Syrian refugees in Lebanon Secondary and tertiary health care, January ‒ April 2014 Photo credit: McConnell/UNHCR UNHCR’s public health approach is based on the primary health care (PHC) strategy. In Lebanon, the government provides services through the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) and the Ministry of Social Affairs with nationals paying part of the cost. In addition, PHC services are provided by private practitioners, local and international NGOs and other charities. Public secondary and tertiary health care institutions in Lebanon are semi-autonomous and referral care is expensive. Not all adhere strictly to the MOPH flat rate for hospital care. To harmonise access to secondary health care and manage costs, UNHCR has put in place referral guidelines in Lebanon. The costs covered by UNHCR vary by estimated cost of care, vulnerability status, and type of care (e.g. emergency life-saving, obstetric, medical and surgical). For estimated costs of USD <1500, 75% of costs are covered and the refugees cover the remaining 25%. If estimated costs are USD ≥1500 or refugees present outside the pre-approved hospital network, partner agencies are required to consult with UNHCR. Emergency UNHCR approval is strictly for immediate life-saving or limb-saving cases. UNHCR refers all nonemergency cases to an Exceptional Care Committe that is responsible for authorisation of coverage. For the extremely vulnerable refugees, UNHCR covers 100% of the costs. Key findings • Between January and April 2014, there were 19,214 referrals for secondary and tertiary health care in Lebanon; referrals by region were Bekaa 6,615 (34%), North Lebanon 4,922 (26%), Beirut and Mt Lebanon 4,471 (23%) and South Lebanon 3,206 (17%). • The referral rate was 5.7 per 100 refugees per year; the rate for 2013 was 7.9 per 100 refugees per year. • Referrals were reported from 88 hospitals across the country. The top 20 hospitals accounted for 78% of referral. The proportion of referrals to contracted hospitals by region was Beirut and Mt Lebanon 60%, Bekaa 86%, North Lebanon 86% and South Lebanon 78%. • Approx. 70% of patients were female and a quarter (25%) were among children younger than 5 years old. Considering that only 52% of the population is female, the disproportionate referral among females is due to referrals for obstetric care including deliveries. • About 48% of referrals were for obstetric care. Other main reasons for referrals were respiratory infections (9%), and trauma and other injuries (6%). Among obstetric care referrals, main reasons for seeking care were deliveries (84%), miscarriages and other early pregnancy complications, and complications of labour and delivery. Among hospital deliveries, the proportion of caeserean deliveries was 27% ‒ a decline from the 33% observed in 2013. A peak in referrals due to respiratory infections was observed in Bekaa in February. • The estimated total hospital bill for January to April 2014 was USD 11.3 million. The estimated share of the cost for UNHCR was 8.3 million (73%). The finalised bill for January to April referrals (as of 23 May 2014) was USD 3.3 million. The estimated annualised per capita hospital cost was USD 37 per registered refugee. Per capita cost was highest in South Lebanon (USD 46) and lowest in North Lebanon (USD 34). • The average hospital cost per referral was USD 606; the highest average cost was observed among cases with neonatal or congenital conditions (USD 1,774). • Adjusted for disease category, gender and age, the average cost among the top 20 hospitals was lowest at Hermel hospital 19,214 17,874 Number of refugees referred between January and April 2014 16,769 925 referred once referred twice 137 43 referred thrice referred 4 or more times Relationship Total number of referrals between with principal January and April 2014 applicant 17,321 33 1,860 approved directly or by ECC* approved after consultations with UNHCR not approved** *ECC: exceptional care committee tasked with reviewing referrals exceeding USD 1500 **Did not meet guideliness as per Standard Operating Procedure 1. Demographic information - Referrals Beirut and Mt Lebanon Bekaa 350,000 350,0 00 1700 1700 300,000 referrals between January and April 6,615 Number of referrals 300, 000 1500 1500 1300 1300 200,000 20 0,00 0 1100 1100 150,000 150,0 00 900 900 100,000 100, 000 700 referrals in Bekaa 250,000 250 ,000 50,000 700 50, 000 500 0 0 500 Population referrals in Beirut & Mt Lebanon 4,922 referrals in North South 350,0 00 1700 Referrals 350,000 1700 300,000 300, 000 1500 1500 250,000 250 ,000 Number of referrals 4,471 North Registered Syrian refugees 19,214 Trends of referrals and population by region 1300 1300 200,000 20 0,00 0 1100 1100 150,000 150,0 00 900 900 100,000 100, 000 700 50, 000 500 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr 50,000 700 Registered Syrian refugees 1.1 Referral cases 0 500 Jan Feb Mar Apr 3,206 referrals in South 1.2 Gender Cases by age and gender 70.3% Female 1.3 Age group 24.5% were under 5 years 14.4% were under 1 years 1.2 Approval status 90.2% Approved Distribution by region General exclusions North 26% 0.2% Approved after consultations 9.7% Not approved Reasons referrals were not approved Cancelled by provider Double referral Bekaa 34% Missing Documents 45.7% Covered by other insurance company Other* 35.0% South 17% 12.8% Beirut and Mt Lebanon 23% 2.6% 2.0% *Other: includes presentating outside network, abuse, waiting 1.8% 2. Distribution by diagnosis 2.1 Referral reasons Distribution of referral cases by diagnosis category Number of referred cases 48.0% 0 Obstetric Respiratory infections Trauma and other injuries Gastrointestinal condition Neonatal or congenital condition Cardiovascular disease Chronic respiratory disease Surgery Hematological conditions Nephro/urological disease FUO Hepatobiliary disease Neoplasm (malignant or benign) Gynaecological Diabtetes and other endocrinological di Neurology Mental health condition Other were referred for Obstetric care 9.2% were referred for Respiratory infections 6.3% were referred for Trauma and other injuries 5.9% 4.7% were referred for Neonatal or congenital condition 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 48.0% 9.2% 6.3% 5.9% 4.7% 4.3% 3.9% 2.3% 2.2% 2.1% 1.6% 1.5% 0.9% 0.9% 0.6% 0.6% 0.5% 4.4% Trends of admissions due to respiratory infections by region 80 70 Number of referrals were referred for Gastrointestinal condition 2,000 60 50 40 30 20 10 2.2 What were the obstetric referrals? 61.5% for Normal delivery 22.8% 0 1 2 3 4 for Miscarriages and other early pregnancy complications 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Epidemiological week 2014 Beirut and Mt Lebanon Bekaa North South Reasons for obstetric referrals Caeserean section 23% Miscarriages and other early pregnancy complications 6% Complications of labour and delivery 2% for Caeserean section 5.7% 5 Normal delivery 61% Other pregnancy related conditions 8% 17 18 3. Hospital receiving referrals 3.1 Hospital counts Proportion of referrals utilising contracted* hospitals 88 hospitals received referrals 60 Beirut and Mt Lebanon Bekaa 85.7% 60.4% hospitals received referrals from Bekaa 69 hospitals received referrals from Beirut & Mt Leb South North 57 hospitals received referrals from North 78.4% 86.2% 56 hospitals received referrals from South 3.2 Referrals by hospital *contracted hospitals list as per the "Guidelines for Referral Health Care in Lebanon, UNHCR 2014" Total referrals for the top 20 hospitals Number of referred cases 2793 received by Taanayel general hospital 1351 received by Notre dame de la Paix 1271 received by Tripoli gov hospital 1229 received by Rafic Hariri hospital 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Taanayel general hospital Notre dame de la Paix Tripoli gov hospital Rafic Hariri hospital sahel hospital farhat hospital salam hospital al rayan hospital nabih berry university lebanese italian hospital saida gov hospital iklim health foundation mazloum hospital chtaura hospital kassab hospital doctor's hospital - manara dr. abdallah rassi gov hospital bekaa hospital hermel gov hospital raee hospital Beirut and Mt Lebanon Bekaa North South 2500 3000 4. Costs snapshot by approval status and service provided 11,858,584 Referral accepted 13,564,526 11,304,048 Referral accepted 11,325,232 136,229 Accepted after consultations with UNHCR Total original claim 21,184** Accepted after consultations with UNHCR Total approved* claim 1,569,813 Declined 0 Declined *accepted cost of referral. Includes patient share. Not all costs are final **some costs may still be in review and are therefore not included. 8,264,977 Accepted 3,039,373 8,285,859 UNHCR share of cost nonUNHCR* share of cost 20,882 Accepted after consultations with UNHCR 3,039,071 Accepted 3,264,862 Accepted 3,264,862 Finalised bills as of 23 May 2014 302 Accepted after consultations with UNHCR 0 Accepted after consultations with UNHCR *non-UNHCR share is cost borne by patients, charities, NGOs, hospital etc Finalised bills as of 23 May 2014 by provided service RADIOLOGICAL OR LAB INVESTIGATION 7% PRESCRIPTIONS/TREATMENT CONSULTATIONS 11% 8% INVASIVE PROCEDURES AND/OR SURGERY 12% Finalised bills by service provided (USD 3,264,862) GENERAL HOSPITALIZATION COSTS 50% INTENSIVE CARE 12% 50% 10% 49% 13% 13% 7% 8% 11% BEIRUT AND MT LEBANON 51% 49% 12% 12% 9% 6% 13% BEKAA 13% 11% 7% 6% 12% NORTH 11% 13% 6% 7% SOUTH CONSULTATIONS GENERAL HOSPITALIZATION COSTS INTENSIVE CARE INVASIVE PROCEDURES AND/OR SURGERY PRESCRIPTIONS/TREATMENT RADIOLOGICAL OR LAB INVESTIGATION 5. Costs snapshot for key diagnosis categories by service provided. Total finalised bill in parenthesis DIABTETES AND OTHER CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE (USD 450,158) CHRONIC RESPIRATORY DISEASE (USD 122,598) FUO (USD 14,283) ENDOCRINOLOGICAL DISEASES (USD 33,717) 50.6% 21.9% 15.3% 11.7% 18.0% 10.9%9.5% 6.5% 4.7% GASTROINTESTINAL CONDITION (USD 197,179) 12.3%12.1% 32.6% 29.7% 26.6% 20.6% 17.5%19.5% 17.3% 12.8% 12.2% 20.5% 15.0% 1.1% 1.0% HEMATOLOGICAL CONDITIONS (USD 46,575) HEPATOBILIARY DISEASE (USD 65,692) MENTAL HEALTH CONDITION (USD 21,244) 62.0% 37.2% 38.5% 26.5% 21.6% 16.2% 12.3% 10.0% 17.5% 2.8% NEONATAL OR CONGENITAL CONDITION (USD 505,675) 13.6% 1.2% 2.6% NEOPLASM (MALIGNANT OR BENIGN) (USD 31,682) 13.3% 6.6% 1.4% 10.2% 6.5% 22.3% 19.9%22.0% 16.0% 12.9% 6.9% NEPHRO/UROLOGICAL DISEASE (USD 81,088) NEUROLOGY (USD 28,348) 60.2% 47.9% 29.8% 22.5% 18.1% 20.9% 10.2%9.1% 6.9% 5.0% OBSTETRIC (USD 1,947,404) 5.4% 11.4%11.4% 9.6% 2.0% 16.6% 9.5% 3.6% RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS (USD 473,305) SURGERY (USD 70,086) 97.4% 23.4% 21.1%18.5% 13.9% 12.6% 10.6% TRAUMA AND OTHER INJURIES (USD 211,621) 96.1% 68.3% 0.6% 0.1% 0.9% 0.5% 0.5% 25.8% 20.4% 19.8% 15.2% 14.6% 4.2% 1.4% 0.6% 0.2% 0.4% 1.4% 7.7% 4.0% 6.1% 5.9% 7.9% CONSULTATIONS GENERAL HOSPITALIZATION COST INTENSIVE CARE INVASIVE PROCEDURES AND/OR SURGERY PRESCRIPTIONS/TREATMENT RADIOLOGICAL OR LAB INVESTIGATION 6. Estimated direct hospital costs of referrals 35.7% UNHCR 1 3.0 0.95 2.5 0.9 2.0 0.85 85.7% 1.5 81.9% 85.1% 84.3% 0.8 1.0 Population in millions 1.05 8.1% 0.75 Proportion for whom UNHCR paid at least 90% of cost Apr Estimated proportion paid by UNHCR partners Total Mar 73.2% Population Feb Estimated total hospital bill in USD 3.5 Jan 11,325,232 Estimated total hospital cost and estimated proportion paid by UNHCR by month Estimated total cost, US dollars in Millions 6.1 Overall Estimated proportion paid for obstetric care Percent of hospital costs above USD 1500 by approval status 8.3% Estimated proportion paid for surgery including for trauma and other injuries 6% 40% Approved directly or by ECC Approved after consultations with UNHCR 5% 13.6% Estimated proportion paid for neonatal and congenital conditions 6.2 Average costs Estimated average hospital cost per referral by diagnosis category 606 Average cost in USD per referral 1,774 Highest average cost observed in cases with Neonatal or congenital condition 368 Average cost in USD for normal delivery Average cost in USD for caeserian section Estimated mean cost of referrals, US dollars 500 1000 1500 0 Neonatal or congenital… 1,774 Cardiovascular disease 1,608 Neoplasm (malignant or… 1,219 Neurology 1,050 Diabtetes and other… 865 Surgery 730 Hepatobiliary disease 699 Mental health condition 685 Trauma and other injuries 680 Nephro/urological disease 676 Chronic respiratory disease 674 Gynaecological 605 Respiratory infections Gastrointestinal condition 675.8 Not approved Obstetric Hematological conditions FUO 556 481 469 361 298 2000 7.Costs and referrals per capita 37 Estimated annualised per capita hospital cost in USD 34 estimated annualised per capita hospital cost for Bekaa 3.5 1,200,000 3 1,000,000 2.5 800,000 2 600,000 1.5 400,000 1 200,000 0.5 0 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 41 34 estimated annualised per capita hospital cost for North 46 estimated annualised per capita hospital cost for South 7.2 Average costs 822 Adjusted average cost estimate for Rafic Hariri hospital Beirut Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Bekaa North South 250 Beirut Bekaa 200 North 150 South Overall 100 50 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Adjusted average cost estimate for Bekaa hospital bekaa hospital Adjusted average cost estimate for Al Rayan hospital 552 rafic hariri university hospital 822 563 chtaura hospital 631 al rayan hospital 680 raee hospital 600 616 633 602 622 590 579 notre dame de la paix hospital iklim health foundation sahel hospital farhat hospital nabih berry hospital saida gov hospital 512 478 lebanese italian hospital (najem) salam hospital 383 Adjusted average cost estimate for Hermel hospital 561 529 500 taanayel general hospital dr. abdallah rassi gov hermel gov hospital doctor's hospital - manara Other 1000 775 kassab hospital tripoli governmental hospital 680 Feb Mar Apr Average costs by hospital (adjusted for disease category, gender, and age) Estimated mean cost of referrals, US dollars 0 200 400 600 800 mazloum hospital 775 Overall Trends of per capita hospital cost by region since January 2013 Annualized estimated per capita hospital costs, USD estimated annualised per capita hospital cost for Beirut & Mt Lebanon Population Jul 383 396 666 Crude mean Adjusted mean Registered Syrian refugee population Trends of referrals by region since January 2013 Number of referrals per 100 refugees per month 7.1 Overall Note: The information presented is based on the most recent and best available data. We are grateful to the Lebanese Ministry of Public Health, UNHCR Lebanon, the International Medical Corps, Makhzoumi Foundation, Caritas Lebanese Migrant Centre, GlobMed and other local and international actors for providing services and/or data. Analysis of data and preparation of information sheets was carried out by UNHCR Public Health Section, Geneva. UNHCR and its partners will continually update and, where necessary, modify the data and analysis provided, in order to ensure that the most current and accurate view is available to key stakeholders and the public.
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