairman Jeremy Freedman who thanked the Rabbi and said "We must keep pushing forward after the successful proceedings we have just experienced, we really are on the right road, bringing as many people as possible to the Shul to take part in Jewish events. He also took great pleasure in announcing that as well as tea and coffee being available every morning after Shacharit that the Shul will now be serving breakfast on a Sunday morning straight after prayers. Garry Mann 7 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 GIFFNOCK AND NEWLANDS HEBREW CONGREGATION 8 1/9/14 11:54 Page 8 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:54 Page 9 BARMITZVAH BOYS TOBY WINOCOUR SHLOMIE RUBIN CELEBRATED HIS BAR MITZVAH WITH SEUDA (FESTIVE MEAL) IN MANCHESTER FOR THE FAMILY FOLLOWED BY A SUNDAY MINCHA SERVICE FOR THE COMMUNITY. BESIDE READING FROM THE TORAH AND SHARING A DVAR TORAH ON THE SUNDAY MINCHA SERVICE HE ALSO GAVE AN HALACHIC DISCOURSE IN YIDDISH AT THE FAMILY SEUDAH. HE IS NOW ENJOYING BEING A FULL TIME ACTIVE MEMBER AT THE DAILY MINYAN. SHLOMIE RUBIN ANDREW DOVER 9 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:54 Page 10 GIFFNOCK AND NEWLANDS HEBREW CONGREGATION 5th Giffnock Guides Commonwealth Camps In May our Guides attended two camps to celebrate the Commonwealth Games organised by Girl Guiding East Renfrewshire and Girl Guiding Glasgow, both at Auchengillen Campsite, Stirlingshire, 25 of our guides attended these camps and enjoyed camping and a wide variety of activities. We also attended a fun day organized by Girl Guiding Scotland called Adventure 2014 at Galloway Activity Centre, funded by the Scottish Government, who uses money confiscated from criminals, to support the four uniformed youth organizations in Scotland. At this event we befriended a guide unit from Cardonald and they are coming to the Synagogue in the next term for a joint meeting. We are very proud of Brownie leader Claudia Edelman who was nominated and chosen to carry the Queen’s Commonwealth Baton in Rouken Glen Park. She is a dedicated leader, devoted to her Brownies and every 5th Giffnock member felt so proud of Claudia. Claudia Edelman carrying the baton on July 16th, Rouken Glen Park. Also congratulations to one of our young leaders Eve Jackson who has been selected to represent Girl Guiding East Renfrewshire to go forward for international camps and jamborees. She was judged for her personality, ability to work well in a team, leadership skills and ability to carry out girl guiding skills. This year twenty girls were selected from Scotland and were sent to represent Girl Guiding UK at camps in Iceland, Denmark and Luxembourg. We wish Eve every success for the future in all she does. Last year I opened my guide report with the words ‘’I am writing this report from my daughter’s balcony in Modi’in and I can see much of central Israel in the distance, Tel Aviv, Netanya, Rishon, Ashkelon, and can see the planes landing and taking off from Ben Gurion. This year from our balcony I can see missiles coming in over us being taken out by iron dome. I felt very frightened but like all Israelis and visitors here just now, you have to learn to be calm and just go to the nearest shelter. I have often thought that one of the most important laws that the Torah teaches us is that we should do everything we can to avoid causing another to feel embarrassment. The politician who kept pushing the Israeli Government and the Defense Chiefs and continued to insist that they needed to install iron dome around Israel was laughed at one day when he was handed a pair of binoculars with the caps still on. He did not notice the caps and put the binoculars up to his eyes. The high ranking government officials and army officers laughed at him and photographed the incident. Amir Peretz is now a national hero, in the two weeks I have been here 10 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 11 almost a thousand missiles have been fired all over Israel in that short space of time and we hear the huge explosions above as iron dome takes them out. Our Shul is ‘’huge’’ in its support of Jewish Girl Guiding. I am certain that as with the teachings of the Jewish faith, their time as a 5th Giffnock Rainbow, Brownie and Guide will help the girls become adults who will not close their eyes and turn their backs to the needs of others and they will become adults who are filled with a passion to help heal the world. Evelyn Yedd 638 0040 Commonwealth Camp Girl Guiding East Renfrewshire. Olivia, Evy and Louisa. May 23rd at Auchengillan Girl Guiding Glasgow Commonwealth Camp. Rabbi Wolfson cooks up a great time! .... Challah baking with B & B. Matza bakery. 11 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 12 GIFFNOCK AND NEWLANDS HEBREW CONGREGATION ORIGINS OF POPULAR JEWISH SURNAMES Ashkenazic Jews were among the last Europeans to take family names. The process began in the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1787 and ended in Czarist Russia in 1844. In attempting to build modern nation-states, the authorities insisted that Jews take last names so that they could be taxed, drafted, and educated (in that order of importance). Until this period, Jewish names generally changed with every generation. For example, if Moses son of Mendel (Moyshe ben Mendel) married Sarah daughter of Rebecca (Sara bat rivka), and they had a boy and named it Samuel (Shmuel), the child would be called Shmuel ben Moyshe. If they had a girl and named her Feygele, she would be called Feygele bas Sora. The easiest way for Jews to assume an official last name was to adapt the name they already had, making it permanent. This explains the use of "patronymics" and "matronymics." PATRONYMICS: (son of ...) : In Yiddish or German, "son" would be denoted by "son" or "sohn" or "er." In most Slavic languages, like Polish or Russian, it would be "wich" or "witz." For example: The son of Mendel took the last name Mendelsohn; the son of Abraham became Abramson or Avromovitch MATRONYMICS: (daughter of …): Reflecting the prominence of Jewish women in business, some families made last names out of women's first names: Edelmanhusband of Edel; Gittelman - husband of Gitl; Gold/Goldman/Gulden may be derived from Golda PLACE NAMES: The next most common source of Jewish last names is the region where they lived. As a result, the Germanic origins of most East European Jews is reflected in their names. Place-based Jewish names include: Berger (generic for townsman); Berg(man), meaning from a hilly place; Bloch (foreigner); Deutch/Deutscher - German; Epstein; Florsheim; Frankel - from the Franconia region of Germany; Gordon - from Grodno, Lithuania or from the Russian word gorodin, for townsman; Greenberg; Lipsky -from Leipzig, Germany; Pinsky -from Pinsk, Belarus; Rappoport- from Porto, Italy; Shapirofrom Speyer, Germany; Steinberg; 12 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 13 WORKERS: Cooperman - coppersmith; Einstein- mason; Farber -painter/dyer; Feinstein -jeweller; Fisher- fisherman; Garber/Gerber- tanner; Glazer/Glass/Sklar glazier; Goldstein - goldsmith; Kramer - storekeeper; Miller- miller; Plotnick carpenter; Sandler/Shuster- shoemaker; Schmidt/Kovalsky - blacksmith; Silversteinjeweller; Stein/Steiner/Stone- jeweller RELIGIOUS/COMMUNAL: Rabin- rabbi (Rabinowitz—son of rabbi); Reznick - ritual slaughterer. ANIMAL NAMES: It is common among all peoples to take last names from the animal kingdom. Baer/Berman/Beerman/Berkowitz/Beronson - bear; Adler- eagle (may derive from reference to an eagle in Psalm 103:5) HEBREW NAMES: The big two are Cohen (Cohn, Kohn, Kahan, Kahn, Kaplan) and Levi (Levy, Levine, Levinsky, Levitan, Levenson, Levitt, Lewin, Lewinsky, Lewinson). Others include: Aaron- Aronson, Aronoff; Asher; Benjamin; David - Davis, Davies; Ephraim - Fishl; Emanuel - Mendel; Isaac - Isaacs, Isaacson/Eisner; Jacob - Jacobs, Jacobson, Jacoby; Judah - Idelsohn, Udell,Yudelson; Mayer/Meyer; Menachem Mann, Mendel; Reuben - Rubin; Samuel - Samuels INVENTED ‘FANCY SHMANCY’ NAMES: When Jews in the Austro-Hungarian Empire were required to assume last names, some chose the nicest ones they could think of and may have been charged a registration fee by the authorities. These names include: Applebaum - apple tree; Birnbaum - pear tree; Buchsbaum - box tree; Kestenbaum - chestnut tree; Kirshenbaum - cherry tree; Mandelbaum - almond tree; Nussbaum - nut tree; Tannenbaum- fir tree; Teitelbaum - palm tree. This is an edited version of the article in Business seen by shul member Mark Tenby. Written by Bennett Muraskin this article in the original version appeared in the Jewish Currents magazine. MARK’S DELI UPDATE From the ashes of the old deli, the new Mark's Deli is rising. It's been a long haul since the devastating fire which gutted the old deli in April 2013 but finally there is light at the end of the tunnel. The new, improved, bigger, better, shinier deli will be reopening in October complete with an enlarged cafe to satisfy all our hungry customers who have missed out on their kosher nosh for the last 18 months. 13 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 14 GIFFNOCK AND NEWLANDS HEBREW CONGREGATION PUZZLE Some go to shul to take a walk, Some go there to laugh and talk Some go there to meet a friend, Some go there their time to spend Some go there to meet a lover Some go there a fault to cover Some go there for speculation Some go there for observation Some go there to doze and nod The wise go there to worship G-d. A poem found in a magazine by David Strang who had to change one word to enable it to be used in the Shul magazine - can you guess which word it was? Answer on page19. QUIZTASTIC! Sunday 1st June saw the comeback of Giffnock Shul’s fun quiz night. Around 160 people from all age groups of the shul community came together to partake in a night of challenging questions set by our wonderful quiz masters Bill Gardiner, Steven Gladstone and David Edelman. The competitive streak (although some wouldn’t admit to it) was evident - with light hearted banter and laughter throughout the night. A well deserved break of sandwiches, fish balls, tea, coffee and cakes provided by ‘Marks Deli’ was served to refuel everyone for the second round! This year’s winners were ‘Table 10’ – Laura Gurevitz, David and Angela Shapiro, Julian Feuchtwang, Steven and Hilary Anson , Barbara Kliner and Lorraine and Jeffrey Jesner who were presented with engraved quiz pens. A most enjoyable and yet again successful night was had by all and I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their hard work in making this event such as success. See you all for Quiz 2015. Please keep watching the diary for future events not to be missed Best wishes Phyla Mair ( Events Convenor) 14 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 15 Monty Cowen wants to share this with all the men to give them a good laugh- and to those ladies with a sense of humour! JOKES When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her. King David You know what I did before I married? Anything I wanted to. Anonymous My wife and I were happy for twenty years. Then we met. Henny Youngman A man inserted an 'ad' in the classifieds: 'Wife wanted'. Next day he received a hundred letters. They all said the same thing: 'You can have mine.' Anonymous First Guy (proudly): 'My wife's an angel!' Second Guy: 'You're lucky,mine's still alive.' Anonymous You can listen to the Shofar sounds right on your iPhone or iPod Touch with this application. Just click on the Shofar sound you want to hear, i.e. Tekiah, Shavarim, Teruah or Tekiah Gedolah and listen to a recording of a Tokea (Shofar blaster). SHOFAR SHABBOS CLOCK JEWISH RADIO Listen to dozens of free Jewish Internet radio stations on your iPhone or iPod Touch. The music and talk radio channels will stream directly from your device. Most stations can now play over a 3G cellular network. There are some that still require WIFI. You can even "scan" through the available Jewish and Israeli channels. 15 APPS Can't part with your iPhone on the holiest day of the week? This is the solution! GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 16 GIFFNOCK AND NEWLANDS HEBREW CONGREGATION CELEBRATIONS Derek and Bernice Lipton celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary in June. They were married on the 16th June 1964 in Netherlee and Clarkston Shul where they were married by Rev Balanow and Rabbi Watchman. Derek and Bernice joined Giffnock a few years ago when Netherlee and Clarkston Shul closed. Emma Rose Osdin has just started S1 at Woodfarm High School after attending Calderwood Lodge. She is a keen actress, singer, dancer and gymnast and confidently took centre stage performing her Batmitzvah on 17th June! She made her parents Darren and Kirsten and brothers Jacob and Saul all very proud. Toby Winocour is in S2 at Hutchesons Grammar School. He enjoys playing football. rugby, hockey and squash. At Toby’s Barmitzvah family and friends from Israel, Majorca, Canada, Cheltenham, London – and Glasgow! - joined him to celebrate his special weekend. Toby is the elder child of Helena and Paul and big brother to Evie. 16 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 17 CELEBRATIONS Rachel Emily Mair celebrated her Bat Mitzvah on Shabbat 6th September. Rachel learned with Rebbetzin Rubin over her 2 years. She was taught chumash, parasha, as well as baking of challah, honey cake, and latkes and donughts. Rachel has just moved up to 1 st year at Mearns Castle High School from Calderwood Lodge Primary, and is beginning to enjoy her new high school life. Rachel is a very sporty young lady with her main passion being football. She is Goal Keeper with under 13s Glasgow City Woman’s Football team and has been with the team now for nearly 4 years and have just won their First cup final game. Rachel also has been playing guitar for 3 years now and is able to write and play her own music too. PATRICIA AND BERNARD GRODEN 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. CARA LIVINGSTONE MARRIED RICHARD BERG ON 22ND JUNE 2014. 17 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 18 GIFFNOCK AND NEWLANDS HEBREW CONGREGATION Report from the Box I assume that most of you, especially those of you who know me well, will be aware that fitness, training and health are a massive part of my life. I love my daily routine of running 4/5 miles as fast as I can on the treadmill, playing badminton competitively and then with whatever strength I have left I finish my program by doing 45 minutes of weight training. Thank G-d for Shabbos! For an old "Mann" of nearly fifty I truthfully train as hard as my body will allow me to, with absolutely no compromise and absolutely no slacking. The most obvious benefit is having a wardrobe of clothes that actually fit me plus the ongoing feeling of being healthy and in shape. I look at my Judaism in precisely the same way. Being physically fit has created a need for me to be spiritually fit as well. This has been achievable with a lot of effort and determination. For me waking up with the negative mindset that I'm too tired to go to Shacharit/Davening this morning is simply not an option, the same way as thinking, I don't feel like training today would also not be an option. We are so lucky that we have a fabulous warm Shul, packed with all the books we require, kitted out with everything we need, a Rabbi and Rebbitzen who genuinely love, care and are dedicated to their community and an Executive and Council who are all working so hard to drive the Shul forward in every way possible, What more could we ask for?? Like a gym, all the equipment and instructors are there, the only thing missing is you! I know it becomes slightly repetitive and probably a wee bit boring listening to the same battle cry week in and week out, "Come along and support the Minyonim" I can honestly tell you that every man counts and without your continued support there will be no Minyon. Please all wives, fiancés, girlfriends, sisters, mothers and daughters encourage your men to attend services whenever possible. I would like to finish by stressing that the time for spiritual training, preparation and planning is here now. It is incredibly important that we open our Yom Tov Machzors in advance of the "High Holy Days" to allow us to read over the prayers and familiarise ourselves with what we are saying and why we are saying it, in the hope that Hashem will hear us and answer us. 18 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 19 To turn up on the day having done no preparation is equivalent to a long distance runner entering a marathon having done no training what so ever. Failing to plan is planning to fail. I, along with my family would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a good Yom Tov, an easy fast and a prosperous year ahead. May Hashem answer all of our prayers. Your Parness Garry. FIVE QUESTIONS IN FIVE MINUTES WITH............. LARRY SELLYN 1. How long have you been a member of Giffnock Shul? Since 1st February 1999 2. Who was Rabbi when you joined the Shul? It was Rabbi Rubin’s first day as our Rabbi 3. Are there any particularly memorable moments from your time as a member? When Rabbi Rubin married Felicia and I in March 2005 4. Where will you spend Rosh Hashanah this year? London, where I always go on Rosh Hashanah 5. What is your favourite food served at Yom Tov? “I’ll have some of everything thankyou “ Larry Sellyn is Chairman of Jewish Blind Society (Scotland ), Trustee of Glasgow Jewish Community Trust, Trustee and Secretary of Queens Park Charitable Trust and Trustee of Bonnyton Trust. PUZZLE ANSWER: The word that had to be changed was in line 1 of the puzzle “CHURCH” had to be changed to “SHUL”. 19 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 20 GIFFNOCK AND NEWLANDS HEBREW CONGREGATION Spill The Beans For many years it has been a dream of my wife, Lucy, to write and compile a recipe cookbook and this year the dream turned into reality. The irony was that it was a cruel twist of fate that precipitated the project which ultimately became known as ‘Spill The Beans’. 5 years ago, Lucy became unwell, after which followed a year or more of debilitating treatment, which meant that mealtime preparation became interrupted. Life returned to normal, a ‘new normal’, but normal nonetheless. Nearly eighteen months ago, in April 2013, more treatment was required, and family life was once again thrown into turmoil. A feature of these two dark episodes was the overwhelming support of our family and friends, including many of whom we hardly knew….it was really quite humbling. As befits our heritage, a feature of this support was the unprompted provision of food, consisting of cakes, biscuits and in many cases, entire meals. Thankfully the Jewish religion has the ability to laugh at one’s self, and this dark humour manifested itself in our ‘Masterchef’ style appraisal of the ‘fress’ on offer at family mealtimes It ranged from the spectacularly delicious, to……..well, it would take a few malt whiskeys for me to dish that dirt! I wouldn’t say we had Greg Wallace, John Torrode, or even Michel Roux Jnr in the house, but the five of us at chez Jacobs had a jolly good try, at determining who was Glasgow Jewish Masterchef for 2013. There was no outright winner, as to be honest, everybody proved to be winners. It was during one of these funny culinary interruptions to the background medical issues, that Lucy decided that the time was right to start the recipe book project, and following her election to the Board of Jewish Care Scotland, she pitched her idea, and the ‘Dragons Den’ were in! The ‘book’ would be produced with all the proceeds going to Jewish Care Scotland. Lucy, along with Elspeth Campbell threw heart and soul into the book, asking all they knew to submit their failsafe recipes. The laughs continued as the difficult task of sifting the recipes in order to provide the correct balance, took place over dozens of meetings. Spill The Beans was launched in June 2014 with a fabulous evening at Gideon Robinson’s showroom, with a ‘Ready Steady Cook’ event, the chefs being John 20 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 21 Quigley and Guy Cowan. Guy cooked a Japanese style stir fried chilli lamb, whilst John went Italian. With a risotto primavera, featured in the book. The chemistry between the two of them was fantastic, with many laughs and two great plates of food. More importantly, to date, nearly 500 books have been sold, and if anyone would like a copy, please contact Lucy Jacobs or Jewish Care Scotland and £10 will see not only the charity benefit, and you and your family can benefit from many hidden gem recipes from within our community, now published in ‘SPILL THE BEANS’. Many thanks to all at Jewish Care Scotland, Elspeth, Vivienne Strang for the artwork, the sponsors, everyone involved in the project and naturally, all the recipe contributors Stephen Jacobs Lucy shares one of her favourite recipes from the book...... ‘ My mother-in-law gave me this recipe when I was first married and has always been my kids’ favourite- I normally double the quantities!’ LEMON CURD CAKE 5oz self raising flour 2 tbsp lemon curd Juice of 1 lemon for topping 2 large eggs 4oz caster sugar Zest of 1 lemon 4oz margarine Put all ingredients into a food processor with K beater and mix well. Put into 2lb loaf tin and bake at 140°C for 1 hour or until skewer comes out clean. Pierce cake several times and pour lemon juice over. If you want to buy a copy of the book please contact either Elspeth Campbell at Jewish Care Scotland or Lucy Jacobs 07801 697877. 21 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 22 GIFFNOCK AND NEWLANDS HEBREW CONGREGATION Below is a list of recipients of donations from the money collected each day at Shul services. The last distribution was in January, carried out by Malcolm Ross, then chairman Nigel Allon and Adam Berkely. Malcolm kindly looks after the charity box each day, brings it to the office each week and counts out all the coins (and occasionally notes) for banking. £1000 Jewish Care Scotland £100 Yeshivat Hesder £200 Nefesh Hachaim £100 Chinuch Atzmai £250 MDA £200 Brick by Brick £200 British Friends of Zaka £50 Jewish Marriage Council £100 British Friends of Yad Ezra £200 Yorkhill £100 Jewish Childs Day £200 Newark Care £150 Friends of Rachashei Lev £500 Enjoy £250 Shaare Zedek Uk £100 Jewish Institute for the Blind £100 Tiferet Shlomo £100 British Friends of Boys Town Jerusalem £250 Chai Cancer Care £50 Beis Rochel £100 British Friends of Ezer Mizion £100 Delamere Charitable Trust £150 Operation Wheelchairs £200 Laniadno The greatest number of passengers ever carried by a commercial airliner is 1,088, by an El Al Boeing 747 during Operation Solomon, which involved the evacuation of Ethiopian Jews from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and started on 24 May 1991. This figure included two babies born on the flight. The operation to evacuate the Ethiopian Jews continued non-stop for 36 hours involving a total of 34 El Al jumbo jets and Hercules C-130s - with seats removed to accommodate the maximum number of passengers. 22 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 23 GIFFNOCK FRIENDSHIP CLUB Adele Smullen First of all: a special welcome to our new members. It’s so good for our team and present members to know that every Tuesday at 2 o’clock we have a chat, a short talk (with everyone joining in if they have something interesting to say or discuss), tea and then home at 3.45! Unfortunately our trips to the theatre have been cut down quite a lot due to the cost of coach hire and expensive tickets. However, there is never a dull moment and hopefully we still enjoy ourselves. We also have our entertainers and good speakers who give us food for thought (or thought for food!) so everyone or no-one can join the discussion. We had a very lovely day out recently and lo and behold the weather was at its best at both places we were visiting. In fact not only did we go round the shops but we were also able to sit right opposite the sea for some time and every one of us were quite surnburnt by the time we reached home. We still have plans for the rest of the year but if I tell you what it is I’ll have nothing to write about in the next Shul Magazine! On asking some of our more senior Club Members the secret of remaining young at heart and active we had a variety of answers. the first was Bridge, with all the bridge players’ eyes lighting up immediately and this was followed by: good food, style of life, vitamin tablets and a definite reason for getting up in the morning. Of course, by the regular attendance every week, I take it that with the warm and welcoming atmosphere that we have it is obvious that our Tuesday meetings are very special and enjoyable. Then again, on the other hand, a few of us haven’t had a rise in the 35 years we’ve been involved- so we started with nothing and we still have the same wage! There is nothing more annoying when people take at least 30 minutes to say ‘thank you’. However I would like to thank Frances Harris, Annette Kay, Fay Travers and Rene Goldberg for all their help. We wish all the Congregation a Happy and Healthy Year. 23 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 24 GIFFNOCK AND NEWLANDS HEBREW CONGREGATION It’s been just four years since Chai launched its Glasgow service to all those in the Jewish community affected by a cancer diagnosis. Having grown up here, as you can imagine, it’s especially meaningful for me to be able to offer our professional and caring support services. Chai’s gone from strength to strength since it was founded by Susan Shipman and Frances Winegarten z”l in 1990. Before Chai, there was nowhere to turn for cancer support within our own community. Now there’s a generation who can’t remember a time when our services weren’t available. Sadly, over the last two decades we have seen the effect of a cancer diagnosis, not only on the patient, but on their family members, loved ones and friends. Today 60% of Chai’s clients are cancer patients, the other 40% are family members and it is not unusual for us to be supporting four generations of the same family. Most of us will have to deal with the effects of a cancer diagnosis at some time in our lives, either first hand or through someone close to us. More people are living longer with cancer than ever before, as a result of earlier diagnosis and better treatments. There are currently around 2m people living with cancer in the UK, a figure that’s estimated to rise to 4m by 2030. As Chai’s national reputation has grown, so has the demand for our services and we are actively supporting over 1790 clients across the UK. At Chai, our ethos is to provide a highly professional service, delivered with sensitivity and care. Each client and their circumstances is unique and we specifically adapt and personalise our services to ensure that their individual needs are met. In addition to our flagship centre in North West London, we now have nine satellite centres across the country – in South London, Hackney, Essex, Southend, North and South Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds and of course Glasgow. In each area, a detailed and careful consultation process has ensured that the services we offer reflect the needs and character of the local community. This has proved a significant factor in the success of these services. You might not know that in Glasgow we offer services not only in the Walton Community Centre but also in clients’ own homes. We provide counselling for individuals, couples and families: our professional counselling team works with our clients, cancer patients their loved ones and friends, all in the strictest confidence. We also provide a range of complementary therapies including massage, reflexology, reiki, aromatherapy, guided visualisation/breathing techniques, acupuncture and physiotherapy. All Chai’s therapists are qualified and highly experienced in their individual areas of therapeutic practice. If you’re not in reach of a Chai site in Glasgow, you can still benefit from our expertise and care through our Telephone and Skype Service. Chai has professional and empathetic counsellors who provide a confidential service for cancer patients and their loved ones. This service is provided both nationally and internationally. 24 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 25 We continue to evaluate and develop all our services, to ensure they meet the growing and changing needs of our clients, and Chai has stayed steadfast to the principle so succinctly expressed by one of our clients, “Cancer doesn’t care, but Chai definitely does.” Our Glasgow telephone number is: 0141 638 2483 Our Freephone helpline is: 0808 808 4567 Email us on [email protected] or visit our website CONGRATULATIONS CONGRATULATIONS TO BERT WINOCOUR 90TH BIRTHDAY. WHO RECENTLY CELEBRATED HIS BERT HAS BEEN MARRIED TO SANDRA (NEE BLIN) FOR 59 YEARS. THEIR SON PETER, WHO LIVES IN LONDON, IS MARRIED TO JANICE AND HAS TWO CHILDREN - DAVID AND LEANNE. THEIR DAUGHTER MANDY IS MARRIED TO RAYMOND STRANG AND ALSO HAS TWO CHILDREN - HAYLEY AND JON. THE SAGA OF TWO SYNAGOGUES Frances Harris Two synagogues - one in London the other in Glasgow - were founded about the same time. Both came about by enterprising far-seeing men and both prospered until the fateful date of 29th December 1946 when disaster struck the London Synagogue and there the comparison ended. During the hours of darkness the London Synagogue was broken into when an act of vandalism, without parallel in recent Anglo-Jewish history, took place. Twelve Siiphrei Torahs with their appurtenances were destroyed- also bibles and prayer books. The Ark itself was seriously damaged. It was a heinous act! On 5th January 1947 a solemn Service of Remembrance was held in the Synagogue in the presence of Dayan H.M. Lazerus. The remains of the destroyed Sepharim were interred in Willesden United Synagogue Cemetery in the grave of the scribe- R. Moses Halperin. Six months on the consecration of the newly equipped Beth Hamidresh took place. How do I know about these events? My family were founder members of that Synagogue. It is so sad to think we still have to protect our own Synagogues from unwelcomed intruders. 25 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 26 GIFFNOCK AND NEWLANDS HEBREW CONGREGATION Serving Their Country – Marking the Centenary of the First World War The Archives Centre will mark the centenary of the start of the First World War on Sunday 16 November, highlighting the impact of the war on the Jewish community. An estimated 1,500 Scottish Jews served in the British forces 1914-1918, many with distinction. Lieutenant Julius Diamond of the King’s Own Scottish Borderers and Royal Flying Corp won the Military Cross ‘for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty…’ In addition, Private Jack White of the 6th King’s Own Royal Lancaster Regiment won the Victoria Cross. More than 125 Scottish Jews paid the ultimate sacrifice. There are First World War memorials in Garnethill Synagogue and the prayer hall in Glenduffhill Cemetery in Glasgow (from former South Portland Street Synagogue), as well as in Piershill Cemetery in Edinburgh and in Edinburgh Synagogue. On the eve of the First World War, many Jews in Scotland were immigrants from the Russian Empire. The majority were not naturalised and many had foreign-sounding names. At least 2,000 documents were issued by the newly-formed Glasgow Jewish Representative Council, City of Glasgow Police and the Imperial Russian Vice-Consulate in Glasgow to non-naturalised Jews to state that they were from a friendly country (Russia), rather than enemy Germany or Austria-Hungary. The Archives Centre has a small collection of these certificates. We would be delighted if you could add to the Archives Centre collection on the First World War – including stories, photographs, medals, documents and memorabilia. Please join us for November’s commemoration, which will include an illustrated presentation, as well as readings, stories and songs. For details: 332 4911 [email protected] , Harvey Kaplan and Dianna Wolfson will be speaking on the First World War at St Mungo Museum on 19 October and giving a centenary presentation at Maccabi on 16 November. 26 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 27 I HAD A DREAM.... David Strang The last person who said that was shot, but I really did have a dream and believe it or not it was all about shul. I dreamt that a new shul had been built on the site of the Wholefoods shop in Giffnock. Some members of the various involved councils wanted to call it “The Tudor Shul” but after much debate it was named “The Glasgow Synagogue” The shul could seat 500 congregants, and the seats were un -named. It was first come first served, sit where you like. There was a waiting list to join and a queue to get in on Shabbat. There was parking for 250 cars on the roof top. Open seven days a week. A special Shabbat bus service ran between Newton Mearns Cross and Sauchiehall Street, the driver was Jewish of course, and an eruv was created between Eastwood Toll and Orchard Park Avenue for the very frum members, who would then be allowed to carry their shopping to and from shul. In this wonderful new shul, men sat on the left and women on the right, because women are always “right”. Upstairs were offices, a cheder, a snooker hall, and a cinema. Downstairs where Wholefoods currently have their meat department was a banqueting suite with resident kosher caterers. When the building was completed, the community were invited to apply for membership. As there were no named seats, everybody paid the same, but Minyan Market? the membership fee was based on the number of attendances. For example the congregants who came three times a day paid 50 pence a visit whereas the three times a year people paid £150 a visit. In short members paid a total of £450 a year and this included burial fees for members under 70 years old. If you were over 70 there was a “pay as you go plan.” The shul also had a shop run by the Lubavitch organisation where you could buy anything from mezuzot to a bottle of merlot, tzitzit, taleiteem, tephilin, siddurim, machzeirim, cabernet sauvignon, and prosecco by the glass. (a special thank you to a dear friend for helping me spell the above Jewish words.) In my dream I pictured the banqueting suite which could be converted in to a theatre to be used for amateur dramatics, and pop concerts. The Parnass had 27 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 28 GIFFNOCK AND NEWLANDS HEBREW CONGREGATION booked Dolly Parton for the opening night, and the Avrohm Greenbaum players some of whom are still alive, were performing “Death of a Salesman” in the afternoons. I forgot to mention that tea would be served between mincha and maariv in the summer, and after shachrit a full english breakfast catered by Geneens would be available for one shilling and sixpence in the winter. Is it any wonder they have got a waiting list? Reading this, I can hear you say “in your dreams.” And if you don’t see me again I will have been shot! LIMMUD SCOTLAND RETURNS! Limmud Scotland is back with not just one, but two events on the calendar. On Friday 7 November 2014 we’re having our Friday night dinner – A Dinner a Dram and a Drosh, to kick off the JFest week of events and our 7th Scotland Limmud Day will take place on Sunday 8th March 2015. At both events there will opportunities to learn something new, meet new friends, connect with old ones and hear some great presenters. So, save the dates and keep a lookout for more information. To join our mailing list or to help us shape these events, email [email protected] Looking forward to seeing you. The Limmud Scotland Team A Message from the Treasurer – The Shul relies entirely on the contributions of all of its members to maintain the premises and pay its employees. Members are urged to ensure that they pay their annual contributions when requested. Invoices are sent out in September each year and payment can be made in ten monthly instalments starting in November. Anyone who is experiencing difficulty in paying can approach the treasurer in strictest confidence. At present the Shul rules state that all members must be seat holders, but it is possible to have a low cost seat if that is what is required. Associate membership is only available to a member of another Shul or to someone who does not live in Glasgow. 28 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 29 TABLE TENNIS Once again I am very happy to report another year of success for the Netherlee and Clarkston table tennis club, held in the Shul Hall on Tuesday evenings. I am delighted to say that membership has again increased over the year, and the standard of play of the majority of the members has also improved. The management of Giffnock Shul has been very kind in installing for us, improved lighting facilities in the hall, and this has enabled play to be much more enjoyable especially during the winter nights. The lighting, together with our new tables, making 5 playable tables on our Tuesday nights, have allowed our members to both enjoy and improve their standards. As of writing this, the majority of the section are going to the Commonwealth Games semi-final matches at Scotstoun, and everyone is looking forward to seeing the experts play. Our experienced players are still involved in assisting newer members to improve, and anyone who is interested in joining us, whether experienced or inexperienced, will be made very welcome on Tuesday nights. All the members wish the Rabbi and Rebetzen, their family, the Executive, Council and members of the Shul a happy and peaceful New Year and an Easy Fast. CHESS SECTION Our new Chess Section has now been running for over 6 months on Wednesday evenings. Our regular members are very enthusiastic and enjoy their evenings at the Shul. The standards are very varied, but everyone enjoys the mixture of playing each member of the group. It has been suggested that younger members of the community may be interested in playing chess, and if anyone wishes to join us on the Wednesday evenings, even for a shorter period than the older members, I would be happy to accommodate them and develop a second section for younger members only. Please contact me at 638 5397 if anyone wishes to join us, whether old or young, experienced or inexperienced, and I will be happy to assist in any way. David Moorin. 29 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 30 GIFFNOCK AND NEWLANDS HEBREW CONGREGATION A LETTER FROM (CAMP) AMERICA by Daniel Walton Camp America was recommended to me as one of the best ways to spend your summer working - and after four weeks I can truly say that Crane Lake Camp has made my summer an insightful, fulfilling and enjoyable experience. The camp itself is in West Stockbridge, Massachusetts and is a Jewish orientated camp. The staff are a mixture of Americans and young people from abroad, and hopefully I could bring my experience from being a leader at Maccabi, and also my skills in football - or soccer of course as they call it - to help the American kids enjoy their experience. The youngsters attending are split into age groups and I was working with the 13year-olds in the unit called Chaverim. Myself and two other counsellors shared the bunkroom with the 13 teenagers we were in charge of. Boy was it an early start. A typical day begins at 7:30 when the whole camp is woken up by the PA system. Breakfast is at 8, then morning service, which lasts around 20 minutes, begins at 9. As a general counsellor I spend all day with the kids going to the different activities which vary from seeing the animals in the camp, all the various water sports on the lake, drama, and most other sports. The camp experience is split into two sessions, both over four weeks. In the first session there is also a trip away from camp, and my unit went to Boston overnight to see all the tourist attractions. The second session gets a bit more competitive when the youngsters throw themselves into what they call "Colour War" with camp divided into the blue team and the white team. All sorts of sports and activites are included in the competition with the campers and the camp counsellors taking part with great enthusiasm. The experience I have had so far has been amazing, and I would recommend anyone who has the opportunity to take part in the programme to do so. It really is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Daniel (left) met Joel Kass at Kesher 5 years ago , did summer tour together & have stayed friends. He's from London. They ended up on the same camp by coincidence!! Daniel is the son of Elisa and Michael Walton 30 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 31 Jewish Life, Alive and Kicking in Krakow By Jonathan Ornstein We cannot change the number of Jews murdered in the Holocaust, but we have the opportunity to affect the number of Jews lost to the Jewish World due to the Holocaust. The Jewish Community Centre of Krakow (JCC Krakow) was opened in April 2008 by HRH, The Prince of Wales…and our royal lineage, while fascinating, is not nearly the most amazing thing about us. In a Krakow that is young, vibrant, and growing, JCC Krakow serves as the focal point for the resurgence of Jewish life, which has been increasing exponentially since the completion of Poland’s transition from a Communist state to a Westernstyle liberal democracy in 1989. The JCC seeks to build and strengthen the Jewish community of Krakow by serving its current 500+ Jewish members and reaching new people. The community here was largely cut off from Jewish life for 50 years and it is our duty and obligation to give them a chance to reconnect to the Jewish world. This is achieved through a multitude of different programs including: holiday celebrations, education, arts, culture, language and sports classes. The JCC provides genealogical consultations and all types of programming to reconnect these individuals including young people walking in off the street, many of whom have only recently found out about their Jewish roots. All are welcome at JCC Krakow, from toddlers to elderly Holocaust survivors (100 of whom are members), those who are communally engaged and those who have only just begun to rediscover their Jewish roots. “I’m 78 years old and besides the Nazi occupation which I survived by being hidden with my mother, I’ve lived my whole life in Krakow. The JCC over the past five years has become the focus of my life. I eat meals here. Learn skills here. Meet with my friends here. And simply feel at home. I can’t tell you how important this place is to me, and other people like me. Thank God we have this centre“ – Zofia Pivotal to the revolutionary attempts of the JCC to rejuvenate what was a community facing extinction are its immensely popular Shabbat dinners. These serve as a focal point for the different elements of the community to come together and 31 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 32 GIFFNOCK AND NEWLANDS HEBREW CONGREGATION share the experience of a communal Friday night dinner. For the recently completed 24th Jewish Culture Festival in Krakow, the JCC hosted the largest postwar Shabbat dinner ever held in Krakow – with over 430 attendees. The JCC is also the de facto Jewish visitor centre for Krakow. Over 85,000 visitors from around the world come to the JCC every year to meet community members and partake in Shabbat and holiday programming. These individuals, families, Jewish Federation missions, and synagogues are seeking to engage with local Jewish life and it is our mission to help them understand that the Jewish community in Krakow did not end during the Holocaust. Moreover, as a thriving Jewish community situated an hour’s drive from Auschwitz, we aim to be a symbol of the resilience and strength of the Jewish people. JCC Krakow is focused on building a Jewish future in Krakow. Jonathan Ornstein has served as the Executive Director of the Jewish Community Centre of Krakow since its opening in April 2008. He is a founding member of “Przymierze,” the Krakow Association of Christians and Jews where he serves on the board. Prior to the JCC’s opening in 2008, he lectured in Modern Hebrew at the Jagiellonian University Department of Jewish Studies for six years and founded the “Gesher” association for Polish-Israeli dialogue. A native of New York City, Jonathan moved to Israel in 1994, living for seven years on a kibbutz in the Negev desert and serving for two years in a combat unit in the I.D.F. before making his way to Poland in 2001. Jonathan enjoys writing limericks, solving crossword puzzles, running, and playing basketball. DATE FOR YOUR DIARY FRIDAY NIGHT DINNER 24th OCTOBER 2014 Please call the Shul office on 0141 577 8250 to reserve your place, stating any dietary requirements at time of booking Congratulations to Carole Walton who recently celebrated her 70th Birthday 32 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 33 A happy and successful year from SCoJeC The "Lag B'Omer extravaganza" trip to Vogrie Forest, SCoJec's joint venture with Rabbi Eli Wolfson and ENJOY, was our most exciting and popular event to date, attracting nearly 200 people from all over Scotland, more than half of them from Giffnock and Newton Mearns. We are very grateful to the Forestry Commission Scotland as well as the Clarkston Trust and the Jewish Youth Fund for funding this unprecedented and outstanding event. As one participant told us, “This was a superb day, great activities on offer, brilliantly organised, staff (both Jewish community and woodland leaders) were all delightfully friendly and it was an allround resounding success!” We’ve also been working in partnership with the Glasgow Jewish Representative Council on a project to add to add a communal directory, an opportunities directory, and a calendar of communal events to its website, and we are also collaborating on another project to recruit and train volunteers to speak to schools and other organisations about Judaism and help represent the community on interfaith matters. We’ll be running a series of training events in the autumn as part of these projects, and we’d love to hear from you, no matter whether you’re an experienced speaker and have lots of materials and ideas to share, or whether you’ve never done this before but have some time to spare and would like to get involved. Earlier this year we set up an online discussion forum designed to bring Jewish people together from all over Scotland to share ideas and information. The forum, which was supported by Lottery funding, includes discussion threads on a ‘book of the month’, a ‘film of the month’, and a ‘topic of the month’, and we have just started a regular monthly live video linkup on Sunday evenings to encourage more discussion. During September we will be bringing an international musical group to various venues in Scotland as part of the Multicultural Homecoming Festival sponsored by the Scottish Government and BEMIS as well as the European Festival of Jewish Culture and Heritage. The Adrianne Greenbaum Quartet, who play Klezmer, Baroque and Scottish traditional music, will be in Giffnock on Sunday 21 September, just before Rosh HaShanah. Please come along – it should be a brilliant night, and great start to the new year! Shanah tovah! For further information about any of these topics, please contact Fiona Frank Projects and Outreach Manager [email protected] 07779 206522 [email protected] 0141 638 6411 33 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 34 GIFFNOCK AND NEWLANDS HEBREW CONGREGATION The caterers who can supply Kosher Catering at Giffnock Shul are: en croute Kosher Catering Tel: 0141 440 0114 Kosher Kitchens (Glasgow) Ltd Tel: 0141 638 7212 L’Chaim’s Kosher Caterer Tel: 0141 638 6116 Contact the Shul Office on 0141 577 8250 to discuss arrangements to book your Kiddush or function. Coming soon is new Tribute Show …..Sunday 26th October ABSOLUTE LEGENDS Featuring Neil Diamond, Elton John, Robbie Williams, Michael Jackson plus many more! Tickets now on sale for £15 Eastwood Theatre 577 4970 Cosgrove Care 620 2500 or Richard Kaye on 07825 187574 for further details A Message From The Editor It's been a busy time in the Winocour house planning my son's Bamritzvah. He made it - and he made us all very proud! We were very fortunate to share our special weekend with everyone who matters to us. Outside our flurry of table plans, speeches, outfits and - oy - too much food already! - the world has been going crazy. I hope that this magazine reminds us of the community we are lucky to be a part of and wish everyone a peaceful, safe and Happy New Year. Helena Winocour 34 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 35 FROM THE DESK OF THE CHAPLAIN Rabbi Yossi Bodenheim What a year we have had!!! From welcoming all the new students, to having them come for Shabbat, to getting to know one and all - it’s been an exciting ride from day one. Sushi night proved extremely popular all over every campus, whether it was Aberdeen or Saint Andrews or Edinburgh, with students learning all about kosher fish and how to make delicious sushi all at the same time. We’ve had "lunch and learns" at the universities and evenings at the pubs with the students so we could learn how to “chill out” from the masters. There were major Shabbatons throughout the year at the different uni's, with thirty and even forty students attending at once. The spark in the air was something to witness as we sang and ate and prayed and talked and joked and just enjoyed spending time with one another. We celebrated festive times, and tried our best to overcome some anti-Israel animosity which we were successful with. There were three hour train rides to see the students and two hour car rides and every trip was worthwhile because it meant spending time with future leaders and just great people. And it wasn’t just our local students from Glasgow. We met students from other countries both near and far. There were people who didn’t even know they were Jewish, We hosted a great Pesach seder and had students who experienced there very first seder. We have become part of Scottish life and love this great country and its amazing Jewish community. And all this is just the beginning. Sarah and I of course along with the great supporting local Chaplaincy board have big plans for the coming year. Now that Rosh Hashana is approaching and there is the "new" feeling in the air, we are busy running from one fresher fair to another, and welcoming new students. There are big plans for a rocking Purim party and an awesome Chanuka event as well as upcoming tremendous nights across the country. There’s a mega Shabbaton event in the planning where students from all over Scotland will join together, that will blow your minds. All this and more in the upcoming year. Meanwhile be good, be cool, and most importantly, be Jewish. Your favorite chaplaincy family, Rabbi Yossi, Sarah and the kids 35 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 36 GIFFNOCK AND NEWLANDS HEBREW CONGREGATION CONDOLENCES TO THE FAMILIES OF Helena Dykes Audrey Goodman Irene Kleinglass Elaine Naddell Sheila Newman Hilary Rosen Claire Sherry Lily Varmosh QUILTED WITH LOVE: A GERRER CHASSID MOTHER’S RESPONSE TO THE LOSS OF OUR BOYS We are a nation torn asunder. We are a quilt of beauty unsurpassed; patched and stitched together on one interface of prayer, hope, faith and love. The Yerushalmi’s gold-stripe, the kibbutz worker’s denim; the Belzer’s black silk, the yishuv’s crocheted yarn; the Gerrer’s fur, the Dati-Leumi’s paisley print – we sewed ourselves as one. This masterpiece was in the making for eighteen days. Day after day, we stitched as we cried, we stitched as we beseeched, and we stitched as we dared to hope for our boys to come home. Our quilt stretched over sea and land, reaching all four corners of the earth. From secular San Francisco to Chassidic Stamford Hill; from the unaffiliated in Johannesburg to the frum of Melbourne – no material was ever lacking. And now, as we reel collectively in our pain, we must look at our work of art and promise – we shall never allow those stitches to become undone, unpicked, unraveled. We are not a nation torn asunder. We are a nation, quilted with love, stitched for all eternity with a strength never before known to man. And with this we bestow ourselves to the families of Eyal, Gil-ad and Naftali with a vow – it has not been in vain. This masterpiece belongs to you, and we promise to hold the stitches together for all time Naftali Fraenkel (16, from Nof Ayalon), Gilad Shaer (16, from Talmon), and Eyal Yifrah (19, from Elad) were kidnapped on 12 June 2014 36 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 37 1/9/14 11:55 Page 37 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 38 1/9/14 11:55 Page 38 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 39 1/9/14 11:55 Page 39 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 GIFFNOCK AND NEWLANDS HEBREW CONGREGATION 40 1/9/14 11:55 Page 40 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 41 Best Wishes From The Alexander Stone Foundation 41 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 42 1/9/14 11:55 Page 42 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 43 1/9/14 11:55 Page 43 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 44 With Compliments David & Carole Walton 44 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 45 1/9/14 11:55 Page 45 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 46 1/9/14 11:55 Page 46 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 47 1/9/14 11:55 Page 47 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 48 Wishing You All A Healthy and Happy New Year Sylvia Miller & Family 48 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 49 Best Wishes Fred and Sybil Berkley 49 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 50 Best Wishes Leslie Wolfson & Co. Solicitors Lawyers who understand business 19 Waterloo Street Glasgow G2 6BQ Tel: 0141 226 4499 Fax: 0141 221 6070 [email protected] London appointments: 39 Hill Street, Mayfair, W1J 5LZ w 50 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 With the Compliments of The Alma & Leslie Wolfson Charitable Trust 51 1/9/14 11:55 Page 51 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 52 freeholdproperties & investments limited Jack & Stephanie Silverstone, Children and Grandchildren 40 Kelvingrove Street, Glasgow G3 7RZ Telephone: 0141 332 6066 Fax: 0141 332 5655 E-mail: [email protected] withcompliments GLENDINNING BUILDERS With Best Wishes SLATERS • ROUGHCASTERS • GENERAL BUILDERS EVANTON PLACE, THORNLIEBANK, GLASGOW G46 8JE TEL: 0141 620 0892 FAX: 0141 620 0892 Fe Wolfe & Family SPECIALISTS IN RAIN PENETRATION REPLACEMENT UPVC & CAST IRON GUTTERING Best Wishes From Nu-Rest Upholstery 29 Admiral Street, Glasgow G41 1HP Telephone: 0141 429 4898 52 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 53 Patricia and Bernard Groden would like to thank the congregation for all their good wishes received on the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary and wish their family and friends a good new year. With Best Wishes Wishing everyone Roger and a good new year Sharyn and well over the fast Mitchell & Helmi and Hazel Family 53 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 54 With Best Wishes from Carolyn, Kezia and Jemima Dover The Karpf Family wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year and well over the fast 54 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 55 With Compliments T.M. McGowan & Sons Monumental Sculptors 602 Lainshaw Drive Glasgow G45 9QP Tel: 0141 634 8515 55 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS TEXT 56pp FINAL AUG 2014 1/9/14 11:55 Page 56 NEW YEAR’S GREETINGS Vivian Black, Valerie, Marsha, Angela and Michael Madeleine and Richard Coats Cyril and Ann Furst Sandra Rabinowitz Nick and Avril Wober 116 Elderslie Street Glasgow G3 7AW T: 0141 847 0501 E: [email protected] Best Wishes from noah Lydia and Walter Freedman & Family With Compliments 56 GIFFNOCK & NEWLANDS COVER AUG 2014 1/9/14 12:35 Page 1 Vol. 69 No. 1 ROSH HASHANAH 5775/2014 GIFFNOCK AND NEWLANDS HEBREW CONGREGATION GIFFNOCK AND NEWLANDS HEBREW CONGREGATION
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