Section B LocalLife Rappahannock Record Kilmarnock, VA September 4, 2014 %NTERTAINMENTs0EOPLEs#ALENDARS Tickets available for Talent Extravaganza T 6IKMRE&E]PSV Emancipation Commemoration will feature re-enactments, remembrances and youth choir The Commemoration of Robert Carter III’s 1791 Deed of Emancipation will feature historical re-enactments, family remembrances, moving songs and information on historical and genealogical research. The event will begin at 10 a.m. Saturday, September 6, at Historic Christ Church, 420 Weems Road, Weems. It commemorates the lives and descendants of more than 500 enslaved persons eventually freed by Robert Carter III’s Deed of Emancipation, filed at District Court at Northumberland County Courthouse on September 5, 1791, said education director and curator Robert Teagle. Lori Coombs, a descendant of one of the families manumitted by the 1791 act, will read key portions of the document. Re-enactors Gerry Underdown as Robert Carter III and James Ingram as African-American Baptist minister Gowan Pamphlet will present a dialogue on slavery, freedom and other issues in late 18th-century Virginia, said Teagle. Regina Gaskins Baylor will share her experiences as a descendant of one of the families manumitted by the act. Baylor resides on the same home place on the Yeocomico River where her great-grandfather raised his family. The Sharon Baptist Youth Choir also will perform at the event. Evangelist Mabel Robinson will lead the choir in three songs. The audience will be invited to join in a fourth song, James Weldon Johnson and John Rosamond Johnson’s “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” at the program’s conclusion, according to Teagle. Following the program, visitors may explore historical and genealogical resources for finding family roots in Virginia. Historic Christ Church’s museum and reception center also will be open, and the gift shop will have a 20% sale. The program is sponsored by the Northern Neck of Virginia Historical Society, the Mary Ball Washington Museum & Library and the Foundation for Historic Christ Church. Donations are suggested. The Rappahannock Foundation for the Arts provided a generous grant to support the historical re-enactors and youth choir. alent Extravaganza 2014 will feature 24 different performances. The annual Kilmarnock Museum fundraiser will begin at 7 p.m. September 20 at the Lancaster Middle School Theater, 191 School Street, Kilmarnock. Anna and Elsa impersonators from the Disney movie “Frozen” will visit Lancaster Middle School at 6 p.m. to sign autographs and pose for pictures with girls age 3 to 7, wearing their best princess costumes. One young lady will be selected to be Miss Extravaganza, said Kilmarnock Museum ±4YXXMRKSR8LI6MX^²[MPPFITIVJSVQIHF]WXYHIRXWSJ0MRHE´W7GLSSP president Carroll Lee SJ(ERGI'LSVISKVETLIHF]7LSRE)ZERW4EGLIGSMX[MPPJIEXYVIJVSQ Ashburn. She will get a PIJXJVSRXVS[*EMXL/IXRIVRI\XVS[,ERREL;MPQIVERH1SVMEL complete makeover by 'PEVOI RI\X VS[ 6MPI] 1SPMRIEY\ /EIPM 1G+VEXL %PI\MW 4EGLIGS Jennifer Bishop of Merle ERH &VSSOI )PFSYVR RI\X VS[ 7O]PEV :ER0ERHMRKLEQ 8EFMXLE Norman and a photo ses*SYPOIW%PMRI.SLRWSR'EQV]R4MXXQER+MSZERRM(EZIRTSVXERH>SI sion with Yours Truly 2SRRIQEGOIV before being crowned on stage. A special tribute to Disney by Spotlight Studio of Dance should also entertain the younger set along with Penscola’s Jackie Diggs who performs with hula hoops, and 9-year-old vocalist Courtney Harrison. Other acts will include the Peanut City Cloggers. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for ages 12 and younger. Advance tickets are available at the Rappahannock Record, Foxy, Heads Up Hairworks, Bank of Lancaster, main branch and White Stone branch, Chesapeake Bank Lively branch and the museum. Mathews Market Days slated September 5 & 6 The 40th annual Mathews Market Days will be celebrated from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday, September 5 and 6, on the Courthouse Green in the heart of Mathews. Admission and parking are free, according to Trudy Flippin. A variety of activities and vendors will be located throughout the festival area. On Saturday only, shuttle bus transportation will be available at no cost from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Stops include Lee Jackson/Thomas Hunter Middle School on Church Street, Mathews High School on Buckley Hall Road on the corner of Court and Church streets. Friday evening entertainment will include the Courthouse Community Orchestra at 7 p.m. at the Mathews High School Auditorium and “Party at the Wharf ” with Groove Tide at Williams Wharf from 5 to 9 p.m. Saturday evening entertainment will include the Street Dance from 8 to 11 p.m. at Brickbat and Court streets with Stokin and Terry Black. For a schedule of activities, vendor list and fees, visit AREA EVENTS ■3R7XEKI The Seldom Scene will open the Rappahannock Foundation for the Arts’ 2014-15 On Stage series September 7. The bluegrass concert will begin at 3 p.m. at the Lancaster Middle School Theater, 191 School Street, Kilmarnock. Admission is by season subscription or single performance tickets, $35 adults, $12 students. Purchase tickets at 438-5555,, or at the door. ■7LS[XMQI The Northern Neck Court Appointed Special Advocate Program (CASA) will present “The Belle of Amherst.” Tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for students. Group rates are available. Purchase tickets at Walgreens in Kilmarnock, from CASA volunteers, or call 462-0881. Shows will be at 8 p.m. September 12 and 13 and 3 p.m. September 14 at the Lancaster Playhouse, 316 Chesapeake Drive, White Stone. Shows also will be presented at 8 p.m. September 19 and 20 and 3 p.m. September 21 at the Westmoreland Players Theatre, 16217 Richmond Road, Callao. ■&IRI½XIZIRX There will be a benefit event Saturday, September 6, for Lynn Gordon, who recently suffered a stroke. The benefit will be held from noon to midnight Saturday, September 6, at the Lively Pavilion, Upper Lancaster Volunteer Fire Department, Mary Ball Road, Lively. There will be music by DJ Steve Gordon, food, a cornhole tournament, a silent auction and a 50/50 raffle. An account has been established for monetary donations at Chesapeake Bank. ■7XITTMRK7XSRIW The Stepping Stones square dance club will offer square-dancing lessons from 7 to 8:30 p.m. beginning September 4 at Freeshade Community Center, 1544 Regent Road, Syringa. The first two lessons are free. The club is looking for new members. ■&ERHRMKLX Red Devil Band Night will continue on the second Thursday of every month at Sal’s Pizza in Kilmarnock. Sal’s will donate 10% of all revenue generated on Red Devil Band Night to the Lancaster High School Band. ■+EPPIV]VIGITXMSR The Rappahannock Art League will host a First Friday Reception from 5 to 7 p.m. September 5, at the Studio Gallery, 19 North Main Street, Kilmarnock. The reception will showcase the “Labor Day Art Show Winners” exhibit. The public is invited to meet some of the artists and enjoy light refreshments. The exhibit will continue through September 27. ■'SVR1E^I 8SQTOMRW'SXXEKISR&VMGOFEX6SEHEFSZI[MPPFISTIREQXS TQ *VMHE] ERH 7EXYVHE] 7ITXIQFIV ERH HYVMRK 1EXLI[W 1EVOIX (E]W 8LI GSXXEKI MW XLI LIEHUYEVXIVW JSV XLI 1EXLI[W 'SYRX] ,MWXSVMGEP 7SGMIX] 1',7 (SGIRXW [MPP SJJIV XSYVW SJ XLI GSXXEKIERHKEVHIRW%GGSVHMRKXS1',71EVOIX(E]WGLEMVQER(II &ERISYXWMHII\LMFMXW[MPPMRGPYHIXLI2I[4SMRX0MKLXLSYWI4VSNIGX XLI9RMXIH(EYKLXIVWSJXLI'SRJIHIVEG]XLI7SRWSJ'SRJIHIVEXI :IXIVERWXLI*EMV½IPH*SYRHEXMSRERHXLI1MHHPI4IRMRWYPE'LETXIV SJXLI%VGLEISPSKMGEP7SGMIX]SJ:MVKMRME Beginning September 13, the Corn Maze will be open, weather permitting, Saturdays and Sundays through October 26 at the Northern Neck Farm Museum, 12705 Northumberland Highway, Heathsville. Hours are noon to 4 p.m. Saturdays and 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays. The fee is $5 per person, including the bounce barn. The museum gift shop will be open. ■)H[EVHWZMPPI(E] Oyster Tasting Sept. 28 to benefit Jacob’s Ladder Preservation speaker 2SVXLIVR 2IGO 'SRWIVZERG] PERH TVIWIVZEXMSR WTIGMEPMWX &SFFMI &YVXSR [MPP TVIWIRX E TVSKVEQ XS XLI 6ETTELERRSGO +EVHIR 'PYF SR 8LI )GSPSKMGEP &IRI½XW SJ 'SRWIVZEXMSR )EWIQIRXW 8LI QIIXMRK [MPP FIKMR EX RSSR 8LYVWHE] 7ITXIQFIV &YVXSR [MPPHMWGYWWWSQISJXLITVSTIVXMIW SR XLI 2SVXLIVR 2IGO XLEX EVI TVIWIVZIHERHLS[XLI]FIRI½XXLI PERHERH[EXIVEVSYRH8LITYFPMG MW[IPGSQIXSNSMRXLIKEVHIRGPYF JSV E FYJJIX PYRGL FVMIJ QIIXMRK ERHXLITVSKVEQXSJSPPS[EX+VEGI )TMWGSTEP 'LYVGL 7SYXL 1EMR 7XVIIX/MPQEVRSGO The Jacob’s Ladder fourth annual Oyster Tasting will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. September 28 at Merrior, 784 Locklies Creek Road, Topping. The tasting will offer the perfect opportunity to learn about native oysters reintroduced into the Chesapeake Bay by Ryan and Travis Croxton, owners of Rappahannock River Oysters, and to visit Merrior, according to Peg Davis, vice chairman of the Jacob’s Ladder board of directors. The cost of $60 includes the oysters, beer, wine, chowder, condiments and nonalcoholic beverages. For tickets, call 758-0712 by September 24. Jacob’s Ladder is a program for at-risk, gifted children in Virginia and North Carolina, in grades 4-8, who can benefit from a proactive enrichment program that helps them to reach their full potential. The goal is to foster the intellectual, social, emotional and physical development of these children, to provide support and information to the family unit, and to offer guidance in planning for advanced education. Many students from the Middle Peninsula and Northern Neck are in the program, said Davis. Museum to host oyster roast/dance The eighth annual oyster roast and dance will be held from 5 to 9 p.m. September 13 at Deltaville Maritime Museum and Holly Point Nature Park, 287 Jackson Creek Road, Deltaville. A social hour will be held from 5 to 6 p.m., cash bar from 5 to 8 p.m., the buffet from 6 to 7 p.m., followed by the dance, reported events director Bill Powell. The menu will feature roasted oysters, raw oysters, Oysters Rockefeller, chowder, barbecue, string beans, potatoes, cole slaw, tea and water. Music will be provided by Jumbo Lump Daddy and the Backfin Boys. Advance tickets are $30 and are available at the museum and Nauti-Nell’s in Deltaville. Museum members can enjoy a discount of four tickets for $100. After September 6 and at the door, tickets are $35. The annual Edwardsville Day community celebration, sponsored by Galilee UMC, 747 Hull Neck Road, Edwardsville, will be held at 10 a.m. September 13. There will be food and drinks, music, vendors, children’s activities and a parade. Grand marshals will be Robert Bailey and Eleanor Morris. Parade lineup is noon. Vendors may call Jim Long, 724-3240. ■*EWLMSRPYRGL The Northumberland County Animal Shelter will hold a luncheon and fashion show at 11:30 a.m. September 13 at Tommy’s Restaurant, Reedville. Fashions will be presented by Wildest Dreams, Burgess. Tickets are $28 in advance at Wildest Dreams. A raffle will be held for gift certificates for food and services, art works and items from the NCAS thrift shop. Bring a donation of an old towel, sheet, blanket, dog or cat treats, new toys, or Clorox and receive a free raffle ticket. INSIDE: 'EPIRHEV9TGSQMRK)ZIRXW'LYVGLIW3FMXYEVMIW6I¾IGXMSRW B2 UPCOMING#ALENDAR September 4 Thursday %%, 8 p.m. De Sales Hall and Kilmarnock UMC. %P%RSR, 8 p.m. Kilmarnock Baptist. 588-9224. ,IEXLWZMPPI*SVKI &PEGOWQMXL+YMPH, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern. 580-3377. &E]8SRIW&EVFIVWLST 'LSVYW, 7-8:30 p.m. St. Andrews Presbyterian, Kilmarnock. Rehearsals. New singers welcome. &EWMG0MJI7YTTSVX'PEWW, 8:30 a.m. Rappahannock General Hospital, 101 Harris Road, Kilmarnock. Reserve a seat at 435-8000. +VMIJ7YTTSVX+VSYT, 2 p.m. Henderson UMC, Callao. :SPYRXIIVW2IIHIH, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Help Lancaster/ Northumberland Habitat for Humanity build a house. 4353461, or 1EWXIV+EVHIRIVW,IPT (IWO, 9 a.m.-noon. Lancaster Extension Office.462-5780. [email protected]. 2SVXLYQFIVPERH&SEVH SJ7YTIVZMWSVW, 5 p.m. Northumberland Courts Building, 39 Judicial Place, Heathsville. 8LI%MVTSVX'PYF, 6 p.m. The Pilot House, Topping. 7585500. *VII(ERGI0IWWSRW, 7 p.m. KC’s Crabs and Cues, 10428 Jessie Ball duPont Memorial Highway, Kilmarnock. Shag, line dancing. 435-7665. 3R8LI6MWI4IVJSVQIVW, 7-9 p.m. Willaby’s Cafe, 327 Old Ferry Road, White Stone. 435-0000. 3TIR1MG, 7 p.m. Northern Neck Burger Co., 62 Irvington Road, Kilmarnock. 577-4440. 7UYEVI(ERGI0IWWSRW 7-8:30 p.m. Freeshade Community Center, 1544 Regent Road, Syringa. First two lessons free. New members, couples and singles welcome. market, yard sale, vendors. $5. 'SQQIQSVEXMSR)ZIRX, 10 a.m. Historic Christ Church, 420 Weems Road, Weems. Re-enactment observing the commemoration of Robert Carter III’s 1791 Deed of Emancipation. Donations appreciated. 'SQQYRMX]*EMV, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Rappahannock Church of Christ activity grounds, Warsaw Bypass near the new Richmond County Fair Grounds. $10 per car. Music, games, prizes, bounce houses, face painting, mechanical bull, dunking booth, horse rides, hay rides, McGruff the Crime Dog, health screening, 50/50 cornhole tournament, bingo. Food and drinks also available for purchase. &IRIJMX)ZIRX, noonmidnight. Lively Pavilion, Upper Lancaster Volunteer Fire Department, Mary Ball Road Lively. To benefit Lynn Gordon, who recently suffered a stroke. Food, a cornhole tournament, silent auction, 50/50 raffle, DJ Steve Gordon. BYOB. .E^^-R8LI'SYVX]EVH, 6-9 p.m. Ingleside Plantation Winery, 5872 Leedstown Road, Oak Grove. 224-8687. 8LI6EPIMKL6MRKIVW, 7:30 p.m. Northumberland High School Performing Arts Theater, 201 Academic Lane, Claraville. $25 adults, $5 students; or by season subscription. Rappahannock Concert Association presentation. Advance tickets at 1-866-2178149. 1IVG]'VIIO, 8-11 p.m. The Works Bar and Grill, 250 Virginia Street, Urbanna. 7585555. Kilmarnock. /MPQEVRSGO4PERRMRK 'SQQMWWMSR, 6 p.m. Town Hall, 1 North Main Street, Kilmarnock. .SYVREP*SV0MJI, 6:30-8 p.m. The Haven Shelter & Services. Warsaw. Weekly workshop for women who have experienced traumatic violence. To sign up, contact Ruth Micklem, 3331099, [email protected]. *VIIWLEHI'SQQYRMX] 'IRXIV, 7 p.m. Freeshade Community Center, 1544 Regent Road, Syringa. Members meeting. Non-members welcome. 758-4801. 9 Tuesday %%, 7 and 8 p.m. Palmer Hall. %%, 7 p.m. St. Mary’s White Chapel Episcopal. %0%232, 7:30 p.m. Harmony Grove Baptist. 7769799. %PP6IGSZIV]4VE]IV 1IHMXEXMSR1IIXMRK, noon. Bay Center for Spiritual Development, 31 Noblett Lane, Kilmarnock. For anyone in a 12-step program. 588-9224. /MPQEVRSGO (MWXVMGX 4MTI&ERH, 7:15 p.m. Campbell Memorial Presbyterian, Weems. 462-7125. ,IEXLWZMPPI*SVKI &PEGOWQMXL+YMPH, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern. 580-3377. 3ZIVIEXIVW%RSR]QSYW, 7:15 p.m. St. Andrews Presbyterian, 435 East Church Street, Kilmarnock. %TLEWME+VSYT, 11 a.m. Rappahannock General Hospital Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Center, 43 William B. Graham Court, Kilmarnock. $40 per month, or $10 per session. 435-8501. :SPYRXIIVW2IIHIH, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Help Lancaster/ %%, 7:30 p.m. White Stone Northumberland Habitat for UMC. Humanity build a house. 435%%, 5:30 p.m. Henderson 3461, or UMC. 1EWXIV+EVHIRIVW 8EZIVR7TMRRIVW ,IPT(IWO 9 a.m.-noon. ;IEZIVW, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Northumberland Extension Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern, Office. 580-5694. helpdesk@ Heathsville. Studio open. 2538. %% noon. Trinity Episcopal, ;MHS[IH4IVWSRW+VSYT, 2SVXLYQFIVPERH+S Lancaster. 'PYF, 8:30 a.m.-noon. after church. KC’s Crabs & %%8 p.m. Calvary Baptist, Cues, 10428 Jessie Ball DuPont Northumberland Family YMCA, Kilmarnock. Memorial Highway, Kilmarnock. 6348 Northumberland Highway, %%, 8 p.m. St. Andrews 8LI7IPHSQ7GIRI, 3 Heathsville. YMCA membership Presbyterian, Kilmarnock. p.m. Lancaster Middle School not required. Ancient board %P%RSR, noon. Bay Center Theater, 191 School Street, game. Beginners to masters for Spiritual Development, 31 Kilmarnock. $35 adults, welcome. 529-5775. Noblett Lane, Kilmarnock. 588- $12 students. Or by season &IKMRRIV7XEMRIH+PEWW, 9224. subscription. An On Stage noon- 5 p.m. Heritage Arts 2SVXLYQFIVPERH+S performance presented by the Class, Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s 'PYF, 6-9 p.m. Game Room, Rappahannock Foundation for Tavern, 73 Monument Place, Hughlett’s Tavern, 73 Monument the Arts. Advance tickets at Heathsville. $35 members, Place, Heathsville. Ancient 438-5555. $40 others, $35 materials board game. Beginners to 4EX1SSVI, 5-8 p.m. KC’s fee. Registration forms at masters welcome. 529-5775. Crabs & Cues, 10428 Jessie 3ZIVIEXIVW%RSR]QSYW, Ball DuPont Memorial Highway, (YTPMGEXI&VMHKI, 1 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Rappahannock Kilmarnock. 435-7665. White Stone Woman’s Club, $4. Church of Christ, 9514 &IVIEZIQIRX)HYGEXMSR Richmond Road, Warsaw. 5297YTTSVX+VSYT, 2 to 3:30 6671. p.m. Lancaster Community %%, noon. Palmer Hall. 'SRRIGXMSR7YTTSVX Library, 235 School Street, %%, 8 p.m. Fairfields Baptist. +VSYT, 1:30-3 p.m. 84 Main %P%RSR%HYPX'LMPHVIR Kilmarnock. Sponsor: Hospice Street, Warsaw, 296-8503. of Virginia. Continues every 3J%PGSLSPMGW, 8 p.m. National Alliance on Mental other Tuesday through Kilmarnock UMC. Illness. December 16. Reserve a spot ,MWXSV]PERH'SQQYRMX] &E]7IEJSSH*IWXMZEP, at 443-4090, or leslie.park@ ;SVOWLST, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. 4:30 p.m. Belle Isle State Park, Lancaster Woman’s Club, 1632 Belle Isle Road, Lancaster. Lancaster. Crafts, projects. 2SVXLIVR2IGO/IRRIP Sponsored by KilmarnockBring a bag lunch. Tea provided. 'PYF, 6 p.m. dinner, 7 p.m. Irvington-White Stone Rotary. meeting. Great Fortune New members welcome. Seafood, traditional southern Chinese Restaurant, 443 North ;IMKLX;EXGLIVW, 5:30 fare, silent auction, raffle, music p.m. St. Andrews Presbyterian, Main Street, Kilmarnock. Topic: by Trademark. $57. Advance “Tips on Keeping Your Canine Kilmarnock. tickets only, 1-800-777-9717. :IXIVERW´'EJI, 9 a.m.-noon. Healthy.” Non-members *MVWX*VMHE]%VX;EPO, 5-9 84 Main Street, Warsaw. Virginia welcome. p.m. Downtown Montross. Self- Wounded Warrior Program XL(MWXVMGX8IE4EVX], 7 guided tour. Galleries, shops, p.m. Upper Lancaster Ruritan welcomes all veterans from all restaurants, music. Center, 3989 Whitechapel branches of service for coffee, *MVWX*VMHE]6IGITXMSR, Road, Lively. Speaker: U.S. conversation and camaraderie. 5 to 7 p.m. Studio Gallery, 19 Senate Libertarian candidate 2SVXLIVR2IGO North Main Street, Kilmarnock. &IIOIITIVW, 7 p.m. St. Robert C. Sarvis. Showcasing “Labor Day Art ;LMXI7XSRI8S[R Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Show Winners.” The public is 6897 Northumberland Highway, 'SYRGMP, 7 p.m. Town Hall, 433 invited to view award-winning Rappahannock Drive, White Heathsville. works by Rappahannock Art Stone. 1MRH 1YWGPI0IGXYVI, League artists, meet some 0ERGEWXIV'SYRX]0MSRW 11 a.m. Rappahannock of the artists and enjoy light 'PYF, 7 p.m. Lancaster Tavern, Westminster-Canterbury, refreshments. 8373 Mary Ball Road, Lancaster. Auditorium, 132 Lancaster 8EVE1MPPW&ERH, 7–10 p.m. 1EVMRI'SVTW0IEKYI, Drive, Irvington. Speaker: Dr. Willaby’s on the Rappahannock, Merthia Haynie. Topic: Benefits 7:30 p.m. Moose Lodge Family 327 Old Ferry Road, White Center in Callao. of physical therapy. Stone. 435-0000. 'SFFW,EPP'LETXIV 27(%6, 1 p.m. Rappahannock Westminster-Canterbury, 132 %%, 8 p.m. Trinity Episcopal, %%, 8 p.m. Irvington Baptist. Lancaster Drive, Irvington. Lancaster. %%, 8 p.m. Heathsville UMC. 4MGRMG&MVH;EPO, 5 p.m. %%noon. Women’s meeting, %%, 8 p.m. Henderson UMC. Belle Isle State Park, 1632 Belle Irvington UMC. ,IEXLWZMPPI*SVKI Isle Road, Lancaster. Northern /M[ERMW'PYF, 7:30 a.m. &PEGOWQMXL+YMPH, 10 a.m.-3 Neck Audubon event. Bring a St. Andrews Presbyterian, p.m. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s dish to share: appetizer, salad, Kilmarnock. Tavern. 580-3377. main dish or dessert, with 6SXEV]&VIEOJEWX'PYF, 2EXMZI4PERX7EPI, 9 appropriate serving utensil. Soft 7:30 a.m. Lee’s Restaurant, a.m.-noon. Wicomico Parish drinks, water, ice, plates, cups Kilmarnock. Episcopal Church, 5191 Jessie and eating utensils provided. 6SXEV]'PYF for Kilmarnock, duPont Memorial Highway, Bird walk begins at 6:30 p.m. Irvington and White Stone, Wicomico Church. Sponsor: with Frank Schaff. 12:30 p.m. Rappahannock Northern Neck Chapter of the 2SVXLYQFIVPERH7GLSSP Westminster-Canterbury. Virginia Native Plant Society. &SEVH, 6 p.m. School &EWMG0MJI7YTTSVX'PEWW, %RXMUYI%RH8VEHMXMSREP Administration Building, 2172 8:30 a.m. Rappahannock &SEX7LS[, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Northumberland Highway, General Hospital, 101 Harris Reedville Fishermen’s Museum, Lottsburg. Road, Kilmarnock. Reserve a 504 Main Street, Reedville. 0ERGEWXIV7GLSSP&SEVH, seat at 435-8000. Boats, boat tours, music by 6:30 p.m., Lancaster Middle 8EZIVR7TMRRIVW Blues Society, nautical flea School, 191 School Street, ;IEZIVW, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 7 Sunday 5 Friday 8 Monday 6 Saturday 10 Wednesday Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern, 73 Monument Place, Heathsville. Studio open. 5802538. ;SQER´W'PYF3J 0ERGEWXIV'SYRX], noon. Clubhouse, 16 Mary Ball Place, Lancaster. Luncheon follows meeting. Guests and perspective members welcome. 462-5505. (YTPMGEXI&VMHKI, 1 p.m. Lancaster Woman’s Club, $4. 435-6207. 2SVXLIVR2IGO7SMP ;EXIV'SRWIVZEXMSR (MWXVMGX&SEVH, 6:30 p.m. Northern Neck Planning District Commission, Conference Board Room, 457 Main Street, Warsaw. 333-3525, ext. 102. 1YWMG2MKLX, 7-10 p.m. Rappahannock Grill, 37 North Main Street, Kilmarnock. 4355152. /EVESOI 7 p.m. KC’s Crabs & Cues, 10428 Jessie Ball duPont Memorial Highway. 435-7665. ;MRI (IWMKR, 7-9 p.m., Heritage Arts Class, Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern, 73 Monument Place, Heathsville. $40 members, $45 others. Registration forms at 11 Thursday %%, 8 p.m. De Sales Hall and Kilmarnock UMC. %P%RSR, 8 p.m. Kilmarnock Baptist. 588-9224. ,IEXLWZMPPI*SVKI &PEGOWQMXL+YMPH, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern. 580-3377. &E]8SRIW&EVFIVWLST 'LSVYW, 7-8:30 p.m. St. Andrews Presbyterian, Kilmarnock. Rehearsals. New singers welcome. +VMIJ7YTTSVX+VSYT, 2 p.m. Henderson UMC, Callao. :SPYRXIIVW2IIHIH, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Help Lancaster/ Northumberland Habitat for Humanity build a house. 4353461, or 1EWXIV+EVHIRIVW,IPT (IWO, 9 a.m.-noon. Lancaster Extension Office.462-5780. [email protected]. ,SVWI,IEH&S]W, 10 a.m12:30 p.m. Mid-County Rescue Squad, 7990 Northumberland Highway, Heathsville. Oldies, classic country, gospel and bluegrass. 'ERGIV7YTTSVX+VSYT, 3 p.m. Rappahannock General Hospital Cancer Center Oncology Conference Room, Kilmarnock. &ERH2MKLX, Sal’s Pizza, 456 North Main Street, Kilmarnock. 10% of all revenue generated on Red Devil Band Night goes to the Lancaster High School Band. *VII(ERGI0IWWSRW, 7 p.m. KC’s Crabs and Cues, 10428 Jessie Ball duPont Memorial Highway, Kilmarnock. Shag, line dancing. 435-7665. 3R8LI6MWI4IVJSVQIVW, 7-9 p.m. Willaby’s Cafe, 327 Old Ferry Road, White Stone. 4350000. 3TIR1MG, 7 p.m. Northern Neck Burger Co., 62 Irvington Road, Kilmarnock. 577-4440. 7UYEVI(ERGI0IWWSRW 7-8:30 p.m. Freeshade Community Center, 1544 Regent Road, Syringa. First two lessons free. New members, couples and singles welcome. -VZMRKXSR8S[R'SYRGMP, 7:30 p.m. Town Office, 235 Steamboat Road, Irvington. September 4, 2014 Rappahannock Record Kilmarnock,VA Your guide to the most delicious food & tastiest treats in the Northern Neck & Middle Peninsula. CHESAPEAKE CLUB AND TERR AC E LOU NG E AT TH E TIDES INN: It’s the views. It’s the relaxing terrace. It’s the variety of dining options, light fare, happy hour small plates, craft beers, wine flights and award-winning wine list. Open daily for breakfast, lunch, dinner, Sunday brunch. For reservations, 804-438-4489. www. for sample menus and dining events. CORNER BAR & GRILL: Located in Uptown Lively corner of Rt 3 and Rt 201. Home of the ½lb Black Angus Burger, no filler Crab Cake and Thursday Night Shrimp Special. Casual Dining & Take Outs available. 462-0110 Mon-Thurs 11am-11pm, Fri & Sat 11am-1am. DIXIE DELI: Family owned and operated (forever!) Serving lunch 5 days a week, Mon-Fri., 10:30am-3:00pm, subs, soup, our famous potato & chicken salad and sandwiches, 50 Irvington Rd., Kilmarnock 435-6745. THE GOLDEN EAGLE GRILL AT THE GOLDEN EAGLE GOLF CLUB: Casual lunch under the “French Quarter ceiling fans” or al fresco on the porch, featuring locally sourced seafood, salads and sandwiches. Perfect for private dinner parties/ family gatherings and wedding rehearsal dinners. Open for lunch daily 11am to 3pm, except Tuesdays. Call Gayle or Don Nelson at 4386740, 364 Clubhouse Rd, Irvington, VA 22480. 804 Unless noted, all phone numbers in this publication carry the 804 area code. KILMARNOCK INN: Sunday Brunch 11 - 2, Open 7 days a week. All American brunch buffet and home of the Bloody Mary Meal! Classic Dining grilled filet mignon, handmade crab cakes, crisp rock fish, black Angus burgers, with gluten free and vegetarian options. Entrees with a modern flair, yummy, popular dining. Homemade desserts. Like us on Facebook. com/kilmarnockinn to see our daily lunch specials. A Growing Kilmarnock Tradition. 34 East Church St., Kilmarnock, 804-4350034, LEE’S RESTAURANT: Hometown cooking and atmosphere in a popular downtown Kilmarnock tradition. Full menu, fresh local seafood in season, homemade pies made daily. (B,L,D) Main St. Kilmarnock, 435-1255. NATE’S TRICK DOG CAFE: Wonderful little restaurant full of music and laughter with extraordinary food located in the “Shops at Trick Dog” in the quaint watertown of Irvington. Open Tues.-Sat. 5pm until closing. Dinner 5pm to 9:30pm. Reservations suggested. 4357 Irvington Road 804-438-6363. SAL’S PIZZA: Pizza, subs, pasta, burgers, beer, wine, and more. Large parties welcome. Tuesday 4-10pm, Wed.Thurs. & Sunday 11am-10pm, Fri. & Sat. 11am -11pm, closed Mondays. 456 N. Main St. 435-6770. 435-1701 Join the Record’s Dining Guide G O T T H E I T C H TO PLACE AN AD? M a i l @ R Re c o r d . c o m Engaging individuals, strengthening community A source for volunteerism For a monthly community calendar visit: YARD SALE! Saturday, September 6th 7am ‘til Noon Bethel-Emmanuel United Methodist Men’s Building Rt. 201 South in Lively, VA Furniture, appliances, electronics, household items, tools, sporting goods, linens, pictures, books, bicycles, CDs, old records, collector items, lot of Christmas decor, food, baked goods and much more . . . Proceeds are shared with youth programs, local charities, volunteer services, churches & the needy. donk’s + 3rd 2014 + Talent Showcase Sat., Sept. 13th - 8 p.m. FYI River Market Homemade Key Lime Pie Nice Tomatoes! Shelled Butterbeans Sweet Corn White Stone 435-1725 Local Melons Rappahannock Record Deadlines Display Advertising: Monday @ 5 p.m. Classified Advertising: Tuesday @ NOON News: Tuesday @ NOON 804.435.1701 Assorted Pumpkins & Squash Jams & Jellies Apple, Pumpkin and Sweet Potato Butter Coming Soon: Sweet Potatoes FRESH. LOCAL. PRODUCE. Open: Mon. – Sat. 9-5 *HQHUDO3XOOHU+LJKZD\'HOWDYLOOH9D (804) 776-7554 /MPQEVRSGO :MVKMRME RAPPAHANNOCK RECORD Upcoming barbecue dinner to benefit Boys & Girls Club Set for September 26, Campbell Memorial Presbyterian Church’s fourth annual North Carolina-style barbecue dinner will benefit the Boys & Girls Club of the Northern Neck. The meal will feature barbecued pork imported from Parker’s Barbecue in Wilson, N.C., and includes hush puppies, cole slaw, baked beans, beverage and dessert. Available from church members, the church office, or the Boys & Girls Club, the $10 ticket can be used for eating in or taking out, reported Jane Tims. Tickets may be used at lunch from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., or at supper from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., at the church, 3712 Weems Road, Weems. Tickets should be purchased by September 21. Campbell’s Pig-Ex delivery team again will deliver lunches to groups ordering 10 or more meals for the same site. For group orders, call 438-6875, or email [email protected]. “We’re well positioned and able to work with the kids to provide a positive and safe place to learn and grow outside the school day, “ said club executive director Phil- AREA EVENTS ■/MRWEPI(E] Kinsale Day will be celebrated September 20, beginning with a pancake breakfast from 8 to 10 a.m. at the Masonic Lodge. In and around the Town park visitors will find vendors, a nature photo exhibit, the Kinsale Foundation annual meeting (11 a.m.), lunch, music and the annual Rubber Duckie Derby (1:30 p.m.). For a duckie adoption form, email Kinsale Museum director Lynn Norris, [email protected], or call 4507651. ■.E^^SRXLI'SQQSRW Rhythm In Blue, a U.S. Air %XEVIGIRXMGIGVIEQWSGMEPSRXLIGLYVGLPE[RTEWXSV 'PE] 1EGEYPE] SJ 'EQTFIPP 1IQSVMEP 4VIWF]XIVMER Force Heritage of America 'LYVGL WIVZIW MGI GVIEQ XS GLMPHVIR JVSQ XLI &S]W Band jazz ensemble, will per+MVPW'PYFSJXLI2SVXLIVR2IGO form at 7 p.m. September 26 lip Mumford. “It has been proven that if children come to the club at least two days a week, we have a greater ability to change their lives and outcomes. We are actively seeking mentors from the community to work with these children after school.” Campbell Church and The Boys & Girls Club have enjoyed a long and solid friendship, said Tims. Thirty-five children, ages 6-12, came from the club recently for an ice cream social on Campbell’s front lawn. Birthday celebration benefits potential pets 'IPIFVEXMRKLIVXLFMVXLHE]PEWX[IIO.YPMERRE8LEGOIV GLSWI XS JSVIKS KMJXW ERH MRWXIEH EWOIH LIV JVMIRHW XS FVMRKGEXJSSHERHHSKJSSHXSLIVTEVX]8LIMXIQW[IVI XLIR TVIWIRXIH XS XLI %RMQEP ;IPJEVI 0IEKYI SJ XLI 2SVXLIVR 2IGO *VSQ PIJX EVI %RMQEP ;IPJEVI 0IEKYI ZSPYRXIIV1MWW]6IIHERH8LEGOIVEWIZIRXLKVEHIVEX 0ERGEWXIV1MHHPI7GLSSP BIRTH Audrey Flowers Lorenzino Kyle and Mary Lorenzino of Kilmarnock announce the birth of their daughter Audrey Flowers Lorenzino. She was born at 10:02 p.m. Friday, August 22, at Memorial Regional Hospital. She weighed 9 pounds, 7.5 ounces and measured 21 inches long. Her maternal grandparents are Jim and Sherry Ketner of Kilmarnock and her paternal grandparent is Gina Armstead of North Carolina. Her paternal great-grandparents are Woodson and Virginia Armstead and Margaret Lorenzino. She is also welcomed by numerous aunts, uncles and cousins. 1SVI0SGEP0MJI MXIQWSRTEKI( In past years the church has donated recreational equipment and sponsored club trips to Flying Squirrels baseball games in Richmond. Volunteers from Campbell have painted interior walls, mentored children and led Bible studies at the club, she said. Black Tie & Boots guests to ‘Mingle at The Meadow’ Black Tie & Boots, the State Fair of Virginia’s opening-night benefit gala, will begin at 5:30 p.m. September 26 with cocktails and heavy hors d’oeuvres in and around The Meadow Event Park’s Meadow Hall. Guests may savor wines from award-winning Virginia wineries, reported vice president of communications Greg Hicks. Fair officials will announce the Best in Show winner of the State Fair of Virginia Commercial Wine Competition. The event also will feature dancing to Brad Spivey and The Honky Tonk Experience, as well as silent and live auctions. Fair-style surprises will feature prominently in the evening’s entertainment, and appearances by fair performers are entirely possible, said Hicks. After a decadent dessert, guests may enjoy the fair, including an opening-night concert by country band Parmalee. Proceeds from Black Tie & Boots will benefit the State Fair of Virginia Scholarship Program, which awards scholarships to winners in many of the fair’s youth competitions, he said. Tickets are $110 each through September 15 and $125 each September 16 through Sept. 19, pending availability. A $500 party pack—six tickets for the price of five when purchased before September 16—is available as well. The event has been billed as “down-home fun with an uptown kick,” and guests previously have worn everything from old-school black tie to boots and jeans with formalwear flourishes, added Hicks. The State Fair of Virginia will be held September 26 through October 5 at The Meadow Event Park in Caroline County. RECYCLE Remember . . . What goes around comes around. Rapppahannock Record We recycle. 7ITXIQFIV& at the Irvington Commons. The free concert is open to all. Bring chairs, blankets, food and beverages. ■7%6XSQIIX The Richard Henry Lee chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution will meet at 11:30 a.m. September 15 at Rappahannock Westminster-Canterbury, 132 Lancaster Drive, Irvington. Stuart L. Butler, retired assistant branch chief at the National Archives and Records Administration, will speak. His presentation is entitled “Fort McHenry and the Virginia Presence at Baltimore.” ■%YXLSV´WXEPO ■(MRRIVEYGXMSR ■-GIGVIEQWSGMEP ■1MKVEXMSRXEPOW ■1EOISZIVWIWWMSR ■%VXI\LMFMX ■ 7UYEVI4IKW The 10th annual Northumberland Family YMCA Dinner Auction will be held at 5 p.m. September 20 at Festival Halle, 177 Main Street, Reedville. Proceeds will benefit the Guardian Program. Admission begins at $40 per person. Those who would like to attend the dinner-auction and don’t receive an invitation, call the YMCA office at 5808901. The Friends of Dragon Run will meet at 7 p.m. September 17 at the Gloucester County Library, Main Street Center, 6920 Main Street Gloucester. Speaker Bill Williams will discuss the mid-September peak of one of two annual migrations accomplished by tens of millions of birds. The program will be devoted to the complex interplay of factors that influence how birds achieve these extraordinary seasonal journeys with particular emphasis on investigations conducted in Eastern Virginia for more than half a century. Artworks by Pamela L. Bowers will be on display through September 30 in the Gallery Hall at Rappahannock Westminster-Canterbury, 132 Lancaster Drive, Irvington. The public is invited to visit the exhibit daily from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Urbanna author and columnist Mary Wakefield Buxton will present “The Passion and Fury of William Styron” at an Author’s Talk and Tea September 18 at the Deltaville branch of the Middlesex County Public Library, 35 Lovers Lane, Deltaville. Buxton will sign copies of her novel, The Private War of William Styron, for those who purchase a copy. ■(E]PMP]WEPI The Friends of Northumberland Public Library daylily fundraiser continues through September 27. Award-winning hybrid daylilies, raised at 123 Courthouse Road, Heathsville, will be offered for sale to benefit the library. Place orders at the library, 7204 Northumberland Highway, Heathsville. Order forms also will be available online, at the library and Ye Olde Book Shoppe. ■7XEXI*EMV The 2014 State Fair of Virginia will be held September 26 through October 5 at The Meadow Event Park in Caroline County. Visit statefairva. org for event schedules, dates, times, fees and directions. Living Water Lutheran Church and Stevie’s Ice Cream will host an ice cream social from 6 to 7:30 p.m. September 19 at Stevie’s, 469 North Main Street, Kilmarnock. Music will be provided by One Day Remains from the Rappahannock Church of Christ, Warsaw. Stevie’s will offer 50% off any purchases. Bring a lawn chair and join in the fellowship. Rappahannock General Hospital and the American Cancer Society will offer the “Look Good…Feel Better” program for females currently in active treatment for cancer. The session will include a free kit with makeup and skincare products valued at $250. Jennifer Bishop of Merle Norman in Kilmarnock is the trained volunteer facilitator, hosting the session at 4:30 p.m. September 18 at the RGH Cancer Center, 101 Harris Drive, Kilmarnock. Pre-registration is required, 435-8593. The Square Pegs Square Dance Club will offer free beginner square dance classes at 7 p.m. September 18 and 25, at Fairfields UMC, 14741 Northumberland Highway, Burgess. Couples and singles are welcome. Nightly Seafood Specials Sunday Brunch 10-3 pm Live Music Wednesday Nights 7-closing Open 7 days a week /PSUI.BJO4USFFUt,JMNBSOPDLt "TLBCPVUPVSDBUFSJOHTFSWJDFT ¢0.39 per oz. Present this coupon and enjoy 10 % off your purchase *Free Waffle bowl on Tuesdays!* Now serving Smoothies, Yo-Shakes, Thai Milk Tea & more! ($2.50 with this coupon) Kilmarnock Square Shopping Center 20 Old Fairgrounds Way Kilmarnock, VA 22482 (804) 436-8889 Follow us on Facebook at YoliciousVa Northern Neck Native Plant Society Native Plant Sale t Perennials t Vines t Grasses t Shrubs t Trees Saturday, September 6 t 9:00am-noon Wicomico Parish Church Route 200, Wicomico Church No Early Sales B4 #HURCH#ALENDAR ANGLICAN All Saints Anglican 48 New Street, Saluda 757-374-6724; Rev. Jeff Johnson 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 10 a.m.,Adult Bible Study 11 a.m.,Worship Service Holy Redeemer Anglican Grant Church, Lerty 493-7407 Rev. Dr. W. R. Gardiner 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 11 a.m., Holy Communion St. James Church 1724 Abingdon Glebe Lane Gloucester, 757-814-5984 Father Kevin Sweeney Chaplain David Masterson 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 11 a.m., Communion Service ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 6:30 p.m., Holy Communion and Religious Education St. Stephen’s Anglican First Baptist Church/Fellowship Hall, 3649 Courthouse Rd. Heathsville; 580-4555; Rev. Jeffrey O. Cerar 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9 a.m., Bible Study 10 a.m.,Worship Service 10:40 a.m. Sunday School following Communion Nursery provided Coffee Hour after worship 4 p.m.,Youth Group 8YIWHE]7ITXIQFIV 7 p.m., Bible Study ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 8 a.m. Fishermen (Men’s Bible Study) BAPTIST Abiding Faith Baptist 83 Bluff Point Road, Kilmarnock Rev. Dr. Barbara L. Cain 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 5 p.m., Sunday School 6:30 p.m.,Worship 1SRHE]*VMHE] 4-6 p.m., Intercessory Prayer Line at 435-8742 Bayshore Baptist Church 7022 Jessie Ball duPont Hywy. 577-0532; Pastor Patrick Creed III; bayshorebaptistof 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 10 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m.,Worship 6 p.m., Service 8LYVWHE]7ITX 7 p.m., Service Beulah Baptist 4448 Mary Ball Road, Lively; 4625000; Rev. Milton Jackson *VMHE]7ITXIQFIV 6 p.m.,The Seven Last Words 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 10:30 a.m., Sunday School 11:15 a.m., Prayer and Praise 11:30 a.m.,Worship Service ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 7 p.m., Bible Study Bethany Baptist Church Rt. 360, Callao; 529-6890 Rev. Kori Kiss 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9:45 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m.,Worship ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 7 p.m., Prayer Calvary Baptist 490 East Church Street Kilmarnock; 435-1052 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 8:45 a.m., Sunday School 10:15 a.m., Devotions 10:30 a.m.,Worship Communion Second Sunday ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 7 p.m., Bible Study Claybrook Baptist ,EVX½IPH Pastor McKibbon 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9:30 a.m., Coffee/sweets 10 a.m., Sunday School 10 a.m., Contemporary Service 11 a.m., Celebration Service Nursery provided ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 6 p.m., Prayer Mtg. 7 p.m., Choir Practice Fairfields Baptist 15213 Northumberland Hwy., Burgess; Pastor Nathan Varnier 453-3530 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9:45 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m.,Worship Service Nursery Provided ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 5:30 p.m., Dinner 6 p.m.,Adult Bible Study and D.I.V.E. (children) 2399 Fairport Road, Reedville; 4533235; Rev. Neale Schools 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9:45 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m.,Worship ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 7 p.m., Bible Study & Prayer Woman’s Club Building,Virginia Street, Urbanna; 758-4257 Rev. Paul Napier 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9 a.m.,Worship METHODIST 10559 River Road, Lancaster; 4620845, Rev. Ernest D.Webster 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 10:15 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m., Prayer & Praise 11:30 a.m.,Worship Afton UMC 5130 Hacks Neck Road Ophelia; 453-3770; Rev. Moses Min 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 10 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m.,Worship Service Iglesia Paz de Dios (Peace of God Church) 33 Irvington Rd., Kilmarnock 436-5478; Rvda. Brooke V. Carrillo, Pastora 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV Noon, Servicio a las Irvington Baptist 53 King Carter Drive Irvington; 438-6971 Rev. John Howard Farmer 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9:45 a.m., Sunday School 10 a.m., Bible Classes 11 a.m.,Worship ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 7 p.m., Fellowship and Sharing Kilmarnock Baptist 65 East Church St. Kilmarnock; 435-1703, Rev. Matthew Tennant 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9 a.m.,Worship 9:45 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m.,Worship Service 6 p.m.,Youth Group ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 9:45 a.m., Ladies Bible Study 5:30 p.m., Prayer Mtg. 6 p.m.,Worship on Wednesdays 6:30 p.m., Fellowship Dinner 7:15 p.m., Choir Rehearsal Lebanon Baptist Rev. Carlton Milstead, Pastor 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 0IFERSR 9:45 a.m.,Worship 11 a.m., Sunday School 4VSZMHIRGI 10 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m.,Worship 2SV[SSH No Services Macedonia Baptist 10246 Northumberland Hwy. Heathsville,VA-580-2394 Rev. Ken Rioland, Jr. 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all 10:45 a.m.,Worship Service ;IHRIWHE]7ITX Noon, Bible Study/Lunch Maple Grove Baptist Windmill Point Road, Foxwells Rev. Mark E. Boswell 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 10 a.m.,Worship Service Morattico Baptist 924 Morattico Church Road, Kilmarnock; 435-3623 Rev. Craig Smith 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9:45 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m.,Worship Mt. Olive Baptist 48 Ottoman Ferry Road, Ottoman; 462-5674; Rev. David C. Cromer 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9:45 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m.,Worship 8YIWHE]7ITXIQFIV 6:30 p.m., Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 6 p.m., Potluck Dinner 7 p.m., Bible Study Youth Mtg. Cherub Choir Rehearsal Trinity Lutheran Hartswell Baptist Coan Baptist Corrottoman Baptist 0YXLIVER'LYVGL)0'% 83 Bluff Point Rd., 435-6650 [email protected] 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV Sunday School on Summer Recess 10 a.m.,Worship Service Routes 3 and 33,Topping; 758-5154 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9:45 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m.,Worship Nursery provided ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 6:30 p.m., Prayer/Bible Study Mount Vernon Baptist 2068 Coan Stage Road, Heathsville; 580-2751 Rev. Robert Lee Farmer 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 10 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m.,Worship 7 p.m., Living Tree of Praise ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 7 p.m., Prayer Mtg. 7:45 p.m., Choir Rehearsal Living Water Harmony Grove Baptist 2242 Weems Road, Weems; 4385570; Rev. Bill Burrus, Pastor 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9:45 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m.,Worship; ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 7 p.m., Prayer Mtg. Fairport Baptist [email protected]. 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9 a.m.,Worship “Citizenship Celebration w./Two Bell Ceremony” 10 a.m., Coffee Fellowship 10:30 a.m.,Adult Bible Study Friendship Baptist 269 James Wharf Road White Stone; 435-1272 Assistant Pastor: E. Rowena Davenport 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9 a.m., Sunday School 10 a.m.,Worship 6749 Jesse Dupont Mem. Hwy. Wicomico Church; 435-3725 Rev. Dr.Tyron Williams 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 7:45 a.m., Prayer & Praise 8 a.m.,Worship New Friendship Baptist Burgess; 580-2127 Pastor, Rev.Tom Rice 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9:45 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m.,Worship 7 p.m., Bible Study ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 7 p.m., Bible Study 8 p.m.,Adult Choir Practice New Hope Baptist 2596 Walmsley Road, Lottsburg; 529-9223, Dr. Dan Panter, Pastor 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9:15 a.m., Bible Study 10:15 a.m.,Worship ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 6:30 p.m., Prayer Service 7:30 p.m., Choir Practice Northern Neck Baptist 280 Hampton Hall Hwy. Callao; 529-6310; Rev. Ken Overby 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9:45 a.m., Sunday School 10:45 a.m.,Worship 6 p.m., Service ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 7 p.m., Prayer Mtg. New St. John’s Baptist Kilmarnock Rev. Peyton Waller Sr., Pastor 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9:45 a.m., Sunday School 10:30 a.m., Prayer and Praise 11 a.m.,Worship ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 7 p.m., Bible Study Queen Esther Baptist Asbury UMC 7X*VERGMWHI7EPIW'EXLSPMG'LYVGL 7228 River Road, Lancaster; 462-7780, Rev. James E. Smith 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9:45 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m.,Worship ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 7 p.m., Bible Study 991 Fleeton Road, Reedville; 453-4972, Rev. Steven P. Hency 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 10 a.m.,Worship 11:15 a.m., Sunday School 7 p.m., Small Group Prayer ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 6 p.m., Choir Rehearsal 7 p.m., Bible Study Second Baptist 34 Wellfords Wharf Road Warsaw; 333-4280 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 10 a.m., Sunday School 11:30 a.m.,Worship 8LYVWHE]7ITX 12:30 & 7:30 p.m., Bible Study Warsaw Church of God 15 Church Lane,Warsaw; 333-4951 Pastor Dave and Tami Metz 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 10 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m., Celebration ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 7 p.m., Life Groups Sharon Baptist 1413 Lumberlost Road, Weems; 438-6659; Rev. Dale S. Bunns 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m., Morning Worship ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 2 p.m.,A Day in the Word Bible Study 7 p.m., Evening Bible Study 1047 Walnut Point Road Heathsville; 580-2843 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9:45 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m.,Worship 8YIWHE]7ITXIQFIV 6:30 p.m., Choir ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 7 p.m., Purpose Driven Life Bluff Point UMC St. Mary’s Episcopal 3020 Fleeton Road, Fleeton; Rev. Sandi Mizirl; 453-6712 *VMHE]7ITXIQFIV 7 p.m., Free Movie 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 11 a.m., Holy Eucharust Willie Chapel Baptist 510 Merry Point Road; 462-5500, Rev. Rose Curry 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 8:45 a.m., Sunday School 10:15 a.m., Prayer and Praise 10:30 a.m.,Worship ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 4 p.m., Senior Bible Study 7 p.m., Bible Study St. Mary’s Whitechapel Episcopal 5940 White Chapel Road, Lancaster, 462-5908; Rev.Torrence M. Harman [email protected] 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 11:15 a.m., 13th Sunday after Pentecost, Holy Eucharist II followed by Coffee Hour Forum:“Rector’s 6I¾IGXMSRSR1MHHPI)EWX8VMT² Zion Church 2309 Northumberland Highway, Lottsburg; 529-6033 Apostle John H. Bibbens 7EXYVHE]7ITXIQFIV 7 a.m., Intercessory Prayer 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 8 a.m.,Worship 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 10:45 a.m.,Worship ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 5:30-6:30 a.m., Hour of Prayer 7 p.m., Prayer, Praise & Bible Study for Adults & Youth St. Stephen’s Episcopal 6807 Northumberland Hwy. 724-4238; Rev. Lucia Lloyd 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 8LMVXIIRXL7YRHE]EJXIV 4IRXIGSWX 8:15 p.m., Choir Practice 9 a.m., Holy Eucharist 10 a.m., Coffee Hour 10:30 a.m., Education,Worship: Prayer & Praise 8YIWHE]7ITXIQFIV 5:30 p.m.,Vestry 6 p.m., Cub Scouts ;IHRIWHE]7ITX: 10 a.m., Morning Prayer at Warsaw Manor Noon Day Prayer 12:15 p.m., Out to Lunch Bunch 8LYVWHE]7ITX 1 p.m., Bridge in the parish hall CATHOLIC St. Paul’s Catholic Intersection of Tavern Run Rd, & Nomini Hall Rd., Hague 472-3090; 7EXYVHE]7ITXIQFIV 5 p.m.,Vigill Mass 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 7:30 a.m. and 9 a.m Mass Noon, Spanish Mass 8:30 a.m., Daily Mass Mon,Tue,Wed, Fri, Sat. 'SRJIWWMSRW 4:15-4:45 p.m. Saturday 8:15 to 8:45 a.m., Sunday Trinity Episcopal St. Francis de Sales Catholic Bethel-Emmanuel UMC Christ Church Parish 303 South Main Street, Kilmarnock; 435-1285 The Very Rev. David H. May The Rev. Megan Limburg, Associate Rector 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 8 a.m., Holy Eucharist Rite I 10: 30 a.m., Holy Eucharist Rite II ;IHRIWHE]7ITX: 12:05 p.m., Holy Eucharist w/ Prayers for Healing 4 p.m. Completive Prayer in the chapel 517 Chesapeake Drive White Stone; 435-1413 Dr. Manuel S.“Jeff” Shanaberger, Pastor; [email protected] 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9:45 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m.,Worship Service Nursery Provided-Ages 0-4 2 p.m., Church Picnic at FCH 1SRHE]7ITXIQFIV 7 p.m., Emmas Mtg. 7 p.m., Boy Scouts 8YIWHE]7ITXIQFIV 1-3 p.m., Food Pantry Open @ Friendship Community House 8LYVWHE]7ITX 7 p.m., Choir Practice 454 Main Street, Reedville; 4533282; Rev. Susie Brack [email protected] Parsonage: 453-3329 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9:30 a.m.,Worship 10:30 a.m., Fellowship ;IHRIWHE]7ITX: 7 p.m., Bible Study EPISCOPAL Grace Episcopal White Stone Baptist Bethany UMC 462-5790; Rev. Rachel Plemmons (Elevator Available) 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV &IXLIP 9:45 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m.,Worship Service )QQERYIP 9:30 a.m.,Worship Service 10:45 a.m., Sunday School Rt. 33 & 368, Christchurch (Middlesex) 758-2006 The Rev. Paul J.Andersen, Rector 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 8 a.m., Holy Communion (Rite 1) 9:15 a.m.,Adult Bible Sudy 10:30 a.m., Holy Communion (Rite II) (child care provided) Smithland Baptist 4393 Windmill Point Road Rev. Jack Bailey, 436-4071 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9 a.m.,Worship 8484 Mary Ball Road, Lancaster; The Rev.Torrence M. Harman 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9:30 a.m., 13th Sunday after Pentecost, Holy Eucharist II Rev. Jack Bailey - 436-4071 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 11 a.m.,Worship Noon, Coffee Fellowship Fairfields UMC 14741 Northumberland Highway, Burgess; 453-3770 Moses Min, Pastor JEMV½IPHWYQGGSQ 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9:30 a.m.,Worship Galilee UMC 747 Hull Neck Road, Edwardsville; 580-7306 Rev. Charles F. Bates 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 10 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m.,Worship 8YIWHE]7ITXIQFIV Bible Study Heathsville UMC 39 Courthouse Road, Heathsville; 580-3630; Rev. Rebecca L. Minor 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9 a.m., Sunday School 10 a.m.,Worship Henderson UMC 72 Henderson Drive, Callao 529-6769; Rev. Esther Agbosu Parsonage: 529-5312 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 8:30 a.m., Informal Service 9:30 a.m., Breakfast/Coffee 10 a.m., Sunday School-all ages 11 a.m.,Traditional Worship Melrose UMC 1317 Lewisetta Rd., Lottsburg 529-6344; Parsonage: 529-7721; Pastor Janet Grissett 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 8:30 a.m.,Worship 10 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m.,Worship Service ;IHRIWHE]W/2nd, 4th 6 p.m., Dinner/ Worship PRESBYTERIAN Campbell Memorial Presbyterian 3712 Weems Rd.,Weems 438-6875; The Rev.W. Clay Macaulay 7EXYVHE]7ITXIQFIV 4 p.m., Concert in Celebration of 125th Anniversary 5 p.m.,Wine & Cheese Reception 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV XL7YRHE]EJXIV 4IRXIGSWX XL%RRMZIVWEV]7IVZMGI Guest Preacher: Rev. Jim Wilson 10 a.m., Unity Service 11 a.m., Lunch on the Church Lawn 1SRHE]7ITXIQFIV 8 p.m., Men’s Prayer Group 8YIWHE]7ITXIQFIV 7 p.m., Kilmarnock Pipers ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 1:30 p.m., Congregational Care 7 p.m., Choir Rehearsal Milden Presbyterian Sharps 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 10 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m.,Worship with nursery St. Andrews Presbyterian 435 East Church Street, Kilmarnock; 435-3948 Rev. Dr.Thomas R. Coye Rev. Dr. Judith E.Thomson 7YRHE] 7ITXIQFIV 9 a.m.,Youth Bell Choir 9:;30 a.m.,Adult Sunday School 9:45 a.m.,Youth SundaySchool 11 a.m.,Worship 8LYVWHE]7ITX 10 a.m., Presbyterian Women ;IWPI] Presbyterian 1272 Taylors Creek Rd.Weems, 438-5853; Shauna McCranie 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9 a.m.,Worship OTHER DENOMINATIONS Calvary Pentecostal John’s Neck Road,Weems 438-5393; Clarence Jones, Pastor 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 7:30 a.m., Broadcast, 101.7 FM 9:45 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m.,Worship 6 p.m., Praise and Worship ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 6 p.m.,Worship Mila UMC CHURCH OF GOD 1717 Hampton Hall Rd.,Callao; C-529-5948, H-804-4566554; Rev. Michael Ramming 118 Methodist Church Road, White Stone; 435-3555 Rev. Bryan McClain (Elevator available) 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9:30 a.m., Bible Study 11 a.m.,Worship 4 p.m., Church Picnic Love Makes a Difference Outreach Ministries 1027 Jessie duPont Memorial Highway Burgess; 453-3939 Rev. Raymond C. & Gayle Boyd 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9 a.m., Hour of Prayer 10 a.m., Spiritual Enrichment 11 a.m.,Worship 8YIWHE]7ITXIQFIV 7 p.m., Spiritual Enrichment 8LYVWHE]7ITX 6 p.m., Spiritual Enrichment for Youth and Youth Adults )ZIV]8LMVH*VMHE] 7 p.m.,Women of Virtue Fellowship New Life Ministries 10177 Jessie DuPont Mem. Hwy. 436-6498 Pastor C. Richard Lynn; 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 10 a.m., Fellowship Time 10:30 a.m., Service ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 6 p.m., Covered dish dinner 7 p.m., Service Emergency Food Pantry Eugene & Ruby Churchill 580-0738 Northern Neck Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) 580-4505; David Scarbrough )ZIV]*MVWX7YRHE] 10 a.m., Silent Worship 11 a.m., Discussion Noon, Social Fellowship Rappahannock Church of Christ 9514 Richmond Road,Warsaw 333-9659 Walker Gaulding, Sr. Minister, 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 8:30 a.m.,Worship 10 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m., Worship 6:30 p.m., Bible Study Seventh-Day Adventist 401 South Main Street, Kilmarnock; 443-3070 Clinton M.Adams, Pastor 7EXYVHE]7ITXIQFIV 9 a.m.,Worship Service 10:30 a.m., Sabbath School 1SRHE]7ITXIQFIV 7 p.m., Prayer Mtg. Shachah World Ministries of the Northern Neck Christian Science Society The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 3734 Mary Ball Road, Lively; 4620553; Rev. Donald O. Conaway 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 10 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m.,Worship 7 p.m.,Worship ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 7 p.m., Prayer and Bible Study City Worship Centre of Kilmarnock (VIEQ½IPH-VZMRKXSR6SEH Kilmarnock, 761-1578 Pastors Mike and Lesley Gates 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 10 a.m.Worship Service Cornerstone Fellowship 2243 Buckley Hall Rd., Cobbs Creek; 725-9145; Rev. Chris Morgan 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 10 a.m.,Worship ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 7 p.m., Midweek Service Nursery, Children and Youth Ministry provided Friends of God Worship Center White Stone UMC 149 Queen Street, Tappahannock; 443-5165 Pete and Pam Sullivan, Pastors 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 10:30 a.m.,Worship ;IHRIWHE]7ITX Noon, Prayer 7 p.m.,Worship 8LYVWHE]7ITX 6 p.m., Prayer “Family Chapel, Missions & Education” Dr. Grace Harley, Chaplain White Stone; 435-7245 [email protected] Rehoboth UMC Apostles Lutheran Hope Alive Christian Center Capella House International Ministries, Inc. 8462 Puller Highway Topping; 758-5160; churchof thevisitation@ 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9 a.m., Mass ;IHRIWHE]W8LYVWHE]W 9 a.m., Mass Elder Nancy Pinn, Pasto 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9 a.m., Bible School 10 a.m.,Worship 8YIWHE]7ITXIQFIV Noon, Intercessory Prayer 6 p.m., Bible Study VH8YIWHE] 2-4 p.m., Food Bank Freewill donations accepted 504 N. Main St. Kilmarnock,VA Pastor Dean Carter 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 8 a.m., Service Sabbath School to follow 8YIWHE]7ITXIQFIV Noon, Intercessory Prayer 8LYVWHE]7ITX 3-6 p.m., Clothing Closet 7:30 p.m., Bible Study 1690 Mila Road 580-9723; Rev. Donna Blythe 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 11 a.m.,Worship LUTHERAN Tibitha Church of God 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 10:30 a.m., Sunday School 11:15 a.m.,Worship 12:15 p.m., Coffee & Fellowship Wednesday, Sept. 10: 7 p.m., Bible Study 8LYVWHE]7ITX 1:30 p.m., Bible Study Church of Deliverance 89 East Church Street,Kilmarnock 435-1797; Rev. Penny Cory (Elevator access) 7EXYVHE]7ITXIQFIV 7:30 p.m., Raleigh Ringers Concert (at Northumberland HS) 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 8:30 a.m.,Worship 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m.,Worship 12:30 p.m., SPRC ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 7:30 p.m., Choir The Catholic Church of the Good Shepherd Lutheran 5060 Jessie duPont Memorial Highway 580-9723; Rev. Donna Blythe Kilmarnock UMC 126 Shiloh School Rd., Kilmarnock 580-9723 Rev. Donna Blythe 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 'SQQYRMSR7YRHE] 9 a.m.,Worship 10 a.m, Fellowship Meal Main Street, Gloucester; 693-9098 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9:15 a.m., Sunday School 10:30 a.m.,Worship Wicomico UMC 26 King Carter Drive, Irvington; 438-6800;A. Ray Massie, Pastor 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9:45 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m.,Worship Nursery Available Irvington UMC Wicomico Parish Visitation 8YIWHE]7ITXIQFIV 2 p.m., UMW ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 8:30 a.m., Breakfast/Lee’s Restaurant 8LYVWHE]7ITX 10 a.m.,VL Brown Bible Study 7 p.m., Choir Practice 98 N. Main St., Kilmarnock 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 10:30 a.m., Service/Sunday School WXERHVH;IHRIWHE] 7:30 p.m.,Testimony Mtg. Reading Room open Tues,Thurs. & Sat. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. 154 East Church Street, Kilmarnock, Rev. Michael T. Orlowsky 7EXYVHE]7ITXIQFIV 3:30-4:40 p.m., Confessions 5 p.m., Mass 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9 a.m., & 11 a.m., Mass 5191 Jessie duPont Memorial Highway,Wicomico Church; 5806445; Rector Fr. James Silcox 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 8 a.m., Communion/Breakfast 10 a.m., Communion 11 a.m., Coffee Hour September 4, 2014 Rappahannock Record Kilmarnock,VA Ecclesia of Love 435-2789 Dr. Sheila L. Stone 149 Queen Street,Tappahannock 7EXYVHE]7ITXIQFIV 5 p.m.,Worship Guest Speakers: 3rd Saturday Historic White Marsh Church 11040 Mary Ball Road, Brookvale 543-8861, Rev. Hall 462-7908, Rev.Talley 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 11 a.m.,Worship 8LYVWHE]7ITX 7 p.m., Bible Study Holy Tabernacle of God 11650 Mary Ball Road 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9:30 a.m., Meeting The Church of New Vision 1435 Millenbeck Rd. Lancaster; 462-7727; Senior Pastor: Ronald E. Dunaway 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 10 a.m., Sunday School WXXL7YRHE] 10:45 a.m., Church Service ;IHRIWHE]7ITX 7 p.m., Bible Study Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of the Rappahannock 366 James Wharf Road,White Stone 758-4790; L. Lowrey 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 10:30 a.m., Fellowship Service Topic:“Help is a Four-Legged Word” Speaker: Bryna Brennan Coffee/Fellowship follows Unity of the Rappahannock Lancaster Comm. Library 235 School Street, Kilmarnock 435-9553 )ZIV]RHERHXL7YRHE] 10:30 a.m.-noon, Streamed Service Victory Temple Church 1252 Morattico Road 462-5512; Rev.Annie Gaskins *VMHE]7ITXIQFIV 7 p.m., Bible Study 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 11 a.m., Sunday School Noon, Praise and Worship 7 p.m.,Worship Service White Stone Church of the Nazarene Family Life Center 57 Whisk Drive,White Stone 435-9886; Rev. Jim Jackson 7YRHE]7ITXIQFIV 9 a.m.,Teen Bible Study 9:45 a.m., Praise and Worship: Kid’s Worship Classes/Nursery 6 p.m.,Teen Worship Service 8YIWHE]7ITXIQFIV 8:15 a.m., Senior Breakfast and devotion (Lee’s Restaurant) 2341 Merry Point Road, Lancaster To the cause of the church, this page is contributed in part by the following: Berry O. Waddy Funeral Home Berry O. Waddy, Manager 2T,ANCASTER6As Serving the Northern Neck American Standard Insurance Agency, Inc. Your online avenue for local news Kilmarnock, Va. The Record Online /BITUARIES 'PEVE)%WLFYVR WEEMS—Clara Elizabeth Ashburn, 92, of Weems died August 27, 2014, at the Lancashire Nursing Home where she spent the last 17 months of her life. She was the daughter of Albert C. Ashburn and Gracie Haydon Ashburn. Her grandfather was Sandy B. Haydon Sr., one of the founders of Claybrook Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her parents, a sister, Rubinette A. Kellum, and a nephew, James Hathaway Kellum. She is survived by her nephews, Curtis, Joseph and William Kellum of Weems; two nieces, Bert Bryant and Debbie K. Hardwick of Weems; and many great-nieces and nephews as well as several greatgreat-great-nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held August 30 at Claybrook Baptist Church, Weems, with interment in the Claybrook Baptist Church Cemetery. Visitation preceded the service at the church. Her great-nephews served as pallbearers. Memorial contributions may be made to the Claybrook Baptist Church Cemetery Endowment Fund, P.O. Box 15, Weems, VA 22576. Currie Funeral Home LLC of Kilmarnock handled the arrangements. .S]GIP]R++MPQSVI WHITE STONE—Joycelyn G. Gilmore, 77, of White Stone died peacefully in her home on August 10, 2014. She is survived by her husband of 53 years, Donald L.Gilmore; daughter, Robin Roberts of New York, New York; daughter, Karen Kerkes of Columbus, Ohio; granddaughter, Tristan Kerkes; sister, Judy Neal of White Stone; and sister, Roxanna LaFontaine of Chesapeake. She was born March 29, 1937, to John J. and Lora Gregory of Norfolk. Joycelyn was in education for more than 30 years. She began teaching at Great Bridge JHS. She then was with the Miami Dade County School System for two years. She and her husband relocated to Fairfax County where she taught with the Fairfax County schools. She taught at Irving and Luther Jackson Middle Schools and Robinson Secondary School. She was assistant principal at Robinson Secondary School, Chantilly High School and Centreville High School where she was upon her retirement. Joycelyn loved her home on Antipoison Creek where she was an avid gardener. She loved boating, fishing, her walking buds, singing in the Chesapeake Chorale, singing in the choir at Kilmarnock UMC, her friends at KUMC, and being a docent at Historic Christ Church. Memorial services will be held at 1 p.m. September 13 at KUMC, Kilmarnock. Memorial contributions may be made to the ALS Association, 7507 Standish Place, Rockville, MD 20855. Currie Funeral Home LLC of Kilmarnock handled the arrangements. ,MPH[MR,1YPPIV I RV I N G TO N — H i l d w i n Clare Headley Muller died in Irvington on August 30, 2014, at the age of 93. She was born in Baltimore, Md., on May 21, 1921, to Clare and Lewis Taliaferro Headley and was graduated from The University of Maryland with a bachelor’s in nursing in 1941. She became head nurse at The Johns Hopkins Hospital where she met and married Dr. William H. Muller Jr. in 1946. He predeceased her in 2012. They resided in Charlottesville for over 50 years while Dr. Muller served as the chairman of the Department of Surgery and the vice president of Health Affairs at The University of Virginia Medical Center. As his wife, she devoted much of her time and energy to the university and the community it served; most notable was her involvement in the formation and development of the Children’s Rehabilitation Center in the late ‘60s. She also worked tirelessly for the surrounding Charlottesville community as well and was a member of the Rivanna Garden Club and St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Ivy. Hillie Muller was a treasure and inspiration to her family and her many friends who loved her and will miss her sorely. She is survived by her three children, William H. Muller III, Marietta Clare Muller Gwathmey and her husband, Frank Winston Gwathmey, and John Lewis Muller and his wife, Katherine Foster Muller. She also is survived by nine grandchildren and their spouses, Clare Gwathmey Dorn and Scott, Frank Winston Gwathmey Jr. and Kelly, William Richard Gwathmey and Sarah Holt, Rebecca Ann Muller, Mark William Muller, Matthew Thomas Muller, Sarah Muller Turnbull and Edward, John Lewis Muller Jr. and William Dixon Muller, and six great-grandchildren, William Edward Dorn, Alexandra Clare Dorn, Catherine Calder Gwathmey, Robert Ryland Gwathmey, Katherine Claybrook Turnbull and Edward Randolph Turnbull Jr. A graveside service will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday, September 4, in The University Cemetery on The Grounds at the corner of Alderman and McCormick roads in Charlottesville. Memorial contributions may be made to Rappahannock Westminster-Canterbury, 132 Lancaster Drive, Irvington, VA 22480. B5 7ITXIQFIV Rappahannock Record Kilmarnock,VA 8LSQEW6SGOWSR R E E DV I L L E — T h o m a s Rockson, 99, of Reedville died August 29, 2014. He owned T. Rockson Fur Company in Manhattan, N.Y. He also was a member of the American Legion, and an Army World War II veteran. He was predeceased by his wife, Mary M. Rockson He is survived by his sons, Thomas A. Rockson of Reedville and Bryan Rockson of Fredericksburg; three grandchildren; and three greatgrandchildren. The family received friends September 2 and 3 at Faulkner Family Funeral Home & Crematory Inc., Burgess. Burial will be private at a later date. Online remembrances may be made at %RSFMXYEV]JSV %PFIVX;. %RHIVWSRETTIEVW SRTEKI& Camp S.W.A.G. concludes 'SER&ETXMWX'LYVGL=SYXLEFSZIVIGIRXP]TEVXMGMTEXIHMREQMWWMSRGEQT Coan church teens attend mission camp Coan Baptist Church Youth recently partici- repairs and painting for families that could not pated in the Impact Virginia Mission Camp in afford to take care of the repairs on their own, Augusta County. said Kent. The camp is sponsored by the Virginia BapThis is the youth’s 10th mission trip to the tist Mission Board, reported Sherri Kent. The Appalachian Region, having served from the Coan youth, along with 200 other teenag- Tennessee-Georgia line through Eastern Keners from across Virginia and Maryland, were tucky, several locations in the New River Valley, Some 27 young men from involved with providing needed home repairs and now the upper Blue Ridge Region, she said. around the Northern Neck such as roofing, floor replacements, the addiThe youth thank those who supported them recently completed Camp tion of wheel chair ramps, basic plumbing throughout this camp, added Kent. Success While Achieving Godliness (S.W.A.G.) at Macedonia Baptist. The Rev. Kevin Elmore and Bill Hines served as camp directors. The goal of the camp is to instill essential life skills, expose them to life’s possibilities and empower them with Godly principles, said the Rev. Kenneth Rioland, pastor of Macedonia. “These Macedonia Baptist Church Men of Shebach of Heaths- shops for ladies and teen girls young men are great kids. Women’s Ministry will host ville and the Macedonia Bap- begin at 9 a.m. with minister Many just need more posi- its seventh annual Women’s tist Church Praise Dancers. Morgan McCoy presenting tive male role models in their Conference September 26 Tickets are $20 prior “The Making of a Jewel.” lives,” he said. At 10 a.m., pastor Ken Rioand 27 at Northumberland to September 8, or $25. The young men had ses- High School, 201 Academic Advance tickets are avail- land Jr. will focus on “The sions on public speaking, Lane, Heathsville. The theme able in Callao at EVB Bank Value of A Jewel” and “pastor the importance of giving will be “Jewels 4 Jesus.” and Ability Abounds Physi- Marcella Booker will present back, health and hygiene, The conference will open cal Therapy and Wellness “Maintaining Your Sparkle.” discipline, citizenship, boy/ with a gospel concert at 7 p.m. Center, in Burgess at Trans- Teen presenters will be mingirl relationships, physical Friday, reported administra- port Unlimited, in Lottsburg ister Carolyn Bailey and the fitness and team building. tive assistant Gail Haynie. at Andrea’s Boutique and in Rev. Kim Bookard. The closThey participated in a com- Doors will open at 6 p.m. The Warsaw at Ebony and Ivory ing service will be after lunch munity service project part- concert is open to all. Hair Salon, or call the church with pastor Lisa Weah from nering with the Boys & Girls Baltimore, Md.. International recording office at 580-2395. Club of the Northern Neck artist Beverly Crawford will “We are looking forward to The concert and conference to build the next Habitat be the special guest psalmist. fee is $30 before September another exciting, spirit-filled for Humanity house in Lan- Other guest performers will 8, or $35.00. conference,” said co-pastor caster County. Rev. Elmore be pastor Antione Hutchins Conference registration and Cynthia J. Rioland. said he was very proud of the and Unity of Waldorf, Md., a continental breakfast will She reminds area busiboys that day as they really Trevon Waters of Lancaster begin at 8 a.m. September 27, nesses that vendor spaces are got involved in the construc- County, mimer minister Fred- followed by praise and wor- still available. Contact the tion of the Habitat house and rick Jones of Durham, N.C., ship at 8:30 a.m. The WORD- church office at 580-2395. picked up some new skills as well. They received a real workout at Abilities Abound Physical Therapy and Wellness Center in Callao. Jamie ■]IEVW ■XLLSQIGSQMRK ■&IXL1SSVIWMQYPGEWX Veney, the wellness director Beulah Baptist will celebrate The Church of Deliverance A Living Proof Live Simulat the center, took them thr- its 146th anniversary Septem- will celebrate its 46th home- cast featuring Beth Moore will rough an exercise and fitness ber 7. The service will begin coming anniversary on Sep- be broadcast September 13 at regiment that really got them at 3 p.m. with the Rev. Dr. tember 14. The 11 a.m. service Urbanna Baptist, 121 Watling moving. Rodney Waller, pastor of First will be followed by dinner. Street, Urbanna. Doors will On Education Day the African Baptist, Richmond. At 3:30 p.m., the Rev. Dr. open at 8:30 a.m. The event guys traveled to Hampton Minister Carolyn Fisher of Tyron Williams of Mt. Olive will follow from 9:30 a.m. University and the Appren- Jerusalem Baptist, Oldhams, Baptist will speak. He will be to 4:30 p.m. All women are tice School operated by will serve as worship leader accompanied by his choir. invited. Newport News Shipbuilding. and the Jerusalem Male Chorus The fee is $5. Registration Education Day opened the will provide the music. ■,IRHIVWSR(E] includes admission, contieyes of many of the young Henderson UMC will host nental breakfast and lunch. men to the possibilities avail- ■-WPEQ 'LVMWXMERMX] Henderson Day October 4. Proceeds benefit Samaritan’s able to them, said Hines. A six-week comparative The event will feature family Purse. Make checks payable The final day of camp the study, Islam & Christianity, activities and a community- to Urbanna Baptist Church boys went to a Washington will start at 10:30 a.m. Sep- wide yard sale. Community (memo: Simulcast), P.O. Box Nationals baseball game in tember 21 at Good Shepherd members may reserve a space 416, Urbanna, VA 23175. Washington, D.C., a first for Lutheran. Coffee fellowship for a $10 donation, by calling many of them. will begin at 10 a.m. The public Faye at 529-6690. ■'EQTFIPPERRMZIVWEV] Macedonia Baptist Church is invited. Campbell Memorial Presbyand the Macedonia CommuPastor Mike Ramming will ■1SZMIRMKLX terian will celebrate its 125th nity Development Corpora- compare the teachings and Rappahannock Church of anniversary with a concert in tion thank all of the people beliefs of both faiths. By the Christ, 9514 Richmond Road, the sanctuary at 4 p.m. Sepwho helped make Camp end of the six-week study ses- Warsaw, will host a free family tember 6, followed by a recepS.W.A.G. 2014 a success. sion, participants will have a movie night at 7 p.m. Septem- tion. Without the generous finan- more comprehensive under- ber 12. Concessions will be A unity service with the Rev. cial support from partners, standing by which to view con- available for purchase. Pro- Dr. James K. “Jim” Wilson Jr. donors and friends, this camp temporary Christian-Muslim ceeds will benefit the building will begin at 10 a.m. Septemwould not have happened, issues. ber 7, followed by a potluck fund. said Rev. Rioland. lunch on the lawn. Women’s conference to open with concert CHURCH NOTES “Anxiety overcome, peace restored” is the topic of this week’s Christian Science Sentinel Program Now airing on Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Tune in Sunday, September 7 on WKWI Bay 101.7 FM Sunday Worship Services 8:30 am - 11:00 am Sunday School - 9:30 am Rev. Penny Cory %#HURCH3TREETs &7ITXIQFIV RAPPAHANNOCK RECORD /MPQEVRSGO:MVKMRME Reflections by Rev. John Farmer 3YV*EQMP] got married to a widow who was pretty as could be. This widow had a grownhail from a blended family. up daughter who had hair of My mom and dad divorced red. My father fell in love when I was a pup. with her, and soon the two Mom remarried first, and were wed. from that union produced a This made my dad my sonchild, my half sister, Norma in-law and changed my very Jo Hooten, of Atlanta, Ga. life. My dad married Rosena My daughter was my Ritger (who was a wondermother, for she was my ful stepmom to me). Rosena father’s wife. had a daughter by her first To complicate the matters husband. So, I have a stepsisworse, although it brought ter, Carole deBardelaben, of me joy, I soon became the Cary, N.C., as well. father of a bouncing baby Our family is much like boy. many others: wrought with My little baby then tears of sadness and joy; became a brother-in-law to rich with memories of those dad. And so became my loved and lost. uncle, though it made Family has taken on me very sad. For if he new proportions for me Many of my relationships, since Hazel Ione Shel- beyond bloodline, have come was my uncle, then that also made him brother ton asked me to marry to me as I was invited into to the widow’s grownher. up daughter who, of Right off the bat, course, was my stepthe chap who married the families of others. Aunts mother. us, the Rev. Mr. H. and uncles became parents, Father’s wife then Craig Smith, of Morathad a son, who kept tico Baptist Church, is along with grandparents, them on the run. And he not only my younger became my grandson, brother in the minis- as well. Many a neighbor’s for he was my daughtry, he was adopted ter’s son. by our family whilst fence was the path to yet My wife is now we were seminarians other circles of love. my mother’s mother in the 1970s. My first and it makes me blue. two kiddos think he is their older brother. I, in turn cadet at Fork Union Military Because, although she is my married Craig to wife Janet. Academy when his mom and wife, she’s my grandma too. If my wife is my grandTogether they have three I married. Along the path he children; which by the way, acquired a Virginia bride, mother, then I am her grandexpands our tribe universally. Sarah Beth, who actually child. And every time I Hazel and I each brought grew up in the same Alta think of it, it simply drives our two kids into the family Vista Baptist Church with me wild. For now I have with the ever expanding the Queen Jeweler, “Miss become the strangest case down-line offspring. The Karen” of Burkes. The Pit- you ever saw. As the husband base grew. Four children, tmans have two lads: first- of my grandmother, I am nine grandchildren and three grader Porter, and rambunc- my own grandpa.” (Author great- grandchildren, were tious two-year-old Nolan. Unknown.) The Bible has been such added into a cadre looming Golf course and Bank provide slim economy… yet a blessing to me, especially towards a hundred. as it taught me about being You see, in due course they thrive. All along life’s path God adopted into the Family of Jenny acquired two precious stepdaughters: Megan and has inserted others into the God. If you’d like to refresh Shelby. Megan lives in the clan. Church kids, neigh- a bit, try reading Romans suburbs of Ottoman, Va., bors, troubled youths, all, 8:15, 23; 9:4; Galatians 4:5 where she and George wres- were born in our hearts. and Ephesians 1:5. Many of my relationships, Each has a niche and either tle with two daughters. Shelby found a guy named will or already has, enlarged beyond bloodline, have come to me as I was invited into the David, in east Tennessee. the tent. I have this future vision of families of others. Aunts and Now they’ve had a daughter, Maci (recently seen in Ten- either Hazel or I falling from uncles became parents, along our wheelchair at Walmart, with grandparents, as well. nessee Orange!). After a detour or two, clutching the Christmas list, Many a neighbor’s fence was Jenny put herself through trying to find the right pres- the path to yet other circles college, and nursing school. ent for whosoever is left of love. Scoot over: Make room in She is now gainfully upon the list. It all brings to mind a our families for those God employed at Rappahannock General Hospital. Oh, she is song, a poem of old. Read wants to birth in our hearts. also now enrolled in a mas- along, I hope you will find it amusing. ter’s of nursing curriculum. Rev. John Farmer has been “Many, many years ago the pastor at Irvington Baptist Son Lee stood boldly in Irvington Baptist Church, when I was twenty three, I Church since 1986. I where his mom’s casket once lay to sing at our wedding, whilst Rev. Smith tied the knot. To God be the Glory. Lee and wife Kim (of west Tennessee) have a daughter, Laura, and a son, Shane. Laura is a senior in nursing school and betrothed to a Northumberland pup named Andrew. Her eighth-grade brother, Shane, is both a musician and an athlete. Daughter Mary Ellen and hubby Ronnie, of Knoxville, are being raised by three teen kiddos: Alicia, Isaiah, and Noah. Ah justice, God remembered! Son Rob Pittman was a Top Dog Pet Grooming High Quality, Caring & Compassionate Grooming for over 20 years. 804-725-4831 804-366-6429 Tracey Royals t0QFO5VFT8FE5IVST t(JWFZPVSEPHPSDBUBTQFDJBMUSFBU t8FHSPPNBOEDMJQBUZPVSEPPSPO.POEBZ'SJEBZ#Z appointment only. 5XJHHT'FSSZ3PBEt%VUUPO7" i8IFSFZPVSQFUTGFFMBUIPNFw Excellence in Podiatric Medicine & Foot Surgery Dr. William W. Eng Dr. Noel P. Patel Dr. Elaine Allen Dr. Mahmoud A. Salem * Bunions * Ingrown Nails * Fungus & Warts * Hammertoes * Heel & Arch Pain *Circulatory Problems * Neuromas * Foot Ulcers * Diabetic Foot Care Kilmarnock (804) 435-1644 720 Irvington Road, Kilmarnock, VA 22482 -VZMRKXSR&ETXMWX'LYVGLX[IIRWXIIRWERHGLETIVSRIWPIEH[SVWLMTWIVZMGI Youth team reports on mission experiences Some 13 members of the Irvington Baptist Church youth team recently attended Missions Connection Week at Eagle Eyrie Baptist Camp near Lynchburg. On August 24, the church’s tweens and teens conducted the 11 a.m. worship service and several members of the Eagle Eyrie team shared with their church family the various mission projects in which they participated, said youth director Hazel Farmer. Projects included working in a soup kitchen, leading vacation Bible schools and other programs for children, doing landscaping and painting proj- /BITUARY %PFIVX;. %RHIVWSR LANCASTER—Albert W.J. “Big Al” Anderson died August 14, 2014, in Richmond after a long and valiant battle with cancer. Mr. Anderson was born in Washington D.C. , March 6, 1942. He served honorably in the United States Air Force and was a member of the Washington D.C. Fire Department. After moving to Lancaster County in 1986, he became an active member of the Moose Lodge, rising to the rank of Governor of the Lancaster Lodge. He also served as a member of the Lancaster County Wetlands Board for many years. Mr. Anderson was predeceased by his parents, George and Una Anderson, his twin brother Charles Anderson, and two sisters, Joy Matthews and Adonna Dowdy. He leaves behind a host of relatives and friends and will be sorely missed by all who knew and loved him. A celebration of his life will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, September 6, at the Callao Moose Lodge #917, 968 Northumberland Highway, Callao. CHURCH NOTES ■;MRKWSJ4VEMWI The Wings of Praise will celebrate is first anniversary September 27 at Abiding Faith Baptist. Worship and praise by area youth will begin at 4 p.m. with New St. John’s Youth Praise Ministry, D Block and New Generation Praise Team. Guests for the 5 p.m. service will include MOM Ministry, Men of Shabach, Walker Family, Morris Family and Angelic Praise of God. ■'SQQYRMX]JEMV Mulberry Baptist, Emmerton, will hold a community fair September 20. The parade will start at noon. The grand marshal for the event will be Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam. There will be food, rides, music and vendors. ects for homes in need of repair, said Farmer. Several of the youth were on a drama team that performed at nursing homes and other locations throughout the greater Lynchburg area, she said. One member of the team was on the photography team and visited all of the work sites and then produced a mission project video each night for the worship service. During the service at Irvington Baptist, she shared a video she had put together of the IBC mission team family; it was titled “The Hands and Feet of Jesus.” The day was made even more special because musician Drew Poplin was able to attend and participate in the service, continued Farmer. Poplin, a rising second-year student at Christopher Newport University, was the musician on the Eagle Eyrie traveling drama team. He came and shared his musical talents, both guitar and voice. Farmer extended a special thanks to all of the youth for conducting the service, with a special thanks to the Eagle Eyrie team, including Drew, and to their chaperones, Pastor John Farmer and Kristie Duryea. great story? local news? letter to the editor? iÌÊÕÃÊÜÊUÊ[email protected] (Tuesday @ noon) Thank You The Northumberland Family YMCA thanks these businesses who have supported our 10th Annual Dinner Auction at one of our Corporate Levels! 100% of their donation goes to the Guardian Program! Corporate Hosts: ALLISON’S ACE HARDWARE PRITCHARD & FALLIN, INC MERVIN C. WITHERS, PC Corporate Sponsors: BEVANS OYSTER COMPANY, INC BLEAK HOUSE FARM, INC COWART SEAFOOD CORP EVB Corporate Supporters: ABILITIES ABOUND BANK OF LANCASTER BELFIELD PHYSICAL THERAPY CRALLE INSURANCE AGENCY, INC EMROCH & KILDUFF, INC ESSEX BANK INGRAM BAY CONTRACTING OMEGA PROTEIN, INC RIVER HOMES, INC STEPHEN RADCLIFFE, DDS WALMART WELCH FUNERAL HOME WRAR / WNNT Thanks to these Community Partners supporting the Guardian Program 10th Annual Northumberland YMCA Dinner Auction – Festival Halle, Reedville,VA – September 20, 2014 (580-8901) Now Maybe She’ll let Him Carry Her Across the Threshold. After a carpal tunnel procedure and a knee replacement performed by orthopedic surgeon Barbaro Perez, MD, Robert is enjoying life again. Find out why Robert thinks he’s finally ready to carry his wife across the fi tthreshold after 54 years of marriage. ■*EQMP]ERHJVMIRHW Read Robert’s story at R Beulah Baptist will hold family and friends day at 3 p.m. September 21. Minister Christine Lee will be the guest speaker. ■7LEVSRJIWXMZEP Sharon Baptist will host its fourth annual fall festival from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. October 18. The parade theme will be “It’s Harvest Time.” Grand marshals will be deacon Joseph Taylor and deaconess Betty Taylor. Orthopedic Specialists Gloucester ■9WLIV´WHE] Beulah Baptist will celebrate usher’s day services at 3 p.m. September 28. Faithful Connectinos of Fredericksburg will be special guests. Are you living with joint pain? Barbaro J. Perez, MD Make an appointment today (804) 693-0529.
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