SWEET HOME SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 55 Sweet Home, Oregon Board Chairman Reynolds called the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Sweet Home School District No. 55 to order at 6:30 p.m. on November 10, 2014 in the District Office Conference Room. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. B. in Attendance Board Members Mike Reynolds, Leena Ellis, Chanz Keeney, David VanDerlip and Jason Van Eck. Kevin Burger, Jenny Daniels and Jason Redick were absent. Staff Members in Attendance Superintendent Don Schrader; Administrators: Kevin Strong, Dave Goetz, Luke Augsburger, Colleen Henry, Josh Dargis, Terry Augustadt, Larry Horton, Cathy Hurowitz, Courtney Murphy, Mark Looney and Steve Brown; Certified: Lisa Canaday, Debra Barron; Classified: Velma Canfield, Dawn Hilburn, Trinity Yoder; Confidential Secretary Julie Emmert and Board Recording Secretary Lynn Stauffer. Other Attendance Cross Country Coach, Andrew Allen; Sean Morgan, representing the New Era, Scott Brute, Rebecca Walker. 2. ESPY Awards Every month two students are selected from each school and presented with an ESPY Award at the Board Meeting. The award is presented to students who are doing well academically and have an exceptionally positive attitude about school. They demonstrate respect and responsibility towards staff and their peers. They show courage by not conforming to peer pressure and refuse to accept anyone who bullies. Selections for the month of November are: Foster School – Sabrina Goncalves, Isis Davidson; Hawthorne School – Kaylee Denton, Jaren Adams; Holley School – Isaiah Myers; Oak Heights School – Tawni Banta, Gracie Vaughan; SH Jr. High School – Benjamin Phillips, Alexis Smallwood; and SH High School – Matthew Davis, Sierrah Owen. Congratulations to all of this month’s ESPY Award winners! 3. Honoring Excellence Superintendent Schrader reported November’s Honoring Excellence Award winners: Terry Augustadt, Hawthorne Principal, Nancy Brocard and Sharon Conner, Technology Specialists; Rachel Markell, 3/4 grade teacher at Foster; Emily Gilmore, Assistant, Foster; Shauna Baxter and Mary Hutchins, Assistants, Holley; Leila Ulmer, Assistant, Oak Heights; Toy Royer and Debbie Danielson, Secretaries, SH Junior High. 4. Agenda Approval/Changes Chairman Reynolds called for changes and/or approval of the agenda. Superintendent Schrader requested 9. C. – Approval of out-of-state Varsity Baseball Trip. Board Attendance Staff Attendance Other Attendance ESPY Awards Honoring Excellence Awards Approve Agenda Motion No. 14-99: Board Member Van Eck moved to approve the agenda, with the addition of 9.C., as presented. Board Member Keeney seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 5. Public Comments Scott Brute asked to address the Jr. High Bullying issue. He reported an incident at the Jr. High and did not believe he got a reasonable response. Depends on schools and Police Department to enforce an ORS that is in place. The community has no recourses other than the school district. Was told the Jr. High could not release the discipline information because it was confidential information. Wondered what was going on with his grandson until he found out he was being bullied. 6. Student & Personnel Reports/Comments A. High School Student Representative Report Eric Whitlow reported that the High School had National Honor Society induction on the November 6th. Jacob Hiett was the state Champion in cross country. Penny drive Public Comments SHHS Student Report and Thanksgiving baskets fund drive is in progress and ends on Thursday. 156 students had perfect attendance and there are 8 days left in the trimester. Oak Heights |Facebook page is a great success, with many views. Hawthorne’s Civil War canned food drive is November 3rd- 18th. 172 students with perfect attendance in September and October. Foster had an awards assembly and honored all veterans. Jr. High Science Fair is on Wednesday, November 19th. Spirit Week coming up. Holley wrote letters to vets to thank them for their service. B. Administrator/Staff Reports 1) Administrators Dave Goetz provided the Board with an update on the SHHS stage project. The District’s Head Electrician, Mike Helms, has submitted a report regarding what needs to be renovated to bring the system up to code. The cost of this project will be around $8,000. 3) Staff - none Administrator Reports Staff Reports Certified Report Classified Report C. Certified and Classified Representatives - none D. Superintendent’s Report 1) PBIS Anti-Bullying Program Superintendent Schrader reported on the District’s PBIS and Anti-Bullying Programs. Types of bullying include verbal, social exclusion, sexual bullying, cyber bullying, etc. Kids should remember; Stop, Walk and Talk. Key features of the program include: Positive, Proactive and Preventative; School and District PBIS Team, Instruction, Behavior Expectations, and a Behavior Support Continuum. All schools have Positive Behavior Interventions and Support programs (PBIS). These programs are proactive in nature, instructionally based and assessment driven. The focus is to address the school environment. Traditional consequence based responses to antisocial behavior are not effective. Research indicates the most effective programs are proactive and positive, involve social skills training, academic/curricular restructuring and behavioral interventions. Clear expectations are taught and reinforced. When problem behaviors occur a continuum of consequences, including behavioral interventions, is used. Social Skills training programs such as the “Be Kind” program is used at the Junior High. This program focuses on students treating each other with respect and kindness and these character traits are explicitly taught in classrooms. Bullying is not acceptable in any school. Administrators, teachers and support staff receive training on how to recognize and react when bullying occurs. Superintendent Schrader gave a presentation on bullying that defines bullying and discusses how it is handled in our schools. Any student whose behavior is found to be in violation of Board Policy JFCJ – Hazing/Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying/Teen Dating Violence – Students will be subject to discipline, up to and including expulsion and may also be referred to law enforcement officials. Superintendent Report PBIS AntiBullying Program Scott Brute said he did not hear anything about the victim of the bullying. Rebecca Walker said people bully, need to look at the targets and bullies. Need to address this issue with empathy. Board Member Keeney said he believes the presence of an SRO would be very helpful and would like to discuss the issue as a Board. 2) Attendance Programs Superintendent Schrader reported that if kids regularly miss school the odds of them making it through school successfully to graduation goes down. Therefore, all schools have set goals to improve attendance and I will share what one school is doing to get kids to school. All schools this year are 2-5 Attendance Programs focusing on attendance. Consent Agenda 7. Consent Agenda A. Approve minutes from October 13, 2014 School Board Meeting B. Approve/Appropriate $5,305 IDEA Enhancement Grant 2014-15 to be used for enhancement of activities including RTI, PBIS, expanded SPR&I, determination issues, and other trainings and activities related to support students with disabilities C. Accept resignation of Debbie Barron- 4th grade Teacher at Oak Heights, effective November 10, 2014 D. Accept resignation of Dale Keene- Board of Directors, effective immediately Board Chairman Reynolds pointed out that Mrs. Barron is requesting an early retirement and not a resignation. Motion No. 14-100: Board Member Ellis moved to approve the consent agenda, as presented. Board Member Van Eck seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Approve Consent Agenda Kevin Strong explained $30,602 has been offered as a lump sum for her early retirement. Board Member Ellis moved to approve the one time early retirement payment to Debbie Barron of $30,602. Board Member Van Eck seconded the motion. 8. Information/Discussion A. Enrollment/ACT Program/Sweet Home Online Superintendent Schrader reported enrollment numbers are down slightly from last month. B. Budget Update/Safety Information Business Manager Strong reported that spending by function area remains within budge amounts. The District will not receive any Title VI-B funds this year, due to a new method of determining poverty levels placing Sweet Home more affluent than the State average. He reported a draft Budget Calendar was included in the Board Packet. He also reported on Safety; there were two reportable incidents in the month of October. Board Member Van Eck asked the Superintendent if the issue of a SRO has been discussed with SHPD Chief Jeff Lynn. He said yes and they will be meeting to discuss the issue of funding. He will present the information when everything has been formulated. Information Items Enrollment Budget Update Safety Update Budget Committee Vacancies C. Budget Committee Vacancies Chairman Reynolds reminded everyone the District is still seeking six Budget Committee Members. Applications have been received from four people: Miriam Hooley, Kevin Pettner, Gerrit Schaffer, and Jessica Garret, for the seven vacancies: #1, Holley #2, Liberty #3, Foster #6, Crawfordsville #7, At Large #9, Sweet Home The Board will appoint Budget Committee Members at the December Meeting. D. 2014-2015 District/Board Goals & Strategies Superintendent Schrader reported he sent the goals and strategies out last month and asked that anyone with comments or additions to please contact him. The information was included in this month’s Board Packet. E. Board Policy Revisions (1st reading.) Superintendent Schrader asked the Board to contact him if there are any questions, comments or revisions on the proposed policies. EBB – Integrated Pest Management 3-5 14-15 District Goals Board Policy Revisions (1st rdg) EEA – Student Transportation Services EEACA – School Bus Driver Examination and Training EFA – Local Wellness Program EFAA – District Nutrition and Food Services EFAA-AR – Reimbursable School Meals and Milk Programs JHCD – Nonprescription Medication JHCDA – Prescription Medication JHCD/JHCDA-AR – Nonprescription/Prescription Medication F. Board Trainings Superintendent Schrader reported there are several trainings to choose from and provided the Board with information for the various training sessions. Trainings include: Roles and Responsibilities, Ethics, Polices, Finance, Effective Meetings, Public Meetings and others. Suggestions included Superintendent Evaluation training, Data-driven Decision Making, Roles & Responsibilities to be discussed at a Work Session to be scheduled. 9. Action Items A. OSBA Elections Vote Superintendent Schrader reported the OSBA Elections packet was included in this month’s Board packet. It consists of three resolutions the Board will need to vote on. Once the Board votes, an electronic ballot will be submitted to OSBA. There was no motion to take action. Board Trainings OSBA Elections Votes Approve Out of State Cross Country Request B. Approve request from Coach Andrew Allen for out of state Cross Country Meet Cross Country Coach Andrew Allen is seeking approval for three SHHS students and two out of district students to compete in the NXN Regional Cross Country Meet in Boise, Idaho, from November 14-16, 2014. All parents of students planning to attend the meet must sign a liability contract and permission to attend. Motion No. 14-101: Board Member Keeney moved to approve the out-of-state Cross Country Meet with parent consent and insurance waiver, where they are staying. Board Member Ellis seconded the motion. The motion failed with four in favor and one opposed, Board Member Van Eck. C. Approve out –of-state Varsity Baseball Trip, March 26-28, 2015 Steve Brown explained the trip. Redding has an awesome field to play on. Attendees would be staying in a motel in Redding and the cost of the tournament and trip will be paid. Reynolds – where they are staying, transportation issues. Asked for a plan to be put in place with steps to include all pertinent information. The approval of this trip will be postponed until more detailed information is available. Motion No. 14-102: The Board readdressed the Cross Country Meet attendance. Board Member Van Eck would approve the trip if private vehicle transportation is arranged and those attending stay in a hotel. Board Member Keeney moved to approve the trip if a private vehicle is used, the team stays in a motel, parent consent and insurance waiver. Ellis seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously 10. Board Comments 11. Late Items Board Comments Late Items Future Agenda Items Adjournment 12. Future Agenda Items A. Board Officer Meeting December 1, 2014 at 3:30 p.m. at District Office B. Next Board Meeting, December 8, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in DO Board Room C. OSBA Annual Convention, November 13-16, 2014 in Portland Board Chairman Reynolds asked that the vacancy created by Dale Keene be posted. 4-5 13. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 8:22 p.m. ____________________________________________ Signature, Board Chairman Lynn Stauffer, Board Recording Secretary 101314mind 5-5
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