183 〈報 告〉 MyResearch,MySubject ‐ComparativeResearchonReligious InstitutionandLaw‐ NobuyasuKojima 「マ イ ・ リサ ー チ 、 マ イ ・サ ブ ジ ェ ク ト ー 筆 者 は 本 年4月1E1よ 宗 教 制 度 と法 に 関 す る比 較 研 究 一 」 り1年 間 、 イ ギ リ ス の ロ ン ド ン 大 学 ・TheSchoolof Orienta且andAfricanStudies(SOAS)のLawandSocialSciences学 Schoo且ofLaw学 科 にVisitingScholarと 部 ・ し て 在 籍 して い る 。SOASは 英 国 に お け る ア ジ ア 、 ア フ リカ研 究 の 拠 点 で あ り、著 名 な 日本 人 法 制 史 家 が 留 学 し た 大 学 と して も知 られ て い る。 筆 者 は 渡 英 の 前 後 に 、 こ れ ま で 日本 で 行 っ て き た 浅 草 寺 に 関 す る法 史 学 研 究 お よ び 宗 教 制 度 と 法 に 関 す る 今 後 の 研 究 課 題 に つ い て エ ッ セ ー を 執 簑 した が 、 幸 い に もSOASの Sciences学 関 係 教 員 等 に こ れ を 報 告 す る 機 会 を 得 た 。LawandSocial 部 の 学 部 長MatthewCraven教 長LynnWelchman教 授 、SchoolofLaw学 科 の学 科 授 に は 、 そ れ ぞ れ 研 究 室 を 訪 問 して 口 頭 で 報 告 を行 っ た 上 で 以 下 に掲 載 す る エ ッセ ー を後 日、提 出 した。 両 教 授 は 筆 者 の エ ッセ ー に関 心 を 持 っ て く だ さ り、 学 部 お よ び 学 科 の 関 係 教 員 に そ れ ぞ れ こ れ を お 送 り く だ さった。 筆 者 はSOASのTheJapanResearchCentre(JRC)の し て お り、 所 長 のAngusLockyer博 研 究 活 動 に も参 加 士 に も 同 エ ッ セ ー を 報 告 す る こ とが で き た 。 そ の 他 、 招 待 して い た だ い たTheOxfordInternationalEncyclopedia !84 ofLegalHistory(ELH)の BrookesUniversityの (QC)に 出 版 記 念 レ セ プ シ ョ ン で 知 遇 を 得 た 、Oxford 法 律 学 科 長MeryllDean教 任 命 さ れ たCardiffUniversityのMarkHill名 CoHegeLondonの 誉 教 授 、University 副 法 学 部 長 のAndrewLewis教 VHumanities't部 のPeterFlugel博 Law学 授 、本 年QueenIsCoullsel 科 のWernerF.Menski教 お 渡 し した 。ELHで 士 授 、SOASのArtsand 、 筆 者 が 所 属 す るSOASのSchoolof 授 等 に も 内 容 を お 伝 え した 上 で 同 エ ッ セ ー を 長文 の 「日本 法 」 に 関 す る 項 目 を 執 筆 さ れ たDean教 授 は、 筆 者 の大 学 院 時 代 の 指 導 教 授 で あ る石 井 良 助 先 生 の 論 文 を 参 考 文 献 と して使 わ れ て い る 。MarkHm名 誉 教 授 は 筆 者 のSOASに 教 会 に 関 す る 著 名 な 研 究 者 で あ り、AndrewLewis教 ロ ー マ 法 学 者 で あ り、PeterF且ugel博 お け る研 究 課 題 で あ る英 国 国 授 は 法 史 学 の 造 詣 が深 い 士 は ジ ャイ ナ教 の研 究者 で ジ ャ イ ナ法 の 歴 史 に 関 す る研 究 論 文 も執 筆 さ れ て お り、WernerF.Menski教 授 は ヒ ン ドゥー 法 を は じ め とす る 南 ア ジ ア の 法 と宗 教 に 関 す る 多 くの 業 績 を 残 さ れ て い る 。 こ う し た こ と か ら、 日 英 の 法 史 学 研 究 に 関 す る 有 意 義 な ご 教 示 を これ ら 各 教 員 か ら い た だ く こ とが で き た 。 な お 、 創 価 大 学 に 留 学 さ れ た 経 験 を 持 つ ク ラ ー ゲ ン フ ル ト大 学 のBenjamin A.Heinz氏 は 、 祖 国 ドイ ツ に 帰 国 中 で あ る に もか か わ らず 、 メ ー ル で 英 語 表 現 に つ き 貴 重 な 助 言 を くだ さ っ た 。 記 し て 感 謝 の 意 を 表 す る 。 Preface IwouldliketoshortlyexplainSenso-ji(浅 "Buddhisttemple")whichIhaveresearchedonsofar oneoftheoldesttemplesinEastJapan.Nowadaysalotofforeign travelersvisitSenso-ji.Therefore,itcanbesaidthatSenso-jiis oneofthemostfamousBuddhisttempleinJapan. Sincemyspecialtyislegalhistoryandreligioushistoryduringthe Edoperiod,IhopetodescribeSenso-jiduringtheEdoperiod. ThisperiodisabaseofmodernJapan.Thefamousanthropologist 草 寺,"ji"meaning .Senso-jiis My research, My subject John F. Embree described,"The and cultural consolidation the foundation two and a half centuries under the Tokugawa on which modern Japanese based, and the roots of practically values and social attitudes daimyo." (The Japanese /85 regime of peace produced social organization all modern Japanese is cultural can be traced back to the days of the Nation —A Social Survey —; Rinehart & Company, Inc.,1945, P.43) Afterward, I would like to present subject under four headings conducting. my subject. I will describe and the research The table of contents my that I am currently is as follows. Preface 1. My research 1-1. The constitution of Tokugawa Japan (Shogunate) I -2. The history of Senso-ji I -3. Senso-ji in the Edo period I -4. The structure of Senso-ji and the Buddhist temple's law II. My subject ll-l. Jurisdiction 11-2. Religious and Secular 11-3.Sources of the law 11-4.The Church of England Ill. Research that I am currently conducting Epilogue I . My research I -1. The constitution of Tokugawa Japan (Shogunate) Because Tokugawa temple Buddhist was able temple administration Japan to had though was not unified country, exercise some the power these were power. For of legislation, considerably the Buddhist example, the judiciary and limited. Buddhist temple was able to enact the Buddhist temple's Jiho) . Therefore, I have researched The big law ( on the Buddhist temple's law. /86 It seems that constitution this research enables the clarification of the and the system of law in the Edo period. In the Edo period the country was closed to foreign countries, so that we may think that it would had been easier to unify the state. However, the feudal state was not a unified country Orient. In the Edo period, the Japanese the unification of the state However, the centralization had even in the state was a feudal state, so not been accomplished yet. in the Edo period had advanced more than in the Middle Ages, so that it seems power which the Buddhist former age. The unification that the autonomous temple had was smaller than in the of the state was accomplished in the Meiji era. Though there were limits for the big Buddhist temple, the temple in the Edo period was able to enact the law originally. The law enacted temple's by the Buddhist law. The Buddhist temple's law, civil law ,criminal able to appoint temple is called by constitutional law and so on. The Buddhist temple was TO Buddhist priest, bonze) The Shogunate law was composed the clerical monk (WM the monk commited the Buddhist and punish the monk ({U who committed crimes. Of course, when secular crimes, the Shogunate punished him. allowed the Buddhist temple to create laws as long as it didn't affect the Shogunate's interests. I - 2. The history of Senso-ji Senso-ji is one of the oldest temples in East Japan. It is told that Senso-ji was built in the year 628. Therefore, Horyu-ji (i ) which is the first World Heritage However, actually, researchers during the Nara era (1tf Senso-ji is one Senso-ji is older than of the Site in Japan. are insisting that Senso-ji was built 710^-784 years). Still, we can say that oldest temple in Edo. This temple is My research, My subject187 dedicated to the Kannon Compassion) The qua Avalokitesvara, which was discovered pronunciation of in the Sumida-river "Kannon" is pronunciation of "canon". Senso-ji Tendai sect of Buddhism (XG). In the Kamakura era (*AIM, the Bodhisattva heard (I;lif:1111). just is a Buddhist of like temple the of the the monks of Senso-ji went to Kamakura to pray for the souls of the dead. In the age of wars (!l1Ji Oft), Senso-ji was subject to the House of Hojo in Odawara (/J\ FNIg:IL 1E). In the Edo period, Buddhist temple was subject to the rule of Ieyasu Tokugawa. 0) noticed Senso-ji to the history control Consequently, built by to head monk Tenkai of Senso-ji and he would Edo commoners who the Shogunate. some Tenkai served worshipped degree. For example, Senso-ji principal image (* honzon ), the religious Buddhist temple system and so on. use Kannon. which was as the chief Senso-ji was able to defend (X eventually Senso-ji was put under Kan'ei-ji (,jc), Kan'ei-ji . However, then The Shogunate's priest of its tradition by can retain observances, the the I -3. Senso-ji in the Edo period First of all, the basic structure the earlier era. Additionally by the Shogunate of Senso-ji was continuous from Senso-ji was enfeoffed with a domain and was able to rule the branch temples. In the precincts of Senso-ji there were 34 small temples which were included in Senso-ji. In these small temples there were the chief priest who were subject to the chief priest of Senso-ji. But in 1740, the Shogunate appointed the priest of Kan'ei-ji to Senso-ji in order to control Senso-ji strongly. After that the priest of Kan'ei-ji served as the priest of Senso-ji concurrently. used the Buddhist temple to strengthen I think that the Shogunate its own power, because 188 the legitimacy succeeded of power was weak though in the integration A religious authority of the nation the Shogunate had in military power. was able to be maintained generally in the Edo period though the Buddhist temple was under the rule of the Shogunate religion power. We can was very Shogunate Buddhist large entrusted temple. the Shogunate say that in this age the role of the in ruling the people. the management Then, considerable For example, of family register autonomy the to the was admitted by as long as the Buddhist temple played such roles. I -4. The structure of Senso-ji and the Buddhist temple's law Next, I would like to describe the case of Senso-ji concretely. two deacon ({4 were chosen The Yakusya) of the whole of the temple (--11.1Issan) by elections from among the chief priest of 34 small temples. The chief priest of 34 small temples voted in the election. The chief priest of 34 small temples was chosen monks final in Senso-ji in many cases. Though appointing power, Sensoii was able matters concerning such to hold to the intention monk's Kan'ei-ji maintained of Senso-ji meetings temple from among the was valued. and decide management. a The various deacon's election was done in the meeting, too. As it was mentioned Buddhist temple's above, Senso-ji was law. I will briefly describe able to enact the it. At the latter term of Edo period, the monks were in debt to the wealthy merchants because they were generally and maintenance poor by reason of the Buddhist temple of the construction and so on. Sometimes they were not able to pay back their debts. As a result, they would come to trial. The Shogunate as possible primarily. though Therefore, the left such lawsuits to Senso-ji as much Shogunate should Senso-ji had to legislate have tried them the law of debt. In My research, My subject The Diary of Senso-ji (PY,recorded as "the /89 Q atd Senso-ji-Nikki) Buddhist temple's such a law was law of debt" (tf i 41=4 Shakkingin-Jiho). The chief priest of 34 small temples were ordered lot of money by the chief priest of Senso-ji. Moreover, debt that the deacon witnessed corporation, not to owe a was only the and the union of the Buddhist temple admitted. Because the Buddhist temple had was a the debt of the Buddhist temple and the debt of the chief priest were distinguished. Therefore, not able to inherit the personal of the Buddhist temple the Buddhist temple was debt of the chief priest. The union had always to watch out each Buddhist temple. The Buddhist temple's law of punishment was not recorded in The Diary of Senso-ji. However, the articles to which the priest was punished were recorded in this Diary. Though it was not codified, there is a customary law concerning with punishment in Senso-ji . The monk was punished if he disturbed the peace, the religious observance, and the order monk was light generally. in Senso-ji. legal punishment Senso-ji could create of the In many cases the monk was confined to his temple. A certain researcher the The punishment as an treated that it was not so much administrative the Buddhist temple's penalty. Therefore, law for both of civil and criminal sides. II. My subject I would mentioned like to describe above. my subject based on my research 190 II-1. Jurisdiction I want to compare In Europe there to research the the Buddhist temple's law with the are a lot of researches canon on the law of the Church Because the Church of England between the nation and thinking about the relation the has religion. between canon the in particular. a unique It serves law. law. I hope of England built canon relationship as a reference nation and the in religion in Japan. The ecclesiastical suits but also suits concerning try the court secular could suits, ever for example contracts. secular have In Japan suits. I hope money was tried the the not only divorce suits Buddhist to research why religious and temple there the couldn't was such a difference. Furthermore, Europe, want the II-2. Religious should and the background secular the between such a trial ages of Japan. in I of this difference. difference matter. that we should clarify modern for and Secular consider relationship think necessary but this was not so in the former to clarify We generally problems. between the we should Moreover, the church research trials on the I want and history to research religious consider the secular of the them matter the trials. Roman profoundly I law to in the future. We should say that the the religious matter or the the religious religious before matter. matter the difference and separation was very matter But the event concerning the doctrine would be in the Buddhist temple would be actually, secular of religion complicated. the matter and For difference between is ambiguous. politics was example, Especially, established, we the can't this clearly My research, My subject separate the punishment commandments to a monk. (A'4E)— a monk's commandments in the Edo secular power On the became I want Ritsuryoho). Buddhist of Japan, temple temple was able punishment of the in the in the village in the the relationship matter. religious on thinking religion commandments not widely reserached important when Nobles enacted law . the Buddhist Kugeho , tit-15 for the monk was for the layman . Moreover, the Buddhist temple's law of the autonomy about provided Buddhism Islamic of the law for based we should to clarify the (a.-?.yy Shari'a) the relationship because Shari'a on the research Buddhist that I am between the law is a system of in Islam. are in Japan, considering temple's (s.`ci- Therefore, commandments, the Court of punishment was of the It is the Buddhist here. Buddhism. in when of the The germ of the interested religious the discussion research to enact law law deeply. the to of punishment temple's temple's law based of one the Imperial the system commandments the — was intervention public the secular sources has appeared Buddhist the the like to the misdemeanor. commandments and that and the from the system Buddhist on matter However, concerning Nyobon temple. law as the law of the Court different against secular the secular of the law times temple's of the prototype to contemplate In ancient the with a woman also the is a result I would the religious and the prohibition and it is said Japan. II-3. Sources The hand, Ages between This Buddhism relations in the Buddhist temple Middle the sin of having period. the Concretely, of the Buddhism other Buddhist of 191 the In this relation , the law and unified in Shari'a . Shari'a is still but it would sources appear of the that Shari'a law because is in 192 Shari'a the Qur'an is assumed to be the most important source of the law. 11-4. The Church of England Firstly, leyasu Conrad D. Tatman and described between the Tudor compared the difference to compare the reign power of the state. Secondly, I want to research between the secular courts sixteenth to seventeenth of Henry VIII with Senate researches: of control (Politics in and the of in the relationship the ecclesiastical in terms reign on religion by the the transition century courts of the change from in the system. In finding books that describe the before system University Press, 1967, PP. 239-241) . Tokugawa Ieyasu from the viewpoint constitutional in the constitutional period and the Edo period the Tokugawa Bakufu; Harvard I want Henry VII with Tokugawa House Library, the English ecclesiastical University of London courts in (in recent Ecclesiastical Law, 3rd ed., Mark Hill, Oxford University Press, 2001. The Rise and Fall of the English Ecclesiastical Courts, 1500-1860; R. B. Outhwaite, Cambridge University Press, 2006, etc), I will start with the research books. I will take care to in these point out novel points taken from these books. III. Research that I am currently conducting There are numerous SOAS Library. In western particular, language works I have been on Japan listing the in the books describing the legal and religious history in the Edo period written in English in these works. Moreover, I have commented and referred to these books as much as possible. I have checked the My research, My subject/93 chapters to which these books correspond list in chronological order. useful for future research clearly, and compiled I am convinced a that this list will be on the Edo period at the SOAS. Epilogue Although countries history the comparison of the history is indispensable to and conducted culture in Japan like to research understood features island of Japan, clarify and culture the such characteristics research on how the Moreover, state of Japan convinced of the necessarily as much as it might be. Therefore, history and culture such as a history of monarchism modern is not in the U.K. In the U.K. and Japan, nation. of foreign it is said that has been that the comparative very worthy subject. interested politics in parliamentary there influenced of the of the by the U.K. I am of Japan and the U.K. is the political in graduate that is are shared and the status Firstly, I investigated course of Japan the construction research the U.K. during my master's I would history school. values of I became discussion and gradual reform of institutions. As a result, I felt that Japan where those traditions were lacking would learn by following the U.K. It was the great writer Soseki Natsume (1iE L-i) who, during the Meiji Era journeyed alone to study in the University of London, so insightfully pointed this out. Through his novel Sanshiro (r he laid forth a criticism, saying that "The thoughts repeat the activity of 300 years that appeared 1111,71fj) of the Meiji era to the history of the West in 40 years"(ti1YAoa! !GI YI`of`aG GGttt,tEI4=~n!i1 C~~I -F-*--vg . i . L "c ) . Influenced by Soseki's novels and essays, I began to consider in Japan. the meaning I investigated and problems of the modern the history of the former modern age ages of 194 Japanbycenteringonthelawandthereligioninmydoctoral courseingraduateschool.Ifurtherresearchedtheseproblemsat TheInstituteofOrientalPhilosophy(東 洋 哲 学 研 究 所)whereIam currentlyservingasthetrustresearcher.Hereafter,Iwouldliketo doaformalresearchontheU.K.anddeepenunderstandingo1' JapanthroughBritisheyes. (29/05/2009) (本学 法学 部 教授)
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