Civil Aviation Authority INFORMATION NOTICE Number: IN–2012/123 Issued: 17 February 2014 Version 2 FCL 1025 (b) (2) Examiner Refresher Seminars This Information Notice contains information that is for guidance and/or awareness. Recipients are asked to ensure that this Information Notice is copied to all members of their staff who may have an interest in the information (including any ‘in-house’ or contracted maintenance organisations and relevant outside contractors). Applicability: Aerodromes: Not primarily affected Air Traffic: Not primarily affected Airspace: Not primarily affected Airworthiness: Not primarily affected Flight Operations: Not primarily affected Licensed/Unlicensed Personnel: All examiner categories All Flying Training Organisations 1. Introduction 1.1 Part FCL is to be implemented in the UK with effect from 17 September 2012. One significant change compared with JAR-FCL is that Part-FCL requires all examiners to attend an examiner refresher seminar as a prerequisite to the renewal of their examiner certificate. This Information Notice describes the new rules and how they may be complied within the UK (There is no current JAR FCL requirement to attend Examiner Refresher Seminars). 1.2 The relevant Part-FCL requirements are: Part FCL 1025(a) – An examiner certificate shall be valid for 3 years. Part FCL 1025(b)(2) – Revalidation and renewal criteria for examiner certificates includes the requirement for the holder ‘to attend an examiner refresher seminar provided by the competent authority or by an ATO and approved by the competent authority, during the last year of the validity period’. For a number of years CAA Flight Crew Standards (FCS) has been providing seminars for senior examiners. With the implementation of Part-FCL, examiner refresher seminars will be required for all categories of examiners. CAA FCS will organise and provide examiner refresher seminars for certain categories of examiner. Approved Training Organisations (ATOs) may also be approved to conduct examiner refresher seminars in accordance with Part-FCL. To allow additional time for ATOs who intend to apply to formulate and submit compliant syllabi (and for AOC operators to plan for their examiners to attend compliant examiner Page 1 of 5 Civil Aviation Authority Information Notice IN-2012/123 refresher seminars) the CAA is applying - a two month temporary exemption to Part-FCL 1025(b)(2), under Article 14(4) of Regulation (EC) 216/2008. This means that the requirement to attend an examiner refresher seminar will not apply for the renewal of examiner certificates until 17 November 2012. After that date all categories of examiner who require revalidation or renewal of their examiner certificate must attend an examiner refresher seminar during the last year of the validity period. 2. Scope 2.1 This Information Notice provides guidance to ATOs that wish to apply for an authorisation to conduct examiner refresher seminars. 3. Further Information 3.1 The purpose of an examiner refresher seminar is to provide training to examiners that covers their knowledge and practical understanding of all elements of the examiner standardisation course syllabus as detailed in AMC1 FCL.1015, and the content of the relevant CAA Standard Documents and additional guidance material. The seminar must also cover changes in regulation and associated changes in the examiner’s privileges which have occurred since the examiner completed his or her initial examiner standardisation course or previous examiner refresher seminar as applicable. Additionally the UK CAA will direct ATOs to include specific topics in examiner refresher seminars. The selection of these topics will be determined by the Head of Flight Crew Standards and will be notified to UK ATOs by the publication of Information Notices. 3.2 The requirements for all examiner seminars include: An ATO must hold a specific approval from the UK CAA to conduct examiner refresher seminars. FTOs or TRTOs already holding JAR-FCL approval (which is deemed to be a Part-ORA approval) will be required to submit syllabi and will have until 8 April 2014 to achieve full compliance with Part-ORA, ATO requirements. An applicant who is not an FTO or TRTO and is applying for initial approval will need to submit Part-ORA compliant documentation to gain approval as an ATO. To achieve full compliance ATOs applying for an approval will be required to submit their syllabus along with the specific application form and fee. All UK certificated examiners must attend an examiner refresher seminar organised by the Authority or at an ATO that has been granted a UK approval for their delivery. All examiner refresher seminars shall be planned to be at least one day events. Examiners shall attend the whole of the seminar. The presenter of an examiner refresher seminar must hold a valid examiner certificate for the category of examiner that the seminar is approved for. The acceptance of the Chief Tutor and the Course Tutors will be at the discretion of the Authority. Attendance at an examiner refresher seminar does not satisfy the requirement, where applicable, to attend an instructor refresher seminar or refresher training, and vice versa. The ATO shall establish a procedure for informing the UK CAA of an individual’s attendance at a seminar. The required information will be as follows and should be sent to [email protected] Page 2 of 5 Civil Aviation Authority Information Notice o o o o IN-2012/123 Name of ATO conducting the seminar Date of seminar Examiner category (or categories) for which the seminar was conducted Name and CAA reference number of the examiner attending the seminar Although not mandated by FCL. 1025 examiners are recommended to attend an examiner refresher seminar prior to undertaking their assessment of competence for revalidation. This will provide the opportunity for them to refresh core skills and their knowledge of current requirements prior to assessment. The CAA has identified four examiner categories. Individual examiners will be required to attend an examiner refresher seminar that is specific to the category of examiner certificate they hold. This may require the attendance of more than one examiner refresher seminar. 3.3 Specific requirements: In addition to the core content of the seminar (see AMC1, FCL.1015 (d (1&2) and AMC1.FCL.1025) ATOs are required to include the following specific subjects in the agenda of the seminar syllabus. Senior Examiners (SE): The CAA will continue to run examiner refresher seminars for senior examiners and does not intend to approve ATOs to conduct these on its behalf. Type Rating and Synthetic Flight Examiners (TRE/SFE) Aeroplanes (including TRE for SP HPCA) and Multi Pilot Helicopters: New CAA administrative procedures for the renewal of type and class ratings. A review of CAA administrative procedures for the designation of examiners for skill tests. Vested interests of examiners. New CAA Forms. Any revision of CAA policy and recent amendments to CAA Forms, Standards Documents, CAPs, Information Notices, Guidance material etc. Procedure for the conduct of assessments of competence for TRI and SFI certificates. Applicability of appeal procedures under CAA Regulations. Examiner briefing and debriefing techniques incorporating TEM and CRM facilitation. Flight Examiners, Class Rating Examiners, Single Pilot Helicopter Type Rating Examiners, Instrument Rating Examiners and Flight Instructor Examiners: A review of the test schedule and variations thereof (full, partial and incomplete) for the LAPL, PPL, CPL and for type, class and instrument ratings for single-pilot aircraft except SP HPCA. A review of CAA administrative procedures for the issue of the LAPL, PPL and CPL and for the issue, revalidation and renewal of type, class and instrument ratings and instructor certificates. To include examiner privileges and responsibilities “in the field”. Procedures for the assessment of competence for the issue, revalidation and renewal of FI, CRI, IRI, SP TRI (H) and STI certificates. A review of CAA administrative procedures for the designation of examiners for skill tests (FCL.205(c)). Page 3 of 5 Civil Aviation Authority Information Notice IN-2012/123 Any revision of CAA policy and recent amendments to CAA Forms, Standards Documents, CAPs, Information Notices, Guidance material etc. Vested interests of examiners. Feedback on test results and common reasons for failure. Applicability of appeal procedures under CAA Regulations. Any additional topic(s) as specified by the Senior Flight Examiner (aeroplanes or helicopters as applicable). Examiner briefing and debriefing techniques incorporating TEM and CRM facilitation. Single engine aircraft theoretical knowledge verbal examination (FCL 725 (b)(3)). Flight Examiners, PPL & LAPL Only: Flight Examiners certificated for the PPL (and / or LAPL) may attend a specialist examiner refresher seminar dedicated to the revalidation of Examiner Certificates in this role only. Attendance at such a dedicated examiner refresher seminar will NOT, however, meet the requirements of FCL.1025 (b) (2) and (b) (4) for the revalidation of privileges in other categories and roles of examiner certificates. A review of the test schedule and variations thereof (full, partial and incomplete) for the LAPL, PPL, type and class ratings for single-pilot aircraft except SP HPCA. A review of CAA administrative procedures for the issue of the LAPL and PPL and for the issue, revalidation and renewal of type and class ratings. To include examiner privileges and responsibilities “in the field”. A review of CAA administrative procedures for the designation of examiners for skill tests (FCL.205(c). Any revision of CAA policy and recent amendments to CAA Forms, Standards Documents, CAPs, Information Notices, Guidance material etc. Vested interests of examiners. Feedback on test results and common reasons for failure. Applicability of appeal procedures under CAA Regulations. Any additional topic(s) as specified by the Senior Flight Examiner (aeroplanes or helicopters as applicable). Examiner briefing and debriefing techniques incorporating TEM and CRM facilitation. Single engine aircraft theoretical knowledge verbal examination (FCL 725 (b)(3)). Other aircraft categories: Approved Training Organisations that wish to conduct examiner refresher seminars for examiners within other categories of aircraft (e.g. Balloons, Sailplanes and Airships) should submit an application. On receipt the submitted course syllabus will be considered on a case by case basis. 3.4 Application procedure: Applications to be submitted to L&TS approvals, CAA, Aviation House GE, Gatwick Airport. RH6 0YR. Application form SRG2136. The form will be downloadable from CAA website at the beginning of August 2012. Defined course in ATO manual (submission of Detailed Course Syllabus / Programme) Relevant Fee(s). The CAA will attend and evaluate seminars conducted by ATO’s as part of its regulatory oversight responsibilities. The minimum time between inspections will be 3 years. Page 4 of 5 Civil Aviation Authority Information Notice IN-2012/123 4. Queries 4.1 Any queries or further guidance required as a result of this communication should be addressed to: L&TS Approvals Civil Aviation Authority Aviation House GE Gatwick Airport South West Sussex RH6 0YR Tel: 01293 573859 E mail: [email protected] 5. Cancellation 5.1 This Information Notice shall remain in force until 31 January 2015. Page 5 of 5
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