ct) c Lll trxg o- t L o q .I lltl6,c /Y /rE o. t:t H- L !'n ( .98 a-s I U o rt u E L to I t o L tr \ o o a U I st a! ctr + E .I o.= .9.6 cF fl 6; ai oa Y /a- dtr oU OF DT ,/o K _c ct f, -= id\ o (J_c L <; (') \\ I Ntr .flo \ o (d0L (d (5_ C@ o co_ o.= a E(g L rtr :5 G'J c') b.e c0)@ Lf =a 3h t+ o-o>, (U= o o J o o \\ o o oI o o o o L o o .!, o< oo ^-(g !2oo oa 0) 9cD (d-c u)La coP oe (o= 'E .a IO A b8 l! o o 6 c () oq) o J 0 tr F oI o o o s'F oF (\l o o c o o luo oa E.= s L JS =F EO OL o 1.. ?i a @2004 by Evon-Moor Corp I ${ o L7 o5 Pi oO ()F rI EMC 3Zl5 . Doily Geogrophy Prociice, Grode 6 Chicclgo OtHclre Inlerncrtioncll Airport Monday 1. Name at least five different modes of transportation at Chicago I 2. O'Hare nternational Ai rport. How many terminals and concourses are located in the main connected part of the airport? Which terminal stands alone? Tiresday 1 . lf a person were picking up a passenger at Terminal 3, would he or she take the Lower Road or the Upper Road? 2. How does a person get from Concourse B to Concourse C in Terminal 1? W'ednesday 1 . A person can drive on lnterstate 190 to the airport. What other means of travel parallels the interstate highway? 2. 52 lf a person were traveling out of Concourse L in Terminal 3 and through the pedestrian passages, which parking lot would be the closest to it? EMC 3215 . Doily Geogrophy Proctice, Grode 6 @2004 by Evon-Moor Corp. Chiccrgo OtHcrre lnterncrtioncrl Airport Thursday 1 . lf a person wanted to rent a car at the airport, which means of travel would take him or her to the rental car lots? 2. lf the ATS train system can carry 2,400 passengers per hour, how many passengers could it carry in a 24-hour period? Friday 1 . ln 2002, O'Hare served 66,565,952 domestic and international passengers. lf there were 8,938,995 international passengers, how many domestic passengers were there? 2. lt only takes seven minutes for an ATS train to travel from Terminal 1 to Lot E. How many round trips can the train make in one hour? Challenge The following statistics show the number of passengers that have been served by O'Hare from 1998 through 2002. Iotcrl Number of Passengers 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 @2004 by Evon-Moor Corp 72,485,218 72,609,191 72,144,244 67,448,064 66,565,952 Using these statistics, write two math problems on the back of the map. Be sure to include the answers. Then have a classmate solve the problems. EMC 3215 . Doily Geogrophy Proctice, Grode 6 53
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