2014-2015 Event Plan - Center for Ocean Solutions

2014 - 2015
Plan of Events
Seminar Theme: The Complexity of Ocean Problems
Preparing for Interdisciplinary
In partnership with the Center for Dark Energy & Biosphere Investigations (C-DEBI),
Heritage Harbor, Monterey
introductory session on preparing for interdisciplinary careers. The workshop will
Fall Workshop
Oct 2, 2014 9am-4pm
Edy Rhodes from the Center for Advising & Career Services at MIIS will lead an
include a career panel from a variety of organizations, and the opporuntiy to practice
interviewing skills. Open to graduate students and early career professionals
Land-Sea Consequences of
Food Safety Regulations in the
California Central Coast
NatureNet Fellows Dr. Danny Karp & Dr. Joanna Nelson discuss their work
Moss Landing Marine Labs
Here they explore the efficacy of habitat removal in mitigating pathogen loads and
Fall Seminar
its consequences for ecosystem services, including water quality. Open to graduate
Oct 27, 2014 5:30-8:30pm
students, early career professionals, faculty and staff.
Communicating the Bigger
Picture (TBD)
In partnership with CSUMB and COSEE Pacific Partnerships, Dr. Shawn Rowe
picture of their research, highlighting key areas for tailoring research messages for
Communication Workshop
different audiences. Participants will practice communicating those messages to
Nov 1, 2014 9am-4pm
examining food safety practices that involve the removal of riparian habitat along the
Salinas river as it feeds directly in to the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.
from Oregon Sea Grant will introduce participants to concept mapping the bigger
representatives of different audiences, including media and the public. Open to
graduate students and early career professionals.
Failing Cheerfully through
Improvisation (TBD)
Dan Klein, Stanford Graduate School of Business will lead an improvisation
Stanford University
More details TBA. Open to graduate students and early career professionals
workshop focusing on “cheerfully failing” and its role in leadership development.
Winter Workshop
Late Jan/Early Feb 2015 (TBD)
Problem Solving in the
Monterey Bay (TBD)
UCSC/Moss Landing
Winter Seminar
Feb 2015 (TBD)
Seminar still in development, more details TBA.
2014 - 2015
Plan of Events
Navigating Wicked Marine
Led by Dr. Michael McGinnis, MIIS, and Dr. Allison Stimpert, MLML, this course will
a step necessary to move forward on problem-solving and decision-making. The
8 Week Course, every Friday
lead students through identifying the pressures and responses in wicked problems,
class will use the problem of whales and vesel strikes as a case study to highlight
these ideas, involving a variety of regional guest speakers. Open to graduate
March 27-May 15 2015
students and early career professionals. More information and registration details
Ocean Tipping Points (TBD)
In partnership with Hopkins Marine Conservation Seminar Series, seminar still under
Hopkins Marine Station
development. More details TBA.
Spring Seminar
Mar/April 2015 (TBD)
6th Annual MARINE
Interdisciplinary Oceans
The oceans colloquium offers students, postgraduates, faculty and staff in the
Location TBD
career professionals, faculty, staff and researchers in MARINE community. More
details TBA.
MARINE community the opportunity to showcase their research and current projects
from the past year, whilst networking with others; open to graduate students, early
April 2015 (TBD)
Ocean Policy Course
Monterey, CA
2 Week Short Course
Aug (TBD)
Led by Meg Caldwell and Larry Crowder from the Center for Ocean Solutions, this
intensive course provides an introduction to key ocean policies and the role of policy
in interdisciplinary environmental problem-solving. Open to graduate students and
early career professionals. Application procedure willl be required. More details TBA.
What is MARINE?
MARINE is the Monterey Area Research Institutions’ Network for Education: A collaboration between the Center for Ocean
Solutions and seven Monterey Bay area campuses aimed at enhancing graduate marine education by providing professional
development opportunities in ocean leadership and real-world interdisciplinary problem solving.
For more information, contact your MARINE campus liaison or
[email protected]
Last updated 09/12/14