WGSS SCHOLARSHIP HANDBOOK 2013-2014 Scholarship Sources 1 Provincial Scholarships 1 Dogwood District 1 Local and Walnut Grove Scholarships General Scholarship Information 3 University and College Awards 3 Entrance Scholarships SFU, UBC,UVic, BCIT, Kwantlen , UFV, TRU, TWU 3 Loran Scholars Award 4 Language Proficiency Index 4 The ―How To‖ of Scholarship Applications 4 The Scholarship Autobiography 5 The Biographical Essay WALNUT GROVE SECONDARY SCHOOL 8919 Walnut Grove Drive Langley, BC V1M 2N7 FAX: 604-882-0557 PHONE: 604-882-0220 Counsellors: Ms. Kifiak (A-G) [email protected] Ms. Gambrel (H-N) [email protected] Ms. Docherty (O-Z) [email protected] 1-2 5-6 WGSS Student Profile Outline 6 Scholarship Websites 6 Powerful Tools Websites 7 Post-Secondary Institute Websites 8 WGSS and Open Scholarships Scholarship Opportunities Listing 9-10 11-12 WGSS Scholarship Handbook Sources of Financial Aid for Students Page 2 The amount is $500 for students who have demonstrated expertise in a Fine Art, Applied Skill, Technical and Trades Training or Physical Achievement (may include Provincial and National level participation). An additional $500 is available to the award winner who attends a post-secondary institution within five years. Grade point average is calculated using the best 12 marks obtained in Grades 11 and 12 including specialty courses. Scholarships ▪ Awarded for select criteria, primarily for academic excellence but may include leadership, community service, artistic and athletic endeavours. Bursaries ▪ Awarded on the basis of student need, performance or other requirements. Loans ▪ Granted based on financial need. WGSS receives approximately Eligibility: Each scholarship, bursary or loan has specific criteria. Check websites for details. 40 Dogwood District Scholarships each year! C. Passport to Education Scholarships Each school is awarded Passport stamps based on student population. There are FOUR basic types of scholarships and bursaries available to high school students: Grade 10 and 11—$250 based on the best five Ministry courses. 1. Provincial Government provides funds for scholarship exams and district awards for students who demonstrate expertise in specialty areas - e.g. Fine Arts, Applied Skills, or Physical Activity. Grade 12—$500 based on final marks in best five Ministry courses. 2. Local and Walnut Grove Scholarships are provided by businesses and organizations in Langley, who donate scholarship money. D. Secondary School Apprenticeship (SSA) 3. Unions, business organizations and philanthropic groups independently donate money and awards. Registered with ITA. 4. Post-Secondary Institutions award entrance, academic and affiliation scholarships. Have met Graduation requirements. Working in the trade six months after graduation. Completed 480 hours of work (16 credits in SSA). 2. Local / Walnut Grove Scholarships 1. Provincial Government A. Provincial Scholarship Determined October 15 of each year after graduation. Exam rewrites must be completed by August 31 of graduating year. All Provincially examinable courses must be passed: English, Science and Math 10, Socials Studies 11 and English or Comm12. Blended Language Arts 12 mark must be a ‗B‘ average. Must be in the top 5000 in BC based on Provincial exam GPA. B. Dogwood District There will be a separate application for Dogwood District Scholarships. It must be submitted with the LOCAL and WGSS application. All Dogwood District Specialty Program Scholarships require a minimum of four courses in Grades 11 or 12 in the specialty subject area. Students who are part of the SSA or Dual Credit program may qualify for the $1000 SSA Scholarship if they are: The Langley Scholarship Committee administers funds collected from various individuals, firms, teachers, and service clubs to be awarded to Grade 12 students proceeding to post-secondary training. Recipients have up to five years to claim the scholarship. Walnut Grove students compete with other Langley District students for approximately 40 awards. In addition, there are approximately 50 awards given only to Walnut Grove students. General qualifications for the Local and Walnut Grove Awards: 1. You need to complete an application form by the deadline. (Available in January; DUE before Spring Break). 2. Grade-Point Average (GPA) must be at least 67% based on the best 12 courses and must include: English/Comm 11/12, Socials 11, Math 11 and a Science 11. 3. Must attend a post-secondary institution within five years. WGSS Scholarship Handbook 4. See pages 9-12 for a list of possible scholarships but be aware that this list is subject to change. REMEMBER to apply for these scholarships you must fill out ONE application form. Submit the completed application to the Counselling Office on or before deadline ...no exceptions ! Students taking courses off campus through distance education or night school, and would like this mark included in the scholarship calculation, must have a form (available in WGSS Counselling Centre) completed by the off campus institution: Verifying they have completed 75% of the course by March 10th. Verifying their current grades. This must be signed by an administrator or counsellor from the off campus institution. It is the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY of the student to have the form completed and attached to the scholarship application. WGSS courses must be completed by June and off campus courses must be completed before Spring Break. Summer school courses or grades obtained in August will not be considered for entrance scholarships. 3. Independent Many scholarships consider the applicant‘s contribution to school, community life, area of future study, and the demonstration of leadership through volunteer work or school involvement. Some independent scholarships are awarded based on affiliation. Page 3 marks are considered. Letters of reference and Personal Profile are needed. If you need help see one of the Counsellors in the Counselling Centre. SFU Secondary Excellence Scholarship $5,000 AUTOMATIC for students with marks 96%> ($5,000). No application required - conditionally offered until final marks are available. Based on academics. Check their website for additional scholarship opportunities. UBC Major Entrance Scholarship (MES) Personal Profile will be used for admissions and for MAJOR Entrance Scholarship consideration Students wishing to be considered for Major Entrance Scholarship must submit their online application by DECEMBER 10, 2013 This includes paying the admission fee and submitting grade 11 and 12 marks as requested in the online application. University of Victoria The minimum criteria for all scholarships are as follows: 90% or higher average calculated on nine academic grade 11 and 12 courses. Application must be received by Febuary 1, 2014. Transcript must be sent to Student Awards (not just to Admissions). BCIT (BC Institute of Technology) BCIT offers a President‘s Entrance scholarship to students who are planning to take any program at BCIT - career, technical or trades. Each college and university administers entrance scholarships for first year students. Universities and Colleges determine your eligibility based on your first and second term marks. Some applications for these awards may be downloaded from websites—others are awarded automatically based on your entrance average. The deadlines vary. You must FIRST apply for admissions before you may apply for entrance scholarships. Applications are available online. The award is based on academics plus leadership and school involvement. ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIPS 4. University and College Awards An ―entrance scholarship‖ is one that is only available to students who are proceeding from Grade 12 directly to studies at a post-secondary institution. They are awarded by the universities, colleges, or post secondary institutions. Many BC universities require applications to be submitted beginning in February. (NOTE: UBC requires students to have completed their online application by December 10, 2013.) Grade 11 and 12 KPU (Kwantlen Polytechnic University) Applications are available online in November. Kwantlen offers affiliation and trades scholarships as well as entrance scholarships. Must demonstrate leadership, citizenship, determination and effort. UFV (University of the Fraser Valley) Applications are available online March 15-May 10, 2014 Entrance scholarship GPA is calculated on grade 12 courses only. WGSS Scholarship Handbook TRU (Thompson River University) Applications are available online and are due by March 1, 2014. President‘s = top five academic grade 11 course marks, including EN & MA. Leadership Awards = minimum 80% + top five academic grade 11 marks, including EN & MA. TWU (Trinity Western University) $7000 for applicants that are 90%>. Application for Admission due by February 28, 2014. Music, Theatre, and Athletic Scholarships available through the departments Entrance scholarship information is up-to-date at time of printing. Please confirm dates, criteria, and amounts Page 4 Language Proficiency Index (L.P.I.) If you are planning to attend UBC, UVIC, SFU, UFV or any other BC post-secondary institution requiring an English pre-test, you will have to write a diagnostic English exam called the Language Proficiency Index. The results of this test are used to determine the English courses you will be permitted to register in. For example you will not be allowed to take any first year UBC English courses until you score at a level of 5 on this exam. Students attending the following institutes with the stated percent in either English 12 or English Literature 12 are exempt from writing the LPI: * UBC * UFV * SFU 80% 72% 75% Sittings for this exam occur at various places. YOU must register online at: www.lpitest.ca on post secondary websites. Loran Scholars — Excellence Awards Leadership, Character, and Service Award Applications are available in September; Due October 16, 2013 (sponsored applications); October 23, 2013 (direct pool applicants). Minimum cumulative average of 85%. Consider academics, leadership and community service. School must endorse sponsored applicants. Must plan to attend a participating university. Application Forms are available to download: http://loranscholar.ca/ Larger scholarships require evidence of commitment and community involvement, school service, volunteer work, music and/ or athletics and leadership. University Housing Remember that you must apply separately for housing. University application or scholarship awards do NOT automatically give you a place in the dorms. When you apply to university apply for housing at the same time if possible. Housing applications are separate and require a nonrefundable deposit. The ‘How To’s’ of Scholarship Applications 1. Make a database of all available scholarships: Identify the universities you are considering. Use scholarship and university websites to make a list of scholarships. Ask parents to check at their place of employment. On your list, note the deadlines. 2. Identify ‘Guaranteed’ Automatic Scholarships: Based solely on your high school marks and admissions. Usually you do not need to complete an application. Note the GPA required. 3. Meet Application Deadlines: Ensure that you meet the deadline. Ensure you have included all supporting documents requested. Give referees plenty of time to prepare references. Even guaranteed scholarships are dependant on you having applied to the university by a certain date. 4. Neatness Matters: Your completed application makes a statement about you. Spelling and grammar matter. Schedule your time to complete the application as though it were a major assignment. Ask teachers and parents to proofread. 5. Avoid Emailing or Faxing Your Application: Unless the university specifically states to email or fax. Your application should be posted by priority mail; this is also proof of the date that it was sent. WGSS Scholarship Handbook 6. Focus on Quality Rather Than Quantity: General essays should focus on a few activities rather than trying to address everything. It is easier to focus on two or three activities and describe your involvement and how you were affected. Discuss what you learned from your involvement. Provide examples to illustrate anything you are writing about. It makes your content more believable. Above all BE POSITIVE. 7. Help Your References: Principals, counsellors and teachers are busy! Provide a one-page ‗Student Profile‘. A cover page to the ‗Student Profile‘ should identify: * Program applying for. * Scholarship applying for. * Deadline of application. 8. Help Yourself: Start early! Keep an ongoing file of activities, accomplishments, awards, etc. If you need clarification about an application, call or email. 9. Keep a Hardcopy: Applications can get lost. Save work often. Computer failure will not excuse you from missing a deadline. 10. Know How to Find What You Need: Read criteria carefully and ask yourself ‗What are they looking for?‘ Some university websites provide details or profiles of former recipients of major scholarships. Do not hesitate to contact the university awards office and ask them what they are looking for in a successful candidate. Give them what they want! Follow the directions given on the application carefully. You will disqualify yourself if you do not! 11. Remember the Basics: Fit your answer to the scholarship criteria; use active verbs. Provide details of what you actually did. Always check your spelling and punctuation. When a letter about you is required for an application, include: A brief outline of your interests, hobbies and activities. A brief summary of positions and offices held by you in school and/or community organizations. A short statement of your purposes in seeking a postsecondary education. Information concerning awards, scholarships and prizes you have won in the past. Information regarding employment experience. Page 5 The Scholarship Autobiography The competition for scholarships is always intense. However, as the cost of a post-secondary education increases, the need to consider scholarships as one source of funding also increases. When completing a scholarship application, care must be taken to address all criteria and reflect accurately one‘s abilities. Awards Committees review the applications looking for the following criteria: Academic excellence. Exceptional involvement in activities within the school and/or community. Leadership in volunteer activity, athletics, or other group endeavours. Ability to write an interesting, error-free biographical or specific topic essay. Performance in external competitions or participation such as those in math, music, performing arts, science, written expression and other similar external involvement demonstrates application of knowledge. Letters of Reference: No more than two letters should be submitted unless otherwise indicated. Letters from teachers who are subject specialists are preferable. NOTE TO TEACHERS: When writing a letter of reference, teachers should compare applicants within the current graduating class and with students previously taught. When available, the rank of the applicant in the specific subject is also reviewed. The teacher should write using powerful and strong adjectives and descriptions. The Biographical Essay Required for major entrance scholarships. Comments from SFU: Go beyond the usual comments. Instead focus on the ways in which the event or essay topic has shaped your life, your beliefs, the values by which you live. Think about HOW the topic or event has had an impact on your attitude toward life, on your philosophy; think about the ways in which the future benefits are not only to you but the society that in part will be contributing to your university education. Your essay must stand out from others! Make it interesting, reflective of YOU! Make sure that your essay is correct – grammatical, sentence, and spelling errors are absolutely forbidden. Do have your essay edited by someone who knows how to write well! WGSS Scholarship Handbook Comments from UBC: The composition here is reviewed as an essay — so use paragraphs! Write about yourself in an interesting way. Accurately, uniquely and sincerely introduce yourself to the members of the scholarship committee. Resume format may be useful to develop the content for inclusion, but it is not competitive as a final format. Stick to the topic — develop one or two thoughts. Quality NOT quantity ! Correct grammatical construction and spelling are essential. Page 6 Skills/Personal Attributes/Interests This category can be broken down into separate areas if need be. Include computer skills, languages spoken, positive attributes (e.g. those highlighted on the Myers-Briggs test) etc. Work Experience Paid work experience from summer or continuing jobs. In your comments, strive to strike a balance which does not create an impression of arrogance, but which also does not seem overly modest. Striking this balance in such a way that you convey your unique abilities and aspirations in an honest, sincere voice will require more than one draft. Student Profile: The personal profile is essential when you wish to ask teachers or other people to write reference letters for you. They will require details in order to write an informed and character-rich reference letter. Use the outline below to get started. WGSS Scholarship Student Profile Brainstorm relevant data in each of the following categories (title and time period of involvement): Academic Achievements Include all grades or percentages, awards, Honour/ Effort roll standings, grade point average, etc. Record any competitions entered and your placing, science fairs, math contests, etc. Mention any placements in AP or Honours classes, or classes taken outside of school hours (e.g.: French Summer Language Bursary Program). School Involvement List all school volunteer experience (give some explanation). Include membership in any school-based clubs or committees (e.g. Humanitarian Club, GQ Ambassador, Environmental Club, Student Council, etc.). Community Involvement Include membership in community groups, church groups, etc. (e.g. volunteer firefighter, United Way Youth Committee, canvassing for various charitable groups, etc.). Any volunteer work in which you have been involved (e.g. summer day camps). Seminars/Conferences Attended Record anything attended in or out of town (e.g. Holocaust Symposium, United Nations Model Summits, Red Cross Training, Food Safe, ICBC Conferences, anything subject-related, etc.). Volunteer: Many scholarship committees expect a candidate to have volunteer work. They often look over your high school years to see that you have made a consistent effort to contribute to your community. Scholarship & Financial Aid Websites There are a number of websites where students can put in specific information about themselves and their plans and then the search engine provides them with a list of potential scholarships to review. Here are some of the many sites students and their parents have found helpful in the past. bced.gov.bc.ca/awards scholarshipscanada.com studentaidbc.ca studentawards.com studentawardssearch.com studentscholarships.org keytoscholarships.com aadnc-aandc.gc.ca (scholarships for aboriginal students) academicinvest.com wgss.ca/scholarships WGSS Scholarship Handbook Page 7 Powerful Tools Career Cruising www.careercruising.com, (User WALNUT, Password GATOR) Program outlining career explorations/post secondary Education Planner www.educationplanner.bc.ca Search for information on over 1700 programs offered at BC‘s 28 public post-secondary institutions Apply to BC Post-Secondary https://applybc.ca/ Apply for public post-secondary on- line Career Tests www.jobsetc.ca Campus Programs www.campusprogram.com/canada Search for information on Canadian post secondary options Schools in Canada www.schoolsincanada.com Search by program and location CanLearn www.canlearn.ca Funding for education Industrial Training Authority (ITA) www.itabc.ca Information on apprenticeship training on trades and technology Career Paths www.careerpathsonline.com 41 Personality Questions www.41q.com Type Focus www.careers.typefocus.com UBC Cost Calculator http://you.ubc.ca/tuition-scholarships/cost/costcalculator/ U of A Cost Calculator http://apps.admissions.ualberta.ca/costcalculator/ static/public/index.html TWU Cost Calculator https://twu.studentaidcalculator.com/survey.aspx Work BC www.workbc.ca Occupational outlooks, employment trends and facts; predicts labour market demands TD Student Budget Planner http://www.tdcanadatrust.com/products-services/ banking/student-life/spending-smart/spendingsmart.jsp BC Transfer Guide http://bccat.ca/ Transfer tips within BC post-secondary system E.g. college to university Credit Union Budget www.creditcanada.com/money-management/ College Board Online www.collegeboard.org/ American high schools, colleges, and universities. SAT information CollegeNET http://www.collegenet.com/ Guide to the application process in the US General Information for Study in US http://edupass.org Guide to admissions, financial aid, visas, housing, travel. Peterson’s Guide www.petersons.com Search schools based on location, major, tuition, sports. Practice tests for admissions Royal Bank Student Finance Calculator www.rbcroyalbank.com/student/budgetcalculator/ WGSS Scholarship Handbook Page 8 Post-Secondary Institutions British Columbia Universities Royal Roads: www.royalroads.ca SFU: www.sfu.ca SFU Surrey: www.surrey.sfu.ca UBC: www.ubc.ca UBC Okanagan www.okanagan.ubc.ca UNBC: www.unbc.ca UVIC: www.uvic.ca TRU: www.tru.ca TWU: www.twu.ca Opening Learning: www.ola.bc.ca Capilano: www.capu.ca Kwantlen: www.kwantlen.ca Vancouver Island: www.viu.ca Emily Carr University: www.ecuad.ca UFV: www.ufv.ca Quest University: www.questu.ca Institutes Art Institute of Vancouver: www.artinstitutes.edu/vancouver/ BCIT: www.bcit.ca Center for Digital Imaging and Sound: www.artschool.com Justice Institute of BC: www.jibc.bc.ca Nicola Valley Institute: www.nvit.bc.ca Vancouver Film School: www.vfs.com CDI: www.cdicollege.com VCC: www.vancol.com Colleges Camosun College: www.camosun.bc.ca New Caledonia: www.cnc.bc.ca College of the Rockies: www.cotr.bc.ca Douglas College: www.douglas.bc.ca Langara College: www.langara.bc.ca North Island College: www.nic.bc.ca Northern Lights College: www.nlc.bc.ca Northwest Community: www.nwcc.bc.ca Selkirk College: www.selkirk.bc.ca Vancouver Community: www.vcc.bc.ca Other Canadian Universities and Colleges Alberta Athabasca University: www.athabascau.ca The King‘s U/College: www.kingsu.ab.ca University of Alberta: www.ualberta.ca University of Calgary: www.ucalgary.ca University of Lethbridge: www.uleth.ca Saskatchewan University of Regina: U. of Saskatchewan: www.uregina.ca www.usask.ca Manitoba Brandon University: www.brandonu.ca Manitoba Brandon University: U. of Manitoba: U. of Winnipeg: www.brandonu.ca www.umanitoba.ca www.uwinnipeg.ca Ontario Apply to Ontario: www.ouac.on.ca Brock University: www.brocku.ca Carleton University: www.carleton.ca Lakehead University: www.lakeheadu.ca Laurentian University: www.laurentian.ca McMaster University: www.mcmaster.ca Nipissing University: www.nipissingu.ca Queen‘s University: www.queensu.ca Ryerson Polytechnic: www.acs.ryerson.ca Trent University: www.trentu.ca University of Guelph: www.uoguelph.ca University of Ottawa: www.uottawa.ca University of Toronto: www.utoronto.ca University of Waterloo: www.uwaterloo.ca U. of Western Ontario: www.uwo.ca University of Windsor: www.uwindsor.ca Wilfrid Laurier University: www.wlu.ca York University: www.yorku.ca Apply to Ontario: www.ouac.on.ca Quebec Bishop‘s U: Concordia University: McGill University: www.ubishops.ca/index.asp www.concordia.ca www.mcgill.ca New Brunswick Mount Allison University: www.mta.ca St. Thomas University: w3.stu.ca/stu/default.aspx U. of New Brunswick: www.unb.ca Nova Scotia Acadia University: www.acadiau.ca Dalhousie University: www.dal.ca Mount Saint Vincent U: www.msvu.ca Nova Scotia College of Art and Design: www.nscad.ns.ca St. Francis Xavier University: www.stfx.ca Saint Mary‘s University: www.stmarys.ca U/College Cape Breton: www.uccb.ns.ca U. of King‘s College: www.ukings.ns.ca Prince Edward Island University of PEI: www.upei.ca Newfoundland Memorial University of Newfoundland: www.mun.ca Unilingual Francophone Universities Universite Laval: www.ulaval.ca Universite de Moncton: www.umoncton.ca WGSS Scholarship Handbook Page 9 Walnut Grove Secondary Scholarships (Subject to change) Source Criteria Amount Alex Hope Elementary PAC Post-Secondary – one male, one female; must have attended AH $750 x2 Alf & Mary Sandgren Memorial Scholarship Post-Secondary $1000 x2 Brett Wallace Memorial Bursary $1000 Centra Windows Award Post-Secondary – preference for hospitality, home ec, tourism, chef training Post-Secondary – trades (construction, glazing, windows) Doreen King Memorial Post-Secondary – art-related field $500 Dorothy Peacock Elementary PAC Post-Secondary – at least one year at DP $500 Ed Izrael Memorial Scholarship Post-Secondary $500 Gordon Greenwood PAC Post-Secondary – must have been a student for at least two years in the intermediate years (Gr. 5-7) at GG Post-Secondary – must have attended West Langley for at least Gr. 7 Post-Secondary $1000 Post-Secondary – need $1000 Heather Van Egdom Memorial (West Langley Parent Association) James Kennedy Elementary Parents Advisory Award Called ―Brian Ganske Memorial‖; ―Susan Garvin Memorial‖ Jamming‘ 4 Jay Charitable Society Scholarship Langley Elks Langley Loafers Hot Rod Club $1000 $750 $500 x2 $500 $750 Langley Scholarship Committee Award Post-Secondary – majored in automotive related technical training field dealing with engines; finalizes must submit summary of postsecondary plans University or vocational training; need a factor - preference for student with some affiliation with Oddfellows or Rebekahs Post-Secondary – student must write an essay; will be chosen by the Rotary Club from all Langley school applicants University training Mary Wright Tribute Award Post-Secondary $500 McDonald‘s – PSA Youth Empowering Youth Award Post-Secondary – PSA for 2 years, including facilitating workshops $500 MJM Studios Post-Secondary $1100 x2 Norlang Automotive Technology Scholarship $500 Sophie Robb Memorial Post-Secondary – 2 years in senior auto courses; enrolled in auto trades course; preference to Auto 12 student Post-Secondary – field of fine arts (art, dance, music, theatre) Susan Kovach Science Memorial Scholarship Post-Secondary – majored in science and continuing in science $500 The Waska Memorial Scholarship Post-Secondary – lives in Ft Langley east of Wright Road $500 Topham Elementary PAC Post-Secondary – winner will have taken Japanese at Topham and in Gr. 9-11 University or vocational training $1000 $500 WG 50+ Seniors‘ Network Post-Secondary – for special needs student who is thoughtful, considerate and entering a program to help their life Post-Secondary – involved in the Steve Nash basketball program for two years Post-Secondary WG Buy-Low Award Post-Secondary – business career $500 WG Excellence in Business Award $500 WG Lions Scholarship Post-Secondary – business career; B in at least 3 business courses, volunteer or paid work for WG business Post-Secondary – at least one to an enterprising student WG Parents Advisory Council Award Post-Secondary $500 WG Senior Citizens Luncheon Post-Secondary WG Student Council Scholarship Post-Secondary $500 Wild Bird Unlimited Award Post-Secondary – environmental, nature, or biology $100 Langley Oddfellows Scholarship Langley Rotary Club Scholarship Township of Langley Bursaries Tyler McLaren Memorial Award Tyler McLaren North Langley Basketball Scholarship $400 $1000 $200 $500 $750 x2 $500 $1000 x3 WGSS Scholarship Handbook Page 10 Scholarships Open to More Than One School in Langley (Subject to change) Source Criteria Amount Aldergrove Minor Hockey League Scholarship Member for 4-5 years of Aldergrove Minor Hockey League; sportsmanship part of the criteria Must have attended Alice Brown $1000 x2 Former member of junior bantam, bantam or midget team in minor football league or cheerleading; Langley for 2 years; midget football in Gr. 11 and/or 12 Must be son, daughter or grandchild of active Beta Sigma Phil member in Langley area Post-Secondary - former little brother/little sister in Langley area; teen mentor Law enforcement career (RCMP, police, paramedic, customs, fisheries, or jail guard) Post-Secondary – high academic achievement; leader in school and community activities; financial need Son/daughter or relative of CUPE 1260 member – two awards for academic students & two for trades or fine arts Post-Secondary – attended CFE (intermediate grades) $500 University or vocational – preference to CUPE member or relative Post-Secondary – must be financial need & disadvantaged background Veterinary training or related field $300 x2 $125 x2 Harris & Company Law 12 Scholarship Post-Secondary – resided in Ft. Langley for Gr. 7 Vocational – resided in Ft. Langley for Gr. 7 Open to students who live north of the freeway in Ft. Langley or WG area Post-secondary - top Law 12 mark John Neil McLeod Scholarship Nursing $400 Kiwanis Scholarship Post-Secondary – special needs (hearing/sight impaired) $750 Langley Chamber of Commerce Post-Secondary – 1 male+1 female – business student; two aircraft maintenance candidates Citizenship – major contribution/service to school and community service; GPA Enrolled in post-secondary course related to Home Ec or equivalent program (child care, nursing, social work, etc.); must have taken at least two Home Ec related courses in senior grades Nurses training or other medical field $500 x2 $500 x2 $200 Post-Secondary $500 x2 Post-Secondary – must reside in W-196; N-Freeway, Sborder, E-216 To graduates entering teaching career – one per high school $200 $500 Rae Featherstonhaugh Music Scholarship Preference to civic-minded student in school/community service Music student – chosen by Music Teachers Association Richard Bulpitt Award – sponsored by DPAC Essay contest – winner decided by DPAC $500 Robert Shewan Memorial Scholarship Post-Secondary – community-minded student leader $1000 x2 Rotary Exceptional Scholarship Post-Secondary – for handicapped person planning career in Sp. Ed. or field related to handicapped Must have attended SE for 2 years of intermediate grades $500 x2 Alice Brown Elementary PAC Associated Minor Football League of Langley Beta Sigma Phil Scholarship Big Brothers/Big Sisters Scholarship Brent Barbour Memorial Scholarship – sponsored by Organized Crime Agency of BC Britco Scholarship Bus Drivers & Clerical Workers – CUPE Local 1260 Coghlan Fundamental Elementary PAC Scholarship CUPE Local 1851 Memorial Scholarship Denny Ross Memorial Scholarship Dr. & Mrs. J.G. Jervis Memorial Scholarship Fort Langley Elementary PAC Ft. Langley Jr. Sec. Reunion Trust Scholarship Langley Civic Scholarship Langley District Home Economics Teachers Scholarship Langley Memorial Hospital Auxiliaries Council Langley Principals/Vice-Principals Association Award Langley Provincial NDP Constituency Award Langley Retired Teachers Scholarship Phelps Community Society Simonds Elementary Memorial Scholarship $500 $250 $1000 $750 x2 $1750 x3 $500 x4 $500 $500 $300 $400 $200 $300 $1000 $500 x9 $685 $500 WGSS Scholarship Handbook Page 11 Scholarship Opportunities Check deadline date one month in advance of the date listed – deadlines listed may change. September B.C. Principals & Vice-Principals www.bcpvpa.bc.ca/node/10 October Jack Webster Foundation www.jackwebster.com/awards/student.php CN Scholarship for Women www.cn.ca/en/careers-offer-scholarships.htm TD Canada Trust www.tdcanadatrust.com/scholarship Loran Award www.loranaward.ca University of Toronto www.adm.utoronto.ca/awards/the-national-and-arbor-scholarshipprogram/ November Burger King www.bkmclamorefoundation.org/WhatWeDo/ScholarsProgram December UBC MES https://you.ubc.ca/ubc/vancouver/mes.ezc Violet Richardson Award http://www.soroptimist.org/whoweare/program-violet-richardsonaward.html http://www.queensu.ca/studentawards/financialassistance/ admissionscholarships/major.html http://www.parl.gc.ca/Employment/House/PageProgram/pp_welcomee.htm www.unbc.ca/financial-aid/awards-guide Queen's University Entrance Page Program House of Commons UNBC Early Admission Leadership Award B.C. Cowboy Heritage Society www.bcchs.com/scholarships.html January Dogwood District February TD Community Leaders Scholarship Application available from WGSS Counselling Centre in January; application due before Spring Break www.tdcanadatrust.com/products-services/banking/student-life/index.jsp Toyota Earth Day www.earthday.ca/scholarship BCCPAC Award www.bccpac.bc.ca/awards-studentadult Kin Canada Bursaries bursary.ca Terry Fox Humanitarian terryfoxawards.ca Pearson United World Colleges (Grade 11) SFU – Entrance Awards www.pearsoncollege.ca/ UVIC Entrance Awards http://registrar.uvic.ca/safa/scholarships/entrancescholarships.html Dogwood District Application must be completed and handed in before Spring Break TRU Entrance Awards www.tru.ca/finaid/awards.html Canadian Association of Principals http://cdnprincipals.student-leadership-award/org/cap- ReMax Quest for Excellence Program www.remax/ western.ca/4002_quest_for_excellence.html Kwantlen Entrance Awards www.kwantlen.bc.ca/awards/entrance_scholarship.html Leonard Foundation www.leonardfnd.org Miller Thomson Foundation BC Soccer Association www.millerthomson.com/en/our-firm/community-commitment/mtfoundation/overview www.bcsoccer.net/scholarships Greyhound Lines http://scholarship4u.info/greyhound-lines-scholarship-program/ BC School Sports www.bcschoolsports.ca/recognition/scholarships Prospera Credit Union www.prospera.ca/SharedContent/documents/sh_EAP_Brochure.pdf March http://students.sfu.ca/financialaid.html WGSS Scholarship Handbook April April Walmart Community Scholarship BC Amateur Hockey BC School Superintendents Association Croatian Cultural Coast Capital Savings Envision Girl Guides of Canada Van City BC Hydro Youth in Action Westminster Savings B.C. School Trustees Association May June July Page 12 www.walmartcanada.ca/Assets/Content/forms/community_scholarship.pdf www.bchockey.net www.bcssa.org www.croatiancentre.com www.coastcapitalsavings.com www.envisionfinancial.ca www.girlguides.ca www.vancity.com www.bchydro.com/scholarships www.wscu.com/Personal/InOurCommunity/ YouthInAction/Scholarships/ www.bcsta.org Italian Cultural Centre Art Institute of Vancouver School Plant Officials Associations WGSS and Open Scholarships of BC www.italianculturalcentre.ca www.aiv.aii.edu www.spoabc.org B.C. Arts Council Canadian Tourism College Garfield Weston Merit for Colleges www.bcartscouncil.ca www.tourismcollege.com www.gwmsc.ca Langley Arts Council Otter Co-Op RBC Royal Bank Financial Vancouver Police (Chief R.J. Canuel) www.ecuad.ca/studentservices/financial/external_scholarships http://ottercoop.com/index.php?id=55 www.rbcroyalbank.com/lifeskills/ www.vancouverpolicemuseum.ca Automotive Training Centre B.C. Epilepsy Society Scholarship B.C. Paraplegic Foundation www.autotrainingcentre.com/start/Scholarships.asp www.bcepilepsy.com www.bcpara.org Teletoon www.teletoon.com BCGEU www.bcgeu.ca/member_resources_scholar B.C. Inline Hockey Association www.bciha.com CSSA Canadian Medical Hall of Fame www.cssa.com www.cdnmedhall.org Canadian Printing Industries www.cpia-aci.ca National Union of Public & General Employees Professional Engineers & Geoscientists of B.C. (Engineering at UBC, SFU or UVic) UBC Affiliation Monsanto Nurse Education Bursary www.nupge.ca University of Alberta BCIT Khalsa Credit Union www.registrar.ualberta.ca/awards www.bcit.ca www.khalsacreditunion.ca www.apeg.bc.ca www.students.ubc.ca www.monsanto.ca www.aved.gov.bc.ca/studentaidbc/specialprograms/nursebursary.htm
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