NORTHUMBRIA POLICE MINUTES ___________________________________________________________________________ Title Meeting Number EXECUTIVE BOARD 5/2014 ___________________________________________________________________________ Date Location Duration 30 April 2014 Chief Constable’s Office 09:55 – 11:25 ___________________________________________________________________________ Present: Mrs S Sim – Chief Constable (Chair) Mr S Ashman – Deputy Chief Constable Mr G Calvert – T/Assistant Chief Constable (present items 1-6) Mrs J Farrell – Assistant Chief Constable Mr B McCardle – Assistant Chief Officer Mr W Keenen – D/Chief Superintendent Mr M Tait – Head of Finance Mr J Bowran – Chief Inspector (present item 9) Mr R Jackson – T/Superintendent (present item 10) Ms J Lawson – Head of Human Resources Mr M Mullen – Head of Strategic Asset Management (present item 8) Mr I Woodward – Head of ICT Ms E Cook – Executive Support Officer Apologies for absence: ___________________________________________________________________ OPEN SESSION UNDER THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 1. OPENING 2. MINUTES OF THE OPEN SESSION OF THE MEETING HELD ON 31st MARCH 2014 Agreed as a true and accurate record. 3. MATTERS ARISING FROM MINUTES ICT Strategy – Engagement in respect of Street to Strategic UPDATE from Head of ICT: ICT are in touch with Corp Comms to agree a broadcast that will go out to all staff/officers asking for anyone who wishes to be involved in Street to Strategic to make themselves known to the project team. The Chair explained full engagement with staff is required. ACTION: ACO to liaise with Head of ICT in order to agree strategy for staff engagement in respect of Street to Strategic. Gateshead Capital Reward Budget UPDATE from T/ACC Calvert: Chief Superintendent Adamson has now drawn up a spend plan in respect of the capital reward budget. It was agreed that this should now be monitored through Finance. ACTION: T/ACC Calvert/Head of Finance to formalise Spend Plan and monitor as necessary. 4. WORKFORCE AND REVENUE MONITORING POSITION Head of Human Resources and Head of Finance presented the above report which provided an update on the workforce position for the period ending 31st March 2014. It was agreed that future reports contain details of nil pay and half pay staff. ACTION: Head of Human Resources/Head of Finance to amend Workforce and Revenue Monitoring report to reflect staff on nil/half pay A discussion took place regarding officers from area commands currently on ICIDP and how these were approved for released. It was agreed that the officers would go back to their shift with immediate effect. ACTION: T/ACC Calvert/ACC Farrell to ensure staff on ICIDP go back to shift with immediate effect. D/Superintendent Sharon Stavers to attend COT meeting on the 9th May to present how the process for ICIDP works. ACTION: D/Superintendent Sharon Stavers to attend meeting 9th May. Contingency Reporting A discussion took place around contingency reporting. It was agreed that more information is required in respect of the nature of the Operations recorded within the Workforce and Revenue report. It was also agreed that there needs to be a criteria in place on how Chief Officers approve the contingencies. ACTION: Head of Finance to add more information in respect of the Operations to the Workforce and Revenue. ACTION: DCC/ACC’s to produce criteria in respect of Chief Officers approving contingencies. . Police Officer Overtime A discussion took place around overtime in area commands and how they are reported within the budget. It was agreed that the overtime would no longer be forecast in the budgets but run on real time. Due to the overtime in Area Commands being under spent it was agreed that a separate meeting would be arranged to discuss in details. ACTION: Head of Finance to arrange meeting with COT in respect of underspend of overtime budgets T/ACC Calvert raised the issue of finance information pack in respect of budgets to be given to ACC’s in readiness for meetings with Area Commands SMT. ACTION: Head of Finance to ensure Finance information is available for ACC meetings with Area Command SMT’s 5. PAY MONITORING 2014/2015 The Head of Finance presented the above paper explaining that this was a precursor to the formal report being presented in May. No issues raised by the group. 6. WORKFORCE CHANGE PROCEDURE The Head of Human Resources Department presented the above paper which is a revised procedure which will enable the force to meet challenges associated with the Comprehensive Spending Review. Head of HR explained that key messages will be sent out via Corporate Communications. Paper Agreed Meeting ended 11.25am 30th April 2014 Meeting resumed 10.20am 2nd May 2014 7. PROGRAMME OF CHANGE – ICT DEPARTMENT Head of ICT Department presented and asked for agreement on the above paper which detailed the changes to be made within the ICT structure. Paper agreed on the understanding that permanent staff can be requested if utilising temporary/consultative staff proves difficult. Paper Agreed 8. PROGRAMME OF CHANGE – ESTATES DEPARTMENT Head of Strategic Asset Management presented and asked for agreement on the above paper which detailed the changes to be made within the Estates Department structure. A discussion took place in respect of the paper and it was agreed that the Strategic Lead role definition should be checked for the Estates department together with what the requirements of the PCC’s are for strategic asset management. ACTION: Head of Strategic Asset Management to reflect the outcome of the above in the paper and present to next Exec Board on the 14th May 2014. 9. PROGRAMME OF CHANGE – FIREARMS SUPPORT UNIT Chief Inspector, Motor Patrols North presented and asked for agreement on the above paper which detailed the changes to be made within the Firearms Support Unit structure. A group discussion took place and agreed the paper. Paper Agreed 10. PROPOSALS FOR CHANGE – RESOURCE CO-ORDINATION Chief Inspector, T/Superintendent FRU presented and asked for agreement on the above paper which detailed the changes to be made within the Resource Coordination structure. The Chair suggested it would be more useful to present the full department report for FRU including the Resource Coordination structure on the 14th May 2014. ACTION: Superintendent Jackson to present full FRU restructure paper to Executive Board on the 14th May 2014. It was also agreed that Superintendent Jackson and staff from FRU would attend COT on the 9th of May to discuss and give a better of understanding of how the department should function. ACTION: Superintendent Jackson to attend COT 9th May 2014. 11. ANY OTHER BUSINESS None 12. DATE, TIME AND VENUE OF NEXT MEETING 14th May 2014, 9.30am, Chief Constable’s Office, Block 69.
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