NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED MINUTES OF THE CHANGE CHIEF OFFICER GROUP/SENIOR MANAGEMENT TEAM MEETING th WEDNESDAY 11 JUNE 2014 FORCE CONFERENCE SUITES, FORCE HEADQUARTERS AT 9.30 AM Members Attendance Andrew Cooke Andrew Ward Ian Pilling Darren Martland Geoff Broadhead John Martin Kevin Johnson Mark Harrison Julie Cooke Jon Ward Clive Howarth Paul Richardson Bill McWilliam Peter Costello Carl Krueger Rob Carden Steve Richards Alan Barr Rowley Moore Ngaire Waine Geoff Cheshire Caroline Ashcroft John Hampson Nicola Boardman Helen Stafford Mary Donnellan Shelly Dooley Paul Vautrinot Deputy Chief Constable (Acting Chairperson) Assistant Chief Constable (Matrix Serious and Organised Crime) Assistant Chief Constable (Operations, Criminal Justice & Call Handling) T/Assistant Chief Constable (Personnel) Director of Resources Chief Superintendent, Wirral Area Superintendent, representing Sefton Area Chief Superintendent, Knowsley Area Chief Superintendent, St Helens Area Chief Superintendent, Liverpool North Area A/Chief Superintendent, Liverpool South Area D/Chief Superintendent, Matrix Investigation D/Chief Superintendent, Matrix Support Chief Superintendent, Matrix Uniformed Services Chief Superintendent, Corporate Criminal Justice Chief Superintendent, Personnel Chief Superintendent, Corporate Support and Development D/Chief Superintendent, Professional Standards Department Chief Superintendent, Community Engagement Unit Chief Superintendent, BCU Operating Model Project Specials Chief Officer Force Solicitor Head of Information Services Head of Business Change Head of Finance Head of Facilities Management Head of Force Contact Centre Corporate Support and Development (Secretary) Supporting Officers Simon Irving Chris Joughin Tony Jones Stephen Fletcher - Superintendent, Force Academy T/Chief Inspector, Personnel Department T/Chief Inspector, Force Contact Centre Vehicle Fleet and Transport NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Staff Associations/Trade Unions Peter Singleton Tony Barton Bill Burton Jeff Sheeran Jeff Cooke Police Federation Police Federation Unison GMB/MPO Trade Union Adviser Apologies for Absence Jon Murphy Nikki Holland Chief Constable (Chairperson) Chief Superintendent, Sefton Area Geoff Cheshire – Special Constabulary Chief Officer The Chair welcomed Geoff Cheshire to his first meeting of Change COG/SMT in his capacity of Special Constabulary Chief Officer. OPEN MINUTES (FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REFERS) 1. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING th The minutes of the last meeting held on 14 May 2014 were accepted as a true and accurate record. 2. MATTERS ARISING There were no matters arising. Updates to actions from previous meetings were noted. 3. BODY WORN VIDEO POLICY T/Chief Inspector Jones introduced a report that was seeking approval to implement a Body Worn Video policy and procedure to support the roll out of the technology to frontline operational officers. Members were reminded that in October 2013, Merseyside Police began looking at the introduction of body worn video cameras. At the same time the Home Office started to consider the introduction of BWV cameras as part of a wider project on digital evidence and also within the ACPO Operational Efficiency and Digitisation Programme. In addition, the College of Policing was seeking to develop Authorised Professional Practice (APP) in relation to BWV. Subsequently, Merseyside Police made the decision to distribute BWV technology to frontline operational officers and a number of cameras for repeat victims of crime. It was also intended to roll out this technology to Force negotiators. In response to concerns raised by Unison, members were advised that the impact of introducing BWV on the efficiency and effectiveness of the CCTV and its resourcing unit would be monitored on a monthly basis. It was also noted that steps were being taken to provide a facility for displaying CCTV footage in interview rooms. Change COG/SMT agreed the policy should be subject to immediate review once the BWV module of Authorised Professional Practice had been published. The policy was now to be implemented and communicated to all relevant staff. th Change COG/SMT 11 June 2014 2 ACC Ops, CJ & CH/ T/C/Insp Jones NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED 4. DIAL ‘0’ Shelly Dooley introduced a report that explained the reasons for, and sought agreement to, the removal of the facilities currently available via the “0” internal switchboard number to improve efficiency within Force Contact Centre (FCC) Call Handling. The majority of calls made to the switchboard via ‘0’ were of an enquiry nature to find out an internal contact telephone number, request that a call be routed to another extension or ask for assistance with voicemail or call diverts and there were alternative facilities in place for staff to self serve these functions. The switchboard also handled all enquires from yellow phones located outside police stations, 27 of which were programmed to dial 0. In addition, the switchboard provided access to international dialling and to lines with a caller identification. Change COG/SMT agreed the facility for staff to dial ‘0’ for the above purposes should be removed once the new telephony system was in place at the Joint Command Centre (JCC). There was also a need to implement st appropriate communication plans. A target start date of 1 August 2014 was agreed. Change COG/SMT also agreed a number of actions which would provide alternative facilities in respect of the yellow phones outside police stations, international calls and caller line identification. 5. ACC Ops, CJ & CH/ Shelly Dooley PERSONAL SAFETY TRAINING ACC Martland introduced a report that sought to establish a revised definition in respect of which members of staff should undertake Personal Safety Training (PST) which was critical if the Force was to meet its obligations under the Winsor review from September 2014. th Members were reminded that on 14 October 2013, Change COG/SMT agreed proposals in respect of the Job Related Fitness Test (JRFT) for officers undertaking Personal Safety Training (PST). However, a decision as to when officers would be required to undertake PST was deferred to allow for further discussion of the options. Meanwhile fitness testing for specialist posts had continued in line with that paper whilst consultation continued with staff associations and other interested parties. Members were further advised that five options had been drawn up in an effort to establish the most appropriate form of words that captured the requirement to undertake PST. Change COG/SMT agreed that, broadly speaking, option 3 should be adopted as this would provide the organisation with sufficient trained resources without becoming a burden and would not impact on the current low levels of sickness absence, recuperative and restricted staff or failure rates for the fitness tests. However, the wording of option 3 was to be given further consideration to ensure absolute clarity around purpose and requirement. The definition was to be worded in such a way as to avoid any possibility of litigation against officers who were not training and therefore unable to respond to certain incidents or restrict the organisation mobilising officers at short notice. The final version of the definition was to be drawn up in consultation with the Police Federation and Superintendents’ Association, and submitted to a Chief Officers’ Morning Briefing for final approval. th Change COG/SMT 11 June 2014 3 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED It was also agreed that the requirement to undertake PST should be extended to the Special Constabulary and all senior officers, including Chief Officers. It was noted that, if required, PST was available to anyone. 6. T/ACC Personnel/ Supt Irving ATTENDANCE MANAGEMENT POLICY – MEDICAL INTEGRITY SURVEILLANCE Temporary Chief Inspector Joughin introduced a report that was seeking approval of a proposal to introduce Medical Integrity Surveillance as an addition to the existing Attendance Management Policy. Over recent years, as police budgets had been substantially reduced, it had become increasingly important to ensure that attendance was managed as well as possible. This meant exploring all options including increased scrutiny of any individual reporting sick but suspected of being fully fit for work. This initiative would provide a mechanism by which the Force was able to challenge any individual who provided misleading, incorrect or inaccurate information about their absenteeism or medical status. There was no intention to deny sick pay or pension to any police officer or member of police staff who was genuinely ill. Unison and GMB/MPO, whilst accepting the need to tackle this issue, raised concerns over the proposal which, in their view, suggested that employees may not be trusted. The Police Federation supported the policy providing it was made clear that surveillance would be used as an exception rather than the rule. Change COG/SMT viewed the introduction of medical surveilIance as an additional tool to further reduce sickness absence and protect the reputation of the Force. There was no question that the Force did not trust its staff but there was a need to recognise the possibility that a very few members staff may take advantage of the organisation’s family friendly policies. Medical Integrity Surveillance was seen as a fair and proportionate response to this issue. It was stressed that experience suggested that tiny numbers were involved and use of surveillance would be intelligence led. In conclusion, Change COG/SMT approved the Medical Integrity Surveillance procedure for inclusion in the Attendance Management Policy and agreed that the OHU should be involved in the process from the outset. The introduction of Medical Integrity Surveillance was to be implemented and communicated to all members of staff. T/ACC Personnel/ C/Supt Personnel CLOSED MINUTES (FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REFERS) 7. SEP PHASE 1 HUMAN RESOURCES – PHASE 2 8. SEP PHASE 5 TRACK 1 FULL BUSINESS CASES 9. SEP PHASE 5 TRACK 2 OUTLINE BUSINBESS CASES 10. ANY OTHER BUSINESS No items were raised. th Change COG/SMT 11 June 2014 4 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED 11. DATE OF NEXT MEETING th The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 16 July 2014. The deadline nd for papers to reach Paul Vautrinot is Wednesday 2 July 2014 (draft) and th Friday 4 July 2014 (final). Abbreviation/ Acronym Definition ACC ACPO ACU BCU BMV CAB CCJ CDU CEU D DSHU FCC FIDO FTE GEO HR JDQ MASH MSOC PCC PCS&TOs SMU PSD PST PVP SEP SLAs T VSA Assistant Chief Constable Association of Chief Police Officers Anti- Corruption Unit Basic Command Unit Body Worn Video Covert Authorities Bureau Corporate Criminal Justice Crime and Demand Unit Community Engagement Unit Detective Dedicated Source Handling Unit Force Contact Centre Field Intelligence Development Officer Full Time Equivalent General Enquiry Office Human Resources Job Description Questionnaire Multi Agency Strategic Hub Matrix Serious and organised Crime Police and Crime Commissioner Police Community Support and Traffic Officers Source Management Unit Professional Standards Unit Personal Safety Training Protecting Vulnerable People Sustaining Excellent Policing Service Level Agreements Temporary Variable Shift Arrangement th Change COG/SMT 11 June 2014 5 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED
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