Scott McNay Background Species: goats, caribou, and moose ~ 19 different topics over a 16 year period Will try to mention them all briefly Focus will be on what occurred where with a bit more detail on current work All work has been documented [email protected] Collaborations and Partners Resources North Association First Nations communities Kwadacha, Tsay Keh, Takla Lake, West Moberly, Salteau, Halfway River FLNRO Williams Lake, Prince George, Fort St. John, and Victoria Other consultants: EDI and EcoWeb Other organizations: BC Hydro Funding sources Habitat Conservation Trust Fund Aboriginal Fund for Species at Risk Provincial government Base Forest Investment Account (LBIP, FSP) Forest for Tomorrow Industry (forestry, oil & gas, mining) Mountain Goats Inventory and Research No recent work Collaboration with Peace Williston Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program Response to logging near trails used to access mineral licks (report 343) Movements, home range, habitat use, survival and mortality rates, population size, habitat modeling Mountain Goats Management Ungulate Winter Range designations in Ft. St. James and Mackenzie A framework for monitoring management effectiveness Moose Research and Inventory Involved in Stratified Random Block surveys # moose/km2 8 0.4 7 0.35 6 0.3 5 0.25 4 0.2 3 0.15 2 0.1 1 0.05 0 0 2000 2006 Survey Year 2013 Moose Research and Inventory Have also investigated alternative inventory designs ○ DNA from fecal pellets (Halfway River) ○ Distance sampling (Peace region) Moose Research and Inventory Independent review of the moose decline in the Cariboo region Study was largely deductive Increase in cow mortality? Increase in vulnerability? Source of increased mortality? Moose Management Use of prescribed burning to enhance habitat value Contributes to restoration goals (SERNbc) Year 1 of 5 A strategy and 2 burn plans ready for spring Target is 9,000 ha over the next 4 years Caribou Research and Inventory No recent work Movement, home range, habitat use, survival and mortality, population, habitat modeling http://www.centralbccaribou. ca/crg Caribou Research and Inventory Effects of MPB on Ungulate Winter Ranges Area of risk-free Ungulate Winter Range 12000 Scott herd 10000 Wolverine herd 8000 Chase herd 6000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Caribou Research and Inventory Adaptive management of predation 200 5 100 0 0 Caribou population 10 2008 300 2007 15 2006 400 2005 20 2004 500 2003 25 2002 600 2001 30 2000 Wolves removed / caribou deaths by wolves Caribou Research and Inventory Adaptive management of terrestrial lichens Vanderhoof, Ft. St. James, Mackenzie Should be resampled Treatment Regime Predicted Condn for Lichen Harvesting Method 1 Best WT Winter None Natural 2 Good CTL Winter None Natural 3 Good CTL Summer None Natural 4 Moderate CTL Summer None Plant 5 Worst CTL Summer Drag Scarify Natural 6 Good WT Summer None Nat 7 Moderate WT Summer None Plant 8 Worst WT Summer 9 Worst WT Summer Harvesting Site Season Preparation Drag Scarify Drag Scarify Regen Method Natural Plant Caribou Management Recovery plans Caribou Management Herd definition in “zones of trace occurrence” 185 caribou, 15 GPS collared caribou Caribou Management Identification of movement corridors & Best Management Practices Caribou Management UWR designation Vanderhoof 50K ha Fort St. James 50K ha Mackenzie 340K ha Caribou Management UWR effectiveness 70% accuracy …but only 77% overlap with designated range 2013 Observed Predicted N Y Total N 117.0 72.0 189.0 Y 15.0 65.0 80.0 132.0 137.0 269.0 Total Caribou Management UWR restoration Most UWR not functioning Fire not appropriate on all sites but probably useful on some Caribou Management Maternal penning Information downloads
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